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tv   Documentary  RT  December 21, 2022 6:30am-7:01am EST

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neville's comments, do you k would absolutely support and you've got to remember and that, you know, there's another card that you'd right now in the u. k. m. anything, sir? immigration, exact, for example, most of the, for fortunate people who are trying to make their way across the english channel are in europe because of the, you know, the aftermath of british or american intervention to the middle east, et cetera. so the, the overriding sense is that it's policy and gary never had it been praising what richie so next their policies, i'm sure she said i wouldn't have that posted his response. well, just a note on gary neville again, despite criticising the plight of british workers, he also signed a lucrative deal to work with a katara broadcaster during the world cup a nation where migrant workers died while preparing for the event. here he is being drilled a by thought on you k television. you gosh, i think, i mean, yeah, what going on, not going oh, my view always as being that you either highlight the issues and challenges in
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these countries and speak about them or you basically don't say anything. you stay back home and don't go and i've always said we should challenge. there's another option you stay home and highlight your pieces. you don't have to go and take the guitar is money. people knew what guitar stance was on the l g b t situation. they knew that long before, and these great debates occurred, of course, you know. so again, you know, it's this idea that this is a surprise to people who are either doing business there or who selected katara for the world cup and allows get her to spend. you know, hundreds of millions of dollars to create what was essentially a fantastic world cook. it's about saying, you know, if you're going to be right, be right for the moment you get up to the moment you go to bed, don't pick and choose your morality as you go along. let's turn attention to west africa were 6 civilians, and at least 2 soldiers have been reported killed in a series of attacks in but keno fast. so our local reporter, in like
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a duke who sent us this report. hello though. 330 kilometers long way. of looking at fossil out of government control for 3 months now is back to the country. will sides are waiting again on the little public administration of the seas. a military operation called the rail hell, which means in local language who recover your belongings. village is the what are the motel creed? yeah. well, and we got there freed up from the public administration and busy with the buck to get to the years on the gown the army stuff. g major, debbie talbert. it wasn't so late last weekend to the late the good job of the boat victory. well, some bible can i be here in work. i do. it's full of pollution in which around 40
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said already will kill and one falls your sites with an important quantity of logistics, of calories where the flight or sees buy the item before the good news of the thing . one thing is to keep out. the other thing is to keep the area under control of government troops, or if there is a lot to do to come to the goal, we want to for me, it's clear that the army is moving forward with more power because this is the 1st time since 2015 that a territory is recovered and officially announced by our authorities. i think that morally, this is good for the people of burkina, faso wife and all that. i don't know. as we can see, interim leader ibrahim trial ray is committed, giving his all to convince people who think this is not true, that it's their imagination. you can't force someone to believe in what he doesn't believe in. but those who are on the ground eye witnesses,
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they see what's happening. or bertino foster in trim, prime minister up a laura, some belly spoke to r t c. he said that good trading relations with moscow is crucial for the country. adding that burkina faso is seeking to import more goods from russian. he also emphasized moscow's role in helping solve the global food crisis. good afternoon, mr. prime minister, welcome to russia. my 1st question is, what is the status of the ballot your relations between moscow and oh, good, do great, now alert right now, the relations are not particularly well developed. they used to be more consistent in the past, but later took a turn for the worse we would like, however, to make them stronger moving forward. this is the reason for me being here in moscow. west pacific period, i referring to the time to the soviet union or after the collapse, healthy ussr. yes. and then after the break up of the soviet union, and also after the regime change in berkener foss. so as you know, there were good ties between the soviet union and perkins far so during thomas and
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cars presidency, he came here with the visit and got a chance to see star city, which i was unable to see back then there were negotiations between our leadership and soviet president mikhail gorbachev and air afloat. the soviet airline offered flights to wag a dog through all of that stopped. there was a soviet embassy and burke enough a so and a soviet cultural center. and then it all collapsed over night, which meant our relations became almost non existence. now would you like everything to get back at least to that formal level a, do you see the potential for an even greatest cup of corporations? if you'd familiar grandmaster russia is a great nation, it's one of the greatest powers, and yet it almost has no presence in our country. we would like to see russia being a great nation, that it is to assume its rightful place and burke enough, ah, so russia has a lot of history and experience and we would like to be a part of that because it is it, what issues did you bring up during the talks with you, russian colleagues here in moscow called wings over. we met with many people in the
