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tv   News  RT  December 17, 2022 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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for victory or whatever i can do to help him i with a, with ukraine targets residential areas in the low gone region with us supplied high mark rocket launchers, killing 3 civilians, and leaving 5 wounded clots to the stories that shape the weep a tend to be ukrainian forces to cross before, instead of surrounding all of us as fighting continues in the don bath. our correspondence follows russian troops on the front lines battling for key positions in the region. the head of the world bank and other economic experts praise the
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indian economies performance during global turbulence, forecasting that the world's top firms will double down on investments in the country. the africa leader summit wrapped up in washington with america's top diplomat, bringing up the west colonial past to criticize russia. ah, hello from our international studios in moscow, from wherever you may be watching, welcome to the weekly bringing you this hour. and this week's top news stories worldwide. i'm fearless about 1st let's to go to the don bass region which has again come under ukrainians. shelling the latest strikes on the loo, gone for public killed 3 civilians. ukrainian forces fired 3 missiles from us, supplied high marked rocket launchers at the tonisha stay local officials reports
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civilian buildings were destroyed in the attack, and 5 civilians were also wounded in the strike. this comes after heavy shelling struck the don. yes, republic on saturday. local authorities say a number of brad missiles were fired at a residential area by the ukrainian army. we heard from some don, yes, locals about life in the line of fire. that was one of the rockets fill in my yard with the whole house is cracked. the windows have been blown out. if i could, my neighbors house has suffered more damage. i shall, i think they need to be destroyed as quickly as possible. this has been going on for 8 years of these has crossed all lights already on your show and when you martha new via impenitent, they say the rights hecta southern in the military, but is the same thing. they all the same thus have ages. meanwhile, the russian defense ministry says its force is destroyed, ukrainian weapons depot taking out
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a number of rocket launcher systems that carried out attacks on don. yes. several ukrainian assaults have been also repelled in the lugens republic. r t corresponded eager stano follows russian troops on the front lines as they battle for key positions in the region. in these woods, just outside crim and naya, danger lurks around every tree. what used to be one of ukraine's national parks is now one of the most heavily contested swedes of land and the dog bass. and you need to put on there for the ukranian forces, cross the river and their mobile units show our checkpoints. our intelligence identified some of their strongholds here. their main tactic is to attack, so they mostly work in mobile groups. artillery is useless here. walking single file, we follow the only path deemed safe towards russia's positions. with
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our guide leads us to what looks like a long abandoned hut, but the 1st impression of desolation is deceiving. inside we meet russian soldiers from the mortar, battery hidden in the thicket. not far from here. this is our battalions command. in observation point, we gather all the information about the targets and our battalions frontline, we decide what targets to attack with our mortars. hm. with globally, this move is to quench any attempts of the ukrainian forces to cross the forest
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that is surrounding all of us. ah, what you see here is the equivalent of close quarter combat in the world of artillery. this mortar team is only about 2, maybe 4 kilometers away from their targets. bigger guns and tanks provide extra fire power from further away to. right now, the woodland here is in the grey zone and whichever side concedes the ambition to take it will have to give up neighboring villages and towns to suffering a painful tactical defeat. i. my name is donna reporting from the dawn bus ot see to poll and now were 2 people including the police chief sustain injuries and an
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explosion at the polish police headquarters in warsaw on thursday. report say the blast was caused by a grenade launcher gifted to the country's police by ukraine, our teeth. rachel marson has more details. well that time of year again, when everyone's ripping open holiday gifts and is either genuinely thrilled with what they get or they're putting on their best acting performance to pretend that they are out of politeness. just imagine the absolute worst gifts that you could get. this here may be an ugly christmas sweater or ugly socks, or a self help book. that leaves you wondering if maybe people think you have problems that need fixing, or perhaps the world's cheapest drug store chocolate. now however bad, all of those might be, at least they didn't blow up right in your face and send you to the hospital with minor injuries like the gift that some officials in cave, reportedly gave to the commander in chief of colin's warsaw police yarrow slugs
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syndic now, why would a gift explode? well, because it just happened to be a grenade launcher, according to the polish press. quite the novelty gift certainly beat, so would be cushion, i guess. now the chief had been in ukraine earlier this month, according to poland interior ministry, where he quote met with heads of the ukrainian police and emergency situation service and received some gifts. one of which exploded um exploding gifts are something that you wouldn't even expect from a crazy acts may be from ices or he'll the uno bomber, but not from the officials of a country that you're bending over backwards to help. as is the case of poland amid the conflict in ukraine. so warsaw has now asked ukraine to clarify what happened.
