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tv   News  RT  January 19, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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miss pages in the history of mankind with headlines and the wagner power of military proof reports taking a key. some of our troubles, also known as the buck locals who are safely evacuated from their shed. that's the way is that your musk i'm firmer tumors yesterday. wagner evacuation forces came many thanks to them for point us out. otherwise we would have died there. what goes ambassador to america accumulates washington of giving approval to kiev for attack on russian territory, including crimea. what some, according to potentially wiring escalation with a religious research group sounds the alarm over arising number of christians
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killed in africa because of their faith. solomon concerns of increasingly with religious motivated violence in some parts of the work with all the world keep turning it out. he keeps reporting. we are here to set the record straight book to you. now we go straight to the front lines of don bass, where the head of rushers, wagner, power military group has said that his forces have gained full control over a strategically important sub up of the city of art mosque also known as back. meantime, the town of cliche of car is less than 10 kilometers from archibald, which has been a vital transport hub for the ukrainian military. the head of the wagner group said fierce fighting is ongoing in nearby areas. and previously, the russian defense ministry confirmed that the wagner group made a solid contribution in taking the city of philadelphia. another strategically important location in the region. while locals from the city of arkansas mosque,
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widely known as bach, more of thanked the group for helping them to evacuate. yes, good. that it's your mosque. i'm from our to mosque yesterday. wagner evacuation forces came many thanks to them for pulling us out. otherwise we would have died there when we left the house and came under fire from the cracking ukrainian nationalist group and we had to drop down to the ground during the sheli. we crawled about 3 to 400 meters during the day. and at night we walked a very long distance and my grandmother couldn't even walk. we carried her on a stretcher, were very thankful to the wagner group through us through during the vacation were taken out by the wagner group. god bless them. the shelling has not seen for a 2nd or the last 4 days, although we showed no signs of being part of the military when you and was ukrainian forces that were shelling, fortune to the little. it's very difficult in our chill musk right now. just like in mar, you pull. maybe even worse since august, we have been living in the basement of our house, not going out anywhere. ukrainians were shooting at us civilians because most
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likely they have political issues against us. we were evacuated by the wagner group . they came at night, they said we need to leave urgently. we were getting out of the ruins. as soon as we came out of the basement, the ukrainian started shooting nearby. meantime, rushes ambassador to america says that washington has given key of the wrecked approval for a tax on crimea using american weapons. he made those comments in response to an assertion by the us state to pop up that a crimea is ukrainian territory and therefore is not off limits. commentators nameless humor that russia will not retaliate for texas territory. it should be obvious to everyone that we will destroy any kind of weaponry supplied to this lensky regime by the americans are native. isn't it clear that pumping ukraine with more weaponry, no matter where it is produced in the us or any other native country will only lead to an increase in the deaths of civilians? the rhetoric of u. s. officials is becoming increasingly belligerent,
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after hearing such remarks from washington, the criminals and kia will feel complete impunity. the risks of the conflict escalating will increase once again, a lot of people regarding my comment just now just calling it a potentially wiring escalation. we know about the patriot missile systems and theoretically tanks from america, theoretically, they're all being cold full by zelinski and kiya. what's the latest here? right, well the, so both actual supply of tanks from the u. k. and potential supply of tanks that we could see from other countries in the last really does present a serious possibility for an escalation and the current conflict. according to reports, france is already getting ready to send tanks to key of and like i said, just now the u. k. has said it's sending tanks officially to ukraine and has actually been pressuring germany to do the same. now at the same time, there's not everyone in the west has been, has expressed as such willingness to take this conflict to the next level because we saw berlin say that they'll only send their tanks to ukraine if washington
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agrees to do so. and washington is saying, we're not going to do that right now. we just don't think we're there yet. the abrams tank is a very complicated piece of equipment. it's expensive. it's hard to train on. it has a jet engine. i think it's about 3 gallons to the mile with jet fuel. it's not the easiest system to maintain naturally, this stands that washington has taken has actually upset quite a few germans who basically think that the u. s. is trying to sacrifice other people at the altar of its own foreign policy agenda, one german m p. a basically voice that opinion and also suggested that this is really risking bringing us closer to a nuclear confrontation. western tanks could ultimately provoke the use of nuclear weapons primarily against germany. that seems to be the deeper reason why washington is so reserved on the subject of supplying tanks. but as forcing its ally to make those sacrifices like a vassal, one of the main questions we have to ask is why, why is the west allowing for such an escalation right now?
