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tv   News  RT  January 5, 2023 6:00am-6:31am EST

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samuel senior, i used to miss dog these seats neatly, just sat down with this shoot. this ship is equipped with the latest zircon hypersonic missile system, which has no analog. bloody may appear thin, sends off a frigates, armed with nuclear capable hypersonic missiles on combat. duty for the atlantic and indian oceans with british intelligence is spying on russian forces on kids behalf will last, according to a link document published by a news outlet. the gray zone is quite a piece deal between the tea grade rebels on the theo pierced on last november, the regions biggest hospital pleads for help over medicine supply shortages also this, our washington pushed them with. if you find any brushing connection to the u. s.
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elections, as even after the media giant tried and failed to find any evidence with moscow to the world. this is art international. my name is peter scott taking over from fiorella isabel. and these are the top stories this thursday. welcome to the program for letting me of putin has attended an online naval ceremony with the admiral gosh, cove ship and ching active combat duty. the forgets is equipped with the latest hypersonic onto ship miss our system with the russian president pointing to its uniqueness. god, i will as the shoot this shit is equipped with the latest zircon hypersonic missile system, which has no analogues. mimi, it is also equipped with other latest generation weaponless. his film, as i said, it has, you know, analogs elsewhere in the world. which such powerful weapons will reliably protect russia from potential external threats and it will help to ensure the national
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interest of our son. they live in tears of measures put on, according to russia's defense minister. the frigates will take a long voyage across the atlantic. and in and oceans as well as the mediterranean sea sagacious. you also says the said coroner hypersonic missiles are impervious and yet, thanks against them. will those missiles are capable of flying at 9 times the speed of sound with a range of more than 1000 kilometers, use their speed and agility that circled missiles can carry out precision stripes and are very difficult to counter archie. correspondence of your newness takes a closer look at the latest russian weapon president, whether mur put and joined the launch ceremony or frigate. admiral gore scoff on wednesday, rushes defense ministers, sagacious gal who was also in attendance, announced that the worship that is armed with hypersonic circle and missiles will sail to indian, an atlantic ocean, as well as mediterranean sea, with the goal of a quote countering rushes threads and maintaining peace and stability together with
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friendly countries. the defense minister also noted dead the cruel will perform come, but exercises including a launching circle and new sales at sir corn is one of several hypersonic rockets and the development in russia. it can fly at 9 times. the speed of sound and can be used against both shapes and ground targets. in addition to circling this house and when you search for it, the ship will carry a caliber complex's air defense systems or peter weapons. and artillery was this launch has already caused what seems to be mass panic in the west by this new student have come a surprise. at the end of december, president put in announced that the frigate are armed with hypersonic circle on miss alice will enter service in january 2023. and now is it we discussed the significance of that weapon with defense analysts, gregory copley and former us marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, the circle in missile i especially when projected forward. ready you know,
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through deployment gives the russians the ability to project destructive fire power . you deep into europe, into the united states and anywhere it deploys the bottom line is no matter when the system was going to be deployed. it was going to shake up the balance of power in the world. you know, people who think the de zircon is simply a nuclear weapon or wrong is, or con, missile can carry a 300 pound, a high explosive warhead, which, when delivered with precision, was destroy anything. it touches and there's no air defense system in the world. right. now there can, it's a counter to this missile. so if the missiles fired, it will hit what it's aimed at. it will destroy what it's aimed at. and there's nothing the west can do. that the deployment of the ship is russia's way, saying that whatever the west thinks it's going to do, it will not come without a significant cause. the chinese have hypersonic misses. they weighed them for many years. russia now has a new naval hypersonic missile and the west has nothing that the that, that,
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that approaches this capability. most of the western, well, a sees the russian technology as being more advanced and more deployable. exec on is sending one of the most capable any ship missiles in the world, and it has no effective counter measures as of yet, it's going to be symbolic and prestigious for russian navy deployments worldwide. and then i think that i can put in fact, um, i'll this deployment of the eval gosh cough at coming at into the atlantic and into the indian ocean. in other words, away from his time based on the northern fleet. and this will show the flag and only very significant politically and strategically for russia though, definitely this is the, the pacing threat for the western navies. and certainly the, the deployment now are national deployment of desert on any ship,
