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tv   News  RT  January 18, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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ah ah, your use with you is now completely following the american dictate. europe has lost its independence to serve american interests in the geopolitical containment of russia and china rogers. foreign minister says the e u is a vast soul of the us and is conducting a proxy war against russia in new crate. beijing blames washington for stealing oil from syria, saying 60 tankers full of the countries resources have already been looted by us forces. just this month at a recent survey shows that the people of india see the u. s. as a military threat to that country. coming in, well, 2nd,
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only off the china with an awful lot of moving and shaking all today's geopolitical chests. welcome to your world wide news. it's artie international and 1st to ukraine. west 17 people including 4 children under countries, interior ministry leadership. they've all been killed in a helicopter crash that came down there a kindergarten in a suburb of key f. and we go details just a moment out here from our correspondent. here's ortiz, sophia new, a french maid helicopter, carrying senior ukrainian officials crashed on wednesday morning in a key of suburb. the helicopter struck a kindergarden and a 14 story residential building was also damaged. at this moment, 17 people including 4 children, have been confirmed that among the dead are ukraine's interior minister, his 1st deputy and the secretary of state 25 people including 11 children,
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were wounded in a now being treated in a hospital. the crash occurred at 8 20 in the morning. the time went, barents typically dropping their children at the kindergarten. one witness of the scene described that the helicopter caught fire and was spinning in a circle before plunging to the ground. ukrainian authorities said that in equipment malfunction, violation of safety, procedure or sabotage, would have caused the accident. the helicopter in question is a french maid, super pool mar airbus with a trouble history in 2016 after a series of crashes and major problem. and it's designed was identified forcing at least 3 european countries, germany in norway, in britain to ground there super pull my helicopters, ukrainian official said that the accident investigation will take about 6 weeks. quote, the european union has lost his independence to washington and the nato military alliance. those words from russia was foreign minister during an annual news conference where he summed up the events of the last year. you want to say use the
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e. u is now completely following the american dictate. europe has lost its independence. in a joint declaration explicitly states that europeans are subjugated. nato's are essentially continuing an obligation to serve american interests in the geopolitical containment of russia and china. one of the main points it seems to be that 2022 definitely showed a tendency that has been developing for many years to create a development to bring to the forefront that the west is trying to impose its way of thinking. and it's imperialist views on the rest of the world. for example, as her gay elaborate mentioned that nato has been fighting russia through you crate . and that even an academic study that was published in the west has shown facts and details revealing that. and also that would that help all that proxies and it satellites have been developed in this for years to new english. that's for the u.
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s. has now ship to coalition, including virtually all european countries about natal member states and e, you states and others. and now they are waging a war by proxy against russia using ukraine as a proxy in order to solve the russian matter. just like hitler wanted to find the solution to a jewish problem, they're doing the same right now. sir gallagher of also mentioned that the sanctions that are being used by the wes are aimed at not only weakening russia and trying to get it to play along to what it wants. so russia to do comply, but also with rushes. i lies another so called undesirable nations, trying to force them to follow suit and do the same thing, follow washington's rhetoric. there was an interesting question at some point when the journalists asked, how can russia claim to respect the un charter and international law. when it started this a special military operation, and the journalist asked, how can the russia accused the west of doing something that itself has done now?
