tv News RT January 4, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EST
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oh, reality that we saw was like, shockingly unfair. so my sorry that i decided to fight for my country. no one could have done things differently. yes, absolutely. do i now think that violence is not the means to achieve anything? absolutely. ah, the ship it is equipped with the latest zircon hypersonic missile system, which has no analog and send off a frigate. the aunt with nuclear capable, hypertonic missiles on comeback, few tv, atlantic and indian 5 even they killed in $54.00. when did it ukrainian or this strike a residential area in russia that put on here region to civilians and emergency workers among the casualty? plus, okay, to found? so ex bells, the french ambassador as anti colonial sentiment strengthens on the african
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continent. political seek to cooperate with countries other then from a decision is the will of our leaders. and then i can say that it's good because what the people don't know are leaders do know they want him to leave due to his actions. cutting off relations with france is not a big deal. there are other countries with cooperate with very welcome from all of our team here in moscow. they say that the international with the latest world news on that is great to happy with us. now i top story this out of a person has attended an online at naval ceremony with the admiral gosh. gov ship entering, active combat duty forgets a is equipped with the latest hypersonic and the ship missile system with the russian president pointing at its uniqueness. i will, is the ship, the ship is equipped with the latest zircon hypersonic missile system,
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which has no analogues. it is also equipped with other latest generation weapons. as i said, it has no analogues elsewhere in the world. such powerful weapons will reliably protect russia from potential external threats. it will help to ensure the national interests of our country. according to russia's defense him in a 30 for a get, we'll take a long voyage across the atlantic and indian oceans and the mediterranean, like a short go, also saved. as a con, hypersonic nissans are impervious to any defenses against any such weapons. such missiles are capable of flying at 9 times the speed of sound with a range of more than 1000 kilometers due to its speed and maneuverability. bizarre con can carry out highly precise strikes that is very difficult to counter. i see. correspondence of fear, newness, takes a closer look at this new russian weapon president vladimir putin joined the launch
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ceremony, or frigate admiral gorski on wednesday. russia's defense minister se gay, chicago, who was also in attendance, announced that the worship that this armed with hypersonic circle and missiles will sail to ends in an atlantic ocean, as well as mediterranean sea, with the goal of a quote countering rushes, threads and maintaining peace. and stability together with friendly countries. the defense minister also noted dead. the cruel will perform. com, but exercises including a launching circle on you sales at circle and is one of several hypersonic rockets on the development in russia. it can fly at 9 times the speed of sound and can be used against both shapes and ground targets. in addition to circling his house and when you sent for it, the ship will gary a calibre complex's air defense systems are beat a weapons. and artillery was this launch has already caused what seems to be mass panic in the west by this new student have come a surprise at the end of december president bush and announced that the frigate
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armed with hypersonic circle and missiles will enter service in january 2023 and now is it we discussed the significance of the new russian weapon with defense analysts. gregory culp lee and former u. s. the ring co intelligence offices schools rissa the zircon missile. i especially when projected forward. ready you know, through deployment gives the russians the ability to project destructive fire power . you deep into europe, into the united states and anywhere it deploys the bottom line is no matter when the system was going to be deployed. it was going to shake up the balance of power in the world. you know, people who think the de zircon is simply a nuclear weapon or wrong, is there con, missile can carry a 300 pound, a high explosive warhead, which, when delivered with precision, was destroy anything. it touches and there's no air defense system in the world,
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right. now there can, it's a counter to this missile. so if the missiles fired, it will hit what it's aimed at. it will destroy what it's aimed at. and there's nothing the west can do that. the deployment of this ship is russia's way of saying that whatever the west thinks it's going to do, it will not come without a significant past. the chinese have hypersonic missiles, they've deployed them for many years. russia now has a new naval hypersonic missile and the west has nothing that the that, that, that approaches this capability. most of the western, well, a sees the russian technology as being more advanced and more deployable. exec on is sending one of the most capable any ship missiles in the world, and it has no effective counter measures as of yet, it's going to be symbolic and prestigious for russian navy deployments worldwide. and i think is the most important factor. i'll this deployment of the eval gosh coff coming and into the atlantic and into the indian ocean. in other words,
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away from his home base in the northern fleet. and this will show the flag and only very significant politically and strategically for russia though, definitely this is the, the pacing threat for a western navies. and certainly the, the deployment now are national deployment of desert on any ship missiles on the new admiral gorge, gulf class frigate is going to be very, very significant for western navies to consider, ah, through russia, that rozier region now where 5 people have been killed and 15 wounded off the ukrainian shilling of a residential area in the city of vasily, africa, as, according to local authorities for emergency workers that are among those injured in the top, which brought heavy damage to a civilian building. officials say the situation remains, tenants. if the city continues to come on, the ukrainian shilling correspond to the area of a few reports from the thing behind me is
