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tv   Documentary  RT  December 22, 2022 11:30am-12:01pm EST

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i live calm, i say here when it's an article from the russian president vladimir putin addressing those in the press doing a bit of q and a with those in the press. basically, after a long day, he gave a speech of the state council today talking about the future generation that youth of russia. but that now he had a chance to do q and a with a press run down. some of the highlights. he said there were, when it comes to the russian economy, food and said, despite all the predictions about the fall of the russian economy, nothing of the sort has happened, nor will it happen. he said that russian indicate his right now better than those in the g 20 countries. when it comes to economics, macro economics for russia looks mostly good. g d, p has fallen a little bit. unemployment is less than 4 percent. that's lower than before cove. it, he says in russia, the markets and economy are stable. one of the members of the press did ask of letting me fusion about the landscape visiting washington and just the past 24 hours. and now it's been improved that, that ukraine will get the american patriot missile batteries. putin was asked,
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does that then prove that america is directly involved in the ukraine conflict? and let me put and said, look, the u. s. has been involved there for a very, very long time. it's been trying to undermine russia and influence ukraine going back to the days of the soviet union couldn't set even back then. washington was preparing the ground, looking for people, finding new ideologies to planned in ukraine. boot and set up potential opponents of always dreamed of breaking our unity to tear us apart. but there's nothing new about that. and just finally here, one of the questions from the press to vladimir putin is russia running out of missiles in the ukraine conflict is the russian, the military industrial complex, strong enough to replenish supplies and continue. puting said that western resources, those of nato are not about to end. he said ukraine is receiving ammunition and equipment, mostly from former warsaw pact, countries, and that's old soviet equipment which is about to run out food instead. that
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doesn't mean that nato doesn't have other systems and weapons equipment to hand over to ukraine. he said western weapon systems. they need a lot of, i munition, a lot of maintenance, so it's very complicated food. and finally saying the military industrial complex of the west in america is massive, but they still have to get extra funding to get their objectives done. when it comes to american patriot missile is being sent to you. crane putin says let it be, we will eliminate them more details and author dot com for the meantime. let's get back to our regularly scheduled program. ah, so the cities also don't ask republic have become some of the main hot spots of the war without fighting, even spilling out onto the streets of corresponding negroes down off exclusively now follows the hardened wagner group fighters as they advance on ukrainian front lines. so right now we're following in the footsteps of the advance of the wagner group. basically we're going to the south,
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west and outskirts of the city of out of term of school obama. basically, the fighting has already been taken to the city streets, but the point where we're going to is basically wherever the wagner fighters ah, flanking the main garrison, the main ukrainian garrison in bar mood from southwest in the not so far distance, the skyline of book mood stairs at us through crispy december air, mass medical children. that'll be how dangerous is this road if you could rate it from one to 10. my give it a full your or possibly is it often shelled? yes he you can get caught under artillery. fire the path towards thomas called back, moore is paved with trenches, mazes like this, and with dead ukrainian soldiers left in them. this handheld rocket launcher is still armed. it's still dangerous. it still has the cool sign of the soldier
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that it belonged to. it translates as quiet. so this is what it looks like here. and the ambiance of war can be clearly heard behind and all around me. were at the small village of 100 k. and this is the closest that the wagner forces have managed to get to the city of been moved when it comes to the south, west and direction. basically, it's about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer, to the point where the wagner's troops are clashing with their ukrainian enemy. versus what you learned as they were attempting to resist. but this is our job. we are advancing and we took control of this village rather swiftly. still, there were some difficulties afterwards. this drone footage was shot,
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a few days ago wagner's artillery crew spotted a ukrainian unit heavy shilling put the enemy to flight. they fled, abandoning their dead and wounded brothers in arms, whose bodies were left for us to discover. these positions are the ones that the ukrainian forces abandoned. most recently behind me, you can see 2 dead bodies left here, left behind. along with the foot of occasions though, soldiers who are accompanying us here, they're telling us it is not safe to stand up because just yesterday, a ukrainian sniper was working and firing in this direction from less than a kilometer away. right now, the soldiers of the van through protecting the positions of ukrainian forces just outside of the city,
