tv News RT January 21, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST
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a, with a headlines at this hour the usaa treasury, 2nd 3 years, is a lengthy applicant to push back against russia and trying and rising influence on the continent. this quite visit, officially be all about a broken end is take a minute that uses us fall on giant applies of how we attempted to quote bully his government into providing legal protection. the company, in case of any side effects from the coven banks, a desk with russian game along the river here,
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area does have become a major component of the fights, infant dumb buffer essential means more than more fact. i'll call this one report from the front line and walk through is in golf and then they protest the u. s. i'm about to the pharmacy agent and these with as in lima to talk with, particularly regarding the map for resource x for a just on the hour here one. and it's great to have it with us. i'm a mom here. take a look at today's top stories. the treasury say is on a lengthy sort of africa as washington seeks to strengthen. it ties with the
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continent. agenda so far has appeared focused on the writing, russia and china. they with them for troubles in the region, which is war and weapon. the station of food is exacerbated food insecurity and caused untold suffering. and the global economic head winds caused by the actions of a single man present in poon, is creating an unnecessary drag on african economy. we believe that the international community, including china, needs to provide meaningful debt relief to help countries regain their funding. de la dylan did not. mens her words as she is trying to portray a counterweight to the influence that the americans to see as the chinese having on the continent as well as the russians. she said that she blames russia and
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therefore trained to solicit the same kind of the motive emotions from her captive audience that she blame for i shall fall africa's exist debated food shortage problem. she also says that the continent mustn't be weary about unfettered chinese loans, which she says are highly collateralized and can present a dead trip for their said countries. and she has presented the case of zambia as a, as a cautionary tale if you will, to other african states that, that the chinese are dragging their feed when it comes to talking about that reform in that country. but china only holds a 3rd of zombie as that. the real question is, who hold the 2 thirds? and that is western multi lateral institutions that have continuously not lead the way either because they haven't been a reason why they can't pushed through on this agenda. jenna dylan says that
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america is here and it's back and is going to impress upon africans as the pardon of trace. she says that they will be making invest into the continent, but they will also be demanding transparency from the said governments and accountability. and she says that her government and the g 7 as a whole will try and impress upon multilateral banks to look more failing towards developing countries, specifically in africa and to have and developing a gender in mind. now, a couple of things that come to mind as an observer of such movements and such rhetoric from the americans. is that why is it only happening now that the multilateral of banks should focus on when the development agenda of africa, when it could have clearly happened? such a long time ago, there was nothing stopping it for shore. and another thing is that the americans
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are really worried about the influence of china and russia on the continent. and you can really see that they're trying very hard to impress upon these economies. that the petro dollar should survive, because they fear that a, in this multi polarity world, that africa might not necessarily side with them. another part of the history of this visit, of course, is to impress upon the states than would be hosting a american top senior officials coming into the continent that they take it seriously. i also understand that among some of the visits that we should be expecting this year, is that of american president, mr. joe biden. of course this visit by genet, dell and bills upon a visit that we had last year in august by the u. s. secretary of state, mr. anthony blinking, who also try to present america as a, as a country that is very much interested in africa and no one,
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none of these top officials from the united states have ever dared to mention the fact that they have been absent for 56 years. that's like that there hasn't been any meaningful american investment on the continent. and that african countries would not be where they are without the support, without the trade, without the investments that they received from china, as well as russia visit by janet dell and thought of the synagogue and also tied down in zambia as well as here in south africa, so there is still more to the story and more to come. in this sickness has accused the u. s. pharma giant pfizer of having pressured the south asian countries government is sure legal protection for the company in case of adverse side effects on his coven vaccine. the allegations also strong rebuttal by an indian part of that member made claims that he has to pull to the western jobs
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locally produced ones. just to remind all indians that pfizer tried to bullet the government of india into accepting conditions of indemnity. and jerome ramesh kept pushing the case of foreign vaccines during colbert. this is total. mister minister. let not your ambition to climb the greasy pole. make you more of a liar than you are. and 2021. in the midst of the pandemic fires, that was among the 1st vaccine produces to apply for an emergency use authorization in india, but it withdrew the application off of the countries pharmaceutical. what still requested a clinical study to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the job later that year in the a said it wouldn't by the 5, the job with report saying the company's demand for legal protection. we're main reason at the world economic forum and those this week pfizer c o attempted to
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evade commenting about the jobs effectiveness. you said it was a 100 percent effective, then 90 percent at 80 percent than 70 percent. but we now know that the vaccines do not transfer. so transmission. why did you keep that secret? trevor mosley? i won't have a nice day until i know the answer. why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? meanwhile, re thirty's. why? european and years of claim that the you coven vaccine deals, including ones with pfizer player and finds financial interests over public health concerns. article on today. rachel marson. shares are opinions on the asian jerry cove. it, the european union rolled out a block y q r code system has proven vaccination for travel leisure. and in some cases, a condition of employment. even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot actually was when it came to stopping infection transmission and
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even death. it's like there was this interest in brussels to move fast and getting shots into arms as quickly as possible. and getting this digital identity system linked to the job status into place as an incentive for people to take the shots. now for months, skeptical members of the european parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal the blocks leadership actually signed with the manufacturers of these injections. we're talking here about 11 contracts, 4600000000 vaccines and 71000000000 euros of public money transferred to big pharma. and so far, neither the citizens who paid for all of this nor their elected representatives have been able to get full transparency on any of those deals. here's what new research just published by french and g o global health advocates and by the u. k based health, non profit stop aids, has to say about it. the you signed agreements cloaked in secret and resisted
