tv Africa Now RT December 26, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm EST
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hallway is becoming an increasingly attractive prospect for foreign investors. zimbabwe has the largest lithium reserves in africa and the 5th largest in the world. the metal makes up nearly 60 percent of its exports and 16 percent of its g . d. p. according to the ball and government, the country loses around $1800000000.00 a year and revenue due to smuggling and unregulated exports. a symbolic m p explained to r t the reasons behind the government's decision to restrict lithium exports. also saying global organizations like the world bank are stopping africa from growing. do we are talking just from one minute all we is africa a talking oh, for a budgetary support from the will to bank, which is not been availed for the construction of inga dim which can produce about 40000 megawatts enough to feed the energy sector for the wall of africa, but because the will to bank is them actually money to buy the ist,
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well colonize us. they do not to want to africa to grow. so that is need to use what we have is africans to get what we can get to in power, our sector, because we, we are sanctioned by the global community of, sorry, by the americans and the is to well colonizers, they would definitely not one to zimbabwe. to benefit much frome, both the early f m. and from there you pick which us amount of mineral wealth turkey, as, as france has only itself to blame for the recent unrest in the country's capital. noting that the violence in paris was caused by the same terrorist organization. the west provides support to throughout the middle east. this is p k, k in france, the same terrorist organization you support in syria, the same p k k that has killed thousands of turks. kurds and security forces over
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the last 40 years. now they are burning the streets of parish. will you still remain silent? classes broke out last week between pro kurdish protestors and french police following the murder of freak heard a local cultural center on car bass journalist the laura oslyn says the west is now suffering from its own ignorance mile and flashes that had wounded till the 20 and french policeman intact shall come, wayland, they say, who can be took. he has full long i want the european union, its members, especially france and germany, which will say large accommodates your p k. k. sympathize this, that to one day and these kind of hoops to terrorists linked groups. kendall, so turn on themselves into attack. so their, their old countries not only turkey. so i think the latest has been a good example for france, but we still see that european countries in western media to not even mentioned the
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name to k k during reporting. so these latest clashes and what turkey is saying is that the european union should collaborate with on kara on this issue on curbing the p k. k. prison in their own countries. have those where this ours top stories from around the globe for more up to the minute news coverage. head over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey rumble and gab from work. thanks for checking in. we'll see back next hour. ah ah
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ah, i'm afraid that the still a days will continue jakes and then we may expect the escalation bill because i don't see any sincere demand for peace in europe. but there is no peace with them. obviously, there will be more sanctions introduced to aggravate situation, and i see a desire to keep up this war in the interests of the usaa administration. ah ah, a
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hello and welcome to african. now we're coming to you this week from south africa's union buildings, way the government and presidency are housed in the capital city toria. there's a lot of excitement here about the fact that south africa was seen. take her the chairmanship of the trade association bricks. this organization was set up to promote by natural trade platforms between member states, brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa as an alternative to historically weston trade monopolies. so what exactly is south africa vision for picks for the next 4 years? well, to answer this question, i caught up with president marin, the chairman of the trade bricks association. we would expect our government to
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present an africa as a worthy continent for investments. i think that will be quite a huge topic on the agenda. investments in south africa investments in africa, and looking at how we could see more are russian, chinese indian investors, the asha and countries coming in to the continent. so i think much trade discussions much investment opportunities will unfold. and i'm sure the areas of renewable energy and technology will also feature very prominently on the agenda of for the bricks. chair, south africa in 2023. what does it mean for south africa? it means a lot for south africa. it also means immense for the continent of africa. so when south africa takes over his chair, it will carry the cap in aspirations of 1200000000 africans. so when it looks at
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its agenda, it would look at the interest of south africa and how south africa can play a pub role in pushing an african continental agenda. so south africa from there would expect investments. i'm sure we are going to be looking at technology. we look at our new forms of infrastructure investments. south africa is lucky in the sense that it has developed a diversified economy. so it's a very good bass to bounce from and get into africa. so i, since south africa as a vehicle into africa is phenomenal. i think we will be looking at how we could player all facilitate that role in africa. we see more more countries wanting to join brakes. is this actually going to happen with bricks allow, at the countries in saudi arabia wishes to join bricks, argentina,