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missiles on the new. and we'll go to class frigates is going to be very, very significant for western navies to consider. in the news, british military intelligence inclusion with the u. s. tech company is apparently spying on russian forces and sharing the data with ukraine, helping his troop targets the russian army. well, those are the claims made by news outlet. the gray zone, which was published leaked documents. according to the reports, a u. s. firm called anomaly 6 is providing in fell on a russian military movements in real time using smartphone tracking devices. the data is allegedly sent to british intelligence by the private miniature group, prevail partners and is then handed over to ukraine to help its army target. russian forces through aggressive harvesting of data, the technology has enabled the planning of military offensives in artillery attacks, assassinations, asset recruitment, and other measures. the leaked files raise serious questions about whether anomaly
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6, a technology has been used throughout the ukraine conflict in an array of targeted operations against specific individuals in infrastructure. if it has britain bears ultimate responsibility for the outcome of these disturbing actions, which in some cases amount to crimes against humanity. well, this is the 1st time the grey zone has apparently exposed the involvement of the u . k. intelligence agencies in the ukraine, conflicts back in october. the outlets revealed the prior to the deadly terror attack on the crimea bridge. senior british intelligence offices allegedly drafted in law group plan to blow up the crossing. using specially trained ukrainian troops . founded a separate report, the grades and also said it's obtained documents revealing plans by british intelligence to train, covert ukrainian troops with instructions to attack other russian targets in crimea or kids climb back is that it's all the gray zone on the journalist behind those reports. so that you can intelligence if office could have unwanted consequences
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directly to where the one she said is that precise targeting was necessary in the murder of diarrhea or terrorist. couple of talking most so obvious question about whether this technology such murderers purposes. now there has been no iteration of the limits or restrictions, but london placed more than shall be the crime. these falls may cristy craters, there is none. i'm trying to do or anything like it's totally specific and tugged. but that was also a higher risk for the cation, the innocent russians to be innocent were wrong, identify any soldiers or spa collaborators. interactive was in context. this is always never to be getting me to that desk. or indeed, that capture and torture. the training compunction about brutal
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coach question to capture more, you know, telling them or mass which is a great war growing if the mr. serious is killed as a result of when that completely is the counselor type, could be quite something over to african where the biggest hospital in the war tone t great region is sounding the alarm over midst and supply shortages. and despite a peace agreement that was signed at the end of last year between the government, the b o. p. a. and it's a great people's liberation front. nothing has changed even after the peace agreement, the federal government is not supplying the much needed medicines, including the lever to regions to the hospital. the hospital has been complaining over the lack of even essential medicines since october of last year. meanwhile, the u. n. a has warned that it still doesn't have access to the t gray region saying the peace agreements hasn't yet resulted in full access for desperate people
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. a local reporter picks up the story. it began as t gray regional elections in defiance of addis ababa and turned into one of the biggest conflicts on the continent. ethnic diversity collapsed into instability, bloodshed, displacement and malnutrition, among many other hardships suffered by civilians on the sick and anniversary of the conflict. if european n t grain officials made to decide on the way forward that would bring hope, preservation of life and ultimately piece to the weight was ravaged regent now rush, expressed resolute and unwavering support for ethiopia based on the principle of african independence. foreign, a russian minister, lover of highlighted to the conflict, was if you of his internal affair and that moscow supported the ethiopian government's efforts to resolve it. the west, on the other hand, announced in may of 2022. that it would impose economic and security sanctions on the country, bringing in visa restrictions on if you, a pin and a retiree,
