tv News RT January 14, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST
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just dennis, how much is that going to put that on the billing system? a, what i see being used in the boss is no room. you motivation says diesel due to the gumbo sub awe of a 170 civilians have been evacuated from the town of solid dod in the den. yes, republic. that's as moscow confirms russian troops now controlled the city. our correspondent head some of the stories with the ukrainian armed forces used as human shields, life was unbearable. it was very scary. the ukrainian forces were shooting constantly. our house alone was shout 7 times escalade and sanctions of providing where principal only make it difficult to turn the situation around and even the provoke large scale confrontation without china's warning on the conflicts in
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ukraine. as beijing says that western actions are provoking a larger scale conflict from the region. also this our america last policies. that's how one states senator labels washington's decision to send ukrainian soldiers to oklahoma for training to use the patriot missile system with it's 2 pm on saturday. afternoon, here in the russian capital. my name is peter scott, and here's how the world is looking, as we head into that we can. thanks for joining us. we're start with the latest news on the war in ukraine, according to the mayor of keith. critical infrastructure has been hit in the countries capital. ukrainian media sources have also reports explosion in kirk of where the metro is now stopped working and passed. the city are without power moscow's yet to comments on any of those strikes me while over a 170 civilians have been evacuated from the town of solid dot in the dentist
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republic, which russian forces fully secured over the last 24 hours according to local officials, all of those evacuated among them, children and the elderly have been provided with food and shelter and are receiving medical aid. on friday, the russian defense minister confirmed moscow taking control of salvatore. a city viewed us to t. jake, as he could pay the weight to the nearby city of charl moscow. buck moods a key. regional transportation held ortiz, roman cortez, sent as an exclusive report from a refugee sensor, with people sharing what they had been through during fighting in the area. russian military group, or wagner, have evacuated at least 2 hundreds. i residents all far until most kanza us solids are. they arrived here short chores in temporary richey. he said they're now the stories they've sold me are absolutely horrifying for your money, but it rewarded the ukrainian armed forces used as human shields. life was unbearable because we haven't left our basements at all since last winter.
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ukrainian fighters settled next to us deck trenches in front of residential buildings. constantly asked questions about why we stayed at old us. so you're waiting. you're sending gordon as to the russians. luc. lads, if there is any shelling to day, where are they? lou, for example. we'll just throw a grenade at you because it will mean you gave us away. oh, just that it was very scary. the ukrainian forces were shooting constantly. i'll house alone was shout 7 times. it was completely destroyed when we left, but it was already been in down. this is my husband. he was shot by ukrainian for to right now, house for no reason. my husband shouted that he was a civilian, asked them, what are you doing? and the cronyn fight just ran away without providing any help. i can understand why they treat us like this. i really don't know. they couldn't live the basement for a month and a half. they just kept shooting at us. it was terrifying. what's the refugees arrive at these temporary sensors?