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you've got iran in you, but other countries that are looking at the bricks, countries that's going to be a good thing. if i, if they come to the party, it means a strengthened bricks. i think we'll see on a greater diversity across the world. we'll see a, a more balance stir, power emerging, especially in the global south countries in investments. we're dirt flourish and it's something that i would certainly like to see happen. do you think the fact that we're seeing more applications to join brakes is an indication that more more countries are trying to move away from a u. s. centric financial basis, for example, the world bank, the i m f. personally, i don't think that they want to move away, but they would want more options. so i sense that if we have a more competitive playing field, that will be great. i like the vision of the united sates of call for an open fare
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ah, economic world. and in that fear, fear playing, we'd like to see bricks also emerge with the solutions that will compete with other bodies, like the world bank, et cetera. so i think that'll be a big advantage for developing countries, especially when you have choices that you can make that will ensure that the interest of the people are 1st at heart. and if we can have a competitive for street of solutions coming out of the world, bang for the world economic forum, the bricks, countries, et cetera than africa, will welcome that. that wasn't bricks initially established because it was seen as some kind of alternative. i don't know if that's the right word, but to putting together of the books countries on, in economic basis to provide an alternative t, for example, the european and american dominated markets. so the fact that more more countries,
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one to 20 breaks, doesn't that seem to, for just that there is a turn away on, on the international stage from those more traditional powerful countries, america, europe, and people moving towards countries. lack was all russia, africa, my view would be is not that they want to move away. i don't since it, we can forsake one ah, body for the other. but i think to address in that mosaic or suite of solutions that come our way in developing countries. the challenges that we faced in that eda is something that the bricks can address. so if we can smooth the way for great investments, but more important, we'd like to see and a continent that is powered by the small medium enterprises. and what are the impediments that are, prevents the renaissance and economic renaissance amongst a small, medium micro. we have a trillion almost a trillion some reports stressed that we have
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a trillion us dollar informal economy. they need to be banked. so how do we we bring in solutions that will be favorable to them. up until now we didn't have a solution. so by the introduction of the bricks, countries and the evolution of the bricks, countries and hopefully that they talking about a currency that me much that would be beneficial to africa, to small businesses, to medium businesses. then we activist there, we would love that. nothing would please us most if we have access to finance that will be able to finance intelligent mines across africa so that we can distribute economic wealth, bring about prosperity for the people of africa. if we look specifically at russia, what can russia contribute to africa? because of course, we're talking about africa. russia is a world leader on many fronts. and it can share its knowledge. it can share it,
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stick knology. it's has one of the world's largest, an oil and gas reserves. it can bring, perhaps a better value, better rates to africa. so the role of russia must be like any other investor in africa. it must be given a fair right to invest on all france. and we would love to see. and for example, the tourism sector is crying out for an in a new forms of revenue through tourism. and we'd love to see an increase in tourist from russia. we would definitely roll out the red carpet for russia to our us to come and visit if these countries land up joining breaks to you and visit a time that the, the name bricks will change. well, as it's something that interestingly, something that we are talking about amongst ourselves, because we, we are our companies trade bricks and when and, and we look at
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a balance of trade from the bricks, countries as well as the e u countries and the americas. so the name of trade assorted bricks itself possible that it may become bricks plus or, or it would become something like the g 20. i'm not too sure. but definitely i sense with more countries. and they possibly be would be a change. not necessarily the name bricks may drop, but it may just become bricks plus, that's my personal view. it's not a political view. if you have a scenario that more members are joining the block, what will be the way or how are you going to balance the many interests that now you have perhaps different views from different countries in terms of driving picks for weight. well, is that not what democracy is all about? so you may a design in a vertical and an area you entrenched differences yet in
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on, on other fronts. you could have collaboration, so they should be healthy competition. they should be collaboration. they should be, am visions coming together to promote ah, the common oh, good will of the world. so definitely the bricks. countries do have a place to play the i have more synergies rather than challenges. and i think the sensible men will sit around the boardroom and resolve differences are the world is big enough for 8000000000 people. what. ringback you say are the main challenges going forward? i'm thinking specifically now that part of the challenge is it could be facing the block in the future, would be to ensure foreign policies connect to the actions of the governments around volved, bricks, governments. again, as i say, the deb call focus he straight and they've co focus is to smooth the way for investments in the country. their co focus is to bring peace, prosperity,
