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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2022 12:00am-12:31am EST

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ah, with serbia build up artillery and true bonus border with post about putting it the army on the highest level of combat readiness in response to for it is reported attacks on ethnically serve areas. herat accuses london of a, quote, totally destructive role, an anti government riot. that's after the arrest of several jewel u. k. iranian citizens suspected of leaving the on right the white house pressure footer to suppress the accurate information on po midnight. if that didn't fit with the government guidance, that's according to the latest twitter files revelation and over 100000 zombie and
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supported by the u. n. r. doing a u. k. for, for help complications coming from exposure to mining pollution over a 50 year period with hello and good morning for martine or national studios in moscow, from wherever you're catching the program. welcome to the hours most vital stories from around the world. i'm fiorella, isabel, serbia has put its army and police forces at the highest level of combat readiness, building up its artillery units in the event of an attack from the growing number of coast of in soldiers on its border. the real live on the wonder international call those the physical attack, the killing of serbs or grams and k for does not want to intervene and perform its role. according to resolution $24.00, he faltered then serbia will be forced to intervene. we hold that it won't come to
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that in accordance with orders from the president of serbia and the commander in chief of the serbian army. i have ordered the full combat readiness of all units of serbia as the ministry of interior, the gender arm, and special anti terrorist units and police brigades. they all have to immediately make themselves available to the army commander and take a position in our operational plan. let's get some background on the story that decision came after the latest reported coast of an attack on ethnic serb territories. proceed. a special forces reportedly tried to dismantle serbian barricades in the region, but apparently fled following warning shots fired by local serbs. coast have been media blame to serve for the standoff, saying they fired on christina and nato troops that had been deployed to the area. one resident told us that kosovo cut off electricity following the incident. to tell us if the shots were fired 1st for my bull deal was an odd brickle fight and i
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was year and i fail and it was my finger broke. it shows we have fired here and there from all sides, then it don't of the electricity. now we don't have power to speaking with you are just really narrow. these events prompted the local service and majority to block the roads to proceed with trucks. they also recently protested b. arrest of a former prominent serbian police officer accused of attacking a close of and security patrol barricades have been in place for 18 days with protesters demanding the release of the officer. the withdrawal of the coastal police from the north of the province and justice were served in the region. the e u has condemned the attacks on coast of police forces with 5 western countries, having reportedly sent an ultimatum to belgrade. pushing local serves to remove the barricades in the north of coastal. but the former us top envoy for the serbian conflicts says it's christina, which is to blame for the escalation. the latest violence in kosovo is
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unacceptable. albin, curtsey continues his unilateral actions in the north. in violation of international agreements, state secretary blinking must demand courteous release the serbian prisoners and refrained from arresting peaceful protesters and stop sending special forces to the north while at the same time demanding the barricades to be removed. the serbian president has said he's doing everything possible to maintain peace. also criticizing his course of encounter part for not being open to hearing bel grades concerned professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade 7. god h says close to those actions are a clear provocation. this is one of the provocations i guess so done again by the cost of all being authorities. so what they are doing is they are constantly provoking the serbs and for some reason they want to escalate. i don't know why,
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because this is not in the interest of neither these serve nor the albanian local population. so there obviously must be an agenda behind this. it all started with serves withdrawing from the console here in trim institutions, which happened was followed by the albania authorities not fulfilling the brussels agreement for almost 10 years. they have signed it and ratified it twice in their parliament, but they don't want to establish the so called community of serbian municipalities . so the serbs out of protest, lefties diffusions and then the albanian majorities diffusions started to arrest serbian policemen who were in their system because unfortunately what we call an international community, which i think is a rather racist term. because it always only applies to their political west. so
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because they treat serbia and serves as enemies and have been treating us like that for the last 30 years. because in every single conflict on the policy was love space and they were against the serbs. the main, a mistake maybe by the serbian government is to, out of good will let the negotiations process go down from the level of the united nations to level of the european union, which was constantly behaving as a side in the conflict and not as a unbiased you know, by standard that is trying to mediate between the sides, serbia has a right, according to the un resolution, 12442 a, bring in, ah, some soldiers and policemen. so this is an obligation by nato to provide this for the 1st time in the last 23 years that serbia has officially fully off for that,
