tv Interview RT December 30, 2022 8:30pm-9:00pm EST
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well, it's been 100 years since the formation of the soviet union. and although the country has not been around for 3 decades already, the impact it's had on world geo politics has been so profound that it's still a subject that's widely spoken about today. and today we're also going to get the opportunity to discuss that with the renowned russian philosopher, alexander duke. and thank you very much for joining us and giving us time for this interview. and mr. du. again, the 1st question i want to ask has to do with the soviet union, specifically, do you think that it would have been possible to preserve it? and if it was preserved, how do you think the soviet union would look as a multinational country in 2022? the 1st of all, when it's so understand that 0 politically speaking. so if you're to known it was a continuation over the russian empire, ideologically,
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it was quite different. it was based on the totally opposite values and i d. s. box as job belinda. go entity, as heartland as you read the land mass and the vision over the classic gus. oh, geo politics. like martine there or brzezinski, soviet union was direct continuation and to elevation of the land power opposite to see power. so in that sense that was kind of realization of that. and wayne jo politico contradiction. that is the core of human history according to my kinder. so if we consider that fall of the soviet union and this joe political aspect, the meaning called that was
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a kind of defeat of the land power and front o c power. that was a good 8 catastrophe. off of these a hot land. and are the big achievements all of the sea power, or global western liberal solution. in that sense, we could imagine a condemnation over all soviet union during cluster 3 decades alike, some euros eunice, the thinkers presumes eat, or can or would be or could be the ant over the ideology of communism. it was almost inevitable unavoidably neat to get a read off these sir. exhaust that's soviet or a dogmatism. but that could not mean directly the fall of the soviet union
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undisturbed disappearance of unity of this job political entity. and if for soviet union would survive a, this, a catastrophe eat a will be a kind of room, eurasia newnan, a kind of your asian empire or, or a torn today when classical or russian empire with strategical central isn't ant multiplicity over there. at the new groups leaving inside. so i think that was quite possible. and precisely now we are dealing with the will of the most go to reconquer of this edge of political space. there is the moment of the return. so the geo politics, because a lent power once more once now to re assure re affirm its independence sovereignty in front off the collective west that
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ease to day on the oh, almost fall control of that as well. and this is the balance, socratic, a lead off superpower. now we are reconstructing this journey. geopolitical space without overly, without, ah, sorry, it ideology, but trying to restore the greatness over the empire or recreate. oh, great, your asian union. oh, greer. and you fall, the soviet union, of course, is something that's studied very heavily and other socialist countries that are still existing today, especially china. they study the fall of the soviet union a lot to understand what they could do differently as specifically as a communist country. so they've reformed into a more market model while still retaining this sort of socialist ideology. do you think that could have been possible if the soviet union were to be preserved?
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i think it would be possible. and china precisely has got the main lesson all the fall of the soviet union that you should. and you are obliged to bruiser and safe to save the country, the unity, the strategical control over it. all, including all, all ethnic groups because china is mildly ethical. society as well as soviet union, oh, worse and roger eas, without and transforming, transform you to country without losing their power, all their central government. so you could make roof war, you could change some are some aspect of economy, but you know or shoot loose. the sovereignty and control over geopolitical space. in order to make correct, got transformation over the ideology, you should discard ancient tradition. so now china is
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a communist political power almost of the letter wis, confucianism in the center, successful control. oh all, we're growing a liberal market. the chinese didn't, it didn't a div talk that society a liberal democracy ways, a liberal market. they have preserve to vertical government over the country with a unique and who will unite that power political power. and they have submitted a liberal economy to it. and i think that this example how and the positive situation in the all us, russian, soviet union could be centralized power with full job political control over all parts and at the cur zones. wes's mixed economy,
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wiz combination, odors, socialism, ways, traditionalism was great. the i know there was a russian tradition, well, use l debt court fox function that could work as it works in china. we have lost the chance to transform our society ideologically. but to prevent these collapse and to, to save the unity that is much more than soviet union because that is unity of the heartland of eurasia. the unit of empire, if it, if you want, so that it, that is possible. and china shows that it is possible collapse of the soviet union was suicide and not to adjust the demand for independence or were a former republics that was a suicide made in the center. so we are fully responsible are,
