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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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i really am getting to this. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time. time to sit down and talk a little bit too much for the economy despite the predicted claps, devastation and catastrophe. nothing of the kind has happened here. russian president of the west has failed in its efforts to cripple in his country's economy as he does what he then seem to divide those 2 countries against oscar ah, a storage facility in morocco made a series of explosion. i'm trying to sell attempts within the world
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trade organization to oppose it. sanctions with good morning. good afternoon. good evening where ever you are in the world. welcome to our international. it's just gone for i am here in the russian capital i speak to have you. i'm around to mommy, let's take a look at today's top stories russian president and says the u. s. has long been trying to undermine the post world, including by existing influence, a lead claim that has stock assessment, either press conference or through the state council meeting, where he also slammed the west, failed efforts to cripple the russian economy. they took my colleague, rory sushi, discuss the issues with cost on the quarter. lucretia, scarcely morris. can we now say that the u. s. is directly involved in the conflict . the u. s. has been dealing with this for a long time. it's been involved and trying to undermine has an influence ukraine
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since soviet times our opponent civil was tried to divide us and then tried to manage the separate parts. nothing new there. the idea of ukrainian separatism was born a long time ago, while the russian president of course, spoke a lot about how the a west was trying to stoke the flames of nationalism and ukraine long before the soviet union even collapsed. but the russian president also spoke a lot about the russian economy. of course, he said that it's fair to a lot better than many people in the west had predicted back in march in february of this year, despite predictions that russian g d. p would fall by double digits. it's only actually fallen by 2.5 percent. and on top of that, indicators connected to unemployment and inflation have been kept very low as well . struck a safer economy capacity economy despite the predicted claps, devastation and catastrophe. nothing of the kind has happened here. moreover, rushes indicate as a much better than many g 20 countries. this applies to the main macroeconomic
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indicators like g d p. yes, there was a slight drop. i said earlier that the drop is 2.9 percent according to international experts, but it's now less 2.5 percent. one of the main indicators around the world is the unemployment rate for us. it is at a lower level than pre pandemic. but then it was 4.7 percent. now it is 3.8 percent . our labor market is stable. our financial market is a stable. i thought that one of the interesting things said dodger during this press conference was i one of the, one of the questions from a member of the press. what was i? he asked, is russia running out of miss isles in the conflict in ukraine, but also, ah, certain western partners and ukraine who are fighting russia there? are they running out of weapons as well? a, quite a lot was said about russia offense industry wasn't it? right. and it was also discussed alongside one question that another journalist asked regarding the possibility of the u. s. supplying the key regime with patriot
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missile systems. this is something that a lot of putin said ok, let the west do that. because the patriot missile systems already outdated and it would take such a long amount of time for american troops or whoever to train ukrainian troops on how to use that. but in terms of the weapons stockpiles, like you were talking about before vladimir putin said, there is a huge difference between the ukrainian defense industry and the russian one. because while key abs, soviets, basically, mainly soviet is weapons stockpiles. they're actually already on the brink of running out while moscow has plans to actually increase its own stockpiles in the near future, we just know we were suitable in january. russia will have a new frigates in combat service with new weapons systems. we are not being provocative. this will strengthen our strategic forces and always, despite these being medium rein systems that lead characteristics give as a new advantage. as for the patriot systems,
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they are old and do not work in the same way as our as 300. nevertheless, those who opposes consider the patriots is defensive weapons. well, okay, we'll just keep in mind, and there will always be an antidote. those who do this just prolonging the complex to our goal is not to prolong the military conflict. but on the contrary to end this war we strive for this will continue to strive to the host of the conflict. now that was another very important moment. we just heard their pollutant emphasizing once again that russia wants to see an end to this war. this is something we've heard reiterated by russian officials for a long time. now they say that the west is to blame for this conflict being drawn out because it's given a blank check when it comes to weapons and munitions to the key of regime put. and also said that this policy basically directed directly contradicts what the russian government wants for both sides to sit down and negotiating table and find a diplomatic solution. ross's g d p decline this year, only
