tv News RT January 18, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EST
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i didn't sanctions preventing the continent of them using fossil fuels, the economic development order. iraq is opposed to continue to foreign military presence in that country. despite the prime minister in the us to remain on security concerns with international coalition has been useless on the contrary . bomb, the rocky popular mobilization and the security forces. it is completely unnecessary . try blocks in the un security council to place a pakistani national on a global terrorism. blacklist with good morning i welcome to our the international role garcia, live from moscow. i met my mom and it's great to have you with us. let's take a look at the top stories this out. we saw with ukraine, 3 people have been reported killed in a helicopter crash in
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a suburb of here. we had a stroke, a kindergarten, causing a massive fire of the incident occurred in the town of bravado about 25 kilometers north east of the national capital. the building has been evacuated. we'll keep you updated where we get more details about the head of a rushes. foreign intelligence service has accused western powers of deliberately still in peace talks on the inquiry and conflict. he said, you, crane and russia were very close to resolving the dispute back in march. but western powers didn't allow that to happen, as they were already heavily invested in ukraine. no, no peace talks, no peace. we have already paid you several tens of billions. we have invested in you and we will continue to invest money in weapons. your task is simple,
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go fight. meanwhile will helix has published scores of new diplomatic cables from fulton to show worse and politicians knew exactly what could happen if they continued to push nato enlargement. g grain, many of them, so that as a red line in relations with russia and even predicted eminent, she conflicts ortiz, steve sweeney, has the story. we are not a threat to russia. security. many western politicians have repeatedly said some even believe it, i guess, but not moscow. perhaps because it has flashbacks from 30 years ago, when it received an ironclad assurance from the u. s. that nature would not expand eastward, not wanting to take said, but look at the map. since the promise was made 14 new countries of join the military alliance, more countries were on the waiting list, closer and closer to russia's borders. unsung said the wiki leaks cables,
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we now know those fall back as 2005. they knew the ukraine's membership was a red line for russia. and it could even trigger a wall. gordon, montana warned that the question of ukrainian accession to nato remained extremely sensitive for moscow and concluded that if there remained one potential cause for war in europe, it was ukraine in 2008, then u. s embassy to, to russia. i'm covering the c. i, a director william burns, had this to say ukraine, and george is nato aspirations. not only touch iran nerve in russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. not only does russia perceive encirclement, but it also fears, unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences, which would seriously affect russian security interests. experts tell us that russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in ukraine over nato membership could lead to a major split involving violence or at worst civil war. in that it ross is a form. this is holding his annual press conference,
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the summary of the top foreign policy results of the policy. this isn't him here. callings. as mission has already become our tradition. we meet at the beginning of the new here in order to discuss the events and outcomes of the year 2022 recently sleeper studio, which was not easy and to a certain extent, unique liquors and in 2022 profound tendencies inner g. a pool. it takes in international aspirations, all the leading countries have become even more clear these trends have been developing for decades mentally. naturally, our western colleagues were trying to turn that ukraine and the situation around it into the main global. so which will event for the media as well
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as in poetry eccentric nor makes room reduce the accused russia or so called aggression against ukraine, allergic that it was the reason behind all the those in global economy. i want to run a waste my breath try and to refute these claims, because the statistics on the world bank and the i a math as well as the part of the woods to fall f h o and dash. and so do all the go either international structures have been indicating that the crisis had been developing even before the beginning of the special military operation. and president putin had given a dieter about the situation in the world economy been entirely due to the selfish possession of the united states and its allies. what is going on in ukraine at the moment, arose from the united states and its satellites,
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year as long preparation to start in a global hybrid war against the russian federation. and no one is an, is even trying to disguise that. if you read statements by western politicians, political scientists, you can easily see that for yourself. here. a few days ago, professor of the university of columbia was published and he said, we were not in the cold war, was russia. he said, we are in a hot war with russia and meta is fighting russia in ukraine. these convey confessions, ah, quite old fears. we are on the surface level. and it is bizarre to see various attempts to deny that. and president,