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and government officials, as well as members of security forces. thus bringing domestic issues to the international arena. the humanitarian crisis and to grey is more than ukraine without any exaggeration. and i said this many months ago, maybe the reason is the color of the skin of the people and to gray. this is the worst disaster on earth as we speak. i'm from to gray is not because i'm from to gray that i'm saying this, that is the truth. in october of 2022, both edison ever and my kelly accepted an invitation to partake in peace talks facilitated by the african union. here in south africa. the high level talks were broke, my former nigerian statesman, or less than not assigned your former president of kenya, who is, who are kenyatta and the former deputy president of south africa palms. the them ramble moved up despite the political clout fighting on the battlefield. it seemed to intensify but
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a weakened to the peace talks. the parties finally agree annisa zation, our facilities need as well. why cheered for the peace agreement that entailed orderly, smooth, and coordinated disarmament and a restoration of law and order, thus raising hopes for an end to the humanitarian crisis. they grew in moxon, important stop and efforts to silence the guns and provides a solid foundation for the preservation of ethiopia, sovereignty and territorial integrity. then major to sation of her. still, it is the resumption of unhindered humanitarian access. the restoration of services, as well as helen and reconciliation. while the ukraine conflict has been dubbed an era defining crisis by the west, the un confirming of a 6000 civilian deaths. by december of 2022. the numbers in ethiopia higher with as many as 600000 civilians having died in the t great violence, according to researchers from belgium's agend university. the inaccurate figures
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are down to deliberate blackouts in the region, but make it difficult to confirm the exact numbers of deaths caused by direct killings or lack of access to health care. as well as the estimated 20000000 facing starvation and thousands of women and children who have endured sexual violence, this is likely the largest and dec his conflict of the year. so how is it that an injustice of this magnitude could go unnoticed? does the answer lie in the west perception of a conflict? then one thing that has kept me very busy in bed is sharia. ready? frustrated. this is jojo or not do not people talk about it. we don't talk a lot the loved with your beer. yes. from time to reply, when teresa b discussions, the t gray, people's liberation front dominated politics in the region for over 30 years, causing instability, which ultimately led to the conflicts escalation, but through co operation and great concerted effort,
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africa. and it's people have for now, well managed to overcome the difficulties. and although the road ahead still requires much work to be done, the says proved that with the will. the certainty is away at home. so me for our 10 chance book, renowned french omar, see how spot control the sea and his home country. that's after he's suggested that the many years of bloodshed in africa received far less international attention than the conflict and ukraine. ukraine was not a shocking revelation for me. as i have family elsewhere in africa. i know that there have always been children at war. broken families and parents lose kids. others who become orphans. does that mean that when it's conflict in africa, you're less affected me? i feel threatened in the same way when it's in iran or in ukraine. well, the reactions didn't site long. suppor in french politicians were quick to start
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raging against the of the footballs, pointing out that he himself seems to care little about conflicts in africa. there are 58 french soldiers who died in the hell fighting against the jihadists. no. oh marcy, the french are not less affected by what is happening in africa. some gave their lives to that millions could stop being threatened by terrorists. the showbiz, starlette, or marci, comes to give lessons when he was never interested in wars in africa and never nailed down for old african victims of islamist attacks. where despite the sharp response statistics speak for themselves, and over 20000000 children in the home of africa, malnourished and that number growing every month. that's according to a recent united nations children's fund reports. this comes as the west prepares, another $45000000000.00 a package to ukraine to deliver this year. geopolitical analyst, john malone guest says that western countries are sending a blind eye to african struggles. a long time you'll see
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when the russian corporation happened in your crazy go a lot, a pretty us through social media. nobody really cares about a one of the longest was in college, central african republic been having a lot of wars mozambique. there was war, people in positions, football start to speak out. unfortunately in the countries those countries, whatever the are the worst, they will get it like that. so i'm not surprised at all. unfortunately, is that the russian or publishing it's a quarter to publish? what is in africa? it's an invasion in africa where they come in and tell this resources to the west, and then they come back to say a one percent of it. so he's right. what do you say?
