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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2022 10:00am-10:31am EST

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i just with lucy layers with with corrupt society. i understand that plenty of people running ukraine. video circulating online shows the head of a private u. s. military group, which trains ukrainian forces bronzing, the key of government corrupt and claiming that ukraine kills russian prisoners of war. with less, over 100000 van being supported by the year when all through in the u. k. fun for health complications from exposure to mining pollution a 50 year period. today me with a couple of the key co fee to wash out to do that. the that you who
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slowed or did with i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely, simply because the beard from cdc guidance or different from establishment viewers . and, and the latest release of the twitter file the by did administration at push the social media network to finance uses abuse on cove. it did not forwarding line with the government even if they were factually correct with 6 pm here in moscow. and this is dorothy international with the latest world news update. it's great to happy with us this out. i top story the head of a private u. s. military group that trains ukrainian troops has slammed the country as corrupt when admitting he only helps keeps you to so called global norms of
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fighting against russia and its presidents. andrew milton made the revelations during a casual interview posted on line. it's a corrupt of society the let you know. so i'm not, i'm not a big fan of ukraine. it's not about ukraine. we're not like, i have to have, you know, you ukraine flank tied to my bag, but i'm not. oh my god, ukraine. so awesome. no, because it's i understand that plenty of people running ukraine. it's not about that. it's about global norms, right? right. that's about fusion and re milburn as it were tied us marine colonel with over 31 years of military service according to official sources. his military group is only training ukrainian soldiers and is not involved in any fighting. however, the name of mozart is a deliberate counterpoint to the russian vulcan, a group that is fighting on the dorm bus front lines milburn also thinks the us
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should go all in and provide as much military help to ukraine as possible. meanwhile, at melbourne shed another shocking revelation about how ukrainian soldiers indiscriminately killing russian prisoners of war as listened in the craniums ah, in violation of harm. her. hey, convention. they're filming off a number of things said they're doing with her. p. o w's is fi, lady laura kaun, laura of armed conflict and he kind guys, right, killing russian presences. right. you know, these are electronic phenomena, solis. i mean irrigation kill you cinco, dudes who, i mean every knows who surrendered them in on and, and now there was plenty of the videos published about a month ago, but started making headlines just now. now, obviously mister milburn and his mercenary group,
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mozart or some of the major players on the side of ukraine. his comments, however, are very controversial and haven't really been consistent back in april of this year. he tried to assure the world that there is no leak of nato supplied weapons to ukraine into the wrong hands such as those of the terrorist. now he claimed that everything was under his groups control. i would say that the very last concern that united states government you have right now is that these arms end up in the wrong hands. now that optimism offer mr. milburn displayed back in april has completely vanished. and he said something completely of the opposite. when he was or quoted as one of the sources and celia on cbs is a special report about the weapons that were disappearing in ukraine, native, wide weapons mines you. and who are that have been turning up in a black markets. i can tell you on arguably, sat on the frontline units,
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these things are not getting there. alright, and drones switch blades. i facts. they're not. are body armor helmets. you name it is. is it safe to characterize this is a little bit of a black home. i mean, i suppose if you don't have visibility of whether stuff is going and if you're asking that question, then it would appear that it's by com. yes. now that is something that we have discussed here on our tea many times. and this topic was discussed in the europe or as well. now, europe is of course, the most vulnerable in this situation due to its proximity to ukraine and all the weapons that are being stored, supplied by an a. so in ukraine's or western ports, very close to the rest of for europe, but so for, for problems of black market weapons hasn't been on
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a massive scale in europe. however, this problem is already on the african continent. now, according to nigerian presidents are more how my do a bori. he says that his words, that the war between russia and ukraine is allowing arms and fighters to stream through the late charge region. and this is bolstering the cap, a big capabilities of a local word, terrorist. so the question and now remains, is ukraine, which is presented as the shining beacon of democracy. now, are there any morals left there, or is it a conflict completely fueled by interests? every $100000.00 zombie and local, supported by un experts and human rights creeps are fighting and a class action lawsuit. and i think you came mining fan. they came, their health was damaged due to a mining pollution over 50 year period. at the company, anglo american was
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a shareholder of the mine from 1925 until its nationalization in 1974 according to human rights watch. more than one 3rd of comp weights of population of 76000. now live in lead contaminated areas. mathias, the atlanta band. connor has been working in conway mines for 30 years and shed his memories with us. his damn, i'm waking. i must have a musket if the smoke was coming out, i must well only eat. even if we are putting on your mouth. was not enough. oh, it is smoke from the plan was puffy. sometimes you can't even see somebody. nice if you know your eyes. ha joking, dismal. yes, we have given. seemed to shew death. nothing is day me with a cup of tea. coffee. and sometimes the missouri just
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to new, to raise their, to wash out the day that the, that you who slowed or dismal with that yields howard. you can see there was a wire goes to project dest, but you can see how it was eating, because of all humans the, from there, from the minds. the claim arises from the contamination of villages close to the cab wait, lead mine formerly known as broken hill, but anglo american itself. denies that it ever operated a mine and says employee health was not its responsibility. lead does not easily corrode and once released into the environment, it usually stays that does not degrade mathias at chat about connor again say the problem of contamination affect everyone, especially children. it affects their thinking capacity.
