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tv   Interview  RT  January 16, 2023 8:30am-8:45am EST

8:30 am
really, our company, after scott easy russia is welcome. though of course, it's coming a bit late than the other big powers. russia has been accused of neil colonialism and of seeking to expand its influence there. do you think that is the case and if not, what is perhaps who stands to benefit from driving a wedge between russia and africa. and the 1st place was accused who is accused in russia. is really amazing. those countries walk years, russia who might accuse russia are the ones who have been there for long and as new york or analysis and quote analysis. i think they are afraid of russia competing with them. no, nothing. da, da, da, da. the approach of russia should differ very much from the upper down approach. what is their approach like law is so far for dollars 50 years
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or even one? previously, it was colonial, and up afterwards it wasn't neo colonial. i didn't see the difference and africa for the last 50 years in a didn't get anything from them. it's raymond lloyd, it was 50 years ago. i remember read, you know, i don't know where it was. al, keep that it in, in the sixty's to african countries, the salon and ghana there were on the same level a south korea that day. so where are they know these 2 african countries an oil is korea know why? because they invested intensively in south korea. what is they didn't do that in
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africa? why do you think i didn't do that in africa? i don't know will be for this is data that africa remains only to so so for rural material, what do you think they're so afraid of with africa becoming stronger, for example, by them investing more africa becoming stronger of goals and it'll be less dependence on them miss if off we go and the will. so why do you think we're still seeing the issue of neil colonialism. so prevalence and africa? no one thing is, you don't, we don't have to blame the colonial power scholarly. well to blame. also the african countries, did they try in the last 50 years to get rid of them? not no, not many of them. they're not, i mean, especially the leader. but africa is now awakening. and there will be a new africa so that they are free now to threads with woven they
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want. that's why russia could be welcome, russia, or china. i seen it our last areas where we can cooperate with russia. beach in the security sector, threat sector, economic sector, and defense sector. or for that matter also in other areas to refuse open. it's only that potentially, any threat has the biggest, may be one of the biggest potash or 30 i just felt he said to be about 3 days ago. i think and other the much was richard was cited with china for the exploitation of it. and it will be operational in the next to the cooperation with russia could be very important in the agricultural sector also with in their transfer of law. how in the transfer of for origin, the productivity,
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you've mentioned china. that's why so far already. and china, of course it is the most important partner for every trail from what i understand could russia competes in that aspect? or maybe that's not even competition. there's not a thing in this area and it's just western rhetoric. what would you say? why not nearly 3 hours is enough to do for this both countries if they try to invest or, or the competition is not, i think even among friends, there is competition. many countries, even members of the european union j computer among some sort of so. so for to win more markets in other countries. so i, north or so russia, china, computer discipline, but it doesn't mean that the that is low enough for all 4 to all. let's talk about the united nations. moving on to the crisis with the ukraine. we saw that every trail was one of the countries that did not vote against russia at the un. what
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were you guided by when making that decision? and were you not perhaps fearful of the sanctions that could come in and imposed as a means of punishment for not floating against russia, a small country like every 3 or is under sanctions for so many years? no help from them? no, not here. so there is nothing to look for on this and what that to have done accept the gate at this hour, we have kept our principal who are not please it will. all the manipulation is done . alina finishes, the establish thunder, blame and the others for the same thing, for the same thing, while it, on the 1st, for the other, wants to blame with the outdoor war, they have no right to blame. others, could they are what they are doing. in other countries i've seen has been done.