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it's unfortunate that the whole country is, you know, with, don't want to hear the truth that will come from africa. and he's right. i believe he had to say that based on the fact that these families in africa, they want to want to feed the world. what they want to feel the where abouts they want their narrative, the with, like well, it's, keeps cry down on moscow's orthodox church, continues the russian patriarchy really is calling for peace. the head of the russian orthodox church is calling for sci fi on the 6th, and 7th of january, appealing that troops from both sides should be able to purchase their faith by tending services on orthodox christmas eve. and on the day of the nativity of christ, you credit orthodox church was a part of the moscow patriarch. it's before the start of the conflict, serving all ties with russian holy leaders up to the express support for russian armed forces. now zelinski has announced new measures seeking to bandit moscow
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affiliated churches that happened to have the largest parishes in ukraine. ah, what we're talking to now, which has pressured twitter to find a russian connection to the us elections. and that's even after the platform tried and failed to discover any such evidence. and that's according to the latest batch of legal documents from investigative journalists, must be revelations, detail events before the most recent takeover of the social media. finished with investigation 2500 full manual account reviews. we think this is exhaustive. $32.00 suspicious accounts and only 17 of those are connected with russia. only 2 of those have significant spend one of which is russia today. you'll recall back in 2016. how there was all this is stereo in american media that somehow russia had meddled in the election that was responsible for donald trump. victory. well,
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twitter was in dialogue with the intelligence agencies with the f, b i, and others. they were being told about all of this russian meddling, they had to deal with cetera. but they came forward with the result that did not match the media area. here's what they came forward about their own research about their own platform. twitter search finding only 2 significant accounts, one of which is russia today, was based on the same data that leader inspired. panic headlines like russian influence reached 126000000 through facebook alone. the failure of the russia task force to produce material worse and the company's p r crisis. so the u. s. congress responded with the threat of regulation, and there was a lot of pressure placed on twitter in order to find what the intelligence agencies and the american media claimed was there. they were basically being pressed and threatened, and almost forced to produce results that did not match reality. let's continue
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with what's been reveal. as congress threatened costly legislation and twitter was subject to more bad press, healed by the committees, the company changed its tune about the smallness of its russia problem. the cycle threatened legislation wedded to scare headlines pushed by congressional until sources followed by twitter caving to moderation asks, would later be formalized in partnerships with federal law enforcement set to relax its restrictions on politic advertising. now these are restrictions that were put in place amid this hysteria and were expecting to see a change in policy with twitter regarding political advertising in the coming weeks . now please keep in mind, this is just the latest of so many revelations that have come since ilan mosque to control and twitter. they revealed quite a bit of meddling in the u. s. political process, not by russia, but by us. social media giants in coordination with the u. s. intelligence
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corporation and the intelligence apparatus. quite, quite shocking. what's been revealed so far? well looking back, there seems to be no reason to suspect any misdemeanors itself made a substantial offer to the channel back in 2016 for an extensive advertisement campaign on the platform, we published evidence illustrating with this proposed on strategy with possible benefits for the channel that our team turned down for the c, a analyst, lori johnson says there's no accountability in washington over the failure to find anything to substantiate. the notorious russia gates hopes is remarkable, that the amount of psychological projection that's going on here. and what i mean by that is that the united states accuses russia of what the united states is doing . and in fact, russia was not interfering or meddling in the us election. it was the washington d. c. establishment. the democratic party has no credibility and it has become
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again, it's just, it's good at taking care of its own and making sure that everybody who plays with them gets rewarded. they get a pay off. you and the republicans have the loss, was adapted to us and that was, that's the speaks of is there are still some principal people within the republican party and you're seeing some of them today who are opposing the election of the kevin mccarthy is the speaker of the house, so this is this concept of accountability. it needs to take place, but that's the problem with washington. there is no accountability for misdeeds because you've heard the, the lies repeated that it was russia doing this in russia doing that. so musk is that he's putting his money where his mouth is and i applaud him for them. the us democratic party use false allegations against moscow, 2 posts with the in line, or find out more on the story and more on our website. are you dot com
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and as the new yet begins, one of the world's biggest crypt, so scandals continues the person responsible for the most crippling a single day. losses of assets in history has pleaded not guilty to fraud related charges. some bank min free has been released on bail until his trial kicks off in october this year, or to contribute to christ for m takes a closer look at the downfall of his crypto empire. billions of dollars missing debauchery in the bahamas, massive fraud. these are just some of the revelations that we know of rounding the collapse of f t x. the crypt through exchange led by the now infamous sam bagman fried i k a s b f. he initially tried to peddle a wald that f t. i said simply, mislabeled $10000000000.00 on that balance sheet as an explanation for the missing funds. we didn't secretly transfer. we had confusing internal labeling and misread it. but it wasn't too long before his story with unraveling catch up with him.
