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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2022 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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situation, the desire to keep up this war in the interests of usaa administration, ah, ah, not an improved inefficiently balance, the export of washing oil to foreign companies and nationals who apply a price cap starting from february from nigeria, a petro shorts, j inflicted drama take spike on tranquil called the energy crisis, funk by western sanctions on russian fuel like to think thing across the globe. also coming up. it's a couple of society. i understand that plenty of people running ukraine, the head of a private u. s. military group, the trains ukrainian soldiers that mitzi doesn't actually like the country all for
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confirming that caps troops executed russian war christmas. with very well welcome. you're watching off the international with the latest. the world news update is good to have you with us. now, president putin has signed a decree in response to the western price count on russian oil shipments. moscow will abandon the export of crude and petroleum products to foreign companies and nationals who apply the restrictions. ortiz donald quarter explains as presidential decree, outlying special economic measures being taken in response to the western price cap on russian oil exports that was put into place earlier this month. according to the statement, russia will no longer supply oil to countries. going along with this scheme, effective february, 1st of next year, up until july 1st. and since president vladimir putin made this decree, we've seen the prices of crude oil as well as gas go up across the board in the
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international energy markets. now, this western cap on russian oil exports was set at $60.00 a barrel, and this was made in a bids to punish moscow for its military operation in ukraine. and even moscow before this, this price capitalist that moscow was warning that if such a thing were to happen, that moscow would respond with not supplying these countries that go along with the scheme with oil. so this response is really not something that surprising. we should also not forget that much of the west has already completely embargoed russian oil. so this kind of price cap sets is really set up for countries 3rd party buyer countries such as india, for example, or china trying to bring them into the fold of the west foreign policy goals. and we've seen all across latin america, africa, and asia, that very few countries are willing to go along with that. earlier on tuesday,
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russia's foreign minister said mostly has friends in many parts of the world and therefore doesn't need to focus on partnering with the you. we can see how the ruling circles of your countries are acting to the detriment of the vital interests and well being of their own citizens. it's enough to mention as an example, the u. s. ban on european states to maintain a dialogue with our country and the energy sector. of course, there will be no more business as usual with such calendar parties. we don't intend to knock on a closed door or initiate any joint projects. luckily, the e u is not the only partner for us. we have many friends and like minded states and other parts of the world. if and when there is a bitter hang over on the european side from the current wrist of phobic. rage followed by a sobering up if there are clear nationally oriented politicians who understand the advantages of an equal and mutually beneficial partnership with russia. i assure you there will be no problems on our side. that's not cross to georgia, samuel,
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a senior research fellow at the global policy institute thing time in london may. thanks for joining us on the program. george. so could you talk us through the ramifications of this russian response to the price kat, please? you well, as your car is, wanda pointed out, so this is entirely predictable. and this is what russia had warned that it will do . and of course, the e u. g 7 already committed to not purchasing any oil from russia. you know, as of the end of this year, but what this does is make clear to everybody else in the world that it is not in your interest to go along with this g 7 e. you plan to impose the price. because if you do then note while for you and obviously, as you know,
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russia is pointed out. i think the president repeating it is absolutely nonsensical . the stupidest idea imaginable that consumers can set the price. so essentially, by doing this, by threatening to penalize anyone who joins in this price gap is actually getting the support of many countries in the world, particularly commodities, producers who very upset the idea of the confusion will get the set prices. because of course, when you assess prices, they're going to set the prices as low as possible as already some expense, according this development revolution on the oil markets. what exactly did i mean by that? well, if the revolution was, would've been, if the, this oil price gap had succeeded. i mean, if you know that would be a revolution. i mean, the, the whole notion that consumers can set the price is not because
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if you are the consumer how much you want to pay it. i mean, like, assume they want to pay nothing. and therefore, the price that they will pay will be much less than the costs of production. so it makes no sense. but the strange thing was that it was we sold capital is power the power. suppose understand the workings of the market that embark on this profoundly anti capitalist cause of going against market prices. and we're doing the kinds of things that were used to associate with socialist countries. they would set a price. and of course, when you set a price that create shortages, and then of course the shortage is create inflation and creates much higher prices down the road. and that's fairly obvious economic, but this is the course that the g 7 set. and so how difficult could it be for russia to redirect it's all exposed to other countries?
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i think it's quite easy to do because this is something that is a precious commodity. everybody needs it and gotta get this look. it's not difficult at all to find new buyers. it's, if you are a producer, you're always in a strong position. if you are a consumer, particularly the europeans, because the americans are in a special case because america is a major energy producer of the european war, oil consumers. but them, it's very difficult because they are the ones who have a problem. they're the ones who are going to have to go to other countries and say, can you satisfy our oil needs? and that's almost impossible because basically, you know, these are what will, the contracts are done a long time in advance and he needs a long term contract. you're going just turn around and say, well, can you ship us loc, the royal to meet our needs?
