tv News RT January 9, 2023 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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and engage with the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground. ah, i mean the ongoing riots and rallies in brazil face spooks per and company. meta sensors, old post with the president list slammed. we take a deeper look at why the west, fully back some protests, but others also coming up on the program to run slums, france for double standards on that pa chrissy over the issue of free speech. after the latest charlie abdul cover depicts around supreme leader parking with israel's new hard lie, national security minister, cracked on palestinians hugging national flags in public,
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claiming there is similar a broadcasting for moscow. this is our t. my name's unit leland, you're welcome to then use our the former leader of brazil. yeah, you both scenario has been hospitalized in the us state of florida with abdominal pain. it comes amid violent protests in the south american country where his supporters have demanded new presidential elections. bolton, otto has condemned the violent saying he only supports peaceful demonstrations or protest her took to the streets of foul polo blocking roadways on monday. this is video we've received from the country's largest city. several cars were torched by the protesters, while brazil supreme court has suspended the governor of the capital. but i still, yeah, after crowd storm the presidential palace and other government buildings had de,
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are here. ah, amid the heavy clashes law enforcement use tear gas sun detain some 1200 involved in the rallies, according to police, at least 70 people were reportedly injured with several in critical condition. president little at the silver house that 3rd, a state of emergency for the rest of january and was deployed the military to try and stem the unrest. well the protesters are believe to primarily be supporters of the previous leader. yeah, your ball sanara last october's election by a relatively small margin uncontested. the results. he's denied any involvement in the protests and condemned the violence. while currents, president lula said, authorities are conducting an investigation to rooted the perpetrators of the rights in well joe biden and other western leaders have issue scathing condemnation of the violent demonstrations. i condemn the assault on democracy and on the
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peaceful transfer of power. in brazil, brazil's democratic institutions have our full support and the will of the brazilian people must not be undermined. i look forward to continuing to work with president lula. my absolute condemnation of this soul from the democratic institutions of brazil, full support for president lew of the silver, democratically elected by millions of brazilians from fair and free elections. full support to lula da silva and his government to congress and to the federal supreme court. brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism. however, when it comes to denouncing protests or on the world, western leaders can be selective to say, the least earlier my colleagues re sushi america goes the talk through washington on europe's approach. let's talk about perspective here moran. if we can, because i so certain western professional partners, they,
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they support protests in certain countries that say latin america for now, but then they don't support protests in many other countries as well. it, it almost seems like there's some sort of preferential treatment going on here. how would you pick up the reaction so far to brazil? well, it's, it's much more simple. what drives them the people who, who support or condemn these protests ease, entirely selfishness that is, that is the world we live in. so what bought joe biden, ah, what joe biden, you know the instructions for him or what is good for america? what serves american national interest is good. so if, if a protest is there and potentially could unseat someone that the united states doesn't live, like the chairman in the, in china who, of the spiritually the, in, in iran, and they're all for it. and they couldn't care less if it is in the country that is wedded friendly with the united states,
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and that is going to cause pain for the united states. but of course that they will never support such a purpose. i mean, look what happened in a, in a, for example, venezuela, right? you had them event, a president, just label a guy, a president. there was no condemnation when he attempted the school military building the military. so sorry, state buildings and even a military airport. there's no condemnation, but no one elected this guy. no one ever elected him. and here's another example, rough kia, 2030. what led to these bloody conflict that is currently that is currently happening in you, craig? so, so they're saying that this was an attack on, on democracy. what happened in what happened in brazil? the same words that they use for what happened on, on capital hill. so going against an elected president, harry 6th, you're talking about actually, yes, in ukraine. my doug, you had protesters burning police alive, you had people killing each other,
