tv Documentary RT December 17, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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that was on the okey dokey. you told me that to me if you could help us help us. we are all the george we were in a point far from me, almost one kilometer i wasn't able to move them. the next message on oki doki was like rami, you don't have to do it, they are almost here. so we're gonna, we're gonna fight again. so they fight again, and then there is no hope. you told me this moment that there is no somebody that has no my son. they closed my eyes and start thinking that they are not here in the morning. i wasn't able to save anyone. i did nothing that day.
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a yes. today with me here is wilson or really we would entertain you and didn't do a good music and maybe talk about different subjects. my name is that i me some on 3 years old, i born and let's talk. yeah. then we moved to a little and now i'm in the army living in the mosque with . i remember my 1st day, you know, it was like 10 years ago, the 2020 mine april. it was also my thursday. i went in that day
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to or me. i was scared, i was looking at the faces there. i was so confused where i have to go. what i have to do them things become more easy. i got the uniform and then we start training starts making new friends. i remember those days that were living in totally peace. i remember the time it there with he was like and to use us to everything about the army and everything about the military. it was, it was funny. it was funny, looked at it. it was like, always joking. lieutenant comedy, the details about or losing someone or something like this. we didn't even think
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about war in that day. i finished my something to 1000 and then i decided to join the army in 2011 because it's the choice for all this young guy. my name is wise. well, how from home syria, i mean, my friend, one of my best friends. no one expect that the or will take all this time when you judge very more. everything will change for you inside your soul, your chance? i didn't that i will be in the army and fighting. ah, we were 3 or 3 kids and the mother and father we was we were like, that's
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a typical, happy family living in good conditions. so we were good. that was that to because dad that he went to walk back from work late. i spend most of the time or i'm more, let's say more close to my mother than my father. my brother has passed away 2 years ago and also my father have passed away 4 years ago. so we are now. we are small family, me and my mother as may be the one of the best relation that i have in my life. ah, i'm not the guy he used to play in the street. i prefer to, you know, like, let's say, spend my time with something more like for me, for myself. the more interested it was about books, those move. so have answer the questions. anyone is looking for answers. we have to look for answers, but the choice is not, you're not going to find answers in books or something like
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a face with makeup. books are so different from life. most of my answers, i have it from more on a saturday. so how has your move in there's really no, you know, i gotta show you how to how to because i had my home on the go to oh yeah, no, i'm a resident plaza for local law as active as i'm in other words, i can't remember was gonna lose . i was good on video games. i was to play go to for prince of persia. don't
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buy the go do the i was good shooting people on the video games. those video games become like through later. there are unit that one is now is serious on the break of it all out civil war. the red cross civil war designation now put syria under international humanitarian law for 8 months. now, protesters in syria have been fighting and dying tense. fighting in the town on this night, the conflict and syria continues to clay live more than a 100000 people have died and the brutal math does not stop them. i went to work. i was a kid. let's say, i'm not kid. let's say i was a young 22 years 23 years. i watched bad things there. i learned a lot. when i'm young, you know, when you are far away from the people you love,
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you touch neck. when you feel your family need you and you cannot go there, it will does that. so i become more ways from, from what it's done to like leave your game in video games. you don't die. you don't lose your friends and leave the games. you can just restart the mission here, you can restart the mission. you have to fight, survive. i kill some artist there. insisting that they are always not term of people. they were coming to to kill me. so i can them 1st. it's not easy. it's not easy to say also, but this is the truth. i will never forget that that day and the 1st time
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also it was a letter so that if someone shooting me, that was shootings on him. i saw him. his mouth to fuck, i shot him. so he like now i remember how we look because i take a look at him to make sure if he died or not. i didn't realize the age, but he was like with older be something like this. so i was a tree lays his face, but it was young was done as it didn't meet him personally, a lot during the work, but i'm always in touch with him. so again, feeling even i can feel his voice even if he wrote to me on what can feel his way. sometimes in this one or if you mean to me like is not good. i was afraid from
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changing. i was afraid from becoming a different person. after was losing my humanity. when you killed you are taking your life. you are doing the gun through the front, the easy. i was next kid, the god to forgive me that i'm not. i killed. i used to cry when i remember it, but now i more like accepted as a tool that i did it for the reason than i touched this part. god was predicting me, god put willie in my wake and make me talking to willy. and it was different science that is, god is with me trying to help me much in the different ways. ah, i