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a fraction of what van had been predicted due to increased western sanctions. we heard from independent journalist luc rebates says that even economy has suffered more from his own sanction than that of russia. guess what we were told by the germans, by the french, by our leaders in the west and our sanctions were necessary to bring car russia to we sneezed. but we are on our knees and energy wise, if the situation is tenable, we have mine a stand last week for us. it's a terrible winter, i mean he rushes minus than it's quite frequent. but here people start to realize that we had a huge problem of energy, no fuel, no gas, no, no, no, no solutions for oil. within a month. in long term solutions, not be 4 years from now. our economy is in tatters everywhere. i mean factories
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closing, the cost of life is increasing. we have for 10 percent, 12 percent inflation. we can't get energy. this is terrible and they don't have an answer on so our economy encounters and brushes seems to do well. let's take a look at north african our major gas storage facility near oracle is atlantic coast has burst into flames, a series of explosions, so far, no casualties have been reported. ah, firefighters are said to have contained the blaze. media pools have for the gas. they could have been responsible. they have also been concerned about other flammable materials being kept at the facility. focus local journalists saw a collab sent us this report from morocco. what we all know them. mm hm. maybe i
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guess storage facility goes up in flames today, and there is a lot of footage that couldn't shared online shows a huge flames. and the gas storage is in the city near the court where you guys and other flammable materials are stored. this are storage, it's close to people and evan families and citizens living leave in near the facility have evacuated. the surrounding people are here in the explosion so far as far away about 10 kilometers. so it's very to defy in, in doll it's mary anne. it's very dangerous. so the biggest flash poison finds it was in russia. i knew graham forces have been withdrawn as republic . i'll see, correspondent, english, i'm old eyes receive exclusive access report on how baffled harden soldiers of russia's wagner group of in advancing on the front lines.
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so right now we're following in the footsteps of the advance of the wagner group. basically we're going to the south western outskirts of the city of our charm of school by mood. basically the fighting has already been taken to the city streets. but the point where we're going to is basically where the wagner fighters ah, flanking the main garrison. the main ukrainian garrison in bermuda from southwest. in the not so far distance. the skyline of bar mote stairs at us through crispy december air. i'm a small portion of not only how dangerous is this road if you could rate it from one to 10 live. i give it a full your or possibly is it often shelled? yes, he can get caught under artillery. fire the path towards r thomas go back mode is paved with trenches, mazes like this, and with dead ukrainian soldiers left him them. this handheld rocket launcher
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is still armed. it's still dangerous. it still has the cool sign of the soldier that it belong to. it translates as quiet. so this is what it looks like here. and the ambient of war can be clearly heard behind and all around me. were at the small village of 100 k. and this is the closest that the wagner forces have managed to get to the city of buck moved when it comes to the south, west and direction. basic leads about 7 kilometers to the city itself and may be 600 meters to a kilometer to the point where the wagner troops are clashing with their ukrainian enemy,
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luggage for to learn as they were attempting to resist. but this is our job. we are advancing and we took control of this village rather swiftly. still, there were some difficulties afterwards. this drone footage was shot, a few days ago wagner's artillery crew spotted a ukrainian unit heavy shilling put the enemy to flight. they fled, abandoning their dead and wounded brothers and arms, whose bodies were left for us to discover. these positions are the ones that the ukrainian forces abandoned. most recently behind me, you can see 2 dead bodies left here, left behind, along with the fortifications. those soldiers who are accompanying us here, they are telling us it is not safe to stand up because just yesterday, a ukrainian sniper was working and firing in this direction from less than a kilometer away.
