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tv   News  RT  December 22, 2022 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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i think a a for the economy, despite the predict the collapse devastation and catastrophe. nothing of the kind a is this our russian president, but it says the west is a critical his country's economy. and it wasn't in seeking to divide, posted countries against a facility in the nation. america made a series of explosions the world trade and says that the u.
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s. violated international law by labeling inputs from hong kong as being from china . now washington rejects with what i get off and then delivery wherever you are in the world. welcome to our international is just on 6 am here in the russian campus. so as usual it's great to have you with us. i'm right, mommy, we have a very busy hour ahead. let's get started. russian president of it says the u. s. has long been trying to undermine the push of it world, including by existing influence over ukraine. earlier, my colleagues, rory, sushi and don call to discuss that rather stock assessment by mr. malicious causally. more can we now say that the u. s. is directly involved in the conflict? the u. s. has been dealing with this for
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a long time. it's been involved and trying to undermine has an influence ukraine since soviet times our opponent civil was tried to divide us and then tried to manage the separate ponce, but nothing new there. the idea of ukrainian separatism was born a long time ago, while the russian president of course, spoke a lot about how the a west was trying to stoke the flames of nationalism and ukraine long before the soviet union, even collapsed by the russian president, also spoke a lot about the russian economy. of course, he said that it's fair to a lot better than many people in the west had predicted back in march in february of this year, despite predictions that russian g d p would fall by double digits. it's only actually fallen by 2.5 percent and on top of that, indicators connected to unemployment and inflation had been kept very low as well as took a sofa economy. kid must have the economy despite the predict the claps devastation and catastrophe. nothing of the kind has happened here. moreover,
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rushes indicate as a much better than many g 20 countries. this applies to the main macroeconomic indicators like g d p. yes, there was a slight drop. i said earlier that the drop is 2.9 percent according to international experts, but it's now less 2.5 percent. one of the main indicators around the world is an unemployment rate for us, it is at a low a level than pre pandemic. but then it was full point, 7 percent. now it is 3.8 percent you how labor market is stable. our financial market is a stable. i thought that one of the interesting things said don dirt during this press conference, was i one of the, one of the questions from a member of the press. what was i? he asked, is russia running out of miss isles in the conflict in ukraine, but also, ah, certain western partners and ukraine who are fighting russia there? are they running out of weapons as well? a, quite a lot was said about russia defense industry wasn't it? right. and it was also discussed alongside one question that another journalist
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asked regarding the possibility of the us supplying the key regime with patriot missile systems. this is something that of waterproofed and said, okay, let the west do that because the patriot missile systems already outdated and it would take such a long amount of time for american troops or whoever to train ukrainian troops on how to use that. but in terms of the weapons stockpiles, like you were talking about before vladimir putin said, there is a huge difference between the ukrainian defense industry and the russian one. because while key soviets, basically, mainly soviet is weapons stockpiles. they're actually already on the brink of running out while moscow has plans to actually increase its own stockpiles in the near future, we just know suitable in january, russia will have a new frigates in combat service with new weapon systems. we are not being provocative. this will strengthen our strategic forces lewis, despite these being medium rein systems that lead characteristics give as a new advantage. as for the patriot systems,
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they are old and do not work in the same way as our as 300. nevertheless, those who oppose us consider the patriots is defensive weapons. well, okay, we'll just keep in mind, and there will always be an antidote. those who do this just prolonging the complex . our goal is not to prolong the military conflict, but on the contrary to end this war, we strive for this will continue to strive for the host of the conflict. now that was another very important moment. we just heard there prudent, emphasizing once again that russia wants to see an end to this war. this is something we've heard reiterated by russian officials for a long time. now they say that the west is to blame for this conflict being drawn out because it's given a blank check when it comes to weapons and munitions to the key of regime put. and also said that this policy basically directed directly contradicts what the russian government wants for both sides to sit down at the negotiating table and find
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a diplomatic solution was his gdc declined this year, only a fraction of what had been presented due to the increase for some factions we heard from independent, just look group a who says the ease economy has suffered more from its own sanctions than that of russia. that's what we were told by germans, by the french, by our leaders in the west and our sanctions when necessary to bring the car russia to which is nice, but we are on our knees and energy wise. it to the situation is double. we have minus 10 last week for us. it's a terrible winter. i mean he rushes minus 10 is quite frequent, but here people start to realize that we had a huge problem of energy. no, no fuel, no gas, no, no, no, no solutions for oil. within months, in long term solutions, not before years from now, our economy is in tatters. everywhere. i mean factories closing. the cost of life
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is increasing. we have 10 percent, 12 percent inflation. we can't get energy. this is terrible and they don't have an answer on so our economy encounters and brushes seems to do well. russia has responded to worse and restrictions of natural gas prices. why setting isn't designation for how much it can charge for the commodity prism. remember then, so the western meddling could affect whether russia obligated to supply gas see europe under current contracts. we monitor the situation, observe, and reserve our rights w. it's this entire proposed system develops in the direction of administrative regulations if this violates our contracts and guest proms contracts with its counterparts. if there is some kind of interference in these contracts, we reserve the right to think about whether we are then obliged to fulfill these
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contracts, if the other party violates them with the, with machetes, through, with the authors pin the blame on the us on the countries western allies, we're attempting to artificially manipulate the international market. new russian legislation freeze the state gas explore gas from, from fulfilling obligations under foreign contracts. if they violate national guidelines, this was of its stipulation there of all to be determined by the end of next week. and will remain in place at least until october. let's cross now live to jack ross was professor of economics and politics at st. mary's college of california. jack as always a pleasure to see. now these sanctions is a, one of these sanctions, the, the gas caps that the e u and the worth of put on russia. i mean, and now russia saying that i wanna designate my own price in the next few weeks. how's that gonna affect the international gas markets and european consumers?