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storming state offices the govern, trying to unseat a president who was elected legitimately, who was congratulated by the state, the part and then who was on the state of the stage in my down square, you had victoria newland angel, or a cane as you only hear another american politician fighting of the flames in ukraine because it served us national interests served to regime change, interest for regime change in some instances that is more beneficial to, to change the regime in other instances, as a result of that, that keep it in place and you talk about m protests, demonstrations and you know, if indeed there is some hint of potential regime change there, as you well know more at that, that's just straight out of langley virginia's playbook. when it comes to regime change, you know, well about the. 8 arab spring, that kicked off in 2010. what, what about the color revolution? serbia? 2000 georgia, 2003. i mean i'm preaching to the choir anti murdad who are precisely and you have
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the state department pollutants resources u. s. a bad now in. so many years. yeah, because that is the instruments that they use to fun opposition to fund radical nationalists, the fund various a liberal pro western media outlets and to so so da said, you do have companies on board now, for example, mater facebook has just come out and said that it will now start censoring any post that he's in support of the protesters in brazil. in advance of the election, we designated brazil as a temporary high risk location and have been removing content, calling for people to take up arms or forcibly invade congress. the presidential palace and other federal buildings. we're also designating, this is a violating event, which means we will remove content that supports or praises these actions. you now have these huge tech jobs, censoring so as they did it said the stories to,
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to protect joe biden. sudden, for example, twitter, facebook, we have now learn. and then now involved here in this, in protest, the demonstration which, where they go. a, you have very can companies. starling, for example, sending terminal to a wrong to help the protesters organize their hold. this is about freedom and democracy mirage surely. well, it's about american national interest. it has always been about about american national interests. and that is that is the naked truth. latin america, specialist from the city university of new york. dunney shaw says that if similar demonstrations took place in cuba or venezuela, u. s. social media companies, along with the white house, would be firmly on the side of the protesters. hypocrisy of meta facebook, twitter of social media, which us imperialism,
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has used at times to fuel rebellion, whether it was in china or iran. and now they've defined what's happening in brazil over violating the event. no question if this was cuba or venezuela, nick, i will leave you in by way or, or china, all of the us in the full gamut of social media and the mainstream media media will be celebrating and promoting this uprising right now. no one wants to take responsibility for what happened in brasilia about 24 hours ago. but to this point, i think it's going to have a boomerang effect on both scenarios. the small, i think the ball scenario camp is more deeply divided than ever. there's going to be full scale investigations in 10 fighting is reportedly continuing near the key front line city of arches of sc in don balls the strategically important nearby time of solar dar. this is the latest on verified
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footage from the launcher showing, fighting on the streets inside the time. are you creating army colonel? there's also reportedly been killed near solar door. he was allegedly, in command of the areas defense as well. it seems the western mainstream media has finally spotted new nazis in ukraine. in a recently published article, the new york times claims that russian nationalists and neo nazis have joined volunteer battalions to fight against. however, the same mainstream media has repeatedly failed to notice ukrainian, neo nazis nationalist in europe with one of the biggest state own spanish news outlets are t. v. broadcasting footage of ukrainian refugees celebrating christmas in spain with some very unique decorations. the video shows the flag of the organization of ukrainian nationalists as well as the portraits of nazi collaborators, step and bon dera, when i'm sure here which are known for their complicity,
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slaughter of tens of thousands of jews and holstering world war 2. the investigative journalist, wide read safe mainstream media outlets could once have pleaded ignorance as regards ukrainian nazi symbols. something else seems a plane. and we're living through an attempt by the vast majority of the mainstream media to normalize and whitewash nazis to make that idea. ology acceptable in much the same way that there was an effort to to round up and to utilize nazis in the aftermath of world war 2. when they were seen as valuable contributors to the anti communist crusade. i think we have a very similar dynamic playing out right now. basically, these not, these are understood to be the most effective anti russian fighters on hand. so the
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people at the top, it seems, seem like they, they think that they would be silly not to employ those people to create as much russian terror as possible. that's what they're good at. that historically where the west has used them for. so right now, i think there's a push to make these kinds of people and allergies acceptable in the eyes of the public so that there won't be any problems continuing to funnel farms and money to these nazi military groups. dozens of iranians gathered outside the french embassy into robinson bass, protesting against cartoons of their realm supreme leader, published by the french satirical magazine. surely abdul, the crow set fire to a french flag while chanting death to from really and say the magazine cover is provocative and disrespectful of the country's culture. a reminder, in 2015,
