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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST

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algeria by rights, is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the debts of one and a half 1000000 algerians. a standing at a spot where one of the people died, the bridge aside and only had square. 2 people were killed and several others wounded in ukrainian shelling among them a former russian space. she found a high ranking, local official detail still to come. meantime, leading russian officials say the crane presidents demands for more military a during our trip to washington show that neither key of nor the us is ready for peace is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and alex is the formation of a new coalition, though, fueling speculation to the countries politics
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a lurching further and further to the right. ah, my most up to 5 pm on thursday here in the heart of the russian capital. this is the headquarters of raw t international. very well welcome to you. so 2 people have died. internet's capital aware, and a restaurant was hit by rockets among a b, i wounded was out of the a former russian space chief. it also a high ranking local official, the details from the site now with autism, romance, customer f, ukrainian military. yes sir. high precision nature supplied artillery against this restaurant and hotel complex in ads on ask. as the result, 2 people were killed and at least 6 were wounded. now, among the wounded is a rushes former space chief dmitri regarding at the head of the nest republic, sir,
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governments italiano tanker, according to their own information, their lives are currently out of danger. now the rest of the people who were, how bondage doctors are now fighting to save their lives. now the number of casualties may still rise as information is still coming in. this are restaurants and how cell complex is located on the outskirts of the city of birds. or nest it now lies completely destroyed, was a very popular place among the locals. now, like i said earlier, at least 2 people have been killed as the result of this strike. now i'm standing at a spot where one of the people died, according to officials. there were at least 5 high precision strikes, and they're saying that ukrainian military use that 155 millimeter caliber rockets supplied by nato countries to ukraine,
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ukraine's high precision artillery strikes against this. restaurants took place. so shortly before 8 pm one. this restaurant was full of people and of course the hotel above us also had a residence sir. ah, in it's now the employees are now trying to salvage whatever is left from this property. but obviously, this restaurant will now be a shut down. looks like they were preparing for the upcoming christmas holidays and christmas events here in the 1st from but obviously now they will not be taking place or among costs or have already done as republic. and so the shelling of lynette's comes as the landscape visits washington, his 1st trip overseas, apparently since the start of the conflict. now it's a visit that shows ukraine's leader is more interested in securing lethal arms than piece. although that is a cording to top russian officials become william cafe too. it's really,
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we know with regret that neither biden nor zalinski have spoken words that could be perceived as a potential willingness to listen to. russia's concerns. no words have been heard. warnings zalinski against the shelling of residential buildings and dumb boss, and no cause for peace have been made. this shows that the united states is de facto and indirectly fighting to the last ukranian de lensky visit to washington and his conversations. he has shown that neither the u. s. administration nor zalinski is ready for peace. the focus was on the conflict, the deaths of ordinary soldiers, and the further into connection of the ukrainian regime with the needs of washington. a summer western media outlets, in fact echoed a very similar sentiment. questioning why the u. s. should keep sending so much money and weapons to ukraine. a fox news anchor tucker calls, and he said kia has no right to demand. washington continues to profit up with tens of billions of dollars in finance to we the historic debt to ukraine, doing the historic animosity with a non soviet russia. no, no. how do we win here?
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what's in it for us? isn't this our country? and where do you get off talking to us like that? we hate ourselves so much to have so little respect for the united states of america. we'll put up with that. that will applaud it. thank you, sir. may i have another? what's wrong with us? what's wrong with our leaders? well, during zelinski is very high profile, a visit to america, he addressed congress and expressed gratitude to the us for the weapons already provided. but he did then ask for more. after the meeting, it was agreed that patriot miss our system would soon be delivered to ukraine. meanwhile, i'm ex blumenthal editor of the gray zone. investigative journalism aside, has posted on twitter, his exchangers with delicates, representing the ukrainian diaspora, as they made their way to congress, is 45000000000, not enough. not enough. how much, how much more should we give to you? great. instead of our own people?
