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tv   News  RT  December 16, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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or whatever i can do to help him i with a, with breaking news in the latest act of censorship against media. the e targets ortiz, parent company with another round of sanctions ordering a freeze of the company's assets in europe. the united nations has condemned a terror attack on russia's humanitarian offices in the central african republic, where the head of the mission was seriously wounded. from training in the u. k. to being a prisoner or are he gets an exclusive interview with a captive ukrainian soldier sharing his experience training in the u. k.
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ah, hello and good morning for mark, international studios in moscow and from wherever you are catching the program. welcome to the hours most vital news stories worldwide. i'm fearless about. we start with breaking news, the e. u is tightening the screws on media freedom. a new sanctions package is freezing our t's european assets in an effort to sense or criticism from russian media. i discuss the latest updates with our team. marina close that i have a all this is now the nines package of sanctions and they are supposed to be hard hitting as the european union has called them. and basically what we're seeing with our t's that they're sanctioning our parent company and all to the novice the in europe. so basically brussels is season phones and acids belonging to r c as well as some other over channels. and not only that,
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they also want to make sure that there are no funds or economic resources made available to them, whether it's directly or indirectly. and not only if i entities, but also people associated with the company. this is what's interesting and also another aspect to this is that there are more russian channels being sanctioned as well. some of them have just one news broadcast every day, for example. and what else do we know about this latest round of e u sanctions? well, it's a huge list of not only people being sanctioned, but also different industries. so for example, we have now the latest, the number is that there are 1386 people who are sanctions in total and 171 organizations. and they're really wants to make sure that it, it hits rush out where it hurts according to them. so for example, they're really targeting the rosters military industrial complex. they're looking at export restriction when it comes to technologies that contributes russia's
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military takes abilities and also its ability to work on certain technologies. they're trying to, we can russia when it comes to its military, there is also and other and the energy sector, for example, no new investments can be made by a foreign companies within roches energy sector. there's also a v, a sion and for example, more banks have been added. and what's interesting, they're cutting rushes access to drones. so not only is the direct exports of drone engines now forbidden to russia, but so to other countries that may circumvent this. and then for example, through other countries, exports it to ross so, so that's also not allowed. so this is a multifaceted attack on russia. absolutely. and through different industries, but particularly the military and dust real complex. this is what they're really focusing on. and they want to make sure that russia is weekends on the battle
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ground, and some experts have already come out and set it. for example, with the freezing of the assets when it comes to our table. clearly what they've done so far by binding the channel on soup, for example, that hasn't worked. we know that there was a pole in germany recently where people that still wants to watch it. so find ways to watch it and you and i know that you can watch a r c not just on satellite cd, but you can go online and people have been re posting lots of videos. so that's what they're not happy with. and they're trying to make sure that it's shutting down by cutting any funds that are made available to r t or any ways in which russia can circumvent the sanctions and is remaining up and running that. and also the military aspect is very important. that's what they're trying to do to weaken it, but also at the same time, this is what we're talking about. european union has been saying all along that it's all for freedom of speech. while this doesn't look very much like freedom of speech, when you're trying to completely shut down the other angle of the story for
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mar, were joined by the executive vice president of the your raises center. earl ross, me and welcome. hello. i'd want to ask you, what do you make of the latest sanctions on our parent company, including the freezing of its assets or i think it's what is the sign of desperation? the and it, it really saddens me know, i spent a career defending the united states and our principle and in the, what i see going on in european and to a lesser degree right now in the u. s. is it just is just amazing and against every principle that we ever were taught as far as freedom of press freedom of speech. it just is, it saddens me it's actually embarrassing. and i, i think it's a sign, a desperation. i think the, you know, the,