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ministries and other agencies. they're really open. we would like to strength and cooperation in all spheres, everywhere where it's possible between russia and burke enough. ah, so do you have some prayers? he though the security sphere perhaps we some yes, absolutely. security is a priority for burke. enough are so right now, and we discussed that, but we also talked about other things because security is a temporary concern. we hope that after a certain time starting from now, we will resolve this problem. but we also need our relations to grow because all of us would like to see a victory. as good rush had been alive booking a fast. so when you fight against an jihadists, we yes, we would like that. we would like russia to become our ally, like all our partners. we know that russia is a powerful force and it could really help us here if it decides to do so. what i'm going to rush. it's planning to hust russia. africa. stanley in 20. 23. is booking
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a fast have going to attend? or it would be on martin. yes. sure. i've received an invitation letter from president impudent for my president, captain abraham tory and i will present it to him. in fact, if i'm here for a purpose, it's to make the relations between russia and burke enough are so grow stronger. and what about state face? it's couldn't be in a patina si, fi stay tweezers. wish you luck. yes, and i am here to establish contact. i am here to see if russia is ready for cooperation with my country. when you are ready and a lot of things are finalized. we can step up our co operation and organize state visits, and then the head of our state may come. i mean, the head of my country can come here. and i may come here again. we hope for that to happen for 2nd. one of the things discussed yesterday was trait which could also be potential area for cooperation between russia and we can a fossil is that perhaps a product of booking a fuss? who could supply to the russian market, or who did it? it would be better if you answered this question,
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because as i said to the people i've talked to russia is a great nation, but we don't see its presence in our economy. we don't see many russian goods, unlike french goods which are plentiful, but you can produce many things. pharmaceuticals, for example, you produce many medications that could be cheaper than other brands. we don't see russian drugs and berkener far. so, why doesn't russia open drug stores in our country like france does wire russian pharmaceuticals on sale and broken off us. so like french ones, why won't russia open a production facility for drugs and pharmaceuticals and berkin off us? so we have plenty of land for construction and we are open. this means that it's up to russia to be willing, and we would like to have more russian products and burke in a far so in order to diversify our partnerships and to have connections not only with western countries using as you can tell him, does this also involve foot security, there is currently a foot crisis in the world. does burkina faso expect russia to provide support elicitation?
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yes, and that's one of the reasons why i'm here. as you know, we don't grow wheat, but we do consume it. we need we'd to produce bread, pastry and so on, and we hope the russia will help us in the short term by supplying wheat in the mid term. we will be able to grow weed ourselves, and russia can also make a great contribution there with expert know, how being able to grow your own weed is a big deal. on the other hand, as you know, russia is a major supplier of fertilizers. and since we don't have them either, we would also like russia to supply us with fertilizers. so we have quite a lot of areas for cooperation, including agriculture. we know the russia has very good engineers, great experts, and it would be great to develop cooperation in that area too early on that the thing is that trash is unable to ship. it's fertilizers because of sanctions. the truth is that the russian government said many times it russia wants to supply some commodities free of charge to african nations, especially those he meet of them. so russian authorities are really larking,
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on finding a way to touch, shaping commodities, again, in particular, fertilizers. of course, we know that if russia wants something, it will find a way just like that. because as i said, russia is a great nation, both historically and as an economy and as a political and military power. so russia wants to ship us some commodities. i'm sure a can find a way to do so. and if it's not doing it, it means it doesn't really want it for that. i. so what about cooperation in the area of culture, you have probably discussed culture exchanges and possibly university exchange programs. haven't you? did you talk about a, during your visit to moscow? i said i will and i will, that's right. we discussed it with the deputy minister of education and we saw a great interest in readiness for cooperation on the ministry's part. they gave us assurances and i hope our co operation will improve in this area to should, i should say that back in the days of the ussr, we had a soviet cultural center in my country. when we were students, we studied russian literature. we read russian newspapers and so on. sometimes we