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the right now the soldiers of the van to protecting the positions of ukrainian forces just outside of the city, what mood ukrainian forces don't leave, attempts to retake lost positions. but so far everyone who tried didn't make it back loaded into admitted logical. usually our positions were located at 50 meters. await 1st. we fired artillery. then in like 20 minutes, we came here ourselves. 5 enemy troops were killed, including their commander, his bodies, the 1st on the way they're going to all this action is only part of russia's complex operation to take the town of baltimore and objective. they hoped to complete by the end of this year already. and my gosh, darn of reporting from the dumbass frontline artsy, puzzling and pre mitchell out sign as
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a score of the plans out here in the world trade organization on it. sanctions against lithuania, looking at dispute hearing along with another on the protection of high tech maintenance on c contribution ritual medicine. dig deeper. this is a case of play stupid games when stupid prizes. that's what the baltic state of lithuania seems to be doing with china. and it's really costing the big time in exports, about 90 percent of which china has now blocked, including wheat and refined copper from lithuania. so that's bad news, not just for lithuanian economy, but also for the european union's. so what led to china's embargo against lithuanian products? well, it was the combination of a series of acts that would normally be difficult to explain for a country that's part of the european union. the blocks top trading partner is china and has an official one china policy that doesn't recognize,
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tie one as separate from beijing. but lithuania has literally parroted washington's criticisms of china on everything from anti beijing protests in hong kong to the legit treatment of or miss treatment of muslim weavers to the promotion of a strong tie one. and it's this last point that was the last straw for beijing. when in august 2021, taiwan opened a taiwanese representative office in the lithuanian capital of vilios. by the way, this past august, lithuania did the same thing. opening a representative office in taipei. and here's how china reacted to that at the time . there is only one china in the world tie one as an inalienable part of the people's republic of china. china family rejects any form of official interaction with ty, one by any country, having diplomatic ties with china,
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with family reject any x that contravenes the universal consensus of the international community and basic norms of international relations. so what this means is that twice with the opening of each of these offices in their respective places, lithuania was essentially recognizing an entity, taiwan, that even the e u doesn't officially recognize as separate from china, but which go figure the u. s. on the other hand is always trying to promote as defacto independent despite washington. also having a one china policy officially and kind of curious, isn't it? so earlier this year, as this whole charade was playing out, beijing just really had enough of watching with winnie and washington and play footsie under the table while thinking that no one could actually see them. and china just flat out band, the imports of products from lithuania, and that includes european products that even contain components. from lithuania, it also downgraded diplomatic ties with the baltic state. we urge the lithuanian
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site to correct its mistakes immediately and not to underestimate the chinese people's thumb determination. i'm stuck to resolve to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity. all right, so when lithuania star to realize that, oh boy, we're kind of in a pickle now. go figure that it wasn't long until the not so secret boyfriend came flying out of the woodwork and us treasury secretary, or sorry, u. s. secretary of state anthony blink. and swept into vilnius last november with a delegation to lithuania and with some trade support. and since then, the u. s. has been saying, yeah, well, you are in a bit of a pickle. maybe it's a bit much and maybe just don't call your representative office. there are the taiwanese representative office, but maybe something else that doesn't suggest that taiwan is some kind of self governing country. like, oh, call it the type, hey, representative office. but last summer, as you,
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as how speaker nancy pelosi was doing her war drum bongo performance during a visit to taiwan, lithuanian government officials thought it would also be a good idea to do the same thing. china beg to differ and slap sanctions on lithuanian. the visit tramples on the one china principal seriously into fees in china's internal affairs and undermines turn a sovereignty and territorial integrity. so now after china refusing to just go along with these western attempts to subvert it, sovereignty and even western official policy, either subverting that to the e, you want to now wind to the world trade organization. maybe at some point, brussels will realize that if it had defended it's an lithuanians own sovereignty from washington's attempt to use it as a proxy to promote its policies. ivy china, in this case, then perhaps it wouldn't have this whole mess on its hands. thousands of supporters
