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tv   Documentary  RT  December 31, 2022 11:30pm-12:01am EST

11:30 pm
a swinging each week, a bang, finance cock from a guy. important for which he goals may deal with b, a. d and peak long. no kiner vessel pursuit from yes and talk and mid 5 hope come beyond if ablation goes in on pivot. boston does not mention those liam con buses. problem a good bit of has all gone as i knew you won't credo until better. yeah. it was that was on the shop a few yards and i'm going soon. i'm glad i waited. when vianza foolish, benton, could you do listen, finished? ling become in deep words by 1015 hobbies an unwelcome on the fargo. north dim of your head from couldn't you mention pollen?
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vinto clay dogs call home. i'll be sad to shop any day becomes of his accomplish beyond in asking a covey midwinter clyde on tune as well as last month we believe holt ambia and in dawn basket shipped the owns priority was to help the children of don bus. they were the ones who suffered the most from the civil war that engulfed eastern ukraine in 2014 year. dana was over heads, the parent committee of the donnette skew, sports school number 12 on a him just petula. yeah. cuz you all bring it all say that not good. yep. mainly budget put you down showing up on the budget, but you have sure mom was able to unlock as the cash from a dish coupon mesh issue donald oliver. when you get chance, just 0 or on sean. on this
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a hollow, suspend the only name of my glove. i got a report and a bill at bottom that was mentioned. he did not a leash as it is a lead to the guns club. lean your highest, i'm 100 percent, zoe, devon, kato claim, and gun several. bob n z of i n g boyden guy was the income jesus land is below. good and kind of fun and struggle on digital need to put anger for this one does in my in the 2 of the headset game. wish line,
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i'm gonna put and hope our gunner does these a good field, went to sweden or hook house, which funder water from photo shown on the phone. a vehicle of moscow. enough for steve to my q. when put in a surprisingly almost none of the major german media outlets have ever question berlins anti russian policies . you us a shane yesterday at the moscow in pharmacy, just the political national stuff. 9 am at the easiest and most of my lease report on sim, not the clear, but i bought a nice, nice shift media skate here for a minute site. we've got on the cell. can you go east of it's for dash nation now least if you guys know, cox a shot to below the controller, notably yet me stand the most by jane you. although the score to
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a traditional priest name jim 2 to 3 go the she probably costs if you can, you get well, i've been the journalist for about 25 years and it was educated to lie to betray the not to tell the truth to the public but seeing right now within the last month, how, how far, how, how the german and american media tries to bring wall to the people in europe to bring war to russia. this is a point of no return and i, i a stand, i'm going to stand up and say it is not right. what i have done in the past to man, you put the light people to make propaganda against russia. the median guns fight content. i another one is much better. one will not truly gibberish them
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to interesting. on just being is, is a median lunch after i read fish and dust shades for she asked in the month of all social media in linda's dimensions is kind of my burden. can i make g i n j and i'm a little bit older than meant xfinity zone oscar leak. se, but not spend one foot. okay. yeah. use a nuclear diet. things as keep i'm vice, it's my mom. you had cut the mustard and not new streaming dunker. putting duncan ocean view photos on the bridge city geologic v. john the new york and i will digital it up to the edge of push any of
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the 2 still know 3 booth mirrors, but she lives in the vinyl to dock of the should get money, those money, but the lease will come when you guys interested in them and not putting me, it was clickable. woodson did you put your name, the handle expense from for less than for less than $100.00 for the relation i told them to send them done them. this is to let them go for a good accumulate. the pcm disposition. yeah. but it's not equal. lupsi will still sort of be somewhere. be it through the mail today, and i am not going pretty jasmine on the blue book. i should talk to the fox news. let's get a minute. let's be just sent the shot them id mister, come up to short, spiky and get
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a minute phone you so much of melissa gibson. when you help me listen to start to finish, guide bite in. so it to team foot it us permission. once we get fairly good philosophy for issue nice will become which i'm an albatross, mom. come on the for mention loony becky eyes and ice damage my smoke, nick, i'm not to off the off. i need to order my my husband, don simpson with a document. it kinda got his in vehicle with the hobbies, good games all been austin investment. he does my justice endorsements. if i go to the issue in fits, i'll be shot on my pool hopkins in. yeah, she lives in africa plates and i'm of the funding church on just came in the room. does she done in a minute? nish, i son, does a niche price keep human i'm, i'm, i don't how to the key politic to clean up on