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a hotel in vesuvius, which was struck twice by high mars. as you can see, the top floors are destroyed. this is the central part of the city. people are now going outside. they were hiding for some time due to the risk of a new strike, an hour after the 1st attack, when emergency services arrived and civilians had gathered at the scene, the craning forces sent another missile. so most of the casualties or civilians, people are now trying to repair the windows that were broken in and around the building. there was still a risk of further attacks. the russian city of don yes came on the fresh round of ukrainian shelling early on wednesday with at least one civilian casualty reported by local officials. canadian journalists, eva bartlet is on the ground for them. baffled at dawn. yes, republic we are in kit up ski, a western district of the city of done yet can in fact were in the very west of kit up ski, a few kilometers from ukrainian forces. now this house behind me to my left here
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was shell by ukrainian forces yesterday has been completely destroyed. the neighbors don't want to talk in my experience when they don't want to speak, it's because they fear appearing on camera and they fear reprisals from ukraine. their house being shelled as a result of them talking to media. what i can say is that this is a completely civilian area. it's a completely residential area. there are no military targets here whatsoever. and this destruction this terror, that the bombings that we hear ongoing in the background. this is what civilians and the done boss have been living with since 2014 british military intelligence and collusion with a u. s. tech company is spying on russian forces. and apparently sharing the data with ukraine helping it's true to target the russians. those are the claims made by news outlets. the grades are in, which is published and leaked classified documents. according to the report, a us firm called anomaly 6 is providing intel on russian military movements in real
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time using smart phone or tracking devices. the data is allegedly sent to british intelligence by the private military group, prevail, partners, and is said to be handed over to ukraine to help its army target russian forces through aggressive harvest of data. the technology has enabled the planning of mil to offensive and to re attacks, assassinations, assets, recruitment, and other measures delete files, raise serious questions about whether and normally 6 is. technology has been used throughout the agree in conflict in an area of targeted operations against specific individuals and infrastructure. if it has britain, there's ultimate responsibility for the outcome of these disturb and actions, which in some cases, amount of crimes against humanity. well, this is the 1st time the grades that have exposed to the involvement of the case intelligence agencies in the ukraine, conflicts back in october. the outlet revealed that prior to the deadly terror attack on the crimean bridge,
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senior british intelligence officers drafted and elaborate plans blow up the crossing using specially trained ukrainian troops and a separate reports big ways and also said it a pain documents revealing plans by british military intelligence to train covert ukrainian troops with instructions to attack the russian targets in crimea, kit, clara, and editor of the grey zone and the journalists behind these reports, saith innocent civilians could fall victim to ukrainian attacks. committed with u. k. intelligence typical this is where the one key says the precise targeting would have been necessary if the murder of data you do get fired terrorist, i'm talking most obvious question about whether this technology such merger is now there is been no consideration of the limit for restrictions but london places what shall be the crime? these falls make pretty clear that there is none of you trying to do or anything
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like that. it's highly specific and talk. there is also a higher risk for the cation district mean, innocent russian innocent. we're only identified an enemy soldiers or collaborators. interactive was in that context. this is almost inevitably go to lead to that data or data that capture and torture pregnancy compunction about most brutal consequences to capture war, telling them or mass which is a great war. cry and serious it ends up killed. as a result of that, when that completely is the counselor could be quite some okay, to also has expelled the french ambassador, mid rise, an anti french sentiment in the country. a local report who brings in more details
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above the love is no longer desire to be transition or teasing. cannot believe that it is called in sending an hour to get will cannot fossil flora for melissa and look for sure later last month to present in manuel mccall who asked him to find in you to present to see if he's country is looking at 5 different operation, well this decision, some of us government to come are popular ship. we've got, i'm very excited by this decision. i wouldn't complain if this had been done even earlier. we are happy when a slender is expelled, such people must be changed the way. so why wasn't he kicked out sooner, they want him to leave due to his actions. cutting off relations with france is not a big deal. there are other countries with the corporate with not. it's not something that surprises me really. regarding the reason to ration of relations
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between france and work in a foster, as shown by numerous public demonstrations and speeches by officials are not debt surprised at all content. or if the decision is the will of our leaders. then i can say that it's good because what the people don't know are leaders do know. also perhaps the ambassador realizes what he did and so do the authorities and they know why they are urging france to recall him. no opposition commit from the government . a book, you know, so yet the communication oh, fisher price embassy in what i contacted today said it's local men to fossil is love challenging, but they look a lot. but shouldn't parents worry about what we book, you know, as a 2nd step of decision to come a couple of weeks ago, the us system called later in looking at fossil was expense. so this is the 2nd diplomatic, made your decision from the government of this. so let me never seen that to love
