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tv   News  RT  December 29, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm EST

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hello, bob. les protective own existence with stories and this. our written down resilient football appellate dies, aged 82 and his homeland offer, along with a prominent american defense. thank the ryan corporation issues with several possible scenarios of the hypothetical effect on nato. graham's presence, he says his country is pricing the 3 the address of parliament while he mean, well, find a way for more states a
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or in the world. welcome to all teams and nationalists just gone for am here in the russian capital and i was always, it's great to have you with us. i'm more of the army. let's take a look at today's top stories. the mom, known as the king of football, legendary star food play, has died at the age of 82 in his homeland brazil. after a long battle with cancer lazed also confirmed the death and said he had been fighting with the disease for more than a year. and it is arguably one of the best footballers of all time winning the will cut with brazil 3 times. he holds the record as the youngest spreads ever score at the world cup i just 17 years old. he grew up in poverty and devoted his life off the field to support those in need. contribution to charities out impoverished children around the world. brazil government has declared 3 days of official
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morning following his death. b bring you pause when the exclusive interview with pele. dedicated to the previous wilcox in russia. i saw my father, he was with another players in my house to to listen the game could that, that didn't have to be. then i saw my father crying with his friends. i didn't understand as to why my father cried because they always they say me, ok, maintenance guy, maintenance guy. we got the fun. somebody make the connection, but the connection some time go out. there's a lot of what father we want to wall carpet. we wonder woke up, i have to go outside, tell to my father you. so we were but he was a big one. the case or step. there's a different award that was very important to me because a lot of 70 i was on my 1st so up,
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open the door of the world from if i has become like cancer, many a child rising from poverty to become a global citizen. while the river mother is humanitarian work, as well as his amazing contribution to this will read more about pain legacy and i website hearty popcorn. with a prominent american defense, a think tank as issue thought about how nice it responds. a hypothetical rushing to fax on the west image alliance within the context of the drain conflict. therefore, via the corporation has laid out several scenarios for a possible russian attack. let's take a closer look. put a scenario, a russia would conduct decision slides and some poland, that cooling any casualties. oscar would link right back to the continuous need to assistance from keith on the sonata m. b. russia will destroy us intelligent
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satellite, also without casualties. but with the risk of outer space debris, moscow was say, the strike was in response to western intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance of all the grain in attacks on russian forces. scenarios see, seems to be a bit gloomy, with dozens of casualties expected off the hypothetical. rushing to strike on m basses into members, poland, and romania. moscow was supposedly claims such facts was conducted june to the natives of waterfall. keep an eye out of any muscle within that strikes of several major, including ram, seen and rolls of them, which could lead to hundreds of civilian casualties. under that scenario, the reason of those flanks self defense to count the natives support the cleaning and tax on russian territories. let's now go live to red, tie the us air force and tenant kernel current cars. great,
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see here on our see, i'm going to do that. what do you make of this, this report from the rand corporation? how possible all these describe scenarios? well, i guess they could be possible. it doesn't seem that they, that the rand corporation tried to look at russian objectives and then, you know, link them to russian actions. it really is an american centric type of study that they put together and it feeds, i think, what, what probably americans in the pentagon are talking about. but i would, it doesn't look to be very well informed here. i mean this up until now there's been those little talk in any of the scenario. another mention of negotiations,
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diplomacy. it's all just sort of military actions. but i mean, i would like to see a talk perhaps is how i mean, how, how good is this rhymed report? i mean, sure. is it credible? is it something that we should be taking seriously? well, i think, i think certainly that it should be read by everyone. i mean, if they published it it's, it's available to look at we should, everyone should look at it and try to understand it. i think it reveals a little bit about how american american politicians may be viewing this situation . it's, it's remarkable that there is no discussion of negotiations or diplomacy. there's no discussion of russian objectives as they have been widely publicized by putting himself, i mean, and everyone from him. so it's really, i don't know how useful it is. i think it's useful as a data point. it,
