tv Documentary RT January 16, 2023 12:30am-1:01am EST
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the parents or the children were setting one of those or so they were packed late in the evening. and monday we stepped by a group of friends that were here, knowing that they are served in there in this hotel. and they said that we should be waiting for you. the parents were of course, shocked. the time that were wounded. the children were terrified in this beautiful opportunity for children from all around the region to join together and to share laps and enjoy. it was unfortunately missed and abused by this terrible event nostromo system listed this aside from all that happens before the police came, one officer said something really disgusting to me. it was a provocation. he got up close to my face and said, what do you want? pardon my language, but it was really like that. i didn't expect the police to react like that. his
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coworker on the other hand, came up and reassured me with a hug. my kids were standing next to me and he said, come down, we will protect you and we're here now my situations like this, people really need to show their humanity above all else. rather, one more happened on the field because one of the children of teams from creation was recorded the saying the children in the page seeing and jumping, a song, kill, kill, kill serves. and this incident was just one of the many that happened last night. and the mayor of been in a cottage need to basically know who her tweets after the event. because 1st of all, she did that for several hours. and then afterwards she to me to the body about in candidate to say for one. and from there it was about she did mention service at
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all. so some of the, from the side will not show the full context in mind when reading confused, because she said she said her 1st week that i guess you are better than then in the next week, she said that people from beverly wrote that so no indication of mentioning that it will serve in children and serbia, paris. that's what they're in the world that exactly because they are serves as the julio themselves so that they hear about them only for that reason. and because of the so called propagation, although no soviet flags were brought there on the flag on the tv on teams that was playing. and that's a rob on the hours latest headlines from around the globe coming up next. is archie exclusive interview with the error tray and ambassador who shares his thoughts on the future of africa's development the continents relationship with russia and more . thanks for tuning n, we'll see a back next our ah,
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russia built in up corporation with several african countries across the continent . now do african countries of welcome these developing relations? i think so. i think he is because to hear it from many african ambassadors here. here the, the, our company of the russia is wilco. though, of course, it's coming a bit late than the other big power. russia has been accused of neo colonialism and of seeking to expand its influence there. do you think that is the case, and if not, what is perhaps who stands to benefit from driving a wedge between russia and africa. the 1st, presley's, r cusick, who his accuser rush, ah, is really amazing. those countries walk years rational who might accuse russia are
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the ones who have been there for long and as near colonists and connie analysis, i think they are afraid of russia competing with them now in africa. that india except that the approach or special should differ very much from the upper down approach. what is their approach like law is so far for the last 50 years or even one. previously, it was colonial, and up afterwards he thought it was it neo colonial. i didn't see the difference and africa for the last 50 years. he and i didn't get anything from them. it's raymond, nor it was 50 years ago. i remember read, you know, i don't know where exactly that it's in, in the sixty's to african countries, the sudan and gunner though are on the same level as south korea
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that day. so where are they now? is to african countries and what is korean know? why? because they invested intensively in south korea. what is they didn't do that in africa. why do you think i didn't do that in africa? i don't know willoughby for this. is better that africa remains only to so. so for rural material, what do you think they're so afraid of with africa becoming stronger, for example, by them investing more africa becoming stronger of goals and it'll be less dependence on them miss if off cold devil. so why do you think we're still seeing the issue of neil colonialism, so prevalent and africa? no one thing is, you don't, we don't have to blame the colonial powers only. well to blame. also,
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the african countries digits right in the last 50 years to get rid of them. not, no, not many of them. they're not, i mean, especially the leader, but africa is now awakening. and there will be a new africa so that they are free now to threads where they want. that's why russia could be welcome. rochelle was china. i see in the us areas where we can cooperate with russia. beach in the security sector, threat sector, economic sector, and defense sector. or for that matter also in other areas. everything is open. it's only that potentially editor has the biggest, may be one of the biggest potash or 13. i just thought he said to the about 3 days ago, i think an agreement was richard was sign it with china for the exploitation of it
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and it will be operational in the next to the corporation with our shock would be very important in the agricultural sector also, with and their transfer of low. how in the transfer of for asian, the productivity. you've mentioned china twice so far already and china, of course it is the most important partner for every trail from what i understand could russia competes in that aspect, or maybe that's not even competition. there's not a thing in this area and it's just western rhetoric. what would you say? why not nearly 3 hours is enough to do for this both countries if they try to invest or oil and the competition is not, i think even among friends, there is competition. many contradicts even members of the european union j computer among some sort of so so for to win more markets in other countries. so i