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just were ministers at the mortgage europe. there is an opinion among europeans that russia did not show its best side by deciding to take military action. while the rest of the impetuous countries that have bombed half of the planet, or violate an international law in the same way in order to cease territories with them, we are victims of disposing greece. we have a threat from turkey. how would you argue with this position? for the scholars that a she had, russia has not shown its best qualities. an interesting formulation that of about $300.00 times after the end of the cold war of the united states invaded some one else's territory. my uncle jim, their goal in places like central america is the liquidation of threats to the world. and they were offended for example by saddam hussein and gadhafi. in yugoslavia they simply decided to destroy the balkans for the sake of germany, but there was no question of any tribunals or a decision to investigate crimes. they said we will put you under sanctions. we defended our security from ukraine after they made a spring board for an attack on russia. and secondly,
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the humiliation of russians and the kuta tar in 2014. when the west sided with the anti russian regime without an attempt to dial back the bombing of la ganske in odessa, no one investigated. there were no tribunals that minsk agreements was just to give you a cream more time and weapons. years ago we were the only ones who saw the implementation of the minsk agreements, all the others were cheaters. but another interesting point was that the us regular of for the western globalization is collapsing and washington is trying to retain laptops, bought by a going, as far as a legitimate means to achieve that. any means possible. trying to create a rift between countries to make sure that the majority stick to it's a rhetoric. i also understand you were there among many, many journalists from all around the world. what's that? was it just ukraine or what are some other topics that level of touch down on as well? no,
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i was not just the crane. we also heard about the stand out between us. why john and armenia hill questions about japan? but we could see that there was a particular focus more on asia and not a natural because as we'll see in russia has been shifting more towards the east, especially after the special military of operations began. and we saw the reaction from the west with the sanctions and tried to restrict russia, and so we can russia. so there was a particular emphasis in particular on anti and ross's relationship with china. the shuttle show news. this little news publication are relations with china are going to the best times in history. the leaders of our country say the same thing. china characterizes relations like this. the alliance is not an alliance, but in some ways even stronger. our relations are respectful, based on a balance of interests. there is no need to look for information about the west attempts to bring discord into our relations. they don't consider us an immediate threat. china is considered
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a long term challenge. shoulders. they understand that their forces are running out in opposition to the historical trend of the formulation of the motor polar world. we see that the west is trying to bring the scored between us. they are trying to defeat us in order to then convince russia to become partner of the west that has forgiven sanctions and will not interfere and ideally help to restrain china. i do not know which of their analysts develop these theories, but they are out of touch with real life. well, those were among the wide ranging topics that touched upon by soccer laughter off. it is an annual press conference today. you can get much more about that on our website r t thought com. also there right now. wiki leaks, releases diplomatic cables that show west and politicians knew they were crossing a red line with russia when they pushed for nato expansion in ukraine. that story animal just a little bit later in this ours program. in the meantime, a chinese, a foreign ministry spokesperson has slammed america for stealing syrian oil,
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saying washington is interested in reaping the benefits, regardless of collateral damage, may well the issue we're struck by the blatant see an egregious noose of the u. s. plundering of syria. the level of us greed and stealing resources from syria is as striking as its generosity and giving out military aid whether the u. s. gives or takes. it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster. and the u. s. reaps its benefits for its hedge. ammonia and other interests may wonder a beijing also blames washington of, quote, ruthlessly trampling on the lives of syrian people. that as damascus says, more than 80 percent of its daily oil output was smuggled out of the country by american troops. and the 1st half of the last year, officials say they would say that already in the 1st month of 2023, the u. s. has already used 60 tankers to ship out oil and wheat from syria. now for the u. s. has been present in serious and 2014 leading
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a coalition for what some who claimed as focused on a regime change involving via the military of the united kingdom, france, canada, australia, an regional countries to a made accusations of stealing syrian oil in 2021. the pentagon said that u. s. troops were not there to protect syrian oil fields, except for rare occasions when is needed to protect civilians. well steve, so who you are joining us here on our team, international up critical commentator and chief editor of a mid east discourse news outlet. thank you very much for joining us here on our team to national great to see you. thank you very much. you've heard the story, but aging is also previously tried to limelight this issue. but what can you make of china? is another attempt to draw attention to this matter. a china, what has to happen is china and russia and their allies in the world has to put an end for the valuation of international law by washington,
