tv Cross Talk RT December 30, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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we examined the likely trends for the year ahead of us. i cross sucking 2023 on joined by my guests, george samuel, leon budapest. he's a podcast to read the gaggle which can be found on youtube and locals, and mara, cash, we have martin j, he's in ward winning, journalist and commentator. and here in moscow we have dimitri bobbitt. he's a political analyst and editor, and he knows me. internet media project. i gentleman cross talk roles in the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciate the, the, me go to george 1st in budapest, a, george, we just ended a very tumultuous year of so many things have changed. there's so many uncertainties ahead of us here. i'm kind of kind of gambling that tad 20. $23.00 is going to be a lot like 2022. your thoughts? i think so this is always a dangerous to extrapolate from the year that's just coming to an end to the year that's coming to be on the other hand,
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last year we had just had the 2 hour drive treat is presented by president put into the united states and nato, and we knew then that the response of the united states and nato would be no, nothing doing, we're not interested. and that in response, russia will launch some kind of what they call the military technical operation. and indeed that's what happened. and that it was indeed a transformational moment for the well, i suspect that this wasn't having at the moment, we'll continue into the next year. and they will continue to be this central transformation of the geopolitical scene. the western powers. and decided that this is the way they want to go. they want to go on weakening, debilitating, and bleeding, russia drive. and that's that policy. and they're not going to stop from it. they
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don't care about what happens to the premiums, and they just want to continue down the spot. and why is that? you know, what is a successful not, and it's also a very dangerous because the risk of this, what's, what's happening now in your grade, into becoming a full fledged, no shooting war between nature and russia is a really, is a real presence. i mean, it's not something we can just get around and i think that's where we have to look through the 2023 that we could indeed get to that night ma'am. moment they moment that we've been avoiding since the end of world war 2 and actual shooting war between nato and i think that's a good summation you and barton. another thing that i think we can expect in the new year is that with all the them, all to his changes that we saw in 2022 the world and guarding to get used to those changes. ok, rushes
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a sanction country. i don't think anyone in their right mind things sanctions are going to end anytime soon. and so what that does is it actually creates like opportunities. you know how, how to move forward. we know what you've left behind and what you can't return to. and i think that that's why i look at that just kind of an opportunity. it's a challenge, but it's also an opportunity martin. you know, i think people who run across the western world are getting used to the set up, but they're also getting quite despondent about the repetitive stories that keep coming in the press about massive scale corruption becoming quite despondent to what's going on around the world and i wonder if that will change. i mean, looking at the globe, you know, it's very hard not to pick the cricket cricket with a pin anyway. look, calamity coming from not only a korean war but coupled with a lot of global. so countries with climate prices change as well. you know,
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we've got got calamity all over the place. and i wonder if that really can stay as you suggest, i think there might be a see change in media. i think that might be well a see change or a cranking of awareness of how futile this war is. and the awareness i think that will happen is that more people will begin to realize what they read. newspapers are not where they're educated or not that the ukraine will really isn't much to do with the grants. all. it's actually an international war between that nature and russia and more increasingly so i would say more with just america and russia is becoming less of a western. what, when you look at the military spending a military aid which is declining quite rapidly, not in cash kit. you know, it seems to be america show from beginning to end. and so, you know, the spotlight really will be on by to in 2023 to justify continuous, continuously sending what you just signed off. $40000000000.00 of aid,
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military aids that administrate $2020000000000.00 got policy congress. i didn't think it would. it did, i wonder if 2023 will be a continuation of that when republicans take the the house? well unfortunately, martin, i don't put much stock into the end of the republican party in the united states, but you got to point, okay, there is still resistance or demo, you know, kind of a continuation of my question to martin. i mean, we have, we had all last year from march to the present, you know, sanctions and depilatory rating sanctions according to the west. but not that is not the case here. and one of the things i find interesting living here is how people of adapted and, and actually start, are looking forward and not looking to backward course travel is not as easy. it used to be apple pay that will be russian version of that will be introduced in the spring. but the rush is really quite good at adapting. but the news we get from
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europe is they're not so good at adapting dema. what indeed it was a, you know, many surprises and i can go to the gym and as the russian people also have an exam to do in the recent interview. it's sad that when actually stop in february, me and my colleagues, we expect the army to do well. and we expect that they call in need to do much worse than they did. and in fact, the opposite of the patient had them. the war was no short of what's still going to win. the bob, certainly not in the way it was black. you know the plan will just use a small expeditionary force and remove that quickly. you know and explain to see as possible. that didn't happen. however, there was a pleasant surprise for after all the other side,
