tv News RT December 27, 2022 6:00am-6:31am EST
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a joe biden imposing the sanctions on russia who has destroyed the american economy. so there is a boomerang, a lot of society, but i'm not my guy. you can so awesome. no, because i understand that plenty of people running ukraine video has a merge showing the head of a u. s. military group that's been trained in ukrainian force since april. and he's not a big fan of ukraine colony corrupt. and he sits in the main goal. is to fight against to 10 ah, around accuser going to another destructive rolling and think of riots that the rest of several, joel u. k. iranian citizen,
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suspected of leading the unrest. also on the program this hour. i found countless instances tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely simply because the beard from c d. c. guidance or different from establishment use the latest release of the files. the biden administration pushed the social network to silent you. this is use on cove. it didn't fall in line with the government even if they were actually correct. and over 100000 zambian supported by the year and assuming a u. k for the health complications from exposure to minute pollution over 50 year period. gave me a cup of tea. coffee to wash out today to get the smart or do you know with
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the thanks to john knows this tuesday at lunch time. my name is peter scots bring you all the latest news, hale nazi from our headquarters in the russian capital. thanks for having you. the head of the u. s. military group, mozart, which trains ukrainian soldiers and has a presence in the war zone, has made some shocking remarks on the conflicts in a video that's emerge recently. he admits that he's not a big fan of ukraine, that says that the u. s. must be involved there to find who tim. it's a corrupt of society. the let you know, so i'm not, i'm not a big fan of ukraine. it's not about ukraine. we're not like, i have to have, you know, you ukraine flank tied to my bag, but i'm not. oh my god, ukraine. so awesome. no, because it's i understand that's plenty of people running ukraine. it's not about that. it's about global norms, right?
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right. let's pub food and andrew melbourne is the retired american marine colonel with over 31 years of service in the us military. according to official sauces. his military group is only training ukrainian soldiers and isn't involved in any fighting. but the name mozart is apparently a deliberate counterpart to the russian wagner group was fighting on the don bus from line milburn also thinks the u. s. should go all in and provide as much measure help as possible. meanwhile, he shed another shocking revelation about how ukrainian soldiers are allegedly indiscriminately killing russian powers. let's listen in the craniums ah, in violation ah der, hey convention. they're filming off a number of things that they're doing with p. o w's is finite in laura, laura, vom conflict and he kind guys, right, killing russian presences. right. you know,
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these violations sinister nominate solis. i mean irrigation kill you cinco due to, i mean every nose surrendered. i mean on and, and now there was plenty of us cross live now to our correspondence, roman, coarser of roma. good afternoon to you. what more can you tell us about this andrew milburn and what he's been saying? well, certainly mister milburn is a very interesting personality to say the least the video that we just witnessed was published about a month ago, but says, started making headlines a just now obviously a mr milburn and his, the mercenary group called the mozart or some of the major players at the moment that the ukranian front. however his comments. so during all this symes, that had been a very controversial and well quite inconsistent as well. now,
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earlier back in april, he claimed that all the nato supplied weapons to ukraine was on very his groups control l and will not be falling into the wrong hands such as those of terrorist. i would say that the very last concerned that united states government you have right now is that these arms end up in the wrong hands now that's optimism offer mr. milburn displayed back in april has completely vanished. and he said something completely of the opposite when he was, or quoted as one of the sources and ca on cbs is a special report about weapons that were disappearing in ukraine, nato, that wide weapons mines you. and who are that have been turning up in a black markets? i can tell you on arguably, sat on the san line units, these things and are getting there. alright. and drones switch blades. i facts.