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economic activity across the bricks. countries, africa is represented by south africa, and we would need to evaluate the needs of africa. are we need to look at where economic prosperity has not been taken to and how to, how can russia, for example, converge with ah, the, after the, after african free, take continental free trade area and bring about solutions that will reach and improve lives in areas. if we could not reach before. so for me that is central, that's what we should drive the bricks agenda of from a jew economic perspective. what are the challenges you face the challenges is that i think at 1st we would have to resolve these major global issues that are grappling the world. and one of them would been covered. the other one would be, i'm my economic activities, the warning between russia and ukraine and the speedy resolution towards
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a peaceful outcome will be welcomed by africa. we definitely would love to see a peaceful resolution. russia has a major role to play in the world. as i say it's, it's has solutions that the world looks for and for, for us a peaceful resolution between challenges that gripped as for the last decades. if we find resolution, then the world will be a much better place. i sense it is a place for everyone in a competitive world, the best will thrive and those who are challenged will continuously improve to provide solutions that they can compete with or against. well, as we heard, there's a great number of countries that want to join bricks among the nigeria who is in competition with south africa for africa was biggest economy. now for years, analysts in australia have argued that that country and not south africa,
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should be part of brakes. and they point to the fact that there are more than 200000000 people living in nigeria and the country both a fast growing and vibrant manufacturing industry. south africa, on the other hand, has a much more regulated financial services sector which may give vh. well, to discuss this further and whether or not the name bricks should become thinks i'm joined now by the ceo of the south africa nigeria chamber of commerce, diane games. diane, thanks so much for joining us here. do you think that could become a viable alternative to the pin union? it's already in the block of some economic caste and you looking at some of the biggest economies in the world. and i think that there is no doubt that it will be if you're looking at it as a competition, that it would be a competitive, intensive of size of, of it. you can all make way to and of all of its infant across the south, south,
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south block. but also beyond that, diane, is it the right time for nigeria to join bricks? well now that the door seems to be open to other other countries joining the brick block. i just knew things nigeria should be, would be appear in this regard. and it should be something that the government should consider as is looking to see what the criteria might be for joining this growing block. the unfortunate the timing at the moment is not good because not jerry is going into quite quite a difficult selection. difficult in the 10th of it being highly contested between different parties. and so it's unlikely it'll have to depend on what the winning party feels about the direction for that area and it's added foreign policy going forward. but sydney, historically nigeria has been a significant player in the africa space for far more so arguably than south africa
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in terms of its kind of military might, its, its role in addressing conflicts on the region. and generally, as a superpower, if you like, if it was to be a new government. and jerry, do you think they would support joining books? i think that any, any party that wins election in nigeria will sidney way up as an important decision like this to some extent, i don't think they would jump into it straight away. but i think that in no way means that they wouldn't consider it the benefit or for everyone to see in many ways in terms of the marks of the increased trade between bricks. the countries may be formalizing the tide that already exists between nigeria and other african countries. and some of the bricks, members, particular the india and china. so you know, those relationships have grown to even upside break. i think that countries like nigeria don't need to rely on being part of break to have india and china as,
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as was among the main trading and investment partners. i gave the ceo of the south africa nigeria chamber of commerce. thanks so much for joining us. what are people in? i, jerry, i think we took to the streets of the capital lagos, a city of 25000000 people and asked where the nigerians think they should be given a seat at the bricks table. people had to in the time to join if we're serious minded people, we have um our plans in front of us will. we're going what we're going to be able to do with membership. there are reasons why people joined these things that yeah, things that what, what are the competitive advantages that will have oversight, africa, population. what else? the share size of our population is, is a mix of major is and when i enter, i will always count in as much as major pride myself as the de guests ignore me group in africa that most of us know that when it comes to the economy of south
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africa is where i had of nigeria. it all spread out, you can use it to measure so it would be good to have been better. i and it was good and it would happen it. he said, nigeria more you there, but of that group, don't forget the fact that the most nations are the, was ah, walking away from the european and the western countries, especially when you see what is happening now, what china is doing for some form was china is do so much john night is the 2nd most biggest economy in the whole of the world. and that is estimated that in the next 20 years that we won't pass it's class america. i'm china is doing a lot would in the developing countries and especially africa, if you look at infrastructure development. if you look at the area of commerce, understood them and you look at volume or treat,