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a dozen people were killed when islamist opened fire in the shirley into offices in paris. after the magazine published cartoons of the prophet mohammed are to contribute to rachel. marston believes the french government has rejected. taking any responsibility for the latest magazine cover, instead accusing iran of suppressing free speech, really seems like mac hole, the french government are kind of blowing all of it. all french officials are using these caricatures of the supreme leader of iran, which were submissions to a contest held last month by the french satirical magazine shackle yet due to basically say, look, we, the french government aren't going to get involved with whatever a french magazine is doing because we are above that and we believe in free speech . does. everyone can, i'm of is pretty teacher, said q susie. the wrong policy is the one followed by iran, which practices violence against his own populations, which is particularly shocking. let's remember that in france,
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press freedom exists contrary to what's happening in iran, and that this is overseen by a judge within the framework of an independent judiciary, which is something that iran knows little about. so they're not only refusing to take any responsibility for the shot, leave go cartoons, but they're even projecting or throwing the responsibility back on to it wrong. but the iranian government sees things much differently. the foreign affairs ministry now is slamming france for complicity through silence over the cartoons. in other words, failure to act. to do anything about all of this. france has no right to insult the sanctity of other muslim countries and nations under the pretext of freedom of expression are on, is waiting for the french government's explanation and compensate reaction and condemning the unacceptable behavior of the french publication over the weekend french president, emanuel mac hall honored the 17 victims of the attacks by al qaeda inspired gunman on shortly. ed dose, paris headquarters back on january 7th,
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2015. now that incident was also linked to shockley of those religious caricatures, specifically of prophet mohammed, my call has consistently defended shortly. abdul caricatures in general, back in september 2020 during a visit to lebanon. he said, quote, it's never the place of a president of the republic to pass judgment on the editorial choice of a journalist or a newsroom. never because we have freedom of the press, but apparently michael doesn't quite feel the same when it comes to free speech that targets him personally. back in 2021. mackerel, sued a french billboard owner michel alice feel. he who had made these huge satirical images of mac hall and posted them up there for the world to see including one depicting mac hall as adolph hitler in the artists protests against michael's cove
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at vaccine. but when it comes to insulting the leadership of another country, well then free speech absolutely needs to be defended all costs. as for french officials, newfound respect for freedom of the press. again, it's easy, be reserved for press, they like and not for say r t or other russian affiliated media, which has been banned by the european union with apparently frances blessing because they don't seem to be raising the issue at all. so when it comes to both freedom of speech and freedom of the press in france, the government's mileage clearly varies depending on how it squares with their own interests and agenda. or we also spoke with side mohammed moran. the dean of the world studies faculty at the university of to run to believe france is guilty of double standards while also insulting rounds culture. french journal was not just trying to insult the iranian leader. it was trying to insult iranian
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religion and culture and the religion and culture of hundreds of millions of people in west asia and abroad. and for them that's called freedom of speech. but when it comes to iranian voices west, the west and the french, the french, they sanction all persia, iranian media, all media affiliated to its allies. and the french also inc, have media incursion that encourage riots and violence in iran. so for them, freedom for, for the french side, is very different from freedom for iranians. they have extraordinary double standards and internal rob has broken lights among republicans in the u. s. congress. it's a great deal agreed to ensure a kevin mccarthy was elected as the new speaker of the house of representatives.
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now, the full details of the agreement are yet to be made public. a low potential custom military spending may be part of it. that move is supported by many g, p members, but some others, such as republican congressman tony gonzalez, say that reducing defense spending is a bad idea. this has a proposed billions of dollars cut to defense, which i think is a horrible idea. when you have aggressive russia and ukraine, you've got a growing threat of china in the pacific. you know, i'm going to visit taiwan here in a couple of weeks. how am i going to look at our allies in the i and say, i need you to increase your defense budget, but yet america is going to decrease ours. it was a historic 15 rounds of voting. it hasn't taken that long to elect a new speaker. the house since 1859 on quite a historic moment. now it exposed very big divisions within the republican party.
