tv Documentary RT January 18, 2023 3:30am-4:01am EST
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tory that is bordering from russia. there should be no military each should have no military infrastructure that poses a direct military threat to russia. in ukraine, there should be no discrimination of persecution aimed against our compatriots, warriors who happened to be ukrainian citizens. but like to maintain their language culture and traditions and would like to bring up their children in these traditions. and i would like to highlight in full compliance with the constitution of the ukraine, which states that govern ukraine guarantees free development and protection of russian and other languages of the ethnic minorities in the ukraine, russian is mentioned, there is specifically these constitution is still in place as far as i understand,
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we have handout materials. okay, so what they were circulated yesterday. so we have materials circulating that mentioned the articles of the constitution and specific ukrainian commitments according to international conventions. we also have a have to list of the laws that were adopted in the violation of both the constitution and the international obligations of the ukrainian state. this is one of these some time ago about several months ago. i was surprised to read an interview by president zalinski he spoke on the topic that even they let russia wind and other be countries would think that they can do that too. and there are many such countries and different continents. therefore,
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such countries will suffocate small countries will divvy up the rest of the room. and i said to lensky, i would like to see a different scenario when each person on the plan would know that regardless of where he lives, he has the same kind of rights and he's protected just like any person in the world . so this was sat by a person what, what that interview took place in october and in september, in 2021 a year before that zalinski, as you know was said that in the east there are just species, not people. and if any citizens of ukraine thinks in russian language and would like to stay russian than for the benefit of his children and grandchildren, he should move out to russia. so this was sad by the
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same person who saw that he has a dream about equality and so that everyone could leave the way he wants. listen to this little one is clear that this beautiful words are sad for the benefit of the west. but that gives her a suit for you, great picture of the current regime. and it's clear why we cannot abandon the, the father, foul foundational, the basic goals of the milk in special military operation. as for the outlook for their negotiations with disgusted dozens of times, i don't want to repeat some platitudes. starting with march when we reciprocated ukraine's appeal for negotiations. moreover, we supported that draft settlement documented proposed by ukraine, but ukraine was stopped. it was told, it was too early and after the spring of this year,
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throughout the summer and the fall, special representatives were saying that everywhere. if it's too early to move to negotiations that ukraine needs more arguments for it to start it's negotiation with greater initial ask what nato secretary general salton burke said that mm hm. that this is the path to peace and zelinski is pitching very strange initiatives. 10 point plans with everything hipped over food security, energy security, bio security. withdrawal of russian troops from everywhere versus russian m. repentance, tribunal, condemnation and, and so on and so forth. there could be no negotiation with zelinski because he prohibited by law to hold negotiations with the russian government of
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so all of this western talk that they are allegedly prepared, but russia is not. well, this is evan. this is not entire truth. you asked about the outlook for negotiations between russia and the west. lulu, we will be prepared for any serious proposals. good, louisa, you will be prepared to respond to them and we see no serious proposals as of now. but we'll be prepared to review them and to think about it, we see them montrose from the western capitals that ukraine should not be discussed without the presence of ukraine. and this is just gibberish because the west decides for ukraine. they bound zelinski from negotiating with russia at the end of march last year, when there was a prepared agreement. so the west is deciding and he decided that for ukraine
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without ukraine, they saying it's not the time. there should be more armaments, we should do them. we can russian war i don't know who's in charge of the military planning there. issue. but there was a meeting between cia director bill burns and sergei nourish kin, director of as we are russia in jersey. we'll shoot you. he spoke about the meeting and in general terms, it was proposed by present body, hidden and present. putting agreed, this meeting took place. there were no revelations made their lives pushes for you from good in general, the west in some sporadic context that happened at this or that level issue does not say anything that would go beyond its public statements through our position as well known. good. he's of good,
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but talking to the west about ye grey and only makes no sense really the west using ukraine to dismantle the security system that used to exist in your atlantic region for many years. it was underpinned by the principle of consensus indivisibility of security. solving all issues with dialogue and corporation was young and the embodiment of these principles were there, o s. c, she right now the west is trying to buried as soon as possible. just as it has bury the council of europe. organizations that were created for dial it in for finding consensus for finding compromise by definition i now being used to