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they're getting a said that they receive the necessary clothing. and afterwards they're taken to the local police station where local officials are making sure that there aren't any ukrainian military among lisa refugees. following that procedure, they're all taken through other refugee centers. and as i understand, the majority of these people have expressed wishes to join their relatives in russia, from on call for a warranty. don't ask republic on russia's reiterated. it's pushed for a peaceful solution to the ukraine. conflicts, but warned that is prepared to continue military operations on this kid on his western allies agreed to negotiate on moscow's terms with our comes from the countries and boyds, the u. n. who was speaking the latest security council meeting with more details. his art is caleb martin. well, at the un security council hour, we heard different members of the un security council speak regarding the situation
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in ukraine. now we specifically heard 1st from the united states, they were the 1st permanent member of the un security council to speak. and when they spoke, they did what they've been doing for the past several years, unloaded a huge amount of unproven allegations against russia using russia all kinds of crimes. and then from there, they proceeded to call out iran and the democratic people's republic of korea for allegedly helping russia in ukraine. and from there we heard from other members of the un security council. now when china took to the floor of the security council, they pointed out that the ongoing situation where the western countries continue to poor loads of weapons and de kia and prolong the conflict is leading to a security crisis throughout the region. will ensure some view to escalate and sanction. so providing weapons full only make it difficult to turn the situation around and even the provoke, large scale confrontation thus exhaustive aiden and prolong. in the conflict which
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must be avoided at all costs. we also later heard from the russian ambassador ben z, it's up to the floor and he took the moments on the opportunity to really just kind of lay out the rack. it's ation of, of what's being said there. he pointed out that in reality, this is a conflict that's been going on for 8 years for 8 years, the shelling of civilians in don boss was taking place. we now know that the minsk agreement was not taken seriously by the western countries. it was simply seen as a way of buying time and idling weapons in the ukraine to prepare for provoking a of wider conflict on the russian ambassador took to the floor and simply called out what he was hearing lenses. the hon. group to was the meetings on ukraine convened by our former western partners are more like a hypocrisy fair. moreover, the hypocrisy of representatives of the collective west and the key of regime takes
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on bizarre forms here. for example, our ukranian neighbors, who recently were almost talking about preparing to attack moscow are now running around with the idea of a peace summit. it is clear that this is primarily an attempt to please the western public. we're asking increasingly uncomfortable questions about where all the money allocated to key of is going. tony pointed out that these, these calls for some kind of peace summit from the ukrainians, are not, not legitimate. they're not honest, they're not serious. they're not putting forward a serious proposal, could actually lead to an agreement and the conflict. they are simply, they are simply doing this theatrically, to answer a number of questions and responding to the growing amount of public disgust with the conflict happening. not just in the united states and other western countries. now it's important to note that the russian ambassador did mention that the next un security council meeting is scheduled for tuesday of the following week or next tuesday. there will be
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a meeting i am russia will be raising some very important issues. they're trying to point out many aspects of the ongoing conflict that western media and mainstream media has just chosen to obscure and ignore. and while russia pushes for negotiations, a state senator says that the u. s. government is putting america lust on his priority list with plans to train ukrainian soldiers to operate the patriot missile system. in oklahoma, i official said that the trading post a risk of starting last year's incidents of ukrainian rockets, london in poland, coming to civilians. the pentagon is planning on sending ukrainian troops to oklahoma to train on u. s. missile systems. the last thing we need is the misfiring a missile into oklahoma, killing our citizens, like they did to the innocent polish lives that were lost. some of the nathan dom has filed a resolution that would block federal officials from sending foreign troops to oklahoma, encouraging local authorities to do everything in their power to keep them off state land. the petition also hit outside washington's continued funding of king
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stress in the oklahoma should not continue to allow unaccountable spending corruption on potential money laundering. the resolution echo similar sentiments already expressed by some record republicans, multiple members of the u. s. congress have called for an audit of u. s. government funds allocated for a ukrainian november last year, a newly like to speak of the house. kevin mccarthy reportedly pledge to limit the future economic. i'm mich, 8. ukraine to secure a majority of votes. in these 15 attempts and international attorney klein, preston says having ukrainian troops on us soil could pose a risk for locals. we have no business been involved to this degree or at all frankly in, in ukraine and the cost to americans that civilians and american citizens could be great. or particularly if this conflict becomes a hot conflict between dom rush in the united states, you know, maybe sen dorms,
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resolution would have gotten more support to you just put in the resolution that oklahoma refuses to support nazi's. ah, you know this regime, these are battalion people the right sector in all the ban dera ah, hold over. so that are in ukraine today. you know. ironically our support for them is, is really of a disgrace. let's face ukraine is most corrupt regime in europe today, and it has been for long. there's no democracy there and they're looking for anyway because they're desperate in my view is very dangerous to have them on us soil training on in oklahoma. and i think senator nathan dom was correct in his very bold resolution that he proposed the earth