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there are very, very different perspectives in the single party that has taken control of the house of representatives. now at one moment, this intense war of words looked as if it was turning into a physical fight. there's an image that has surfaced of a we had a situation where republican a mike rogers from alabama was being physically restrain. as he was yelling at nat yates, now, mat gates voted against kevin mccarthy, being the new speaker. i got rather intense and then we had mat gates voted against kevin mccarthy. we're ultimately changing his mind. we had mat yates, i got to the point that mat gates bob was being called a fraud by his own party. this is what was said. matt gates is a fraud. every time he voted against kevin mccarthy, last week he sent out a fundraising email. what you saw last week was a constitutional process diminished by those kinds of political actions. we don't know what they got or didn't get. we haven't seen it. we don't have any idea what promises were made or what gentlemen's handshakes were made. one of the key issues
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of contention was a proposed cap on funding to ukraine song in the more conservative and far right wing of the republican party just don't buy in the idea that more us money should be flowing into ukraine. they are not happy with the huge amounts of money of united states has been pouring here. and it's also important to know that kevin mccarthy now that he has been elected figured out, he still has a big fight ahead of him. you'll be fighting over the rule for debate in the house of representatives and the lives getting the ukrainian leader was the 1st. you congratulate kevin mccarthy on social media and graduate him on becoming bigger. the house representative bought the twitter exchange didn't go the way many were expecting. here's how things went down. when zalinski chimed in to congratulate kevin mccarthy. you have got to be jolting, you pathetic little welfare queen. so now you got your boy kevin,
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in your little hands, are out begging for our money again. you discussed me. zalinski is excited that his unlimited h. e. m is back up and running. no one wants to give you money any more, go away. so as you can see. 8 this is not exactly the image that biden in his administration tried to present a friday present. united states is all in favor, all and supported for more and more money and weapons. and here i, however, of the details. i don't seem to mask that public opinion. polls show that americans are more concerned about problems here at home than they are about the situation in eastern europe. it's also important to note that kevin mccarthy, while he may now have the speakership, is probably going to have a talk year ahead of him. 2023 as a year in which there's not only going to be intense division between democrats and republicans. but now we see pretty blatantly there will be in dance divisions between republicans and other republicans a legit russian
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influence on twitter. during the 2016 u. s. presidential campaign had no significant influence on voters bounced the conclusion of a new study by the new york university center for social media and politics. it follows years of mainstream media reports alleging collusion between moscow and former u. s. leader donald trump, the so called russia game theory claims that fake news am russian social media bots . help swing the election in trumps favor. however, no concrete evidence has ever been presented to back up the longstanding accusations. with a dossier on which the claims were based, later discredited as a source. while the latest study has known another major hole in the russia, k theory. finding that u. s. citizens were more interested in domestic news content on foreign sources who'd leave at the report also find no direct evidence that on the ledge, russian influence campaign impacted on people's political views here. so one of the
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studies authors out this, in my personal sense, coming out of this, is that this got way over hyped. and then we have this data to show we can't find any relationship between being exposed to these tweets and people's change in attitudes who are left speak to journalist on or 3rd, daniel ezra on this. hi, daniel. will this report change anything after years of allegations and slurries being hammered by mainstream life? it's does the truth of a chance of gaining traction? well, i suppose so, but it's going to gain traction years after the damage was done. i mean, for some of us, it was perfectly obvious that these ads were completely consequential. it was obvious at the time. i mean, facebook, the russian, the internet research agency, the russian firm, which the accused of trying to swing the election, purchased $45000.00 worth of facebook ads in the
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months leading up to the investigation. that is nothing. and most of those, as we're not even political in nature, we knew it was a big, big deal over nothing but the press would not be deterred. it was intent on mounting a ferocious anti russian campaign, and to that end it succeeded royally. but the result now is that we now have a war which that campaign help provoke, and that's not a good thing as far as i'm concerned. can i pick up one of those points? because beyond perhaps, engineering it to win an election, could all this be seen as an example of risk of phobia by the democrats, al, indeed others to promote the idea of russia. it's some kind of big danger to the u . s. oh yes, quite clearly, the democrats, engagingly, and the greatest display of russell for years since the since john mccarthy in the
