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tv   News  RT  January 8, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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hello, bob, most protective phone existence with ah, top stories right now and are you into national. 3 civilians are reportedly killed and to power plants. don mason, ukrainian shelling of don bass. there are fears. more people could be trapped under the rubble cash oblique documents reported by the greys oh news outlets shows how british intelligent spies on russian forces on behalf of ukraine. quote, a violation of free speech and the rights of john list. that's how russia is. foreign ministry described to the attention of the regional director of the sputnik muse agency by authorities in latvia and south africa. one small countries joining
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the bricks group as it assumes the blocks rotating presidency this year. the promises to promote a more multi polar with and so as we are running down the week's top stories here on our team, we're also 0 in on this i was main headlines as well. welcome to the weekly. it's not, as we understand here at all, t 3 civilians are reportedly being killed in ukrainian attacks on energy infrastructure in the don't extra public remaining in the region is all correspondent robot, closer ukrainian military continue targeting as civilian areas here in dunbar. so plus 70 and infrastructure as well. overnight, saturday, going on sunday to thermal power plants had been attacked. now one of them is a right said behind me. this is located in this sort of bishop, near john as sca,
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according to officials say here. this plans was attacked by 6 raw kits of the high mars multiple launch. iraq had system. as you can see, the plant is still in operations. i was to portion damage now according to information from the local administration. here one woman just celebrated her 60th birthday on the 5th of january. and the other woman was much, much younger in her twenties. and now once again, the power plants, the thermal power plant is currently in operation. we can get access there because emergency workers are still trying to extract to more potential victims from the rubble this in use or for how they're doing will be coming out all throughout the day. but so this power plan wasn't the only one that was attacked. overnights in other area about a couple of hours away from here towards logan's,
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another thermal power plant was that fact. however, tosca missile, which is an old soviet missile, capable of carrying a nuclear weapons while it was intercepted by air defense. however, there was still damaged by the plan itself is an operation. now, this is not the 1st time that ukraine is attacking a civilian. the infrastructure here in done boss, not just power plants, but water plants and electricity and other objects as well. now, thousands of people are currently without running water without electricity, and even gasp, awful. pipelines had been targeted as well. for example, in a neighboring logan's people's republic, a local emergencies ministry are suspecting that somebody actually blew up a gas pipeline. and these things are, of course i happening all the time. and so besides, so civilian infrastructure,
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civilians are also falling a victim to ukrainian artillery shilling, who are using, made so supplied weapons against civilians just over the last 24 hours. besides the victims that we have here and another 2 people were wounded by ukrainian artillery shilling. well, meantime, ukrainian forces are allegedly being helped by british military intelligence and collaboration with a u. s. tech firm. that's according to a cache of lease documents reported by the greys own news outlet. says the u. k. provides data for keith's forces to fight russian troops through aggressive harvesting of data. the technology has enabled the planning of military offensives in artillery attacks, assassinations, asset recruitment, and other measures. the leaked files raise serious questions about whether anomaly 6, a technology has been used throughout the ukraine conflict in an array of targeted operations against specific individuals in infrastructure. if it has britain bears
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ultimate responsibility for the outcome of these disturbing actions, which in some cases amount to crimes against humanity. so the report that a u. s. firm called anomaly 6 has been providing entailed on russian military movements in real time. the data is eventually sent through british intelligence, fear the private military group prevail partners and is then passed on to ukraine. we discussed concerns with gray, so net as a kid, cloud bug anomaly. 6, the technology, the defense intelligence. and she said she extension the ukrainian military can very easily identify the small firms, all of very individuals whether they are civilian military or it's highly specific. and tug, there is also a higher risk of cation. this might be why barrier was was mad,
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but yeah, it's innocent. rushed to 1000000, innocent pains were wrong identified and the soldiers spot for collaborators. and then guess, i mean you're not losing context. this is almost inevitably go to lead to that, that, or that capture and torture, the pregnancy compunction about the brutal consequences to capture war kingdom or mass, which is a great war growing serious if it ends up kills. as a result of when that completely is, i think that the counter attack could be quite some well, this is not the 1st time the grey zone has reported on involvement of u. k. intelligence in the ukraine conflict back in october, doubtless said that prior to the deadly attack on the crimean bridge,
