tv Documentary RT January 7, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EST
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hey, a. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready a board outside to me, a log in to live without the other on the not that it is not a problem in the clinic. i to the ela, a border. ok, but i was tell the boy a little boy gardener. oh, really for his machine or not but is obstinate i've been so strong. if not said i
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would a child is no need. he is going to learn a thing which is gonna slip on there to chew with. squatter is much more but us please. for the new amelia home, she nature is worse to not but the base nature bob with the should you so do you know the pin? i don't you let us but that's a girl. missed that she les stress last chip, you're the army, a p sure to pull up the, got over in the yakima, go sketch that the think of nothing. you silly, this really not what she thought. so i thought it done prescribed till i got home. no. so you're all the girls and you're seeing fox that really is immediately quote, breaking you poignantly, unless you're willing to risky treatise circus. got originally cheated. try me because i always talk about a quote to prescribe the lovely young and the says 9 almost 3 months. so then
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you're sort of in the, i knew that means this be a sierra, but what did the same yet, and i'm will let us know what you to sort of cheat is really good to sure that we would come up with a good davidson. and emily and la, well, no, again, i think i'm rachelle. if you're my name is really so i see the mcneish co november bill some with yours. david, this is to coordinate a all our payroll am curious, who was randall and i put the regular amount of the ban of each is avenue, each honest glass lead not 40 a jihad. oh oh oh gosh, voice blue chip because sorry, loud though you ran the beaches. seminar was tomorrow. yeah, really them no good bought the arctic that upgrade good via got net pre put it got wrapped up the symbolic boy much does not. you will trouble not. so reserving, audrey that would, which is his postal code shall be alca, he did be somewhere, not put jihad kirkwood diesel, a pre
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a vehicle to put you gotta put posey johnson via for chase. i gotta go here real fast and worship with for i don't know if we have even a colleague, so from a motor label, my control is to naples, not all phone for him, son, or by a full him all important, oregon warning for him at napa, i my, the when you deal, well you there also built represent, give it to us below one. normally it's a is a sandra the soonest, or was it for me once with me, it was now with, with the food brother tanica or by villa premier 2nd we're talking middle, understand you why or to see you fear in the charlotte, nick historic with luck with some bill that comes up on him and he's an agent with colleague or the which is mobiles. i had no go to listing as well. yes or no. i was 16 for him and they get normally a semester. we've got,
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she put it out and they cannot anacio t. my boyfriend, he probably supposed to have canada putting on to the national. now b as in a postal dollars, official my watching approval card. see if one of both do. did sam yazzy were toy for us? abroad really, there are some that bit ws epsky ito at nasa, colorado. the not be a lot. i say all i was the billing with remind me is there any bullets? we'll start a little bit of my ikea there is there. this is bill gay, does a modest my dad to call. now another boat for the 4 blocks. now, next, where they got the crystal, my seminar, la pito is just a card with a mobile or didn't get access to me or you them on my name manish. i think it in a lot of to start i will be will bends if there's a lot. but on the side i can do is i'm on my
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family and you know going the deal was just the 1st time you know the name i could in the less than my lead or the non simple food . yes. and the with and then is met, there are some scala go l i question. so could in what was it, which i my will be my boss. they pick it up. so i call sockets are the 1st on that is supposed to be there to kill him. it doesn't just us. i know all that day. democrats and those lot. i'm a don't it. and nobody's even to go to louisiana. a ludes, the creator, edo, norma, and told to see the outside i need get really new. she called us and also nicole little works because i want to show how to talk more book or non
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godsa it more or it's supposed to vote in the that the spring and we did it already nice and also song last last so to you said to me fish and also hard to bill. i buy the car in the more going from a more worth it just the saw the butch's attorney musical look almost solid latin teen club during the most. so put from star socials. i'm going to turn over the postal syllabus discussing bit corners, teeth, and he the supposed to sort of back. this is a little deal to thought numbers of. not ship boat is 24 above neither met. but she sort of still come up to suppose one else that as if it is as long as i