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as in the christian i went to any kind of church. i don't have problem with anyone. i usually pray. i don't spray in the typically christian way. i pray like i talk to him, i want his l to become a better person. and that's the we only have those chat between me and him. and i, we talk about everything sometimes if i was angry from, let's say, having a bad day, i will be angry at the end of the day. so i was like, why did that happen to mean today? and then okay, i'm sorry god, but i was expressing my emotion. i see him as a friend to me as a father and he is a only got so he will hear me and tell feel, pushing. ah,
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he helped me to move through this. it was there also. i thank him always for everything for being your life. ah ah, eileen, a city where the dam grenay tierney's pre hire already from the neighboring down. would you know right? because the other down ships haven't shopped of the trees, but in tiger, in the name of development, any of our 1st ship to become a captain like singapore. we are all going for advantage nation discovery. all the breeds we've gone. so when you distract nature,
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it takes a revenge of ah, i've actually found safety and embraces naziism as a joke. all of a sudden you're placed in a position where i can defend myself. now, i don't have to be afraid anymore. on one hand, i'm terrified that they're going to find that i'm jewish, but on the other, i think it's so far away. i distinctly remember my mom sitting me down one night and her st. john, they're going to hurry. one guy hunched me. hi my ear and aren't somebody shelf now? the rest of the punch is a start to fly and somebody shouted out, died, you boy died. and at that point i knew pearson, i remember, had an indian doctor. they came in and looked and said, there's no medical reason why you should be allowed to find something to believe.
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john story is a story of hope. the story of victory and whatever i can do to help him. i what you what is your favorite? oh, the bible. when god say to jesus, you are my so it's on and so it's my favorite part and i have a thought to watch for myself. and they have even busy me. so they are, or you are my favorite song because i am one from is for what it's firm. that's how i see myself. and i have another one also, i know with the not a big my can,
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i mean can be a copy of the original problem. let me know when the people who are trying to send drugs on monday i'm going to leave. he said that and all was without seem to was without him to resend the drugs. i touched the spark. god was protecting me. i know that i know having that. so my 1st one when, when i was 18, i think and it's become more related to things that's happening with me. let's say the, the date of my father have best to wait. a few things about my religion somehow says on my buddy is summer. and so it's important to have, you know, and memorize everything that you have been through this life. so i found that
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lovely way to memorize everything which i mean, so the war in many places, some places was very close. there is a moment touch my heart from inside. it was when i lost the general was responsible us. it was in a small heading that out for the other said and received. then he would that he become a mercy in the day. it was a real father for all the souls are with us. and when you lose someone, they came really hard. the 1st one the youngsters need. but when they need to mean they always asked me above how war was now we survive and
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the we tried to teach them to teach them how to survive. we tried to teach them how to act in reward. we held them to understand the rules for each part from more, from, from being able to kill, to being able to accept those bar that you can not thrown away. marty will happen. we all know that this is something that we will faces soon or later. i remember all my friend a lot. i remember all the soldier for serve as me and now it's her. i don't think in our life was come back normal
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stella, i don't see style ebony, gram jani county, and i'm in a highly done my virginia gabby. i knew i could hear me with my own on someone on the bus and my mother for a a, a with only but not the one. on the other. about that i get my only mama gamble my limits fear. i'm not sure how to move in a b. yeah. so either or no, no, no, no, no, no them. and i came out with them. i came home and i was there mocking moon. if you
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don't like my mom need mom on that issue, i'm the low is i'm not on a monthly a dollar checkpoint, some unit from the army on the road to protect the road to protect people here. so to me, when i see chick points i see my friends, maybe i don't know them, but i see people like me serving the country. i'm trying to keep everything safe. so i feel more safety. when i see checkpoints with more to talk about i lost most of my friends about the if i was broken. mm. i'm seen as when the in south federal feet into the abilene high from south one. we'll see a by layer. and while i'm at fi hi for somebody who led them to see moving from
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high school over a home. that is what can mentor i thought it would be. can i add 2 more studies now on the home level? well, out of the kind of liquidity, why didn't home have either when you call you, i didn't mean home casino comes in as would be and mitchell hyphen we had a buddy of take on my team up high school in mcloud alia a hotel, had yes, well, i hope i feel good. we'll forward you the he couldn't have you bet that will. how many nobility able to look? we hope will one, honey, how do we i'm a home lay out if, when i look, when they out. if one is america, well i have tell me how to work. i'm the home i can always will do you know what? i mean? home wide. many all minimal, many on this alone. i don't get i said lemon mass will come tina with dnd of hello . welcome to an l y.
