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tv   News  RT  January 20, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EST

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policy of the belgian lead to the death of nearly 10000000 people alongside the holocaust. the genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind. a presidential office in that are you planning participant in the last year was murdered by mistake off to report a field by the national unity service being run by pushing us interest as a try song. ties with how the continent media is drive in the u. s. 3 secretaries, 11 day visit for africa, a
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processor macro plan to raise the national retirement age. a emphasizes the importance of increasing his country field, imports from russia despite the west with the very significant a welcome to book austin live from much this past the hour. great to have you. i'm right mommy. let's take a look at today's top stories. you currently crane's president office says a lack of coordination in the twenty's security services led to the killing of a key delegation member after the 1st round of peace was moscow last year. that's
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also replaced by the wall street journal. so the cleaning national security service, the s b, you murdered dennis kinney, if on the claim that he was a traitor, but advisor to ukraine's prisons, unless he has affirmed he actually wasn't one when you have used not a russian agent, his murder happened due to the fact that there was no unified coordination between the door enforcement agencies. there was certain claims against him that was not enough time to settle these claims in a dialogue format. they shot him dead in cold blood, dumped his corpse on the side of the road in the center of kiev, and accused him of spying for the russians. this was how you cranes security services rewarded. denise kit iv in march of last year for is invaluable help as an informant. before and right after russia launched its military operation in ukraine, s b. u agents pulled up and ordered the military intelligence agents, and mister careers body guards to surrender their weapons. mister korea was
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directed to a mini van. his security detail lay prone on the street, is the van drove away. about 90 minutes later, the military intelligence agents were summoned to the spot where they found mister korea body. turns out though, it was all a big mistake, days after he was killed, as a trader kid, a of was buried as a hero, next to ukraine's 1st foreign minister. after all, the guy helped keep negotiating team big time at the bellows cease. fire talks in march of last year, as they stalled rushes offensive with the illusion of good faith negotiations, ukrainian forces prepared for all our combat. according to ukrainian general today have even credited with chipping off key of about russia's military operation. the apparently told ukrainian intelligence that russian forces sought to capture and tone of airport outside of kias and to use it to bring in reinforcements that heads up gave key have enough time to prepare. the airport was rendered useless and the
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in suing battle. and this tip off is remembered as a moments that could have made or broken key as war effort. if it were not for mr. curious, most likely keith would have been taken extra judicial murder dumping the body in the street and not even bothering to conduct a small investigation. definitely has an interesting way of saying, thank you to it's most willing collaborators. the ukranian intelligence service is a force onto itself. it's not fully controlled by the korean government. vladimir zelinski, therefore, is not the person who's totally in charge. the s b u seems to have a higher authority and the case of dennis care correct if it killed him, executed him on a street at point blank range without any kind of trial, without any official inquiry on, on under its own asserting. they killed a man who the government of the crane now says, was actually a national hero,
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a suggest that that far right forces are operating as they please. in the ukraine, the government has only limited control over their activities and is afraid to exert its authority. is afraid to bring such forces to heal. meanwhile, heavy fighting continues along the dome bus front line. russian fins are coming closer. taking of that he succeeded city of art to most, also known as buffalo. russian soldiers, including the dumbass set, established goosed brigade, are fighting to take control of the height surrounding the village of spore near seizing those heights would open the road to serve as an 8th. the r 2 most most cities post keys strategic significance for any future pushed to overtake the remaining dumbass territories. auntie arabic, senior correspondence argon hud, via has been observing russian troops as they used tactical goods in the area
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killer with her hiding continues on the don bass. front line, the village of spore. noah is under the crossfire of the russian forces. taking this territory opens the way to the city of savors. as you can see, ukrainian troops located 1.5 to 2 kilometers from us. here's an open spot, so i have to move fast so that the ukranian artillery doesn't fire at us. and we are not spotted by drones, as there are many. so, we provide our troops with surveillance and artillery support, and together we slowly and steadily move forward. by europe and we'll see europe trans play an important role in spotting the movements of ukrainian troops. the identification of targets allows artillery to show the enemy's fortify positions, which gives the russian assault teams an opportunity to move forward. one this way the artillery achieved great results with enemy trenches cleared and our guys are
