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tv   Interview  RT  December 26, 2022 12:30am-1:01am EST

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according to media reports, he is one of the links connecting former european parliament member pierre antonio pines area to the moroccan secret service. pons ary the former president of the n g o phi impunity, which was found to be a link between many key suspects. now faces charges for money laundering and corruption, the former you parliament, vice president of a kylie was also arrested and faced a similar accusations other e, you, politicians, involved with fight. impunity were also investigated by police, including major union chief look of his and teeny, who was subsequently arrested and socialist m. e p. mark tara bella, who's home with rated. here's how one of the board members described the situation she found herself in i feel extremely used. pans airy has used our names, our reputations. it's just such a betrayal. if this is now a big laundromat, which it seems to be, then it's so cynical because our vital human rights work. it is something that is so badly needed in the time where we are. in total belgian police have rated 20
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locations in brussels, connected to the corruption investigation authority, steve phones and computers, as well as 1500000 euros in cash. the moroccan intelligence service has yet to comment on allegations of involvement. guitar has denied all the accusations, labeling them baseless and gravely misinformed. political and financial analyst, angel juliano says, the corruption investigation is evidence of a much larger problem. this is the tip of yes, but i guess we need to remember this important case, which is we bigger is corruption scandal. i'll be chines vondell i and the t or pfizer. we are talking about the a scandal of 35000000000 you low of transactions for the purchase of koby vaccines. corruption is something they are widespread in d u. the only thing what is actually very allow me here is that it was not
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sophisticated the, this, this corruption was made with cash 1500000 euro in cash. she was very amateur. usually the way to do corruption in d, u is by creating offshore accounts and i think maybe they felt untouchable. this isn't a context of. busy labeling is being, in this case, it's just kid goals of the collective west. we haven't cut our gates, we need to ask the question because of composition is taking a more neutral positions between the collective west and these new multiple what that is a legitimate question because car was always in the good partners of the you. so this is the 1st time that the actually going after heavily. this may be because you study not to listen to the collective west. that's our wrap on the
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hour's top news stories from around the globe for more 247 news coverage at over to r t dot com or back in half an hour with more headlines. meanwhile, you can watch artes interview with the air to camera with royal dynasty, discussing the impact of european colonialism on both africa and a family. mm. hello, and a very warm welcome to this interview on archie. i'm fornia today will be sticking with his real majesty john, even bumble, dwell among the bell. the traditional rule of canton bell hearing cameron's economic capital dweller with him, will discuss his great grandfather's legacy and other burning issues in cameroon and the african continent. israel majesty, thank you for joining us. yes. first of all, i greet you cordially. thank you. thank you. your great grandfather is considered a legend among the dwaa people for resisting jim on colonial rule of a one century after his death was enduring legacy. or what enduring relevance is
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there in his words and message may compare it to my grandfather, left quite an impulse of message and to understand the death of my great grandfather, which consider 2 important aspects. the 1st aspect is the fact that cameron appears at the burning conference. in other words, the burden conference that defined the division of africa took place in germany between 18841885 as a result of the burden conference. cameroon was born, but it was a camera that was born from the protectorate agreement signed by my grandfather, did to oral, among bell and the germans. and the 1st message that to while among agibbs is that he was the 1st of all cameroon kings. because cameron was built on a mosaic of different traditions, which has a certain moment, met and formed an ensemble which is called come room. and he was the 1st one because of the problem that he had with the germans to go round
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a visit. this mosaic in its new borders and he was saying, what is happening to me now attention is going to happen to you to from this point, the king to all among belle was the 1st communion patriots. the 1st one who recognized in a profound way the borders of the country the ever knows to day is cameroon. suss it something that it's a patriotic message. therefore he was the 1st communion patriot. and the message that he leaves. if you give your word a certain level, you must respect the commitments that you undertake. and he undertook a personal commitment. knowing that a certain moment the germans would give him the possibility to escape, that they would probably arrange it. but at the same moment saying that he had to return. so he leaves the day before his hanging to meet his family, to say good bye to my great grandfather, to my grandfather, and to the whole family. he says good bye. and when it is finished,
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even so it gives us an idea of the current to he had. but we don't have time to develop it here. and after that, he goes back to the prison, to accept his martyrdom. gemini has attempted to make amends for its colonial past . how difficult is it for you personally and for convenience in general to make peace with his history of violence and genocide? a lot of it, yes, your party does it. actually. there are several parts in this subject. the 1st part is that we commemorate every year for 108 years, the death of rudolph to wall among a bough. we know that during these 100 years, we commemorate this, but we do not commemorate how to say it a hatred towards germany. i think that it is in the image of sub saharan africa that often emerges that in the colonial syndrome, again, actually the africans do not go to the source of the colonial mechanism. what
