tv Cross Talk RT December 26, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm EST
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ah, ah hello in welcome to cross top where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle piece in ukraine. seems essentially impossible. and there's a reason for this. nato wants russia to be completely defeated. russia and turn demands new pan, european security structures, protecting its interest. as long as nato exists, there'll be no peace or security for anyone with cross stuck in ukraine. i'm joined by my guess pet escobar in paris. he is an independent geopolitical analyst and author specializing in eurasia and brussels. we have look of a he is an independent journalist and in kingston we cross who geral, 70. he is founder and director of trends research institute and publisher of the
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weekly trends journal magazine or a gentleman cross hoc rolls. in fact, that means you can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciate pepe. let me go to you 1st here. there's a huge aysa asymmetrical process and play here. the europeans, the west collective wants to see russia completely defeated. russia want security guarantees, and i have a solution to it. and it's a simple one. why don't work towards peace, and that's something that the west will never do. pepe. of course not. and they keep saying that every day, why school defining stoled them buried by american generals via and tony will terrace the story portuguese ahead of the you. when i read she in london every day, we have a call to our sound bite from one of these, of course, not to mention the 28000 or 28000000 function errors in russell's
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thing. exactly the same, same plan, a continuous on schedule plan a is forever war. plan a is afghanistan on steroids, at least another 20 years. there's no plan. be so far. russia, they can play it. ok. we can finish this thing in 20 minutes, which they can't or ok. all right, let's keep going. little by little, you flickering a very refined form of chinese torture on nato as a whole. and on the west leadership as well. and let's say one day, you're going to cry, uncle, well, i agree with the general. let me go to you in kingston here. this a symmetrical approach here because this explains how russia has proceeded in ukraine because it wants security guarantees. it's not going to take land that it can't determine its destiny. ok, they're not going to go in and leave. russia is not going to do this in 5 years in another 10 years. this is why this is a defining event in this century. here,
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there has to be security guarantees for all, or there will be security guarantees for none. go ahead. you know, this is the american way. as i was saying once upon a time there was a president the united states by the name of dwight d eisenhower. 5 star general supreme commander, the allied forces and to charm president is say, well, a jess, january 17th, 1961. he was the american people that the military industrial complex is robbing the nation, the jesus sciences to sway the labors and the future, the children and that sort. americans become, i just turned 76 years old. world war 2 is in ancient history. look at all the was america's been since then it like the career. oh no. i like the vietnam war. a
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have out the 1st iraq when i like the 2nd iraq war a lot better. you know the. c afghan war was terrific, it only lasted 20 years. oh, what about what's going on in somalia? how about the nobel peace prize winner brock o'bonham? i want that guy gadhafi out of there. i want that guy assad added in living in, in, in syria, gadhafi and livia. the united states just passed a defense budget of $858000000000.00. so a $105000000000.00 of our money now is going to ukraine. 63 percent of americans living paycheck to paycheck. it's the american way. and it's not stopping this is my magazine from spring 2014, that happy face on their washington is driving the world to fight the final war.
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world gemini is not a right america has earned article written by dr. paul craig roberts, former assistant treasury secretary of the ronald reagan. and he talks about russia, conclude wash included, that russia needed to be confronted with or distracted by problems that would leave the russian government less confident or able to counter washington's aggression elsewhere. ukraine presented to perfect opportunity for washington. okay, out general if you're a gerald on that, on that note, i agree with you. okay, let me, let me go to look here. get everybody in the mix here. luke, i mean it because the nato will not discuss russia. security guarantees as reason why we're in this mess in the 1st place, okay? and as long as they continue to do that, russia will do well, unilaterally make its own decisions. if it doesn't happen to interlocutor, then it will make its decisions on its own and what it will not care what the west
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says whatsoever. because the west really can't do anything about it. and that's what we've learned. luke and brussels go ahead. while the responsibility of nature is over, well, of course in the conflict since day one and done of course we follow america and should, you should dissociate from america on this america. it once war rush, we don't, we should, and we, europeans, also the victims of his own. so we need to the find a p strategy and we should look, for example, in turkey. we should look at hungary, countries where the leaders are responsible. people say, yes, we must have something on the medical front on the social from dish, but not send arms and be part of that conflict with your salt and beg and mental, we should not do that. well, i, you mentioned a low octane thinker, salt and berg. let me go back to peppy here. well, that's exactly what he is. ok now, has had one journalist ever asked him