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will continue to modernize its military alliance with japan. well, that statement came from president biden, jeremy think with his japanese counterparts. the japanese appear visited washington in the last stop of his g 7 thought seeking to strengthen the alliance. busy middle legit challenges posed by china, north korea, and even russia. mutual concerns between the 2 countries prompted biden to support . so q decision to increase defense spending approved by japan's new security strategy. their critics to say this goes against the japanese situation earlier, both u. s. defense secretary unsexy of states said that washington's ready to commit to the full defense of japan by any means including nuclear weapons. and i want to reaffirm the united states iron quiet commitment to defend japan with the full range of capabilities, including nuclear and underscore that article 5 of the mutual security
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treaty applies to the sim cock, who islands. it is hard to overstate the importance of the u. s, japan alliance for more than 7 decades. it's been the cornerstone of peace and stability and you know, pacific ensuring the security, the liberty to prosperity of our people and people across the region. here, 60 of states claimed his country is a being a forceful piece in the region, seemingly forgetting washington's use of atomic bombs on the japanese cities of hiroshima and nagasaki. at the end of the 2nd world war was killed hundreds of thousands unmaking. many more. washington failed to apologize for the atrocities committed nearly 80 years ago. you're a earlier we spoke to the vice president of the center for china and globalization . v. it's a gal who says that we are in japan poses a danger to countries in the region, particularly when folk of nuclear weapons is involved. it will be completely wrong for the data state to try to re lease the potential aggressive
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things of japan, which will be a curse to many countries in the asian pacific region. i would urge secretary law in austin to be very cautious when he uses any word comes involving on nuclear weapons. it is absolutely wrong for a big country like the united states. talk about nuclear weapons, all using nuclear weapons against any country in the world. mankind does not need to have another nuclear attack. the united states use the nuclear bombs to bomb your shipment. in 1945 and they have lots of contamination about the u. s. decision to use nuclear weapons was the very end of the 2nd world war. the deception that self service foreign minister has described the agreement between belgrade on the self proclaimed republic of kosovo, while drawing parallels to the failed minsk colds between russia and ukraine. me
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and these more we were not enthusiastic about the brussels agreements, they were an act of good will. from belgrade. and after all that, we find ourselves in a deceptive situation. as the minsk agreements between ukraine in russia were broken by the e u almost 10 years ago. the brussels agreements aimed to normalize relations between belgrade and kosovo. a great has criticized the you repeatedly questioning whether these agreements are still in effect. similarly, the minsk accords mediated by germany aim to resolve tensions between moscow and here after the 2014 crisis. but as the former german chancellor method, they were actually designed to give here time to get stronger to 2014 minsk agreement was an attempt to give the crane time he crane. yes, this time to become stronger as you can see today, the ukraine of 20142015 is not the ukraine of to day on soviet concerns over the brussels agreements have increased amid repeated escalations of the conflicts
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with christina countries. decision to ban serbian license place that the resignation of 600 serbian police in kosovo back in november. then as december golden, we saw another wave of must process falling. the rest of us serving policeman and the suspicion of terrorism. and most recently to serbians won a child were shot on the eve of orthodox christmas by a so called albanian extremist majority me live now in the studio is up to 7 guys, professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade, and hopefully is gonna help us break down this situation. welcome up to 7. now 1st of all, what do you make of this statement by the serbian foreign minister? what do you think he means by call them a deception? well, he said what? basically, most of the serbian public thinks for a while now, it was obvious to me from the beginning that these bristles brussels agreements are only going to harm interests. not only of serbs in causal and that are here,
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but also of serbia as a state. because serbia was giving one after the other this the state let's say, ah, powers due to the breach dina government to which we call the interim institutions . because we're not recognizing it as a state obviously. ah, and the only, let's say concession that they have given to, together with the, you know, with the you are, was this community survey municipalities which was not implemented. and this community of everyone is about, is in the 1st place is not really a big deal. i am actually surprised why that didn't do it because if they have continued with that with that path, this would be a, a slow process of recognition by serbia. but now i think that train has passed, serbia will never recognize the session. and not only because the majority of vast majority of serbs, i don't don't want that because there are 6 churches against that,
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obviously because the seat of the pipe h. r is in counseling and are here in pitch. but also because the international circumstances have changed significantly. sure. and we're talking of international circumstances how appropriate to think it was of him to draw parallels between the bristles agreements and the minsk colds. do you think there are similarities? i think that similarities are obvious. not only that the, the time was similar, ah, but also that. so the e u was mediating both and that it failed to implement both every time behaving as an advocates of one side. ah, which really discredits the e u as a whole. e u has been discredited in internally as well. i mean, if it was such a nice club, why would great britain leave it in 2016? why wouldn't iceland join in the, in the 1st place on some other european countries that had the chance to and the