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you go to school to check for they work for there is hours for your child, your child, do i see or care some tamika back now is coming down. he's thinking i switch property. he comes in school out there. being class was it while it goes to city? she or he goes to city. i was in good. have a good day boy. my grandchild. i think he's now is going get it grover. next day they didn't want him to go full grade. 12 said no, no, did. did you repeat the good living? because he's i was at dropping hey, don't did him. it's the you always supposed to know, act on that. why and to find out why this boys doing these. now it seems my boy lead the way yours hundreds reg,
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we concluded the i because of late as why did is elsa window alley one lawyer angela tested positive for lead poisoning for lead poisoning. classification is between class 3 and 4. after testing her, we noticed that she had a number of problems that she had bad short term memory at school. she forgets a lot of things, but does remember a little bit of a love another to you to these children you see behind me are my grandchildren and not my children. when they were born, they did not have high lead content in their systems. when it came in, as they started growing and playing as a result of the soil being contaminated to them, i try my best to educate them, but it's difficult to teach children with lead poisoning when it comes to comprehending things, which will be the district commissioner of cowboy say the number of projects are in the pipeline to mitigate this problem. we are working with samara, undermining environmental mediation project,
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to the bank project. back to help with effects of lead caroway then the project i think, which is that i think in early stage, another one for $4000000.00 or they are about to basically try and get into the community that we have factored mind township area. because i'm the area like us on those other 2 projects that have been backed on but the one that us i didn't the one with it come out. clearly they come out of this material and, and think dump was cumulative from so something positive and we hope that he much more can be done staying in africa. as in bob ways, government has placed a ban on lithium exports and a bit to curb exploitation of what was largely and then regulated markets. symbolic
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way has the largest lithium reserves in africa and the 5th largest in the world. the metal make up nearly 60 percent of its exports and 16 percent of its g d p. but according to these embalmed weighing governments, the country loses around $1800000000.00 a year in revenue due to smuggling and unregulated exports. now, according to the government ruling, the export of the pop way in lithium can only take place with the permission of the minister of mines and mining developments, as in bob and p explains to r t. the reason behind the bond also saying global organizations including the world bank, are hindering africa development. we are talking just from one minute all we is africa, a talking oh, for a budgetary support from the will to bank, which is not been availed for the construction of inga dim which can produce about 40000 megawatts enough to feed the energy sector for the wall of africa,
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but because the world of bank isn't actually money to buy the ist, well colonize us, they do not to want to africa to grow. so the is need to use what we have is africans to get what we can get to in power. our sector because we, we are sanctioned by the global community of, sorry, by the americans and the is to l colonizers. they would definitely not want to zimbabwe to benefits much from both the early f m. and from there you pick which us amount of mineral wealth on the was in far away is deepening its relations with china, a leading chinese energy company as teaming up with, as in bob way mining firm, to invest in the african countries. lithium industry in mining has become one of the main industries in the country in recent years, as global demand for the minimal spikes chinese company, a g. c. l. energy technology has announced a recent deal, which will said,
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invest in the african countries. lithium industry saying that cooperation will enhances competitiveness at a global level with at least half a 1000000 tons of lithium reserves in parkway is becoming an increasingly attractive prospect for foreign investors. the mines parliamentary portfolio committee chairperson told r t as in parkway, is happy to pack up with russia and china. i'm glades, i'm on with those countries that i mean seems be italian, which is always so we was involved the days that i ship, which is always our students we've been involved with getting big to the following . yeah. or either up to place in the day they are always friends in the when we talk to them, i foresee, evaded with my case because in terms of technology,
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china and i also need to take in that is, you know, putting yes, a euro in the americas advertising, the son seems. i've been in our country, by the way, i liked iv side to things he 20 and president lensky has held what he's described as a positive phone call with india's prime minister. not long off the key of the top diplomat, the keys, new delhi of capitalizing on the ukraine conflict by cooperating with russia. the opportunity for india to buy russian oil at a cheap price comes from the fact the ukrainians are suffering from russian aggression. and during every date, if you benefit because of our suffering, it would be good to see more of your help address to us. or we can now cross to our guest, new delhi based foreign affairs, observe an commentator such again, ron john many thanks for joining us. on the program,