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well, as you know, the price tap on gas, they get past that. if, if russia doesn't think it's going to make any money off of red, it's really what it's saying now is we're not going to sell you the gas at whatever price you arbitrarily fixed. rather than m world global market price. no less normal for any company, no company decides to sell at the low cost, right? they just don't sell if that's the case and they always look clauses in their contracts that allow them to to do that. and, and that's really what's going on here at the artificial price cap is an arbitrary way of the g 7 setting trying to set the global price of natural gas just as they tried to set the global price of, of crude oil, which won't work either. so, russia's just sorta, you know, or shot across the bow saying, and while you try to enforce this, you know, we're not going to sell it to you. and there's more to going on here to, you know, the, the big urine going gas field in russia. there, ah,
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which you're major pipelines that haven't been blown up yet to pass through a northern ukraine. and a, you know, russia has partners in the west winter shawl in, i forget the austrian partner. and really they're saying to them on, you know, where we're not going to deal with you if, if this is the way you're planning to one to deal with us now. yeah, i think gotta remember, is that germans the west europeans are, are buying a lot of gas for marcia and trying to stock up as much as they can before they cut it off altogether after the winter. so in a sense, you've got another game going on here, russia saying, well, you know, if you're going to cut off and leave us, then why should we allow you to stock up over the winter? and then there may be some, i don't, did. this is more extreme, but there may be some indications of ukrainians planning to blow up the pipeline
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that goes to northern ukraine, the bradswell price line that goes from the urine going shields there in russia. that's a possibility involved in this thing. true is a very complex situation, not just market, but politics and, and sabotage going on here. jack, i'm sort of, i know i'm to provisions in place in the contracts that, that sort of say this, you know, we made a contract, i'm guessing these gas prices all these gap contracts are made years ago, and they say that over the next 5 years or 10 years, this is how much you can buy and at what cost, but in the contract, is it written in any way that you can know that the person that buying it can then change the price? well, i don't know, i haven't read the contracts movie, i mean, usually, usually is out, well, typically companies are, particularly oil companies have provisions that, you know, there's a force mature,
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it's called that, you know, if the price falls or there's a war or whatever, they can break the contract, you know, and you can't really go to court over it. you know, no one really is expected to sell below. cost to production is usually a clause that allows them to suspend the production and the distribution of the oil and the product. if it falls below cost of production, i don't know if that's in that contract, but it is a very normal thing in business. private. the private purchases in no contracts. all right, well what is he going to find out? and it's 10 days, i guess, ah, how much these price is or how much the gas will be sold, or how much russians those are for jack side. the super busy day would love talking to you as you know. thank you so much for joining me in on all it was me against him. ah,
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what made it gas storage facility named morocco's at atlantic coast has burst into flames and made a series of explosion, of soap on new casualties have been reported. 5 i 5 has said to have been detained. the blaze media have said a gas leak could have been responsible. i've also been concerns about of the, from a woman who's being at the facility. local journalist saw a collab sent us this report from moral for we all know, damn ham mindy. i guess storage facility goes up in flames today, and there is a lot of footage that couldn't share online shows a huge flane's and the guest porridge is in the city near the court where you guys and other flammable materials are stored. data storage gets close to people and evan families and sit in inflated leave in near the facility,
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have evacuated to surround the people are here in the explosion so far as far away about 10 kilometers. so it's very terrifying in it's mary, it's very dangerous. the old trade organization has ruled the us, violated international law by the legally input from hong kong, as being from china ortiz, kaylee moping as the details or you're seeing is a longstanding pattern of the united states flouting international norms and agreements all well condemning others. and pounding the podium about a rules based global order. it's not just the hong kong labeling disagreement last week, the world trade organization found that the steel and aluminum tariffs passed by the united states were also in violation. united states shot back that they strongly disagreed with how the treaty was being interpreted. the united states