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happens is that they assimilate the subject as a historical mechanism. your majesty, if i could just follow up on that, have you personally forgiven the germans for killing your great grandfather? greater? was it really? there are 3 things that are very important for me. the 1st one is that, as i often say, our family suffered a lot after our great grandfather died. and we kept from that period what we call the syndrome. because our family suffered from direct consequences, but not only our family. there were direct consequences for the whole world sauer for the entire katya community. i think in the sense that it was a moment when the 1st elements of our decadence, he appeared before the period of to all a monger. and in the intermediate period, the dollar, the sour in general, but especially the dollar. they occupied the entire region and live in great prosperity. the prosperity and expansion were extraordinary at a commercial level, at exchange level. and since this particular situation,
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the history with germany and the tragic end of rudolph dwell among a bell, there is a decline. the whole sour world suffers the consequences of this historical situation . and one of the consequences today is the poverty of our community. the poverty means that to day, even in cameroon, our community does not occupy its place in the sense that to participate with its status in the evolution of our country. i want to say that the history of the hanging of drywall among for us is something extremely painful. we do not express a direct hatred towards the germans, but we have a desire to simply rebuild our community. actually, i've ruled over this community for some time now for 10 years i've worked to organize a meeting between germany in cameroon. and before me, my father worked for 20 years. it means it is been going on for 30 years, and i've achieved some results. no doubt that your presence here today is motivated by the fact that i've recently been in germany in a particular commission. also,
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it means that we are moving now towards a possible answer to the historical elements and also maybe to the consequences that we suffered at some level. all. the city of berlin in germany recently renamed asquare, specifically in honor of her great grandfather rudolph too well among a bell. what did you make of the gesture said dinner to balloon 50 for us. it is an honor to know that berlin has a street with the name of rudolph munger bell. it is already an element of recognition. but something happened when i helped with the inauguration. after that, i was invited by the ambassador to the ministry of foreign affairs. it was simply a desire to look history in the face and establish a common perspective. we live this situation like something relatively important because it allows us to establish a concrete foundation. because a name to a street is not simply just given. it is an important event that shows that there is a desire to understand what we went through during those years. but it is true that the elements build slowly. we do not once i think to go too fast because it is not
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as simple how to say it's a simple matter of forgiveness actually is about looking thoroughly at what could have happened. and also how we can build something in order to move forward. francis only announced that it was withdrawing from the south region, and gemini also said to be ending in africa operations in the cause of the year. now i just wish to find out from you how much stability to have these to pass brought in africa over the years. in the one year. we have a controversial point of view in this subject. there is a positive view and a negative view. positive perhaps, because as i've just said, there is this notion of globalization and isn't, may be unlikely because the historical events made it so that we stay behind relative to the globalization, as we know it to day to day despite everything we participate, somehow, our country participates in the life of the planet, and there was
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a gradual evolution in relationships. but france indeed maintains a particular impact. the example of this is the fact that we have a relationship with a currency called to see if a frank and it remains a relative aberration. there is the same, see if a frank in east africa and strangely, with the same parity. but somehow this currency can't be used in east africa, or the currency of central africa can't be used in east africa. it is necessary to convert the money to make a currency exchange. it is a sort of aberration that remains from colonial history. and the subtlety of this currency stays here. even so, today, there already ideas about how to transform the situation. because the germans lost their colonies. after that they lost the war in africa in 1916 and the united nations in the 1920s, deprived them from holding any authority in those colonies. actually, the colonies were divided between england and france. it means that germany no
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longer had a presence in africa on the country. during recent years, we can see a sort of comeback, and not only on the ground at the same time. does germans raise the problem about how to say it? first, about rudolph to all among a bell, and behind this problem of rudolph to all among bell. there was a reactivation of something that became a collective amnesia. because the colonial idea on the accidental end of the colonial idea in germany marks the end of the war that they lost through us. when we talk about amnesia, it is also an uneasy reflection about something that is not so durable. thus it is one of the reasons because of which they, at their own level returned too quickly to day. they have a tendency to go back with the knowledge that there are issues that we see between russia, the middle east china, the united states, and between the europeans. first explain somehow the form in which the geopolitical context changes. because africa has
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a future and it is something that can't stay behind also because of commercial interests. basil african ah ah luis, the counter russian state patrol never does. i'm phoning the most landscaping div us. mm hm. and i'm not getting calls all set up for a group in 55 with. okay, so what i need to speak with, we will van in the european union, the kremlin. yup. machines. the state on russia to date and school ortiz spoke neck, given our video agency, roughly all bands on youtube with
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oh, when i was showing wrong, when all, please just don't hold any world. yes, to feed out disdain becomes the advocate and engagement. it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, you might just see the last few months i've seen increasing talk of more to
