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tv   Documentary  RT  December 20, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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a fight wanted to go and pay my respects hon. all those who lost our lives to handle the 3rd. right. and i wouldn't want to do it with anybody other than john, honestly, you know, horrible atrocities that affected millions and millions in. and this is the ideology that i, that i, you know, live 5 or 4 years a model is journeyman. since it's harder than mine, big jewish had something to turn to. he didn't, he left something that was like a family type relationship and moved back into the real world, living in israel and finally feels at home. and he feels like he's with his people and a leading with this. i know that that's something i'd like to feel in life. you know, i'd like to feel that i do belong to something and i have something to look forward to and i have something to believe. i'm not sure what it's going to be there myself to be a real american patriot,
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but i don't like the direction that my country is going a whole lot. when i want my young with delicacy, it is keep what i see with earlier full then overwhelmed with emotion, started shaking, embed, and as i went into laboratory a few moments ago, i did get sick. wow. going to the camp. it makes it. it's like putting in a face with a name. it's no longer, you know, old reels that you see on t v programs and documentaries, you know, written by some guy who wasn't there on the page from history book. it's real long history where you can fix the world of your ability that just starts with you
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and the way that you live your life. you are which what you're doing now was to coin laundry, going back and fixing some of the wrongs you can at one point, stop it. that's enough. things need to be different. and they do more than 1600 years when prison is small fortress, their destiny was worst of all the groups of prisoners, about 500 from them were tortured to death. here, most of the parish after the deportation to the concentration camps, 1500 people of the jewish faith died there. i find it hard to believe from the nazis were really ab and we'll go getters, transit camp as well. people are coming merely coming in to wait for the training to go off to the dog house. so be more house and stuff. and this was just curious on their voyage. what you wrote in the the book, i guess books. what did you write to find?
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sorry, i wanted to come to learn a theme because a theme and judaism and play with the way that we count the numbers or the way off. exactly. i wanted to see where my team was, the more sure where the body is, the person who's torture for story. starting at the end of 42 dead bodies were cremated in terms crematorium in the form of the jewish get, a divine letters. the letter is age off, the 2nd letter age or his age letter, a red circle around, you know, i mean, i'm still not gonna lie. i'm still afraid of a large group of black people. and i know that's still a little bit crazy,
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but i'm still very hypervigilant as well. there's to certain things that i don't feel that i can turn my back on because i mean, if it's happened more than a couple times, think i should learn from your mistakes. i'll admit that i do have certain animosity within me. but when i would be asked if i forgiven the guys to try to take my life, i would say it's the best thing that happened to me because it gave me like a time, me to value life in the sanctity of life. we walked through a 500 year long tunnel. there were several spots and we walk through or seem to drop and get very, very cold. there's like there was electricity in the air. the air in my body would stand up and just to take it into almost everyone that walk through that donald didn't walk, there's a lot to take in there. i 7. yeah, i don't even know what's happening and if you were going to die and you knew it,
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there's something known as the martyrs. prayer. ok. here is the lord your god. the lord is one. that is something that i'm sure there's always more than one it would be torture has to be laid down. not knowing if it's going to happen. your brain tries to rationalize how, what's happening isn't happening. right? it's somehow going to live somehow going to survive. and from fights you've been in attacks, you've gone through. i'm sure your brain sunday exact. yeah. that one. yeah. are you close off the outside world? you turn in? this isn't happening to me, and this is a real, i'm going to live isn't going to wake up,
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but i'm gonna be fine. your brain is so arrogant. the one thing that it can't say is, i'm not going to survive this in a moment of peace that hit me when i was attacked by the skins was just when i came to the ultimate understanding conclusion that i wasn't going to make it out of it and then it was just like my brain just relaxed. really, you know, it is tuition like they just want to go home, right. just when your bed, your mom. when you go, you want to go where you feel safe. at that moment i did not feel safe and i knew enough cops that were involved in the white power movement or not you're that they're not the best people to go to that kind of situation. no, i mean that whole part of central florida as we know, most of the chairs are over in the class and probably still i went to one point