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a hard question. ever, never, it's never happened. okay. and that's, that's by design peppy notes. tell the bergs as a victory for russia. is it a fee for the west? yeah, yeah, that's what i think i agree with him on. okay. but of course, nato is not part of the conflict. okay. i mean, it's absurd. what this man says here, but i agree with him and i was actually, it will be the end of nato. the way that the, if they continue the down the path, they are pepe. go ahead. well, of course, with nobody knows what the general or the russian general staff, displaying mid term and long term. nobody acquired from a putting part through share in may be jurassic woven showing good. did they have a menu which is so juicy, in terms of inflicting geopolitical and g, we cannot make pain different levels of the dial on europe and on the u. s. which is, you know, you have to laugh about it and they built, dismantled, ah,
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they tried to win it, remember what they were try one year ago. diplomacy. you remember the visibility of security, right? those letters sent to the pentagon and to brussels. you all remember that non response response, you all remember what happened next, which was the preparation, sort of blitzkrieg against don't boss. so we know everything that happened up to the beginning of the s m o. and we also know how russia is, has been to weaken the approach stores d s, m o, which is now for all practical purposes, d, electrification campaign on top of dina's, if occasion and demilitarization it's working. and on top of it, they get absolute chaos and panic. all across the u. this is something that you see from outside the u. i just came back from brazil, which is in a very sorry state after the boss on our project. and even from brazil,
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looking at your bill says birds is not that bad. i'm happy you bring up a good point. if i go to gerald on this one here, i mean a, again, after 10 months of the same thing, they say continue to double down on it without any kind of what they claim that ukraine is winning, which is absurd. i mean, this propaganda in the west is absurd. it's ukraine is not winning. pepe is absolutely right. i would even posit that ukraine will turn into a failed state before there is a military decision on the battlefield. gerald, what are your thoughts on that? oh, we said it from the beginning that ukraine is not going to defeat russia. i have a famous chart of napoleon is march to moscow. ready in 1812 we are in leisure, holland with 420000 troops to attack moscow and comes back with 10000. and then it was a thing called a world war. 2 operation barbosa with a germans killed some 25000000 russians and who was the 1st to defeat the germans,
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the russians. and you mentioned about propaganda and that's all it is. and that's all it ever ends. and all the media does is keep selling it. i just found this a couple of days ago. it's from 1960. this is the headline. soviet threatens rocket set spy basins. so now we really hate those soviet right. you read the article member, this is may 10th 1960 premier. nikita khrushchev warned monday that soviet rockets will shoot down any spy planes. the adventure is soviet soil and his government will take appropriate measures. american plays were flying over soviet territory, and they put a headline in like this. so if soviet plays were flying over american territory, it would just be fine. everybody would love it. it's the warmly shane period. paragraphs. it's been going on and it's not only destroying the world destroy this
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country as well. and it is, can it's going on and i mean, i make and is non stop. i'm again look in year before we go to the breaking up. but, but look, what is the veneer of this propaganda rob program, a failing. i mean, now we have protests all through europe here. i mean, what in the world you're the european union is willing to die on the hill called ukraine. that's insane. 40 seconds before we go to the break. jake isn't saying i would disagree with you when you say that you crime could become a face state. it is a face. okay? the map and show since the end of the you can call the chiera and some up and show the ukraine politics. so now we see savanski was corrupted since 2012 with properties in london with accounts in the caribbean and thinks that are obviously, you know, what you see in all the places corruption, brady,
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while he had been elected to fight. gotcha. so it is a real problem to see that the propaganda in the west is really solid for all the media that we have here in western europe. it is the voice of here. and that's why, and that's why, where pariahs, okay, but not as you know, rumble were on rambo, on a few other platform is we'll get our word out. the hell with you, to my opinion. i gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine stay with oxy. ah ah ah
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ah ah ah tucker, just a good ass, a story comes off george bush bush from which mutually which we could have below what he says not a ship of the mice will motive to echo it just gets yeah a lot more than enough for you yeah, well then you close the loop to legalize, you know what i'm actually stuck up. did you and you are with
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to stick with to mr. she with genius, who should move you lou? do soon as you suggest, bo boyd at the tone, please. yeah, it's no, it's not a router, but as little food you can use a smart tv or still to with a clear yes, a sticker. i can, i does. number of national with she article. can you post cookie that flow out of my from could keep the local neutral teacher them yet from facia infectious we by the lucy laser. ah
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ah, welcome back to cross top where all things are considered. i'm peter bell to remind you we're discussing ukraine with okay, go back to pepe and parents. yeah. you are a prolific writer and i really appreciate it. and i, i don't think i ever really miss a com a couple days ago. you something very long article, very good, but this one sentence really stuck out to me. i'm going to read it to everybody here. a quick win for russia would be a loss because nato would still exist. no, russia has to pace this, so it sucks nato into the grinder. your spot on right pepe one or to explain what you mean there. ok with without using our collective crystal. busy balls, maybe this is scenario number one for the russian general staff because they see