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so europe, in there is a lot of trouble with every step, but constantly trying to assess the how to how effective the western sanctions have really been. so far upon russia been considering that russia seems to be increasing its oil export revenue. what do you think? i think it's been completely ineffective because russia was always able to switch its production both in oil and gas to other consumers. and particularly when you got boil and gas and energy hungry economies in india and china and east asia, a raise was difficult for russia to redirect its export. and, you know, given what the same, the effect of the sanctions was to raise prices. when you raise prices and obviously you raise revenue. so even if russian exports are down as a result of the sanctions, because prices have been escalated,
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russia is making more money than it's ever done it again, that should have been fairly obvious, but that that has been the consequence. and then this price gap, which was meant to address that issue, have the reference of making more money than before is a gate is just a faster lated because you're again creating artificial shortages, which simply jack up prices. so it's the, the europeans in particular who have suffered as a result of the sanction most discretions of russian life. but you know, this very well, they look, russian life has remain fairly unchanged. that can be said that this is the true of europe. george me, thanks for joining the park on this evening or. oh, it's pretty sure your time with speaking to georgia is some you really thank you. thank you very. can i, jerry and now where petro shortages had caused prizes to skyrocket with the latest report by the national b over of statistics. so need to a magic spike and transport costs compact for last year. according to the reports
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nigerians and now paying 97 percent more for domestic flights and 45 percent move above tickets in comparison is november last year from post february feel shortages spread from the cop. so to other parts of the country, as a result of the crisis, petro stations are selling field at higher prices than the one fixed by the government. while black markets speculation is rising, the countries only in port field and i, jerry and it national petroleum company, says it has enough stock, but there are problems with distribute distribution. this comes from the global energy crisis with restrictions based on the import, south wash and gas, jerry and politician abdominal god, the 2nd say the anti russian sanctions are provoked. the smuggling of oil from his country. i g, i, he's like everyone on 3 and the world is grossly dependent on energy. so when you have a fuel price grain, all it means that you have high rate of very high possibly be on the situation is completely not on coordinated with
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a series of nobody even on the some show that is imposed on rochelle regarding for an invitation due to the war between russia, ukraine, is that really what is affected? what you see? when does i'm showing what's impose the price of pro rated, shook all it is supposed to been if it was an idea of part of the export of poil. what is unfortunate that there are so many criminal gung in cannot once live down for him buttons. but us mobility out oil in nigeria. well, the quota for pick to produce about one point it to point 2000000 bottles id. but as i'm talking to, you know, almost 500002 several 100 told on bought it by day he's been stolen out of nigeria . it won't do this. she's not back on our shows are just on amazon on bus can be job, can be located and you know, you know, joe operate what is going to help you do the zim. usually what we do is we export oil and import the refined proposal. so important to find frodo,
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we sorta die. so dad, average nigerians can benefit from fortunately, have a distortion because to shop for in our group will export not you don't have enough money to continue to subsidize you. so the best solution is to get the subsidy. so by that, we're going to subsidy the private or keep getting the higher the head of a private u. f. military credit that trains ukrainian trips has slammed the country as corrupt. one of my thing, he only helps kids do to psycho the global norms of fighting against russia and as president andrew melbourne, made the revelations during a casual interview posted on line. they'd say corrupt of society, the let you know, so i'm not, i'm not a big fan of ukraine. it's not about ukraine. we're not like, i have to have, you know, you ukraine flank tied to my bag, but i'm not, oh my god,
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ukraine. so awesome. no, because it's i understand that funny people running ukraine. it's not about that. it's about global norms. right? right. it's about food and andrew melbourne is a retired us marine colonel with over 31 years of military service. according to official forces, his military group is only training ukrainian sho soldiers and is not involved in any fighting. however, the name of mozart is a deliberate counterpoint to the russian volcanic group that is fighting on the dumbass front line, mobile and also i think the us should go all in and provide as much military help to ukraine as possible. meanwhile, melbourne shed another startling revelation about how ukrainian soldiers indiscriminately killing russian prisoners of war as listened in the ukrainians ah, in violation of harm. her. hey convention. they're filming off a number of things that they're doing with her. a p. o. w's is violet in laurent on
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laura vom conflict and he kind guys, right, killing russian presences. right. you know, these are electronic anomaly solis. i mean irrigation kill is inc. old dudes who, i mean every knows who surrendered them in on and, and now there was plenty of the videos published about a month ago, but started making headlines just now. now, obviously mister milburn and his mercenary group, mozart or some of the major players on the side of ukraine. his comments, however, are very controversial and haven't really been consistent back in april of this year. he tried to assure the world that there is no leak of nato supplied weapons to ukraine into the wrong hands such as those of the terrorist. now, he claimed that everything was under his group's control. i would say that the very last concern that united states government should have right now is that these arms