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after i was out of the school for quite a while i, i was arrested and thrown in jail for what kevin does best being a smart drunk and not listening to authority. i have always had a problem with authority. and i wound up in jail for a long time, but enough time. and i still had not covered up all the way it had tooth. and one of the things i had was quite vulgar and quite a for and their symbols that anybody in the widespread, the world knows it's the only season his way knows what it means. and it was not anything. i still believe of course, but it was still trying to do, i mean, i couldn't make it go away. and i wound up in a cell block with someone from the area in brotherhood who had just violated parole and was about to be before the judge to be recent,
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to go back to prison. most likely can. i've never been more afraid for myself because i knew. so i was going to tell the truth and then i was gonna say, my east and let him know that that's not who i am any longer. and i don't agree with you. and it was honestly probably the scariest 48 hours until that until i was moved and became a trustee and was moved to a different cell block. since i was a skinhead, i'd never been, i hadn't been that scared in 15 years. but it brought it down to know that i didn't cover of the tattoos because i wanted to remember, you know, how stupid i was. ah, and i wore them so that i didn't forget not about anybody else, but so i didn't forget. but after that experience, i felt it was time to not hurt anybody else with the images that i
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had on my body. and it wasn't good about me. it was about other people and about sending a message that i didn't believe in. ha, so it can be very hard to walk away from your past another that really had a home. and that was when i truly started thinking about the future, which was something i had really never thought about. i kept living in the past and that was like one of the clarifying moments. knowing that moving forward, i still have to have a life. oh my god. we'll meet it all way through the tunnel and rounded the corner and headed down the little hill. i saw 3 crosses, there was a tour group, and the woman was speaking in english, made mention that this is where the soldiers lie when this was still just a military installation and use this embankment for target practice. but after the
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3rd or i can taken over it and occupied i and was using the camp ah, as a transit camp and a death camp, that's where these people have locked and been executed or walked in beyond. ah, it was emptying. i don't else describe it. it took what little bit of okay, feeling i hadn't sodomy stripped it out and let me know that it's real. none of those people came back and this is where they met or it is very re for those who are in charge for the 4th record. sure to hear your should like to do today in the griffin. i mean, every person that wound up there wasn't there for anything they did besides being
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themselves, being people of the earth, living their lives. it's a heavy burden to carry, you know, knowing that i preach the same nonsense to lot of people. it against a lot of people that it was right. i should feel shame. shall we try to do right from this point. oh, well this is a huge, huge step. there were a few places at john and i had stopped and john brought some some stones and i had asked him to bring me ah, from jerusalem because i thought drew's on being the holy city. ah. and the whole, his place to the jewish faith. she now these people made it there, count. she was right around the corner. many memories before blessing and always be remembered. ah,
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i walked to all the gray stones and i found only one greystone, i didn't have a rock on i made sure i put a rock there so everybody knows that they're not allowing me anything that really hit me is about a 3rd of the more just numbers, they didn't have names. so it's, there was bodies in the ground and it makes you think about their entire communities and entire families. entire villages are completely wiped out. there's nobody to remember. and nobody tell anybody that, ah oh service reminder. oh, all the lights that were smell is horrible. place where the horrible camps around europe no sound from jerusalem on
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a rock. oh. inquired the de john as when she realized that hatred is just fear of the unknown and fear of yourself. i it doesn't take long to want to see the truth and want to see humanity for what it's worth. a long as warriors are also found the conclusion that there are more bad people that are good people in the world. and i was one of them. ah, i can't, i can't undo what i've done. i can undo what i said, but i can try to stop it. and i can do my best to try to educate people to, to the truth, that ignorance and fear breed hatred. we don't have to be afraid. ah
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ah ah, ah ah, ah. i noticed kevin kemp, some of the stones that he had, and i asked him,
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as we discussed it, what to do with those stones. he said that if you ever visit a place like this again, he wanted to have so i was going to go to ashes bar. why exactly auschwitz? well places were a 1000000 people died there, no. 1100000. if they know of to know, would you be willing to be awake at quarter to 5 in the morning tomorrow? for, for a you said all the places you can visit, do the expansions for audio. they want me to go back. i'm serious. i did take a moment to park on just to say and try and catch my breath. breaking down, realizing where i was going in the brain surgery was easier than this
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one is shooters, we crossed to the dashboard. kevin fell on my shoulder a series so so, so in just a thought today raised our kinetic kersats symbol. mm . and disease is you walking through bush, which ah,
