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tv   The 360 View  RT  December 27, 2022 3:30am-4:01am EST

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while at the same time restricting freedom of expression. now the welcome rule is pushing c r t gender fluid, a sexual discussions and hate toward america as a nation. meanwhile, china is pushing more physical education classes and more male teachers to prepare their boys to become the next generation of soldiers. even india is raising their education standards. what a class in india ever talk about sex and have pornographic reading materials on their libraries? joining me now is moran suse. lee, she is an independent journalist out of australia. thanks for joining us rom. so let's start off please. if you can define what you think woke education is well to define woke education, we have 1st defined term woke. it's a colloquialism that emerged to describe a basically an ideology of cultural marxism
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and cultural marxism emerged from the frankfurt school, which was a school of law to be in germany, $929.00, which is passed the critical theory. and did it last for is from that school such as wilhelm reich. and theodore dorner believed that the root of all fashion comes from sexual repression and health and like promoting overt sexuality is the height of marxism. essentially, it is part of the slave morality. oh, the mitchie and concerts that those who are oppressed are more morally correct than those war masters. and it basically divides people based along the identity lines. so it along racial, gender and sexual identity. and it terms that the most repressed
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of these groups is therefore, the more morally correct. and the ones who aren't supposedly oppressed are, you know, though, the rulers, which means that even working cause people who just have to fight skin becomes the ruling cost in, according to the ideology. there's also deviation. it's not just about that, of course, sometimes about promoting useful ideas like climate change, the some companies want to promote and, you know, i would say that it's kind of all religion, really ideal g. it's a set of values that is replacing the previous set of value that was based on the abrahamic religions. how does a woke education differ from traditional or classical education?
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so like i said, you know, classical education was based around the natural order of things besides terrific and physical world, especially when we call classical education, basically talking about like the education we had maybe 15 years ago. not on this, but it's based on what is real and also the morality is based on abrahamic and christian morals. now, this new belief systems you woke a cation is based on this new woke cultural marxist religion. that is a very alien in many, many ways. and is not based on the real world, in a sense we're going back to the times we're, we believe that the world is flux because religion says we have 2 in the same way we have to believe is multiple genders and a rainbow of genders and social orientations,
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because of religion that enforces that idea is a woke education. really education or good. you call it more like an ideology. could you cation is instilling an ideology of walkers and teaching children the ideology? not as children are going all the way up to, to high school and university and college. they want to inform this ideology in every facet of the education system in the art in the sciences. so, is the religion of the new new religion of the states. i would say and that religion is being enforced through education system. ok. so you are in australia. i want you to take us through what is happening in your country all in terms of this woke education. so i think this is coming from the top down,
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things began to accelerate. i mean, there was elements of woke education a while ago maybe 20 years ago, but it began to accelerate around 2010 with the introduction of the saved school program. and this was developed by an n g o which is focused on g, p, g, q, in schools, and the safety of well being drafted. and so, since injured diverse students in the end is the basis on which the state schools program was the foundation in which it was laid and the state government adopted the policies, the n g o came up with and the federal government funded it with the dollars so essentially from that point on, it was being rolled out in schools everywhere and we have things now like
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their wonder we moved to terms had boy and had girl because they are not friendly to people who are transgender. the they allow students to take part of school to attend climate change rallies even know, you know, in the past, back in my day you might say you were threatened with expulsion for skipping school to attend an iraq war rally. but, you know, you're, you're basically allowed to protest, state approved causes and many, many other things. i mean, in the bathroom, for example, you can, you will see funds that women and knows why and by women, you know, so, and it's, and this is not just in schools, this is going to be university level a lot of funding is going into gender studies and all the resources are going into
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climate change, resort research in the sciences. so even the sciences are being bent, but from the disability. and to prove that, you know, this professors are being fired for going against the grain. we have a concept called academic freedom, which is, you're supposed to be allowed if you're a professor or lesser, you're supposed to be allowed to have an opinion without function. so a not is under a talk. so there is a physicist called doctor peter rid who was a professor who conversed, city, who made some contrarian viewpoints about climate change in the great barrier reef . i was fired and when he took it to the high court to say that my academic speed is being shut down. he was, he failed and there's another professor. i didn't university doctor to madison who