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a ticket to get the politic was done to possibly march. so i mean, like, are they about to part time gig ones, or does it for $14.00 and stock, and 20 listen. seen job shop for not journalists. udo quarter explained. back in 2014. why? he thinks all german media always take the same stumps on crucial matters. we live in the banana republic and not in a democratic country where we have press freedom where we have human rights. when we, if you see the german media, especially my colleagues day by day, right against the russians who are in trans atlantic organizations and who are supported by the united states to do so. what people like me, i got, i became a honorary citizen of the state of oklahoma in the united states. just why just because i write pro america. i wrote america. i don't know what would have happened,
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but we were all educated to ride pro european pro american please not pro russian to me still team often human talking with this is a poor poor. what does this poor theme? it's been clean. and friedman is flores from what fancy pissed high people tend canada stuff actually because there is a convenience from zach das must me to contact is to bring a boston county for state and county. the reason writing this book was that i, i am very fearful of a new war in europe. and i don't like to have this situation again because war is not never coming from itself. there is always people behind it to push for wall. and this is not only politicians, this is john list to and i just have written in the book how we have been right
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in the past. this is austin, did he thought? doesn't it advise me stopping? i'm torn from touch one bit of a boyfriend. it is a content copy book, in deutsch on stuff. if you want to know all about fitnessgram by counterbalance and endorsed on time the on the different bowden butram names up to homestead, he's off. take him on his hobbies or dots e. terrific. his infant funds, i've yet to and from doctor visits from holland, someone kind of puts on. does this the heck is going be this me the when and i spent here with a conviction that with the necessary courage and with unnecessary solidarity, 14 will fail. and ukraine and europe will prevail. this is time for us for resolve and not for appeasement. with
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ah, it's a, should we do it yet, dickie? he will. yes, that is the go i got on. seems like go to church. he was more than what i want with that. so the mean, you know, it's from this is america 40 splitter, whichever some way more to choose some we trust the spiritual i. oh, once you have to go visit albuquerque, we need you to appreciate it would've been with me crossroads with in to near. come was a digital literature, just upload plan. you were one of them, are actually not computer science, cross science, financial wellness, which i it then you will marginal at the tip floor. the but i thought i was on, but usually 3 of the i was call up my stuff with little from mining to carly to with michael up. any billing
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thing? oh look, you know, as it is a vision more by the 3rd, 4th in the bad know buffer. awesome man, you've won the cholesterol. nothing. i yes. shift problem. michaela you opinion. but it's funny, fella. course let's you wanted it is the voice died. i cheat is near speaking. yeah, it was just, i woke up. well, not carol, thwart utah. well, meet your voice,
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the black, kia will you want to read your or you can there. i mean the one, the ross more marked with these lots of what i need to me or going to get in the can that that the for the city violence that i knew wages and pharma. e at the new york i thought is shad libby. i leave my board the slow, but you pro actually today there are dozens of n g o operating in germany actively influencing national politics and media and germans themselves openly mult this kenzie fund organ is, are you on mission of the chinese conference? somebody's, what are the common june, the german masters fund of the united states, atlanta. he needs that he, that i got the me for the charge for the atlantic book at one of the institute organs of sean hadn't of been pulling to chicago. mit is a lot among these organizations. the one that stands out the most is the
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atlantic bridge. it was founded in 1952. its official aim is to promote german american understanding. can you guys conserve care mining? frenemy at that again. is there an hour on me or give me your group politic of for the group at least that you can group you mr. mission company? sure. glove 3 of the use of us because i just and you know it's just it's like you must boucher for the doctor all visible of the federal not when you come in like you don't need to be in a blue cross. you more log in your company versus your dish, you don't put a concert on spring going on. you. so i would say it's not going to let you know medical counseling, formal complaint by them. all of your still not be some of the you missed
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a lot of interest in him in the book. so we're not seeing you on sibling, you just your philosophy. singers up and get one. you said you sort of get all the money in the old con shift as you thought in your house, but they're not in the country that hung that i'm not paying you guys hope kind of been helped them. alex for the, for the all you on johnson, this is a lenient steve for the for bingo. and shawn alice, i am the lobby on new and job title in north of us. it is carlos. com, the not the office or just the 2 got eaten a grow up when he just moved was go somewhere. but when you miss key politic in