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we've got kind of to tell tearing, is a sensually occurring in, in europe, especially right now the, where we're controlling the, the trying to control the font by the control, the, the speech. and in this situation, especially with how dangerous the getting is critical, that we have a, a multifaceted understanding the situation that we have dialogue across different opposing views. that we questions the narrative that given to our buyer, our country, or by our, our suppose of leaders. and this is all being shut down. this is very, very dangerous. and it's completely against every principle that we've ever been taught as we're going up. and i, and i want to me and they probably do not even want us to question that because it just is, it's really saddens me where, where we're going right now and,
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and how we're trying to control people and, and, and control our own perspectives. it used to be normal to have multiple narratives, and it's no secret that are ti carries an alternative viewpoint on what's happening in ukraine and across europe. what do you think this assets free means for the future of r t and russian media in europe? do you think western viewers will keep trying to watch regardless? well, i think what i think the actual physical presence of r t. and i would question almost any type of opposing media needs to be very careful. i don't trust the western government at all. it's very, a said, i don't trust the western media. i mean, i've been getting the washington post for almost over 30 years, and that's top of my list to cancel the i think you
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really need to start to question your own governments and. and so i, i, as far as r t, back in europe, i don't see, i don't actually see that occurring for a long time and maybe a generation maybe less. but will it stop people from doing? no, i think it actually will increase it. that's the 1st thing i. first thing i do in the morning is actually check a r t, and i have multiple bpn set up. and i thought, you know, i'll check the, the physical side or i'll check the news clips if i can get them through a telegram or other where he is because they're banned on youtube. but people will seek out the truth. and they know this is just another example that they know that governments are trying to lie to them and trying to control them. and i think this will like the other series, the sanctions. this will backfire on the government. and i, it saddens me to see europe turning into a catallo carrion government,
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and that's exactly the direction going well, looking at the economy and the politics in europe. what do you make of the timing of these sanctions? well, i think it's, like i said, it was a sign of desperation. their their economy is not doing good. they want to make people believe that the sanctions are working wonderful against the russia, which i think most people realize it's not they don't want to have the discussions going on. look, you've got full vakio just fell. we've had problems in bulgaria, problems than turnover in italy. you've got micro and government did not when parliament we've got the 3rd prime minister in the u. k. and i think you're gonna see continued terminal and maybe even worse in the, in europe, in the coming months. and unfortunately, i think the,
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the situation economic situation just going to get even worse in europe. and i, i really, i, i think we're going to feel it in the u. s. eventually. perhaps buffer to some degree. but europe is the one that really paying the price on this economically. and i, and i know probably it would not surprise me if they have more people die from, from starvation and cold than civilian, killed them in ukraine. and just, it's a tragedy what their leaders and the government leaders are, are the path they're taking, the president of the your asia center or ross, me and thank you very much. the united nation has condemned a terror attack on the head of the russian humanitarian mission. in central african republic, the official is being currently treated in a hospital after a parcel bomb exploded in his hands on that particular incident i,
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we obviously very much hope that this show me mixer recovery. we have not been asked or in any way to assist with the, with the investigation. we obviously condemn these types of attacks. we've obtained exclusive footage from the crime scene. we're local investigators are now 15 through forensic evidence. local police have described the incident as a terror attack with moscow's foreign ministry condemning the incident. some locals have come to the hospital where the russian official is being treated to show their support. i was high, so misuse, georgia. we've come to donate blood for a transfusion for dimitry. he came to the central african republic. he fought and did a lot for us. he came to save us and to day it's our turn to visit him in the hospital . some of the russian humanitarian official dmitri city opened the explosive
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package in his office. images from the scene also show a note left on the table. it's written in russian and says, this is for you from all the french. the french foreign minister has denied allegations of involvement in the balmy, the russian business men and co founder of the wagner military group says the note came with the package an echo similar threats. in the past. on november 11th, dmitri city received a package from togo with a photograph of a son who lives in france. it contained a note saying that next time he would get the head of his son. if the russians do not get out of the african continent and open the doors for the french today, he got another package. despite all the instructions for observing security measures. dmitri city, being in an emotional state, opens the parcel. there was an explosion before losing consciousness. dmitri