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was fired for having a lecture. slide. those differences to some students and he actually went to the high court and succeeded. but he still doesn't have his joke. he still was fired. so academic freedom across the board is being a talked and you see this trend emanating out of the united states or europe into australia. i would see that it's coming from higher than the united states in europe. i'm talking like this some back shot. we were, these all seas are being discussed and implemented. ok, for example, they were before, you know, they rolled out ships that were made of crickets in the local supermarket. they had a discussion at the united nations and where they deemed that it was safe to eat in
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so and it would help address the food shortages in the world. so it goes from those decisions up there. for example, the world economic form on top. 1 down trickles into the united states, you're and australia. so it is these countries which are beholden to those institutions that are essentially controlling the, these countries even though we're supposed to be a democracy because they're the ones that are instituting it. and that's why we see it in the works. so our parents are students are resisting what is happening. well, the problem is that there's very little they can do to resist. because homeschooling is very uncommon in australia, something like point 5 percent of parents, home schooled their children. and 1st of all, there's
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a stigma associated with it because that scene is weird and finish and at the social. but it's also practical because australian economy is requires both parents to work, so nobody has time to do it. and in the last 2 years since 2019, the percentage has risen, like by 25 percent from the mall initial point. however, it's probably because of the look down that we've had the last 2 years in old corbett restrictions. and since then, no people are just putting their kids back in school. so really, the only option that parent top it's a common option is that they're putting their kids in private school. christian or muslim colleges don't have to implement is ideal g there. you're not required to do so. and a lot of you will do that. that's
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a very common thing to do is to put your children in private schools. so. ready not as far as the university, though, there's very limited options, except recently there's been tertiary education institutions, such that sheridan institutes, which is like an independent community of christian scholars. the are offering courses, the church very like university or college level without pulling themselves the diversity or college and that has that is the alternative. some people are seeking know to new brand new thing. do you see this trend actually growing and spreading around the world to non western countries without the barrel of the gun? oh say i think that they are pushing this agenda to each turn. countries by essentially using the the notary economic pressure. mean
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a lot of the discussions in these boxes, rooms and sometimes didn't quite publicly in the think tongues is that in order to get a country x to institute, this woke agenda, we need to assassinate their politicians. we need to apply sanctions each pressure than we need to bond them. it can get that far because we can think of it as a crusade of this woke audiology on which is unlike any will religion perhaps maybe satanism. but, you know, that's the, it's, it's, so the new form of a hedge of many of the world will to live in, know, is having this religion and they are trying to push on to the eastern countries. but of course,
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it's difficult because the culture on which those countries are the families holding those cultures together. they still exist the institution of the families that exists. and it's going to be very, very difficult to put those ideas and destroy the old ones and replace it with book . i don't see it happening isn't. thank you very much now with the independent drive or i'm certainly will be back. i know ah with
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aah! in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists known as p a. no ours took the best land from day one. the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. this caused mast discontent. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence . in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress the rebellion using cruel measures. full villages were wiped out acts of torture and executions of civil people, including pregnant women,
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children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france the start fees, negotiation. in 1962, evian records were signed, voting algeria in the past towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and a half 1000000 algerians. ah, welcome back to 360. we want to continue our discussion. you know, woke education isn't just impacting schools, it's impacting sports as well. for joining us, how to discuss this is jake sheldon,
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american mixed martial artist. thanks for joining us, jake. so at what point do men and women actually begin to substantially differ in terms of their biology, especially when it comes to sporting capabilities? is it already at conception birth, puberty, or later on in life? yeah, as you great question, i think actually get older if fears more apart. you know, i think you take to 6 year old of winter. i haven't i, it's probably going to be fairly even, you know, maybe the boy has a slight advantage. you take 10 to 10 year olds, the boys probably going to have a pretty good vantage. you know, when 80, to the time to 13 year olds. the boys are part where 95 percent of the time you put it, you know, a mel 18 year old versus d, my 18 year old and they're mel's and 99 point. i'm just, it's just i actually go puberty and stuff with i think it's really the big change happens. i rustled when i was younger, i'm resting. sometimes you would see, you know, when i was like tennis uprising and i do see growth tournaments doing okay. but you still want to really see them winning it. they would, you know, sometimes it when