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senior british intelligence officers allegedly drafted on an elaborate plan on exactly that to blow it up. now in a separate report, the grades are also said that obtain documents were reading plans by british military intelligence to train quote, co vote. ukrainian troops with instructions to attack other russian targets in crimea. well, according to the gray times i can climb bug again, he says that western powers lacking accountability for the consequences of the espionage operations against russia. there has been no consideration for all the limits or restrictions but london places that shall be the crime. these files make pretty clear that there is none of you trying to do or anything like should be held every step of the way. what prevent prevail is heavily involved in the blood bridge explosion. and what did you guys actually have the 0 regulation of the
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on the all of these to almost every month. another european implicates the style of the activities that activated the job. listen is civil civil civil society widely and there is 0 accountability and there is up to, you know, consideration what happens when you open the doors box. and that was anyone use that use equipment typically reserved for, for intelligence agencies. or indeed, yes, like, you know, to something really, really needs to be done about this just for the sake of innocent people in the far but also the governments and become companies that will be consequences. down the lines south africa has set the bricks, group of countries including brazil of russia, india and china should admit more members and apparently quite a few want to join south africa meantime as assume the rotating chairmanship over
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the book this year. and our africa correspondent catabolic tattler as details from john the law and the youngest member to join the bricks group of nations. south africa is again taking over the chairmanship of the club. 2023 will be the 3rd time that the african power house caves, the rings following successful hostings in 20132018. as it did before, south africa is expected to bring along not only the neighboring countries from the south african development community, but also the greater sub saharan africa community to there will be high level need things, conferences and summits through this championship, which will all focus on sustainable development, but what does that really mean in real terms? gives us an opportunity not only to advance our national interest, but also to advance the interest of the collector if 5 countries,
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as well as the interest of the global on various brands. including advancing the african agenda because bricks has always been about south africa and in continent when we have the opportunity to check. so we will use our chair shipped to a bird on the successes of past presidents in addressing some of the key challenges that we are facing. the ongoing challenges facing the global economy, the economy, 5 countries, south africa will be aiming to advance not only the bricks agenda and the role which the new development bank should play. but also the role that the bricks should and can play on the continent. lafayette, south africa, amplified the call for the african union to be made a permanent member of the g, 20 group of nations. and the very interest that both china and russia
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having on the continent are proving that, that question. once again, it's not out of place. there are so countries and when we looking at expansion of breaks, it will be looked at from the perspective of sovereign nation, wanted to join bricks and looking at how we can take that process. ready what does it as a, as breaks the leaders ever instructed us to do? so it's a different scenario. you already have a president within the g 20, where regional organization they have been union member. so there's a good case for the african union to become 2022 was a year of major geopolitical shift spread on by the ukraine conflict. but it also sent free the idea of a multi polar wold following 5 decades of western union polarity represented by the g 7. but last, he also showed a growing group of countries like saudi arabia, algeria, egypt,
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to turkey. and many more than i came to join and become part of the alternative to the west. the po, chrissy and narrative. but brief should expect a rebuttal. they will not be thinking that will be business as usual because particularly in african context, african countries are united in the quest for power, for energy, for climate justice. and i think these are the issues that they look are no longer looking at the wish for. they're looking eastward because solutions will be coming from the as this formation becomes more powerful and south africa has a stronger voice within the g 7 and no longer the most important largest global economies. china and india, i ranked amongst the top 7 global economies today. you can take, not this, and so you have a major economies from the global self that are growing at foster pace. if you also look at the predictions of global growth in 2023,