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of our sid, pakistani prime minister in wrong con, have gathered outside the governor's residence in the countries 2nd largest city to process. ado. federal interference in regional affairs con has maintained that his removal from power by parliament earlier this year was a us over 32 apparently. so recovery from a gunshot wound sustained of the protest call. addresses borders, wire video in from his home in the city. police officers of been deployed at the governor's residence and keep the peace. com has been trying to pressure authorities in to holy early general elections. c. c to return to power. we heard from some of the supporters to demonstrate the conspiracy of regime change is continued even today. first they attacked our federal government. and now the provincial government of punjab we were peaceful until now because of our leader emer on con. you will see our storm will sweep through everything. if they're not
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scared, why not go for elections? you must announce elections and let people decide. will they choose imran con or you? after the raising change, they have thrown our country into complete chaos. they took the pallet, but the economy went down, they can't survive, it is emron cons. democratic right to dissolve the provincial assemblies for a fresh mandates go for elections. that is our only demand ingrain envoy to the u. m. has said his country will always stand together with us as he put up a social media post for picture, an american flag in the yellow and blue of the green national banner. don bus residence will quit through spawn with condemnation. st. louis fe revealed who is really in charge and you got a must for themselves, understand that they can no longer continue like this. we are on the side of russia, no matter what we are russia, we were russians,
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and we will stay russians. north america already said this will go on for as long as it needs and who needs it. it is america itself, that's the whole definition of what's going on in a nutshell. america will continue this as long as they can benefit from it. would you believe this is pure idiocy? in my opinion, this demonstrates complete slavery. no other comment is needed. because presence, lastly, refer, visited washington, where he met with you. athlete joe barton gave an address to congress, which he faded for well weaponry. express latitude to the us for the current suppliers that said they weren't enough. the u. s. has meanwhile agreed to provide advanced patriot missile systems to green me la miles bloomin, so editor of the greek zone investigative jazz. so i have posted on twitter, his exchanges with delegates representing the quinn in class for as they made their way to congress is 45000000000. not enough. not enough yet. how
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much? how much more should we give to ukraine instead of our own people? do you, do you do support the as of italian? no. more of it as of how he and there's no more as a value where, where train and recruited that into a former professional army over the last 8 years. so the neo nazis were brought into the army. no, no, no, not see them, not a minute. so no answer about the crane as a democracy. why did zalinski ban 13 opposition? party national law? we've got the national marcia law sounds on democratic. why did he ban the russian wing of the orthodox church and i still wanted accessory to serving as a tease in this organization. and with found, with materials that were legal in financing that the enemy war against innocent people. i oppose the assault on don. yes. do you the shelling of the people have done? yes. do you oppose that? no, no. are you wired?
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wired civilians been killed and done yet. lugens. if you oppose that i didn't know they were coming. i didn't know who was coming. i just showed up in the capital was actually hoping to be the one reporter who actually asked critical questions of our representatives here in the u. s. on why they were going to authorize another $45000000000.00 to continue this dangerous proxy war throughout 2023. and what i found was a completely locked down capital. it looked like a days after january 6, except the fences were lower. there were no members of congress, although i did catch a last sen. joe mansion who basically refused to speak to me. senator, do you know how much we've, how many billions we've sent to ukraine. we're going to send a lot more. do you want to send more? oh, absolutely, amazon. all in all. you're all in. yeah. yeah. okay. what do you have any problem whatsoever? only banding every opposition party. we're to bring the senator, how do we know where the weapons are going? meet me at the just meet me his world or you know
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with him if there was a small anti war protests on east capitol right at the front of the capitol. and as i was standing there, i ukrainian diaspora delegations just rolled up, started taking pictures, and i began questioning man, and you saw the exchange right there. i think it was very revealing. and these are actually significant figures. i'm not only in the diaspora but within the ukrainian government itself as wide as ministration continues to shower a crown with money and weapons. millions of americans are at risk of losing their medical coverage. according to the provision of a new $1.00 to the newest spending bill, the status, cuz soc terminating people's medicaid coverage in 2023. if they no longer meet certain criteria. the medicaid program was free was he boosted off the u. s. declared of public health emergency. in response to the coven, i'm demick,