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milan of each of croatia recently sad that it was nato's war. he was frank and honest when his sad that a few weeks ago, henry kissinger m, the full colon upon the world to colon bonita to make you craner and not a member. and one of his most recent article, he said that what it was going on in ukraine was a clash and competition between 2 nuclear powers short control over these territory . and i believe it is quite clear what this was all about. that is why when our western partners film at the mouse trying to prove that they have nothing to do with that, they only try to help you cray, now overcome aggression and restore its territorial integrity. they are not being entirely truthful. the amount of the,
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our military support testify that the west is banking a lot on this war against russia. it is quite clear because li events in ukraine religious shed light on the united states desire to caesar, trying using legitimate means to strengthen aid's world positions. and jake, up in the g to much methods for insure in its dominance. they spare no effort in. it's not just what we see in ukraine. they also destroyed a los mechanisms that the west had advised us created the mechanisms of the free market uses the oil, competition, pre interpreter, ship presumption of innocence, inviolate bill,
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etc, of private club, proper, tame. everything that the western globalization model was found at own has collapsed. and right now the sanctions are being used against russia and other undesirable states. simply because they refused to comply with their ideas. but to morrow lease sanctions can be used against any other country. that refuses to blindly follow american orders as for the european union, i don't think we need to speak about that for a long time. the e u is now completely following the american dictate, and these process that has been fomenting for a few years has recently culminated in a joint declaration between nita and the e. u. ana. it happened on the 10th of january and the declaration said
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that nita and the you will use all of the are economic and military means in the interests of the golden 1000000000 in the interests of our 1000000000 of citizens of nita and in countries. according to morale, the rest of the world is the jungle that, that is in the way of the development of this blossom and garden. and these john goal needs to be re full merchant needs to be turned into a colony of the new formation and get resources from them using new methods left mail at demonization and sanctions sorento for use of fools. those are some of the methods they used to achieve their goals. the west has taken up the polish sea of destroying the traditional ties between historic parts partners in various parts of the world and
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disability zation of various regions receipt in the balkans. in the post soviet space, especially if we consider the activities of the united states and they had some acolytes and her clients in the south caucasus. and naturally, everything that is going on in ukraine that has been developing for a long time. for example, in 2004, when the 1st my done took place, european officials sat for the 1st time ukraine needs to choose. is it with the west or is it with russia? these either or policy has been visible in the west's policy regarding this region in a consistent manner and those who made the wrong choice and wanted historic ties and brother hated traditions and religious ties with russia.
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meta from nashville. you initially, judy, well, the west would crush them here. they would try to exclude them from political life. they would prosecute them. they would assist sing, neat journalists and politicians. they would shut down media outlets if refused to spread the official position. the police stayed used all means available, and right now the process east over was the silent approval of the west machine. and the alternative choice, either or west or russia were needed to identify those who were against the west who were not with the west. and the west started
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punishing these people. and let's get back to the declaration. it's an interesting paper indeed. and as the e u and nita book proclaimed to be an alliance of democracies against a talk receipts and made global competition. these confrontational agenda was proclaimed for the entire world to hear. and just like a haggle ready pointed out, europe has lost its independence. and the joint declaration explicitly states that europeans are subjugated to. yeah. nita essentially containing an obligation to serve american interests in geopolitical containment of russia and china. they also proclaimed the goal that was well known to everyone, but now they put it on paper. achieving global superiority of nita headed by the
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united states. shanita does not restrict itself to simply organize in europe. in during the madrid sama that took place in june 2022. they proclaimed global responsibility of this military blog, especially when it comes to you the asia pacific region. that nater chooses to cold the in the pacific. here they attempt is clear. they are trying to involve india in this process in order to further complicate their relations with china. moreover, the also proclaimed in the visibility of security in the euro, atlantic and the in the pacific at play upon words previously in the always c and the russian. nita council starting from 19 ninety's, we would speak about in the visibility of security,
