tv News RT December 20, 2022 11:00pm-11:31pm EST
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a kid, an engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves well to part, we choose to look so common ground. ah, a human claims that name too could recently have triggered a world war. it says the bronx applied key in south seas. crane for a fact on russian strategic forces, which could have instigated a nuclear responsive. they eat part of the scandal known as cuts out a gate shift, its focus to morocco. the senior lawmakers are accused of taking bribes linked to the north african country. kathy speaks with the interim leader over the, you know,
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as the west african nation seeks to root out terrorism and welcomes of solid partnership with russia. we would like russia to become our ally here, as well as all our partners. and we know that russia is a great power frushell wants to. it can help us in this area with . good morning, good afternoon. good evening. wherever you are in the world. welcome to audience. ash i was just gone. 7 am here in the russian capitol. it's great to have you with us. i might have argued, let's take a look at today's top stories. while nato officials have said they don't want to direct conflict with russia. a recently league document claimed that the block has been providing key intelligence. so ukrainian forces for tax on russia military facilities. now the document reportedly obtained by a hacker and published on social media contains detailed information about russian
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see hardware and location. for example, it says to russia strategic bombing. we're based in the angles airfield in western russia. ukraine is believed to have use that information in recent weeks to conduct a drone attack on the location. now there are also claims that ukraine sought to destroy rush and strategic bombers in the regions of ryan and sarah told. nevertheless, those drones were shot down. now we also know that 3 russian soldiers will report to kill, and another full wounded will 2 aircraft with damaged. the drones all suspected have been made by an american company. such as i could have been grounds for a nuclear swamps. russian protocol allows the use of atomic weapons in retaliation for attacks that disrupt its strategic military capabilities. now, the alleged ukrainian drone slide on the russian people bummers could have treated
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such response. the league document reported the apparent locations of hundreds of russian military vehicles. as we can see here, now those included planes and defense systems, tags and rocket launches in the conflict. so i'm deep within russia as well as warships on the black sea. we heard from a former us republican state senator, he says that name those become increasingly aggressive. i think that there definitely are people involved in these things who are hoping that the something that happened to trigger an escalation where were russia would make some sort of a rash move. and fortunately, so far as president posen has been a very cool come hand, who has, you know,
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he's been been very rational and delivered in his, in his actions. which is a very good thing because, you know, we're, we're so much closer to world war 3 than europe was in 1914, with the 1st world war. i was a part of nato, back in the eighty's when we, it was nato versus the soviet union. nato was a defensive alliance at that time. but when the, when the, the wall fell one, when the soviet union dissolved, the nato did not dissolve the worse, all packed dissolved. but nato remained is very robust force and it became a force of aggression. instead of being a defensive alliance, suddenly it started to move steadily eastward and, and it could only do this by creating an illusion that the russian federation was
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sort of identical to the old soviet union. but in many ways it's, it's exactly opposite to what the soviet union was. so, so nato has become a very dangerous organization. there are people who are trying to trigger some sort of response from russia that would begin to escalate and involve all of nature in in combat. nasa don buses, fierce bottles of embrace ging along the front lines rushes, wagner group, a major fighting force in the region has been facing off against ukraine troops for control of the strategically important city of our tier mosque. now ukraine's government says that prisons and as he recently visited, the embattled city to meet with the military officials and hand out awards on the other side of the front line, the head of the wagner group proposed
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a meeting with the ukrainian leader. your step i was sitting in the headquarters and they told me that zalinski had just arrived. our guys are going to fire gunshots and morse code. if he pays attention, we could meet any time what the le mars yankee we just shot in morse code to say, dear zalinski, were near by and were ready to discuss the issues that been intense fighting for the city in recent months. $3030.00 say that russian control over the area would facilitate a further offensive for northern parts of the region. russian officials say that you cleaning shoes in the city of been using scorched earth tactics to liberty destroying buildings and roads, and using the local civilian population as human shields. they say that for mercer is have refused to be deployed to the city because ukraine of forces have been
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suffering heavy losses. now, after you transfer, the ukraine's presence allows the ripples. these showed off on the front lines. media report say he's headed to washington to meet with us either to revive the us recently unveiled a $1.00 trillion dollar government spending package, including $45000000000.00. those refrain media reports say the lethal aid will include patriot missile says of and precision bomb. early and kids officials and washington would not object to the use of us weaponry offensive on crimea. meanwhile, a retiring us republican congressman has claimed that name to could defeat russia in just 3 days privacy. he initiated legislation to enable the us easements who forced defense ukraine in the event of an escalation. former us marine corps in tones of the scott ritter says that the u. s. official knows nothing about real
