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tv   News  RT  December 28, 2022 11:00am-11:31am EST

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she knew she is going to learn a swing, pushing cargo slip or better to talk corner is more closely at these book a, another ukrainian politician gets caught red handed with a fake news story. she posts an old photo of an irish boy, claiming he's a child victim of the conflict in new credit. more than 20000000 children are at risk of hunger with on deadly infections in africa. that's the latest from unicef. we heard from that regional director. fortunately, we are going to to 6, failed to reigning c sense, making the situation even worse and be to prepare for the worst case scenario than the appropriate pharmaceutical companies. offering down the claims,
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an indian made cough. syrup held at least 60 children, which new delhi denied a warm welcome to you. you're wanting to international with the latest news from across the globe. it's good to have you with us now fast at some news that just in from moscow where an unannounced meeting has been held between the russian turkish and syrian defense ministers to mull over the security and refugee crises in syria. now the officials discuss joint efforts to combat the extremist groups in the country and on the lines. the need for such talks to be held more often to facilitate stability in the middle east and moving on social media use without the bung. she has another fake news story from ukraine, posted online by a local lawmaker who tried to pass off an old photo of an irish boy as a child victim of the conflict and ukraine. the saddest part there are no
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children in ukraine any more. only little humans with very grown up eyes, old, even somewhat tired of the life yet unlived pictured mark 8 years old, just survived a russia artillery attack. readers added contest they thought people might want to know. this image predates the conflict in the ukraine and it p is on a novel published in 2013 the ukrainian m p that posted this photo and the 1st co in the 1st place, straight up light about it. i mean, she said that there was an 8 year old boy there that survived some sort of russian artillery attack. when in reality this kid was an irish orphan. this was a picture that was taken from the cover of a book, a 2013 spanish translation of the miss, remembered man. so while you definitely shouldn't a judge, a book by its cover, you most certainly should not take what ukrainian officials are saying at face value about this kind of stuff. the photo is lifted from
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a 2013 book by christie mckenna, more broadly, it is true that the crimes of nazi regimes bring disaster on their own children. do ukrainian officials and pundents nail for vass image such as to keep posting such fakes. the tweets glaring and accuracy didn't stop it from getting widespread distribution though i mean, after all, the ukrainian m p that tweeted it has over 330000 followers on twitter and the u. n's head of global communications even responded to it with a broken heart that's despite the fact that her account said that all the information there is verified and based in science, i mean this time it clearly wasn't. so it makes you wonder, just how often were being duped here. well, i don't know. could this not have just been an honest mistake by this particular envy? well, i mean, we have actually been seeing this pretty consistently, children being used in the western media and by ukrainian officials to manipulate people's emotions, to change their opinions on the ukraine conflict through bought through that way.
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and we actually made earlier this month, a report covering all these stories, just how many of them are either fake or actually the fault of the ukrainian military with doesn't stop there either. earlier this year we saw another ukrainian m p, or a ukranian official, rather post a picture of a drawing of a girl on twitter who apparently was from ukraine and she had cut her hair to protect herself from being raped by russian troops. so the story goes, except we saw no evidence come with this story, and the drawing was essentially
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a copy and paste a job from an actual photo of a girl who died an al switzer. now, we've seen a lot of these sakes going around the internet, but just to give you an idea of the sheer scale of this fake information war, we can look at an australian report that was published about twitter activity towards the earlier days and weeks of russia's special military operation, it said that over 80 percent of tweets from that time were part of a covert propaganda operation. and over 90 percent of the accounts that were making these tweets were pro ukrainian. we found out between 60 and 80 percent of tweets using the hash tags we studied, came from bought accounts during the 1st 2 weeks of the war. we found that 90.16 percent of accounts fell into the pro ukraine category, while only 6.8 percent fell into the pro russia category. i think it goes without saying that in our day and age, the information war effort is just as important to as that of the conventional war