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do you, do you do support the as of italian? so more of an asthma and there's no more as a values where we're train and recruited back into a former professional army over the last year. so the neo nazis are brought into the army? no, no, no nazi for me. so no answer about it. crane is a democracy. why did zelinski ban 13 opposition? partial law. we've got the national marshal law sounds on democratic. why did he band the russian wing of the orthodox church? the russian special wanted extra to serving as a craziness organization and with found, with materials that were legal and financing that the enemy, more innocent people. my opposed the assault on don. yes. do you the shelling of the people have done yes. do you oppose that? you know, no, are you why, why are civilians being killed and done yet lugens, you oppose that? incidentally, after posting the video back said one post there appear to be
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a former member of the u. s. commission on security and cooperation in europe. we spoke to a labor rights lawyer and orthodontic of alec. now he says peace is a long way off. if indeed washington continues to provide so much have a weaponry to key. if that makes me very skeptical about how serious either biting or zalinski are at this point about truly negotiating a piece, i don't think generally speaking, weapons contribute to peace. i do think this is an escalation, although at the same time, i think it's also a matter of putting money in the coffers of the defense industry. you know, i think that the u. s. is happy to give that money, whether the patriot missiles are used or not. as you noted, it would take a lot of training that there's a us criminal institution, i'm forgetting which one, but that they are now sounding the alarm bells or that they expect these weapons to
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end up and of criminal elements. so this is a real problem. it's the problem that i think divided ministration has no interest in handling. and how do we know this? we know this because the democrats voted down in a house committee, a republican proposal to audit the weapons that have already been sent to you. so we know that the u. s. has no interest in being held accountable on any of the war ships from russia's pacific fleet and the chinese navy of started drills in a joint military exercise. it's called naval interaction 2022 of the 2 countries that attachments met in the open waters of the east china, c rushes formation was led by the flagship of the pacific fleet. basically, the counterpart of a chinese destroy the gin and during the training the 2 navy practice, tactical maneuvering and home communication. though it was nosing the annual
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exercises have been staged every year since 2012 quote puzzling and premature. that's how china described the european union's moves. while it issued a veto over the blocks efforts to hold hearings of the world trade organization and regarding beijing's sanctions against lithuania. as you also seeks protection of its high tech patterns, you need to learn more about this right now. course logged out to artic contributor rachel moss and a good to see you. rachel. a very good afternoon to you. what. what is china's beef with lithuania? well, this is a case of play stupid games when stupid prizes. that's what the baltic state of lithuania seems to be doing with china. and it's really costing them big time in exports, about 90 percent of which china has now blocked, including wheat and refined copper from lithuania. so that's bad news,
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not just for lithuanian economy, but also for the european union's. so what led to china's embargo against lithuanian products? well, it was the combination of a series of acts that would normally be difficult to explain for a country that's part of the european union. the blocks taught trading partner is china and has an official one china policy that doesn't recognize taiwan as separate from beijing. but lithuania has literally parroted washington's criticisms . a china on everything from anti beijing protests in hong kong to the legit treatment of or miss treatment of muslim wiggers to the promotion of a strong tie one. and it's this last point that was the last straw for beijing when in august 2021. taiwan opened a taiwanese representative office in the lithuanian capital of vilios. by the way, this past august, lithuania did the same thing. opening
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a representative office in taipei. and here's how china reacted to that. at the time. there is only one china in the world tie. one is an inalienable part of the people's republic of china. china family rejects any form of official interaction with ty, one by any country. having diplomatic ties with china, with family reject any acts that contravenes the universal consensus of the international community and basic norms of international relations. so what this means is that twice with the opening of each of these offices in their respective places, lithuania was essentially recognizing an entity, taiwan, that even the e u doesn't officially recognize as separate from china, but which go figure the u. s. on the other hand is always trying to promote as a defacto independent despite washington, also having
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a one china policy officially who's kind of curious, isn't it? so earlier this year, as this whole charade was playing out, beijing just really had enough of watching with winnie on washington play footsie under the table while thinking that no one could actually see them. and china just flat out band, the imports of products from lithuania, and that includes european products that even contain components. from lithuania, it also downgraded diplomatic ties with the baltic state. we urge the lithuanian site to correct its mistakes immediately and not to underestimate the chinese people's thumb determination. i'm stunned to resolve to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. all right, so when lithuania started to realize that, oh boy, we're kind of in a pickle now. go figure that it wasn't long until the not so secret boyfriend came flying out of the woodwork and us treasury secretary, or sorry, u. s. secretary of state anthony blink. and swept into vilnius last november with