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what mood ukrainian forces don't leave, attempts to retake lost positions, but so far everyone who tried didn't make it back, included into admitted, legible. usually our positions were located at 50 meters away. first we fired artillery than in like 20 minutes. we came here ourselves. 5 enemy troops were killed, including their commander, his bodies, the 1st on the way there. all this action is only part of russia's complex alteration to take the town of blackmore and objective. they hope to complete by the end of this year old. ready? i'm august done, of reporting from the dumbass frontline out. see why shifting our attention to france now, where president emanuel micron is again talking piece and you crate though this time he's expressing doubt about the final line up at the tool. it's in the end we
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will have to get everyone around the table. and so that all the europeans and western us had given moral lessons explained to me who they will be sitting around the table was i don't want it to be only the chinese and the turks alone who negotiate the next day. i crossing locked out a use of adam, a editor at large for the turkish public broadcast at t r. c world. great to see you a very good evening to you. so what do you make just off the top of your head? what do you make of a mac runs statement? what? what exactly do you think he's trying to say? well, 1st of all, over the past couple months, we've seen a manual. mach, ron tried it in certain the diplomatic process, but he's been very effective in trying to accomplish her position himself as a mediator between russia and ukraine. one's desire alone isn't enough to become a mediator. anyone who's going to assume that very honorable and historic role has to be accepted 1st of all by russia and ukraine. these are the 2 countries will
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decide who mediates and we does it. now. when we look at the collective west, the, they're very strong position and very decisive position to support you create and the against rush as basically the gated almost anyone from the collective west of that media. your role, the only country basically that can or has shown the capabilities the media has been to, again, quite possibly, maybe the hungarians, good mediate, to out of countries that can be considered in need are part of the west. otherwise, we've seen the chinese negotiate the saudi crown prince. mom, it is as negotiated a prisoner swap as well. so we've seen many eastern leaders able to negotiate. i think this is very different compared to previous international problems that we've seen in the past where the collect west is very used to being at the table leading
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negotiations, being able to guide negotiation. so we're, we're really seeing of moment of multi polarity right now in the world. something the collective west is not used to not being at the table, not being part of the diplomatic equation going forward. and this is something that obviously is bothering the french president. he talk about some his bother, and the french president, he gives reference in the statement of china and turkey. he doesn't want china and turkey to be the main mediators here with a potential priest process on the conflict. but it is as far as i can tell, specifically emmanuel macro and who is calling for peace talks in the west. and as you say, it seems like there's more of a hard line approach from washington and some of the more immediate allies. why do you think macaroni is seemingly taking the lead here when it comes to potential piece talks? well 1st of all, with the absence of angle at merkel, the a former german chancellor mac ron right now was probably best positioned inside
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the european union to be considered the leader of the elder statesman. even though he's only his political career as a friend. president only 3 to 4 years old, but with the absence of myrtle with her departure now. ah, he is best position to be the leader of the you, the de facto leader, let's call it. and obviously, the person who brokers this diplomatic peace treaty between both countries, that's going to be a tremendous reference to their a, c, v as a head of state as an international law broker, as a international statesman. so this is something that a micron desires. he's been trying to take a leading position in d. u e's been advocating for an e. u army. he's been trying to position france more as the leader inside the continent of europe, especially with the u. k leaving due to brings it so i he has an open path but he
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needs more international credibility. he's been failing in africa. ah, he's hasn't had the greatest relationship with the united states over the years. hasn't had a great relationship with the u. k. and this is something that he sees that can propel him on to that leadership position. but as i said before, i don't see russia except thing, really, any country that is considered as part of the collect, the west is being an honest broker, due to the bias position that they've had over in the past 10 months. well, you said they're right there you as if a being that of an honest barocha let, let's bring that up for a moment here. i mean, you know, so his micron, he, he's talking about potential a peaceful set of negotiations to resolve the crank conflicts. does he doesn't really one turkey in china leading the way and be the top. negotiate is here, but use f considering the fact that franz still supplies ukraine with military assistance and advanced weapons systems. how much stock, how much do you invest in microns sincerity?