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that seen only 10 months is being working miracles. so why not? and 20232024. and now they have in direct confirmation from all sources that the u. s wants to prolong this thing, at least until 2025. don't forget dest contract that raphael, and fast with the american government, to supply them with state of the art, anti missile defense, and dest, when they're going to deliver, not november, 2025. so we've had 4 short pepe. i mean that big, that big 2 things. i mean, will ukraine still exist? that's up in the air? probably not. probably not likely, but i'm agreeing with you. and let me go to gerald, because i think it's really important here because what western media likes to frame this as a russia ukraine conflict. well, it's not that it's russia, the, it's a west, the western world, nato world against russia. and the rush is accepted. the challenge,
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and what i think is, is, is in the cards right here. all right, they want to use ukraine is a cudgel against russia. well, russia will use ukraine to destroy nato, and i think that is in the cards. that's one of the reasons why the russians are taking their time to watch nato exhausted. so, and watch the european union humiliate itself into bankruptcy. go ahead, gerald. yes. in no, in the sense that america's going to keep the war going a pet. they mention raytheon were you did. i mean, who is the defense contractor in the united states? i the, excuse me, the defense secretary lloyd. awesome. what was his last job sitting on the board of directors, raytheon. so they're gonna keep this war going as much as they can. again, it's the military industrial complex, and i want to make this 100 percent clear. america is at war with russia. yes. it's
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not a proxy war, and these are the words from loyal austin, the defense secretary, who said he told nbc report that the and the reason for us troops in ukraine was they need quote, experts in the country to help ukraine use critical weapons systems. so america is in ukraine, with u. s. troops showing them how to use critical weapons. they are using the critical weapons. if this is not stopped, world war 3 has already begun. and it's going to annihilate the world, a nuclear war. what people don't understand is that you have mentally ill people that are in control, that have
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a great soul of the demonic socratic spirit. because they, there is not one word you were talking about pro, chest in europe. zip not and nothing in america. peace is not allowed to be spoken to her, and we just heard the national security advisor this jake sullivan said. there's no time right now to talk the piece yet because because victory is not within their grasp. luke, just the opposite. a victory is staring them in the face. okay. and, and these missile systems, the patriots systems. you know, everybody, let's be honest, here the u. s. military has been fighting sheepherders around the world in this century. ok. it's never even even close come to appear power and this is exactly what we're seeing right now. we're seeing all these expensive weapons that go to work there. it's a complete griffith. ok, and look,
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i don't care how many american advisors go to ukraine. they should be a be aware because the russians have i in the skies. they can see exactly where they are. luc well, as you say, and the young we are all major. feel like all the europeans. well really we don't have a mission to deliver any more. i mean frost crenshaw accommodation for over you, or if there were. so how can we deliver 80 counts to to the ukranian army or, and logan list, i'm sorry. list or from what i understand. at the beginning of the conflict, there were $200.00 german tanks and only 10 of them worked. yes, yes. fast to mrs. font lane was on the head of the european commission. you know, she was minister of defense for 8 years and the buddhist fair, the german army is in texas because of her. so that's a good use of how, you know, the germans speak about it. smile. so dad, i look at me, look, i'm, i,
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i can guarantee you, they spend more money at nato buffets than they do on german tax. ok. i can guarantee you that. ok, pepe, you know, the, the thing, the, what you and i have been thinking about a, actually in unison over the last few months. i mean, we're not having direct contact all the time. but we're very much moving in the same direction here. and, and, you know, it's very interesting, rushes is facing the entire onslaught of the west and the world is watching and the world is amazed that russia is taken on the collective west. and it's certainly not losing. i would even say it is winning. if you look at the it, what winning means on the long term thoughts? peppy? absolutely. 87808889 percent of the global south as a whole. and some factors in the global north as well. they have not condemned russia, they have not sanctioned russia. and most of them understand russia's motives and
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that, that's the merits of course, goals to absolutely faultless russia. diplomacy, you know, run by essentially by love role, but all the deputy prime foreign ministers, absolutely brilliant as well. and of course, the higher node which bricks, which is going to be bricks plus shown guy corporation, organization. the strategic partnership between the rest and the chinese and these interlocking partnerships between russia, china, india, any run the what i termed a few weeks ago, the quad that really matters. these are the quad or across the region that really matter. so in terms of soft power globally, russia has got it because they manage to explain their position. this a, the thing is they could, they cannot, in fact, finish this war in 20 minutes, because this would be written mix of america shocking. all. yeah. and that's not what russia once russia, once the global size,