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it's not very positive. but if you look at what the, i'm have i m f and world bank predicted in terms of global growth. the countries of the global assaulting purity, bricks countries, a. ringback space while a number of countries we're going to recession this year. and it's 15 here of partnership and co operation. 2023 will be the bricks propels it's story forward. the slope has not had a new member since south africa back in 2011. the growing double speak of western countries has seen many global south countries grow wary and eager to find an alternative. 2023 is finally here, and with it the chance at a more big and powerful breaks that i will, is that a lot of t and join us or bring you some years now out of the african nation of our center goal, where we understand dozens of people that report report li killed and this is why
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the collision of to buses the countries presidents that at least 40 people died more than 80 were injured in the accident which occurred on the central katherine region. president declaring a 3 day period of national morning, an investigation is underway. quote, a violation of free speech on the rights of journalists. that's how russia has described that attention of the regional director of the sputnik news agency by authorities in latvia. the journalist at mad at customers a lot fee and citizen is detained on charges of violating e u sanctions. last he's senior correspondent says, this is part of a broader e you cracked out on media outlets that haven't followed in lock step with the blocks mainstream narratives. the freedom of expression than press what once sacred they are founding principles of the union,
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protected by the the treaties of the european union, the charter of fundamental rights. and the european convention on human rights as close to gospel as law can get. every one has the right to freedom of expression. this right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority. and regardless of frontier us, the freedom and pluralism of the media shall be respected. but these principles, these values have been sick for years. they've been die in spanish, crackdowns, in barcelona, in poland. does the government monopolize the press in eastern europe, where it had been building up for years and old began many years ago and 2016? when latvia blocked spook nick on lod, just she's the domain address, no frills. then they began harassing and threatening journalists,
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e u. nationals who worked for sputnik with jail time, with sentences prosecution that detain them for talks with security age and state security agents then came arrests and persecution. there will diminishes that it would take me several hours to simply name all the journalists of come under pressure in eastern europe. here is just one of my own stories, in brief. so back in 2019, i was detained at villainous airport, searched and questioned for 5 or 6 hours to state security officers performed a role play of good cop bad cop. the bad one shouted at me, you're working for tittles. why did you come here? the other one asked me, you're a latvian citizen, so why are you working for them? you know, they are, they're not really people rushes, a peculiar country. finally, he said, you're lucky, you're not a russian citizen, or we would be having
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a very different conversation. and now we'll just kick you out and close the border for you for 5 years. a month for reference. merit cas m is an e. you national, a laughin citizen? all he did is she worked for years as editor in chief of sputnik lithuania. one of his work is online. there's nothing crazy there. you find strange of stuff and she and then he now faces decades behind bars, charged with violating sanctions because he worked for russians and reportedly espionage because why not a most recent, for some of his merits can possibly lose his freedom due to allegations of violating anti russian sanctions, i mean the sanctions are a lawful as well as the arrest. this is lawlessness in europe when a person can be arrested for his journalistic work opinion or the information he provides. there can be even harsher chargers such as espionage or treason. and
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we've dealt with this before and we shouldn't rule out such dark perspectives. and of course, going to look at that to matter which affects every turn less. because if anybody can be taken in custody for their opinion and be charged with espionage which is not uncommon these days, then nobody safe. so all people should stand together in this situation. america, sam did not violate any laws. he did his job as a journalist, legally he provided to and unbiased information and hit nothing. what kind of spies a person who works in the public eye for the media and hides nothing. the accusations are false and we need to understand this. there are people who will be overjoyed, those who believe that any opinion, but there's all ones that they agree with should be removed and censored. the soviet union was, was big in this centering on the hiding on restricting. and we all know how that turned out. you cannot restrict expression at was once the european union's mantra,