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which meant equal security for each state prison and the obligation not to strengthen your security and the expense of the security of others. these term, which is now used out of context and has taken on and you, meaning the indivisibility of seeking, of security interests of nature, and there in the pacific. the difference is clear for everyone, the so called in the pacific. the west has embarked upon the pass of crating, a blog against russia and china. in order to do that, they have been consistently destroying inches to various mechanisms and go duration mechanisms that have been
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created in asi, on, on the basis of equality, consensus, balance of interests. these substitute them with military blocks. orcus is a bright example of that. an anglo saxon block in asia, the u. s. u, the u. k. and australia. the actively involved japan in this blog and a prime minister cuz she does recent visit to washington became the culmination of the smallest st. japan has so once again embarked upon the parcel militarization, the are going to change and unmanned its constitution. in particular, the articles that prevented it from doing that. the process has started. i'm not going to go into detail about the activities of the west at either geopolitical tracks. but speaking briefly about the
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position of the united states and the west that we consider to be the main problem create in difficulties ever where it can be summed up as follows. washington's line of ensuring dictate into international affairs means the following. we americans are allowed to do whatever we want wherever we want, even if it's at the other end of the world, we will do what we deemed necessary. and you all authorize cannot do anything without our consent, even if you respond to direct threats to your security that we create at your borders. i'm simplifying it, of course level, just like napoleon mobilized the entirety of europe against the russian empire.
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just like hitler mobilized most european countries and made them fight against the soviet union, the u. s. has now shaped air coalition include and virtually all european countries, both meet a member states, e and others include in e u, member states. and now, via wages out war by proxy against russia, using ukraine as a proxy in order to solve the issue, the russian meta, just like hitler wanted to find a final solution to the jewish problem. they are doing the same right now. if we read the statements by politicians, not only from baltic states, but also some more moderate, once they see that russia needs to be defeated at,
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on a, on the strategical level. political scientists from various media outlets speak about decal, ye colonizing russia, religion that russia is too big and is in the way. if you days ago, i read an article published in the telegraph colon upon the world to liberate at cassi at south a santia trans nice rea leave in karen lee at conic spec and huge rails up to negotiations. of course it's a tabloid. and sometimes we are forced to read such tabloids because the make headlines from time to time, but no one in the west wishes and such remarks are very numerous, including in our non systemic opposition. no one among western politicians refutes such claims spring mcgrew president micron in addition to his project of european
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political community which has been directly proclaimed to be the format where all here opinions except for ukrainians under russians will be invited to now have heard a new idea that he pitched to call a european state conference an invitation will be received by their e. you eastern partnership participants that is georgia. i mean an as your by john as well as although ukraine little jewish embarrass lucius. i doubt that they will invite bellows still. it was sad, it would be the u. eastern partnership countries plus and i'd like to pointed out here, immigrants from the russian federation, which are heaven,
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which are actively engaged in politics abroad. and also, it was sad not in the presentation by president micron, but in the comments that followed later that this event the conference of european states could also invite separate regence of the russian federation, which in town to maintain their ties with europe. i think it's clear what we're talking about was you know, 2 children, reviewing the situation is far from black and white as it is painted by our western colleagues. it reflects the general line towards global dominance in absolute submission of every one with a sweat of punishment. as you can see, none of the western politicians is talking about nothing but sanctions lucille right now and of us were still a founder lion. yet again,
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was threatening us and bowers with new sanctions. we know how to introduce more sanctions, how to suffocate, rush an economy for it to to be brought back into recession for a decades. that's what we're talking about. and well, there was him saying that the mark, so off and for the longest time when there were discussions at the un security council about sanctions, about a country which would probably violates they're international obligations. and at that point, every time the western countries who initiated these sanctioned masters, they were saying that the sanctions are a not for punish from the nation. the populations of the state. these are sanctions against the regimes. so where are these assurances now, the sanctions against russia open you declared to be aimed at the people conducting revolution about like against the current leaders of russia issue no