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the country crept up to be very easy. it was sanction, i mean, you live in law school, you live in russia. you see that the new year is not very different from the last year. the same restaurants are working, the same shops are open, people are feeling the copies of restaurants. they have probably even more money to spend now because they travel left europe, more people travel internally, southern iraq, she became a connection. very, very prevalent, very interesting places to be that it's not just more st. petersburg. good bye call it is. i'll die. you does not walk us lot so nice places. so in fact, we want the wrong and we got the read on one side and we'd love it much better than expected. on the other side. yeah, that's true. you know church, i mean to self sufficiency. i think that is the, the new calling card as we move forward for, for russia, and for all of the countries that are victims of western had gemini, you know, also georgia is what's really interesting kind of
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a continuation of what's been said here already. is that um, the ability to adapt. i mean, i think now when retrospect russia was fully prepared for years that this was going to happen is you and i have said so many times is that, that the russians will cave they'll, they'll be angry, but they'll, you know, they'll cave and, and nature will expand and in the west will get its way, but that's not the case anymore. we saw that in 2022. i think we'll see that in 2023 and being able to adapt to adversity. well the, the west is full of big words and so called values, but they're not very good at adapting george. no, they're not a good at adapting. and really we look back in retrospect can thing what uh, where the g 7 and the e u in the united states thinking that's how we will impose the mother of all sanctions. and we will bring the russian economy to their knees. i mean, you know, they've actually started believing their own propaganda,
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which is very dangerous of russia is nothing more than a gas station with nuclear weapons. i mean, russian is the biggest energy use or in the world is the biggest good grain producer in the world based fertilizer producer in the world. you know, person, precious metals, producer in the world. i mean, you know, russia a produces things that people want to buy. that's very difficult to bring such an economy to his knees. and of course, they didn't bring russia to its knees. and it is indeed the europeans, not so much america, the europeans, was offering the consequences because the europeans are consumers of energy and food and the rest. and they go to, what about it in the united states is happy to see europe in economies. collab, demons, absolutely. right, but leave the reversal of what we've been expecting. we've built that the, the russian military would achieve
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a quick victory. whereas the economy might be dodgy. you know, 11, those rainy weather war has continued. the 2014, the outcome would have been the opposite. you know, rush my van of achieve a quick military victory and knocked out the, the post my regime and then the security and disability. so i don't even have the konami hardships that russian would suffer then. my well, of been the truant but we, we didn't, we don't know. but nonetheless, the, it's a serious issue. the russia haven't been able to wrap this up militarily as it could and should have done a year ago when we got to martin last 40 seconds before we go to the break. while european leads learn anything from 2020 to martin is that they are learning anything at all they're just in the hills. and because they believed that there isn't a game. and they believe that this campaign that they have will,
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as i think jude put it will do, will drain the russian ministry. but that's not happening. and you know, the year itself is just slowly becoming much increasingly ineffective and relevant, irrelevant as days pass with corruption scandals. many, many countries now around the world now looking to russia and to bridge partners is different geopolitical part. and so i think come, you know, where they lead to europe and learning a tool, but they will have to start looking at the polar side. we're going to discuss that when we come back from our break gentlemen, we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on the year to come. 2023. 0
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a. what else? seemed wrong what i just don't know. any world that is yet to figure out. disdain becomes the attitude and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah, it took me to reach you, dickie. you were yesterday the joy i got on steams. i couldn't judge. he was motionless. oh, won't with that so the mean? you know it's who is this vehicle story splitter? whichever some way i'm what says joe. some we trust the spiritual are your oh, my suit,
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actual go visit albuquerque. we do. it's woburn, she's too severe wichmann to walk with me. it's crossroads with in to near. come. who said it is your literature. just upload me when you were one of our us enough computer science cross science for national romans, which are you. and then you were was not at the tip lore. the brother got on a when was on, but usually 3, but they have to call up nice little from mind, warning to be there from my health. if you look good ah, welcome back to cross stock. were all things are considered? i'm peter labelle, to remind you we're discussing the upcoming year 2023. ah. okay . i wanted to touch back with martin. you said something at the very end before we
