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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2022 9:00am-9:31am EST

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often very dramatic development and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical time time to sit down and talk with corrupt society. i understand that plenty of people running ukraine video, so i can a thing online shows the head of a private u. s. military group, which trends ukrainian forces branding. they have government corrupt and claiming that ukraine kills russian prisoners of war. and the 100000 zombie in supported by the un also doing a u. k for health complications from exposure to mining pollution a 15 year period,
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day me with a couple of key he to wash out to david gas t that you who slowed or do you know what that deal. so i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely simply because they veered from cdc guidance or different from establishment views. the latest really thought the twitter files, the buying and administration pushed the social media network to silence uses whose views on cove it did not fall in line with that of the government, even if they were factually correct with a welcome. this is all the international with the latest world news uptake is good to have your company this cheese day. now i top story, they saw the head of a private u. s. military group that trains ukrainian troop has slammed the country as corrupt
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while admitting he only helps key of due to so called global norms of fighting against russia and is president andrew mil, but made the revelations during a casual interview posted online. it's a corrupt of society the let you know. so i'm not, i'm not a big fan of ukraine. it's not about ukraine. we're not like i have to have you ukraine flank tied to my bag, but i'm not. oh my god, ukraine. so awesome. no, because it's i understand that plenty of people running ukraine. it's not about that. it's about global norms. right? it's about fusion. and melbourne is a retired us marine colonel, whatever. 31 years of military service, according to official source, is his military group is only training ukrainian soldiers and is not involved in any fighting. however, the name of mozart is
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a deliberate counterpoint to the russian volcanic group that is slicing on the door . bass frontline, nobody thinks the us it should go all in and provide as much military help to ukraine as possible. meanwhile, milburn shed another shocking revelation about how ukrainian soldiers indiscriminately killing russian prisoners of war. let's listen the ukrainians ah, in violation of harm. her, hey, convention, they're filming off a number of things that they're doing with her. p. o. w's is fi, lady laura, laura vom conflict and he kind guys, right, killing russian presences. right. you know, these are electronic anomaly solis. i mean irrigation kill is inc. old dudes who, i mean every knows who surrendered them in on and then now there was plenty of the videos published about a month ago, but started making headlines just now. now,
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obviously, mr. milburn and his mercenary group, mozart or some of the major players on the side of ukraine. his comments, however, are very controversial and haven't really been consistent back in april of this year. he tried to assure the world that there is no leak of nato supplied weapons to ukraine into the wrong hands such as those of the terrorist. now, he claimed that everything was under his group's control. i would say that the very last concern that united states government should have right now is that these arms end up in the wrong hands. now that so optimism offer mr. milburn displayed back in april has completely vanished and he said something completely of the opposite. when he was quoted as one of the sources and celia on cbs is a special report about to weapons that were disappearing in ukraine. native lied weapons, mines you. and who are that have been turning up in
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a black markets. i can tell you on arguably, sat on the frontline units, these things are not getting there. alright. and drones or switch blades? i facts. they're not. are body armor helmets. you name it is. is it safe to characterize this is a little bit of a black, i mean, i suppose if you don't have visibility of whether stuff is going and if you're asking that question, then it would appear that it's black hole. yeah. now that is something that we have discussed here on our tea many times, and this topic was discussed in the europe or as well. now, europe is of course, the most vulnerable in this situation due to its approximately, to ukraine and all the weapons that are being stored, supplied by an 8th, all in ukraine's. a western ports very close to the rest of for europe. but so for the problems of black market weapons hasn't been on
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a massive scale in europe. however, this problem is already on the african continent. now, according to nigerian presidents, are muhammad do, oh, hoary. he says that his words, that the war there between russia and ukraine, is allowing arms and fighters to stream through the lake charge region. and this is bolstering the cap, a bit capabilities of a local word terrorist. so the question and now remains, is ukraine, which is presented as a shiny deacon of democracy. now, are there any morals left there or is it a conflict completely fueled by interests? i have 100000 zambian locals are supported by un experts and human rights scripts are fighting in a class action lawsuit against the u. k. mining fan. they claim that health was
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damaged to to mining pollution over 50 year period. the company, anglo american with a shareholder of the mine from $925.00 until it's nationalization. 974 according to human rights watch. more than one 3rd of campus population of 76000 now live in lead contaminated areas. mathias that chance have been has been working in cafe mines for 30 years and shed his memories with us. his dam. i'm waking. i must have him as if the smoke is coming out. i'm a swallow neat. even if we are putting money masks, twas not enough. oh, it is smoke from the plan was puffy. sometimes you can't even see somebody. nice, you know. your eyes are joking with the smoke. yes, we have given 70 to death. nothing. it's jamie, with a cup of tea, coffee,
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and sometimes the missouri just to new, to raise day to wash out the day that the, that you who slowed or dismal with that years. howard, you can see there was a wire goes to project dest, but you can see how it was eating because of all humans the, from there, from the minds a came, arises from the contamination of villages, a close to the camp way, lead mind, formerly known as broken hill, but anglo american itself denies that it ever operated the mind and se, employee health was not it responsibility. lead does not easily corrode and once release into the environment, it usually stays that and does not degrade mathias at shut up on. connor again stays the problem of contamination affects everyone, especially children, is dam. i'm waking, i must have them up if the smoke is coming out. how much?