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watch movies and so we had an opportunity to immerse ourselves in russian culture. unfortunately, after gorbachev was out, it was all closed down. and there's no russian presents and burke enough or so anymore. and people don't learn russia anymore. no, they don't. at the moment there's nothing russian and burkina faso except maybe some weapons. but besides that there's nothing at all adequately love a fresh experts like engineers and perhaps experts in other areas that to come to picking a face. so perhaps it could be new coco centers and children could start learning ration at school or process. why not? that's exactly what we want. you know, i'm here now and i want to learn russian too. so maybe russian language programs could be the next step right now. there are no opportunities to learn russian. i could see some writing on the signs around the city, but i can't read them because i can't read russian, but we all really hope that soon enough. those who come after us will be more educated and they will know russian. they will make our cooperation
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a lot easier. i would also propose to set up a direct airflow connection between moscow and wagon togo because when i visited russia for the 1st time in 1988, i travelled by air afloat. i flew from paris to moscow and from moscow to wag a tow roof, but airflow no longer flies to our country. there was a time when russia had more context with berkener far so we had lots of transport, communications. we had it all, but it's all gone now. and a cushion esla tilly channel 18 to national. it continues to expand its presence in africa in many african countries. do you think crushing broadcasters could some day replace french channels? i don't know about replacing them since our ultimate goal is to have more choices, there is no need for replacement. you can have more something in order to have more choices. if russia enters our market, the people have broken off a. so we'll have more options if you bring russian pharmaceuticals here and people see that they cost less but work better than naturally they will choose russian
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pharmaceuticals. why did i choose arrow flawed, to fly from paris to moscow? and then to wag a dog because i compared the airfare and he was the cheapest option. therefore, for russian products are available on our market and people like them. they will have better variety more options. they will be able to choose products and services that are more reliable, higher quality, and cost less. russia wants to come to picking a fast markets that can compete with the biggest players it already present. there was actor, that's true players there. russia has not competed with yet, and it would help russia improve its products as well. because as it competes with europe, the u. s. in asia, it can adapt and hold its own position. if you visit our country, you will see lots of cars, imported from korea or japan. many people by day were cars made in vietnam, et cetera. but there is nothing from russia. we would like to see things manufactured in russia. we would like to have more russian products and burke in a foss, so for example, clothes and textiles. this would enrich our market and become
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a positive competitive factor that would ultimately benefit our consumers. if it is curved, do you think there is an audience for russian television channels in french or in russian to the money? it depends on the product that will be offered. honestly, accessibility and quality. if washing channels can compete on the media market, people won't have any reason not to choose their content. moreover, people are getting tired of the traditional mainstream media. everybody knows about france, 24, c n n, but people don't know much about russian broadcasters, so you would have an advantage by simply offering something new. china, for example, broadcasts in our country, and people watch their channel. so if the russian broadcasters are competitive, there is no reason why they shouldn't be on our market along with the others. thank you for getting to me. ok, announcement from the u. n. has raised, i browse the secretary general has declared that far right. political groups,
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including neo nazis and white supremacist, currently pose the biggest threat to western society. it has been demonstrated that the biggest threats of federalism today in western countries come from the extreme rides, the allows ism and white supremacy. these is clearly a strength and we must fight that threats with enormous determination. and what has happened in german is just one of the examples of this, this threats to, namely, to democratic societies that on bulls. earlier this month, 25 members of a german rights wing group were arrested on suspicion of trying to overthrow the government un shift to cherish, however, made no mention of extreme miss in ukraine, such as the neo nazi else off battalion, which has been accused of exploiting the conflict to spread its ideology. many western mercenaries travel to ukraine to fight with such forces before returning