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. and no doubt social media platforms play a central role in that one of the major problems is that often these myths are debunked. long after this faith content has already made its way across the internet. and the number of children suffering due to an extreme to that drought across ethiopia, kenya, on somalia has molded doubled in 5 months. and as, according to the un children's fund, unicef will in 20000000 children are at risk of hunger fest. and that the infections in africa well collective and accelerated efforts have mitigated some of the worst impact of what had been feared. children in the horn of africa, i still facing the most severe drought in more than 2 generations. according to unicef, at least 2000000 children in ethiopia, kenya on somalia will need urgent treatment for acute malnutrition. as of 24000000 people face more to shortages, while children across africa to face labor exploitation,
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gender based violence on sexual harassment. luca, van deville, a unicef deputy regional direct set for eastern in southern africa, say that the situation is deteriorating amid a shortage of funds. but we have our colleagues all across the 3 countries seeing a tremendous the creation of the situation of the children in these countries that are affected by draft. and unfortunately we are going to to 6 field, raining season, making the situation even worse. and we really need to prepare for the worst case scenario. so less rain is again, less walter, less livelihoods, and increase the acute malnutrition disease outbreak. and of course, food insecurity across those 3 countries that are really affected severely by the drought specially the youngest. really are at risk for its severe malnutrition and
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for us to really help them, there's only one particular intervention that is really required, which is ready to use the republic feeding. and if children are molnar race, the risk is march, how your, if they catch me. so that they would actually pass away. so there is no, not only uni said, we have a un family that is looking for money. everybody has their own mandate and they need to find a funding together in the warren. and it is not an easy environment to raise funds, especially because the funds that we need are constantly increasing and they are. * also increasing not only because of the number of shield on that are effective, but also because of some of the inflation and the price increase that we see across the world. so we, we are also need to deal with those those challenges at the same time.
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to india now, where drug factories across the country are under investigation by the pharmaceuticals regulator of the gambia claim that was a link between children's deaths on the indian made cough syrup new delhi safe. the medicine was not to blade ortiz, india correspondence, rigid sharma hustle. firstly, india is recognized in the world as the pharmacy off the wall. and now these reports, 1st from gambia and now from baker san assure our dentist in the pharmaceutical industry. in fact, let me also point out here that in the last decade or so of the exports as far as pharmaceuticals and concerned they've more than doubled or so. and essentially what happened in october, the world health organization linked the death of around 66 children with indian made cough syrup gotten caught contaminated in didn't mean golf throughout san,
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essentially very recently on the 13th of december, the drug regulator of india wrote to the world health organization, seeing that samples from all of these pharmaceuticals were collected and all of these pharmaceutical samples that were collected. in fact, they were tested in a government lab and all the samples were found safe. and also complying with quality specifications. essentially said that the world health organization made a very premature sort of link between the deaths of children in gambia to these cough syrup that was applied for. and also they said that they were only supplied in west part of africa. having said that, india is conducting searches, india is conducting inspections, country wide across the country. do you have a need by the drug regulator, all the india and the out inspecting pharmaceuticals, company both big and small?