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well, oh, neat. even if we are putting on your mouth was not enough. oh it is smoke from the plan was puffy. sometimes you can't even see somebody. nice, you know your eyes. ha. joking with the smoke? yes we are given. seemed to shew death. nothing. today me with a cup of tea, coffee. and sometimes the missouri guest to new teresa day to wash out to the lady that the, that you who slowed or dismal with that deals. howard, you can see there was a wire goes to perfect desk, but you can see how it was eating because of all humans the from the, from the minds alien. one lawyer angela tested positive for lead
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poisoning for lead poisoning. classification is between class 3 and 4. after testing her, we noticed that she had a number of problems that she had bad, short term memory at school. she forgets a lot of things, but does remember a little allows. i know that he's still these children. you see behind me are my grandchildren and not my children. when they were born, they did not have high lead content in their systems. it came in as they started growing and playing as a result of the soil being contaminated. i try my best to educate them, but it's difficult to teach children with lead poisoning when it comes to comprehending things about the district commissioner of cowboy, say the number of projects are in the pipeline. to mitigate this problem, we are working with sam ruby, undermining environmental remediation project to log van projects that to help with if it's old, lived in cowboy in those other projects i think which is the tendering
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stage. another one for $4000000.00, or they're about to basically try and get into community that we affected my township area, cassandra area, cassandra. so those are the 2 men, projects that have been in button, but the one that i started the one with the canal clearing, they come out a lot of this material and, and think dump was, can lead to from so something positive. and we hope that much more can be done saying in africa in barclays, government has placed a ban on lithium exports. and a bit to cub exploitation of what was that a largely unregulated market was about way, has the largest lithium reserves in africa. and the 5th largest in the world, and that'll make them nearly 60 percent of its exports and 16 percent of its dd pay
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. but according to this, in barb, when government, the country loses around $1800000000.00 a year in revenue due to smuggling and unregulated exports. according to our government ruling, the exports of zimbabwe and lithium can only take place with the permission of the minister of mines and mining development. as in parkway, an m. p explained to arti, the reasons behind the ban also sang global organizations, including the world bank, are hindering africa developments. we are talking just from one mineral, we is africa, a talking or for a budgetary support from the world bank which has not been availed for the construction of inga dim which can produce about 40000 megawatts enough to feed the energy sector for the wall of africa, but because the world of bank isn't actually money to buy the is to well colonizers, they do not to want to africa to grow. so that is need to use what we have is
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africans to get what we can get to in power our sector. because we, we are sanctioned by the global community of, sorry, by the americans and the is to well colonizers, they would definitely not want to zimbabwe to benefit much from both the early film . and from there you banquets, us amount of mineral wealth. meanwhile, the mob way is deepening gets relations with china. a leading chinese energy company is teaming up with it in bob way mining firm to invest in the african countries. lithium industry, lithium mining has become one of the main industries in the country in recent years of global demand for the mineral spikes, chinese company, g, c, l energy technology has announced the recent deal, which will say it invest in the african countries. lithium industry, saying that cooperation will enhances competitiveness. i think global level with at least half a 1000000 tons of lithium reserves. zimbabwe is becoming an increasingly attractive
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prospect for foreign investors. the minds of parliamentary portfolio committee chairperson told r t, as in bob, is happy to partner with russia and china goods. i'm on with those countries that i mention, the italian, which is always as to what was involved in these russia, which is always our students. we begin, bob wave getting big to the following. yeah. or either up to place in the day. they are always friends in v when we talk, who am i for see if they did with my case because in terms of technology, china, in that i see, i also need to take that is, you know, putting yes,
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a euro in the americas advertising. the sanctions i've been in our country by the way, i liked the live side things ah, europe or face increased pressure in the upcoming year with a significant increase in migrating. so seeking refuge in the u. s. according to the head of the e. u. asylum authority is quite clear that the increasing number of applications will continue in the foreseeable future. unfortunately, they're not temporary. official asylum requests have risen by more than 50 percent this year. well, the number of micro crossing that you bought is illegally has a positive 300000 people. now the figure is the highest since 2016 and significantly more than in 2021 of the majority of migrate. and so now arriving to the you through 2 routes via the western vulcans on the central mediterranean. both past could however be blocked in the near future. the italian prime minister,