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home. war battle hardened. one british soldier who joined us off as defended the group claiming their quotes. decent guys. by accident, i joined the tsar unit. that would have been my last choice of a unit to go to, but i'm pretty glad i did. they're not the monsters in psychos that i would envisage neo nazis to be. i mean, they're not all like that. a lot of them are decent guys. and he's not alone. another ex, british army soldier, chris gar, it's reportedly has been training as all soldiers to navigate mine field since 2014 and as even become an official ukrainian national guard soldier. another 2 brothers citizens, sean pinner, aiden us when they were exchanged in a prisoner swamp and sent back to the u. k. after being caught fighting with ukrainian military units. and the delegation from b as off battalion, talking about raising eyebrows was welcomed in israel. in recent days to discuss the ukraine conflict now as off members match with there's really political figures
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on soldiers. the group was led by an officer recently freed in a prisoner swap with russia by the way that visit was initiated by b is really friends of the ukraine organization and supported by the ukrainian embassy in israel, from twitter, users expressed disbelief and even disgust in regard to the effect, aren't you guys nazis? why would you go to israel? i'm half jewish. israel inviting a czar. nazis to visit is spitting in the face of my family, where at least 45 people were killed by ukrainian nazis in t f. during the 2nd world war. i will never forget it and will never forgive, not ukraine, and not israel. a downgrade from our shit, which is what ukrainian nazis called the facility, holding off prisoners of war in the past. either way, wrong disgusting and gross as of nazis are visiting israel. i'm missing the
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global outrage. for some reaction on this, we spoke to geopolitical analyst, brian for, let's say, who sees the ideology of the as off battalion has not changed as they will only seek self preservation until whitewash new naziism in ukraine. i believe, as love is doing this out of a need for self preservation, it's evident that they have not changed anything if anything, they are more radical than ever. and there are, there is a constant stream of videos and photographs coming out of ukraine that demonstrate ably proved. they have not changed. they are, they are still deeply rooted in nazi as of this whole process is a process of white washing naziism in ukraine. and it's a project that is being coordinated between the united states european union. and unfortunately, the israeli government, there are plenty of people in israel,
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in the united states and across europe who find this appalling but the interests pushing foreign policy forward in places like the government of israel. they are indifferent to that they do not stand up for principles, they hide behind them and they're helping ukraine. and as all through this as well will lessen the turn to don boss where fierce bottles had been raging along the front lines. the private military company, the wagner group, a major fighting force in the region has been facing off against ukrainian troops, were a control of the strategically important city of archibald sc. ukraine's government say that president lensky recently visited the embattled city to meet with military officials on hand arch awards. on the other side of the front, the head of the wagner group proposed a meeting with the ukrainian leader. you said i was sitting in the headquarters and they told me that the lensky had just arrived. our guys are going to fire gunshots
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and morse code. if he pays attention, we could meet any time of what the limit is. yankee, we've just shot in morse code to say, dear zalinski, we're nearby and we're ready to discuss the issues you want process problem. you're given you. and after presidency, lensky reportedly visited the front lines. washington sees he's no headed to the us to meet with joe biden. just a point on washington recently unveiled a $1.00 trillion dollar government spending package. all that 45000000000 more will go to ukraine. media report say the least laid low include precision bombs and patriot missile systems. earlier, key of officials said the u. s. has not objected to the use of american weaponry in any offensive on cry. me another significant lima. while details of mr. zalinski strip have not been recalled or made public, at least not all are welcoming him,
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including a u. s. congress. woman. of course, the shadow president has to come to congress and explain why he needs billions of america stuck spare dollars for the 51st state ukraine. this is absurd. put america 1st. but we heard from former united nations weapons inspector, scott ritter, who believes biden wants zalinski to help pressure congress into providing even more military support. some members of congress indicated they might be opposing this. you're talking about accountability and things of that nature. how do we know this is going where it needs to go, etc? by having zelinski on hand? joe biden will be playing some political cards, putting pressure on congress to pass this legislation without further questions, without asking the inconvenient question, such as what happens to american weapons once they make it to your brain?