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usually when something is sent to a police station, but then blows up on the police chief. it doesn't usually just result in the cox politely asking for an explanation. what's even weirder is that poland zet radio is reporting that the grenade launcher had arrived from ukraine to neighboring poland by train. so where are the customs and border checks there? and how does something like that get off the train in poland, in the border town of sham shall and then make it all the way to the warsaw police headquarters over 400 kilometers away without any one clue in, says the european union, nor have any borders any more between itself and ukraine, or at least not poland. what is this santa's magical train that just sales right across the european border, right into another country with a grenade launcher for chief hero slot, who's been a good boy all year. it has to make you wonder what else is being sent through to
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europe by train, from ukraine under the radar. it's not like the west has been able to reliably keep track of where all the weapons that it's sending to achieve, ultimately, and up. and the incidence certainly will to anything to reassure those who worry that they could very well and up spilling into europe. 2 days after the incident entered, merge the you came prime minister, a reportedly ordered an audit of the countries arm supplies to ukraine. the move is said to have sparked fears that richie sooner had slash military aid to kiev, which has already surpassed 2000000000 pounds this year. the audit will reportedly provide clarity on how exactly british weapons have been used by ukraine's army british military official stress that the coming months are crucial to winning the battle on the ground. this comes amid waiting support for the proxy war and some european states in germany opposition. politicians are urging berlin to stop
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sending arms to cab and accusing the lensky of trying to drag other countries into the conflicts said inside zalinski stick. zalinski does not defend western values, though he is corrupt and his band opposition parties and media in ukraine. he is responsible for war crimes, shut the door on peace negotiations with russia at the legislative level and has allowed those accused of cooperates him of russia to be tortured and killed. cylinder landscape carries out terrorist actions and tries to draw more and more western countries and to his war fruit. targeted provocations de, medium green, while ukraine's president has reportedly been denied as speech at sunday's world cup final. cnn says fifo turned down vladimir zalinski is request to have his statement televise ahead of the kick off and could tar. ralph t new meyer, chairman of the german council for constitution and sovereignty said many germans
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are tired of the ukrainian conflict and no longer wants to bear the burden for its consequences. definitely ukraine fatigue and our country in germany because people can't hear it anymore and they don't want to continue to be told that they have to suffer in order to help you. crane by see coming to an end is a conflict that is already a proxy was or was, has been prophesied war between the united states of america and russia, as well as china. mr. fox criticized iran for sending drones to russia to use them. this conflict and he said iran has become a party in this conflict by that. no. what is the difference when we sell tanks? we all talk into conflict. and of course, are a constitutional saying that whoever's doing so, i'm drawing the german people into a war is a subject to a penalty of at least 10 years to life. so mr. johnson on very thin ice
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sending want to be one and all and all don't do it. not only for the sake of our weight, i mean, we don't get gas or oil. no, we also don't want to one day find ourselves. i'm seated again like in 1945. for the major powers come to use our house, ah, with mass protest in the streets of moldova, in recent months, the government's decision to suspend fixed local russian language tv channels has been met with anger. officials claim the media outlets were closed due to the threat of pro russian views being broadcast across moldova, as well as inappropriate coverage of the ukrainian conflict. one local journalists was even blocked on facebook after describing her frustration at that decision in a post. here's how she responded to the media ban. i miss you,
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but she does return. they said, let's say the emergency situations commission has banned the broadcasting of 6 channels in the republic of moldova. i consider this to be a lawlessness. it's pure dictatorship in our country. unfortunately, this is happening to day when the republic is fighting for development in democracy . this has all been trampled by our government over. although as parliament is also mailing over a bill aimed at limiting the country, soviet era legacy as lawmakers seek to rename the nation's official language from moldova and to romanian. many pro western politicians have been pushing for the move ever since moldova declared independence from the u. s sr in 1991. this comes amid ongoing protests against president maya san do. and her government's handling of the country's economy. marches had been organized by the main opposition figure and owner of the bans channels. demonstrators want their country to scott backing western sanctions against moscow,
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which have already led to spiraling inflation and an energy crisis. and other journalists, which channel faces of ban says that government has crossed a red line with what you owe and hoped on to the laws that it would not happen. because there are certain red lines that no one has ever crossed, no matter what regime is in power in the old over. it seems to me that whether it's of you channel works well or not, should always be decided by the audience. the fact that these channels had not covered the agenda the way the regime would like to be heard. sorry, by what about freedom of speech. what about european democratic norms? what about the very pluralism of opinions that they talked about during the election campaign? we all remember how the current leaders recently spoken russian during their election campaigns and the fact that they are now in power suggested the russian speaking population of moldova believed them in response to the controversy,
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the russian foreign ministry called the ban on the crack a crack down on free speech, we can see that these been an unprecedented actress, political censorship, an outrage against the principle of media pluralism, and the gross violation of the right to freedom and access to information to which the political leadership of the republic regularly declares its commitment. in light of the unprecedented consequences of its implementation for the russian speaking part of the country's population. we also qualify it as a cynical infringement of the rights of nation. and minorities would demand international conversations to give an adequate assessment of what happens and take all appropriate measures to correct a decent acceptable situation. we spoke to the leader of one of the mole, jovan opposition parties who thinks myess and do has authoritarian tendencies. which western countries should take note of when you initialed all is too awkward, is who they are destroying their position and all the media that gives their
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position for his point of view. unfortunately, we're seeing maya sondra and her party break the law and not for the 1st time. there are not only silence in their position, but trying to law cobb deposition leaders since they came to power. they have locked up the prosecutor general and a director of the anti corruption agency. a week ago, we held a protest near the u. s. and the u. embassies, i wrote ella to both of them, pointed out these illegal decisions. unfortunately, to this day, there has been no reaction. i believe that with this decision and all of us, maya santa has managed to unite all of their position pauses and the people of moldova, to fight against her government because it is impossible to live like this. so in gas and electricity prices, we are the poorest european nation that have locked up all the major positionally.