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entering them when the enemy is suppressed. now we just hit the targets as planned, and mark fierce fighting goes on here as well as across the whole front line. but we're foreign mercenaries fight side by side with ukrainian nationalists to store glued from my experience when we faced both mercenaries, nationalists mostly prevailed. you can judge by the fact that i am standing here and talking to you a say taking subordinate air and the high ground positions around it opens the way to savers for russian troops. that is an important city just like are shown with spock. moot. we're fighting intensifies as well as solid r, which was recently taken by the wagner group. it will further lead to striking ukrainian troops in the direction of love. yancey and cromwell tours sought are gone. ha, dia, r t to nets, republic, russia foul. if africa, where the u. s. treasury st. history is on an 11th day,
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so of the continent including santiago, zambia, and laser south africa. she has his flat visit as a step tools further economic cooperation. the united states is committed to building on africa, significant progress in economic development over the past few decades. africa successful means success for all of us. and the united states is here as a partner to help africa realize its massive economic potential. africa media outlets have been saying the true purpose of the fit is to promote washington's interests over the already strong tide. and the content has with time. and russia is actually cost one in catabolic as the details. the us treasury secretary, jenna g. ellen will touch down in the west african state of cynical this friday. it's all part of jo biden's intention and campaign promise to give them. busy off because to africa over the next 2 years, yelling message will mirror that of how calling you as secretary of state anthony
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blinking, who was on his african safari last year in august, yelling will highlight the strides that the continent has made over the last couple of decades while also emphasizing that the united states is a partner and a friend to the continent. the irony here, of course, is that the african continent has developed in spite of america's absence and neglect. africa would not be weighed in today without the massive chinese investment in infrastructure and mineral resources, but the visit is also part of a large context of influence on the continent. the u. s. government sees the growing influence of other superpowers, namely russia and china as a threat to american entry. here the view of the official u. s. africa strategy. the people's republic of china, by contrast, sees the region as an important arena to challenge the rules based international order. advances own narrow commercial and geopolitical interests,
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undermine transparency and openness, and weaken u. s. relations with african peoples and governments. russia views the region as a permissive environment for paras battles and private military companies, often fermenting instability for strategic and financial benefit. the free country visit starting in seliger will also include zambia and south africa and it comes fresh of the heels of the you with africa salad. held early in december. president joe biden hosted over 40 african hands of things in washington. and during the summer, his administration main deals and commitments to the tune of some $15000000000.00 over the next 2 years to the continent. which pales in comparison to the chinese quantum. like many african countries i ever, than we are, is struggling with debt. and it's defaulted on it's dead repayment in 2020 is one of many african countries to apply to the g. $24.00 is nearly $13000000000.00 worth
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of debt to be restructured. and the common framework mechanism of the g 20 china holds a 3rd of zambia is dead. but despite that, the western line has been to vilify the east the giant. even though the majority of zombie as that is held in western institutions in africa, southernmost country, a growth resistant economy is being further hampered by the growing intensity of power. despite south africa's woes, jaelyn is expected to push that old. i'm a pause and his cabinet on the pace of transitioning from coal to clean energy sources. the united states is one of 5 countries. that's promised south africa. $8500000000.00 to ditch coal for greener energy sources. but there's no such thing as a free lance and weary africans will be looking out for the pre conditions that the united states government is so well known for government had for r,
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t janitor. now to your where more than a 1000000 people have taken to the streets throughout france to protest against president emanuel mack was planned to raise the country's retirement age by 2 years to 64. ah . while president blackwall was signing a friendship treaty with spain in barcelona, public transport flight schools, i'm businesses that fraud was disrupted by a wave of labor strikes as look, his won't fall for jobs. several dozen people will report that the detain them in
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crashes with police. aud seat contributes a ritual madison as well. so the opening act of union lead protests over french pension reform on thursday. saw protesters clashing with police in riot gear and tossing firecrackers at them near the bastide, where the 3 hour march, wrapped up. now at the beginning of the march, there was also a group qualified by the french press as black blocks who tossed smoke bombs at the police and got returned volleys of tear gas. now union organizers estimate 400000 participants were in paris and about 1200000 in the region. now, of course, the has to be tempered by official interior ministry figures, which usually tends to be a lot less and down. we'll see what they come up with. and usually the reality is somewhere between the 2, transportation came to a virtual hall in paris and across much of france about 70 percent of teachers