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and actually the german chancellor explained pretty well the west position on, on this. and it's quite simple. basically, they see the west as good and they see russia as bad in order for the war to end rush us aggression must fail. that is why we are continuously supplying ukraine with large quantities of arms in close consultation with our partners. it is extremely important at preston. putin doesn't win this war party because it will be a tragedy for ukraine us. but it will in 30 dangerous for us. because then the message to alter italian, it is not only to putin but also all the authors. only this is when the use group or force when the violet international law, the it, she, what they won't. and that'll be a very bad and dangerous lessons. it'll make the world more dangerous on us more vulnerable if we want to negotiate the peaceful solution to the war ukraine. we need to provide me with our support, your crime. that's the only way weapons they are the way to peace. so
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the nato chief in st. oldenburg right there, donald basically saying that more weapons and more death other way to peace and just before him, donald, the left shoulder drama, chancellor, the man looking surprisingly optimistic. did his job, didn't his defense minister just quit. yeah, that's right. and you know, this, this kind of rhetoric combined with these recent developments with the potential massive future supplies of western tanks to the ukrainian military. all that combined really makes it scary to wonder how far will the west to go just to spite russia at the end of all this will. earlier in the program, we were speaking with a young us put conan editor in chief of the finish news website. and villette, he now he says, while the takeover of p cities and don bath is major development, the western media is trying to convince people of ukraine's advantage, of course, so in the military means bob mould has a very big importance. android. it's difficult for, for the,
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for in media to western media to accept the full bottom would. oh, bad. but like i said, when we're talking about lobbying from a divorce, we are talking about fully duration of dorm was. and that is exactly what the western propagandists are afraid of. they try to keep the beacher. that prey has steal a bus ability to weave a war against russia, each grade being to do but, but that's what exact exactly what they are doing. trying to convinced that there isa says to send all these billions of dollars and western military weapons to, to keep key of troops could have your company for this program. a u. n. a representative in charge of coordinating peace efforts in the middle east has called for israeli soldiers to be held accountable for the violence committed against palestinians. describe the issue as
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a dangerous cycle. political trade is of all acts. violence must be had an account with 3 brought to justice. security for this was exercise maximum restraint than usual before. so only was the other boys of little vague life. despite her mounting international pressure, israeli authorities have been withholding the bodies of killed palestinians. the families of the deceased have condemned that practice as a violation of human rights. let's get details on this troubling story with a middle east corresponded maria from ocean on a sunny day like this 121 years ago. mohammed son shante left his home in a village near annapolis in the west bank and never came back. 2002 was the time of the 2nd intifada and massive palestine in uprising against israeli occupation. mohammed was told shoddy, had been killed by these rarely, military during clashes between protesters and the army. the family started preparing for a funeral,
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but more than 2 decades on it still hasn't happened. the garage door soon said it was full of almost 21 years. have passed and until now we do not know where his body is or how he was mod shirt. but we want to take him and bury him here in the town and read a prayer over his body and know that we return him. this is all new wish before would be for a while to this world, with their son still not rested in peace. the parents pain and anger has not been buried either and will not go away before you will other beyond these rallies. so doing this to torture us more, if i had got back his body and buried him, we would have been able to move on. but since i have not got him bag, how can i forget give it up. and so the na sir is our one of around a 1000 other palestine and families who have corpses of dead relatives been withheld by his railey authorities at practice. that 1st began in 1967 man women and children are among them. hussain from jerusalem legal aid and human rights sent
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a tells me those who were killed and clashes and rage, but also died in his railey prisons or hospitals. i left it out if the occupation authorities claim they will use these bodies as pressure and bargaining chips in future prison exchange deals with armed groups in gaza. and as a policy of collective punishment for the families. we also expect this is the way to conceal evidence, in cases of extra judicial executions carried out by the occupations soldiers in the cities of the west bank and $48.00 territories. there a salesman palestinian families about the issue of organ theft were little bit forgot to be on work. the center helps the families get the buddies of their loved ones back. they go to israeli courts negotiate with the army, police. some cases have 0 progress like shot is one for others. legal battles take months and years as of today, more than 300, but is still haven't found their way back home, captain israeli morgues, or buried at so cold cemeteries of numbers. m. nellum on out obama. we only know