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this things can't get any worse when you build that of the russian president vladimir putin has held a call with his indian counter partner. and are modi to discuss bilateral agreements including trade and energy cooperation. that comes days after their rush and foreign ministry called reports that moody refused to me putting a quote, simple misunderstanding. meanwhile, india is retail inflation rate has dropped to an 11 month low and the countries prime minister doesn't want to stop there urging tack specialist to ensure the 4th industrial revolution doesn't leave the country behind archie's room sharma has more oh, isn't, does economy managed to do well, amidst that to buy global prices with a re all the nations here with a detailed analysis of india's growth, tragic tree, and how rigorous experts analytics and agencies are breathing in there for being
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successful amidst the global economic turmoil. let's start with the world bank, which recently said that the indian economy is not only better place to handle global headwinds than it's emerging market count box, but lifted up in dallas g d p growth for the current fiscal year to 6.9 percent, slightly higher than the 6.5 percent, it projected for the year at the end of september, india's economy has been remarkably resilient to the deteriorating external environment and strong macro economic fundamentals which have placed it in good stead compared to other emerging market economies. while the world bank bumps up india's growth projection, it also dropped in dallas october inflation to 6.77 percent from 7.41 percent in the preceding month, mainly due to easing prizes in the food basket. the world bank forecasts inflation in india to keep declining next year to 5 point one percent. but it's not the world
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bank alone praising india's economic development as and be global as well as morgan stanley. how recently showed their forecasts on in the us economic future, and it looks bright. india has the conditions in place for an economic boom field by offshoring investment and manufacturing energy transition and the countries advanced digital infrastructure. these drivers will make india the world's 3rd largest economy in stock market before the end of the decade. meanwhile, india else prime minister, larry the more the recently said, the country canada for to miss the 4th thing is to a revolution ago. when the 1st industrial revolution came, india could not take benefit from it. we lagged behind in the 2nd and 3rd industrial revolution, but to day, when it's time for the 4th industrial revolution, india cannot miss it. a long term vision is pivotal for stable growth and
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development. india cannot miss the 4th industrial revolution opportunity won't come again. no. despite the current economic unrest in the world, india has managed to become a safe haven for multi nationals according to analysis by the economic times, nearly a dozen multi nationals such as nestle, pepsi go coca cola l'oreal and others are doubling down on india with higher investments increase spending and selective hiring in their annual operating plans for next year. having identified, eat as amongst the few markets that are growing. economic growth opportunities, a huge. we're adding new or investment categories and incrementally increasing spending. as we make our plans for the next year. we have identified that this is the decade of india, and that's not all yet, according to goldman sachs, india is about to overtake the u. s. economically by 2075,
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and by 2015, india is expected to be in the walls, top 3 economies. as the global economy currently isn't titles, all eyes are on india. luncheon sharma artie new delhi washington has wrapped up its 1st summit with african leaders and 8 years. and despite the event officially being focused on addressing issues affecting africa, washington insisted on bringing russia into the equation. it's very powerful because you hear countries that are, we're here in washington this week. gonna kenya. so many others that have been the victims of imperialism in the past, and who see that now happening to ukraine by russia. during the 3 day summit, the u. s. declared the importance of africa in solving global problems in a bid to compete with africa's other partners. china and russia. washington has
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already signed deals worth $15000000000.00 and voice support for the african unions bid for g 20 membership. the u. s. secretary of defense also try to accuse russia and china of destabilizing activities in africa. beijing responded by urging washington to stop using africa as an arena for power games. however, not all african countries were allowed to attend the u. s. hosts at summit guinea sudan, arethia molly and burkina faso didn't receive an invitation either because they've been suspended from the african union or because they lack diplomatic ties with the us. we spoke to a number of people from those countries who shared their opinions about us intentions in africa. what a lot of it france from the usa, a rejected in africa. it's due to their politics. this initiative is a way to preserve their image in africa, all wishes to have a trusted partner,