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very nice to see you today. as we heard following this phone call, within the prominence the president, the landscape called on new delhi to support kids piece initiative. it's piece formula. he calls it while taking a more active role as the presiding nation at the g. 21 sort of message. do you think he is sending to new delia and what kind of response do you think we could expect to see from india? see india. india has taken up much of new one school in this conflict. and you know, almost all the time you in the african film voting for or against the thought. this will to keep this in the understand in mind when we are analyzing this phone call of mr. hill and sky again and sky has said that that he expect india to to come in and mediate
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a 5 piece. but the question he is he is ready for peace. because as we know, after when this military of, with in the started to have to once been 2 months that there we have negotiate and group in that he, he had meteor between both countries. and we had received news that some, some substance here had been a few of them, but suddenly he, he backed out. so in reality, in that guarantee i had, you, is not an independent lip. he. he is, his policy, you or he this got out of was, is reading can toward long term where we all know what i mean from on with it's one . it doesn't that all headquarters lifelong that united states is. so question,
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is it natural and united states? are there ready for these? are they ready for me with the other way? you all job just diplomatic moves just to get some public good public debt to saw that he is willing to establish peace and recite. well, haven't that, sorry to interrupt. having said that, what do you make of the prospects have kept relations with new delhi, especially when it comes, hold off the back of that recent criticism of india's cooperation with russia from the ukrainian foreign minister, the ide, i am more maybe hopeful that there can be a more alignment or more recent bill we're doing in the future because you're going in deep crisis nuclear in each of our to call left the be mission can read
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little leave it alone. it will have to be built itself. so that this question didn't, and i, what paper we listen to you, then we'll, we'll have with the, in the hours for that matter, any other country, men, christian, men, you, so before you come in, so we how to come out of this walk and, and make some these blog with this piece agreement, and after that this question will you who, which going to be you there in the, in the country will come to help them in the rebuilding that darkness and they know everything is just in flux and i don't think of something very important can be done in let them coming to us coming to the g. 20. now,
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what sort of changes do you think we can expect to see at the g 20 and it's approach to international relations? of course, on the india's presidency see pushed off d 20 as any a special privilege of a specific life, or the space or lower to boost some something substantial, isn't it not? we have seen that we know harshly, just a formality hosting you 20 submitted to formulate the course by being host. no. can we get some some of you in this not a fear that we saw in bali in the news. yeah. do 20 divided hose that will not agreed on. on jointed dick live isn't a consensus. your big live, isn't it? what it was meant? and they have that many do not agree with what they were being said. so india,
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india just may, it may play a role while bringing all all parties together, new to new delhi next year. but that can make any difference what that can be making any difference in current situation. i think it's out of question k, a van is worse than our lives tarnish, the men's pay still for don't buy. so what does that leave their reputation when considering any sort of new international agreements? as i said earlier, that everything depends upon the upon the net to and nature disputes, what they decide that they decide that they want a solution, a mentor agreement or min state new agreement will come into existence. i don't
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know why there was a min one minute to what, what happened that you can get. you don't follow you. why do you followed? because it was instructed. do not to follow. so in question need what spend united states and it's age will be picking incoming man thanks for joining us on the program. it's been great to get your take on the situation. that was new delhi based foreign affairs observe. uncommon phases, sandra, ron, john, thank you. thank you. the europe will face a increased pressure in the upcoming year with a significant increase in migrant. so seeking refuge in the u. that's according to the head of the e. u. asylum authority. it is quite clear that the increasing number of applications will continue in the foreseeable future. unfortunately, they're not temporary official asylum requests with and by more than 50 percent
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this year. well, the number of migrants crossing the board is illegally has the past 300000 people, and the figure is the highest in 2016. and significantly more than in 2021. the majority of migrants and now arriving to the via the $32.00 routes. the western vulcans on the central mediterranean now these pulse could however be blocked in the near future. the italian prime minister, georgia maloney for one has proposed the introduction of a naval blockade in the mediterranean. while the austrian chancellor call and a hammer called for was to be built on the territory of romania, gary, and hungary, legal experts and journalists will cut the says that such an approach is in contrast with the ease of access to the e. u for ukrainian refugees. when they did a war in the ukraine start, that was so many people are going to. i don't 14 day you too bye to england, new still we saw some people come for on the african continent. the continent. we