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promote the very line to which total domination of the us issue with the rest of the west under them who recently moved really so saying to us that okay, let's do something about ukraine, but the rest will be ours. well known room that would not go would, would have to have less frank conversation. and i don't think that that this stage we need to show any initiative in those dimensions that the west closed down and they closed down corporation in the council of europe that every one was so proud of. besides, council of europe has several dozen conventions that do not require a country to be a member of the council of europe by but allow you to take part in those into b b party to that convention. and here,
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the west decided to discriminate against russia once again, and prevent our representatives from taking part in the bodies of those conventions which are open for non members review and emerged in this situation. our representatives have no chance of taking part in review events. and in this conditions, we have are impossible to am to act and therefore we have an exit out of the criminal law convention on corruption weed. that doesn't mean that we don't want to fight corruption, but that means that we wouldn't just means that we don't want to be disregarded by the western admonished by the west in that format. when we don't even have procedural right, i can give you plenty of examples, but let's, let's move on to, to make it a bit more lively. are the questions please? greece, please. open
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t. v of you know, who are you? sure. you know, there is an opinion, man, many europeans that russia did not put it best foot forward when, when he decided to start military action more to procure mobile them well. and therefore, russia is acting like the rest of imperialistic countries, english, for example, the u. s. producer was movie, who, by the way, had bombed half of the planet, almost broken jewelry loom middle showed little people. so russia is also violating his international law in the same way and acts in the way to conquer certain territories. ocean view human such criticism is very vocal,
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increasing the balkan region gives mansion due to the fact that we also victims of such policy. you probably know that you suppress issue and the best here is a threat in the agency against squeeze ocean from turkey. and we, we hear the saliva, the shipping a lot, which how would you refute this position? distribute was put a job. well, it's not that i'm going to refute this position. i'm going to express my own opinion when they say that russia did not put its best foot forward. when ed started the special military operation, i would say that this is a very interesting turn of phrase. but you know, just to dot all the eyes, i think we put our best foot forward. once the usaa saw disappeared, and this was mentioned by prison,
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putting on many occasions and 2000 when he was 1st elected as president, his 1st one or the 1st visit was to germany, where he spoke in bunder stark. he spoke german, you feel some one and least this in doing so. leach, he question, personally as a person, a human being has present, putting here committed himself to a historic reconciliation between germany and our country. and this reconciliation dated back to you. the end of 19 eighties, beginning of 19 ninety's, once the berlin wall fell, but that was at the official level at the state level. whereas prison putting made a personal human contribution to this historic reconciliation between the 2 countries. and let's not forget that germany be united to large extent.
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thanks t the is his, our position because other of the countries, the allied nations were not that it's easy asking about that. and we were putting our best foot forward as you put it from the point of view of international law from the point of view of searching for solutions that would benefit the health, human kind. and we've been doing that for quite some time. i cited the 1st ukrainian, my darned back in tween to you for the official euro bag then said that the crane was up for a choice either europe or something else, but that was feet years before the munich speech and we were hopeful back then. that reason would prevail and europe would understand that it was impossible to constantly lie. t constantly push nato eastward, despite the assurances that had been provided that it would and was impossible such
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as long as it's used to do that or not just dis by the assurances given in private but also a duty the obligations under the u. c. principles. when you shouldn't, reenforce your security at the expense of other security and when no one can, you know, claim dominance. and these are the principles that are enshrined in the o is see. and brochure and you're a part of that. and the very same formula has been enshrined in the documents adopted at the nato, russia council at the highest level. and if you think that reckless need to push eastward, despite our official remonstrance is, are the implementation of this very obligation. when i think it's not going to be possible for us to reach common understanding, but i think you understand full well what i'm talking about. with this you said