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it doesn't seem to be very self aware and i think very typical of american foreign policy right now very, you know, just living in its own world, is it adding fuel to the fire so to speak. or, i mean, could we see perhaps, could this prevent the conflict between russia and later? well, i don't think the document itself can do that. and i think grand of course is funded by the same people that are benefiting from military spending. so, i mean, this whole thing is, i, how do you be prepared to make more money? i mean, in that regard, that's the audience that rand rights for $1.00 of the things or 2 things. actually they're interesting in the, in the document. one is they repeatedly noted that the united states does not want this conflict to certainly to go nuclear. they don't want it to go more broadly than the narrow geographic confines of ukraine. and you know where it's being
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fought right now. they don't want it to, they don't want nato to be engaged, and they recognize that if nato targets were attacked, there would not be instant consensus by nato countries and by nato as an organization. in as to how to respond, there would be debate much debate. so they did it, they were aware of that. it's a little glimmers, little glimmers of reality in it. but for the most part not very useful. it's interesting how you say that. i mean, in the report they talk about or read the assignment and therefore they sort of talk about possible attacks and scenarios on to poland remaining. i mean, these nato countries, all these names are linked countries. these allied countries with russia is never a tax. any of those countries before? i mean, it's constantly, its focus is on its mission in ukraine. so why would the run, if you like, well,
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why does the u. s. merits have pushed to the fact but, but you know, things could be a high p. uh, is it because these men films and want to make more money, want to sell guns? well, that's part of it. and then the other part is it, what has also been published by the rand corporation, i think, the randa think tank previously. and that is the american policy to weaken and degrade our russian military economics and politics. the united states, the pentagon, or the state department, see russia as an enemy to be defeated in the long term. and they see ukraine as part of that to, to try to weaken the country and this kind of thing. so there is, there is some, some truth there. they would like to see it expand if they can turn it back in and make that expansion. something that will weaken russia, they would,
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they don't mind if poland gets hit. they don't mind if you, if romania gets it and they don't mind if satellites are taken out, if it helps engender some sort of popular support in washington to continue the aid to ukraine and that kind of thing. but what, another thing that was missing in this report is any discussion of what the american people think about this and also what the american know government can afford. you know, we've, this country has, has spent done over a $100000000000.00 of it's a, it's a 10th of our entire annual military budget. and it's also more than we spent in afghanistan, a point that has been made several times. and in a lot of different places and how much longer, i would like to see what ran thinks about how much longer we can afford this. so called war of attrition. united states seems to think they're conducting. yeah, most very interesting indeed. thanks so much. always a pleasure to live there. thanks for insight las vegas and happy new year. once
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again, new to you. my change gears asked me, renowned a british fashion designer, actor this vivian westwood has also died. so me at the age of 81 she passed away. so and i have family in london where as little is known as a queen of extreme fashion, with a punk style in the 970 s making its way into the global arena. westwood was also been a prominent support of jail, but he found the issue now. songs. she attended numerous protests on in freedom for a song in london. she spoke several times back in 2016. she gave us her views about the state of global affairs. after stop the rotten financial system because that is the means by which they control the whole world. this no opposition and we have to build their opposition because you have to
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work through governments. you have to give them a feeling that they're being overpowered by, of the opinion against them who want of all the people want to save the world instead of wreck it by continuing with the rotten financial system. it causes war of course, and it causes climate change and it's designed to create poverty. this rotten financial system is very simple. everything is connected, war is connected with the rotten financial system because wars are waged for land and for watts in the land. now, because the wreck in the planet and taken everything up and also fit cheap labor. no, there were slaves the that's what was, were thought for originally. that's what they still fought. and so, and it's all to do with these few people, this 1000000 people who have the power in the world, and they want all day, they're playing the game like everybody's pawns in their game, you know,