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what happens to american money once it goes into a crane? how do we know us taxpayer money is being used to you know, to, to, to good results. because if, if these questions were answered, people might not be so willing to provide the money. so zalinski is coming here, you know, is a, is a major political pressure weapon for the president on congress to guarantee that this package is best ah, now while nato officials have said they don't want to direct conflict with russian, i recently leaked documents, purportedly from ukrainian intelligence claims that the block has been providing key information to key of forces for attacks on russian military facilities. the document, reportedly obtained by a hacker, unpublished on social media, contains detailed information about russian military hardware and locations. for example, it's a 2 russian strategic bombers were based in the angles or
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a field in western where she might just be able to make it. i'd in read this as well. by the way, is more of the data that was leaked. ukraine is believed to have used the intelligence in recent weeks to conduct a drone attack on the same err field. there also claims that ukraine salt to the stroy russian strategic bombers in the rsm on several tough legions. those drones were shopped on the 3 russian soldiers were reported killed, and another 4 wounded with 2 aircraft damaged. the drones are suspected to have been made by an american company. well, not as significant because russian protocols dictates that such attacks could have been grinds for a new killer response. moscow allows the use of atomic weapons in retaliation for any offensive that disrupt its strategic military capabilities. the alleged ukrainian drones strike on the russian nuclear capable bombers could have triggered such a reaction. while elite documents reported the apparent locations of hundreds of
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russian military vehicles that includes plains or defense systems tanks and rocket launchers. all those, both in the conflicts own and deep within russia worships in the black sea. are spoken about we heard from former virginia state center and dick block say that nature has become increasingly aggressive. i think there definitely are people involved in these things who are hoping that something will happen to trigger an escalation where we're russia would make some sort of a rash move. and fortunately, so far as president posen has been a very cool come hand, who has, you know, he's been been very rational and delivered in his, in his actions, which is a very good thing because, you know, we're,
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we're so much closer to world war 3 than europe was in 1914 with the 1st world war. i was a part of nato, back in the eighty's when we, it was nato versus the soviet union. nieto was a defensive alliance at that time. but when the, when the, the wall fell, when, when the soviet union dissolved, the nato did not dissolves the worse, all packed dissolved. but nato remained is very robust force and it became a force of aggression. instead of being a defensive alliance, suddenly it started to move steadily eastward and, and it could only do this by creating an illusion that the russian federation was sort of identical to the old soviet union. but in many ways it's,
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it's exactly opposite to what the soviet union was so so nature has become a very dangerous organization. there are people who are trying to trigger some sort of response from russia that would begin to escalate and involve all of nato in in combat. ok, just to let you know these pictures behind me are happening live just to let you know, a lot of potent is preparing to hold a meeting with the ministry of defense. that is where the results of the armed forces activities we believe will be summed up at tasks for the following year set as well. but of course, that could be a whole range of other issues being spoken about today. as you will have heard in or news today, the former president of russia to me to be met yet of was in beijing speaking at to she jen paying and a whole raft of issues came from the talking about
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a basis for a multi polar world, a letter by the current russian president vladimir putin was given to shoot and paying in not where he spoke about more combination between beijing and moscow and further to increase in the coming month as well. in the last number of days, we also know that and the recently was in ballard room talking about more of a union with the 2 nations as well. so we'll see whether that is mentioned about 2 . but just in the meantime, let's cross to some more stories that we're putting to make the speech to defense. officials of well, something else interesting us today the u. s. and boss, virgin data was issued a warning that russia and china have the means to undermine big words. the western military alliance, those who are increasingly sharing a toolkit,
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but should concern the nato alliance. there's just no question that china and russia both working to divide the transatlantic partners. yet the u. s. all boy emphasized that efforts would be made to address threats from russia and china. the block has been seeking to expand in the nordic nations, the counter russia, and the u. s. has been strengthening ties with a st as well. you to recall reportedly providing new killer capable bombers in a face off potentially with china. you know, so it's all happening here while the u. s. maintains the largest number of military bases around the world. it's that turns to blame on rival powers for increased attention to repeatedly in the last number of weeks about us not. but when we heard from a senior lecturer at the university of bath in the u. k, he sees that increased geopolitical confrontations are responsible for the escalating tensions between eastern and western powers. less of the list it is that
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you put it cold tussle between the us and china and between the us and russia. this is leading to a kind of escalation, a because all the restriction, the export restriction of semiconductors. and we did a technologies from the u. s. imposed on her allies in europe. that give them a lot of difficulties now, because whenever they want to collaborate with china in terms of industry and economic and tray, they have to seek emissions and license from the u. s. department of commerce. this is making things very, very difficult for them not as a result, the u. s. has to drum up these, trying a threat in the mind of the nato trying to justify why all these measures this. okay, as we mentioned earlier, it's not in proportion is preparing to hold the meeting with the ministry of defense. we've just seen the russian leader enter the stage on. it's just about to speak less listening or meeting of the new ministry, the fans, if they're in
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a special period we are going on with a special military operation and considering the experience combat experiences that we have accumulated, we are going to discuss the key areas of the army and development, 1st of all, i would like the national sales and my warmest regards to soldiers and the officers who are now at the front lines or the training standards on all of them. they are fulfilling 30. so it's your duty in a dignified manner. they are risking their lives in other particular way and if they have to, they shield to a new 30 colmerton. are you sure we and we have to honor the memory of all those who gave their lives for the motto lent thank you.


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