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those are i know a beautiful new people before they have those feelings about like especially when i lost my friends. so in some make what i'm the moment i came up with an idea to have you know, someone to help me to fight my feet. i met wilson 2013. yes. in that are in the school in but up almost 50 days since i lost my friend a become like presenting my friend that he was waiting for. i mean,
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if they haven't because i'm happy that i me find is really so you can see law that you don't know where this is really high, really you're not going to have him. but i think he's saying hi to be in the beginning. it was a joke. i found the ball scored for kids there. volleyball . so if you know the movie castaway, she still max movie, you have that balls. wilson. so it's something like wilson. i thought the ball. it was me them. i drove the face and eyes and the smile i called
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wilson also present the friends that i lost it become my new friend, the one who's not going to die in or because he is stay alive. it will stay next to me. oh, my friend from me is almost the only one that survived from there was me. so is full of the souls of the soldier that i lost it. ward, if his mother is not a boss, it's a person to me is a friend to me, is something important to me maybe to most of people is just bored with a face on it. but to me, he was like the one who was when i was sick,
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the one aware when i was alone, the one aware day when i was fighting, we share things together. we share stories together. we watch the whole war, and we, we survive. you always have something in his life. you always have answers for almost every think we're who are the joggers archipelago, homer, that she goes to san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you can go from med, g,
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i to the u. s. government to make a military base and just deported all of douglas and people from their country. so they call it the returned back on the island. no, but we are fighting. that's why i'm fat. real fasting for the right. so i, we do not consider the right to self determination actually applies to the trickle . since i don't the question of self determination, the legal advice we have received is actually the trickle. since we're not at all, not a people for me, it's time to move on and see what we can do all the time. the said committee to return back home. there is no support from the united nation. i commission african united nish. i don't care about chug or send people ah, with business,
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and you will clean with our shoes and yeah, americans, grey, you, when you go to it is just such, not critical. not feeling well. you was just such a short, a different student info which helped with you get thrown with them on the problem and you're still with yours and i'm with to watch. so it was coming to the, one of our parents to which you, which no longer you bushes just in the solution that push to, to stream to become remote. because of you know, your personal you for calling. i don't know who your i know for the don't know as much as a here because that will still do use for us to put in for losses. come all the us tooth.
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ah, with by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities had imposed that heavy death bringing the people into poverty and were exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the provisions of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those who cooperated with them. the fact that, ignoring the religious beliefs of the hindus led them, you need to see boys mercenary soldiers serving under the british crown. the rebellion began on the 10th of may 18. 67 in the garrison town of may river, north of india in the form of
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a mutiny. the rebels quickly took over daily. the heroic resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years, however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels cruelly. the enslaved c boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the devil's when the obliteration of the mutiny resulted in the 800000 inhabitants of india. however, the british empire never broke the free spirit of the indians and their will or resistance mm. with
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a party. so he say american made drones were used by ukraine to bone can get things signed russia despite washington, claiming it was not, it has not supplied weapons for direct use against the country with an explosion sent buildings on the car, on fire, and the russian city. if don't, yes, leaving one family wounded after ukrainian force is a shell residential areas with graduate kids. and the latest is sanctioned target artes parent company by freezing gets european assets and the latest attack on media.
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