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went to the break that i'm far. i find fascinating. the europeans have in their mind. i suppose collectively in and game. what do you mean by that? because their pre game, they screwed up pretty badly. i mean, is it gonna be any debra there and game. go ahead martin. sorry, go ahead. yeah, they think the end game will finally be the who reaches out and says, look, let's talk, i want to stop this morning. what evidence? i know that's what they want, but what evidence is there that russia would even entertain that thought for a nano 2nd. i mean, you know, when you, when you have these kind of things, you need to have leverage. where's the leverage? keep go leverage. there's no leverage. there's no evidence. it's just, it's just the echo chamber. you know, when you cut away the news outlets that don't chime with your narrative. when you sign this journalist, when you actually just kept, keep on bang on the drum. i'm just listening to your own narrative. and believing
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only in what comes from your own mouths from your political parties. that's the problem is, you know, there's nobody standing up and questioning any of this, but lou, 2023 is going to be a deal breaker. that is the last year before europe, the u embraces. it's rally into the elections and the following year. and 2023 importantly has at least 17 countries in africa, which are going to be quite a bit of unrest rioting. and everybody will looking to europe and you just say, what's going on. all you guys is really doing anything here. you know, you talk about your big plan. you're bold, you know, foreign policy and billions that your waste in brussels. but we don't see any action from you, a tool and a panic is going to stop in from a you leaders. so they go, they're going to lose you because when the people go to the post. finally, the next year, the worry is low voter turnout, and that is going to stop already in 2023. and i think in africa because i'm in africa, i think you're going to see more and more countries becoming known aligned. this is
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going to be the next. i want to have a little bit more about the global south, but a person want to go to d ma here, d ma the, you know, and so as a russian citizen, you know, russia was very much demonized in 2022. and by a well oiled propaganda machine, no descent is allowed. if you disagree, then you are somebody's puppet, and you know, i mean, but damn the love affair that rushes had with, with the west, particularly europe for the last 300 years that come to an end. or is it just on a pause? well, i will suggest to at least, you know, take some time and listen to that recent statements for all the rational for me to, to lower all from from president. and we're all basically said a few days ago that you know, we're not going to be duped. again, with a leadership that's now that you know, with the leadership the united states,
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because right now it's very difficult to do business. they don't observe that they don't observe. laws don't abide by the international law they, they talk about the rules based on the rules are the ones that buy them. they're not based on their, their lease, determine where washington determined by brussels. so russia has news about the current leadership all the way. but i wouldn't say that the all along with europe can here for just 300. yes, russia, either you were you whether we wanted to know whether they would die to states, wanted to know about whether bureaucratic brussels want to rush at ease a european country with european culture and with european history. so i'm sure that when this terrible ideology, which unfortunately cold, all the states and europe being union,
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when they say defeated and it will be defeated because it is not 20 take, it is already losing. they come, it is really, really parish, you know, they come buying for us all the class. great, are unable to defeat russia and tried a few using last late. so we have made it turns out that the west is not on very well. so in the end, in the end, when this ideology is defeated, willing to return to normal relations with the rest of europe, and we'll do well. ok, well, demo the written the ideology, neoliberalism, the varying to it's not going to end anytime soon. it is going to create a global disaster before it leaves the scene. ok, let's georgia let's, let's talk a little bit about the global south or the global majority as i like to call it mean what we saw in 2022. and i think we're going to see in the new year is the, there are all, there are alternatives out there there. and the non western world,
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russia, china, iran, all with great civilizations, great cultures and traditions and all about. and that's what the west really hates . they really hate that, that, that there is an alternative out there. they talk the talk of diversity where they want no diversity whatsoever. you must go, you must abide by their ideology or you will be canceled as they're trying to cancel everything related to russia. george? yes, there is in the now alternatives available bricks and then you more and more countries want to join the breaks the shanghai cooperation organization. there are new international institution, new alternatives to the i, m. f world bank, a global order that was created in the aftermath of world war 2 and the chinese and are developing a kind of a world development bank gate alternative to the well that, you know, the global south is indeed looking a bond these and saying you know,
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we don't have to play the west game, we don't have to sit and listen to lectures. so this is this economic all done over the alternative. all the values, the values that the currently espoused by the united states in the west, you know, with mold in the world culture, the l g, b, t, q, i class culture, it's alien too much of a well, i mean, this isn't just simply, oh, well, you know, the i thought was in iran, there they live there on them. we're, there is the rest of the world that just doesn't understand why the west is espousing notions of how human should live. that humans, a level live by in millennium. and so even, you know, on the brushes embracing this is kind of the leader a reaction against the will the western world culture just as