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walked off the job and energy sector workers halted delivery of fuel to gas stations. now, there were even threats of cutting power to french officials, homes. all of this is because french president a major and michael wants to bump the retirement age. 64 for a larger chunk of the french workforce. what he isn't touching however, is all the special regimes that still allow some workers to leave much earlier in their fifties with gold plated pensions. in some cases, of course, a labor strike in france would not be complete with without some good old fashioned gratuitous puffs were fair and rich bashing. no one on jekyll. can we claim that we no longer need billionaires in france? we want no billionaires in france. really a tough cell when workers are already paying whether the highest social security tax rates on the planet at 2223 per cent. and that doesn't even include the other
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45 percent of the gross salary that's peeled off their paycheck by the employer. and sent to the government of which they see none at all. by the way, my call was not even in the country today. he was conveniently down in barcelona, assigning a french spanish friendship deal. i guess that was lucky pension reform was one of michael's campaign promises way back in 2017. and he was just gearing up to tackle it in december 2019 with about 250000 protesters taking to the streets of paris back then, right up until coven head. and it's been shelves ever since, until now. on the other side of the atlantic, i've also been persistent mass protest and peru them. if i just full for the recently and know going to president to resign president, deena boulevard. i was sworn in last month off of the previous head of state of
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physical allied meadow garcia was out of attempting to the congress. protests have erupted throughout the country. more than 40 people have been reported killed in mid crashes with police. the demonstrators have large express support from previous prison castillo, who was taken into custody after he tried to slip powers away from the government, judicial branch on corruption allegations and g news. now, russia's energy, mr. on a visit to pakistan has expressed readiness to move forward with the development of a major gas pipeline project pakistan stream. he made those comments and made amazing with the parasite prime minister about increasing rush and fuel supplies to the south asian country. archie has heard directly from parcels petroleum is about the very energy ties between moscow and is about
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we have a long standing conversation, ongoing conversation about park street. so the discussions are about that project are moving the discussions about the import of energy or ongoing. so really, if you look at it the, the projects are the big project that we're right now discussing is the energy security of pakistan. we import about 70000000 barrels of crude oil. and so, if we can have russian crude flowing through our system, it would be very helpful, a significant chunk of that europe is taking energy from russia. and if you look at the quantum of energy that europe is taking reg know from russia and compare what park is done even in times to come, may take,
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it's not even going to be a small fraction. our neighboring countries are taking energy, taking oil, taking gas from, from russia. so if europe is ok to take energy from the russian federation, and if i are neighboring countries are quite okay taking energy from russia than i don't see any serious concern. we are about 220000000 people and we boys to grow to become about 349000000 people by by the 2050 right now in the region. we have lowest energy per capita utilization. that energy put per cap. not only our population is going to increase, but our energy per capita utilization is also going to increase. therefore,
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if we want to increase g d p by 4 percent or 5 percent every year, which is what our target is, then we need to grow our energy needs by $7.00 to $8.00, but in minimum, a year on year. so that just gives you a sense of what kind of energy needs we have and therefore, how important strategic energy partnership is for us. one of those key stop processes against hunger. marion's off the recent actions taken against ethic on guardians, living in west ukraine. we don't understand exactly how anti hungarian decisions and measures help ukraine in the war against russia. we call on the local leaders to immediately in the atrocities against the hungarians. if ukraine wants to be a member of the european union, the continuous and systematic harassment and deprivation of rights of
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a national community is unacceptable. the call came author of all that a local hungarian school director of the sags in the city of move. trevor in weston ukraine is the latest in a spots between both of us and keith, which erupt it in 2017 when ukraine's new education law restrict to the teaching of minority languages. mortgage however, has a significant hungarian minority living there. many rubles also found hungering flags were removed from settlements. meanwhile, media voice claim that hungary has blogs, 500000000 euros worth of emerging funding to ukraine. we've got insight from european geographical expert, george salih. he says each member, se hungry is in a type position, as it tries to assert his own rights regarding ukraine, despite pressure from the block, li gearing is really between a rock and the place they wanted every which way on the one hand on very is on
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board with the use sanctions policy. it's on board with nato, and yet at the same time it has to see the reality. so you have a extremely nationalistic zen oppo, big array gene that came to power in t of in 2014 and is persecuting all of the minorities in ukraine, primarily the russian which are very substantial minority, but also the hungarian minority is country white and it's been of long standing, this isn't just something that cropped up the other day. the authorities in here have banned the instruction in schools by minorities in their minority languages. so they banned the secondary education to be taught in hungarian just like they ban secondary education to be taught in russian and,