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that we are been acted as the as the imperialist nations. right now. we are often once again dubbed an empire, but it's up to the experts to professionals, to speculate and that we're a nation, a country which is home t many nationalities and ethnic groups. we have over $150.00 or so language is all the world. religion represented among our population, we have respect for national traditions of each and every ethnic group and as a multi ethnic, multi religious country. we have been developing, following this pattern for centuries and, and like western colonial practices. we have never suppressed nations that were part of the russian empire, and we never destroy them. never tried to put them into
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a melting pot for them to lose their national identity. national, you know, culture, it will lead to become, you know, as americans, one, a bummer genius nation. you know, even americans failed to do that. and we never saw it, but we, we managed to ye prove xserve, our national traditions, national identity specificities, our national language is what, as far as the conquest of territories is concerned, as far as what you said, that we have the same very instincts at western empires, i would say the following, as i mentioned the us you know what they should probably after the under the cold, warmer. well blood state, 1990 after that the wes social food invaded other territories for 3
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pantry. taiser. so i was really good. and why did they do that either because someone offended the americans, this happens regularly and central america or in the caribbean, or they sought t eliminate threats to peace and security for them to cite an example. saddam hussein who allegedly was in possession of w m. d 's which turned out to be a fabrication all libya when they wanted to eliminate gadhafi, who was not a democrat bad a dictator. so they destroyed prosperous can for years. who were not that bad from the point of view of the economic development. let's take a few yugoslavia volleyball. they simply decided to dismantle the balkans in particular to please of germany. they did not
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wait for a coordinated line by the e u. they simply recognized slovenia and croatia with the noise which made it impossible to rebuild any kind of for consideration and the balkans, serbia, which was against bad. it was against the idea of the balkans submitting to the west. so what did they do? you know, incidentally, when joseph biden was still senator, a year prior to the nature aggression against serbia in 1997, he said, a we, europe, i am in favor of bombing belgrade. i suggest american pilots have to go and destroy all the bridges across the gina. i suggest that we take all
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of their poor reserves just you know, to take away that from down. and, you know, as you see, all the proposals of senator biden were implemented a year after and with the time good was published, new edition. and it had a cover saying through mass bombings to democracy and back then, not a single person was thinking about a tribunal. or when the us invaded syria without any legitimate cause, starting to raise cities to the ground. cities were destroyed, eliminated his son. rocker was raised to the ground bodies were piled up and the state in the streets for months. yes, there were some reports by net salad, south frontier by others, but was never,
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bruce was a tribunal proposal. but when the international court itself decided to look for humans into potential military of crimes, will that might have been committed by dia, american, military, and have ganawe's son, the u. s. said that we're gonna slap sanctions on. you will take away your money and this high institution of international justice decided to keep mum we yes, you control your comparison of your that's truth of us. but as i said, we have been protecting our own security because we crane was being turned into a bridge. heard was also more to undermine our interests in the see of as of, there were plans to build military naval base is an anglo saxon basis in particular
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. and these are the serious threats we route. secondly, you know, the humiliation of russians who graham and few lead allegedly have to have their rights protected under the ukrainians constitution. and these humiliation was inadmissible because they associate the protection of them with us at the protection of their legitimate interests. when in 2014, west inspired us republic, you could retire happen since on the lead you're looking, they didn't even make an effort to build a national dialogue. the west ulysses sided with the regime that declared anti russian girls that declared its commitment to the principles and practices of nazism. when they bombed on below a desk,
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when the boomed lu hans and no one is investigating these crimes, and there are no suggestions to set up tribunals for that. if you don't, you look lastly, a war was started against those who disagreed with the coded tar than the war was stopped. the minsk agreements were signed. but as you know, germany and france with portia, anchor all the fee, the citizens to a signatures, the secondary is the $1.00 who usually was putting except voting well. the sign dared to better prepare ukraine with weapons and equipment for the next phase. so do we think we didn't put our best foot forward in this particular case, because we were the only country that sought to make sure that the men's agreements were observed, whereas the others. so you would all be so enthusiastic and were simply following
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the advice from the u. s. and i think the merger well grease and cypress up suffering because of that, i know what they are most suffering from because greece and cyprus and russia have always been very close friends with hulu. and the transformations that have happened in the leadership of both countries have not gone unnoticed by us. don't go as far as i knew, everything that i have just mentioned has concerned, i can say the following. for many, these years. they have been preparing these air foods in preparing forces to unleash a hybrid warfare against us. and this is all your well now i think from the rural ty, ministers and presidents of european countries who, especially countries that have had long standing historical ties with russia. i'm