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they're not, are body armor, helmets. you name it is, is it safe to characterize this is a little bit of a black hole. i i suppose if you don't have visibility where this stuff is going and if you're asking that question then it would appear that it's by com. yes. now that is something that we have discussed here on our tea many times, and this topic was discussed in a europe or as well. now, europe is of course, the most vulnerable in this situation due to its approximately, to ukraine and all the weapons that are being stored, supplied by an a. so in ukraine's a western ports very close to the rest of the year. but so for some problems of black market weapons hasn't been on a massive scale in europe. however, this problem is already on the african continent. now,
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according to nigerian presidents, are muhammad do? oh boy, he says that his words, that the war between russia and ukraine is allowing arms and fighters to stream through the lake charge region. and this is bolstering the canterbury capabilities of a local word terrace. so that the questions and now remains is ukraine, which is now the most corrupt. 1 nation in the world by many counts which is presented as a shining beacon of democracy. now, are there any morals left there, or is it a conflict completely fueled by interests or to to roma casa, thanks very much for breaking that down. for us the u. k. played a distributive rolling unsafe government riots in iran, one at least us according to the iranian foreign ministry going to on the rest of
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several jewel u. k. already national suspected of involvement in not on rest. the network which named it salazar gross, gather together anti revolution, the agents from both inside and outside the country to pursue plots against the islamist system, especially in the recent unrest. the 7 arrested have been involved in planning, leading and producing content, as well as organizing and fueling the flames of the protests process. a rob said back in september after the death of a young woman while in police custody the event spots nationwide. unrest including violence classes with police. on $500.00 people died including 60 police officers. and the radiant government says the unrest has been orchestrated by external access, including the u. s. and the u. k. and israel, the u. k. on the u. s. had been particularly vocal in their criticism of iran's response to this process. of political scientists say it must offer caution says that foreign forces meddling in a runs affairs on nothing. you your networks have been operating inside the ron for
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the past 3 years. john bolton, the former national security adviser on the donald trump, appeared on our b, b. c. per sure to say that all he has seen armed off position are providing gar, you know, guns, law all to rioters inside iraq through the rock western borders and go to san province. there are many please hold saying that they are operating in iran and it's no strange to see that they used to do that in 2009. they did it in our 5 years ago. they did it also some 3 years ago. well, the u. k. foreign office told us that is seeking more information on the situation from the iranians. both won british n p, branded the arrest, the industrialized taken of hostages, and called on british people to leave the country straight away. if i was a british foreign national in iran, i would absolutely be leaving because there is evidence that they will use them in
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any game of chess they can and they will face brutal repression as the process show . no sign of a base thing. the head of iran, national security and foreign policy commission, spoke exclusively to the thing. the western countries are intervening into terms. domestic affairs. you can watch the full interview on our website oxy dot com and moving on. now the u. s. government pressured twitter to sensor or label some sweets uncovered 19 as misleading even if they were true, but deemed a bit to inconvenience for washington law according the latest batch of lead twits, the files revealed by investigative journalist david fight. in my review of internal files, i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely. sometimes triggering account suspensions simply because they veered from cdc guidance or differed from establishment views. it seems that when the by the
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administration took over a, one of their 1st meeting requests with twitter executives was on the subject of covert and their focus was in particular and see vaccines. and one man specifically was alex berenson. he buried the bronze of their, of their anger. i and, oh, what happened there was that present biden in the summer of 2021. when his comments came out, saying that social media companies are killing people for allowing vaccine this information a few hours after that all of a sudden this man's, it's what our account was suspended. and he was kicked off the platform the following month. now this man didn't just let it go, he suits witter, they eventually settled. but in that, in that legal process, twitter had to release internal communication of that i, it had with the white house overall. pretty good. they had one really tough question about why annex burns and hasn't been kicked out from the platform.
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otherwise, her questions were pointed, but fair. unmercifully, we had answers sweaters ahead of the us. public policy held several meetings with the white house and she wrote a sort of summary of those meetings in december 2022 just now. and there is more evidence where we see direct pressure from the white house for its foot or 2 bands . her an account suspend them, take him off the platform and there were even get an angry that sweater wasn't doing it as fast. and as with many accounts as they wanted, the biden team was not satisfied with we just enforcement approach as they wanted tweeted to do more into deploy some several accounts because of this satisfaction, we were asked to join several other course. they were very angry nature. we then saw doctors band, for example, even people who were citing a publish study that was already out there, but they wanted it gone from twitter. twitter did suppress use many from doctors
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and scientific experts that conflicted with the official positions of the white house. as a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded, the public debate went missing. we have dr. martin called roth, and he is an epidemiologist at harvard medical school and the what heat sweets it was, his expert opinion on coven, 19 vaccines. but straight away, he was dismissed, he was put a label that said misleading for violating the company's coven 19 misinformation policy. and that he was supposedly sharing false information, thinking that everyone must be vaccinated is as scientifically flawed as thinking that nobody should carried vaccines are important for older high risk people and their caretakers. those with brian natural infection do not need it, nor children. so even though here we have an expert and he is tweeting about his