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i must say in 2003 prime ministers, oranges. i was talking about that, but he was murdered. that's of another, a very interesting issue. however, this is the 1st time the serbia has officially off or that and j 4 is thinking about the issue. so they did not give a straight answer about that because they can't reject it, but they don't want the serbian or forces protecting the local serbs. the u. k. played a totally destructive role in anti government riots in iran says the country's foreign ministry commenting on the arrest of several dual u. k. iranian national, suspected of involvement in the unrest, the network which named it so it was our gross gather together anti revolution. the agents from both inside and outside the country to pursue plots against the islamist system, especially in the recent unrest. the 7 arrested have been involved in planning, leading and producing content, as well as organizing and fueling the flames of the protests. protests erupted back
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in september after the death of a young woman while in police custody. the event sparked nationwide unrest including violent clashes with police. more than $500.00 people died, including at least 60 police officers. the iranian government has designated the unrest as a rebellion, orchestrated by external enemies, including the u. s. c, u. k. and israel. political analysts say must offer cush. hm says that foreign forces meddling in iran's domestic affairs are nothing new. their networks have been operating inside iran for the past 3 years. john bolton, the former national security adviser on the donald trump, appeared on bbc pear ship to say that he has seen armed opposition. providing you know, guns all to rioters inside iraq through the iraq,
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with the borders and go to some problem. there are many all saying that they are operating in iran, and there's no strange to see that they used to do that in 2009. they did it in 5 years ago. they did it also some 3 years ago. meanwhile, the british m. p had slammed the rest of u. k. national by iran, as the industrialized taking of hostages and called on british citizens to leave the country immediately. if i was a british foreign national in iran, i would absolutely be leaving because there is evidence that they will use them in any game of chess. they can and they will face brutal repression. political analysts say most stuff coach has them again says to rod has every right to take action against threats to its national security. it's quite clear that the u. k. will start pressuring iran espionage,
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and of harming who was national security like in any of the country. it's quite serious charge. they have been arrested as they were operating actually, and organizing riots and not protests, but writings. and they've been leading darius on the us government pressure twitter to sensor or label certain tweets as misleading information about cobit 19 that were in fact true, but deep, inconvenient for washington that's according to the latest batch of leak twitter files revealed by investigative journalist david's leg in my review of internal files, i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely, sometimes triggering account suspensions simply because they veered from cdc guidance or differed from establishment views. it seems that when the biden administration took over a, one of their 1st meeting requests with twitter,
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executives was on the subject of covert and their focus was in particular and see vaccines. and one man specifically was alex baron sin. he buried the bronze of their, of their anger. i and, oh, what happened there was that present biden in the summer of 2021. when his comments came out, saying that social media companies are killing people for allowing vaccine misinformation a few hours after that all of a sudden this man's, it's what our account was suspended. and he was kicked off the platform the following month. now this man didn't just let it go, he suits whitter, they eventually settled. but in that, in that legal process, twitter had to release internal communication of that i, it had with the white house overall. pretty good. they had one really tough question about why annex burns and hasn't been kicked out from the platform. otherwise, her questions were pointed, but fair. unmercifully,
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we had answers sweaters ahead of the us. public policy held several meetings with the white house and she wrote a sort of summary of those meetings in december 2022 just now. and there is more evidence where we see direct pressure from the white house for its foot or 2 bands . her an account suspended and take him off the platform and there were even get an angry that sweater wasn't doing it as fast. and as with many accounts as they wanted, the biden team was not satisfied with we just enforcement approach as they wanted. tweeted to do more into deploy some civil accounts. because of this, dissatisfaction, we were asked to join several other course. they were very angry nature. we then saw doctors band, for example, even people who were citing a publish study that was already out there, but they wanted it gone from twitter. twitter did suppress use many from doctors
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and scientific experts that conflicted with the official positions of the white house. as a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded, the public debate went missing. we have dr. martin called drove, and he is an epidemiologist at harvard medical school and the heat sweets, it was his expert opinion on coven, 19 vaccines. but straight away, he was dismissed, he was put a label that said misleading for violating the company's coven 19 misinformation policy. and that he was supposedly sharing false information, thinking that everyone must be vaccinated is as scientifically flawed as thinking that nobody should carried vaccines are important for older high risk people and their caretakers. those with brian natural infection do not need it, nor children. so even though here we have an expert and he is tweeting about his expert opinion and that opinion, by the way, was shared by many medical professionals around the world. still because they
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didn't fit the cdc guidelines. they basically had him suspended. and another example, this is a funny one, actually there is a woman, a self proclaimed public health, the fact checker. and what she did was she replied, that's who it suites using cdc data. so data that the cdc produced itself, she was quotes and lat, and she got slapped with the label, misleading, but that sweets itself that she was replying to, which actually contained the misleading information and i'll read it. the actual tweets that this form replied to cove. it has never been the leading cause of that from disease in children. so that's, that contained misleading information was allowed to stay, but their reply was deemed misleading. british colonialism killed more than 160000000 indians over a 40 year period. that's according to the recently published academic studies on