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in a sense to assure the world that india does care about processes safety. it's not going to compromise on that. russia is finding the export of crude oil and petroleum products to any foreigners complying with the price cap imposed by the west, which moscow is branded, violation of international law. we are prohibiting supplies of russian oil and petroleum products to foreign legal entities and individuals provided that the contracts for the supplies directly or indirectly apply a price cut mechanism. early this month, western nations pay $60.00 per barrel price limit on russian oil purchases. the new cap is designed to force 3rd party buyers such as india or china to fall in line with the west foreign policy goals. since the announcement of russia's response prices of crude oil on petroleum have risen across the board on western energy markets. and if you journalists arena snob,
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say it's russian oil will continue to be traded internationally due to high demand . china and india were the main target of base price gap. remember us treasury secretary, ellen travelling in asia trying to convince beijing and delhi to, to agree to comply by and both capitalized made it abundantly clear that they will not because they both being for the magic rather than political. and because both towns, res, huge oil consumers, and equally huge oil importance, they need the oil to survive. and that for them is really a question for keeping their economies going. it's not a question of politics or virtue signaling with regard to the frame conflict. rational will be sold internationally as we have cnn continue saying it just won't be traded by western western traders, and it won't be shipped by western shippers and insured by western and
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ensures and in france, local factory, se they'll remain closed. even the christmas song, even over the christmas holidays, as the current cost of energy is too high to keep up production. the announcement tons of fuel prices in france are expected to rise due to the end of a discount on car fuel gas stations. on december 31st, let's get the details from alice's contribute to rachel moss and empower is now rachel. so what are these? the latest developments in france mean for the country they told me, and of course, the people who rely on the industry. yeah, well things are really not looking very good here in france right now. and moscow's response to the g 7 and european union's price cap on russian oil that is to band deliveries to countries that abide by the cap. does even kick in until february 1st and the useful embargo on russian oil also hasn't been fully felt yet,
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because there's also a grace period there until january. so ships don't get caught out at sea, but already there are some signs of trouble here. hey, you know the fairy tale of cinderella, where she had to be home by midnight, or else her magic carriage turned back into a punkin? well, french drivers have until midnight on december 31st before their own pars risk getting bricked turning into pumpkins because of sticker shock at the pump. because the discount that alive drivers here in france weren't even aware that the government had built into the price of fuel for the past few months to help offset the rising cost of energy is coming to a crashing halt when the clock strikes midnight on january 1st, and at that point, the prices are set to go up by $10.00 to $0.20 per liter for everyone, except about $10000000.00 french citizens who will qualify for the help that's replacing it. in the case of workers who make less than $14700.00 euros per year,
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who will need to fill out a government form to get on all whopping $100.00 euros to cover the entire year of energy price heights for 2023. meanwhile, french factories are already planning to ring in the new year by not reopening after the holiday. citing skyrocketing production costs, one manager of a company that produces isolation material, told the french press that he seen. i 100 percent increase in material costs and 500 to 700 percent spikes in energy prices. oh and get this. the french energy transition minister. i guess penny, who now she tweeted on tuesday that if you here home with wood in france, the government will now offer you assistance of between 50 and 200 euros. so you can go stalk up on shop, down forest to heat your home this winter. it was just so surreal, this tweet that you think you're looking at a parody account, but nope, and apparently the energy transition minister, i guess,
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is going to help friends transition straight back to the cave mandate. hey, maybe the government can toss in a free bag of marshmallows so that at least french citizens can all feel like they're having fun, camping out home rather than huddling around the fire. like they're back in the stone age. maybe we can even like, since production is troublesome right now because it and he paused. now we can like start bashing on rocks in the fire to hobbled that. it's hard to believe that this is supposed to be one of the world's most developed countries, which at one point prided itself on its nuclear energy independence. mitchell. many, thanks to those details. i thought a contributor, rachel monson in paris, inviting ukraine and georgia to try and join nato. was a mistake. not according to the full, not jim and chancellor angle of michael, the latest recollection of events in 2008. she says ny the country was actually ready to join the u. s. lead alliance. the start of possible nato membership for