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a delegation to lithuania and with some trade support. and since then, the u. s. has been saying, yeah, well, you are in a bit of a pickle. maybe it's a bit much and maybe just don't call your representative office. there are the taiwanese representative office, but maybe something else that doesn't suggest that taiwan is some kind of self governing country. like, oh, call it the ty, pay representative office. but last summer, as you, as how speaker nancy pelosi was doing her war drum bongo performance during a visit to taiwan, lithuanian government officials thought it would also be a good idea to do the same thing. china beg to differ and slap sanctions on lithuanian officials. i think those live is a tramples on the one china principal seriously into fees in china's internal affairs and undermines turn of sovereignty and territorial integrity. so now after
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china refusing to just go along with these western attempts to subvert it, sovereignty and even western official policy, either subverting that to the e. u wants to now a wind to the world trade organization. maybe at some point brussels will realize that if it had defended, it's an lithuania, his own sovereignty from washington's attempt to use it as a proxy to promote its policies. visa, ivy, china in this case then perhaps it wouldn't have this whole ness on its hands. i think it over to rachel martin, always good to say your thank you so one of the most right wing governments in israel is history is about to get up and running. that's as an incoming prime minister. benjamin netanyahu announces a new coalition has time to learn more now, of course, in laptop correspond maria financial standing by maria. what do we know about this new coalition, and is it frankly as right wing
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a certain political commentators are making out? yes, rory, absolutely. minutes before midnight deadline buttons. i mean it's a yahoo! cold days rally president and informed him that he has managed 7 weeks after he won the elections to form a government. but everybody now already agreed is going to become the most far right government in the country's history. they had always rose, alter nationalist, jewish power of faction, ben greer, reason among the most controversial politicians than you call ition, known as a devoted follower l. they've rarely influential robbie who's policy wanted to establish a pure jewish society, been very subtler himself who is living now in the occupied west bank. he's famous for his promises to change the long agreed status quart in the holiest for all muslims oxer malls. the jewish hire right now, not allowed to pray there though they allowed to enter it. the policy had been
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through already called racist, vowing to change it to ended very alarm and tape and ben greer. he's going to become the country's national security minister, responsible for all police. and this is what he earlier said about the methods to achieve the security he'll be responsible for. troops should get out stuff and shoot and not use rubber. bullets a sponge, tipped bullets, lie fire. that will be the law precise action he really fulfilled the honor of all of us. indeed, what was assigned to the situation in the occupied westbank has recently been very tens and very turbulent. these railey army intensified its military raids and the northern part of it. and very often it led to fatalities including among civilian population. according to the palestinian authority. dozens of poly student and kids have been killed as a result, this is how another member of been very far right party,
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common to them that earlier. so i will tell you something that is very unpleasant to say if it is one israeli mother crying or a 1000 palestinian mothers crying, then the 1000 palestinian mothers will cry. we are too merciful. it's time for us to stop being so it has nothing to do with racism. the un, as well as numerous local and international human rights organizations have already informed that alarm the international community, about numerous violations and valid crimes committed by israel in the occupied west bank and other controversial figure. and then you call ition. the head of the religious sign is from politics. who is going to become responsible for the territories of fairies. mr. small trade says that these organizations is a pure threat for israel. it started small. and today we understand the magnitude of the threat just like the nationalist extremism of the arabs in the state of israel, who also started small. but the threat has evolved at 1st. you think it's
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a mosquito and then you understand it's a swarm. many israeli politicians have already expressed that concerns the thing you government will be able to spark a wide range confrontation with palestinians and barry along the way to a 2 state solution. and they rarely palestinian conflict with the countries jewish community, very alarmed as well. that and yeah, who's co nation government gives power to violent right wing extremists. he seek to incite political violence and he will put lives at risk on the top down netanyahu on his new coalition endangered, both israelis and palestinians. benjamin netanyahu meanwhile sad that he aims to swearing the new government in the coming week promising, but the new call ation would serve all citizens of israel back to you, or at ortiz, where if a national appreciate that like report,
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thank you for wanda is not to blame for the ongoing crisis in the democratic republic of congo. that's according to the country's government made rising accusations. it is providing support to various and sojourn groups deeply embroiled in the conflict. accusing rolanda of support to the congolese armed group m 23 is wrong and distracts from the real cause of continued conflict in eastern d r. c. it is a mistake to conflate the measures that rwanda has put in place to guard its borders with support for any particular arm group in d r c. this is to be expected to it's pot, offer wanda script that they have consistently fed that they are not to be blamed for the am $23.00 rebels and they dissociate themselves from them and deny any accusations of their finding. but of course, this was also further exacerbated by the fact that france has come out to openly accuse rwanda for what it says is one does role with the ongoing patients in north