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i think sincerity is the important word. does it? does he really wants to be the man to broker piece or did you want to be the man to take credit for a piece? i think it's the 2nd one. i think he wants to be the man to big credit verb east because france, if they do sit down at the table at the end of the day, frances, a member of the european union, it's a member of nato, the european union as put forth a very decisive position against russia into the french president is the de facto leader of the european union as a, or as a member say at member state head of state. so i'll be able to shed that label is very, very hard. being able to switch hats on and off. now when we look at she's you thing, when we look at rigid ty battered one, when we look at other leaders late on mom had been psalm on. all of these leaders have been very, very balanced in the past. they truly wanted to be part of the peace process. ah, 2 is probably probably best position to play the role of mediator just because of the very old relationship between ad wine and couldn't both leaders have known each
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other for 2 decades. geographically, church is very close. aah! is a very close meeting point. where is the last gen absolutes in or lab robin label could meet. so there's a lot going there. there's a great deal that's been broker. there's a prisoner swap that's been broken. there's a building of confidence. now, micron has not done any of these building confidence building measures to be able to say, hey, i want to be a table, a broker piece. first you do some confidence building measures. you show moscow and you show care of that. hey, i can broker piece, i can be impartial, i can mediate, but you can get to the fittest. i'm without starting at the beginning line. we haven't seen the french leader be, be able to take part in any of these smaller deals and being able to build competence with both sides. you can't say rhetorically. i want to be a mediator. the only the other 2 russia. and you can decide who can, you can be
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a media yourself as, as, as you say that where we are watching macro and essentially making, i don't know, making gestures here to try and find some sort of peaceful resolution to the ukraine culturally. but, you know, it was also micron who was warning france and european economies against america's inflation reduction act. that is essentially a threatening european business isn't about european because it might, might just emigrate over to america just to continue their work. america's going to, it's profiting with a military industrial complex and ukraine. it's selling l. n g a 4 times the price to europe. right now you've got macro and saying, hey, we gotta be careful of this american inflation reduction act. do you think there are any potential hairline fractures that are right now up carrying the trans atlantic alliance? we in brussels, we hear the word strategic autonomy a lot. and when we look at member space inside the european union, i do believe that france is able to express its strategic autonomy,
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probably more so than any other member states. the french are as much as they are allies with the united states. the french definitely uncomfortable there be times in the past where the american then the british have sabotaged french weapons, sailed and depend sales. this is something that was very digest. it hasn't been forgotten by parents. there's been times where branch policies in africa had seen competition from the americans in the u. k as well. and of course the manual. i'm a chrome one army, but when we look at the u. k and the united states, they see that it's direct competition to nato. so everything is not a 100 percent cohesive. everything is not a 100 percent homogenous side. the trains of land lines or the relationship between europe and united states. that being said, bread of wanting to be able to balance its relationship with should balance its
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relationship with china. i think it is important. i think micron does a lot of geopolitical value, but again, his sincerity is important. house in series, you can't call to be a mediator without doing the leg work. you don't, you don't start from day one. you. first of all, you broke or some mid level delegation meetings. you've tried to work on a couple smaller deals and build confidence with both sides, ukraine's and the russians need to feel confident that when you are relaying messages, the both sides you're doing in the interest the piece. you have to be able to show both sides that you are willing to expand their, your bilateral relationship. so you can play one way in brussels and then it's also asked to be immediate or on the other side. but again, the distance between france and the united states regarding the geo politics and the balance in that relationship. i could see a reason why macross is value in russia and china going forward. it. he's going to
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have a very tough time balancing that act because we have seen the united states really consolidate its power over europe since february 24th. like yourself era. my editor lodge for the turkish broadcast a t r t. well joining us miss numbers. nearly 8 pm on thursday evening where you are. appreciate your time, really good chat. i enjoy that. thank you very much. thank you. so zelinski visits, washington, his 1st a parent trip overseas, since the thought of the conflict. now it's a visit that shows ukraine's leader is more interested in securing lethal arms than piece, but that's according to top russian officials. you know, it's really, we know with regret that neither biden north lensky, have spoken words that could be perceived as a potential willingness to listen to russia's concerns. no words have been heard warnings lensky, against the shelling of residential buildings and don boss,
