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tv   News  RT  January 17, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST

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and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fascist with that is the last stronghold or the last handhold gradient followed out just outside the city wagner. true. so troops have made significant progress towards the end of the visit. the town of some of the reason being taken under control by wagner and russian fault is headed to the operator again. in truth, let me pay book to tarnish amazing plan. the usaa, i'm to pan often then statement on try to use danger to regional and international security from that i thought of it is playing a gradient output displaying in
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a display being on vaccinated arctic flow. the old one to go to the surrounding of it. and the 50 women are abducted overnight in a country continues to practical violent insurgency. we hey, we hear from some local people. yeah, sure. they have good enough people before, but 50 people is too much dishes. are much controlled res javier with hello and welcome to international will kind of thing ally from the russian capital . i'm right mommy and as always it's great to have you with us. let's take a look at today's top service. for forces have completely taken control over the key town of solar. much been announced by the don s republics, forces. taking solar dog could pave the way into a possible major advanced in the area. autism or,
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and gusio got exclusive access just from a dog, accompanied by the wagner soldiers a wanting to view as you may find some of the following images disturbing. ah, this is solid, done. the city fell in just 2 weeks, or rather, was taken by the wagner, private military corp musicians as they are known. mm .
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with waterloo, had your wounded. this assault was lively city fightin is wagner, speciality we have no equals. despite be the resistance. we took the city quickly, you quinn and nationalist held onto every building every street. but they yielded, they ran and surrendered. testament to his words of the open air moves that have appeared and solider in every district packed with ukrainian dead in their hundreds upon hundreds ukrainian soldiers. those killed in solid are left behind by the ukrainian military as it's retreated.
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102-030-4050. see, it goes on and on. this is something of an, of an airy suss. one of these soldiers are their corpses locked rigid in the position that they, they were in when they were killed. obviously you can see the details, but some of them are missing limbs, others with bullet wounds, shrapnel wounds. it is difficult gathering the more at this time because as you can hear because of the continuing fighting, it doesn't end. the orchestra is relentless. they allow the enemy no rest with the quote. this was once a school which they turned in the fortifications from here. they felt badly or
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tried to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in chief said in all weather the ensemble attacks and attacks that is my number 7 over there. in the distance above the kilometer and a half. that is the last stronghold are all the last handhold. your gradient um solid are just outside the city itself. otherwise you credit into have been forced back into the hills beyond solid up right now. an assault is on the way from what we understand over the past 24 hours are wigner troops so full of made significant progress towards the mine. the complex itself is, is all but surrounded. as i say, at this moment,
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an assault is underway with endless artillery support. what's more, we've learned that the orchestra have taken hundreds of enemy troops, prisoner or not all of them ukrainian or watching noble and i only got. there were a great many foreign mercenaries, as well as foreign weaponry affordable all of it was seized and sent to be checked for damage. on the whole, the cities called amanda and sometimes he crane artillery will fire at us. you can hear the explosions on the whole is calm, we are ready for more action. on the die is neither their 1st nor final triumph. why now has proved itself time and time again. it is a machine of war spawned in violence, tempered by battle whetted by blood more at gashodi of r t solider. ah, the chinese pharmacy 1st person has accused washington and tokyo for train china
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and negatively and interfering in the countries domestic policy. this days after the release of the us, japan joint statement with countries being beijing for destabilizing the situation in the east china sea and asia as a whole. the ugly playbook jointly used by japan and the u. s. to town is china's image, interfere in china's internal affairs and suppressed china's development is packed with danger and hypocrisy. the u. s. japan joint statement contains manipulated a misleading narratives aimed at justifying military build up by propagating and hyping up the so called nuclear threat from china. we firmly reject this am have made serious de marsh's eyes official also made note of japan's plan to strengthen his military presence in the region and regarding the us added that washington is constantly ignoring international law st. quote,
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any existing rule that stands in the way of us interest will be ignored, replaced or even thrown out of the window. this is china's rhetoric tools. us pause. he grows increasingly stern with beijing warning washington against meddling in the countries border dispute with neighboring india. the chinese side is firmly opposed tracks where a 3rd country points a finger at a bilateral issue between 2 other countries due to geopolitical considerations. the border question is a matter between china and india. the 2 sites have the woollen capability of resolving the question through dialogue and consultation. spacings reviewed came also the u. s. assistant secretary of state, criticized china. cooling is actions at the border within the aggressive. washington has reiterated is support for new delhi, which it concerns and key ally, encountering chinese influence. india and china share the longest disputed border
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in the world, but they have managed to hold back for large scale conf. confrontations for 50 years, the lowest border dispute started or starts in the west himalayas and ends in the east of our new child pradesh. tension fled again last year in the town, one region in eastern india, when a number of soldiers were injured in crashes between the 2 militaries. both countries say they are attempting to find a diplomatic solution and seeking to de escalate the disputes. we discussed the issue with vice chairman of the shanghai center for rem pack and international studies. nelson wong, who says the us should stop interfering in other countries affairs. it's a typical example of the us not trying to keep peace for, for another region which is asia a by pointing fingers at china and declaring that bigness smoke support india.