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we are actions. we are fully responsible for that. it is not only just nash willis fraud or from the periphery. that was the crime. ah, mate by the government of moscow, by the center. what you used to the term near totalitarianism, connected to confucianism, to this, to describe what modern china has basically reformed into. and it's interesting to me because as an american totalitarianism, the term, as i understand it, is basically has long been just a word that people in the west have used to attack russia or china. and when i'm, when i moved here, i realized that, you know, things are a lot more ah nuanced in countries that are just labeled totalitarianism. like the state just controls everything. i just wanted to understand like, what exactly did you mean by that in terms of china and also in the soviet union? would you say that that was a totalitarian society as well in the west we have,
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we are dealing with your total return liberalism. so it, it is only high po chrissy to, to pretend that anybody else except the liberals, authoritarian regimes and for the lutheran, a liberals, on most of the letter in chinese for society is not only beryl or liberal to their there it is just the holistic we're going to use more appropriate, ward holistic, holistic system. it. this is the, when the common law is foot over the individual who could blame that s the letter in, but we can blame us through there and as well of these liberal democracy that brit dance to have the absolute truth. and to impulse this so called tools on anybody else in the world without, without regarding the,
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the particularity of different civilizations. so there is inherited racism and the rest of the liberal liberalism because it then defy the western historical and political cultural experience with universal one. so if you say that the west, her, it, these the same as humanity, humanity is on the west and developed as not yet western enough. it is purely racist approach. it could be openly racist as in a form of national socialism based on biology. but it is as will cultural racism that we are dealing with in modern days, liberal globalism. if chinese think this system or this regime fits them well, they like that it so that up to them to decide not to for the activists
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of open society or proponents of liberalism. so let the people decide for themselves, and that is the main principal all for a real, real democracy if you want on the international level, we've been talking a lot about communism. and i wanted to ask if you see a sort of unifying ideology in modern russian society like the one that was in the soviet union. because obviously for most i would say of the soviet period, people were united by this one idea communism. they wanted to build communism and that that was something they had to strive towards. do you think that the modern russian people have something like that? and if not, what could fill that gap? could not fill that gap, we could not return to the soviet time, but in spite of some sympathy, growing sympathy to some time. but to return is impossible because we were,
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we could not accept this dogma is max's is out of over the questions. so we need to get a further and 222 mix sir, ah, demands of social justice, a soviet preacher or wis traditional traditional well use aria for bi recently our statement of our president or that has made a degree in order to or talk to the fans and of a firm on the political level, traditional values and russian society. so i think that's, that should be outside of political western modernity. we need to explore more russian tradition tradition of slab files of the stay of ski or co creation orthodoxy. and we need to re discover more western or pre modern if you want post mortar types of political thought. so we need to,
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to join primadonna. there is post modernity and we need to far to relative ice to make relative of the western experience. so the west is on the part of the humanity and in spite of with but that it pretending to be the call of the humanity . it is not so. so we need to store in the scour our own political thought or when the russia wasn't under dominating or influence. oh, the west. so that is a really the challenge for us to, to really scour or recreate this ideology that should be organic, that shoot her has have a should have its historical dimension. but at the same time, that same time, it should be new, fresh, it should be on creative and some way and all that in direct reputation. all the western liberal had germany against open society against the
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lose it gaze a liberal democracy that west tries to impose on everybody. but as well, to throw out communism as might be. and fresh as, as, because all through political theories, main political theories, all 3 of them are originated and modern west. and that sense, i agree, was come out on western mo, data, and that it is still 30 area. and we need to get out of this west or type of there isn't to arrive, thought that was it. if rash and organic should holism allows from all to books better. you ration our lives. and that could include the other traditional society in the, and the main and the main symphony off over the, over the,
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at the groups or that people's, and religion. so that's, that will be completely new form of i deal logy that much glutter, or maybe to you ration isn't, or all, some, some mixture between traditional or traditionalism and social justice. and how would you say economics plays into this because at least with the soviet experience, command economics made it significant contributions to the development of russia while at the same time we saw of course, dag nation towards the end. but in terms of market economics, we saw what kind of situation russia was in back in 2014, when it was much more connected to the western financial system. and the west decided to put sanctions on it, as opposed to now when these unprecedented western sanctions, once russia was far less dependent on the dollar, they had far less of an effect on russia. so where, where do you see economics playing into this being?