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dc. and the valuation of the humanitarian or him human rights laws also, or by the a washington d. c. by the united states, invading a, the east of syria and stealing the soil. they are forbidding the sooty people from having they did. the fuel for a warming to house is in the winter for turning on the factories for the rebuilding of syria. and that is particularly what a washington dc once they don't d dot oil because ducked, the oil in the east of syria is hardly nothing. they have. we all know america halves the all of the oil they want in the world. but to what they buy them, deed in the east of syria and forbidding this union, especially the ceiling government and the senior people from having putting their hands on that oil in the east of studia and brought on is the r forbidding them from standing under feet and rebuilding themselves after to over 12 years of war as you were one think about how many, how many years of war were there, steve em,
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you're absolutely right. i do apologize for jumping in, but i think you're making some very, very good points. let. let steve, let's just remind our viewers. damascus says more than 80 percent of its daily oil output was stolen out of a country by american troops in the 1st half of the last year. in the 1st month of this year, steve america has already used 60 tankless to ship oil and wheat out of syria. china is calling for the world's attention to this. would you expect any reaction from washington, steve? actually no, because they have a goal for somebody about stealing the america. the studio law is loss from stealing the searing oil from the year 2011 to lead and mid to the end of $2.00 to $20.00. $22.00 is $107000000000.00 to a country lexia. yeah, that is a huge amount of money that is there. that could have rebuilt unit $22.00 or 3 times. add that to we could have got
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a medication medicine. we could have got to stop our hospitals and studio. 6 it could have got fuel for the cars, our schools and everything. so, but for america to having to react, no, because as i told you, america have the goal and their goal. as i told you, this tool prevents here from not only to prevent but also the support the separatist kurdish militia, north east lydia with that money because they don't want to go to the congress and ask for money because in the order the congress might not a approval before you go to the 4th thing that he heard is that the serious, newer i it's, it's still a story that the average personnel that doesn't fully understand. you want to go back, you know, 10 years or so. and america said that it was fighting terrorists and syria. it's pretty well documented now they were using an army of motion aires to achieve regime change in the and by the way, a one point at any point during that war in syria that they said was
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a war for freedom and democracy. yeah. you know, pull the other one that this is a situation where every single nato country was also con, definitely involved in this attempt of regime change in syria. as you said, steve, it happens all around the world with your typical players. but the question here is, you said, a $107000000000.00 has been stolen out of syria. how does this affect syria and its economy? is it getting back on its feet or not? actually is very hard because it's the sanctions. number one from one side, it's the sanctions on celia. and on the other side, it's the dim stealing the oil and gas, and oil and gas. or if the seal government had their hands done the o. ela and gas asked in the east of syria, they would not need to import oil and gas. and that was a big bill every month. that studio, spain, we have a shortage exceeded as getting one out of electricity every 24 hours,
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the ceiling people, i'm talking about the student average people. they cannot and they don't have fuel . it don't have electricity to warm their houses. there are some areas in syria like la po, damascus, homeless, palmera, huh. in the central of syria, the temperature are below 0. they have no way of the warming to houses because i have no way to having a warm shower. and that is all because of the sanctions, but also the same thing about medication. the same thing about using cars, transportation between inside of the city and between cities because of all these sanctions. and because in v e e a w, a well. alright steve, so he, so who any i should say i do forgive me for that. i do appreciate you joining us for an international political comment. and of course you are also the chief editor of the mid east discourse news out that appreciate your honesty and your straightforwardness. do you thanks very much for your time today. thank. thank you . thank you. i thank you for joining us so far. is program an extremist group link
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to al qaeda attacked a military base and the east african nation of somalia. officials say at least 7 soldiers were killed, including the facilities commander. now as we understand the base, it's about 60 clicks north of the capital, nakeesha and national forces had lost control of it and managed to retake it just a few months ago. but the latest attack by the algebra group appear to be an effort to seize at once again. official said the insurgents of bomb the entrance and then opened fire. well, i'll show bob has ultimately risen the power over the past 10 and a half years. poverty, food insecurity and decades of violence of enabled the group to essentially fill it's right, especially in the hardest hit areas. somebody as president has even reached out to civilians for help in routing out the extreme montana football. i'm calling to you the people of nugget issue, the rainy gay time on you. they are and you houses your neighbors. so flush them
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out. us president joe biden last year, signed an order to deploy a hundreds of american soldiers to somalia to combat in surgeons. he did that through a bush year at $911.00 legislative act without the approval of congress. the intervention was warmly met by somali as leader who was previously voted out of power on corruption planes, but suddenly swiftly managed to return the office last may well, we heard from a kenyan security expert and former special forces officer who served in somalia. he says hardship in the country has basically given way to the rise of extremists. and if you look at produce a malia, we've been level low, been the ability to monday governmental this monday. so monday it's money to go through for the longest. you'd expect some quite celtic management phase of the people and government to government and government that i had to really enjoy some reality points on monday. how about inputted by the challenges?