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said, i show it's an up and then we look at some fabulous tube within the social pro base unit of finish out is only when if one is suddenly when, if, as a pro then missiles and stuff in it. so it's a bit thought in me. so if you need me sort of then let the 2 missiles and start putting mr. blue or show shirley small touch in toys. hello. often a project you oh dog clearly cuts out what to do this at the kilometer. nice for you, my loader and the smoke thermal and nickos or not, but missile is more that or ought commercial net or varnish the door. jenna was low . awkward. modest obama out to relocate or to the store. you leave the sheet. the new of you for marcia quaid shall crozier the shell. not poly dojo told was marcella shaw more school shortly. poco foolish over told was your
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girl you thought you will? sheila's glad that i ever read on school or 2000000000 for day then now. siemens, what's the deal? he has given me said they're not knowledgeable with yellow. get out. does that ava walker, they request as of a i g, g, u o, a deal had u j. b o put control him voice k e velocity republic, k, boston, h e s a going or will all i all be cut, grayson, i was a maria. feels queers lawyers are there are no vanya bruce or adoption. it's a roger rosita. oh boy, it will be a yay! or was lucia yet yet? can barely keep roy about bordeaux of deer as i thought it smarter us the year. but i said,
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i'm still tina sober starts. i thought isa warner's possibly if you had the whole of the a below be a lot below bill is out for now. and as always, the topic of phyllis is a little segment on deal displayed. m, a seen equip, pump is up sinful to the era. roggette ali now clause, or if you put him back to some to be player. but what tom rock illnesses, adequate to sell, consist of clay on shift libya. steph matalin, the sick would say, sister, may have condo, can prosecutor your employment to them. it all on your part about it. because i'm with national want full of does the 5th thursday put towards the super bowl party of those are both the festival in april tomorrow. mama chilton, a sub to city a bt united, upload them up as the rest of the ppo uniform. that only is gonna carzillo and is
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the 5th that tomorrow. is it possible to list a bus stop or flip too old? since on is out of them for to be a nice velocity is that lima coleman is vo bus. the shot for gun a summer told me that then i said they faxed his little check was to cut physically about, checked it on the them them a better to not get i miss him, madame, offered him a so awesome sale cameras and on my system a culture for loudly enough, but it's a mental scale rather nailed down or so the sky, you know, the premium is still use my search next to run. stella appreciate the worst is a stella, that's just it. is it a cheese? please let me speak there. it was here with corn. there are still there. i knew lashley evite
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a situation last night. got a voice that was running a delay or something. the order is largely a lot more so it's not going to be out yet. i'm not dead. and i said math mostly, most companies go there are basically the with what i post for an element. rock you for ordering or the double door last. so glad on. is that up skis? them are quite a body in the army anatomy. both me have to and all semester and bus husky was to mom. i know some iowa is a big huge let me leave it. bosses came was from ana, yet echo the reward. see yes. will be pull more troy,
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not me. so i you call point. we're going to was musical. the lake was not trying, you know, i thought it was still probably most demonic course. gonnelli. try use brown in our trip to marching a slam, that they're trying to go to or for the see coyer. aaliyah is a big or rich, though the hobbies from poker to is still if he's can pop until cockle guy of me and as a rama were afni. but a man, i'm up in that. find that without it or the run the grocer. mostly my school beulah pre question. ah huh. number dollars, the order both the governor, so seasonally with a visa on this not interpreted to islam. acoya said core seat, so on, on verizon miss lama. koya beale, a priest with no boys make. that's a good,
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nice the guarantee measure what i becomes the monument earlier than beverage where you're hidden very close to them. they said they're good in it or be, are you, are you from squid? they're tied are to wear on cars. are directors from process dim and mute. i spoke earlier in the dollars the v. m and m, you'd, i, you school shane, when you have, you know, the machine learning center, what is a the boudoir when he's, you know, that was she mentor, but did you shock with every day him a court could really only no clue that one is a book slave amena oh i could have pushed in order to employ the we'll do that dominant masula quality image which i would get the most we had. i thought that there is one school put of ah,
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in 1834 france invaded algeria, and straight away the french started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the colonists known as b a. no. ours took the best land from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was brutally exploited. this cause, mazda is content. the people of algeria began their long term fight for independence . in 1954, the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress to rebellion using cruel measures. full villages were wiped out packs of georgia and executions of civil people, including pregnant women children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however,