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ukraine in georgia, which was discussed in 2008, in my opinion, was wrong. these 2 countries did not meet the requirements and did not think deeply about what consequences such a decision would have. anglo merkel made a remarks in an interview with an italian political magazine. he also discussed the events of 2014 when ukraine's civil war erupt. it on commented on the minister agreements designed to bring peace to dumbass. early this month, merkle admitted, she helped broke the deals to buy ukraine more time to prepare for war with russia . the 1st draft of the municipal court was signed in 2014 aiming to bring an end to the fighting and don't bass. the agreement was mediated by france and germany under the so called a normandy format. but the provisions of the deal with broken by ukraine, which resumed its offensive on, on yes guns, no guns following further talks, a new agreement known as midst to when signed in 2015 moscow repeatedly accused of
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failing to stick to the deal, which was ultimately scrapped with the start of russia military operation in february, from a british diplomats william marin balance, and se michael's revelations, expose her hypocrisy as a key politician. my take on that is that she is proven to be a balancer, and also somewhat somewhat inconsistent. because on the one hand, she opposed ukraine membership and i think georgias for example, and then we have a truck coming out which you know, supporting not the american sanctions when she was against supporting the european sanctions. by that time, it's a, was already, it was already a war between nato and russia. ukraine as the instrument and european countries as the instrument by the way of nature, which is essentially american. one has to be blunt. if we look at the figures, they speak for themselves and you look at the sales, they speak with themselves, the profits by the shareholders in america,
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the speaker themselves. i'm afraid it's very much a business. i wouldn't even do it. he cannot make it business. and greed and as it gets worse and worse, and the only thing it's going to break to stop stop the lot, i think ah. ringback france and germany getting up and seeing we've had enough lead let's, let's talk now and stop all the fighting and look at the russian concerns means of the all the russians in, in the ukraine should remain part of russia and the security arrangement. whereby of course, you can never joins nato ok, the west bank where hundreds of people have been involved in clashes in the city of ramallah as protest as they want to the idea to release the body of a palestinian who died in israeli custody. ah, the palestine red crescent society say that he is 11 people have been injured in
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the unrest which was sparked why is rouse refusal to return the body of nasa added handmade to his family. he recently died from cancer behind bars off to spending 20 years in prison, so resisting the israeli occupation as a leader palestinian militant group. activists accused the israeli government of medical neglect the prison authorities insist he received regular and closed care for medical staff and external professionals. protested within carrying an empty coughing adorned with palestinian flank before the demonstration turned violence. later on wednesday. 2 it pulls new, can't coalition government is seeking to maintain ties with both china and india. with the administration's main focus being on the south asian countries, economic growth will maintain relationships of equip, extremity with both our neighbors. we must immediately focus on containing inflation, maintain reserves, race capital expenses, narrow detroit deficit,
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and lower interest rates. former maoists, gorilla fights have pushed bar. kamala darla has been appointed prime minister for a 3rd time and dames to strike a balance between napoleon at neighboring regional powers. china and india. india remains to polls at biggest trading partner while is partnership with beijing continues to deepen with but to a senior poly journalist to get more about the country's relations with its neighbors. india, he need clear, ready to mediately ruled, bringing my ways to the, to the ministry my nipple. ready to lead was india reach, had bigger and really intrinsic relations remain until 2000 faith. but when india did mediated at all in bringing my always to the peace process and they fall and succeeded in that when
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i started getting enrolled in the internal politics in coordination with the european union and us that all the time when it became very suspicious of orders increase presence of the wish countries, not so much of india that why eastern western country, european union, or us coming in such a big scale and it was internal politics. so italy, too messy. so also started including his presumes investment. and now has become really, really strong. it has to register and was instantly the pentagon has still not responded to the us congress on america alleged role that a 2017 strike in my gerry, a claims more than 100 civilian lives. in september, the us secretary of defense was given 90 days to reveal details of the asked why it
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was said line has now passed the intercepts news website suggests the unwitting those to respond may be an indication of guilt. the formerly secret african document obtained by the intercept suggests that the u. s. may have launched this rare internal investigation because it secretly provided intelligence or other support to the nigerian armed forces who carried out the deadly strike. according to the documents seen by the intercept usaa africa command launched a secret investigation just days off the attack on a refugee camp. the document called the as strike an example of u. s. nigerian operations, although african officials denied involvement in the incident. and i, jerry and researcher from human rights watch phase. washington's unwillingness to provide clarity is troubling the pan pickens. failure to provide information and document to determine possible u. s. involvement in a nice tract. it took manny civilian lives in northern nigeria. does not bode well