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and no cause for peace have been made. this shows that the united states is de facto. and indirectly fighting to the last ukranian lensky visit to washington and his conversations. he has shown that needed the u. s. administration knows lensky is ready for peace. the focus was on the conflict, the desk of ordinary soldiers, and the further into connection of the ukrainian regime with the needs of washington. from western media outlets. if echoed a similar gentleman questioning why the us should keep sending so much money and weapon read to ukraine. top fox news anchor tucker, carlson said keith has no right to demand. washington continue to pop up with tens of billions of dollars in finance. we the historic debt to ukraine. do the historic animosity with non soviet russia? no, no. how do we win here? what's in it for us? isn't this our country, and what are you going to talking to us like that we have yourselves so much to have so little respect for the united states of america that will put up with that
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that will applaud it. thank you sir. may i have another? what's wrong with us? what's wrong with our leaders? if you're in president zaleski his visit, he addressed congress and expressed gratitude to the us for the weapons already provided. but then he asked for more. after the meeting, it was agreed, the u. s. patriot missile system would soon be delivered to ukraine. meanwhile, max blumenthal editor of the grey zone investigative journalism side has posted on twitter, his exchangers with delegates representing the ukrainian diaspora. they made their way to the us. congress is 45000000000, not enough. not enough yet. how much, how much more should we give to you? great. instead of our own people, do you, do you, do you support the as of italian so you know more of it as of the value. there's no more as a value where we're trained and recruited back into a former professional army over the last 8 years. so the neo nazis are brought into
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the army. no, no, no, not season. not so no answer about if the crane is a democracy. why did zalinski ban 13 opposition? party national law? we've got the national marcia law sounds on democratic. why did he band the russian wing of the orthodox church? the russian special wanted extra to serving as the keys in this organization and with found, with materials that were legal and financing the enemy war against innocent people . i oppose the assault on don. yes. do you the shelling of the people have done yes . do you oppose that? you know, no, are you wired, wired civilians being killed and done yet? lugens, if you oppose that i was speaking about earlier to why george w. l. a senior research fellow at the global policy institute. he says that when it comes to, for example, who is profiting from the conflict in ukraine, he said no one and nothing is profiting mold and the u. s. military industrial complex. you repeat, the problem is
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a very specific problem which the americans don't really have. and the europeans are really suffering as a result of this war. and there is real war wariness among the european people, particularly as they go into this cold winter and you know, astronomical electricity prices, gas prices and everything, you know, inflation it. so sir, is economic issue in europe, but the united states, ukraine is really a freebie. i mean, it's an easy one. they can sell a lot of money off this money isn't really good. ukraine is actually going to the, the u. s. defense industry, they making out like bandits. that's where that money is going. so that's nicely boosting the america, the economy. so i don't see the incentive for the americans to cut them around from ukraine unless they believed that ukraine was on the brink of the fees. and therefore, you know, america was facing humiliation. and you know,
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from what i can gather from the voice is coming from the administration. the, the united states doesn't believe that your greatest wasting and able to defeat, puzzling and premature. that's how china has described e u plans to hold hearings of the world trade organization on a, china's sanctions against lithuania, ultimately a blocking a dispute herring, along with another on the protection of high tech patterns. so information have more details without the contributor rachel marston. well, this is a case of play stupid games when stupid prizes. that's what the baltic state of lithuania seems to be doing with china. and it's really costing them big time in exports, about 90 percent of which china has now blocked, including wheat and refined copper from lithuania. so that's bad news, not just for lithuanian economy, but also for the european union's. so what led to china's embargo against
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lithuanian products? while it was the combination of a series of acts that would normally be difficult to explain for a country that's part of the european union. the blocks taught trading partner is china and has an official one china policy that doesn't recognize taiwan as separate from beijing. but lithuania has literally parroted washington's criticisms of china on everything from anti beijing protests in hong kong to the legit treatment of or miss treatment of muslim wiggers to the promotion of a strong tie one. and it's this last point that was the last straw for beijing. when in august 2021, taiwan opened a taiwanese representative office in the lithuanian capital of vilios. by the way, this past august, lithuania did the same thing. opening a representative office in taipei. and here's how china reacted to that at the time