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i mean, if you look at the code dynamics seems that we've been governed, it will spaces that are allowable for different functions to come up and compound them says a militia kind of space. and when you ruffling with that kind of chaotic situation, then you did what did, because he doesn't even governance. so that's one of those factors that kills rains . then you know, you don't sample anything. so they proposed to everything. and those provide very good reading grounds. alright, shifting gears to india now where a recent poll of people that shows a rather surprising result with america taking 2nd place among the top security threats to india. let's learn more right now. crossing over to india correspond runjun shot to my joining us here on this program live from moscow. great to see you today. this is a poll, i would imagine that's going to get very little attention across the mainstream
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media. what can you tell us about it? runjun the 1st the very, very interesting ball there, as you suggested rory. and now the pool is saying that u. s. is considered as a 2nd top thread going ahead of pakistan and boxed on. remember in the shares of history of military conflict with border disputes as well, and that's ever since the creation of focus on in 1947, india had troubled diplomatic relationship with the end. a us in fact interestingly, comes ahead all boxed on and in this particular so the ordinary citizens from across the country was interviewed. of course they saw china as the top thread, but 22 percent saw us. the 2nd most threat, as far as this pool is concerned,
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while the world's 2 largest democracies would seem to make for natural partners, especially given their mutual mistrust of china. indians have strategic reasons to be wary of the world's western superpower as tensions between washington and beijing increase the indian public may be worried about getting caught in the middle of a u. s. china conflict that the stabilizes regional security. putting india at risk . well that's interesting considering india has rather warm relationships with the west also us as india as talk trading partner in the world. and even then when you look at this, so be a people are seeing that us as a 2nd more stretch when it comes to india. also, when it comes to china, now the talk that lives in the so be 43 percent. the indians come to the china, the top military try to remember india in the recent boss has had trouble with the
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border situation with china in 2020 india on china. so one of the bloodiest commissions in history where several soldiers also had lost their life and also last year in 2020 to another class between india and china. so now another interesting aspect of this particular survey is that indians are likely to blame us . its allies and keep for the conflict in ukraine, and it's only around 38 percent. so less than 40 percent indians that come to the law school responsible for the on going conflict in ukraine. now it's around 26 percent people that see united states us to be blamed and around 18 percent people thing nature was to begin. so 44 percent there compared to the 38 percent people think and blaming more school for the conflict. now another reason that people think in this direction is because indians have off lead to by the west,
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by the u. s. a. for the constant threshold that it's booked on india to condemn rochelle offensive. and ukraine also to not by discounted oil from russia. now 60 percent of people in india believes that the indian government should continue buying oil from russia and around 49 percent. see that india should continue its military ex is with a more scope just to quickly underline that as far as new delhi and ma, school friendship is concerned, you'd have withstood the test of time and also geopolitical jones in that sense, for example, in a 971, when india and barcas on had gone to war or the manager and prices and eastern focused on the countries including the u. s. b, all supported. they provided military as well as more support to pakistan. and
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that's when india had sent out. and as with colon, only one country into india and rescue that was so with union. so this ball in a sense, whole testimony of that people in india haven't forgotten history. i don't see room to and sharma. thank you. the russian president vladimir putin has laid flowers at memorial to world war 2 soldiers who fought to defend leningrad and what is now the modern city of saint peter's. but more than 600000 people starved to death during the nazi siege of that city. and among the deceased was putin's older brother victor, speaking of today's reality, so let me put in said russia has no choice but to defend its people. sure. just when we deal in fuel, you know, everything we are currently doing, including the special military operation, is an attempt to end this war and protect our people who live in don bath. these are our historical territories. meanwhile,
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leaks has published scores of new diplomatic cables purporting to show western politicians knew exactly what could happen if they continue to push for nato enlargement to ukraine. and many of them saw that as a red line in relations with russia and even predicted a future military showdown is all correspondent, steve sweeney. picking up the story. we are not a threat to russia. security. many western politicians have repeatedly said some even believe it. i guess, but not moscow. perhaps because it has flashbacks from 30 years ago when it received an ironclad assurance from the u. s. that night to would not expand eastwood not wanting to take said. but look at the map. since the promise was, may 14 new countries of join, the military alliance will countries on the waiting list closer and closer to russia's borders. and thanks to the wiki league's cables, we now know that as far back as 2005, they knew the ukraine's membership was