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how ironic. look at them now. terrorizing journalists are writing things in a way. they don't like to think that these people once lectured the world, been lush, new to poor, been in this case is totally political espionage charges against merits are complete nonsense. pressure on journalists working in the baltic states is a standard matter. it is an obvious fact that the baltic states are a platform for testing new methods of fighting against journalists. there was an oddness in the charges of violating sanctions. the fact is that the european union has no sanctions against sputnik. they have personal sanctions against dmitri castle, of who was the chief of receive subordinate media group, which includes sputnik therefore, extending these personal sanctions to all the people who work. there is a strange precedent. many european human rights organizations oppose this interpretation of sanctions. the baltic states are a testing ground for lawlessness. concerning really harsh measures,
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such as intimidation, a ban on the profession, and criminal prosecution for journalists, latvia, stony and lithuania, do not act on their own. they, as we assume, act either on direct instructions or in coordination with their superiors in the european union. and in the u. s. the accusations of espionage and the threat of imprisoning him for 20 years. as an e. u citizen are in fact a pure policy of the european union. oh, it's good to have your company today. the east african nation of tanza near lifted a bang on political protest this week. as the countries president has actually been catering to de bonds from various opposition parties, when you went to our responsibility is to protect tears so that you can hold political rallies peacefully to finish them well and li safely. it is your responsibility as political parties to adhere to the rules as required. it is up to
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us as to zone hands. i beg you, as will give you permission to hold political rallies to do mature politics. for the ban had been imposed 6 years ago by a former president who said it would or well help provide national stability and well boost the economy. now officials are discussing constitutional reform is that they say well balanced the precedence authorizor. oh, he spoke to sometimes and ears on how they feel about the ish black, william, belinda, wish more. i seek forgiveness. i think this is a wise move by the president and truly a democratic one. i'm pretty sure that they will be willing to apply for permits to hold political rallies. he turns an ear is a sovereign state, governs by the rule of law. it doesn't, in any way, given to any external pressure, issa jam. cindy was there will be no disorder in the rallies, tanzania has been known for maintaining peace and security for many years. the
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essence of multi party democracy entails that people are given a civic space to air out their views, to criticize the government, and also to advise it. the ban on political rallies didn't have any effect on our lives. no one was barred from going about their business. there hasn't been any difference of all that. the removal of the band will restore loss. civic space for the development of this country we heard may a representative of a major opposition party who says the countries politics are now entering that of a new chapter. long after freedom of expression was suppressed. the, the most expression ha, was oppressed, and that these are one of the, a constituent right, which was the night before the last 6 years. so to me, this is a new chapter for the country and sure with the political parties. because normally the political parties are the hope, the government,
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how to govern in her ordinary government governance. because we are able to tell the government what the government should be done. and if the, if they the listen to our agendas in, et cetera, we are telling them on top of that, there is nothing to do with the economic growth. so the government has to do is to have the proper policy of the economic growth, which has nothing to do with the public rallies. so if we don't have the proper economic plans, you are prepared to say which form for, from my personal perspective, he, it is what we as a bit happened in a, in, in tanzania for the last 6. he has a 2023, was a year of independence movement in latin america, with new governments coming to power and pivoting away from western influence,
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ortiz fiorella, isabel, texas, social. the tide is turning left in latin america, but in an air of multi polarity, the region will be a key battle ground for the east west power showdown. after decades of civil war, nato partner columbia, historically elected its 1st ever left as president gustavo petro, a critic of the u. s. and its role via the so called war on drugs. petra push for ending fracking projects and reading in oil exportation, which accounts for more than 40 percent of the country's exports, of which the u. s. is the number one customer, the united states is practically runing all the economies of the world. they make decisions to protect themselves alone, sometimes without thinking about what will happen through their measures. the economies of latin american nations are being drained. the u. s. has invested over 13000000000 in the country, so petros, re establish relationship with their enemy. then as well as nicholas maduro, also,