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about 4 known cemeteries which are military areas that have forbidden to enter. these corpses were buried in an inappropriate manner at a close distance from the surface of the ground. in this cause, many cases of corpse is being washed away and lost in heavy rains and through predatory animals that could dig up the graves. bob goodman fidel is rose, as it has legal authority to hold it. but his palestinian families seed as a violation of international laws and they are human rights. all those who we talk to while firm in this report told us they thought that bearing their beloved ones is the worst thing. but now they see that losing them forever without a chance to say a proper good bye is a bit more painful. but even when a family is successful and receives a body back, there could still be issues. a sam awaited for 37 days for these railey army to return the body of his youngest son, but could not recognize him. that was flows in his was group of ice doctors for 5
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days to defrost the body. because we need to come see it for for him. when did the autopsy show show? he was good for like 3 bullets from back and close distance. i saw ma shows me. i'm just room and the clothes he was returned in with holes from the bullets. he believes his 14 year old son, irregular protest, her against israeli occupation was assassinated by special forces in an ambush prior to and after his death. israel arrested menu of i'm just friends. some others also died. some of the buddies were never returned this guy and i didn't stay on it when someone kill your son and stole his body. it's edwards before for his brothers his cousins, his fans to do something. and that's what's happening, the 10s of these to, to fuel the violence in the area. we conduct
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a different israeli institutions asking for a comment on the state practice of detaining but is they didn't reply back very from optionality from the west bank. and you report claims the persecution of christians on the rise globally with thousands of people killed last year just because of their faith. the report by the religious research group opened doors. it says that 5600 christians were killed last year and said many of the crimes have been committed by islamist extremists and added that more than a 120000 people was simply displaced due to the anti christian violence and at least $15000.00 became all of a sudden christian refugees. now the report went as far as to say that in some regions, violence against christians is actually condemned of the african nations of somalia at korea and nigeria all listed in the top 10 of countries where christians report li, faced the most violence. the head of the reach coach group, i should say
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a he said the rate of crimes against christians on the african continent or the end of the day is deeply troubling. i think even we were shocked by our own numbers. 7 out of 10 countries where there is the greatest violence against christians are in subsaharan, africa, violence can mean killings and a large percentage of those who were killed for their faith in the last year. we're in africa, but it can also mean rate. it can mean abduction. it can be the destruction of property. now the report says, 360000000 christians face persecution and discrimination simply because of that face. that's one in 2nd worldwide. let's break down the numbers for you by region. for example, one in 5 christians, a prosecuted in africa, 2 in 5 in asia, and then one in 15 in latin america. well, we discussed all of this with the head of a 9 yearian christian association have listened to what was said. it is fortunate
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that in a country it has the constitution in a country that has the government and google you have nothing, you know, india school and could not really do nothing and they do it is actually being in the, on more than just flying. maybe a gets in of them and, and killing some of them. and that becomes a good concern if give nothing is killing the white, the claim to prove that to do if you're happy with government, what kind of if there was under that event in thank you. see we what we keep not active. i miss enough to know so much as a bit concerned because the community i want it, but citizens generally what it because now given seems not to be secured at this moment. a despite rising,
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religiously motivated violence in sub saharan africa. local christians in ethiopia in northern t gray region, happily celebrated the epiphany holiday this week, that of course, to the baptism of jesus christ, thousands of christiana gathered for the event known locally as tim cat. it is widely celebrated by ethiopia and orthodox christians with a period of religious revival, but also an occasion to give fangs without a personal prosperity. and here in moscow as well, if, if any celebrations in full swing of crowds of russian orthodox faith will gather to take the traditional dip in freezing cold waters. of course, on the eve of the holiday, it comes right off for a church service or rather unfortunate correspond. that is steve sweeney. he was daring enough to take the well as predicted. the temperature has dropped slightly. i can feel rain falling down to my body, but i am making my way now to the ice poland. i am going to get myself into the freezing cold water. there are men or women of all ages are here to day, and many