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don't seem to make about dead people there. we have to do some poor people, for example, in the ukraine we sold so in the europe, in the african continent in the continent. but ford to africa and asia compared to treatments, very different back that you to us. so we can change the most important right now we put their hand in mind in thinking about their responsibility for debt countries . while factors contributing to the mass displacement of people include food in security. conflicts, for example, in syria on the democratic republic of congo, egypt, nigeria, and many others are suffering from soaring inflation. will nato interventions have led to political instability in countries including iraq and afghanistan? will, could this again say that it's vital that the ego creates programs to help developing
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countries while respecting their sovereignty? the lack of accountability is the one of the main effect or so does, is this off to serious violations by the countries or to part of the european champion continent. we have so many cases in day you too. and the violations we have is so many people willing to cease being to see a so many days said try to enter in. do you of some people are debt debt. this is very important to provide the bread is condition condition for that people, for example, to create to be a good programs for this is a big system baby teeth afford to have his programs for example, to create the youth estimates. and most importantly, due respect to so free or dead countries, there's so many programs 0, but sometimes you don't respect this over diesel. that the old debt places the u. s. government pressured twitter to sensor or label some tweets on cove at 19 as
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misleading even if they were true, but deemed too inconvenient for washington. as, according to the latest batch of leaked, twitter files were veiled by investigative journalist and david swag. in my review of internal files, i found countless instances of tweets labeled as misleading or being taken down entirely. sometimes triggering accounts suspensions simply because they veered from cdc guidance or differed from establishment views. seems that when the by the nuns administration took over a, one of their 1st meeting requests with twitter, executives was on the subject of covert and their focus was in particular anti factors. and one man, specifically was alex berenson. he buried the bronze of their, of their anger. i and, oh, what happened there was that present biden in the summer of 2021. when his comments came out, saying that social media companies are killing people for allowing vaccine misinformation
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a few hours after that all of a sudden this man's, it's what our account was suspended. and he was kicked off the platform the following month. now this man didn't just let it go, he suits witter, they eventually settled. but in that, in that legal process, twitter had to release internal communication that i had with the white house overall. pretty good. they had one really tough question about why annex bones and hasn't been kicked out from the platform. otherwise, a questions were pointed but fair. and mercifully we had answers sweaters ahead of the us. public policy held several meetings with the white house and she wrote a sort of summary of those meetings in december 2022 just now. and there is more evidence where we see direct pressure from the white house for its foot or 2 bands . her an account suspend them,
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take him off the platform and there were even get an angry that sweater wasn't doing it as fast. and as with many accounts as they wanted, the biden team was not satisfied with we just enforcement approach as they wanted tweeted to do more and to deploy from civil accounts. because of this, dissatisfaction we were asked to join several other course. they were very angry nature. we then saw doctors band, for example, even people who were citing a publish study that was already out there, but they wanted it gone from twitter. twitter did suppress use many from doctors and scientific experts that conflicted with the official positions of the white house as a result, legitimate findings and questions that would have expanded the public debate went missing. we have dr. martin called drove and he is an epidemiologist at harvard medical school. and the what he'd sweet said was his expert opinion on coven, 19 vaccines. but straight away, he was this nurse, he was put
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a label that said misleading for violating the company's coven 19 misinformation policy. and that he was supposedly sharing false information, thinking that every one must be vaccinated is as scientifically flawed as thinking that nobody should cover vaccines are important for older high risk people and their caretakers. those with brian natural infection do not need it, nor children. so even though here we have an expert and he is tweeting about his expert opinion and that opinion, by the way, was shared by many medical professionals around the world. still because he didn't fit the cdc guidelines are they basically had him suspended. and another example, this is a funny one, actually, there is a woman, a self for claim public health, the fact checker. and what she did was she replied, it's who it suites using see the see data. so data that the cdc produced itself, she was quoting lat, and she got slapped with the label, misleading,
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but that sweets itself that she was replying to, which actually contained the misleading information and i'll read it. the actual tweets that this form replied to cove. it has never been the leading cause of that from disease in children. so that's, that contained misleading information was allowed to stay, but their reply was deemed misleading. from all of the latest updates from scratch, check our website r t dot com will be back with more in 30 minutes. ah ah, the ah, ah.


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