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expert opinion and that opinion, by the way, was shared by many medical professionals around the world. still because it didn't fit the cdc guidelines are they basically had him suspended. and another example, this is a funny one, actually there is a woman, a self proclaimed public health fact checker. and what she did was she replied, it's who it suites using cdc data. so data that the cdc produced itself, she was quotes and lat, and she got slapped with the label, misleading, but that sweets itself that she was replying to, which actually contained the misleading information and i'll read it. the actual tweets that this phone replied to covert has never been the leading cause of that from disease in children. so that's, that contained misleading information was allowed to stay, but their reply was deemed misleading. and over to africa now where more than a 100000 zambian local,
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supported by your experts on human rights groups, off i seen a class action lawsuit against the u. k. mining firm. they claim that health was damaged due to money pollution over 50 year period. where the company in question anglo american was a shareholder of the mine from 1925 to nationalization in 74. according to human rights watch, more than one 3rd of cub waste population of 76000. now live in less contaminated areas. might say it's just a bon connor has been working in cub way minds for 30 years and shared his experience with those damn, i'm waking, i must have, he must, each, the smoke was coming out and was well neat. even if we put him on him, i was looking. all the smoke from the plan was passing. sometimes you can't even see somebody. now, you know your eyes. joking with the smoke. yes,
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we have given 70 you that you gave me was a must have a couple of key coffee. and sometimes the missouri. yes. to new to rise to wash out the dusty that you swallowed or do you smoke with that deals? howard, you can see those, why our goal is to predict dest, but you can see how it was eating, because of all fumes from their, from their minds. on the claim arises from the contamination of villages close to the cub weight lead mind formerly known as broken hill. but the anglo american itself denies that it ever operates the mind and says employee health was not his responsibility. lead doesn't easily corrode on once released into the environment. it usually stays there and, and degrade. but as a chatter banker, again, a says that the problem of contamination affects everyone. and especially children
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. if they have fixed their thinking capacity, you go to school to check for they work for the it is hours for your child. you are carol, do i see? okay, some time ago, but now it's coming down. he's thinking i switch property. he comes in his school, have there been class for it while he goes to see she or he goes to sydney. how are you? good. i've got a boy. i can count. i think he's now is going great grover. next day. they didn't want him to go for great will say no. did did. did you repeat a good living? because he's is, i was at dropping. he don't of him. it's you who is supposed to now act on that. why and to find out the way this boys do indies. now it seems my
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boy wifi lady, you are yours fun with the red. we concluded yet because of late. as why did is else ah, window aliamanu oil. angela tested positive for lead poisoning for lead poisoning. classification is between class 3 and 4. after testing her, we noticed that she had a number of problems that she had bad short term memory at school. she forgets a lot of things, but does remember a little bit of last, i know that he's still these children you see behind me are my grandchildren and not my children. when they were born, they did not have high lead content in their systems. it came in as they started growing and playing as a result of the soil being contaminated. i try my best to educate them, but it's difficult to teach children with lead poisoning when it comes to comprehending things about the district. commissioner of cowboy says that the number of projects are in the pipeline to help mitigate the problem. we are working
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with sam roof, undermining environmental remediation project to know when a project that to help with if it's old lived in cowboys, then those are the project i think which is at 10 their own stage alone for $4000000.00, or they're about to basically try and get into the community that we affected my mind, township area, cassandra area, areas like us on. so those are the 2 main projects that have been in button at the one and us. i did the one with the canal clearing. they come out a lot of this material and, and dump was cumulative from so something positive and we hope that much more can be done well as staying in africa. zimbabwe government has placed
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a been on lithium exports and a bit to curb exploitation of what was largely unregulated markets. the country has the largest lithium reserves in africa and the 5th largest in the world. the methyl makes up nearly 60 percent of the exports and 16 of his gdp boats, according to these in bobbie and governments, the country loses around $1800000000.00 a year in revenue to smuggling and unregulated exports. according to government ruling, the exports of zimbabwe in lithium can only take place with the permission of the minister of mines and mine developments. as in bobby and mp, explains why i see the reasons behind the move. also saying, the global organizations are hindering africa's development. we are talking just from one mineral, we is africa, a talking or for a budgetary support from the will to bank, which has not been availed for the construction of inga dim which can produce about $40000.00 megawatts enough to feed the energy sector for the wall. of africa,
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but because the world of bank is there actually man to buy the ist, well colon lasers. they do not want to africa to grow. so the is need to use what we have is africans to get what we can get to in power. our sector because we, we are sanctioned by the global community of, sorry, by the americans and the is to l colonizers. they would definitely not to one to zimbabwe, to benefit much from both the or leave them and from their ubiquitous amount of mineral wealth. or meanwhile, zimbabwe is deepening its relations with china and leading chinese energy companies, teaming up with the country and mining firm there to invest in the african countries. lithium industry. lithium mining has become one of the main industries in the country in recent years as global demand for the mineral spikes, chinese company, g, c, l. energy technology has announced a deal that we'll see,