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a it's the leader of reaction against neo liberal economic model. i'm a martin is joe biden, celebrated a gathering of african leaders from what i understand there. there wasn't even a one to face to face one meeting with any of those leaders. i may be wrong, but what i understand here and the whole issue was ukraine in africa was like what the chinese were here. they're building bridges in roads, in schools and hospitals. ok. i mean, this is just arrogance that comes from the west to mean is i've said many times is that know that the west is no longer feared. ok, we have the d dollarization going on trading and local currencies, different financial institutions as a whole literature i out there called the world beyond the west. it's very, very real and it's taking on meaning and i think 2023 is this good. it will celebrate that martin africa is, you know,
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they watched the biden stunt and i'm going to start with the, with the, with the jewels wide open. you know, absolutely incredible. and look, look at us. going to start now. look at 2023. we'll break records in afghanistan, it will make us remember the t v footage from cnn in 1980, as of how kind of standard women of the cassette player, the streams of cassette tape being, being strewn across the street from the central couple, you know, kinda sounds going, but the middle ages because of us foreign policy just failing completely on a whole so level and those african leaders you talked about. they watched that they witnessed that. they said when we fic tricia and all this is this what happens to us when we don't tag along with us a gemini, you know, and you know, i mentioned 17 election to know what very carefully because of us are in africa and the next couple of months beginning is warbling, and it looks like it's going to fool and no longer become a french satellite state anymore, just as money did
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a couple of months ago. if pikeno 1st fools, that will be a precedent that will be france losing all of its influence in africa, which means losing all of its edge. there will be no more western story or crime speaking africa and countries like morocco, lamb for example, will play more of a role of being a big brother and creating a structure in banking on services and things like that. so this is what will we have to look forward to? is it i think my money is on the tipping point, being in africa, it'll start in africa into 1023 and other countries around the world. watch that and say, well, if africa can do that, if ever concern to china for investment, the business, perhaps down to russia for security and to countries like morocco or turkey for other things. you know, then, why can't we, you know, dmitri last year, joseph burrell talked about europe is being the garden and the rest of the world, being the jungle,
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i think in 2023. the world is going to see the day. there are many gardens out there and it's not in europe, dimmer it is. now, all this will be no single globalization as a lot of people expect that in the mind give already, women that are going to be at least 3 globalization there is going to be in bond globalization around the united states and european union. and some of their allies in america, in africa, was in canada, salia. but there will be another global is the around russia, china, with many countries from africa joined with many companies from wedge in american, georgia. and there will be a 3rd, a 3rd group. i think it will be somewhat jittery about being too reliant on china. so they will have globalization also the role that reminds me a little,
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the cold war times when there was the west. the story of more and the normal line and the experience shows that this is not a bad actually, when you have one single system in the world, when you have the government, when someone tries to become the government, usually these people suddenly become extremely stupid and the racial polio on wave, he has pension and the book a g minds, no rush and sanctions. now, like hitler, wanted to build huge german empire around the world. we're going to see competing globalization. and what's going on in your brain? i think it's not between russia and the state, and of course it's not between russia and in between that for us, all the west, still trying to, to maintain they are he gemini and the new horses, which are not support in russia. there are many countries,
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in fact we support profit not have time, but i can think of a better way to end this program. thank you very much. i want to thank my guess in budapest, marrakech, and in my and i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at archie. see you next time. remember, crossed up with ah a to help with their vote annoying level for a job or my which means they don't know getting as composers that i often see and found gas prices stuff. i started to go and give
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on gas with does not come furnished in the trip in on the site. i was already taken from the politic wonderful you of this keep achieving. so social belief with to go to that is good prescription model. reason. oscar. she'll know shepherd got a picture. sure. do you remember when you show home, do you see a whole laundry facility, or just dropping in a
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in 1834 grants invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists, known as b a no ours took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. this gauze, mazda is content, the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence. in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress to rebellion using cruel measures. full villages were wiped out packs of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however,
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these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france to start these negotiations. in 1962 evian records were signed, voting algeria in the past, towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights, is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and a half 1000000 algerians. ah, in the ukrainian oligarchs, private armies, a murdering thug had a salary of $1300.00 a month for this. the well nationalist battalion fighters who are beyond the control of the regular army had to do the dirtiest work, but not even the ukrainian special services dare to perform
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