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order to counselor of it's a kind of progress you just got to be sure you can still get a minute. i don't you won't buoy this near it. it always, you know, it's funny to you or marks that constant. i'm get a minute. yes. so all of these are floating on these, this was lumped d, w these here to this, to my dish. so you put it all in, all of it isn't going to that on the 4th day. so let's just say that form pretty boulle should be today to them. no production or so yet that i need to cancel. so know form the blue cross, the brazilian car thought on a hoist. by that, could you see really one of the, of the little one of the best actually looking at a source nimble that ok, i mean, is that we didn't go to you. let's talk about a home blood call. when you can tell you, you don't need to know, steve, i need contra little financing. i'm sure some value say, i'm a gunsmith,
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so it just means that you're getting money control. in practice, you show all of short sleeve, you're still pushing by please. can i democracy more of the planning on that you get money and there's a lot the flip guide out still receive private not undoing your key to sell a car for you to be able to buy it. there's a lot like a cook up there, july democracy, some way get my if i give the promise for leticia, and luckily in democracy, it could be the chance that. but if i give the promise to people in ukraine, we spend with you as long as you need us. then i want to deliver no matter what my german vote to thing, but i want to deliver to the people of ukraine. please give us a soon to demo, caught the high dining markson, the demo car, the i think that it's the lucian. i think that a lot of people with a lot of power control all the democracy. and that's why he had no problems in the
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world. people do have the voice, i do have a mock, i think i'm going to win the election. people need to participate in election when can be and give him and conditioning as well as low as have been kind of opposite. so yeah. when i laboriously given, but you can try and buy as a, you know, to kind of being get a piece g v s and gel. it's interesting. on demo ca, t hunger lamishia got to go hope the inverse mission winners must be by them. that would be on the image is located in, i'm glorious institute about, oh, they've been it's been a them of them now as i am deeply within getting the that feel dental steps and yet one why in today's germany are many jim's asserting. there's no democracy in their
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country. experts say the answer to that question lies in the postwar history of west germany. quantity chikavsky, sasha, and you'd only have sheena regional is get a minute. castellano unit over to wish grandma's cannot cook with very, to me wishing berlin us originally, it was the american writer and businessman theodore kaufman's idea, hockey gulf on for the logo. 3 is always for us to you soon, and students when you get minus the below comes about their colina. you'll screw up, not simplicity, shows this is emily alter one the gulf, all 9 percent of the gulf, one of the 1st numbers to work a lot of o, e of mr. or was the full blown morgan. so thorough boonies, something, lots of cabinets, roseville for fun. logan's o r t u and the shooting and get a minute that they chose to see their new username and brother. keep it with our teeth. she took the chest, you should get a minute cook, i will get out of your struggle. get a minute, those number,
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but you can use those on the promotion list. get a minute in those new will bridge. wilka christiane, you have 2 other brushwood characters. sure. one, what i've been thought about on the wood, i use old from the procedure booster. i'm wanting to know when you can use those channels for sure. that wasn't much more than both. and you could easily put one u e to napoleon la liber or we started doing the pretty i to book was you that you put your, your money on stuff that we've done. you're in 1947, ex president of the united states. herbert hoover visited west germany and wrote there is the illusion that the new germany can be reduced to a pastoral state. it cannot be done unless we exterminate or moved $25000000.00 people out of it. it can, i mean just go chest at the atlanta. no, no, no. on the show us was just, that's like the most on, you know, get
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a minute because i get on the college, the visit. i both know, watch the show any my globe needs a dog or she even the store a grown there must not all the new show much load is we do it by you said he has come a so you can when you teach lou geek i thought it was the by a pretty computer leesburg, virginia for businesses issue the city of london come in new york. realizing this in $948.00, the united states replace the economic part of the morgenthau plan with the opposite marshal plan. it involved washington investing $1300000000.00 in west germany will survive as m as all this kind of as well in the self. and that's not manda would give them, but they're supposed to get