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georgia maloney for one has proposed the introduction of a naval blockade in the mediterranean. while austrian chancellor, called ne hama, called for the for won't to be built on the territory of romania will guerria and hungary like an expert time journalist wilka idea that such an approach is in contrast with the ease of access to the e. u. for ukraine in refugees, a day to day war in ukraine. a start. that was so many people go to the ports in did you took, bought a brand new still we sold, some people come from african continent, asia continent. we don't said the same treatment about dead people there with dead to some poor people. for example, in the ukraine we sold so in the needle in the arctic and continent into asia, continent bought for to africa and asia, contended treatments very different back that you knew it. so we can change the
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marketing for now, right now we put a hand in the mind in thinking about the responsibility for debt countries. factors contributing to the mass displacement of people include food insecurity and conflicts. for example, in syria on the democratic republic of the congo, egypt, nigeria, and many others on suffering from storing inflation. while nato interventions have led to political instability in countries including iraq and afghanistan, will, could d as again say that it's vices that the, you create programs to help developing countries while respecting that sovereignty . the lack of accountability is the one of the main effectors. so this is this off to serious violations by the countries are part of the utopian champion countries. we have so many cases in day you too. and the violations we have is so many people in disease being to see a so many days said, tried to intervene. do you, some people are that dead?
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this is very important to provide the bread and condition condition for that people, for example, to create to be a good programs for this is the big system baby teeth afford to have his programs, for example, to create the investments and must important is due respect to so free of debt, countries the so many programs 0, but sometimes you don't respect to very you will that the old dead places the u. s . government pressured twitter to sensor or label some tweets on private 19 is misleading even if they were true, but deemed to inconvenient for washington, as, according to the latest batch of leaked twitter files revealed by investigative journalist david's week in my review of internal files, i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely, sometimes triggering account suspensions simply because they veered from cdc
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guidance or differed from establishment views. it seems that when the biden administration took over a, one of their 1st meeting requests with twitter, executives was on the subject of covered and their focus was in particular, anti vaccines. and one man specifically was alex baron sin. he buried the bronze of their, of their anger. i and, oh, what happened there was that present biden in the summer of 2021. when his comments came out, saying that social media companies are killing people for allowing vaccine misinformation a few hours after that all of a sudden this man's, it's what our account was suspended. and he was kicked off the platform the following month. now this man didn't just let it go, he suits whitter, they eventually settled. but in that, in that legal process, twitter had to release internal communication of that i, it had with the white house overall. pretty good. they had one really tough
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question about why annex burns and hasn't been kicked out from the platform. otherwise, her questions were pointed but fair unmercifully, we had answers twitters ahead of us. public policy held several meetings with the white house and she wrote a sort of summary of those meetings in december 2022 just now. and there is more evidence where we see direct pressure from the white house for its foot or 2 bands . her an account suspend them, take him off the platform and there were even get an angry that splitter wasn't doing it as fast. and as with many accounts as they wanted, the biden team was not satisfied with we just enforcement approach as they wanted. tweeted to do more into the platform several accounts. because of this dissatisfaction, we were asked to join several other course. they were very angry nature. we then saw doctors band, for example, even people who were citing
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a publish study that was already out there, but they wanted it gone from twitter. twitter did suppress use many from doctors and scientific experts that conflicted with the official positions of the white house. as a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded, the public debate went missing. we have dr. martin called roth, and he is an epidemiologist at harvard medical school and the what the heat sweets it was, his expert opinion on coven, 19 vaccines. but straight away, he was dismissed, he was put a label that said misleading for violating the company's coven 19 misinformation policy. and that he was supposedly sharing false information, thinking that every one must be vaccinated is as scientifically flawed as thinking that nobody should cover vaccines are important for older high risk people and their caretakers. those with brian natural infection do not need it, nor children. so even though here we have an expert and he is sweet thing about his
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expert opinion. and that opinion, by the way, was shared by many medical professionals around the world still because it didn't fit the cdc guidelines are they basically had him suspended. and another example, this was a funny one, actually there is a woman, a self proclaimed public health fact checker. and what she did was she replied, it's who it suites using see the see data. so data that the cdc produced itself, she was quotes and labs, and she got slapped with the label, misleading, but that suites itself that she was replying to, which actually contained the misleading information. and i'll read it. the actual tweets that this form replied to cove. it has never been the leading cause of that from disease in children, so that, that contained misleading information was allowed to stay. but the reply was deemed misleading. lawmakers from an israeli right when party,