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a red line for russia. and it could even trigger a wall. gordon, montana warned that the question of ukrainian accession to nato remained extremely sensitive for moscow and concluded that if there remained one potential cause for war in europe, it was ukraine in 2008. then u. s. embassy due to russia and covenant c i a director william burns had this to say ukraine, and george is nato aspirations. not only touch iran nerve in russia, they engender serious concerns about the consequences for stability in the region. not only does russia perceive encirclement, but it also fears, unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences, which would seriously affect russian security interests. experts tell us that russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in ukraine over nato membership could lead to a major split involving violence, or at worst civil war. in that eventuality, russia would have to decide whether to intervene a decision. russia does not want to have to face while germany's deputy national
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security advisor rove mikkel said that ukraine's membership of nato had the potential to break up the country. nickel raised 3 specific concerns about ukraine that he felt made it risky at this stage to offer the membership action plan, including a deep divide between the eastern and western parts of the country. on this question, chancellor, director for east european and central asian affairs, walter agreed and thought that membership action plan in the issue of nato membership could break up the country if pushed forward too quickly. in other words, it was widely known that the threat posed was so serious that russia would potentially take action to prevent it from happening. the west has turned a blind eye to more than a is of shelling of the people who don't boss buried his head in the sand of the burning to death of more than 100 people in a trade union building in odessa, ignored the one of the people as expressed in recent referendums, but all the while they knew that the majority of people in easton ukraine felt tied
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to russia. not just that, again, thanks to wiki, biggs, we know that they recognize that russia has to be brought into any conversation. on the potentially involvement of nato, norway's foreign minister store states that russia should not have a veto over nato's decisions and rejects attempts by any country to impose an exclusive right to influence any other country by right of geographic position or political or military power. at the same time, she says that he understands russia's objections to nato enlargement, and that the alliance needs to work to normalize the relationship with russia. to make matters worse, story was the foreign minister in yen stone to modes, government making that night. her chief claims that the ukraine conflict was unprovoked sound even more deceitful. at the end that makes the recent admissions by ukrainian and european leaders that the minsk agreements were not ready about peace. it's clear that the conflicts in ukraine is very different from the black and white narrative, portrayed by western leaders and complying media. the 2014 minsk agreement was an
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attempt to give you a crane time. he cried. yes, this time to become strong. as you can see today, the ukraine of 20142015 is not the ukraine of today. since 2014, ukraine has strengthened its military posture. it is the merit of the minsk agreements to have given the ukrainian army this opportunity. i needed the minsk agreements to gain at least 4 and a half years to build the ukrainian forces to build the ukrainian economy, to train ukrainian forces alongside nato, to create the best armed forces in eastern europe, according to nato standards. it all gives the impression the piece was never wady on the west, the gender. so something detailed in a 2019 ran report, which is what we are saying play out in from. so our eyes all me crying. trade and financial sanctions on the expansion of the u. s. energy market. so the myth of the unprovoked war, waged by russia doesn't stand up to screw to me. nice how you exactly the risks of
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offerings, lensky, the chance to join the 30 member states alliance. because i discussed it time and time again over the years. yeah, interesting report from our auntie correspondence, steve sweeney that wrapping up his outs program on auto international. thanks so much for joining us here for the show. a lot of our stores getting updates as we speak, check out asi dot com, otherwise the plethora about his telegram channels can join us when we return to talk with ah
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ah ah . with hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered? i am peter labelle. how will the conflict in ukraine and to cease fire, armesis frozen conflict or defeat, or either ukraine or russia? this is the question so called big tanks all across the western world are asking the problem with this approach that it lacks intellectual and moral honesty.


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