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a row already made the plunge into the icy water and the skews of people. now, as you can see, i'm prepared. it is very, very cold. and this is, as i've had visited about the celebration of epiphany, which is an commemorating the baptism of jesus christ. there are many health benefits that come with diving into the water. so i'm told i'm about to go in. so i'll let you know what it's like when i come out and, and, and how i feel i, with i feel a little bit invigorated. it's quite refreshing getting into the water and i'm plunging my head under 3 times. i can see the benefits of it. and i can see why many people come here and do this every year. i'm not promising the i will come back and do it again. you can see many, many people here still waiting to, to get into the po, see, as we saw it, it's not the 1st time i've dipped myself in the waters. it's the 6th time there are
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always emergency workers here. every one helps, almost identical. what's my youngest son and i try to dip ourselves in the waters every year? i think this is a very important holiday for orthodox christians. it's a symbol of our faith. the u. s. stay. department has expressed concerns. i was in bob way's reluctance to take action in a case that's over 5 years old. it's about investigating exploited women now dating back to 2016. the situation surrounded a 200 women who were reportedly trapped and abused in kuwait. the report out of washington states zimbabwe government is meddling and bringing the cases to conclusion that comes and made us accusations of rise and corruption in the country that has been under western sanctions for decades for alleged human rights violations. the spotlight on the country for washington has come at a time office and bob way introduced a gold coins last year, which are now in great demand and selling for more than $2000.00 each. the
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countries a central bank, made the move to introduce them to hold the collapse of the local currency and reduce dependence on the us dollar. we can learn more, a richard mo, i'm a political scientist now joining us an aussie international, a very warm welcome to you. so what, what do you make of washington's concerns overs him? bob? thank you for, for the me the opportunity to try and get but i think the content of washington over the way should not worry any progressive minded invoke friends. because we know that washington's position is appropriate in was in the predicate on their vengeance for the land phone program in that function fails. so really, i think what, what to washington and say something that you have in the mean. what effect is 5 policy positions are concerned?
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well, obviously it's bob ways been facing a tough economic situation for quite some time. and this is very often, well simply cost off of the fact of us sanctions talk to me about this currency idea sim bob was helping with the introduction of gold coins, which this week reached $2000.00 in value. why? why would them bob way be moving towards gold bullion as a currency? for starters, we're a country that is originally and board in terms of minerals. we are almost all the minerals and if it one way to ask a question about a minute. oh, well, the important question that i see is which, you know, we're not here. so for us 3 of the values towards, in a minute on it actually emphasizes how much we are looking at. so alternatives in terms of office called consolidation because this is part of
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a proto fiscal consolidation strategy that just been put in by the government. and you also notice that this a competitive resuscitation is open. go way. now you can, you have using the local current or had the multi currencies within our a basket of currencies to purchase the gold coins. so it's a means of storing value in moving the dependency that was for grounded on speculative grades. we saw our, our currency been eroded by inflation in the past. so this also serves as an inflation in camping measure. it also reinforces the idea or for fiscal consolidation, but at the same time also serving as a demonstration of the competitive current savings. but the addition of our
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b then domain to some dollar was i think, to me this sounds like you're almost alluding to that of the multi polar. well this new buff, this new born, multi polar world where an awful lot of she, we say new relationship. so being enforced around the world, whether it's the brick saw the e or the european union, that they're making a economic agreements that they're making security packs and it seems that a lot of them are moving away from that dollar. and this is also happening in africa as well. this, this d dollarization process is this, i guess with the introduction of this gold coin is this something that sim bob way is also moving towards is, is it is, is it a move of self protection? perhaps i remember let me talk about the multiple at they mentioned that you are presenting. i think the starting point is that to your, to, to sions, like the greeks that actually demonstrating godson
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a certain parts of the world can amalgamate economies to, to mind their own destiny. you've got the african continental free trade area. you've got to be a african development bank and all of that. so there is this fed dwelt or global solve consensus that the s t well international financial institutional model. he has been decaying in the sense that if you look at the countries that way affected by districts, adjustments of the sub with that like, like the i am if story, i mean, and the world bank, you'll notice that these countries not achieved any meaningful development as a result of the countries are beginning to develop alternative that for gore the edge manya, of countries like america and all of that because capital is no longer invested in what all streets demands, but to call it is vested in indigenous innovations of countries that do suffert's