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north or ser ashley, china computer discipline, but it doesn't mean that the that is low enough for all 4 to all. let's talk about the united nations. moving on to the crisis with the ukraine. we saw that every trail was one of the countries that did not vote against russia at the un. what were you guided by when making that decision? and were you not perhaps fearful of the sanctions that could come in and imposed as a means of punishment for not floating against russia. a small country like every 3 or is under the assumption is for so many years, no help from them? no, not in. so there is nothing to rule from this and what that to have done except to gain at this hour. we have kept our principal who are not please it will. all the manipulation is done as a nice finishes,
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the establish thunder, blame and the others for the same thing. for the same thing, while it on the 1st for the other wants to blame the war, they have no right to blame. others called the ard was, they are doing in other countries as seen, has been done. even dish was, it hasn't to be raised in that or so any threats against this double standards sanctions that are imposed aren't having the fact that western countries would like . so why do you think they continue with this policy of enforcing sanctions that we then see don't have their desired effect? thus one point i don't understand myself. so because as i know they are suffering also from the sanction themselves, the final analysis functions don't work better, especially when they retire. there is a small country which has no we don't contribute more to the world economic water,
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sanchez on us. well, money g for the last 20 years because we don't the exports that well, the import and the market is there or so he wants is that they don't sell as there are other markets or so i just rush hour or so, no doubt imposed sanctions or rush about there are other markets also, they didn't expect that we can. i mean the, the resume will out leave the city sanctions or into city we. this is the resume would fall. they say what it happened is i was rusted. more than they expected and doing how overcome manual, just anxious. how did you manage to do that? so are people were they saw that there was, nobody tells them they did. they depended on zone service and this principle of
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work, and i'm to love the contribution of the desk. what are the contribution of the people are resisting this sanction us and the outside pressure is speaking my country. so we'll have the will of this tradition of resistance resisting outside pressure. we've also seen how the, why sort of cherry pick. so what see, show about what's happening around the world. for example, when we saw the crisis in ukraine unfold, at the same time, there was a crisis happening in neighboring ethiopia, which was totally ignored. and it was on a scale much larger than what was, what was he happening in ukraine? why do you think that is, why are they ignore in issues and countries like yoga but not in the countries like ukraine. but the, i think maybe they didn't completely ignore it because they were demonizing due to a p,
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our region they were supplying and help in the re both. there i'm in the province. there are no more eyes in my country or so 40 that it was committing crime. he seemed all these things until now with us. they never stopped . they won't eisen my, our president and our country, they did completely recognize it may be, it was, it wasn't as widely spoken of us that of the ukraine because he knew credit the, are deeply war with saw. why do they want to, dina, lies your country. because, you know, this is a problem with the african countries also, or they do even now they will face problems. those will try to go their own way. we have been or pause, is this dick tact of the us for the last, you know, since we started fighting we want to walk on way. so they don't like that. that is
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our main seed. any country who wants to walk his own way is not allowed to do so. in africa. they have to show you the way this is the right way to walk. so that's all our only seen. only will continue to our own way because those who are going the way they were told to go there still there, they're still there were they didn't move an age from where they were some examples . bennett mooney, africa of ad itself. because so we have learned from north, also africa awakening. now, why do you have said that already that africa is awakening? now, what do you attribute that to wise, that awakening, now the new generation is different from that of the older generation.
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it could be that and her inside parisha there use while looking forward. while lewis looking for better for jobs, i mean, looking for better standards of living and dedication or opportunities, they are not finding in there. so they are trying to analyze what you saw. saw maybe they come to a conclusion. it's because of this know coronel policies of some countries. what is the regional situation like right now also with neighboring, if he lps the situation with i think it's now established stability and will help you to continue to stabilize. so of course you can say
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definitely that piece is a huge because it depends on many sir, not factors. also, there are those powers who don't hold on to like to see peace in that areas. but we hope there will be compelled also, or maybe they will recognize that piece is neosha sadie in that area also who is the day i'm in the west, mostly the west and those countries while it is a west which is supporting their decry regime and who is the more eyes in us who is intervening in that area. and he said the failed. how did they fail? because the river there was supporting down now completely defeated. they came to sign a piece of the man to this european government and out
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there given their weapons, buck to the federal government. they couldn't fight, they were totally defeat all the support they were getting from the outside world was, i mean know from many they nice. it said it's a life does every traveling outside support? i'm in the right thing to that. a writer was in africa to use now when we approach africa, i mean countries for want to do business with africa, the up, the she down approach should be, i mean, there should are worried this word is like help in the store. the help partnership, this ward is very important now in the country. we will help you or aid and help bid this the, the things are not that we want to make partnership with the partner to this war.