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these punitive measures didn't help the algerian patriots managed to induce france to start these negotiations. in 1962 evian records were signed, voting algeria in the past, towards independence. but this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the deaths of one and a half 1000000 algerians. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk
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that old ritual mostly had to go to name, but he obvious and met but he upton couple daughter that nations results young me. it was novela each year or is from scheme from aptitude, mac come because i'm a dead lori steamer. she ever hold me see a day i'll be your rusty dust. dark when letty no, sir darcy sits in. of course ross asked me all night or smarter for 2 days or could to neath all night, said martha thoughtlessly. ah, yes, dan yost, does mamma honest, i don't play much, much at 0 all night to eat many,
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some out or maybe only have audio to my mouth to head get rodrigo nevada and asked her to stay at r. m as mom if are you, are you on the i on my door, so if you call me on that, but would gordon go to my it was zeroed out. he knows more about your program. if we are some of our code yet cool. all. ah, yes, marana water teach if there was a syndrome here go there, catapulted at all. must he had so many are he wasn't there at people with you know, a single cell real square said april kilometer on that one so. so here below is that as the sub school, are he now patricia could um me mama parking lot this. this was happening over there is okay. who czar said the we don't sell a pretty marcella. i just wanna belyea duncan before you bill. once you realize with yourself to a really my, micah was the source, the money to me, lou,
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71 you know cigna, oscar, they sit the kilometer on marcella model for the bridge of tall equal kilometer. those you my cell adar lazopoulos cell or the pump. your sister, milton don't 0. he don, dr. canister that similar. so meal billy ot. so he brought me nice one equal going up or down with the lycos from below. must the mana on a should austin us cello was to somewhat like which she 70 image, ocr. nice to probably spin us last with stanley kit to mozilla or you would equate my to dia assessed him. les denied us on dash. we're down. you, donnie paul. he no longer want it is i told was you have what you wanna use. visual formalities on especially saw on yaki was easy, my youngest carlo cola. usually you money
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a problem wash the days we're busy. what are the only quiz? rashly e dash legal nashik your woody nashik was ice. denise love crushed archie. what she it's on a glass flush lie, so she'll be can talk to what it is incorrect, but it's just some nest played out this, mary. i mr. people or? yeah, salazer with deborah, it's suzanne and miss michelle. any manager near, he's made your last name. michelle bill lana nicholas said about that could least want to do a myself. okay. is that a good event then? no. but they are still bleach and nick was traveling the shares you don't methadone longer to play, chan missed in that don't 3. this is a good dinner just that i go in the name of the now data that i know then you're
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going. but with because for total route to talk you from rugged men, is that the only shopper there is a water bill tow shenika ones are but one of the when i was with or not or not. and if you need to have your 3 touch policy, matos below, which is good for some flexibility enough to shoot a cold way, miss c. it's doug quick talk over. denise bureaus, ball and a ball or maybe torn are busy. c a normal, really public transport me thought that i may be looked as a porno. spa, what nears a mobile tooth octo does leg volvic immortal. or paula van taylor bo day type areas. fill up sony apollo. it all should be a little jaws. them. oak was not to the bone in the 3rd cup of what they missed from the bill, or even after his fears, venison plus symbol,
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to fork over to them and as a to level of puller. a 3234. it would be enough to just enter for number daughtry quit or dalia. donnelly, in the national status, is a pretty tough so, and yet you feel upon us familiar all a bit, a little bit on your capacity of youth. suppose or taught us time. how could you tell us that he had done enough to put the dnc party of them to us a v a. a potomac business, similar to one of the 1st purchaser, were to claim a model program, a thief for some patrol most kind of as one in stock attorney solars, are you the model of god? and i missed out of study, multiple summer bus will come to the toddler, boy or bush located on us sleep, clothes exiting. you must stop,
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it'll come to christmas associates or for the welcome email. oh, little contacts and that's on for me as well for the pro spun yet nobody. emma tucker, dog for collier pretty well. can't play on the baton that place but not realizing i was there was a muslim to it was from albia ali huh. a tiered up boca okay day by the colder then we just need to call you just on up a new one. i will you it does. so don't my cheat which i had any chase for billy syrup b here. the name? oh not sure. which is i saw a maya. there. this is pretty good. me. no, no mcmanus, the i see it the troy say i was would see at the mac was which it will be in a severe started say a coffee cup. a shelly,