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do you see a russian future more oriented towards markets or towards command economics? now, and our last decree of all our president, the traditional way you, the main traditional really is accept that the predominance of the spirit over the matter. and that is quite russian. so that is the main main key. so economy, when you are obsessed with economy, you is obliged to follow more and more of this confrontation, this competition with the other more engaged and, and the 5 to all logic of matter. you will become the slave of matter and material material. the transformation you are not anymore. muster of the economy you are, you become slave, are gone him is so as you do, mom, french social sociology is said in the 20th century,
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we had 3 political orders. him communism liberalism and the fascism coleman is liberal, is obsessed by you, call them. and they have shown more or less impressive results. liberalism, better of communism, slightly worse, but fresh, for example, was absolutely unconcerned by economy. there was no specially fresh start of special national and socialist system of economy and they have shown during hitler era the results are compatible and may be much better than those. those are, is james obsessed with economy. so that doesn't mean that pressure was good. absolutely. luigi one was friendship. democracy sociologist, she, she just wanted to emphasize that more you engage it, come economy, as theory,
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as the main criteria or the man, the less you are prepared to deal with real challenges. so i think that in russian ideology in russian life, we need to get rid of this obsession of economies. so, and that is the way to, to make economy really said so when it to, to great logical and natural approach to solve economic problem without any document is without this competition with it, between socialism and capitalism. so when it to get rid of the dogmatism in economy and we need to put economy under that spiritual development. so we need to to say, 1st of full culture rather than civilization in spangler and terms. so our, our problem is not to be engaged in this or that an economy
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echo a dogma when it's to talk to grand functioning society. first of all, just basic based on justice, on tradition, on the happiness of the people and, and the, all these elements are more moral, are more spiritual values then economy. and, ah, that doesn't mean we shouldn't, we should ignore economy. no, we, we should ignore economic dogmatism. if market economy works in some zone of society, let it be eve state go state involvement is a functional is, is positive. let it be as well. if there is a common fo, communitarian approach in some, oh, in some are group of population let be go communes,
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some formal communitarian societies. so we should all get rid of any kind or for all, what are public see in economy? what was the best economical performance in the history of the last century? we see that in the mixture. so for example, the american american strategy of mark until isn't and protection isn't with free free markets in europe. that is social social politics. almost socialism with some freedom of, of enterprises. so the balance between state and private capital is always changing. it is always relation. it is not the dogma. so we need to warn the relations relation. that's feats that would fit better, to rush and experience the rational society,
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and that would help help us better to solve the concrete ongoing problems. the cold war was marked by what many historians agree was x sort of bipolar world order between the west, the capital, the west and the socialist east. to what extent do you think that legacy of a bipolar world order is still relevant today? because a lot of people say that we're in a new cold war right now. what do you have to say about like multi multi polarity in the world? would you say that that they have some sort of parallels at the same time because the world does seem to be developing somehow into a more your asian camp and the western camp that has existed for a while now. so on one side, there is still going to mention of bi polarity polarity because there is one pole untouched among the 2 poles that existed before the end of the soviet union. one has disappeared and the other is here
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is present. so that's just the kind of a residue off a bipolar system and the west behalves itself as if it is still in this cold bipolar world war and to consider garage her as her hair or the soviet union with a whom were unit 225. so that is a kind of inertia that is continuation of that bipolar oh world region multiple edited is emerging now emerging now. but is something different? it is not one ideology against the other one poll against the other. their ease totally different. a vision or a co existence, that doesn't mean necessarily war or conflict, but that doesn't mean necessary. and either a nicer piece. so it could, it depend. so multiple oddity it, this precisely the end of the, by
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a bio polarity and with the, i may and idea that the west 1001 to accept that in multiple oddity on the west. real not be one of the 2, but went off fuel pulse. and we would use the western claim over hedge immunity of universality. o. o for over globalism to some concrete borders. so that is a re, a re proven sale is ition of the west that east precisely multiple out it, russia defense now. and it's war against a unit unipolar system, not only our alum ah, status or position as independent pulled, but as well. the other balls, china, india, islamic world, latin america, africa. so that is the 1st multiple or war that is going on now.
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and ukraine because that west wanted at any price to preserve and safe, it had germany unipolar system that is contamination, old by polarity. and that is why such are, are also forbear such hatred for russia, it is a continuation of bipolar understanding of all of them or to check or over or international relations. main problem for the west to accept that west could be a province or the humanity, not the sauntered, not the capital. so it is just a, but it is not the whole of humanity. and multiple already is about that. so fighting for multiple already are ash a fight for a right to different civilizations to affirm themselves with. it's inherent our system of ways that could coincide or not coincide was really western. well,
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so nothing universal exist in multiple edited. there is a kind of relate if bodily universal isms, chinese universalism, islamic universalism, rationally, originally written in there also is an african and latin american. so there is not, not only one universalism, western modern, but there caught exist and co exist. civilizations defending they write to create their own political cultural artist system. so that is the, the, the meaning of that multiplicity put reality off of the civilization. and multiple r a t fights against this claim, not against the west as such. but against that claim over the west, to be the model, to be the unique example of the progress, all of the history of t o. and that the standing of time of man, of,
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of technology. so any civilization has its own right to to and this stance to interpret what man is, what time is, what god, this was that this what good and evil. ah, so that is up to say realization. and there is no one unique universal model to impose on all the civilization. that is, what is this fight? and ukraine is ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe,
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headlines and this hour, the critical piece field signed by ukraine 7 years ago. she used to give give more time to prepare for war. but as a confession made by former fresh present files along to help good deal with accessory test fires, an upgraded version of it is news, supersonic cruise missiles, which it says show dominant feature battlefield opinion of hers is left out for what they describe as the closing policy by being spent 2 months and the dispute in west bank.
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