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it's been constantly presented as a sweet carrot for the nations of the so called western balkans. which is another colonial term by the way, invented by auster hungarian minister of foreign affairs yolanda as she in the 1000 century of some things that do repeat in history. so the fact is that the in the meantime the countries and the populations are really got tired of the process of joining the you. so they can't really thread serbia, especially not serbian population with anything. that is why i think that the serbian minister of foreign affairs has got the courage to say these things. and he won't get any kind of backlash from, from the site. because now because majority of serves are really wants the brussels agreements to be cancelled. and also this never ending on never and ending boston. the joining he used to to stop is yet to to point to lights. pick you up on that. i mean,
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to say the president is also obviously criticized the bustles agreements quite heavily or they did in the water. the west is trying to a, do some kind of resurrection of these, of these negotiations. so 1st we had this a so called friend germany shifted, which essentially was an attempt to persuade serbia to recognize the succession of gorsline without here in return for joining the e u. whereas the serbs are saying, okay, but they are already written agreements and that's only the brussels agreement. we're talking about the resolution of un $1244.00 according to which serbian police and army should come back to the province. and many, many other agreements that were international recognize, were not implemented. who is guaranteeing that this would have been a bad deal to begin with. but even if serbia is to accept that, who is going to guarantee that this would be implemented. then recently there was
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another person from the state department, derek. so lacking visits in belgrade, and he tried to to repeat these things, but i think they're there to little to late. huh. for this kind of initiative. but i must say that there are no nuances between the countries of the west. as i've said in the past, i'm not sure whether this is a good cop bad cop a game or whether these countries actually have a genuinely different approaches. because great britain, for instance, is taking 7. i mean, this is symbolically a 7 i'll coastal manian soldiers and course so he's not supposed to have an army according to the agreements to resolution $44.00. and they're, they're taking them to the falkland lumala in islands and, and at the same time the americans are trying to play a softer game with the serbs. so whether it is, i guess the,
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that the roles are probably already pre determined that they are in generally, it generally speaking, leading the same policies. however, the styles are nuanced where britain is the re, leads of super phobic at the moment and not at the moment that say for last 200 years and her. where do united states is trying to, to, to balance or, or at least to pretend to be friendly to was certain. what do you think that you could have done differently throughout this period? since these are these brussels agreements were signed in order to ensure lost in peace. well, i'm not really sure because 1st of all, as we've seen in the last year, the e u and it's most powerful member state germany turned out to be a paper tiger with, with no independent foreign policy. i mean, germany is constantly being bullied by bipolar and even by ukraine, by london in washington. ah, and even within his government,
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say you have people who are saying that the interests of other countries are dearest, their hearts that you know, germany doesn't even have probably a right to have a foreign policy. so i, was there ever an independent the ear european or you policy towards the bulk of the i'm really doubting it now because i think that that the 2022 really crystalized some are relations. and it seems to me that germany is the most powerful, a state is behaving more as a, as an app atlantis is. let's say a colony and with foreign troops or by the way on its soil. so ramstein brit base of exactly, exactly, and her and i think with, with angela merkel did and alons, i think this is a little trickery by them. so on one side they're saying, oh, this was a, this was a great mover. and we have a deceptive de russians, and now ukraine is more capable of fighting. but at the same time what they are
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saying is, ah, they're sending an alibi to russians to serbs as well. because now our officials have the right to say these things because it hit ok. it is all on who said that that the means car cords were our trickery. it is myrtle who said the same thing. so it also applies for the brussels agreement, judging by the results of the undermines the trust ones. exactly. it undermines the trust and, and i think therefore that that angle america did this purposefully since, after our, her and, you know, for fall or author of utter for leaving about politics. ah, it is obvious that germany is not as powerful as it was in the you, france was trying to replace it with the, with present micron. but i also think that, that the escalation of war, it 2022 really unmasked this wizard of oz, showing that, that behind this, the glamorous image of,
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of power. there is really an old impotence or access to it. and that is why i think, i think j things will change in europe as well. we see a new division where, where washington is trying to, i will say, ah, re occupy, in a sense of even militarily, with deploying troops, reoccupied both eastern and western europe for and their allies. unfortunately, are the so called countries of the new europe as the donald rumsfeld once sad. so, so, and so, you know, from baltic student to the black sea, the countries of nato. and now i think in this environment it will be only more a things will be only only more obvious. and i think this is the unique chance of serbia to be honest to be a truly neutral state. because serbia did not apply sanctions into words.