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and so war is directly to do with the rotten financial system, that is the cause of all our problems. what we've got to do is promote the idea of what a wonderful world the green economy will be. paper will be equal to each other so that you'll get, you'll get culture instead of consumption. everybody sucking up the you'll get human beings become in better human beings live ever been before you'll get to paradise you grace, present. zalinski upholds freedom. an address. so paula been describing the importance of the unified global leadership and the strength of the you mean while he's signs of legislation, paving the way for a further crime down fries, french in the country. and now we are truly one with the world, with the strongest, with the freest in the world. we restore faith and values to millions of people in
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different countries. while zalinski say the ukraine is one with the quote freest in the world is like that person who's really kind of mediocre at best. and who walks up to you and says, hey, we could pass for twins and you take it as an insult because you really didn't think that you looked that bad. zelinski basically just did that to the entire western world. maybe zalinski is just high on all the comparisons in the western press between himself and former world war 2 era, british prime minister, winston churchill in the wake of zelinski address t. u. s. congress last week. you know, churchill war air raid overalls to the white house in 941 zelinski dress for his speech in front of congress. like he was a courier in the building, making a delivery and accidentally took a wrong turn into the house chamber. churchill said, we will never surrender and well, so did zalinski with that very unique phrase. you know, so well, yeah, pretty much twins. so now that he's church of double guess of the figures that
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making ukraine the west twin would probably work as well. the west has freedom of worship and under zelinski and ukraine, well, they don't. zelinski secret police have rated monasteries across ukraine, even a convent full of nuns and arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever. and in clear violation of the cleaning constitution, which no longer matters and in the face of this, the, by the ministration has said nothing, not one word. instead they just continue to push to send zalinski more tax dollars . so naturally, zalinski has become much bolder. why wouldn't be so maybe not quite totally twins with the west there, but at least ukraine upholds the notion of political freedom. right? well, earlier this year, zalinski government suspended 11 political parties under the pretext that they were to pro russian. but in zalinski is mind, ukraine is just like europe identical, really same values, which is why he said in his speech on wednesday,
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that now is the time for ukraine to join the european union. ukraine is twins with the e. u. like zelinski is twins with churchill. so you know, what's the hold up? jessica means that both enjoy the same witch hunting of the political opposition or of citizens who speak russian. and both have the same kind of diplomatically savvy elected officials. what will we do have to do a coupon her? so if the police doesn't do its job till the end, i don't think that will happen. not this time, the price is too high. so if the justice system does not work with the traders than the military will do it, there is no other way. i talk to the soldiers and that is what they're saying. they will simply shoot them like dogs. so if you crane is one with the west, as zalinski said in his speech to parliament than any, it's the west that should be wondering if it really looks as bad as ukraine. maybe it isn't so free or democratic or without corruption,
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as it likes to think. so really? is it any wonder that zelinski looks at all of this and thinks that he's looking at a mirror image of ukraine? critics say you craze. you meet a low pays the way for further suppression of free speech in the country. the legislation enables ukraine's national television and radio capital to control amber. other media outlets, particularly if they express any view favorable of russia. problem to members of ukraine's journalistic committee have severely criticize the measures that i, this legislation is actually an extension of previous efforts violence. he to tighten government control over the media even before the conference interrupted this year. as his policies enable bands and the number of independent tv channels and news outlets, and it says of some prohibited media groups have appealed to e u. officials for help. but to no avail. let's discuss this
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development now with american joe's nevada march. okay, thanks so much for joining us here today on r c. now, we seem to have a contradiction here and one has a list of saying unity freedom you know on. and on the other hand, he's suppressing free speech. what's his play here? is he a bit confused? what no, he means in his world. freedom is whatever he says it is. he's the designated noble victim and the person of there by a person of virtue and therefore whatever he says is the truth. and according to his backers and west, which keeps him black checks, that seems to check out. we're considering that the you has band russian media because they decide what the truth is now and they decide what democracy is. and they decide what freedom names from his perspective, this makes perfect sense. him banning any political rivals which he did months ago