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end up in the wrong hands. now that so optimism offer mr. milburn displayed back in april has completely vanished and he said something completely of the opposite. when he was or quoted as one of the sources and celia on cbs is a special report about to weapons that were disappearing in ukraine. native lied weapons, mines you. and who are that have been turning up in a black markets. i can tell you on arguably, sat on the frontline units, these things are not getting there. alright. um drones switch blades. i facts. they're not, are body armor helmets. you name it is. is it safe to characterize this is a little bit of a black eye. i suppose it's, you don't have visibility of whether stuff is going and if you're asking that question then it would appear that it's black hole. yes. now that is something that
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so we have discussed here on our tea many times. and this topic was discussed in a europa as well. now, europe is of course, the most vulnerable in this situation due to its proximity to ukraine and all the weapons that are being stored, supplied by an 8th. all in ukraine's. a western ports very close to the rest of, for europe, but so for the problems of black market weapons hasn't been on a massive scale in europe. however, this problem is already on the african continent. now, according to nigerian presidents, muhammad do oh, hoary. he says that his words, that the war there between russia and ukraine, is allowing arms and fighters to stream through the lake charge region. and this is bolstering the capitol capabilities of a local word terrorist. so the question and now remains, is ukraine,
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which is presented as a shining beacon of democracy. now, are there any morals left there or is it a conflict completely fueled by interests? the reason to believe that twitter files i opened a pandora's box and revelations on how far washington is prepared, prepared to interfere in social media and even the personal health choices of citizens. just to keep its grip on the narrative is the latest in a string of western government scandals this year as nazis. marina concert. thanks . thanks. the latest leaks of the now notorious twitter files show that washington was manipulating what users online saw regarding coven vaccines. well maybe that's because key figures had something to gain from it. let's take a look at doctor anthony found t. this is america's top a health official. and he just announced that he'll be stepping down as the head of
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the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases and as chief medical adviser to president biden. well, the timing is definitely interesting. do you know anyone who works for a social media platform doin or somebody who works for a social media platform or at this time? well, i've had communications with mark zuckerberg in the past. do you know anyone else who works for a social media platform other than mark zuckerberg? when you say, do i know somebody who works? like do you have acquaintances, people that you know who work at social media platforms? well, a person who used to work as a software engineer for twitter was my daughter. so america, top health officials, daughter, worked with twitter. so in a position to potentially alter a few things according to her dad's wishes, who was in a position to benefit from people getting vaccinated. 27000 royalty payments were
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paid to 1800 and i and i age employees. can you tell me that you have not received a royalty from any entity that you ever oversaw the distribution of money in research grants? oh, well, 1st of all, let's talk about this. you know, that's the question. have you ever overseen under received a ruling agreement from a company that you later oversaw money going to that company? you know, i don't know, was a fact, but i doubt it. joe biden's, chief medical advisor isn't sure if he profited from the pandemic excellence. well, we know how much wiser made $22000000000.00 in 2021 or a $1000.00 every 2nd. and we now know that the 1st maxine that was sold to the masses in america both literally and figuratively, wasn't even tacit for efficacy before it answered the markets regarding the
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question around and did we know about stopping, humanise ation before it's entering the market. now, at these and you know, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market. and from that point of view, we had to do everything at rest. it's hardly surprising than that across the pond. the e. u prosecutor's office has now opens an investigation into coven, maxine purchases with all eyes on the european commission of presidents. it seems that arsole of underlying exchange, if you text messages with visors c, e o, before cementing the multi 1000000000 euro contract, acquiring 4500000000 doses for 450000000 people. well maybe this case will shed some light on her involvement because so for the commission has refused to release any details about bonder lions roll in its
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negotiations. the commission can confirmed the search undertaken by the president's cabinet for relevant text messages corresponding to the request for access to documents has not yielded any results. we asked the commission to provide us with information on the preliminary nego stations for this agreement. scientific experts consulted and advice, received timing of the talks, records of the discussions, and details of the agreed terms and conditions. however, none was forthcoming. hardly surprising. well, it took a couple of years to get the league slinking, washington suits whether it's cove it policies, so we may need a few more. so uncover what lies beneath the billions, if not trillions made during the pandemic. ukrainian president zalinski has had what he's described as a polar to have phone call with india's prime minister. the long of the key has taught diplomat accused new delhi and capitalizing on the ukraine conflict by cooperating with russia. the opportunity for india to buy russian oil at