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warfare. he knows nothing about modern warfare. he knows nothing by russia's capabilities, he has, he knows nothing about american capabilities. he's an air national guard pilot, who flies a small airplane with a limited intelligence collection capability that has utility only and low intensity conflict. so therefore, he's in no position to make a judgement. and it is the, the idea that nato could defeat russia. the nation in 3 days is, is, is simply an absurdity. you will not find any professional military person who would back that up. i think the vast majority of people would say that you're right now, nato has sustainability problems, nato, as mobilization, problems, nato, as training problems, nato has equipment, problems on the idea that nato could even assemble a military force capable of surviving one day on the battlefield with russia is
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questionable, let alone defeating russia in 3 days. while some in washington brag about his supposed potentially usm buses. the lions has insisted that russia and china are the main threats. they still are increasingly sharing it till can't. that should concern the nato alliance. there's just no question that china and russia both working to divide the transatlantic partners, the usaa and way of this i, the efforts would be made to the threats from russia and china look, has been seeking to find in the nordics to counter russia. the us has been strengthening is ties, little failure, reportedly providing nuclear cable bull nose and a face of china. while the us maintains the largest number of movie bases around the world. it does the blame on rival powers for increase tensions. we heard from a senior lecturer at the british university of buff. he says,
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the increase in political confrontations are responsible for the intentions in eastern and western powers. it is that you put it cold tussle between the us and china and between the us and russia. this is leading to a kind of escalation, a because all the restriction export restriction of semiconductors. and we did technologies from the u. s. imposed on her allies in europe. give them a lot of difficulties now, because whenever they want to collaborate with china in terms of industry and tray, they have to seek permissions and license from the u. s. department of commerce. this is making things very, very difficult for them not as a result. the u. s. has to drum up these china threat in the minds of the nato, the trying to justify why all these measures are necessary and to, to make, and at the same time trying to undermine the relationship between europe and china
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. so the u. s. a, you even giving more pressures to the european allies by dropping up all these kind of russia. china threat through natal see us says trying as corona via the death toll is a global concern because of its potential impacts on economic stability. washington is the 1st hopes that try and get it clue situation under control. this flight is early criticism of beijing locked down policies. the whole of the iris is of concern to the well given the size of china's pdp given the size of china's economy. it's not only good for china to be in a stronger position visa because it, but it's good for the rest of the worlds as well. we, the united states continue to be a leading force for countries around the world, and the provision of vaccines and helping countries overcome the phase of the
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virus. we certainly hope that will be the case of the log in as well. ned price, the spokesperson for the us state department, and he was criticizing shina and talking about how at this point they hope china gets their numbers in order because the impact that co good rising in china could have on the global economy. and people are noting the irony of what's been said as his boss, the head of the us state department, us secretary of state anthony blank and was just recently calling for 0 coded policies in china to be listed and calling for the release of protesters. let's review what's been said by us officials. china has to figure out a way forward on dealing with what's covered away for that answers the, the health needs, but also ashes the needs of people. i think we're seeing the chinese people speak up for more freedom against the co lockdown policies. i support that the lockdown
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is not a policy that we're going to support here. so when china had stringent anti coven policies that was declared to be repression. we have the u. s. government, speaking out, a guest is describing china as authoritarian and now that those restrictions have been lifted and cold in cases in china are rising. we have china once again being can down. now the claims and the condemnations shine from us officials are laced in hypocrisy g. one will know that the united states leads the world in terms of coven related deaths. whereas china, despite having the world's largest population in 98 in the world, in terms of code, the dest, nowhere near the united states, in the number of colbert related gas. so it's quite, quite hypocritical, for us officials to be criticized in china, recovered related gas. i'm talking about it, but this all fits a pattern without the united states covers china,
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no matter what china does. china is condemned when kobe 0 coded policies were put in the fact they were described as brutally authoritarian. and then when those coded policies were lifted, we heard that this was a sign that president, she's in pain, was week guy. and that this was, that was a sign. and he was giving in and didn't have authority and power that no matter what the u. s. media and the u. s. politicians look for any excuse to condemn china and can damage policies and portrayed in a negative light. and this latest statement, this latest flip of the script, if you want to call it, that is just a really blatant example of how hypocritical and nonsensical us narratives are the usa does not like a particular government, no matter what they do. they find a way to spin it in a negative way. the capital none is katara again, has shifted its focus to morocco as the suspended vice president of him parliament . i'm the senior terry and lawmaker,