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. it was celebrated. here's democracy. he was greeted as the 2nd coming in the american congress. and considering that the american congress considers itself the secret temple of democracy, the world again laughable. but there you have it. everything internally in these circles that these people are moving everything internally, tracks up. you know, all of these words means exactly what they want them to mean at any given point in time. and they're so preoccupied by these definitions that any sort of traditional public shaning doesn't quite work on them. and this is both their strength and their weakness strengthen that nobody from the inside can pressure them into behaving better weakness because it insulates them from actually observing the world as it is. i only see what they want to see and therefore blinding them to catastrophic mistakes they're making along the way. the whole point of having a free press is being able to get, be get criticized by somebody who can see that the emperor has no clothes on. and
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then that would be a good point. i mean sort of brindley to myself next for i'm pretty base who he seems to be taking us of on the install on this one by anything that doesn't fit the west. now if you said that, but we live in a world of information that although i mean you couldn't find anything on the internet, the p ends are more prevalent than ever. always going to see a global reaction to this suppression of freedom of speech. not in the west again, zelinski can do no wrong in the eyes of his backers in washington and brussels in berlin and paris. and especially london. he simply can't do no wrong, but there will not be any reaction by the western government. if the notice this at all, and they will pretend not to notice if it's inconvenient, if they notice it at all, they'll say all, well, it's necessary because there's a war on and you know, it will blame russia. but i don't think they will notice they will just ignore it
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and gloss over it because he's doing what they wish they could do at home. i mean, recently we saw the revelations of the twitter files in which it was demonstrated that the united states, which literally has the 1st amendment of its constitution bending the government from censoring people. and yet that same government was using back door through a private company to center people. and the revelation did not cause any sort of upper in america. there was criticism in the media and the government just ignored it and shrugged it off and carried on its merry way and to meet the corporate media establishment that you would think would be outraged over this because it here radically directly affect their livelihood. simply gloucester said, no, it's nothing burg or nothing. this is, this is fine, everything is fine because they are not the ones being fencer. they're the ones who want other people to be censored on behalf of the government that they serve. to see in in it it's, it's one of those expecting anybody to forcibly react over this is the total order . now in the rest of the world,
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which the west is trying to project this impression of being free, fair, democratic, and prosperous. this message is resonating and it's showing that basically if the west didn't have double standards, it wouldn't have any thunder at all. whenever you put an appoint across very eloquently appreciate that. i didn't know they what the government does. but i mean, do we need like something i can, and then the number anonymous movement or something do we need? do we need the people to stand up? i mean, at the end of the day, surely it's the people that rule the world, not the governments. you would think so when i thought so until recently. but you know, the events of the past several years in the west is have convinced me that western governments don't really care about what their people think. to the point where you have a german minister bear bach openly telling a forum in prague a few months back that i don't care what my german voters believe or want. i've
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given a promise to support ukraine and i'm going to do it. and she suffered absolutely no consequences. there was no public outrage. there was no pressure in her to apologize or resign. she hasn't done either. it's, i don't, i don't think the germans don't care. but thanks for the past several years into precedence that have been put in place in a lot of western countries under guys of fighting the pandemic in sensory misinformation. and the whole made up russia gates, scandal of 2016 onward was in the service of that before div literally just developed to keep ability to ignore or defame and dismiss anybody who raises any sort of criticism like this. so you have politicians like bare bach, like wonder lion, like zelinski, like fighting himself who simply one of our commit don't care what the electro think said. what are they going to do for him out here. sorry, and it's very interesting. they, it's all, those are the points i think we've last time. this is almost like they keep the