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the british occupation of india. according to their research, at the turn of the 19th and 20th century, british colonial practices were responsible for a dental exceeding that of both world wars combined, making it one of the largest loss of life events in human history. another study suggests that over 200 years of british rule, nearly $45.00 trillion dollars of the country's wealth and resources were plundered . experts say that this colonial period had devastating effects on india, deepening extreme poverty and raising mortality rates. historian and senior fellow at the narrow memorial museum and library pill kumar explains how the british colonial rule has influenced india's development. people will be always going to be exploited, but how much was them out? and i want to let me read this report is a wonderful attempt to expose the religion devotees in india when in the same time,
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if you go back to the dot, the figures off that right, it should only be up the message. and what i call let you know, i would just be done by the british. i don't think unified battle of any other country when this communion is a given to india. india was the leading economy in the the balance of trade was it and yes, they were bringing gold. and so they said, well, they're willing to buy things in india, which lead to mike and to reserve in europe. we had a craft industry. we had soft industries, we had of us buy season of the things. they converted india into a commercial growing better country which was horrible. the 2nd best you go to the was some people use it, is that there is a more i can find the training development kimball that came in every country
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this, you know, and see what all these developments without colonialism. we want on somebody, we don't colonialism in order to change the blood of jesus and they're trying to make these kind of a, oh, give wants to hold a un base piece. so meant to put an end to the conflict with moscow. but rather than see russia at the negotiating table, ukraine wants to see russia in court before talks can go ahead or should be, might some of the steps envisaged by the formula require the presence of russia. huh. at the bench. you know, in the tribunal for example, or in the international court. so they can only be invited to these steps in this way. what seems the idea that western leaders and have in mind is not so much peace
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talks as it is just kind of a huddle or some kind of local party between themselves. and they don't intend for it to be real t stalks because they say rush. busy shouldn't be invited the ukrainian foreign minister, as you heard, that the only way russia would be invited is if it face some kind of war crimes tribunal. and in addition to that, he said ukraine would be doing everything possible to try and win the war in the year 2023. now ukraine just secured for itself an additional $1800000000.00 from the united states. as a result of the wind skis recent visit to washington, that aid package also included a patriot missile. he indicated he hoped that other countries would follow suit and make similar gifts to the government. and here now let's note that in the past, the turkish leader has the still a tainted dialogue between ukraine and russia. and the turkish president erewhon as insisted that it is the way to the united states and the allies that are the
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instigators of this conflict, nearly q. but unfortunately, the west has only made provocations and failed to make efforts to be a mediator in the ukraine. russia war now leader is in the united states, members of congress, as well as the ukrainian government have recently been making noise about somehow removing russia from the united nations was that there is no basis for which to carry this out. the un charter has no way to remove a permanent member of the security council permanent does mean permanent, but around the world we're hearing opposite calls. india, for example, wanted to expand and democratize the united nation, give more representation to different countries around the world. not last member states from latin america, africa, asia, and the small island developing states should have credible and continuing representation in the security council. decisions about their future can no longer be taken without their participation. equally important is to make working methods
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and processes of the global institutions, including this council more accountable objective and transparent. now the un secretary general antonio gutierrez said that he's ready to host some kind of p some. and he thought that he would only do so if all parties agreed to participate . so these are the developments we're seeing. a chinese energy technology company is teaming up with them boulware mining firm to invest in the african countries, lithium industry. this comes despite heavy restrictions on ra lithium exports by africa, largest lithium producer, the export of them bowing, lithium can only take place with the permission of the minister of mines and mining development with the mining has become one of the main industries in the country in recent years, as global demand for the mineral spikes, chinese company, g c, l energy technology has announced a recent deal,
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which will see it invest in the african countries. lithium industry, saying that cooperation will enhance its competitiveness at a global level with at least half a 1000000 tons of lithium reserves. symbolic way is becoming an increasingly attractive prospect for foreign investors. the bow it has the largest lithium reserves in africa and the 5th largest in the world. the metal makes up nearly 60 percent of its exports in 16 percent of its g d p. but according to those in baldwin government, the country loses around $1800000000.00 a year in revenue, due to smuggling and unregulated exports. is an bowan, m p explained to r t. the reasons behind the government's decision to restrict lithium exports. also saying global organizations like the world bank are stopping africa from growing we are talking just from one mineral, we is africa a talking or for