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are accused of taking rives linked to the north african country. i think contributed rachel lawson has more it's certainly not the best look for the european union when the same officials who are so keen to lecture every one else about democracy and transparency. now find themselves with a big mass right under their own roof at the european parliament when the scandal broke. earlier this month and belgian authorities rolled up suitcases full of cash at homes and hotels associated with european officials. all eyes were focused on cutters, a legend involvement in the shady lobbying practices associated with the scandal. particularly since the football world cup was on and cutter was the whole country and had already faced controversy over how it may have been awarded those games. but now morocco has been dragged into this fiasco as well. thanks in part to an alleged confession by former european parliament vice president,
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eva kylie whom the you parliament recently stripped of her role and title, internal investigation documents obtained by the press suggest that kylie had dealings with former italian. you're a deputy pier antonio pines, erie whom investigators alleged to have received cache from both cover and morocco, and who just happens to be the founder and president of a think tank called fight impunity. she had prior knowledge of her husband's dealings with mister pan's airy and that suitcases full of cash had been moved through her apartment. when it comes to transparency of its dealings with foreign countries, the european parliament apparently draws the line at morocco and voted against, including it with cutter in resolution, demanding more transparency and accountability. here's the amendment to the resolution that euro deputies ultimately rejected. expresses deep concern about the allegations that morocco has also attempted to influence members, former members and staff of the european parliament through acts of corruption
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calls for the application of measures in line with those applied to the representatives of katara interests while investigations are ongoing. so i didn't parliamentarians shy away from having a good look at exactly how they've been dealing with morocco. perhaps they're worried about what anyone poking in to that particular dark corner might fives. maybe a lot of cockroaches or rats scurrying around. particularly if questions target he asked about various parliamentary friendship groups or the role of antonio's like pans. aries in, acting as intermediaries or middle men of sorts under the guise of intellectual and academic respectability. it is long been an open secret that think tanks in the western world routinely served to launder foreign lobbying interests in the us. they've even gone so far as to bundle and donate foreign cash to candidates to public office. former you foreign policy,
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chief federico maurine sat on the honorary board of pans series, fight impunity. angio right up until the scandal broke. here's maurine telling you . crane how to fight corruption way back in 2015. we have primarily focused on the need for conduct of the anti corruption reform, which is the key factor to allow the international partners to trust in ukraine and as if that wasn't enough. here maurine is again, 2 years later, underscoring the importance of solid ethical guardrails. for ukraine, the anti corruption institutions, as we discussed and as we agreed, must be allowed to do their work independently, with enough powers and resources to investigate, prosecute, and eventually ensure the conviction of those responsible for corruption. while it looks like ukraine is well taken care of, and they think they might be up to that she city. so how many board members like maurine of think tanks like pans? aries, fight impunity in the you have bothered to take
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a good look under the hood of those and yos and insist on the same kind of accountability, transparency, and good practices that the e u demands of other countries. apparently that doesn't even exist at the european parliament yet as this scandal is proving european commission, president ursula vander line just recently announced after this whole scandal broke, that she'll get right on. not now though, probably right after lecturing the rest of the world, few more times on the greatness of european values. new story fina i had a now to south america, a new head of peruse, national intelligence agency, reportedly as a link so previously authoritarian regime in the south american country, including a convicted death squad organizer. now he says, but mass protest,
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i have gripped the nation. our associate of terrace insurrection if you want to address the events that we are seen as a social conflict, we are in total error. here. there are no social conflicts in each place where the police and the armed forces are attacked. there is a political objective and that is called a terrorist insurgence. more than 20 the will of the report who killed as the math in facial house and violent mil trashes with police progresses have been calling for the newly installed present to resign. after the previous one was taken into custody following his attempt to dissolve parliament and essentially lead by decree, a local act of sent us this report from the streets of the national capital right now they're doing facing a very sad, a native emergency. we have a military civic government right now by the novel,
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you updated that in alliance with the armed forces. and the believe it with us now counted 28th of protesters and demonstrators across the country. we are having human rights violate an arbitrary detention very violent detention in lima, but mostly in the provinces of our country. right now there's a calling for a national, right? we are calling for our youth or national solidarity. we are very afraid there's gonna be more debt will be more like violations or the interest of the congress, which are not the interest of the majority of people with trying to overthrow represent this, just the young government a here on the last national elect.