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how suggested the doctors could deny medical treatments of patients. if it contradicts their religious beliefs, these remarks of sparked outrage online. my relatives did not die in the holocaust for a country with such laws. my grandparents did not establish and built the country so that doc, people like you could enact laws against large groups of people. when has a religious doctor been forced to perform a procedure against holocaust? you make up events to impose your dark perceptions. don't try to whitewash your harsh races. dundalk statements. i am a jew, and i find it hard to believe that what was done to your ancestors in europe. you now thinking of repeating in the jewish states, a lawmaker who is set to be appointed. a government minister made the controversial statements during the radio interview on sunday. she suggested a medical professional can refuse to treat a patient on religious grounds. if quote,
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there is another doctor who can do it is ready. officials including prime minister designate benjamin netanyahu have denied such a law will be introduced. however, a heifer based political analysts say that the incident is a signal of a major religious shift in israel's domestic policy. use this so just to give an example, i think they're talking about or planning to have changes that will allow a religious so jewish their servers, speakers to, to maybe talk to fear jews or some of her jews on others. and this is the end of the equality as, as the principal, as it was in israel until today. all in oregon are see a major shift towards much more religious decision making towards much more religious or laws or b is really, society has many compliments in some of its complements are not religious,
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some are not jewish. and therefore all in all, i think that what we're about to witness is weakening after these really democracy, the defendant that demanded that there is a that everyone is equal. this is going to change a, quote more russia, that faith agency ross caused massive in discussion with the kremlin over the possibility of extending the operation of the russian segment of the international space station and to at least 2028. moscow has proposed that other countries also extend that operations on the space station most cosmos. and as you as counterpart nasa have reached an agreement on at least one joint flight to the i s s, where the more missions under discussion comes after a recent emergency on the russian sawyer, the m as 23 spacecraft, when coolant leaked through the hall after it was believed to have been struck by an asteroid, but the crew on board the space station not,
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not at risk and it continues to operate as normal, as, according to it was caused month executive director if our mandate space programs customers are good here as we have already said the question of extending the fly to the russian segment of the international space station is being discussed, the decision to extend the flight of the entire station is being taken by all the partners. most of them have already considered and confirmed this possibility. when the americans for their part of agree to a joint flight, and we also working on an additional joint flight this year. but a decision on this matter has been delayed because we have to deal with the soil emergency situation. this situation will probably impose some restrictions on the fly program. so additional decisions on next year's joint flight will have to be made. one joint price is already been agreed on. so the decision on the 2nd one will depend heavily on how the emergency effects the joint flight program. so the final decision on changing the program will be made next year. what to produce? of course, since the cruise at the station, we can say that the station is operating normally. we have problems with the saw
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use ship, but it is not used in any way. it's not even as a back up for the space walks. those are 2 completely independent processes, cuz a couldn't spell does not affect the safety of space operations. so planning for the space x operations will continue for children with almost many thanks. joining us here on our t international as always, plenty monique, at based we found on a website r t dot com, that he does. mm. ah ah
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mm. ah, ah, need to come to the russian state to little, never. i've side as i'm phoning most 19 div, asking him then i'll set up for a group in the 55 when. okay, so man is group i'm speaking with we will van in the european union, the kremlin. ca, yep, machine. the state aren't russia today and split our tea. sputnik, even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with
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. mm ah, and i to business with them boss with you. i finished it. good. i didn't miss you. or you completely quit key at the when or should just keep a bruce this to the dealer. molly completely cranes give us a little bit. it was put in it was for call with of guys has to phone and send the full claim because you, when you've been with us to pluck superficial lithium door, you prevalence zavala, but yet with ah,
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ah, ah, with welcome to worlds apart. for all the parallels between the hottest phases of the cold war and the current tensions between east and west. there's at least one crucial difference the neutrality of some european nations that was consciously created and maintained as a balance between the 2 camps in the 20th century is no more. on the contrary, the neutral status of ukraine, this basis of cost, cold war stability is now in the ruins. what does it mean for security in europe.


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