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sitting managed to say that he saw a note saying, this is for you from all the french, the russians will get out of africa. among the other things that we know is that unless subrogation has her as lobby the ration foreign ministry to a launch an investigation into this particular incident. but he also goes further to say that he would like to see france in particular being declared as states. what a saw of hara by the russian federation. from what we do know, the parcel itself was sent from low may the capital city of toll. it was also delivered by the h l. this is what we understand from our reliable sources on the ground in, in central african republic. but i thought it was very interesting. the statement that emanated from the russian foreign ministry, we strongly condemned this criminal act, which is clearly ain't against activities of the russian house in bungie and more broadly against the successful development of friendly relations between our 2
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countries. what we do know is that let the 13 dmitri settee that is, has long been in the central african republic, and from about 2019, he has been a moderator in the conflict. the ongoing conflict between the central african republics authorities, as well as the many rebel groups in that country, by senior buying a bunch of i know dmitri, he works for the benefit of peace in the central african republic. he works around the clock for the betterment of our society, those who want to bring chaos and make our country vulnerable, do everything to stop by our society achieving peace locals. no, dmitri, everybody knows him. people ask us how dmitri feels, and i can assure you that our hearts and thoughts on our with him. we hope he gets better soon. we need his help in our work to bring peace to the country. we hope state and law enforcement will conduct a proper investigation and punish those responsible for the attack. these people
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are enemies of the central african republic. we count on our government and those really to a sisters to paved the way for peace. many thanks. those who've been asking about to me trees, condition, we hope he will recover as soon as possible. the country itself has really been in the midst of, of instability since the civil war veteran occurred in 2019, despite the former colonizer fronts deploying some 1600 troops to that country, to restore peace and stabilize some of the conflicts we have seen in that region that has been systematically and over a long period of time, tensions between north and south, which have led to some of the conflicts that we have seen. and the area itself that the central african republic is around the sa hell region, which has really been dealing with insurgency for the better part of the decade.
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and it remains a political and conflict hot bed in the african region. the central african republic minister for strategic investments said that paris is responsible for the attack on russian humanitarian had for me, it is from now to like to push as to fight against was i feel the child was this, use the legs are trying to destroy up to, to, to just organize school to various ring means the very we talking, you know, like the rachelle this a lot to fight against colonization, france and also for the freedom and relation operator. and now today we need also to assist the center close
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to now details of africa to country to bring peace from training and the u. k. to being a prisoner of war. this is the 2 months story of a mobilized ukrainian soldiers journey from civilian to captive. he spoke to r t and an exclusive interview. we should warn you that the interview is with a current p o w. firstly, can you introduce yourself? where do you come from? how did you join the ukrainian military? where from it up a bit boy longer. my name is put bed pavel, yvonne of ich, i'm from violin region from the city of corvell. i was mobilized back in may. i underwent a medical examination and then i was told to wait. then in september they called me and gave me a draft notice. so my service was to start in october. this is how i ended up in the ukrainian army. why didn't you leave the country?
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will suddenly, sir, um, it was too late to leave. if one wanted to go abroad, then they had to prove that they had been placed on the military office registry list. plus you needed to specify the exact reason for travel. you couldn't simply travel there for work, or you put a chin year her molina. this is as often as i know while in is located in western ukraine. how do people there view mobilization? you say you were living there from may till september, knowing they could mobilize you at any time. yes. so how did your relatives and friends react to that at the poor? have cbs. so in the, it was really bad. my city suffered from explosions as well as other regions. everything sounds bad when you talk about war. many guys didn't want to go to war. who wants to go to war? honestly, those of you and those who didn't go to war. what exactly did they do to avoid service versus you? usually they were just sitting there waiting for those who manage to leave. we're