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strongly rejects to float interpretation and conclusions in the world trade organization paddle reports. these doubled sale panel reports only reinforced the need to fundamentally reformed the double sale this been settled on was system. the bite and administration is committed to preserving you, especially security, by insuring the long term viability of our steel and aluminium industries. and we do not intend to remove the section $232.00 duties as a result of these disputes. so even though it is a longstanding agreement, us officials just say that it needs reform. they go right along with what they're doing, saying they have no intentions of adjusting their policy whenever you don't like the results, just declare that the system is rigged against you and continued doing what you want to do. let's recall the reaction of u. s. officials, when they did not like the world health organizations findings and an investigation of woo hon labs, here's how they respond it across the board. the united states believes as a general matter when we're at the table,
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we can help shape events. and when we're not in the w h o, we don't have any influence that it is functioning the way it's intended to function by re engaging with the w h o. the united states will be in a position to push any necessary and needed reforms. and to be clear, there are necessary and needed reforms, according to the logic of u. s. officials, a system functions the way it's intended to when the united states gets what it wants and when it doesn't, it clearly needs reform. and until then it can be disregarded. it doesn't get any more blatant than the international criminal court. long time war hawk, john bolton, who served in the administrations of both donald trump and george w bush was very angry and outraged at the i. c. c was investigating the actions of u. s. troops in afghanistan. he said the i, c, c has got to go. we will not cooperate with the i c. c. we will provide no assistance to the i, c,
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c. and we certainly will not join the i c c. we will let the i see, see, die on its own. after all, for all intents and purposes, the i, c, c is already dead. the us we will ban it's judges and prosecutors from entering the united states. we will sanction their funds in the u. s. financial system, and we will prosecute them in the u. s. criminal system. the president will not allow american citizens to be prosecuted by foreign bureaucrats and he will not allow other nations to dictate our means of self defense. but now, after withdrawing from the i, c c and going all in against it, getting it was sanctions united states. now suddenly loves the i c z because it's talking about targeting russia. the i c. c is good if it's targeting somebody we don't like, but if it dares touch us, it's got to be abolished. the hypocrisy is pretty hard to over look. so when you asked officials talk about a rules based global order,
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they mean rules for the but not for me or do as we say, but not as we do. it's not about principles are right and wrong, but about making sure that certain entities remain at the top of the food chain. caleb baba artsy, new york less was alive now to janice and belittle alice john over early john. he just had my colleague that kayden till the about one rule for me, another rule for the rudy. the u. s. has pretty much had that sort of stalks. hey, we have the w t o. they've said is unfair for the us to label products made out of made in hong kong as being from china, the china, the sequence to this, hong kong as it solvent territory. what would you make of this issue? indeed, there is only one rule for the u. s. one law, it might makes, right? this is the law of the jungle. and this is been a source of embarrassment for many americans for years if not decades. and i would
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really love to offer a solution. i really wish my government would follow some type of at the co code and follow the norms of international law. but do not count on it seem to not just seen this in our generation. i mean, we saw the, i mean k, that's where the i, c, c, the w h o, the us of pulled out a now this aggression aggressive move towards the w t o. and they're saying it needs reforms, basically saying that we need to change it because it doesn't fit the u. s. needs. now when you look at that as a whole, how can we take, or how should the world take the united states seriously when it comes to, you know, looking at the given common law. well, 1st of all, we have to be very clear that this is talking to they're talking about the interest
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of the us government or the u. s. major corporations or the u. s. oligarchy. for example, personally, i have been very active as human rights defender, helping americans abroad, who had trouble with other governments, especially with native governments. and i have, i'm behalf of repressed americans live in se in norway. i could give you an we're not john, i've a lot of a to some technical issues. sadly, hear me. yes, thank you. please continue. yeah. so when i went to the u. s embassy in our slow and ask them for help to protect it. just average american citizen, not rich people, no connections. people have no repute. the u. s. government said no, we can't do anything. we have to respect local laws, right? so that's also another dimension here. u. s. government is very active in
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protecting its rights interest. us government's interest, not the american people's interests. me as an individual. if i have a problem abroad, u. s. government is not going to help me. but if i'm george soros o than the u. s. government will act to help me in my corporations, my financial and business interests. right? i mean, when we see the business trades that the us wants to continue, i mean, it's sanctioning a lot of countries around the world because none agreeing with the u. s. policies as states today is narrowing. is field to do business international yet. so the u. s. it is dig itself into a corner and we see the country is increasingly isolated on the international stage . more and more countries are citing with russia with china, major company, major countries, obviously india. so in the middle east is solidly behind russia in