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and romanian and polish. i mean that it's, all of them are, it is have been you know, repressed by the regime in clear us. others in my and we have the paint, a russian national, who has the exchange of bits lacto and allegation of the a help luanda 700000000 dollars. we heard from an industry expert is that while the us media vilified that russian crypto boss, another much more infamous american, one of the scandal racks the f t x is why me welcome to the interviews off the country with interest em. discuss the issue with my colleague in a neil they just weeds like a tabloid piece, right? it's got all of these, these, or they, she claims it, it that you know that it's got all that all the, all the qualities that you'd want. if you me to get a tabloid piece in the newspaper, drugs and russia, they even caught him
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a cook. that's what they say at the top. the platform was designed full crooked. so it's very interesting, it's kind of sort of like, you know, that got to find another food guy for the full guy that they, that they had in, in sam bagman frieda nasty act which they bought. so who g guy for you go for the largest institution in the crypto? well, which is finance, the actual currency exchange itself, fad bits late. so what gives a sense of its scale? how important globally it is? yeah, it's relatively small. in fact, until today, you know, i'd not even heard of it, and i've been around this industry for quite a long time. figure 700000000 signs like a lot, but when you contrast it to others such as finance, exact minuscule. i mean, for the finance, i think that would be that that beat not even half a trading volume on the, on a weekly basis. right, is how much is going through that? so it's quite interesting that the u. s. government, i'm making such a big noise about something that no one's ever heard of and how that's gonna impact me industries that release is very difficult to say. i think the interesting thing is that they have tried to claim the finance was a com support to this trade. finance is the crypt behemoth. now the s t x doesn't
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exist. finance really is the big boy in the industry. so putting their name in a document for such a very, very small that's a trivial exchange in the industry is very, very significant. and how at regulates is the government's going to now react to by naps because they've been named say, will be very interesting to watch. just coming back to f t x that in criminal investigation, it was the headline stories for months. drilling. people might remember that the curly haired gentleman who the funder of it and he was released on $250000000.00 bomb to run a month ago. now, do you see differences? do you see parallels what, what's happening there? i'm indeed, in terms of being released on bail like the f t x founder was do you think that's going to happen now? to occasion? yeah, it's fair to see that start with that point he's. there's no way he can be long bail for one reason, because he is not a us citizen. the other interesting thing is that they've made all of this noise on what's called in the u. s. a criminal complaint. and that means that the authority
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suspects him. but he hasn't actually been indicted or charged by the offense in the us to be charged. it has to go in front of something called a grand jury, which is a load of people that, that are on a jury where they read, read the evidence that the, the prosecutor has, and then make a decision whether they're about to be charged. they haven't done that since case they just made all this noise. we don't even know if this guy will be charged yet, or indicted as they say that was in the s b f case. we waited for the indictment. he was allowed to pretty much wander around the bahamas. he was even doing press interviews to bloomberg. all these big financial programs at, you know, he was giving interviews, he's basically half his larry run wondering on when there was clear evidence that he committed these, these really heinous financial crimes. and whereas in this case, this guy is basically known to no one who's now been sort of put up, put on this poster. it is big russian super criminal mastermind villain. which is, which is bizarre, really, while they're out of this news, i do check out all t dot com for more pub, so it will be back up with
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a recent interview. french intellectual menu. well, todd claims, the 3rd world war has already started. it's epicenter is of course, ukraine, and it's a western war against russia and china. if this scholar is correct, then we can expect to be living in a very dangerous world for a very long time. when i was showing wrong, when i just don't know, i mean you have to figure out this thing becomes the attitude and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground.
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oh washington is munoz college and i can if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple of just put your human symbols on display. yeah. a guy so you guys don't talk to strangers. i avoid noisy gatherings, a marsh. we've eaten your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll russia much, naya the bomb. so what's a good
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time for them? i don't i didn't, i didn't live in b. i love you. keep up with anybody. no one's awful cycles yet. each do not as
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a z a z o z a z z, a box of books. typically those all those on tv, gender get a kindergartner, they give me a callback, michael den wasn't mckinney well need. you didn't want douglas a furniture free a been, i've already been on, on ah
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what i'm talking about, but with the fact that the payment i'm going into that with my children. okay. and, and this is your wife. i.


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