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invest in i, african countries, lithium industry in the corporation will enhances the competitiveness at a global level with at least half a 1000000 tons of lithium reserves. so by way is becoming increasingly attractive prospects for foreign investors. the minds of parliamentary portfolio committee chairperson told r t t, as in by way, is happy to partner with russia and china. i'm glades ah, among these are those kansas that i mean seems the italian which is always is to we was involved the days that i shift, which is always our students. we be symbolic way of getting back to the room. yeah. or even up to place in the day they are always playing in v when we talk to them. i foresee, evaded with my case because in terms of technology saying that i also need to take
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in that is, you know, putting yes, a euro in the americas advertising the sanctions. i've been in our country by the way, i liked, give such things. ah, british colonialism killed more than a 100000000 indians over 40 year period of, according to recently published research on the british occupation of india. according to the study of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, british colonial practices were responsible for deaths all exceed enough of both world was making one of the largest loss of life events in human history. another study suggested over 200 years of british rule and $45.00 trillion dollars of the country's wealth and resources were funded. experts say that the colonial period had devastating effects on india, deepening extreme poverty and raising mortality rates. historian and senior fellow
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at the narrow memorial museum and library capital puma explained how the british colonial rule has influenced in these developments. people. i mean, you always know that we want to exploit it, but how much was the amount and how much was let me read this report is a wonderful attempt to expose the religion guarantees in india. but in the same time, if you go back to the free guys, all right, they should have a what i call let you know, i would just be done by the british. i don't think you'll find battle of any other country in the world when the school is given to india. india was the leading economy level. the managed all 3 or the yes they were. they were bringing gold and silver silver. there will you have to buy things in which lead to market until in europe we had our own product. we had our own indie craft industry. we had soft
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industries. we had a spice even of the things they converted india into a commercial, probably better country, which was almost the 2nd best to go in the world. some people said, is that colonialism organized or can find the dream scheme development given that came in a week. and then you can really show and see what all these developments without colonialism. we would on board it. we don't colonialism in order to cover them. drug screens, the blood, which is a little bit right to make these guy know a, jody, he's there, you would give, wants to hold a un based piece summit put an end to the war with moscow about residency. russia, the negotiating table, ukraine won't see rushing court before talks. go ahead. actually my, some of the steps in this is by the formula. require the presence of russia.
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huh. and the bench. you know, in the tribunal for example, or in the international court. so they can only be invited to these steps in this way. what seems the idea that western leaders and have in mind is not so much peace talks as it is just kind of a huddle or some kind of local party between themselves. and they don't intend for it to be real t stalks because they say roger shouldn't be invited. what kind of piece summit could there be without russia? it's easier to imagine it without ukraine. and this is a nightmare scenario for those such as collab, an kiss liter, who are pressuring the creation of such initiatives. the ukrainian foreign minister, as you heard, said, the only way russia would be invited as if it faced some kind of war crimes tribunal. and in addition to that, he said ukraine would be doing everything possible to try and win the war in the year 2023. now ukraine is just secured for itself an additional
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$1800000000.00 from the united states. as a result of these recent visit to washington, that aid package also included a patriot missile. he indicated he hoped that other countries would follow suit and make similar gifts to the government. and now let's note that in the past, the turkish leader has the still a tainted dialogue between ukraine and russia. and the turkish president erewhon has insisted that it is the way to the united states and the allies that are the instigators of this conflict. nearly q, but unfortunately, the west has only made provocations and failed to make efforts to be a mediator in the ukraine. russia war now leader is in the united states, members of congress, as well as the ukrainian government have recently been making noise about somehow removing russia from the united nations. that there is no basis for which to carry this out. the un charter has no way to remove
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a permanent member of the security council permanent does mean permanent, but around the world we're hearing opposite calls. the india, for example, wanted to expand and democratize the united nations give more representation to different countries around the world. not last member states from latin america, africa, asia, and the small island developing states should have credible and continuing representation in the security council. decisions about their future can no longer be taken without their participation. equally important is to make working methods and processes of the global institutions, including this council more accountable objective and transparent. now the un secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has said that he's ready to host some kind of p san in any lot that he would only do so if all parties agree to participate. ah, so these are the developments we're seeing. and finally, 12 people i've been killed during tribal,
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cautious in sudan with at least $4.00 to $2.00 more, including women and children injured. the countries been gripped by clashes between arab an african tribes since wednesday, mid the violence, local authorities declared a state of emergency and imposed a nighttime curfew. but it just was set on fire, forcing hundreds of families to flee the homes of political unlist. abdullah mooney, ob aegis says that a framework deal might bring an end to the clashes between the tribes and contributes a great apiece in the region. yeah, let the fuck on the body. the signing of the framework agreement will lead to a final accord, resolving political issues that require continued communication. the implementation of this agreement in early 2023 may pave the way for a resolution of the political crisis in sudan. she knew, well that's all for this. i'll dbi shows checkouts all t dot com, follow the latest breaking news, unknown dates, and we'll see a ride back here at the top of the hour. thanks for watching. ah
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