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she around cup pavlovitch will swim coach. emma? dr. dukes, evidently, some school board. see what we bought, a better build up of the se around i'd be work. what was that? you know the results come, somacki needs us out on your own because these, but when you have a music style that the probably talk with some folks don't used bazzi, viola, the local but been sore to swim. that it would have to prepare the c. c p. your studies 30, regarding her procedure behalf. we dollars with the import it oprah walk change that her name was rose and your name was for the school to not quit, not the sheet house. we get both the that's a good day, a proud the currently got. could you read to substitute from name it? now queen, east of america, some dollars the pano prepared to c p. yes. the pito. bogus is still the story when
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you talk. what? honestly it wouldn't be docile. double is of the each up. the man that was not, don't sell your lunch. he seems to be getting slightly. tommy thought he can call he eric was similar yellow to several young only superman. some a slow us not be so yell i teach the old the new mode. well, what it was not to tackle several, not to be what it is that they want. and it'll probably, from every users, the sticker price is totally on me for the name. and she's awesome. so also on there now, but it will be managed. my should have been under some equitable back yet. and they've been on the do, give me
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a call mosquito was on hand in for it. and it was, you know, it's not meant smart glasses on the estimate, but i've got to order a man and i can get some elderly and honestly, i would totally track richie, i know fred daly feel of ours who's dental and i said, i want to check in on the if i were sliding board there, i don't know what was points on the bus that
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will be a county close to the kristi with dana nissan 1st year. usually at noon and now it gives them additional good. good. a chill stick with their scripts, bleach or food in the field for, for the important in order to get out there with this a drug or i don't know. yes it is a good tool. niagara be not just the motor for the store to not, not, not vomas', soccer, l m a soccer on a quick 14,
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we're seeing that stuff's going on with them with an important like you please just talk sooner or stand there. most from us give voice care with the quote, a little bit of property enough to police to put on with the mosque approach. elisa vega, which i'll say is there greece little assistance by them? is them 1st of all the don't use that one is to lease a here that are by so really quick, so screwed up or big? no no, you saw a both on the video to pull b, n c v luck. pre putting kasinsky. roger, he bought us that was going to pull to get stuck with light does. he does not have ski o got the advantage. the plan is to you and she does for them to coordinate a nashville policy better on a few months. it's not as well. obviously not but, and that's fairly new. i mean, not authority and now she's not,
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they are not the authority option, but not so well. no, just listed on this issue to limit that us for then on not just a kilometer for ot realty, although we touch people kilometers fuckwit. aud ballasa is thrown us theater. you just said bought said we need swept boards to put about slow. so sudden coach lou baba was sort of b, e book, charlie, you special. but on learning that sort of, oddly enough, men die out now, but up to nuts. but pope's is he that those there were there should be a god, me, but i are low. not yet on his either us than on the customs came out to an almost to a dock put up again. but she'll be better said beard renewed seat severely. you'll have to preston just know bus court odessa brought to not like the beat, duck or plots. he urged on us, but i still love him as you had no mo obscene. i would have pulled that 6 were saliva. ch impressive tony blanchard.
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ah ah mobile is this the best of both? no issue. my good mobile. when you vision annual g d. p per capita is about 4000 euros or does that we've got drug calling in a mold or mildew, a washer. the schmiel household man. i wrote me a primary kosky seal from corpus really and kid bottom in your prison, which was born a mobile home to come out see nature little was thought they would have thought of unemployment is off the charts, moldova territorial integrity and sovereignty. we respect a country which enjoys financial support from the u. s. and the you is constantly
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roth by political and corruption scandals. but all that didn't stop good obtaining your candidate status in 2022. ah, ah, pens again announce is a multi $1000000000.00 military. a package for kia payment is the largest military delivery since the conflicts in ukraine begun to crane shells number of cities in the dumbass on orthodox christmas in doing multiple civilians. despite moscow calling for a truce and ukraine exported almost 17000000 tons of rain last year for report suggests that europe received most of it, leaving those most affected by food insecurity in africa with.
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