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eventually extradited from his pos home in the bahamas to face federal charges in the u. s. astonishingly. u. s. federal judge decided to allow his release during the arraignment. in spite of overwhelming evidence against him. he just needed to pony up $250000000.00 for it. get out of jail cars, f t x and it fits the trading fun. alamita research relates to co mingled customer funds and use them in a high state casino style strategy staking the money on extremely high risk investments and trading according to us. so forty's, i wholly irresponsible and highly illegal acts, but the plot thickens. s. b s. parents who happen to be 2 of the us is top technology compliance. lawyers have a history of donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the democratic party. some would say it was only natural that their son became a more or less overnight billionaire. he would follow in the family footsteps. the f t x found that gave more but $990000.00 to democratic candidates. according to us,
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faith trucking and g o open secrets, and then other 38800000 to lobby groups. this pales in comparison to the $235000.00 that he donated to republican candidates. that's in spite of his claims to the contrary, i donated to both parties. i donated about the same amount to both parties. as this game of jenny get started to come to an end, user started to withdraw their funds from the thinking platform, causing a proverbial run on the bank. this came as crypt of exchange buying a behemoth of the crypt wells. announce liquidation of $400000000.00 for matthew unclipped. so current c s t t f d x attempted to sell that business to finance, but that offer was rebuffed after a day of the due diligence with a potential suit to saying that the company was to tangled in a bad mess to get involved. as a result of corporate due diligence, as well as the latest news reports regarding mishandled customer funds and alleged,
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he was agency investigations. we have decided that we will not pursue the potential acquisition of f t x dot com. the ship continued to leak, showing massive liquidity shortages across the x and alameda, including shadow. we agreements, the co mingling of climb funds and the freezing of customers, the ability to withdraw their money. this has led to bankruptcy and the appointment of it into an c o to sorted out. there's a whole bunch of stuff that built up to it. i just made have happened to be the last thing that pushed it. it didn't take long for s b s henchmen, alamita c o, an ex girlfriend, caroline ellison, and s t x city, iowa gary one to turn on their former friend and business partner cutting please. deals with us, prosecutors and throwing him under the bus from 2019 through to 2022. i was aware that alameda was provided access till borrowing facility on f t x dot com, that crypto currency exchange a run by mr. bank. when fried,
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i knew what i was doing was wrong. franklin fried was the darling of crypto for the u. s. a. leads a frequent guest at the white house and even entertaining the likes of bill clinton . buckman freed was arrested just days before he was due to testify in front of the u. s. senate where it is rumored that he was ready to spill the beans on just how close f t x was to the powers that be. one thing is for sure, grab some popcorn because the show goes on. i'm sorry, that's the biggest thing to up and should have done better on a proposal formal if you, any of the culture minister impose the so called mental quoran seen on for not as been slammed by moscow is the foreign ministry spokesman poses a sharp, unthought, caustic response to simone as tyrus. congratulations, judging by your statement, you've been at a mental quarantine for a long time. thank you for voicing it. i must admit that we've been mulling over
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your diagnosis for a while. your admission deserves a global award, although i can't figure whether it's a noble or a darwin. well, that's after the lithuanian minister called for a moratorium on russian arts until the ukraine conflict. and he accused moscow. busy of using culture as a weapon and his urge that he needs to abandon russian works of art. they previously considered acceptable. well, the terms to cancel russian culture has been ongoing since the start of the war and ukraine in february. for instance, the caught if filament of orchestra in wales, refuse to play tchaikovsky the boston ballots, all with scraps on the western adaptation of tolstoy is unaccompanied. a novel has been taken down, journalist and writes, and they boise knowledge. told us that the proposals, by the way, through a new culture minister are highly versa. phobic the collective west, the us and its allies have already basically done that. starting in february of last year. they've been trying to cancel russia all along. so the ministers simply
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voicing what the official policy has been. this is not a value neutral principle. it is literally a rooster phobic statement. they never wanted to listen because in the world of their imagining only they have culture only they have agency, only they have rights and everybody else is either a vessel or perspective victim. well, i remember an instance in which one of the horticulture society is actually it's food at rushing streams from a competition. apparently, trees are somehow guilty of the russian, and there was also a decision by the european one of the european cat fanciers associations to exclude russian cats seriously. what have cats done to you? show me on the dog where the cat hurts. you are trying to punish plants and animals for the crime of being from a country that you dislike is, is just one of those things you haven't seen from like the totalitarian days of the
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30. and just before we go, a bit of a lighter look part of the year just gone where many world leaders were left red faced and halts under the color when the lips of the tang unbutton, i'll think of the count spots works gently caught on camera. so here's our topics of last year's hot, mike's mm mm . 2 mm mm. ringback in the, in the, in the.


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