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the case in booking up so and actually called the win is really indifferent embassies in what google is. they don't know who is the next light we then we will see what they're looking to fall. so it's form back to france, told us paris must face the new reality is in africa. if we see that it is necessary for the actors of french politics to accept that there has been an evolution in the african states with an increasingly educated youth more and more cultured people who need to assert their autonomy and personality. a little more. our french partners must also take this into account. africans are not naive anymore. they know that russia also defends its interests. it is a g o strategic position to defend, just like france does. what africans are looking for today is a way to effectively strengthen their autonomy from the great powers,
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but also to be able to acquire many more advantages for their development. internet users and political figures are raging against french actor omar c over his thoughts on the ukraine conflict, an interview with the parisians magazine. he said that french people had more about the war in ukraine than the years of bloodshed in africa. ukraine was not a shocking revelation for me. as i have family elsewhere in africa. i know that there have always been children at war. broken families and parents lose kids. others who become orphans. does that mean that when it's conflict in africa, you're less affected me? i feel threatened in the same way when it's in iran or in ukraine. does my sharp reactions to the fact. despite sharp reactions, the fact remained that more than 20000000 children in the horn of africa all mountain nourished and the number grows every month. as, according to
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a recent unicef report, as comes of the west prepares, another 45000000000 ukrainian a package to kick off 2023 geopolitical analysts, jo milonga, phase africa has long been on the mind. by the way, a loan, you'll see when the russian corporation happened in, you know, a lot of a for you create a pay us through social media. nobody really cares about a one of the longest sports in carson. a company been having a lot of wars, wasn't me, there was war, people in positions, football start to speak out. unfortunately in the countries those countries, whatever they are in the worst, they will get it like that. so i'm not surprised at all.
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unfortunately, not the russian or publishing it's a quarter to operate. whereas in africa it's an invest in africa where they come in and took all of this resources to the west. and then they come back to say a good one percent of it. so he's right. what you said, it's unfortunate that the whole country seeing there was no one to hear the truth that come from africans. and he's right. i believe he had to say that based on the fact that these families in africa, the one to one to feed the world, what they want to feel the web about. they want to go with the washington pressure twitter to find a russian connection to us elections. even off the top, i'm trying to fail to discover any such evidence that's according to the latest batch of lead documents from investigative journalists to match, ty b, revelations, detail events before
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a long masks with finished with investigation 2500 full manual account reviews. we think this is exhaustive. $32.00 suspicious accounts, and only 17 of those are connected with russia. only 2 of those have significant spend one of which is russia to day. you'll recall back in 2016 how there was all this hysteria in american media that somehow russia had meddled in the election that was responsible for donald trump. victory. well, twitter was in dialogue with the intelligence agencies with the f, b i and others. they were being told about all this russian meddling, they had to deal with cetera. but they came forward with the result that did not match the media area years. what they came for worried about their own research about their own platform. twitter search finding only 2 significant accounts, one of which is russia today, was based on the same data that leader inspired. panic headlines like russian
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influence reached 126000000 through facebook alone. the failure of the russia task force to produce material worse and the company's p r crisis. so the u. s. congress responded that the threat of regulation, and there was a lot of pressure placed on twitter in order to find what the intelligence agencies in the american media claimed was there. they were basically being pressed and threatened, and almost forced to produce results that did not match reality. let's continue with what's been reveal. as congress threatened costly legislation and twitter was subject to more bad press, healed by the committees, the company changed its tune about the smallness of its russia problem. the cycle threatened legislation wedded to scare headlines pushed by congressional until sources followed by twitter caving to moderation asks, would later be formalized in partnerships with federal law enforcement set to relax
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its restrictions on political advertising. now these are restrictions that were put in place amid this hysteria and were expecting to see a change in policy with twitter regarding political advertising and the coming weeks. now please keep in mind, this is just the latest of so many revelations that outcomes and ilan mosque to control and twitter. they revealed quite a bit of meddling in the u. s. political process, not by russia, but by us social media giants in coordination with the u. s. intelligence corporation and the intelligence apparatus. quite, quite shocking. what's been revealed so far. now we're only a few days into the new year and public protest civil ready flight up with fresh falls in several countries. the previous year was marked by a series of mass demonstrations across the globe. west and politicians were very selective in which is to promote and which ones to condemn. as marina calls or