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. there is only one china in the world tie. one is an inalienable part of the people's republic of china. china family rejects any form of official interaction with taiwan by any country, having diplomatic ties with china. we firmly reject any ex that contravene the universal consensus of the international community and basic norms of international relations. so what this means is that twice with the opening of each of these offices in their respective places, lithuania was essentially recognizing and did he tie one that even the e. u doesn't officially recognize as separate from china, but which go figure the u. s. on the other hand is always trying to promote as defacto independent despite washington. also having a one china policy officially and kind of curious, isn't it? so earlier this year, as this whole charade was playing out, beijing just really had enough of watching with winnie on washington play footsie
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under the table while thinking that no one could actually see them. and china just flat out band, the imports of products from lithuania, and that includes european products that even contain components. from lithuania, it also downgraded diplomatic ties with the baltic state. we urge the lithuanian site to correct its mistakes immediately and not to underestimate the chinese people's thumb determination. i'm stunned to resolve to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. all right, so when lithuania started to realize that, oh boy, we're a kind of in a pickle now go figure that it wasn't long until the not so secret boyfriend came flying out of the woodwork and us treasury secretary, or sorry, u. s. secretary of state anthony blake and swept into bilious last november with a delegation to lithuania and with some trade support. and since then, the u. s. has been saying, yeah, well, you are in a bit of a pickle. maybe it's
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a bit much and maybe just don't call your representative office. there are the taiwanese representative office, but maybe something else that doesn't suggest that taiwan is the kind of self governing country like, oh, call it ty, pe, representative office. the last summer as u. s. house speaker nancy pelosi was doing her war drum bongo performance during a visit to taiwan, lithuanian government officials thought it would also be a good idea to do the same thing. china beg to differ and slap sanctions on little and officials visit, tramples on the one china principal seriously into fees in china's internal affairs and undermines turn a sovereignty anterior thorough integrity. so now after china refusing to just go along with these western attempts to subvert it, sovereignty and even western official policy, either subverting that to the e. u wants to now a wind to the world trade organization. maybe at some point brussels will realize
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that if it had defended it's and lithuania, his own sovereignty from washington's attempt to use it as a proxy to promote its policies. visa, ivy, china in this case then perhaps it wouldn't have this whole mess on its hands. are a great, tomas and just about dropping off of the program just for now. you're on auto international though. we are returning in just about 2 minutes here to continue a live broadcast here from the center of the russian capital. a lot of comments from vladimir putin in this evening hours. but more details on donald quarter live in the studio in just a 2nd. ah, with value so glad aisha cloth ticket. what is the best time to go about them? this is on the vocal, william because of it. i'm fit to listen to sort of like obligations. good. moody. yeah. who did, he really believe that what i see school of
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a car wasn't at port backwards, but something, something that might ask him important. got daughter. the step dad is different. don't lawfully called william continental krinski picked it up, which it, it said to jeff, i'm using mean uterine, that even gum can be gama lucinda and the communist. somebody at the community that these coma chateau peters left for the knob is all like it's supposed to be sent out. like he's a little affected door bully out of the chinese media with us. that's basically what steve linda spoke with. both is looking at them during the summer because i see that it was the reason i was on the new wheel. can i let credit? well it was, it was the case. and then you billed us with that. they try to nope. does she come in our stamp a when
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a bundle with a, with with
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a, with the economy, despite the predicted collapse devastation and catastrophe. nothing of the kind as happened here by the russian president vladimir putin speaking moments ago, to the press here at moscow saying the russian economy is strong and it should be confident in the next year as well. also saying that all of the objectives and the special military operation in ukraine will be achieved to right now we're following in the footsteps of the advance of the vitamin group. basically we go into the south west and out of the city of tome of school by move.


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