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who is honest to bring good ideas in the right equipment to help us to fight this phenomenon on our territory. a, well, it's an opportunity for joe biden to bring the us back to their former position in africa because united states of america are trying to take advantage of if i wanted it for a long time. we've been under the leadership of europeans. it's them who colonized us and they all the origin of all these things. i believe the u. s. is targeting europe's place in africa, even for john kerry aka host of ortiz. the whistleblower says the us had another reason for not inviting those countries to the summit. even when the new governments of these countries have pledged a return to democracy and of in some cases scheduled democratic elections that still wasn't good enough for the united states. and so these 5 countries weren't invited, and i'll add that these 5 countries are 5 that in which the united states can't
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make any money right now, russia is very popular in africa. china, china is very popular in africa, and the western countries are not. there not because they ignored the needs of the child of the african people and the african governments for many, many years. the u. s. presence is literally a one of, of war. the only real us presence in any of these countries is a paramilitary force. look at molly, for example, or mauritania, or any of the other of this a hell countries needs year. we only know by accident because of a leak, that the united states has a military presence there. a military presence that has not been approved by congress, whose job it is just to, to kill people. and to try to keep these host governments in, in power twitter acted as if it was
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a subsidiary of the f. b i. that's the conclusion made by investigative journalists, matt t i. e b who has reveal blanks between the bureau and the social media giant. amid accusations twitter was banning accounts at the f. b. i's request to address contact with the f b. i was constant and pervasive as if it were a subsidiary going forth most reach in twitter operations, including the department of homeland security, which partner with security contractors and think tanks to pressure twitter to moderate content between january 2020 and november 2022 over 150 emails were exchanged between the f b i and former twitter trust and safety chief, your roles. and screenshots revealed by the journalists. you can see in a legit f b. i account, identify a number of accounts to be scrutinized for violations. as a result, twitter subsequently suspended many of the accounts requested to be checked. house
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republicans are now considering opening an investigation into this scandal. the twitter files pandora's box of leaks revealed the platform violated many of its rules. among them, the infamous hunter bite in laptop scandal was allegedly censored by the company and former us president donald trump's account was banned for reportedly no reason at the request of top management. for more information about previous releases of leaks, join r t dot com let's cross now to michael rectinwald's scholar, former new york university professor and author joining us from pittsburgh. welcome . thank you for having me. so what do you make of these most recent leaks and how accurate a picture do you think they show? well, it's beginning to show quite a bit of a picture of the f b. i effectively taking up residence within twitter and directing activity.
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and this is a 1st amendment breach, and this is a violation of the 1st amendment of the united states, which does not permit the government to dictate expression to dictate speech. and we're seeing a plethora of data that shows, in fact, that they did that. and a lot more and one has to wonder whether they're actually meddling in elections themselves. and whether they're, since they are basically an organ of the democratic party, the f b i. that is, we're starting to wonder whether the f b. i in fact, has some call culpability with reference to covering up election crimes on the part of the democratic party. so how legitimate are such length between a, supposedly private social media platform and the security apparatus be at the f b i in this case or others?
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i mean, it's utterly illegitimate and it's known as economic fascism. when you have this kind of collusion between the state and these corporate players and you're saying that they're so tightly knitted together, that there's almost no extricating them. and it's as if we have a state run media here. this is very, very reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. well, how likely do you think these requests to act are actually to be related to matters of national security? i mean, did these users threaten the state or are there other issues at hands? while there's politicize ation here, they say said that they were looking at domestic violence extremis. and we know what this has to do with this is about utterly silencing the opposition to the democratic party and crushing their, crushing them,
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crushing the opposition and silencing them. so this is a political, oregon, the f, b i and they're making twitter and extension of the state and an extension of democratic party. it's so much collusion here between the democratic party, twitter and the state department, the f b i the department of homeland security. it's just a huge ball of wax, and they're all utterly in bed together, controlling information, controlling opinion, censoring and shutting down speech. it's astounding scholar, a former new york university professor, author and professor michael rectinwald's. thank you. and those are the hour and the week top news stories for more up to the minute news coverage. head over to r t dot com. thanks for joining in. we'll see you again at the top of the hour. ah,
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i lose the use ah with mm. unwelcome soils apart, the world may have low become a global village but the wrong.


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