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lucky. so what happened next? once you are called up for service, i began training. what training will i was abroad in england? here with bob, tell me how exactly you were selected to. why did they choose? you do have it as special skills or military occupation may be an outstanding level of physical training. can you live in north? no, nothing like that. when we were drafted, we only went through a little athletic training, a short run, some pushups, that was it. and then they just followed the list in alphabetical order from the beginning, and thus sent a number of fighters to england. those at the end of the list had to stay in ukraine. wishful will still suffer when it was this disgust in advance in some way or you know, they just picked this from the list randomly. no, look, they made a list of say, 200 people. then they went from a to b, c, d, and further on once the quarter was filled up like
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a 180 people. they stopped there. so she's sure who so you say 180 of you were sent to england? surely you talked about it with others. janice, what was the sentiment among the troops? you to have an expectations of the level of the training? so we all expected something more jewel concluded. how exactly did you imagine it until you got there late april been? well yeah, additional charlotte a little. i personally expected it to be different at times. it wasn't even interesting. well, nobody me doing dismal go. got was to her. how do you get there? what kind of transport did you use on google earth? well, some of them on a plane and then by bustle with them, was it a direct flight about? well, they dropped so soft somewhere in england. i couldn't see the exact location of the airport. then we wrote a bus for around 9 hours to do the postal service. did the plane take off from ukraine? no, no. the dog loaded it,
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a sport from poland. and we left from ukraine from poland as well. after again, traveling by bus, somebody you forgetful, which bass will you training at about from what i saw it was called world war cops, a war cope. yes. you. what was your 1st training day? like better begin watching a caputo that i didn't what we just started packing our bags for the next day. they give us clothing equipment, a lot of it. what exactly did you get? everything from underwear and socks to bullet proof vests helmets and medical aid kits. so full set, including a warm uniform, su crockett. does that show? when did the training itself start and b, y of good, the assembly. and the pillars did thumb. and so on the 1st day we just spent 2 or 3 hours packing our bags. the 2nd day was more useful. we learned to take captives, had some classes on medicine and history. we receive its british,
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made weapons and started to learn how to use them. but this thought here with acquired, who were your instructors. we had instructors from sweden, were there any british instructors there? there were some british personnel at the base, but they weren't the ones teaching us. what exactly did the instructors teach you to do? did you have any military service experience at all to start with? no, not at all, chris or june, and were there any who served in the military among those 180 recruits the will you come with a solution one or 2? well really, yes. on you still to reschedule? did they in any way compared the level of the training they had received in the ukranian army to that in england? when you were her the will to women there was a big difference on what exactly was difference? it's about the program. i'd only spend 3 days on the front line, but what the swedish instructors taught us wasn't any useful for me in war. nothing
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is like that. but they have their training standards that they follow her. so dory, okay, let's put it into detail. what exercises did you do? a key, a country of molly, or personal, which is it's a funny thing for 2 days. they taught us to hold the weapons so that you wouldn't keep your finger on the trigger all the time. something of a beginner level. we had nothing like that in the ukranian army. if as you say, none of the 180 recruits had ever held weapons in their hands. maybe that was the right thing to do. without them. the instructors were shocked. i worked with timber, the others worked in i t or somewhere else. it's like when you get an a, b, c book in 1st grade, when people see a weapon for the 1st time in their life, it's hard for them to handle it. they were always shouting, you'll shoot one of your own like that order for those of you who no one who will. she did so you spent about 2 days learning to handle weapons. what did you do next? your woman, and show us that us war. we learned how to disassemble weapons and assembled them
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again. then the tactics of movement just with unloaded weapons, you would run then take cover behind a tree doctor to put a design you. what machinery did you say and learned to handle? yeah. no machinery. now, la storia, we only learn to use british essay, 80 rifles, and a k 40 sevens at the end of the shooting practice lasted for 7 days. there was no machinery, but we learned to use and la grenade launcher. did you should the in law not, i mean we had copies, nobody would give us real launchers. they thought how long did the training last so which the whole training plus the road to and from last to 35 days that spinny was there and examined the ent no exam. just a lesson. we went out and held firing positions. that was it, i'm not sure. what will your impressions of that of the start of this interview? you said you were waiting for something difference was that it was boring.