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reports was all noticed that western countries have a love, hate relationship with protests and foreign lands when it suits them, they're all for it. but when it doesn't, they are condemned. well, let's see what we got in 2022. ah. protest breakouts in iran after the death of a young woman behind bars after she was detained by the country's morality police for improperly wearing a headscarf. while authority said she died of her pre existing medical condition, her relatives claimed her detention was the cause. well, protest gain momentum and the whole thing turned into an opportunity for the concerned was to jump in with support the right for people everywhere. whether it's in china, whether it's iran, whether it's any place else, to protest peacefully, to make known their views,
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to vent their frustrations. such sentiments intensified online with media such as fox news feature in the same guess and the parents, iranian journalists and activists. for 3 continuous days, calling for revolution to morrow, iranian women will shake the clerical regime by removing their his job and taking to the streets across iran to say no to he job. this is called women revolution. in iran walking unveiled is a crime. iranian men will also join us. iran says the woman has been working on behalf of the united states for a long time, receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars for work focused on challenge and iranian laws, while demanding more sanctions from the west against her country. and then income france in the u. k. to land their voices of support, condemning the violent repression of legitimate peaceful protests in the wrong. let's make that clear because in their own countries,
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ah, the u. k was busy passing laws that significantly restrict the right to such protest, and that's despite hundreds, riley, and in various cities across the u. k. calling for an end to the bill, which has also been condemned by human rights activists. meanwhile, there is no uproar from the west. ah, in france, its year 4 of the so called yellow vest movements weekly protest aimed at economic and political reforms at various times, hundreds of thousands of people rallied. but the french government observed them peacefully know the violent crack. now that ensued has since been condemned by rights groups as well as all the countries. and that's still happening, by the way,
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ah, moving on to china and the mass protests against the countries. strict 0 cove at policies, people should be allowed, the right to assemble and to peacefully protest policies or laws or dictates that they take issue with the white house supports the right of peaceful protest. so it's ok to protest in china and iran, but not france or the u. k. you got that right? and america support comes with a warning as well as some more encouraging words from its pals. the ccp should know that one way or another in the coming months or in the coming years, the united states will hold accountable each and every ccp official responsible for atrocities against these protest this. every one in china should be allowed to express themselves, should be allowed to share their perspectives and indeed protest. we're going to
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continue to ensure that china nose will stand for human rights will stand, was people who are expressing themselves. so just intruder as all 4 standing out quite human rights and people express themselves. ah, well let's discuss canada's freedom convoy, shall we? a series of protests against covert 19 policies that saw hundreds of convoys joined by thousands of protesters to block roads and border crossings. organizers crowd funded millions for this and now they're on bail facing several charges while calling for freedom convoy 2 point oh, all nonsense. according to their prime minister. the small fringe minority of people who are on their way to ottawa or holding unacceptable views that they are expressing do not represent the views of canadians who have been there for each other. ah.
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and then there's the so called democracy in peru while they go us vall comes the country's new leader. it's people not so much the u. s. welcomes president bloss a and looks forward to working with her the ministration to achieve more diplomatic, prosperous and secure region. we support her call for a government of national unity and applaud peruvians as the you know, in support of their democracy. we don't agree with the way our president was ousted with lies and trickery boulevard. he doesn't deserve to be president. she hasn't been elected by the people. we're defending our democratic rights. we don't want to be governed by a user per the e u and the white house. however, welcome the new leader right away and said that she was the rightful successor. collen her a safeguard of democracy and constitutional order. meanwhile, thousands were clashing with wyatt police and the state of emergency was declared.
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there have been instances where the police have been to have resulted. you have nasa syringe and disproportionate use of force and indiscriminate use of gas. so the new leader who is backed by the west is already accused of a violent crack down on peaceful protesters. well, i guess in this case the west statements about everyone having the rights events does not apply before we go 2022 was filled with global events that are shaping the future of the world, but also numerous slip to the tongue and trash talk by world leaders, even though most of them were not meant to be seen or heard by the public, we present to you best picks of political hall. mike's a . 2 a.
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ah ah, in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists, known as da no, ours took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. this gauze mazda is content the b.
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