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polarity. what place do you think africa complete in this emerging new world order? if it, you know, yet there are not on the so there are a number of things that correspond to recent modern history. i want to say that when africa awakes, in africa is now going through this awakening. first of all, africa has a lot of resources, except that very often these resources are not explored directly at national level, but by international companies. powerful countries are shifting their interest towards africa. why? because there is how to say a lot of interest, not only at the population level, i live in africa, is a densely populated continent. it means that it is a market for consumption. besides, the africans are improving in quality, and consumption takes relatively big dimensions. it is something that corresponds to the interests of the northern powers, as they are called, because they are interested of course, not only to have a relationship with africa in the present time, but also in the future. this is awesome. it's like we see today how morocco made it
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to the semi finals of the world cup. is it big news now? i think one of the reasons that morocco reached the semifinals is also because a lot of moroccan children. the same with some cameroon in children. so the reality of football in europe and transferred it to their sports system somehow is the same with other things. we cannot think the africa will indefinitely be in this position of a 3rd will. there are a number of things that gradually appear that we cannot just look away. there are reactions, and i'm one of those who think that the african tomorrow won't be a 3rd will any more? you know, there's something that is little known. you see the point of view of our diaspora. we have a diaspora that came about because of immigration. in other words, the children left in colonial times or during the neo colonial period. or maybe later in postcolonial time, they left to europe or to the west. that is africa and from there the exchange takes another form instead of inside to outside,
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from outside to inside. and not because others do something. but because the african children have positions which allow them to start creating relationships of a different nature. so as for myself, there is one important thing. first of all, the cameroon has a particularity, compared to where in the world, there are only 2 countries that have these characteristics as well. canada and cameroon, of both french and english speaking. they are both part of the commonwealth except the in canada. it is actually relatively the opposite. the english speaking part is a little more important than the french speaking part. and in cameroon, it is the french speaking part, which is a little bit more importantly, english speaking parts. and what i say generally, in fact, generally, the fact is that we in our country beyond that, we have an ethnic group that has its own written language. the bi moons, your majesty, cameroon is
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a multilingual country with about $247.00 indigenous languages, but shockingly, only english and french are considered as official languages. do you expect a break from these european languages and the popularization of indigenous languages? would you support that initiative? i was a thinker with it. i believe that having this writing system should see a commitment to linguistic unity. that is we should start from the idea of this writing system. by this writing system, we can link it to language and then ensure that cameroon returned to a national language without naturally denying the languages are already spoken to european languages. he should know, however, that italy has more regional languages in cameroon. and the only one language impose itself florentine on yet why not? why is there no such potential for cameroon? and as for myself, that i am completely for the african i zation of our reality in all parts. knowing the off to is there will be a possibility to translate all literature into a language in 2 systems. we have translators,
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so this question will not arise whether the scientific level or at any other level . so the question is simple. to ensure that we can, as myself integrate you, except the idea that the national language may be the indigenous language. you know, there is a small particularity at this level of this woke up all the african countries, which qualified all of them for the 1st time have native coaches. and the one who brought morocco to the semi find was, is not an expansion. he is a local person. the one who brought synagogue to the round of 16 is senegalese, the one who had cameron to beat brazil at the end of the group stages is a camera union. it's a revolution. but it was a hobbling of something that is about to happen. it will take some time. so we're not talking about resilience, patience, but simply about work to work through to a new era. africa has reached resources, but european investors or european countries are exploiting those resources. how balanced do you think the africa europe relationship is and how concerning is the
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issue of exploitation? i left her roughly speaking the african continent. correspondence 22 percent of international commerce. busy to present, actually, our resources are the elements of an unequal exchange because they represent raw material and they often come back, transformed with a huge influence on the economy. you're talking to someone who has in his dna, the sense of the idea of the commercial resource of commercial commitment and commercial production and consumption. thus, for me, i support the idea of younger generations that can, how to say, forget somehow this complexity that undermines us and be able to develop relations in the global commercial reality. yet will yet the era analysis has officially ended, but many believe that it has reinvented into itself into what is now known as new colonialism. what are your thoughts about this and what manifestations do you think they're at these phenomena? those are valid. her. i have just spoken about the currency we use,
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eliminate the currency we use is called to see if i frank. this is one of the results of what we called near colonialism. i would like to give you one small example as proof. when my father was born in 1927 at the moment when he reaches maturity at the age of 2021 in 1947. at that time he could not even imagine that his people would have to leave come room monday level. so his manner of planning for the future was limited by the colonial view and colonial reality. you and i, we originally from, we are a generation that lived in independence. this means that we are a generation that so the relative autonomy of their countries, regardless of who ruled the country. this means that those who ran the country were originally from our villages. it was the lead which came out of our villages. and each of us had the opportunity to make plans for the future, for example, which the president of the republic spoke about. it is true that this is not about all africans, but they're met all well, how is it called indian steel?