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china. i mean, the u. s. has lost the middle east because of all the horrors that committed atrocities commit over the past 20 years. south america is up for grabs. africa is leaning more towards russia. so, despite the american prop, again, which says that, you know, the world is with us against russia and china, but that's just absolute nonsense. it's like the fact is that the u. s. in its allies are increasingly isolated. the world has woken up and they're sick of being bullied sick of the scams are sick of the lies. and we're good. we're now going to reap a bitter harvest of all the horrible things you've done or the past 25 years with the world. but when i thought the world is becoming in the more inclusive world, it seems we are becoming more polarized that the john, thank you so much for joining us here at our seal. was a pleasure talking to you. thanks again for your time. annette. sorry to the japan is set to host it g 7 summit next year in hiroshima,
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a city that was destroyed by a us nuclear attack during world war 2. now a member of the japanese parliament says it's high time for the u. s. government to officially apologize for the incident. it's been 77 years since we're, we're to and the us, which used atomic weapons has not apologized. the us has always loudly promoted democracy, human rights and freedom in response to actions by other countries. if that's really what they believe, then they should tell japan and the world, frankly, what they have done 0 stops nuclear bomb than to japanese cities. hiroshima and the gus mcguckie as world war 2 was approaching an end in 945, an estimated 100000 people immediately killed at least 3 times as may subsequently died from the effects of the radiation plus live last political
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alice alessandra, bruno alison, or thanks so much for joining us, a r t that would you make that? i me of this from japan. they're about to host the summit in hiroshima. and they're asking us, so apologize for a bombing that happened 7 decades ago. well, it's an interesting teacher, asian, because no american president has ever apologized for the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons and an analysis of the narrative that suggests that it is a policy not to apologize. and there are some, shall we say practical for lack of a better term reasons for this at least why we can imagine the united states has refused to do so. and so mostly by the way, president bush senior and president clinton right,
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refused to apologize because they were asked to do so, particularly it was bill clinton. and on the 50th anniversary of the bombing in 1095, who outright refused to apologize. and i believe president obama visited japan, 2016 and he critics said. busy it's fine for him to visit his shima, but so long as he doesn't apologize. so there's definitely some, some appearance of a policy. and one possible reason is that the part from the, the japanese claims the people of the marshall islands where the u. s. conducted several nuclear bonding tests would or might the demand compensation for their, for the damages and people killed and hurt with radiation throughout the
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year. another i think important reason to consider is that general, it begins with general a may who was in charge of the u. s air force and the mission at the time. now for those who might not know or general live a was power the in the film family cubic film. and i forget the name of the dr stream lot. he was the general played by the scott on the film and obsessed by bombing a was slightly off topic, slightly off. and i do appreciate your in depth knowledge are really, really our study. we don't have a lot of time. nobody was about to bite and will attend the summit in we know that
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he'll attend the summit. the g 7 summit in hiroshima. do they hill hill? mention the bobbins. what happened in 44 and i was thinking about that because i'm suggesting there is some kind of policy which would compromise the u. s. position and one of the policies. of course, if the u. s. i apologized for the use of the bomb. it would weaken the u. s. stance and its use of least deterrent nuclear weapons because it would suggest that it would put united states in a position that is not used to plain which is it must be a hedge of mine and its decisions are not to be questioned. and despite, shall we say the most fear in the world, this is one line, they will not cross. and i mean, we seen it in successive operations. the do you have to not apologize for
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afghanistan for leaving it, abandoning to the taliban without any help and the blocking its funds. so it's not going to projects for a pivotal event which all other presidents have refused to apologize for that. so i don't think we can expect widen to offer such an apology in hiroshima, in 2023 reg over the plaza. lesandra the yes. never apologizes for anything. it does. i, which is sad. ready? even we had the canadians apologizing to the native americans just well, thank you so much for joining us here in our c. sadly, we've been out of time. it was a pleasure to lose you. so thanks again. thank you. bye bye. while the car wraps up this very busy news hour, we will be back in just under 30 minutes with more international news. so i hope
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you'll join us them. oh, a ah,
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