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sometimes why chewable schools reinforced that they're going to overstretched in the army. if you failed to do something, you must learn how to do it in 5 minutes and there if something happens, they just pat you on the head. in the army. if an order is given, it must be done immediately. and there everything lasts too long. everything is different. so what happened after the training will last, but it is loose. they sent us back to ukraine. we had to be trained for the specialty as we were assigned to, but nobody trained us for it. they just assigned us to brigades. here we joined the 25th grade. we went, there are specialties, were just written in our military service cards. we studied nothing from the other . who was supposed to train you to the specialties. you were assigned to it. so you know, for year than our military. now somebody had to handle a grenade launcher, somebody had to handle a mortar from nathan milton, the coin, and in reality, a fact all in reality, i hold the specialty of senior shooter such but i served as
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a subordinate to the grenade launcher operator for more sharon on the image, when did you get your specialty? who we upholstered when we came to the military base they, they took our military cards and just stamped them for southern beach. i took a florida that was previously so you were taken back to crane assigned to units. where did they send you then, sir? so that was loss was thought they sent us to different places, even squadron after squadron. i was in the 8th squadron, but we never smiled was feeding charlotte where you mixed with those ukrainians who weren't trained in the west. you will channels out with it. it was designed to kenya will a dog for them? yes, yes, we were mixed. around 30 of us joined my squadron. from what i understood. they sent us to a squadron that suffered heavy losses. faith that is to proportion quarterly says a machine you how did those trained in england get along with those left without this opportunity e. c. o. before that there was once,
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there were no conflicts, no conflicts. and between those trained simply and with the business of there were conflicts between ourselves sorted, there were polemics about who was higher up, people threatened each other, somebody wouldn't like the other person pointing at them. well, why are you doing this or cut your finger off? or for example, conflicts along the lines of, i put a vase somewhere and you put it somewhere else. why the key in the conflict rage is on such disputes. over little things happened to the 30, maybe because the people are at war with possible conflict. but you go to who did, where did those conflicts come from your training together for a month? did you fail to become brothers in arms? war bras, lost on the blue, kirk some, some pretty big. it's like everybody is on his own. what if that's what we were told and there's no friendship between us. there were seniors, sergeants, who said, you have no collectivity from and we had none. the worse yet critic human with.
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what was your 1st combat mission, delaware, we were tasked to capture a settlement 0 cross. now gorski or cross know pedo caps, corn, or something like that. our mission was to clear the wood. we drove an infantry fighting vehicles. there was a platoon of around 50 people about the squadron is supposed to have $200.00, but there was only our platoon. there were other squadrons that went earlier. we went there last. we drove 3 vehicles. mine was the last and we started to clear the area show. it was in the direction of lyman. things began badly before we didn't even have time to jump off the info chief fighting vehicle. artillery started to hit us on the fire was very intense, 0 very intense. many of us were wounded, but the order was still to move forward. summary of did. did you move the way? the swedish destructors told you, spoke uncle color, come on the color. every one moved in their own way. the commander behaved poorly of a commander in our squadron, meaning 12 people ran away and disappeared the next day. and before that,
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he didn't understand where we were supposed to go. that's the commander. we had all, everyone moved their own way. when we reached a high point, we came under intense fire, including from firearms. we cleared the area and reach to firing position in the fields. we were told the changed position. it was around a 150 meters from main forces. plus we got there got in the trench and came under fire. they fired everything they had at us. there were 5 of us left behind before i surrendered, and there wasn't any held a key. i'd hurt my eye and was supposed to be evacuated. but nobody came for me. the guy with the radio sat said, i'll come back later. he went and didn't return. was for yes, just a loo. were full in blissful go so you surrendered. what next war? but did it or no, they took me to the commander and put a bandage on my i then moved me to another place by car i spent the night there.
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then they took me to the interrogation in the detention facility. you did paval with marvel near pretty been thor audio hoff before your mobilized? did you watch or read ukrainian hughes? yes. lou. and after being mobilized after your 1st battle, what can you say about the news there he show most of it before will north, they won't go in austell. the news told us that ukraine is reclaiming it's territories, but nobody talks about our losses. and we have heavy losses, or what i saw by the 4th or 5th day. there was nothing left of our squadron visible . me. what do you think down there when i returned home, i won't go to war any more, shall. oh, what if they won't ask your opinion if you are mobilized again? warner to what was arch if they were threatened me with jail, i'll just refuse the commanders, let me down. i was left on my own and to be honest, i was.


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