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we cannot much what's out there. what's chinese denise to a united states or in this european countries and for dots, they looked more attractive that africa was just brought in. because of course, you can compare them and rarely come to that african economy. technologically the a way ahead of force, digitally be a way ahead of all. so it, it, it, it, it, it, it's a block of countries that have a good idea of weight going. we know we wiggly him at the moment. i doubted. there's a lot of discussion and breaks about whether the country should introduce a single currency. but after the failure of the european union, new proposals are being put forward. one of them is introducing crypto currency. as the chairman of the trade bricks association explains, we would love to see a currency, especially like crypto that will be able to reach businesses in greater places across the continent. and we sense the crypto
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can achieve that. and it's an open ledger. so you know who we are dealing with, and if governments begin to regulate it and i know south african government, just a few weeks back, announced a crypto currency as a financial product. so when all of these initiatives come together and with india has got to do pay and the digital you on, in china cetera. i, since that when all of this comes together, we will have a solution on the table that will cost businesses less. the 1st country in africa to introduce crypto currency is the central african republic, a former colony of france. its banking system is controlled by paris. it cannot send or receive payments from a board unless it gets the nod from france. the republics minister driving the initiative explains why he believes other african countries will soon follow suit
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to prison. we're looking, he was looking for a solution to now developed country for zoom, population enforcer, zone government also to benefit to the development of the country, to out, to open a country to different people. different personnel can be reggie and hamilton versus the country, but also for us being capacity also to use our money to buy thing outside. and now was a crypto currency. it's a crypto currency is a crypto revolution. it's a solution. a solution for us to was a crypto money now to use away now to invest what site and for people to investigate. so here was a crypto currency revolution. you can write your project and on a white proposal they used to call it white paper. you can put it on the books in
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and out. was it before all of us, orange brooklyn could put that can put directly money on your project. and before it was difficult to raise money, you, because before you have to go in the bank, you have to for up see some organization to raise wanted to develop your euro, your project. and also it was difficult to also to or is when it, because it's a banking system was and good and one not who i not, i lot to receive money from country like china, our ratio, some country like this. and we've got many partner in russia and china when you are ready. i 32 and 32 invest in central africa pretty well working very hard to implement. a very good network. and now to dish, utilize all as a country. but for that we need money and her to and disciplinary we have to raise it. and that was the crew to currency. it's also a solution to raise this money and under brushing. and there
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is so that we can see also for the program of energy and the program of internet solution is a crypto courtesy. because a quick to currency, we can raise money to finance development and digitalization of the country and jump in mentation of different inaji project. support for the central africa. public's innovation in introducing crypt currency is coming from further afield and then just africa. the russian ambassador car is excited about the prospect. i'm here. i love this country really, and i'm quite impressed because i see a lot of things i've never expected. for example, that new ambitious project about did it creep the coin according to the official classification. it's a low income state. at the same time, it's a member of sub regional currency and economic commonwealth with their very strict rules. and yet de launch and keep the money by combining the expertise in
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id with the finances. why? because i think that discount is very talented. lot of potential. the government, the, the, the ruling team is also very professional. the financial diplomacy of this country is a part of genial national diplomacy is very effective. well, that's it for now. we'll continue to keep our finger on the pulse of africa and bring you stories that are often missed or ignored by other networks. until we meet again from myself and the team here on the tip of africa. the bi ah
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in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing additional strong sanctions. today, russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. a number that's constantly growing up in your future. when was the question, as you speak on the bill in your senior, mostly mine the wish you were banding all imports of russian oil and gas new g i g with the letter from you know, we're pretty good regarding joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia has destroyed the american economy. so there's
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your boomerang with serbia builds up artillery and troops on it. border with coast voting is army on the highest level of combat readiness in response to pristine as a legit attacks on ethnically serve areas for ron i q that the london of a quote totally destructive role an anti government riot. that's after the arrest of several dual. you pay iranian citizen, suspected of leading the on the white house pressure twitter to suppress the accurate information on coven 19 that didn't fit with the government cited. that's according to the latest twitter.
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