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a budgetary support from the will to bank, which is not been availed for the construction of inga dim which can produce about $40000.00 megawatts enough to feed the energy sector for the wall of africa. but because the will, to bank isn't actually money to buy the ist, well colonize us. they do not want to africa to grow. so the is need to use what we have is africans to get what we can get to in power, our sector, because we, we are sanctioned by the global community as, sorry by the americans. and the is to well colonizers, they would definitely not to one to zimbabwe, to benefit much from both the early f m. and from there you beckwith, to us amount of mineral wells over 100, thousands ambien local supported by you, an experts and human rights groups are fighting in a class action lawsuit against c u. k. mining firm. they claim their health was
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damaged. you to mining pollution over a 50 year period. the company, anglo american, was a shareholder of the mine from 1925 until its nationalization in 1974. according to the human rights watch, more than one 3rd of cobwebs, population of 76000. now live in lead contaminated areas, mathias shot among khana has been working in cub. we've mines for 30 years and shared his memories with us is damn, i'm waking. i must have a musket if the smoke was coming out. i'm swollen. even if we are putting one months towards nakeema. oh, it is smoke from the plan was passing. sometimes you can't even see somebody. nice. now. your eyes. i joke through the smoke. yes, we have given 70 shoes desk or that's all day. me go
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there. you my see have a couple t coffee and sometimes the missouri destiny torres day to wash out to daddy dusty that you who slowed or dismal with that you'll forward. you can see there was a wire goes to project dest, but you can see how it was eating, because over fuel is it from there, from the mines. the claim arises from the contamination of villages close to the cowboy lead mine formerly known as broken hill, but anglo american itself denies that had ever operated the mind and says employee health was not its responsibility. lead does not easily corrode and once released into the environment, it usually stays there and does not degrade, might be a shout. upon khana again says the problem of contamination affects everyone,
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especially children, death fix their thinking capacity. you go to school to check for they weren't for the if you that was for your account, you can do i see ok some time ago, but now he's coming down. he's thinking company when he comes in school, i was being glad for the while. he goes to see she or he goes to city. i was, you don't get a boy. i can coward. i think he's now is going get 12 next day. they didn't want him to go forgetful, say, no, no, you repeat a good living because he's i was dropping. i don't to him. if you were supposed to know, act during that. why and to find out the way these boys doing these. now i saved my
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boy wise lady, you are, you are fun with the red we concluded the because of late. that's why it is, i was going down. the district commissioner of cowboy says a number of projects are in the pipeline to mitigate this problem. we are working with them re undermining environmental remediation project. you know, our band project back to help with the effects of lead recovery in the project. i think we see that i think and every stage, another one for $4000000.00, or they're about to basically try and get into communities that we have factored mind township area. cassandra area like us on those other 2 many projects that have been backed on the
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one that didn't go on with it, come out clearly, they come out of this material and and think dump was cumulative for me. so something positive. and we hope that he much more can be done and the taliban has told washington to mind its own business. that follows comments from the us secretary of state, criticizing couple for restricting women's rights, an afghan, a span deeply concerned that the taliban on women delivering humanitarian aid and ghana stan will disrupt vital and life saving assistance to millions. women are central to humanitarian operations around the world. this decision could be devastating for the afghan people. we do not allow anyone to talk rubbish or make threats regarding the decisions of our leaders under the title of humanitarian aid . the state department's remarks come after the taliban government ordered that all
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of the countries and yields should stop employing women for a legit noncompliance with sharia loss. the move sparked criticism from international group to accuse couple of neglecting women's rights. several and yields are reported to have suspended their operations in the country. political analyst and researcher christopher holly says the u. s. pretence to care about women in afghanistan. the development of course, is the internal issue for the african people. us is trying to put pressure on the afghan government, which of course is now controlled by the taliban. us, of course, is withholding billions of dollars in aid. and now is of course, having a crocodile, tears worrying about to ask women when the african women, african men, african children, the elderly. they all require their money to be returned to the country to provide economic stability. and to provide the resources that they need to survive and to
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thrive as a nation. while the u. s. is withholding that aid and using it as sort of a cudgel against the taliban and trying to pressure other countries not to do trade and not to give money to the taliban. they're now crying about human rights. so i think now the main thing the taliban is saying is, this is our money. this is our resources. instead of worrying about our decisions, why don't you really give us the humanitarian aid, which is our money. and that probably would lead to development within the country itself. those were the hour's top stories from around the world for more up to the minute news coverage. head over to r t dot com. and don't forget to follow us on odyssey rumble and gab for more coverage. thanks for tuning and we'll see you back in 30 ah with
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mm ah ah, with you with a she could if jim lawyer, jim lucel, but he would be later on would you like to walk you through to fulton.


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