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the global south on their side. so it has to be little by little, this form of chinese starch, torture, which is strategic ambiguity in the words of the russian general staff and the global south bought it. they are all bored because they understand that russia now is that the one word of this fight again? well, and if you are sure, and peppy and peppy, you know, the global south, they remember the european colonial experiences that the russians weren't there, but the europeans were ok. gerald, this war is not going to end in diplomacy, not going to end the negotiations because from the russian perspective, there is no one to trust in the west. anglo miracles admission recently. petro pato shank oh, the former ukrainian president. they lied their liars. so there's going to be no to go, shaded into this. it will be a unilaterally decided by russia because there's no one to trust in the west. geral
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. yes, so what you said about merkle and in for a shank of that, they admitted that the minsk agreement was a total fraud just to get ukraine built up stronger so they could fight against the russians. here i'm a trend forecaster, we have a system called global nomics. we're talking right now about, you know, war. so we look at many different fields and one of them, of course, is to look at is what's going on with the global economy. so of course, with the sanctions they put on russia, you know, of energy prices are going up. there's a lot of hardship in, in europe. that's why you see the demonstrations. one of my sayings is when all else fails, they take you to war. we are facing age geopolitical, socio economic crisis, the likes of which we've never seen before. that had been brought about by all the chief body, they pumped into the system. yet when they forth a cove at war. so let's go back to a thing called a great depression and what followed it were a war to what followed the dot com bust. oh, you mean the war on terror?
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when i'm telling what i'm saying is that when the economy crashes, they get the people's mind off it with war. and they had going to do the same thing . now, american people, when i was a kid, dad is hiding under a desk because the russians were going to drop an atom bomb. i remember doing the same scale. and i remember i remember. so what i'm saying is you're going a russian nest. so just landed in poland and killed 2 people done to that. are they all hasty at night? how do you see how quick it happens? how they believe that o 2 people were killed 377000 over there in yemen. now we don't care that yemen what. but anyway, what i'm saying she, everyone is that when all else fails, they take you to war. the global economy is failing and they will get to people's
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minds. austin, misery with war. okay, let me. we have one minute left. look in your crystal ball here. i won't hold it to you, but we're coming to the end of this year by the end of next year. how many governments do think in the european union will fall? i won't hold you to it. betting possibly several on the andrew i saw you fall in government. it's also a majority that would crumble and the opinions within the european union debt will change at all. we have issues at the european parliament with corruption, bike tar and things. and we see that these people at the european parliament have great ideas about ethics and morality. they're all so it's going to get worse in europe and of the approval. so he said, i see depression in future certainly, but america is sitting, making
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a lot of money with european stupidity, saving us, their ellen g, be strong, the european economy and are making that the euro will never be out of your preserve any more. and it all gets down to wind down. that's it all gets down to being ideologically obsessed and greedy. okay. oh and they're not and hubris at not absolutely taking no responsibility for their actions. that's where we end this year gentlemen. as all the time, i want to thank my guests in paris, brussels and in kingston. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here, are the see you next time. remember ross? ah, ah ah. ah,
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ah ah ah, ah . the claims of the king of the belgians leopold the 2nd to the congo were finally authorized by the leading european countries in 18. 85 in the very heart of the african continent. a state under the rule of the belgian monarch was declared since the beginning, the congo free state was total,
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may him for the local population and functioned as a universal concentration camp. the majority of the population, including women and children, were forced to work on the rubber plantations. those who failed to fulfill their quota were beaten and mutilated to keep the congolese people under control. the king set up the so called forest bleak which were punitive detachments that cast terror on the captured country and its inhabitants, fearing that their subordinates would simply waste bullets hunting for wild animals . the officers demanded that the soldiers gave an answer for every bullet used, and as proof presented a job hand of an african. it was not uncommon when trying to justify the use of the ammunition. the colonist amputated the hands of not only those who were dead, but also of those who were kept alive. the atrocious exploitation of the congo turned into a real genocide. in only 20 years,
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the policy of the belgians led to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. that genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the grimmest pages in the history of mankind. ah whitehouse pressured switches to suppress all tight down acute information about coven, 9 scenes that didn't go along with the government's guidance or that's according to the latest length revelations. 3 russian service men die in a ukrainian drone attack on an air base in the central russian region of serrato. a wanting disturbing images. i had several ukrainian sub it says are killed by russia security service while attempting to cross into the country. the group carried western supplied weapons as well as improvised explosive.
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