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duke would make a change in africa. so the approach, that's why the chinese are now in all the countries of africa they are approached is different from that of the ex colonial bars. and there are, shall, could do the same. also, it was treat them as partners and it sucks. you awesome. so basically, lots to portray african countries like that things constantly need of how much you need of the day whenever there are these organizations, non government organizations, when they collect the money in the name of areese car. yeah. i mean, the children, the hungry children are all africans, africa, and their name of africa. this is of how they portrayed of ego. so the opera should be different. for any candidates succeed, i mean arbitrage, i china, or maybe india is now or so operation or turkeys or shop were ocean africa. you've
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mentioned that western countries are losing their influence in africa right now. what are african new preferred alliance? i think africa's would to deal with all the countries in the world. they don't want to be treated to deal with those countries. for don. i accept them as they are equals so they will deal with those countries will deal with them as they are in course he will treat them as the course. china is one of them jaya and i had one of jump over. what are the countries or treats one at rush hour? so russia, i hear here also the policies also that is a policy or so to treat them or new court attorney saw so with africa to create
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partnership, not this quote called neo colonial mentality. so you don't see a russia as have a neil colonialist notes in its attitude towards eritrea and my understanding are correct later. i hope so. because rush, ours into colonial power or song and garage are most russia. exactly. but when we speak to the soviet union, also for the, the people of your car is a service in russia. so there is this memory of this year helping which we used to help the liberation movements and saw it as good use good name. also, it could make use of a nation rush. i lost a new coronel part colonial power, so it hasn't what it didn't. i recall only enough he caught this
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or no arrows as far as i know i, eritrea has still has a soviet military base. that's as not no longer working and there are no plans to restore it. but is there a possibility of a military corporation with a retro, you mentioned before, security defense in what way could eritrea russia corporate in terms of the military? you know, the fact that there was a military base in, in the islands of dialogue. it wasn't our, it wasn't our choice. atria has nothing to do with us. it was under occupation. so it was a military resume which was getting help from the soviet union. which gave the so it and it was used against us also against us.
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and there was another bass or seen us more communication barriers, of which the emperor gave to the united states to the united states. it was there until they went off sport next was put next a period. so they had to to leave it. i'm in the military regime told us to leave or so. so it wasn't our choice. and the policy does foreign policy of a threat is not to have for a vase on its soil, but military corporation, amazing cooperation will be there. i'm sure all the equipment that we have is either either soviet made or russia made before independence. when we are fighting doesn't continue chosen supplying us. but we were to capture lots of weapons is in as far as tanks afterwards. so who
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are used to soviet weapons we were using and there is this culture of use. you saw it. and after that, we bought, i mean after independence or so we bought several i, when we were fighting you do talk of our or so we both, some pilot lyman airplanes were place i'm in mics, megs and seuss. and other defense ah weapons from here. so this cooperation has been going on for the last 20 years. there were rush and experts come in theory throughout. just to to teach you are, are people there. so it will continue, you know, maybe even in a, on a bigger scale may be a whitening sale may be on
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a bigger scale law because of the situation. now we'll have to build out our system, our defense system, to have a stronger defense system may be saw on that or. and now, because we are free to buy, there are no santas rush hour so sanctioned as because the united nation is russia as a big power called wiley. it also the resolutions of the with so it was difficult for us even when we're fighting with europe to buy arms from here it was difficult. i shall be at a loss what now the sanctions has been lifted here. so we will buy all deck mints for day money in for game folders or demarion force or defense systems. so that's why i say maybe on a bigger scale or so. is that something that's already planned?
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i have you had the conversations about acquiring more? just your discussion as a new way, because to have the, the latest or the best weapons you see the motto provided throughout the money or there were em, i think russia will sell us anything that we'd like to have. in general, we're seeing this tendency of africa, african countries becoming more dominance in the world wide arena. do you think, is there a chance of africa becoming a dominant force in the next few years? perhaps a couple of decades? is that a reality is a possible, maybe not the dominant force. wow and say that, but africa without a bigger voice, bigger influence in the future. because even 5th to 4th countries,
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march 5th for members of the united nations are from africa. so not understood that also is noted earlier, africa is also there were often or to foster it economically m. so maybe it will use this leverage also for hub in a bigger say in though in though the notes in the shins or in the old alger as a whole, as they are now, sir. as africa develops faster and faster that perhaps the west will try and put a pause to that or to stop at as we've seen happen in history. in the past with other countries. it's natural because any, any growth enough he got his there. bless, dependence on those countries saw though they would like to have
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bigger influence addiction so that africa depend on them. africa should remain a market for them as what they were there. they would like to see what things don't go that way. they have the, it's natural gas of the car will develop. so having to prevent that from happening again. how can you prevent that so that africa continues its growth and stays there without outside interference manipulation? i think my strength then in the african union it's very difficult so, so because they will do our best also to have a bigger to, to influence africa. africa will also try to not to be in. so dependent on them instead of, for example, let's say, instead of export to ro, martinos, africa could start exporting semi finished products. then afterwards,
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so, so finished products, why only a raw material for all materials you don't get anything from that. so that way africa could move to sell for dependency. self sufficiency on said sir, how long do you think i could take to self sufficiency? roy, there is always good. it could take a shorter time. i see now many countries as i mentioned it in south quarter in tech at law and also in china. china is now indian orders power. now economic power proof will always reform as soon as it is reform, as you did now is where it is good. you can predict but by walk in hard by work,
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i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk with we are urban fighters, so it's no use trying to compete with us here. i think i result was destined to succeed. the wagner military group cares exclusive footage with our team from the key town of sola, dark, which has been taken under the control of russian forces. china reiterates that vision for a multi polar world as beijing newly appointed ford minutes for complete, says multi leg african for over 10 years after the arab spring was carried on by the west. tunisia is still picking up the pieces after it's fight for democracy in this i'm.
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