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so now be they manage, oh, you know people across the country. are there any this data with stuff on the same people with young people, even children, earl lee, me. hm. all over the world from europe, america, north america. we are coming out for a not one, any more people, a human right, a, b, u. s. has admitted to committing cyber attacks on form paolo's during the mid term
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elections. it's justified the move by saying those targets could have in to fit in the vote unless the u. s. had stepped in we did conduct operations persistently to make sure that our foreign adversaries couldn't utilize infrastructure to impact us . we understood how foreign adversaries utilize infrastructure throughout the world . we had that mapped pretty well, and we wanted to make sure that we took it down to key times. this is the idea of understanding your foreign adversaries and operating outside the united states. washington has been accusing russia and iran of meddling in his elections for many years. but the recent made some vote a scene, a u. s. security official said there was surprisingly a lack of foreign interference. he said that russia wrong was supposed to be not focused on the you are so too preoccupied by the grain conflict. and the wave of protests in the islamic republic form a c. i a analyst,
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and just john curio that is in washington uses claims of forum meddling to brush off more pressing domestic concerns. there's literally no evidence that anyone has found of russian or any other foreign interference in american elections . the mother investigation outlined in the muller report found, for example, that there was no foreign interference specifically no russian interference in the 2016 election. there wasn't even an accusation of for an election interference in 2020. and then we geared up for some sort of interference in the mid term elections this year in 2022. the cia named jeffrey wickman as the intelligence community's director of this effort to rude out foreign interference. and there was none. this is, this is like the dirty little secret now, of american politics is that we blame all of our problems electrically on foreign
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powers, specifically on russia. and there's nothing to back it up well, listen, are sanctioned now to west africa with 6 civilians. at least 2 soldiers have been reported killed in a series of attacks in booking. a facto the country has struggled to maintain security in recent years of fighting between national full says ireland surgeons has cools, the death of valve, of b will am driven an estimated 2000000 from their the man he says 39 surgeons linked to international terrorist groups. have been killed in operations this month alone, all t spoke with the countries interim prime minister. he says, security remains of the top part of the other country welcomes a partnership with russia. what are your priorities now? is it perhaps in the secure to sector?
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we some good. yes, definitely. currently security is a priority and burkina faso and we talked about it. but in addition to the security sphere, we discussed other areas as well because the problem of security is complex with many parts. we hope that starting from now we will begin to resolve it. apart from that, it's necessary that our relations develop because we're all interested in winnie, is closer to sing. russia could become an ally for broken up or so in the fight against to help us. we for swims with guess and we would like it. we would like russia become our ally here, as well as all our partners. and we know that russia's great power and a frushell wants to can help us in this area well around. so this is our do check out all t dot com for more global news. lulu back at the top of the out ah, piece in ukraine seems essentially impossible. and there's a reason for this. nato wants russia to be completely defeated. russia in turn, demands new pan during the insecurity structures. protecting it's interest. as long
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as nato exists, there'll be no peace for security. for anyone. oh, is your media a reflection of reality in the world transformed? what will make you feel safe? tice, elation community. are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows.
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ah, there was a place in ocala, florida because baseball which was a pool hall, but also places we hung out a lot. the owner thought it was sort of is a type of security. and one night there was someone that showed up that he really did not like. and he wanted us to make the guy, li, i used to wear these reins thinking that if i, i'm somebody was going to cost more pain and it did. every time i hit the skype face, he would scream, every had me hitting him, he had to spend my kidding and one guy broke his hand punching so hard. some of the harder and harder and harder and eventually got loose. one shoe came off the joke, took in his wisdom across the parking lot, and as soon as we got about on the ground, i walked over to the guy kick paisley kinda soft at 1st. and remember, the guy cried out mom, i just thought for one second when i was doing really brief kicks. that if you let
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this bol the, now it'll bother the rest of your life. so i made like a switch, learning how to turn my conscience off at that point is and walked off and left him. he wasn't black or hispanic, not a person of color at all. he was just a stupid white guy doing stupid stuff. there was no wrong place at the right time. in recent years, we've become accustomed to hearing how the jewish agency for israel has rescued jews from areas of distress, like a sloppy church and brought them here in israel. but when we hear that the jewish agency has rescued a young american jew from daytona beach, florida. that's another story altogether. the story of john daly, welcome john. his story begins back in 1990 on the beach in florida. what happened?
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a group of 7 neo nazis can, and some of whom were from the town of account that i lived in, recognize me and proceeded to do their best to do me. and they tried to kill you pay crime. in general, there's no such notions on here. so therefore, i going to have to refrain, i mean, if there are certain things, i say i literally went to prison. one of them shouted out dyed, you boy die. they pulled me to the ocean. and 2 of them sat on me to make sure that i couldn't get the perpetrators of this crime are members of a known national organization who would not stop murdering john, in part, acting to save themselves for from prosecution somewhere down. that's going to people when you committed i mean they don't forget when you do, you don't want them to forget, you know, you want them to know what you're doing is wrong. it's a guest and it's hatred.
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