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holds barred. no one is observing any politeness rules here any more as to renew well, this frenzied attempt and this response grew by hook or by crook using large holds to ensure the domination of the u. s. and the rest of the world and the rest of the west that a washington has completely steamed, rolled over. this francy shows that historically they acting on the run on the wrong side of history. the closest and in essence are trying to stop the formation of the multi paula world pollution. and that is not happening, bison decisions from cabinets and po, demarco or on the part of mac river or well, well this is happening just naturally because countries are developing economically
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take china, take india, our strategic partners. we look at turkey, brazil, argentina, you, egypt were used to rome of regional school to see new patrols, so many other countries. glosson with that have great potential. for example, in africa, they have tremendous reserves of raw materials there in new sundries or the konami growth being formed. and the west is trying to hinder that using the mechanism that were created to serve their interests through their globalization that was created by them. and here the role of the dollar is her reserve currencies, which one has one of one of the main roles to play. therefore now in our context with a s c o and within bricks and others, hosea sions, j as natural you, asian economic union, as well as wells and with corporation,
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with associations with asia, african, latin america, they are trying to build new forms of user interaction. so as not to depend on the west yield to william, and it's now it's clear neo colonial methods. president putin has spoken about that very clearly. this methods have been used to plunder the rest of the world. now in new conditions, we, together with our reliable partners with friendly countries, will build such interaction among them that would benefit us. you will be exempt from the influence you know, from those who would like to subjugate the rest of the world. these are my evaluations of the past year was the main thing is that the processes that this year saw, they were in septic many years ago. it wasn't yesterday. and these process will
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continued to unravel because the shaping of the multiple, a world it's you finalization, she finalization of the relations that are required for democracy in the world and girls, justice to rain the world for the un charter to be observed about respect for solver in the quality of all states that would take time of who, who was the un charter, is a great foundation when it was adopted, it was indeed a revolutionary document. i, fortunately, all those right principles were distorted by the west. the west did not respect the sovereign equality, principal wishes. they did not respect non interference in domestic affairs, principal peaceful settling of disputes and so on. hundreds of times after the un was created, the u, as have used their armed forces abroad in the majority of cases in blade and
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violation of the ran charters. therefore, the process of multi polar world taking shape will take time. that will be whole historical era. right now where in the middle of this process, this is should level. so sometimes it's hard to see when you're inside the process. so therefore we keeping touch, we exchange opinions and evaluations, and we appreciate that. and that goes not only to our partners in foreign countries, but also to our colleagues from the media, your observations, and even the questions that you are asking us a very useful. so let's move on to your questions then ria novice to please. thank you very much. christina loon rodriguez, ria novas t o,
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we have mr. minister, how do evaluate the chances that this year it will be possible to organize negotiations between russia and the leading western countries led by the u. s. dedicated to ukraine. what questions of insurance security you as part of the ukranian settlement with moscow? like to put on the table for these negotiations? do you think that it will be possible that answers what was do you? i think that it will be possible that this year, this active phase, the military phase will stop this year as for the military phase and active phase with you, while our military and our president have commented on that multiple times. and he confirmed yet again, that special military operation hazards goals. they're not just m invented or him taken out of thin air, but they are defined by there was deeply rooted in
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a legitimate interests, insecurity of the russian federation, with the interests of the russian position in the world and our nearest neighbourhood with dish ukraine just like a, any other territory that is bordering through russia, there should be no military each should have no military infrastructure that poses a direct military threat to russia. in ukraine, there should be no discrimination of persecution, aimed against our compatriots. would assume who happened to be ukrainian citizens would like to maintain their language culture and traditions, and would like to bring up their children in these traditions. and i would like to highlight in full compliance with the constitution of the quain,
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