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a few matches, but they still, i still was seeing girls when any big term. and i think it has happened to those young agencies. there has been girls that have one state championships and my boys divisions like 10 and stuff. but as far as my knowledge, i've never seen a girl when a state championship, once you get into high school or where were those levels? i've never, i've never seen a girl when a big tournament. obviously a lot more men are competing and competitive. but as you asked you age, puberty, that's when the huge jump happens. so what do you see is the main differences physically, when it comes to men and women in sports, and their ability to compete are just massive, manages so much stronger you get a man and woman at the same size, managed massively stronger, especially upper body legs are tube, legs to actually be fairly strong, but our bodies make, they can't match. we have bigger, long capacity, better cardio, bigger heart thought, more blood through bigger fish. can mammy mice for, as mostly been you know, martial arts, so punching a bigger best, bigger risks, bigger bone structure, it's,
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it's advantage. and every possible way you can imagine to being an athlete, i see just how extreme this is being an elite athlete is laughable. someone's that the best girl in the world stand the chance against me. i would just like last and play with, you know, maybe the best in the world could be so mediocre been fighters, but they're not going to be one of the top 1020300. it's just the level level is, is too big of a gap. so give us some of the high profile examples that you think actually highlights the difference between men and women and top level sports. why were these types of things even allowed? i think made a bunch of them but, but i think a great example of the biggest one, the one that got a lot of famous or people up was thomas because he was right. i can't see an exact number. ready go to 300 something. and as a vision, for example, what i was just saying, and then switch over a dominant woman. this guy's not very good. you know sub par now swimmer comes out
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and just dominates women, women's boards and sitting there, calling him a hero woman and asked me to the year it just betting that a man would come in there and do that with a straight face. and the people that are watching with a straight face and watching announcers, they're talking like, oh, look at this girl go, i don't know how some of that they're announcing something to so absurd that so obviously cheating me and i have as many other examples, but that's the most recent, most obvious shows you, i think there was some runners to do the same thing like high school sports and college on rank because there is dominating these girls spreads just i mean, i think there, pathetic and socio bass is allowing biological men all to compete a women's sports, ruining actual top level female sports. and if not yet couldn't be, and the longer term in a process brewing it through it like there's not enough trans and doing a transfer, whatever the hell it is. but the ones that are doing it are all doing extremely well. everyone's 3 winning titles coming in close. you'll notice trans been haven't
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won a single woman woman for, and they almost always, not always are they. when will the sports men sports? they usually stay and compete and weapons divisions. so they say they say you're a real man, but then they still competing at women. it makes no sense. i mean, not should that just show you right there at the transmitter or when many men sports and most of them are actually staying and competing against women because they know they know they can't go competing. now let's look at high schools and colleges. are young girls actually in danger of losing their own leagues and rights to compete against other females? 100 percent, you know i have a daughter in college athlete and it would been sad to see here, you know, lose lose the scholarship. some man went pastor out. it's just it's one of those things. it is so absurd. i think everyone that sees it. no, it's absurd. but people are too scared to speak out and say anything. but it's really i don't even think one percent of people think it's ups or i think even the people pushing it. no, it's absurd. lie. they just want to push it to like for to push some agenda. i think also very concerning is this ability to call out and do manage the people who
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are calling out the poker. see here and allowing biological men to compete against women. you see the immunization of both high profile figures like j. k, rowling, and joe rogan, but also your average girl athletes who don't want to change with biological males, correct? if they want a boy people and scare me and going along with it, i think it's a very small subset of people that agree with it. i think maybe as being pushed from the top up or something, you know, not be spirit or over the maybe there's some, some group is pushing this and they're not really. there are some, he was not very many. i remember, you know, i think pretty controversial things on twitter. sometimes i say random read sometimes stupid. but i think the most have ever got is when i was criticizing some man that went to woman sport and beat up women. i just had hate. my better have my paper back to me. so if you're like someone has never dealt with a hey, bob or you weren't famous at all. i could see someone freaking out and encountering it, be like, apologizing to me. i knew, but my opinion was a popular opinion,