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and the number of people in rural surge, some more than 83000000 medias lionel says, is unfair to make american citizens suffer from the government's decision to support other countries. we're looking right now in the united states at a $1.00. think about this trillion dollar omnibus bill. american citizens are say, 1.7 truck trillion for what we're wondering, where are we going to pay for our operation? what it, what is our goal? are you suggesting, does this intimate, that we are involved in a war that we are a participant in this, that, that we are a cold combatant? does? is that what this means? because if it does mean that i don't think a lot of americans were particularly care for that, we never signed on to this. we're getting to the point right now where people don't
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really understand it. and frankly, maybe common sense may prevail. because the one issue that nobody is talking about is peace ending it, the cessation of hostility, that's it. it is somehow absent and void from the, from the rubric of conversation. maybe i hope we're getting to that point where we say enough to boldness out last process of intake in phase and barricades and ethnic sub populated areas. and the sofa claimed republic of kosovo off of the real government threatened to forcibly removed demonstrators, mining the line. thousands of serbs of taken to the streets to demand the albanian majority of them pull its police force from the area because of a prime minister said the demonstrators would be removed even if they resist. saying those who don't comply will become quote victims. so protests have been
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ongoing for about 2 weeks, res, intestines, in the bolton region, also contributed to call a job. it has the details from here, the large lee in the village of over 6000 of them were present on the spot. although they knew me just say that there's been only a 1000 and i have set up the pictures and the video clips otherwise terms from their mentor. it's are almost entirely cut off from other serves on the barricades in the north. and it was gathered there to protest those indications that the course of police forces and they tried to remove the barricades by force and to oppose that and to say that they will not take it. the other hand, the inside is provoked. and again, since now they are coming up with their kids of their own positions. i'm not giving
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any statements that are trying to de escalate to the current situation. the contrary, the minister of interior says today, this is the key for forces not moving barricades in the following day. the police forces we'll have to do it by themselves. on the other hand, the 1000000 post, one of the media from media says that the police on the north are very the more relied that they are bad and they realize that they are all hostile environment among the serves in the north and many of them extra desires to withdraw and to go home to senior us lawmakers have accused washington of compensation to civilian victims of his misery campaigns. those congress also is appended on of under reporting the numbers of civilian casualties in syria. this
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vast difference between independent reporting and the department of defense investigation raises concerns and undermines defense, department credibility, and civilian casualty reporting. report by the pentagon. last year said the u. s. was responsible for just 12 death globally. the ear made his nessa, however, claims, or at least 15 such incidences in syria. the ear alone. it also highlighted a missile strike. 3 years ago the officials have said was the lives of 4 civilians, those congress homeless. i've had an investigation that says 160 people died. the letter came as victims and their families, even those append to them has recognized face difficulties getting compensation. garcia supposedly was only one such payment was provided despite the $3000000.00 budget to each such goals. the u. s. is supposed to provide compensation within 90 days of such incidents,
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but for many that has not been forthcoming. former president senior security policy . i was michael, move things the u. s. the past, the 1st of all, we'll never know. the real numbers of civilians killed off the top of my head. i would say that it's far greater than anything the defense department ever admitted to when you're dropping bombs from aircraft at 20000 feet on to a heavily populated area. the inevitable is gonna happen. you're going to kill a lot of people and they're not all terrorist and fighters. yeah. particularly in the, in cities even in the areas that are in, in, in syria where isis concentrated the heavy concentration of bombing that, that occurred. ready the, the inevitable result was a lots of deaths that went and reported. there is no way that we could get in the
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defense department to get to get in to verify. so they just didn't bother. of course you had these other groups outside groups that were reporting the killings and death. but the defense department's argument is, well, we can't verify it, so that's fine. what's going to be the consequence, even if you do reports, what's the consequence they go on and on and on. we've been through all these wars and who's been punished for nobody. well that's so for this and use our shows and check out, i'll see dot com for more international news beer and the other the our build ah .


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