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this is absolutely trying to provoke china, actually. and it's, it's not helping at all this. it's not helping to build peace, it's a bolder dispute between china and india and it didn't happen last night. it has been there for quite some time and both countries. i've been having a dialogue and communications quite frequently and the recent ers speak a speech by the indian or military chief commanding officer of all already said that the disputes are bon large under control. and so it means that the both sides are talking quite actively as a responsible country, or like the u. s. as they claim themselves to be. they should stay away from these and trying to encourage both parties to, to talk and solve the issue peacefully, which is actually exactly what india and china are doing. meanwhile,
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the gruesome president seems to be tired of what he calls u. s. attempts to dictate his country's policies, saying nato aid, flea crane is an instrument for conducting a proxy war. washington, ferguson, washington and the chair of asian, the proxy war against russia with the help of ukraine. the plan cannot be the removal of russian president. william had pudding nor sanctions there absurd and we will not achieve anything with them. they simply go from war to war. what is their plan, and what should i be? a slave for america? european officials had been running around here, cheering about the relatively warm weather and acting like it's an ally. an actor deliberately siding with the you against russian president vladimir putin and russia. but you know what? warm weather is in doing absolutely nothing to bring the cost of living down for the average person. so there is
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a disconnect between this optimistic attitude shown by european government officials and the costly reality that the average citizen is still facing here. and i'm gary and prime minister victor or a bon, as just pointed out that it's looking increasingly like europe and not russia is set to bear the brunt of western anti russian policies. the victims of the wrong sanction policy and war of the europeans in the war america definitely winds. europe definitely loses at the moment. it is debatable whether russia wins or loses, but they do not news up much in general in economic terms, it's safe to say that europe is the sole or rather the biggest loser in old is ongoing conflict. there's also a new survey out from china's global times, a 13 european countries plus turkey that just found out that 29 percent of respondents are satisfied with relations between the u and u. s. that that's not too many. and almost half 49 percent of europeans believe
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that the u. s. response to the russia ukraine conflict will negatively impact the european economy. french protesters were back out on the streets again over the weekend as well. a weekly occurrence now in what shaping up to be a revival of the yellow vest protests. those now seem like the good old haze compared to the cost of living challenges that are piling up now and people are quite aware of that. i'm one on the average citizen and the ordinary citizen to day realized the relevance of the demands of the yellow vast today we were, we have a salary, but despite the salary, we can't meet our needs because we are in fact more inundated with bills and we have almost nothing or 0 money left to live on. we are in perpetual survival or per box if they called the milan. we cannot accept that in 2023. there will be people who are looking for food and garbage cans. now people who have housing problems,
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i think we are entitled to demand better to achieve, to hope best of the history of humanity, of evolution of humanity. so that's why we are here in fact, because the problems are not so good with i am completely opposed to the politics that have been conducted for several years and are accentuated as much about geo politics at an international level is at the level of what is done at the local level, that is to say at all levels. so what's the plan now for europe? well, france once a made in europe strategy for the block to offset, shooting itself in the foot on energy supply and also to offset the fact that washington is refusing to budge. big shock on new anti inflation measures that favor made in america, products to the detriment of made in ear appear in europe. items. i'm not sure how long that's going to take to come together, particularly when german chancellor all i've showed said rolled out the red carpet for the u. s. military to train more ukranian troops inside germany over the
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weekend. so doesn't really look like he's ready to play hardball with the us anytime soon. which is kind of bad news for europeans who are dodging one hit after another while their leaders watch the game and seem unable to agree on any kind of a plan. as the australian open tennis championship begins at tennis legend, nova brokovich is compete thing this time, despite being unvaccinated off here, he was denied entry to the country because of his refill. little to be vaccinated against coven 19. yet in a stunning out, you turn player will not need to take it could test and can even take part if they have the virus. but if, according to the tournament director, last year, the mainstream, we didn't label the tennis, saw a threat. so being star posed a health risk and also to public old out know that yoga age,
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decision not to become vaccinated was problematic. cancel the visa held by joke of age on health in good order ground, the unvaccinated stars presence can trigger a rise in anti vaccine sentiment. his refusal to be vaccinated against kind of it made him a threat to public health on the issue of mr. jokey beach rules are rules and there are no special cases. john commission decision not to be vaccinated. he's not analogy that he believes in totally autonomy. it was his decision not to get it. he might have broken the rules that was on the actual reason that he was the courses in the final analysis. the case was that he was apparently quote unquote, quote unquote crating. and he thought i sent out a real mockery because it, if you're in australia already, your free, she's not going to try as much as conspiracy theory copy gather as you want. but