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a cheap price comes from the fact the ukrainians are suffering from russian aggression and dying every day. if your benefit because of our suffering, it would be good to see more of your help addressed to us. and your deli based foreign affairs observer says the ukrainian president's controversial track record means key. i've can't be trusted to uphold any sort of new piece. dale. again and ski has said that that he expected india to to come in and mediate a 5 piece. but the question he is, he is ready for the piece. because as we know, after when this military of, within the started to have to once been 2 months that we have negotiate and group in the middle between both countries. and we had received news that some, some stuff can feel that had been a few of them, but suddenly he,
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he backed out. so every entity that didn't sky i had you is not an independent lip. he is here. his policy over his this quarter one is reading can toward long term with we all know what i mean sometimes with it's long, you know, natal headquarters was long that united states and cranes. foreign minister has proposed holding peace talks at the un, but without inviting moscow. the table here says it wants to organize such a summit by the end of february, ukraine's talk diplomats emphasize the key of the piece formula does not currently include russia. well, they knew delhi based for and if, as observer we spoke with, again, added that western countries don't actually want to pace in ukraine. is they using the nation as a tool against question?
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mr. going to be a fighting up the see what they're in clean. and so you took men, men 5 in this one, united united states. and it load quite the solution will come out, will be what the party start to talking each other. there have been some indication like planned the student macaroni and we had said that they would we talk to we had some indications on germany. but he did, you all are very weak in big isn't there 1st is to defeat of a sharp ed student who has had said many times that day they are fighting for the killing up. there have been some documents that
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have been discussed on kicked on clifton media that this devon him, him off the we're still going to be huge to fresh defense to versa. and then, and then start a new flint against china. europe will face mounting pressure in the upcoming year with a significant increase in migrant seeking refuge in the u. s. according to the head of the blocks asylum authority, it is quite clear that the increasing number of applications will continue in the foreseeable future. unfortunately, they're not temporary, official asylum requests have risen by more than 50 percent this year. well, the number of microns crossing each board is illegally has the past 3 100000. the figure is the highest since 2016 and significantly more than 2021 of the majority
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of micro on our arriving to be you through 2 routes via the western vulcans on the central mediterranean. these pos could, however, be blocked in the near future. the italian prime minister, georgia maloney for one has proposed the introduction of a naval blockade in the mediterranean. while the austrian chancellor, con they, hama, has called for wolf to be built on the territory of romania, bulgaria, and hungary legal likes. but tom journalist will, could says that such an approach is in contrast with the ease of access to the e. u for ukrainian refugees find a day to day war in ukraine. a start. that was so many people go to the other ports in europe, bought a brand, new sil, we sold some people come from african continent. asia continent we own said the same treatment about dead people there with some poor people. for example, in the ukraine we sold. so they, europe in the arctic and continent into asia,
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continent, but for the african engage your content. the treatment is very different that you to you so we can change the most important right now i put my hand into mine in thinking about the responsibility for debt countries. factors contributing to the mass displacement of people including security and conflicts. for example, in syria, on the democratic republic of congo, egypt, nigeria, and many others are suffering from soaring inflation. and while nato interventions have led to political instability in countries including iraq and afghanistan woke ideas again, say that it's vital that the ego creates programs to help developing countries while respecting best sovereignty. the lack of accountability is to one of the main effectors. so this is this off to serious violations by the countries or to part of the european or european continent,
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or we have so many cases in day. you too. and the violations we have is so many people in deceased being to see a so many days said, tried to intervene. do you of some people are that dead? the deceased? they're very important to provide the bed condition condition for that people, for example, to create to be a good pro, programs for this is the big for stability, affordable care piece programs, for example, to create the 1st image. and most important is due respect to so free of dead countries. there's so many programs 0, but sometimes you don't respect this over to you for that. the old debt places money. thanks for being with us this chief day. as always, you can find plenty more news discussion on debate on our website r t dot com in
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i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. and the point obviously is to great trust or rather than fear. i would like to take on various job with artificial intelligence. real. somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on,
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often very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time. time to sit down and talk in each to come to russian state. little never does on the northland scheme. give us a call or something up with it within the 55. would this be okay, so my niece madeline, speaking with ben in the european union. the kremlin, can you yep. machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school or t sputnik given our video agency roughly all band on youtube.


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