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and i think it might even be boss. it's either either bought a couch or they have these hate groups organize on twitter, or maybe, you know, maybe 1020 to other people around the world. but if you're getting 102-0000 messages telling you you saw, they want you to die, you know, calling and trying to get you fired. it could be pretty terrifying. i can understand why people terabyte. i'm not like i said, i'm i, i'm self employed. i've made good money, i don't lie, anyone i have no one can fire me. so i'm going to situation where i'm free regard about that kind of stuff, but i could understand especially emails, that means be most art genetic. they are really designed to fight like that. it's not really their job. it's a, it's a mouse job in my opinion, to, to do this type of stuff. but the problem is, i think this particular one women have to speak up because when this men speaking up that everyone just goes well, the women don't care. so unfortunately, the stock position where they're gonna have start speaking up. so ultimately, how do we counter this? will a get worse? do you feel like before it gets better or is this kind of the new normal we have to
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accept in sporting i'm not going to accept this the new normal. i think it's absurd and you know, it doesn't affect me. it's m l because you know, there is a rental trans is going to go against me and there are no trans man or trans wilmont that i'm worried about. but how do we counter it? i think it might get worse and where it gets better, but i think it will get better. there is, there was one positive. i notice whenever i would post things against transit sports used to be, you know, i would get some likes we're not that many and people competing were almost always been supporting me by me. rap. absolutely. atomic thing i noticed, you know, lots of women saying thank you. re supporting at re posting it like it when before the same on the we're scared to like it. i don't think we did the all along. they were scared to say something, i think so, you know, we, atomic situation was kind of the final like we're going to have to do something. there was another one recently, non sport related, but there was a guy, you know, masturbating in the girls bathroom. and the people were, they basically told him just, he's not do anything, let him be there cheaper, went right on his side. and then it turned out, you know, he was
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a registered sex offender who have done this for and you know, he's doing it for under age women and just stuff like that. girls see that they're saying like wait, we're supposed to allow a man masturbate in front of my on my 16 year old daughter and just accept that like normal. it's just, i think there, i think that push it to bar where people finally starting to push back. thank you for joining us. mixed martial artist jake shields woke. this has proven to be oppressive and totalitarian, rather than inclusive and liberating. as the most important pillar of the concept is making sure of only a one unified opinion and voice. all others are given nowhere and are villain ised . the will culture seeks to 1st change the normal ethical standards, which would eventually went to the ultimate goal of changing the legal standard. almost every standard of the past in education is erased with the subject, not being judged based on content rather on the author's race,
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gender and sexuality. this no education is meant to produce a generation of activists who believe feelings are higher than facts. who judge a text is more acceptable than understanding and personal perception is the reality . now, all of this only results in a negative perception of one's countries past and pride will only be restored. it demands are met lately, it seems like woke this is becoming a top export of the united states and creating the vision and hostility to every country who chooses to allow it in. it definitely did not take long in canada, where a local high school said it was illegal to criticize a trance teacher who chose to wear enormous prosthetic breast. the school board is refusing to hear parents concerns. now might be too late for canada, but whether or not woken it will be fanned into a wildfire of global social discord. all depends on how strong a cultures convictions are. with its 1st test being whether or not it is allowed in
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the classroom. i'll skyhouse houston, this is in your 360 view of the news affecting you. thanks for watching. ah huh. ah ah, oh oh, oh oh i, i am. ringback ah
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ah oh, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe?
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isolation for community, are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a. ready join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, he's talking about what if you just ask for wolf do come to work on your voice bush from which manually would you allow what you see is not a super denial motive. food ecologist? yes, yeah. all of them are just a minute when you react. well,
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thank you both the pollute vision was you know what i'm actually spoke up video and you are a stick with to mr. she with jenny today. who should move you lou? do do. is just us my boy. it with them here? it's no, it's not would you but as it will who you can lose this market? it still to with the clear. yes, i can i those now with that slow, i'll make them cookie. the warranty for tissue them yet from facia, especially by a
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a builds up troops on his border with cost of putting his army on high alert. in response to christina, reportedly preparing a type on ethnically areas around accuses london of a distinct role and unfit government riots about the rest of several julia k rainy and citizen suspected of leading the rest. also, i had i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely simply because the beard from c d. c. guidance or different from establishment views. in the latest release of the twitter files divided administration.


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