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some you are joking. richie already saw the rules as far as he was concerned. he, he was rejected now as a double standard under a lot of other people the same time that they didn't exceptions. so i don't understand why that particular person was targeted, but it's amazing what different strong most my, even though fundamental se changed all the steve sweeney in schools. how junk of inches example is just the tip of the iceberg of the whole cove. it diversity, a new study linking the fires a job to puzzle strokes, shows joker, which was probably right to be concerned. more than 10000000000 doses of co vaccines have been administered. and about $6.10 people globally have had it, at least once the vaccine was developed in record time. with skeptics, questioning its production, feeling that possible side effects and efficacy could not possibly have been tested
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the u. s. center for disease control and prevention has now found that people age 65 and older were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving the fire a shot. but health officials have reassured the public, saying that it is very unlikely that it represents a clinical risk. adding that more investigation is needed while pfizer downplayed concerns. may suffice. air and bane tack near the see to see are the us food and drug administration and observe similar findings across numerous adamant toying systems in the u. s. and globally. and there is no evidence to conclude that ischemic stroke is associated with the use of the company's coven 19 vaccines. the latest developments will be welcomed by those whose voices have been drowned out and silenced, and some se censored for saying what they say are legitimate questions. a bit growing concerns over the links between big pharmaceutical companies and the media
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. good morning, america is brought to you by pfizer. anderson cooper. 360 brought to you by pfizer . c n n tonight. brought to you by pfizer early start brought to you by pfizer. this week with george stephanopoulos is brought to you by pfizer. i run by 5 just recently leaked from the so called twitter fall showed how pfizer board member scott got li blobby, the social media platform. when the clinician posted that natural immunity was more effective than the job describing the tweet as corrosive twitter place stretches on the post blocking uses from liking or sharing the tweet, apparently unconcerned about the conflict of interest. pfizer made 50 percent of its profit from the job in 2021 and it has come under increased criticism for labeling posts as misinformation and censorship. in canada, those who oppose mandatory jobs were labeled fascists and emergency laws were
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invoked to clear protesting truckers and bank accounts are frozen. canadians were shocked, and frankly disgusted by the behavior displayed by some people protesting in our nation's capital and a britain. tori and p andry bridges were suspended from his party and forced to sit as an independent lawmaker after comments he made about the job. now, while the comparisons with the holocaust are cross bridges supported claim, he has been silenced over his repeated criticism of the vaccine and calling into question it safety tore chief whip simon. hark confirmed the suspension while condemning what he called miss information for my hel secretary. my hancock went as far as call it anti semitic with the backing of prime minister richie sooner completely condemning those types of comments that we saw this morning in the stronger strongest possible terms. obviously, it is utterly unacceptable that disgusting anti semitic anti facts. conspiracy
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theories that have been promulgated online this morning are not only deeply offensive but anti scientific and have no place in this house. others have slammed the remarks, sang silencing bridges for a poor choice of words is the real insult to the victims of totalitarianism. the cdc report only focused on pfizer, but it raises many questions. what else with the investigation find? will the results be made public? who benefit from the mandatory vaccine program? and most importantly, all we being told the truth about the covey vaccine. ah, let say he to african content abaca foster has again been sunk wise with at least 50 women kidnapped in the know the progress of soon. i suspect millicent, according to the government officials, is supposedly the 1st such a large scale kidnapping in the region. the victims were abducted while looking for
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food in a village near the northern town of r. binda no group has yet claimed responsibility. but terrorist groups linked to diet and al qaeda have for years carried out kidnappings. in the country. according to local officials, the army has carried out unsuccessful sweeps of the error in their search for the victims. we heard from some locals who had to see what they had to say. this shoes out on saved country east. sure. the have kid not people before, but 50 people is to watch the shows. arm was controlled. terrorists have year, but it as might be easy for them. little considering that the army stronger. now we can trust in the army and believe to women were it's on i was, this is bad news denise, to be taken seriously. it has never happened in the country before the army soon. it's best to stabilize the country, but i believe they should double their efforts either way. we have faith with the support of security forces. these guys cannot establish themselves in our country.