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it steal together with everything that the meaning of the world steel can include in the modern industrial society. i want to say the, in our developments in our growth prospects, we already have billionaires to day. we have a whole lot of people have financial capacity and there are people at that in algeria, in, cameroon, and throughout the african community, they can get involved in economic relations, either by returning from outside to inside or going from inside to outside. then you can say, germany says it is letting african countries resolve their problems independently. without any interference, i reassured by this commitment was a c is this year, as for myself and convince you know, what is very good, that in terms of geo politics and politics, actions rarely occur without ulterior motives. so why not? and they speak somewhere in africa of a marshall plan or, but there existed actually
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a marshall plan. this marshal plan is in europe. and this marshal plan has somehow led to a result is something, even if the americans took off. so to say, at the end of 1945 war a boom, an extraordinarily important take off, even if it started from the end of the 1st world war in 1918. nevertheless, today we see how india is part of the newly emerging countries. many asian countries, including korea, a part of the emerging countries. germany actually has some specific ideas. as for myself, i have experience more or less a similar situation when we were ultimately staying with 10 other communion kings. we were invited to germany, it took place a few years ago. there were 2 similar trips and the 1st trip was covered by the german ministry for economic cooperation and development. and the 2nd trip was covered by mr. new cur. the special advisor to angle, to merkel. so i'm very close to this perspective. in any case i've seen it, i'm simply saying that whatever the truth of germany are,
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the problem is in the maturity of africans themselves. in truth, it is up to the africans themselves, to be able to find a way how they will build integration within whatever support we might receive from abroad. and in such a way things can be resolved. the african continent is an extraordinarily rich content. extraordinarily rich. it cannot remain indefinitely in such poverty that characterize it with such wealth. when you see the growth rate of the modern economy, when we see for example, that shortly the growth rate of china, for example, has risen by north point 8 percent. the growth rate is something that correspond somewhere to the interest that one can receive from investments compared to the investment itself. it is the rate of return of investment. if the growth rates are very low, that means the rate of return has some starting point to receive profits in them. african countries always all have growth rates above 0. if you look ultimately at countries like the countries that we influenced,
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they often have very low growth rates. and so they look our continent with a lot of lust with a lot of desire. knowing that behind this growth rate, there are a lot of investments. and of course a return on those investments. so for me, the spirit of this growth rate determines the interest in african countries. and more especially as we go forward, the more we say to develop, gone. finally, i'm surprised by one thing to tell the truth. the communion minimum wage is around $35000.00 c. if a per month. this is the minimum wage. to french minimum wage is around 100-120-1300, almost $1500.00 euros per month. that means when i'm going to manufacture a product in france, me, how can i say that? i have to include the value of my pyro in the value of my product, then, and as it is very heavy, it means that the products will be affected. when i have
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a country that has a minimum wage of 35000 francs next door, that simply means i have a job, a real potential to be able to do things that can have an impact on many levels except that effectively the whole question is to ensure that this maneuver can provide genuine quality. finally, the power of our maneuver in the world. one of the things, one of the things that has kept the power of modern china remind, was simply the fact that it had a low minimum wage rate. and besides that, the quality empower the export was relatively developed. so that means as myself, africa is an el dorado. on an el dorado, which is still poli explored nowadays, a naturally poly exploited my israel high nurses aren't. you can will dwell among other thank you for speaking with our to niss it. mm
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i. oh oh oh i ah ah ah
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ah ah ah good is your media a reflection of reality in
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a world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation, whole community? are you going the right way or are you being led? direct? what is true? what is great in the world corrupted. you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. oh, i just don't know if that is yes to shape out becomes the advocate and engagement.
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it was the trail. when so many find themselves, well, the part we choose to look so common ground. ah, almost every conspiracy theory that people had about twitter turned out to be true with you on must mocks, twitters, dark path revealing how federal agents push that to sense or negative information. about you prayed, labeling it russian disinformation burkina faso, expel the few n coordinator declaring her persona non grata, accusing the official of painting a negative picture of the countries security situation canal really know where we stand and where are we going to? we need to partners and help people come to dictate their law to us or give us their opinions.


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