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early fifties. i mean there was a step astonishing. there was no evidence. and in fact, the robert mueller report shows, there was no evidence to support collusion, but the democrats promoted it at every opportunity and they were backed up by the press and by the intelligence ations. so americans, for more than 2 years, were led to believe that collusion was a real thing that donald trump really was a russian puppet. and i'm not trying to defend trump by the way. i can't stand the guy, but the but trump did not need russian help in winning the 2006 election. he was able to do it the old fashioned way on political grounds by appealing to american voters. another aspect just to touch on elan must twitter file is expose the influence of the white house,
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how it exerted control over social media content. how that was allowed to happen. could we see something similar happened to 2 other tech giant a reckoning of it? well, i think there's no doubt that the white house of congress are both out to control social media. they both see social media is a threat. they believe that or should be heavily sensor and, and there's been not the changes that the slightest change in that regard. and papers like new york times the washington post. so i expect those that those pressures that continue, i expect the, the censorship effort to continue regardless of what studies like this ones. say, daniel, thanks for your time. always good to talk to journalist a. ne, done the lazar. thank you. ah, israel's new national security minister has given an order for palestinian flags
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hanging in public places to be taken done, claiming the glorify terrorism. it is inconceivable that law breakers will waive terror flags in sight and encourage terrorism. i have issued instructions for the removal of the flags which support terrorism from the public space into stop incitement against the state of israel. freedom of expression does not extend to identify with the terrorist and those who want to harm idea of soldiers. let's take a listen to what supporters of palestine had to say about the hard line is really ministers order. and he looked in the step in decision to remove palestinian flags from public places or to criminalize their display is not surprising from a fascist government. that is taking off in israeli society and somehow this governmental ition of everything that is palestinian and restrictions on us while he is coming with a clear approach to the world that he is against everything related to the palestinian identity in jerusalem and in all of palestine been here the thought,
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all of his good, this decision is the height of racism and israeli extremism, and contradicts all international laws in the world. first, it forbids raising the palestinian flag in the city of jerusalem. but the city of jerusalem is the capital of the palestinian state. also the city of jerusalem isn't occupied city according to you and resolution 42, which means that it is not recognized as the capital of israel. so this is against international laws. i would add to that that every citizen has the right to raise his flag wherever he is. the us flag is raised in jordan and it is raised in france in italy as well as the french flag. any frenchman raises it in any country he is in. there are no international laws that prevent a person for raising the flag of his country, which he cherishes lucy. additionally, israel has suspended a trouble pass for the palestinian foreign minister, which allowed him freedom of movement in the west by god came in response to palestine efforts to involve the united nations court of justice to moderate the
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decades long conflict assistant minister for multilateral affairs. in palestine a mar, had josie told archie that his people will continue to speak for their free unfortunately has never been held accountable for any of the violations of international law. including the violation of the you on charter and court norms of international law and the international human rights and human humanitarian law. and this is why it is free and has a free hand to apply all of these kinds of punitive measures against the international and again seeking justice at the international level or the senior people and their, their, their struggle to achieve the right to self determination or of course, forgetting that the origins of israel also started with the united nations by
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resolution 181, which is the only legal document that attested who that stablished middle of the state. so is there it is fighting also the, the body that created it in the 1st place. but the palestinian people do not intend to relent in their struggle to fight and to continue pushing forward and seeking the right to self determination, including at the international level whether it is it is struggle on the ground by continuing you know, the steadfastness on the ground or whether it is to resort to international mechanisms which we are entitled to. well, that's where we sign off for now. you've been watching the news. our on our t more programs are right ahead and stay close and i'll see you soon. goodbye.
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