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let's say on the continent, the us treasury secretary is sending off on a trip to 3 african nations, senegal, zambia, and south africa. this week in what is believed to be an effort by, by the administration to counter china's growing influence on the continent. washington hires a previous he made it clear is focused on pivoting to africa, while using beijing of trying to undermine washington's efforts in the region. united states is all in africa suture. in africa succeeds, the united states succeeds quite frankly, the whole world succeeds as well. the people's republic of china says the reaching is an important purina to challenge that all spaced international order advance its own narrow commercial and chipley tickle interest undermined transparency and openness. and we can us relations with african peoples and governments. the u. s.
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has already chipped into one of the contest. biggest economies of south africa with washington investing in a multinational project called just energy transition partnership. 8 and a half $1000000000.00 have been granted by the u. s. and as economy our european allies in the 1st phase of financing to decommission coal fired power plants and develop renewable energy generation in the country. but the money isn't exactly being donated as only 3 percent of the funds come in grants while the remaining $97.00 on loans with interest rates. the investment plan has drawn a sharp criticism from some african officials. this is not foreign. energy aid is fallen as a hindrance will never be reach wealthy, all respected by being a continent off welfare. queens, african energy dependency on western nations is not the royal rule to prosperity.
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however, pro western grooves in south africa seem more focused on wooing washington. my head of the us treasury secretaries visit server, good political opposition has spoken out against the countries upcoming joint naval drills with russia scheduled for next month. this gives the impression of not being neutral, but being biased to one side. clearly, it can alienate us from other important trade partners. the west. this is in the best interests of russia. when i joined alive i n g, i, executive chairman of africa, energy chamber from south africa. and thanks so much for joining us here on our team. great to have you on this right now. that seems to be a split within the country when it comes to looking for investment from the west. what are your thoughts on how south africa should deal with this energy conversion? i think so, africa has to deal with and if you can ration with an energy mix,
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we need to be able use mom and to use coal or natural gas and facing renewables to deal with our problems. it is incomprehensible that we would go into agreements that say we have to get rid of coal. i'm not even explore natural gas. i the same time to use renewables when we having 99 or 10 hours a day, not shedding blackouts, but at the same time we shipping. so why a great call. we'll have best call to european countries that are looking up yet. and here we go to, to kill people right here. i want to say on the ground dependence of south africa to the west regarding these loans because we've heard that 3 percent of these are the my that's coming from the west is a grant. but the 97 percent lows and quite high interest. i mean, is this a move that south africa and is, should be doing right now?
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no, you should not. you cannot go out in 97 percent loans. and i, i, i do expense of hon. you're taking, you're, you're basically boring from a western country to us. you can shop down the energy. seismic producers, seismic give one of us right now to shoot seismic to explore our potential gas. it's very difficult to drill off shore. south africa is difficult to use our cold power. people or families can have dinner at night. children, when they get off work, businesses are shutting down a lot of energy, businesses, manufacturing, steel, and small businesses. the cost of operating is getting higher and we are going to lose icon on the edge as africa's most industrialized nation. there is no reason to take a small amount of money to really, really,
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really keep out developing your energy sources. that is going to make us really, really dependent on renewables on foreign nations and we will not be taking over in a security. don't forget us. you right? you see these are loans and these loans have to be paid back. that will be paid back on the back of every day. star christian walk us north of every on every day with the europeans that i've been, if you can from our call while we stop and you power rather than for less. so basically, washington, basically also all your available to lend you the money. so you pay us back at a huge, you know, really high interest rate, but we'll buy the energy cheap for me. i mean, look when stuff i, for this part of the bricks, i'm a member for, for bricks. i mean, how would you describe it role in the relationship inside this group? could it look to, to do business with the other members of the brick said group as the issue not to use to walk with more because south africa stands,
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they're not just the south africa loan before. but to bring in all african bridge, we cannot simply rely on one form of financing does not work for us as a people. we still left with the continent level 600 new young people with tracy. 900, a gauge with russia engagement with china. engage with brazil, it's going to be so critical in our future. we've got a source of financing that does not, can we, we, we can we promise you that you have to bend on, hold your band on your end, if your resource. yes. did you know we just give our 50 new or a license for our, for getting to not to not to waste more issue. so we need to really hard thing. different in south africa,
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i use our membership brakes to be that get we to africa and retry walk on manufacturing, tribal industries. and at the same time, can be true independence and be honest, broke up because we've been around the world and j very well. so the hypocrisy continues, no doubt, and if executive chairman of africa and the chamber, thank you so much for joining me or do any so us here are tea, but it'll be difficult. thank you so much. while i was out this news, our do check out our t dot com for more national and regional knew the back of the top of the hour. we'll hope you join us then. ah.


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