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existence in the very, very end when they come together and become collect to force through alternative multilateral institutions. you would notice a situation with a certain countries in the with 1st cross cutting isolation. i was going to, i was just gonna pick you up and that mr. milan for because i think you raise an interesting point. this is my last question by the way, and it's so good to have you with us on their program. forgive me if i do go on a little bit long here richard, but i wanted to ask you, you know, zooms in bob way, introduces this gold coin to the economy. okay. and it's going off to a good start. people are hedging their bets, so to speak. in securing that financial wealth, but saddam hussein of iraq, he had a similar idea. he proposed a gold pan african dina to be used instead of the petro dollar for energy trade in the middle east. then colonel cadet fee, formerly of libya, he proposed
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a pan african goal dina to be used instead of the petro dollar. we know what happened to kathy richard. we also know what happened to saddam hussein should be, what should zimbabwe be at all worried that could be some sort of regime change if indeed they are essentially fighting back against the petro dollar. you would recall that we of, excuse me, you recall that we are both survived what was wanted to be a un resolution for the invasion about which and we know that the common culprits are western countries that inflicts the edge in one or 9 countries in the global solve but allows you to not just that to be a new dominant, a global player. one of them is russia and you called the role that was played by russia in helping a place when that she ended solution was being passed. you'd also a cold, they're all of china and all that. and these are countries that's actually
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a good relationship with. so number one, we are clinical it on values of self determination. but we've got a loyal friends that were to be equal infrastructure of islands to care. whatever you know, this is monica global believes can try and impose and help richard mamba political scientists are joining us alive on our international from herrera. really enjoyed our conversation. thank you very much for joining us. asia. ah, i thank you for joining us as well. but massive protests of our update in a rest of the eastern region of the democratic republic of congo. very close to the border with rwanda. hundreds of local residents have been demanding of the withdrawal of canyon. international peacekeeping force is saying that simply not doing enough to protect them from radical militants. but police, as we understand, use tear gas to disperse the crowds as demonstrate as approached. a major administration building and the city of goma journalists covering their events,
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say they were injured, even we understand 2 of them were reportedly detain. now the unrest was fueled by news that additional troops from south sudan were arriving in the area. meantime, the mayor of goma was band, the demonstration saying the local government was being besieged. but we heard from residents who say that the international peacekeepers are not doing enough to protect people from the militant group known as m 23. really so mom could be to day were demonstrating against the a see who hath come to us. but so far we have found that they are ineffective soldiers and did nothing on the ground at part from sullivan as a ship for the enemy. all march. first of all is supporting the d r. c. army. so they can launch operations against the m 23 and show the e. s. he army that it has no reason to be here. we are in the process of claiming all rights in relation to the regional force which had come to intervene in favor the geospatial me we want this e a c fours to be able to rec,
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to the fronds or go home, watch on, got a policy. i was surprised to see how the police are refusing to allow us to demonstrate. we do not want to see kenyans marching in the streets of gomer. again, we're asking the government to say if they do not want to go to war against the m 23, and if not, then leave our city of goma. we don't want them to come like monasco. i just about wrapping up this live broadcast from us studios at the headquarters of audi international here in moscow from all of us here. thank you very much for joining us. your news with terms of the top ah, who is the aggressor today? i'm authorizing the additional strong sanctions today. russia is the country with the most sanctions imposed against it. and number those constantly growing. but i figure which of the problem was to continue as we speak on the bill in your senior,
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mostly mine, or wish you were banding all in ports of russian oil and gas news. i know they said she was well with the letter from, you know, with joe biden, imposing these sanctions on russia, you know, has destroyed the american economy. so there's your boomerang. ah i myself or the only other way down hold the gun was in a network that i was getting myself or something like that. but as i want to one of the i got about them. this is an a bundle for layer because of it. when.


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