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russia, at the same time, it is not trying to be hostile to words, that was the west that he's supposed to be called, hostile to it. it has good relations with the, the, a countries of middle east of the same time, even with for, with both iran in israel and saudi arabia, amyris on and also with, with russia and china, which makes it really unique. and i think that serbia should only resist as long as it can, and i think it can resist. are these pressures and better times are had with us very optimistic. i thought the but talking of times ahead, nate. so has announced the plans to at least evolve costs or in some drills, maybe 2023. i can't imagine that's going to go down to well, buffy. but of course not. i mean, but at the same time, i'd say people are, you know, having to a little bitter laugh when they see this because again, after
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a 70 something years you have most of the, most of the nations of continental europe, a fighting in a, in a coalition last time it was under hitler before that it was underneath napoleon fighting against russia. and again, i think many, many serves are very proud that neither serves nor serve as a state is involved. because in the future, history will tell us a story which really defers. i'd say from the headlines of the western press and of the, of the main broadcasts a so, well, even though you've shown that does the symbol of nato here actually resemble, resembles a symbol from the past under which are russia was a fact. so i think that that, that is why i say this is the, the, you know, better times are a, had serbia is not involved in this. serbia is really a neutral country. one of the rare capitals from which there are direct flights to, to moscow at the same time,
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we have different lights to all of other western countries. ah, i do believe that that's why that's why as the end of up of like let's say the the war which, which will come and why we or the other in the new architecture of europe. serbia will be an important a player. and of course, also a mentor here, we'll have to be according to that international law, a part of serbia that is more than obvious and even to demographically say, trends are showing that the serbia is the only non failed state, basically in the circle west, malcolm. so that, that's why i have this, as you said, optimistic and just to touch on something you previously did in one of your answers . still on you, you see that service feature will be, be outside of the e, obviously said, was refuse to condemn brochure over the war in ukraine. it's heavily criticized the
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brussels agreements. it's very much maintained and independence of foreign policy. the last time i checked, i think the prediction was for 2024 or something. the efficiency vote 2035, but usually 5 or then they moved it to $35.00. so, i mean, ok, god knows what will happen with the, you know, in that period if, if it will only formally a still still remain existing or maybe that it transforms that within itself. um president micron mentioned several times that there should be if, if i'm correct to europe in several years or something like that. i remember when you was lobby, it was falling apart. before it fell apart. this assessment secessionist in slovenia and croatia were saying that, oh, we should stay in some kind of a confederacy and with different gears and when i, when i've heard the same rhetoric from the, you know, i really smiled because it remind me of, of what happened to you was like, i don't think, i think that the heyday of you is, is longer
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a boss. i think that probably 2008 is the, is the year of the breakdown because eel was possible. as long as there was economic prosperity once that was challenged, ah, the whole union as sad to shall because there is no european nation. you have so many languages. so many territories are so many identities, so many peoples that were fighting in the past and my fight again, i guess each other in the future, you never know because history never really ends. and since the only concern is the only spot, let's say of consensus was economic prosperity that is out of dabble. and of course i think that the e u. r is is a thing of the past. well, dr. steven guides professor at the institute of european studies in belgrade. thanks very much, that in depth discussion and your time today was a pleasure talking program. thank you. well, that's all for now. do be short checkouts r t dot com for the latest breaking news and updates on in the meantime. we'll see
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