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we came to destroy cash. and it was quite literally the in the line that was where the roof tracks stopped. coming to that line was part of the spiritual journey that i've been on for 20 years to the cabin sponsors part of our national anthem. thinking about truce or dream of 2000 years. ah i, [000:00:00;00]
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i go down here and walk down. there's one building standing. it's the last building remaining from those centers, which is where we were yesterday. everything you see up and down this road on both sides for people that were sent here from there. and so when you said yesterday, you felt like the numbers were off. they came here, i would say you're right, ah, this is close to us, goes on for ever. ever enter your call, your guess is more to thousands of people. please maintain silence here. remember
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their suffering and show respect for the memory. i. yeah, i don't i oh, i wonder if either the why did i a punk little 70. no kids deserve an extra chance. timbers me. busy
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ah, i i use,
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[000:00:00;00] ah, [000:00:00;00] a even dessert and probably one of my life changing events in my life. i'm not gonna lie. to take a long time to take all the same. i feel a little cleaner inside. and again, i have all this emotion, all this hate, and i don't want it to behave because i don't have anybody. they was angry. i have no place to project that. i've never in my life had to process something. i've always been sorry. hey, okay, let's move on. next thing,
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this is something bigger than me. beyond me, it's gonna take me a long time to understand i think more people should come with and i think about going to trial and how french so call friends because you all were tight. you believe the same thing. you hate each other's bad brothers. all of you were brainwashed, but they were brain locked, where they were ready to kill a brow them because it was a jew. i don't know where the education would make a difference. but at the most of what brought out from school, they weren't interested in education. in the end result was you dying, winding up at your own end of the line. it was an end of the line for you.
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but it was the in the line for us to you mom and dad and your brothers what we went through a one of those that ever again, i can't think of anything more than a family that have to go through something like that. if i ever apologize to, you know, with john story is a story of hope. the story of victory,
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the whole story of his life. this is just one little segment of his life. the whole story of john's life is amazing. and i think people need to know what a great man and how many great things he's done from where we came and to where he is and whatever i can do to help him. i would do the families i've that are either going through to have a child like i was mostly a jewish family but say like a like cameron, we have a child that's involved in a racist organization. what do i do? answer is always love them. make them feel like they have a place to come back to many times over the years people have asked me, why do you think you survived? and i definitely know that i survived because god decided it wasn't my time to go. and i've tried ever since then to try to improve myself as a human being and what i can back to society and be ready and available just to talk to people about the ability and the power of change. it is possible to change it as possible to come somebody else. and i know some of the people that were
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involved to my attack or change for the better kind of some of more or less stay the same. you can't really expect society to change. it begins with you ah,
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the stone sat in the, in the ground in all the pathways through
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a it started with a
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ah, ah, ah, ben a man in a minute. i what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy,
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even foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with joggers archipelago told me that she goes to san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you could've been met div i to the u. s. government to make a military base and just deported or douglas and people from their country. so they call it the returned back on the island. no, but we are fighting. that's why i'm fact we'll fighting for the right. so i,
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we do not consider that the right to self determination actually applies to the trickle. since i don't the question of self determination, the legal advice we have received is actually the chickens. we're not at all, not a people. for me, it's time to move on and see what we can do. a full the congress said committee to return back home. there is no support from the nomination. high commission again, united nish, i don't care about chug or send people ah, the headlines onasia international. the e u parliament scandal coined cut out a gate now shifts to morocco. that size and italian court agrees to handle with the former wife of an e. u lawmaker suspected of receiving bribes from the country. with wild islamic terror groups continue a taxing but a keynote fast. so he speaks to the countries inter him cried minister about security and search for new allies. we would like russia to become our allied cure


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