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public and cold and hungry and also think about politics. nothing else they believe . thanks so much for your time. so one out of time today with you. thanks again. happy new year. happy new year. okay, we do have a very busy day ahead. that's contina. while the australia says it's an uphill battle to try to resolve it and trade dispute with china. both of those countries have tuned up in protests against the u. s. specifically, over washington pressure on the world trade organization. i'm not sure there's an easy or quiet way to resolve this. he, she's, we would prefer to sit down and discuss the issues with the chinese government. and obviously, if that opportunity rises, that it will take the opportunity to meet with them some context. so those are certainly have admitted that china made its biggest trade partner, but economy suffers because of beijing's restrictions on some australian products,
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such as wine and barley. australia has found a formal complaint to the w t o against those chinese bands and says the globalization is the best entity for resolving those trade disputes. as the w cio has for me sort of panels to hear those, this is, is actually lacks. the judges consider an appeal of any decision. the terms of 2 of 3 remaining members of the appellate body expired this month. and without a quorum, se appeals, the appellate body is no longer able to hate cases. that's due to the us vetoing appointments of additional judges. the by the surgeon has said that the video of peabody oversteps is role and encroaches on us sovereignty, australia, and chance together with more than a 100 other countries have spoken out in protesting against that pressure by washington that goes live to tim anderson, director of the center of counter hedge,
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a monic, so his tim, happy new year. i'm not just your blue almost. so thanks for joining us here at archie. now, the smart, these old dispute is tre dispute between china, australia. they appear to agree that the u. s. is overstepping espoused by preventing judges from joining. you know, the panel. what do you think of this? i will, she'll take on washington's a move and will it be affected by what australian trying to think will happy new year to you too. thank you. yes, it's not really just in the strike thing, i believe almost 80 percent of the w a members are 164 members opposed to this and i'm trying to get round this u. s. blockage on the pointing new judges to the dispute settlement board, which is one of the key institutions of the government. but i mean in, in today's world, the u. s. has really been dissatisfied with all of the institutions in terms of
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what used to call rules based order and has been systematically undermining them. what the board and ministration says now is really consistent with what the trump administration says. the u. s. is declaring economic war on more than half the world, these guys and these old ideas of independent panels. judging countries in trade, disputes is not suited to you as interest these days are just so happens that china and astray are on the same side on this issue. but not to undermine the fact that there are serious tensions between china and the strayer, considering australia has decided he started, the government is destroyed to side with us in its attempts to isolate or contain china by sending warships, for example, to the south china sea thing i mean, it's been a while now there's a trade war between us and china. but all this is while we're putting austin in the
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u. s. and the u. k. in each of his pockets. i mean, let's go back to the w c and i for the 2nd week of the topic right now. why is washington sort of against the w t o you think? well, because in big picture terms, it's losing its dominance of trade and industry has been lose implementing decades . it was the key promoter of the w t o. in the ninety's and china joined the w. c. o 20 years ago with some hopes to and indeed it did do very well out all the more open trade system. but as you see with the u. s. imposing on what it called sanctions, which are really unilateral, worst measures on more than 20 countries, not least china, us as pulled away from this idealistic liberalism that it was promoting last century. you know, do they need certain in china really need the btn walk out there?
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disputes between them, it was in some respects because there are not many barriers, for example, to the primary resources, the destroyer exports. and the really, the problem has been, i suppose that a strike has been imposing restrictions on chinese investment in australia. worried about china getting control of certain infrastructure. so the w. c. o has been irrelevant in many respects, and indeed the w t. o has not been to suicide in new trade agreements for most of the century. now, because it ground to a halt in the early 20th century because of the dissatisfaction of many other countries, that is to say relieve the developing countries, the former colonies that they were very few opportunities. and since almost the last 2 decades, new trade opportunities have been coming through regional agreements. right? well, that's how it comes to gather. as we need at least some sort of dialogue,
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j minus indirect. so the center account that has a monic studies, as always, thank you so much for your time. pleasure talking to you. well, thanks again. well, that wraps up this and use our like i said, to check out our t dot com for more global news. we will be back on the top of the hour with more international headlines. so we have google ah ah ah.


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