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for the u. s. government expressed commitment to transparency and accountability. it sounds a worrisome message that at minimum, the defense department isn't willing to engage on an issue affecting countless lives. and may even reflect an attempt to evade responsibility with those killed in the as strikes had been fleeing the conflict. in ne, in nigeria, where the government is fighting militants. nigerian officials have expressed regret over the attack. a local correspondent brings with more details. 5 years ago and $900.00 on military, a strike, it's a civilian. com and the board at all. no 4, ron, 180 kilometers from middlebury, claim in the life of at least 115 people, including children and humanitarian walk us the pentagon school one investigation into the u. s. military involvement in the atrocity has thrown reaction from the degree residence navy, as i mentioned it to. but she, li,
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this investigation is very cute because we have waited for so long to know what happened. but no one said anything, even though it's light, we want to know you conducted the attack. we know america is a war paula, but whoever is behind these should be investigated. because these will put everyone off making similar mistakes in the future. we don't want this investigation to be politically influenced, what a lot of children and families died and some have been made homeless. so at our merchant or even if the air force got such intelligence from america, they should conduct a thorough check on the site before bombing it. it's after a massacre has happened. the 2 countries trade blame when people have died. those who are behind this should be brought to justice. i do denounce russia and coal, peyton essays, and that's the message from the head of ukraine's national security council was the leaders of the country's orthodox church, which has recently become the target of oppression by the key f government muscles
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fused the assembly of our society after february 24th requires justice, and if you hide your affiliation to the moscow patriarchal to connections with people who pray on the territory of russia for russian soldiers to kill us, then how can even look us in the eye. you must 1st look into your cautious, why are we hide in your name? it's not fair. people should know where they're going or what your, if you don't have a relationship, then officially deny it. say that put in a satan and a satanist girl. call a spade a spade, and then it will be fair. lewalma, ukrainian politicians that should stop dictating when people should celebrate christmas, and in which church they should pray. as according to the vice jaron of the key of perchance glover, also known as the monastery of caves. he's also asked the landscape to stop the crack down on the orthodox church and remove a ban on the clergy, access to religious buildings. metropolitan, pavel says the church has nothing to do with politics. so hooting is
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a borrowed so thing it, they confiscate relics from the faithful of the orthodox church from their citizens . but we don't interfere in politics. we don't interfere in the economy, but we only ask that the lord preserves us, our church, the church for us and in our country. may the lord help those people who have nothing in common with the church, not to tell us when to celebrate christmas, or which church to go to m. c. up correct there. but it is listed early this month, president lance he signed a bill banning religious organizations affiliated with moscow which targets the ukranian orthodox church. traditionally linked to russian. some 850 people have been investigated so far and more than 350 buildings surged according to the church . more than 70 restrictions are being issued, blocking it's activity at least to 17 as senior clerics, including the heads of the key of caves, laughter. i have been sanctioned so far. raids on diocese and bands on clergyman
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seemed to be just the tip of the iceberg. ukrainian intelligence agents even crashed the funeral of ukrainian soldier leaving the mother, devastated, begging them, begging them to leave in peace. a, with the very leveling stock. i will stop joke. i'm from the serbian orthodox church, say that it's necessary for ukraine's military dictatorship to break old ties with russia, including spiritual ones. need you to say plainly to say simply a sense ukraine has become a military proxy of the political rest. now increasingly it's becoming the also the cultural proxy and also lexia of religious proxy. so basically it deals so for me,
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which was very present in, even in past decades with which unfortunately has a long tradition at least 30 gaining of ukraine independence in 1990 is there. so for the arc has become basically, you know, social 5 rico ukraine. it's very necessary for the military dictatorship in give to break old at ice with not only russia, but also it's don history and its own spirituality, which is connected to rush in, in each step in each historical moment for them it's, it's natural for life of life and that basically to break any, even the possibility of, of having any kind of spiritual relationship to russia. many thanks for joining us . hey, on our t international web, back in 30 minutes with the very latest. ah,
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quite any measure the year, 2022 has been transformative. the conflict in ukraine, global inflation, growing food insecurity, and the west demand that you are with us or against is dominated our attention. on this addition across talk we discussed some of these issues and more with who. ready ready ready


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