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confident that these people know the facts and they know how to analyze that. so given that the confusion i can draw australian you burn is also with youth which you through quite clear either they were made or they willingly submitted to the decked out by the us or europe is, will you following? we use orders, and there is not going to be any talk of any strategic autonomy or independence in europe, mused they will not be allowed to do that for you most. when defense secretary were mr. austin austin, a u. s. coast whisper, believe you will said that more american troops were you had to move to europe. he was asked whether that would be on a permanent basis on a rotation basis. and he said,
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we are gonna decide that in washington could use that william gillis. so we are drawing the conclusions from what's happening sneezing. and of course, we have agreed to take a note of those who were so of a glitch, hasty to support the aggression against russia. the war is gonna be over some time and will defend our truth. but what comes next, i would lose that. don't quite understand yet. it's all going to be depended on the confusions that europe is gonna draw. georgia plays out. info says that it was listed as list. can you hear me? yes, w. a good afternoon minister love raf. out info. yes, david, actually viani, georgia community tbilisi naturalists will minister once the special military operations started in ukraine. we have been eating at the watching the, this as
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a confrontation, bringing the collective west against to least russia, but not just russia because small countries of the region ended up in a difficult position in particular, georgia. there are a regular control brick attacks by radical media and political curbs. so controlled by the you, was there trying to you a truth. they are distorted. western values that have nothing to do with our national identity and culture on us there by the worst, is trained to undermine the cultural sovereignty of smaller country is there by establishing its control over them. and the ant girl of this cynical policy is to sacrifice small countries to benefit their own political interests. unfortunately, ukraine is a tragic example of that. georgia and other countries of the region are facing the same thread. my question is as follows, amid these conditions,
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the question begs itself whether russia has a clear card strategy to counteract this destructive cultural expansion by the west to remodel. and does it imply that she corporation, with countries that could be natural allies in protecting conservative values. thank you. this is a very broad question. liberal group, we've just spoken about the crane. yesterday, there was a special session of the un security council conveyed at our initiative. it was dedicated to the feds against international peace and security stemming from the cave regimes, policies and human rights, and the brides of national minorities, including from religious minorities and religious rights of national minorities. sir, what you, what you know, this cultural presence counting negative for a trans, through preserving cultural values,
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all of that release. it is directly related to religion in particular, to the activities of the orthodox church in particular, the russian orthodox church, or the georgian orthodox church. so use through me and i see school really when close to the church, which is not an instrument of russian influence. it's simply a tool to preserve traditions and history to pass a down generation 8th generation out. and when we see the, this tool is being destroyed or forbidden, when priests are detained and stripped of their citizenship. but we can see that these are the tools, the worst as is ot into t r. i a said it's values future and when this happens we have to take reciprocal measures. we're little and ridiculous. when our journalists, our political scientists assume experts who can speak the truth. oh,
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who are you addressing the western audiences and when they doesn't come under sanctions or we have to reciprocate as well, but this is not our choice. you remember during the cold war, soviet scientists, american western scientists met on a regular basis talking about the relevant issues after day. whereas right now, it's almost impossible for now, sometimes i've got the dresses via absolutely an official channels and minnows on political scientists from the west are asking me whether it's possible to set up kind of a seminar workshop somewhere in the neutral territory so that everyone is able to come in the past, no one asked for permission. they spoke directly to one another, one institution to another. whereas right now i western partners who used to
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participate in these exchanges are simply intimidated. they're scared, they're bullied, the more you should have to do. so for a little i reiterate, i have enormous respect for the position of the georgian orthodox church that is fighting for its values. and on the whole, we've no issue with the georgian people as well. yes. there was this issue of for 20 o 8, good remote, but once again, nato played a throw. in april. during the nita summit in bucharest, a declaration was adopted saying that georgia and ukraine would be in nato. and had you renew results from nordstrom or your filica? i don't want tear use kessler.
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