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even dish was, it hasn't been raised in that or so any threats against dis, double standards sanctions that are imposed aren't having the fact that western countries would like. so why do you think they continue with this policy of enforcing sanctions that we then see don't have their desired effect? thus one point i don't understand myself. so because as i know they are suffering also from the centuries themselves, the final analysis sanctions don't work. beat it i especially with the retail, there is a small country which has no we don't contribute more to the world economic water. sanchez on us. well, money genius for the last 20 years because we don't the exports well, the import and the market is there or so he wants is that they don't sell as there
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are other markets or so i just rush hour or so no doubt imposed sanctions on russia about there are other markets or so they didn't expect that we can i mean, the, the resume will ousley this sanction spirit or into the city we leased this or is you would for they say, what has happened? does it, i was rusted more than they expected. and do you how overcome manual? just anxious. how did you manage to do that? so our people were, they saw that there was, nobody tells them they did. they depended on themselves. and this principle was working. i'm to love the contribution of the data. what are the contribution of the people are in a resistant dis, sanctions and the outside pressure is leaking my country. so we'll have the will of this tradition of resistance resisting outside pressure. we've also seen
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how the, why sort of cherry pick, so what see, show about what's happening around the world. for example, when we saw the crisis in ukraine unfold, at the same time, there was a crisis happening in neighboring ethiopia, which was totally ignored. and it was on a scale much larger than what was, what was happening in ukraine. why do you think that is? why are they ignore in issues and countries like yoga but not in the countries like ukraine. but the, i think maybe they didn't completely ignore it. because they were, they want to in due to a p, our region they were supplying and help in the re both there i'm in the province, there are more i did my country or so 40 that it was committing crime. he sinned all these things until now, with us, they never stopped. they won't eisen my, our praise yet,
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and our country. they didn't completed it a colonizer, maybe it was, it wasn't as widely spoken of as that of the ukraine, because here in ukraine, the are deeply war with saw. why do they want to, dina, lies your country. because you know, this is the problem with the african countries also, or they do even now they will face problems. those will try to go their own way. we have been all point is this dick tact of the us for the last just a discussion. what i can't say, hold on just to take a year . it was not allowed to challenge the west. ukraine is winning narrative is
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beginning to change. a military man will always trump the most sophisticated in well funded propaganda. wasting another $100000000000.00 will not change in only one. main thing is important for naziism, internationally speaking, that is, that nations allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nation. so all the slaves, americans, brock obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves the american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this dangerous go. you man, that wants to take over the world. that was a contract strategy. so some golf out of it on your own, i not leashed it. often zip on in tablet block. nato said it's
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ours. we moved east. the reason us had gemini, is so dangerous, is it? the law is the sovereignty of all the countries. the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nature, what is bad shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions and millions or is business and business is good and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion. oh, when i was shown thing wrong, when i just don't move to shape out this day because the advocate and engagement equals the trail
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when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground and the joggers archipelago. homer that goes to san diego garcia, the largest island in the archipelago, is now the location of a very large u. s. military base. you get government div i to the u. s. government to make a military base and just deported or douglas and people from their country. so they called returned back on the island. no, never, but we are fighting. that's why i'm real fighting for the right. so i, we do not consider that the right to self determination actually applies to the trickle. since i don't the question know, self determination of legal advice we have received is actually the chic options.
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we're not and all not a people for me, it's done to move on and see what we can do for the publisher committee to return back home. there is no support from the aggravation. high commission african united nish, i don't care about checklist. and people in 1884, the german empire began its colonial invasion into namibia. from the very start, berlin encouraged the white colonists to settle in south west africa and take away the best land from the local drives. the germans were actively draining natural resources and using the local population as a cheap labor source. this was causing major protests and led to a rebellion. in 19 o 4, the hero and nama tribes rebelled against german colonial rule. kaiser wilhelm,
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the 2nd was fully determined in order to suppress the rebellion with the utmost severity against the inhabitants of namibia. germany through is 15000 well equipped army, all around the country concentration camps were built. in humane medical experiments over citizens were conducted within the period of 4 years. the germans killed up to 60000 people, among which there were 80 percent of the hero tribe, and 50 percent of the nama tribe. the events in south west africa are called the 1st genocide of the 20th century, and not without reason are compared to the holocaust just 2 decades later after the massacre in nam may be a hitler's assault unit put on the same brown colonial uniform which push the world into the chasm of the 2nd world war
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ah, the criminal rejects accusations that is responsible for miss australia, on a residential building near patrols. that's off the zalinski advise of blame, then the explosion on ukraine's own defense. meanwhile, officials say that the shutting has left at least 2 dead and 4 injured and done. yes. are the victims may still be troublesome. little also this our trying to reiterate its vision for multi polar world basing. newly appointed foreign minister complete it multi like african thought and india hits a story, import speak of 1000000.


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