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tivo. here is the friends state secretary for foreign affairs. we are witnessing the return of a tragic situation in the east of the d. r. c. it is unbearable and unacceptable. there are responsibilities and france has no difficulty in pointing them out. m 23 must stop fighting, disengage, and return the occupied territories. rwanda, as it must be named, must stop supporting m $23.00. we must put an end to the repetition of history in this region. this comes on the back of, of rwanda's accusations towards france. thing that they had a hand in that main to maintain for genocide, particularly i choosing the french troops with patients in one day, 1994 of participating in some of the human rights atrocities than we saw during the genocide and facilitating a safe passage and
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a safe haven for some of the people who are responsible according to their london government. for if we're starting that genocide, the resort in 1994. and on the return of that is that france is also accusing rwanda or openly for the 1st time. at least this follows the american accusation of the theme thing that the to gully government is to be blamed for your support for the un sanctioned m. 23 levels, but the relations here are bound to get tested as time goes. because right now this will not be helping as accusations and contacts, asians, she flying and more european nations are more likely to be implicated in this regard. but france did inquire into the role laid by its troops in rwanda during the genocide, but they abandoned their dom. that inquiry saying that they found no evidence that
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its troops have participated in any human rights violations will escrow to have your company for this program lie from moscow. a china and india have agreed to maintain stability on that disputed border. that's after both parties place to keep open, military and diplomatic channels and seek a peaceful resolution at the hot spot. let's learn more. art is room joined. sharma standing by now r r t india correspondent. more details on those room june. as always, great to see you were talking about this a scuffle that i wrapped it in in recent days that this, this so called disputed border high up in the himalayas, a 3000 metre elevation. i read reports that chinese troops crossed the indian part of a gully and they started beating each other with sticks and canes. i don't know exactly how accurate that is, but right now the situated ration on the border. what is it right now on june? that in 5 is correct and it's in fact interesting because guns are banned on the
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water. all of the wall reports all for several soldiers who got injured in that clash that to be from 9th of december. but yes, significant development because this is the 1st round of dialogue between india and china. off to the true chinese b, l. e. and the indian army clashed on the 9th of december. and now both india and china have decided agreed to maintain stability in the sector. and now this of course, comes 11 days after we saw flashes happen in the elysee, which is a line of actual control in in fact, i do not to put the h. now, ministry of external affairs in india will use the joint statement, essentially, would said that both sides have agreed to maintain stable d, but also both sides had a front can in depth conversation, which was guided by the political leadership on both sides. now in those countries
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that happened 11 days ago, they were for several soldiers that got injured on both sides. there were no debts reported by say, but why does all of this become important? essentially, because 2 years ago in 2020 on 15th to june, there was a clash between india and china. and that was the bloodiest clash between the 2 countries. in the recent false around 20 indian soldiers had lost their lives. of course they were casualties on the chinese side as well. that number of course, unclear, but ever since then, both india and china have decided to have these talks. these move 3 talks with each although to ease out the tension on the border. and this particular dialogue between india and china was the 17th round of talks. and both the countries have decided to maintain stability at the border. o r t in the correspondent runjun
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sharma. thank you. could have your company today. the climate activists have beheaded the giant christmas tree. that stands in front of berlin's iconic brandon bug gate. a members of environmental group, last generation used a hydraulic lift and a hands saw to cut 2 meters off the top of the 15 meter norden, and then hung up a banner that read. this is only the tip of the christmas tree. the 3 protesters temporarily taken into custody and then really well, i guess it's just that time of the year you can read more about that at r t dot com. the meantime, we are back at the top of the line with the
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ah saudi with what ship you much all the way with the really easy for those guys up with the way on the display of that with the, with the, with
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a lease with ah, lisa canter russians, state total, never. i've side as i'm phoning most lansky with 55 with. okay, so mine is 25 and speaking with van in the european union, the kremlin, yup. machines. the state on russia today and split ortiz spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all band on you to
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a question. did you did it with a with with
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a for amazon does that goes said den by day i didn't love him
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yesterday. and lousy keep desirable for anybody. no bands of sasha each do not l as and i may be a black with a new chelsea. new guy in a convenient. i think you've had our books on any shop and then i booked it to pick on those all those local to fi objective i so i my dad and mom on and she al nora wants to push looking. daniel a singer megan bronco bye. my good dad was in virginia, moves and league you people didn't want.


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