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an ally of russia might seem to present a huge concern for washington. meanwhile, russia no more immediate threat is increasing its engagements in the hemisphere as potent looks to keep his options open and maintain relationships and our near abroad. and it's not just columbia in brazil, even a mid protest of election fraud. right wing populous ball scenarios out and progressive lula. da silva is in yet lula who is no fan of washington reminded everyone that they went after him and other nations to get a hold of their resources. i was very clear that's american prosecutors were interested in my imprisonment. and i think that the goal was to change the logic of petro brush. most of the big walls we've had, have been over petroleum. the iraqi invasion was because of petroleum, the libya intervention was because of petroleum. the attempt to invade venezuela was also because of petroleum in total, a plethora of left. his leaders, more critical of the west have recently emerged in latan. let's take a look. jamara, castro, one the own doris's presidency,
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and on the 2112 years after her husband then president was removed a military to push by then secretary of state hillary clinton, under the obama administration. and sheila center left gabriel burridge presenting a liberal alternative to the p. nocera. one last year. left us rural leader and union leader petro castillo, one peruse presidency and june of 2021, and a nearby bolivia. lease our say of the movement towards socialism was elected in 2020, recuperating, the country from the one that ousted ever morales in 2019 with backing of the trumpet ministration. no surprise, it didn't take long for the us to suggest. there is a reason for that shift. the chinese communist party is actively exporting its governance model across to hemisphere. it's conducted party to party engagements. so we simply can't afford to let the chinese communist party expand its influence
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and absorb latin america and the caribbean into its private political economic block. according to forbes, china has invested $17000000000.00 and projects and la tom bricks, which accounts for 40 percent of the global population. as a quarter of the world's g. d. p is growing and displaying the incoming power in a multi polar world. the war in ukraine also had its influence and brought back pre existing anti imperialist sentiments, leading many countries to seize the momentum against western germany. but it's clear latan shift to the left is driven more by what the new allies can offer in terms of helping their economy rather than ideology. however, washington is missing. one thing, why the american leaders are not coming to the podium with hammers and sickles. perhaps these countries aren't bringing in communist china and maybe just want the us out of their affairs. what a concept considering us politicians admit to be expert at pose,
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but then deny them while they're actually happening. i disagree with that as somebody who is health plan, coo data, not here, but you know, other places it takes a lot of work. this is clearly not a coo, we recognize one guido, as legitimate interim president of venezuela. and in reality, the u. s. alienates itself instead of bill fine china washington, the exclusion of nicaragua, cuba and venezuela. from the summit of the americas. back in june, sparked harsh criticism and further expose its weakness in there cannot be a summit of the americas if all the countries of the americas do not participate or there can be. but we consider that this is a continuation of the old approach. no matter what, i do not like the exclusion of cuba, venezuela in nicaragua, any exclusion, only foster's isolation and does not work as we have historically learned. maybe that's why latan leaders are pushing for a new currency to lesson dependency on the dollar. others are wanting to
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nationalize or resources like the western coveted lithium you study. so hopefully, joe, we industrialized or leaf him, but they want to take it from us. unfortunately, the west only once land america to guarantee the supply for all materials and doesn't want us to add value to our natural resources. how surprising that after decades of neo colonialism, coups and the exploitation of resources, latin american leaders turned away from the u. s. and toward new allies, offering equal standing and respect. clearly the u. s. as unilateral hold on the continent is that in all time low and bill, fine, russia and china with the specter of communism isn't quite as effective as it used to be. but make no mistake, it's also apparent. washington has its eyes on the regent and won't let it go that easily. why not a summer winter weather news from central russia, where it's roughly minus 30 degrees celsius?
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an airline it with more than a $180.00 people on board, slid off the runaway during a take off a 10, basically got stuck in a snow drift. this in the central city of harm, the facility had to briefly closed no authorities. as we understand our investigating the incident, fortunately, no one was injured in the airport already resume to its normal operations. ah, are now before we go here on the program, his just some news coming in. 3 people have been killed in an explosion at a high rise building on dmitri leanne off street. that's in the south west part of moscow. and naples reported hearing a strong blast, followed by a fire. a we understand full people, were rescued from the house while the blaze was being put out. emergency services are still at the scene, will keep you posted and give you more details the moment we get them. i for the meantime your program returns at the top of the hour.


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