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a letter from the b i. d l o she initially won the boat when 5 of control most of this interview to live laga you would open those number was a boy teach glove in the near now will come when you you know, probably just the basic e cause i always do my correct, you always deliberate? because always before i bought the labor and not would should never come when use the pushing with the vehicle still because ours our store is political. so come when use to see if there's so much so in much but you know, unless may cause can influence on them or against them. they stir. it's something less on this is tim
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the 2nd stage of combating russian influence in europe again after west and east germany were united in 1990. as kind of verifying far he did a as an a kit bon is fine of kindly sure venom leon's father worked at east germany's ministry for state security at the stars a. he was in charge of the personal security of east germany's leader, eric monica. my father, both aboard the storm leaving santa maria. marina. i might might have started there . good dean, isn't she? half half helen demand. gordon? sure. sheila malaysia may torn medea horn defenceless. half deep. this is in charleston height to become the in my north vinegar lawn. vd in this via haven't keianna and i
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can know guns of the water. china and i can tell spilled. desk beat did here is complet dealings scale is yet complet. on don't give the sanctions. that's fun. luna's counsellor, the coil dead damage cuz i touch balloon the lunch of the hub. okay. it kinda, it must be nice. but why did west germany's political leaders, street east, germany's residence as a defeated enemy for providing them office corporal for you? been the social costs for, for to be a good bit of political process of good beer on ongoing molly was, was 2 or 3. it was problem or leaders. you jeez group. we support you comfortable as a pushing off, but it's morisha forever or flopping. what you what i mean it comes from of liberal
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from the other mission leisha holden, the way i'm going to be opening is uncle enough to show you here what they do and that's if you put a stop, nick, you does your nick by reason them. so combinations who is new on the printer? thank you. yes. and you go for what you cannot make it with your permission for doing that. old bond custom, but there's no bond bunch of bonds with consolation, seattle value, but you get to go to and you does what it is. this isn't dea via g i o form fashion most to me via go fired on to be done on reducing the final owned them on of deer and a bonus child by some i talked to a couple of lower phone v mistake news. phyllis turned what naziism is. it's
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a sorrowful part of her family's history. when side of the in the step, it is of mrs. type stuff that we get paid when my father is off to an interview. when 5 is of, of inside the reason he's this bill and some kinda notion of the shift size, who's already moved for me. and let me just one minute julie from the law give you would chose, brings and the choice to, to rush from from hospital vision, 115. question wanting me to go point to fresh is that i'm well i used to skip, i'm going to start playing the ocean. so you're new to me. nature mundell for shame me will listening with a while. you
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a ching alice. if hushes can not come up in locals like tyson lunk work event, there's completely, oh it does of within this my 5 that going to love it. we have either. oh the i don't, i didn't i come in with that. it's his dad and my machine at them. they give it that. had the exact opposite lauer are now considered it her duty to do whatever it takes to prevent her country repeating past mistakes happening. ask if he does. he initiate up to con. i was an issue and we drove miss as few mentioned with amanda and freedom live old young. and you my a push the number of a chameleon initially student that i sound nationally. chance was a problem. okay. me. 84 a digital day. interesting. but sham with the price would have to day berlin
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official support, the ukranian army, an army with soldiers tattooed with swastikas and hitler portraits and who have s s division patches on their uniforms. and and for me, for my v, cecil gets and flows often go on his own, sent ariana over bizarre and physician here in i took them with as a gun. it my not my lead. ah ah, doesn't of it seems often bushland vsoft with i don't go to not even look well thing from on a job or my words like that also being as others that i often see and found gus price of us is that that's beside go on on gas
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with does not complying, mr. with didn't want to send you this keep kind of identity even so social belief with it is good prescription, mental greece, oscar. she'll know shepherd got a whole lot just affiliated with what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms. race is often very dramatic. development. only personally,
12:00 am
i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with 20 a 23 even new year. how to where do you arrive in most parts of the world? countries across the globe, celebrating with beautiful fine works on sunday life. please guys, the main social, political and economic trends that will define the few chip with in the new year. more countries looking for a shed, multi polar structure of relations is the last year. so crack school and the longstanding model, the unit a.


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