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efforts to disclose any information. protecting commercial interest, we argue, came at the expense of transparency around pricing, delivery schedules, those transfer clements and intellectual property commitments that could have helped increase global access to vaccines secrecy. in short hut, public health with an unaccountable driver. the public have been taken for a ride. the reports also draw attention to the lack of interest on the part of certain big pharmacy yos when it comes to accountability towards their customers, their and clients who received an ultimately paid for the jobs being average european citizens to make matters worse, phases ceo al, but bowler has twice refused to appear in front of her pin parliament's coven committee to answer questions about how the contract negotiations were carried out . an old decision for a company who claims to be very transparent. it turns out defies in c. e o. borla is also the same one who was exchanging private text messages with european commission present. ursula vander line the month before the pfizer contract was
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negotiated. now, how do we know that? because vander lined, said so herself in april of 2021. and those texts have magically vanished, and wagner line doesn't really seem to be too interested in making an effort to recover them forensically. so earlier this month, european parliamentarians on the blocks coven 19 committee, expressed their interest in having fonder line answer to their committee. on these contract negotiations by peering in person, but of course she can just decline just like bullet debt, which has now led the committee to request that berlin access privileges to the european parliament. he revolts and access to you. politicians for corporations under lobbyists, is pretty much priceless. between january 20, 20 and september 2022 senior european commission officials and pharmaceutical lobbyists. how close to 100 meetings, with 30000000 euro spent on you lobbying in
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a single year. that's according to the n g o z reports, which also touch on the lips service that the e u paid to global unity against cove it. while at the same time gate, keeping it cove, it technologies and practicing a sort of medical apartheid by keeping the jobs out of the hands of countries that perhaps weren't in a very good position to pay big pharma as much as what europe was about from lobbying and shady deals have made their way into the spotlight in the ear recently with the arrest of officials and personnel, accused of corruption over linked to lucrative could tarry and murat in lobbying efforts. and now with this report suggesting that's just the tip of the iceberg. if the e u is serious, about transparency and lisa, serious as wagner line, says she is in the wake of her target. then she really should be the very 1st to
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set the example along with her big pharmacy e o bodies. instead of hiding from the people she's actually meant to serve. ariel jones have become major means of warfare and the fight for don bus viagra after you've spoken don't to recognizance operations as well as destroy enemy positions. audio senior correspondent, one garcia, rubel from the ground. these close to the front lines, roots are immortal. hazard. artillery is trained on every stretch. only trees offer cover, even that scant, ah, relatively less the closest they are is 700 meters away at 3 o'clock through in a total of 3 directions. also at 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock, our boys are there to their rotating today. they're doing well in this area,
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buzz recently ceased from ukrainian forces. they know every path, every clearing troops heading out to relieve those at forward positions must be extra careful. drones guide them along. ah, we're scouting ahead to make sure that the way is clear and that our boys will get there safely. these soldiers are all volunteers of the act, my battalion answering to the church and president rams, and could thereof, to ensure everything went smoothly. a flaw, support team, armed with an automatic grenade launcher, was ordered to dissuade the enemy from trying anything. some of the most intense fighting he's underway, ukrainian units of a desperate to reverse russian games along the river.
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here through the rotation was the success. but as the drone flew back, it noticed something unusual. fresh fortifications and enemy troops concealed under the tree cover or espana discovered enemy positions at a distance of 450 to 750 meters away from us. their group targets enemy fortifications, armor and vehicles. within minutes coordinates were reported to h q and orders went out to near by artillery m i l. blue bay. their mission had changed. they were now to keep at a distance and correct artillery fire rebecca corrections were relayed. the next barrage struck home
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among i'll fight this is biker, right on the target. repeat. this is modern warfare. this is the dominant form of combat across the front lines, artillery and drones, in a seamless lethal link on the front lines, soldiers have learned to fear drones. they always watch and listen for the characteristic buzz that harolds a barrage of iron, fire, and shrapnel, or add gas d r t from le ganske. at several times as out of south america, at least one person was supposedly killed. and walner does a wounded in a violent stand off between protesters and police and peru this week. ah,
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that was i just made up of mainly of indigenous people to i just saw an airport in the nation's 2nd biggest city, but was so why police classes have been sleeping for room for more than a month now with food services demanding the resignation of frozen deena boulevard, who took off his last month of the food disaster was ousted the head of saint says the situation under control claiming unrest is being filled from abroad. meanwhile, bruce future and that all of its natural resources have been up for discussion. the u. s. on brother to the south american country, a former c i agent has met with peruse energy medicine central business. there were a see day to release the st 1000000 1st in gratitude. the u. s. for support of the sensor minister, vera thanked the u. s. government for its support on mining and energy issues and reiterated the will of the national government,
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whose priority is the massive occasion of natural gas, energy, security and petrochemical development in the south of the country. peru is a he global producer, copper, silver, and the zinc with the clear majority of the countries ex, was about 50 percent coming from mining and expedition extra extraction sector. the rest of the candidates falls amounts to just over 40 percent. the acid present. hydro casias says the u. s. has long tried to have control over bruce, lucrative mineral resources. the visit of the u. s. ambassador to the government palace was neither unreasonable nor in favor of the country. it was to give the order to take the troops out to the streets and massacre my defenceless people and incidentally, to leave the way clear for mining exploitation. there is an interesting coincidence in this story. the u. s. embassy super lisa camera who previously worked for the
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cia we 1st met with the south american countries defense minister, the day before them president was to pose last month. we heard from latin american geographical expert, dan show. this is washington's hand in the room, the leader lisa ken is a long time employee of the ca and now is the us ambassador to do. it's certainly curious timing to see her meeting, not just with the minister of energy and natural resources in the do a meeting with former generals who are now ministers in the unelected government of dina. about why thing. but it's amazing how quick lisa kenna and the rest of the state department officials and the biden administration were to rubber stamp is to get behind it because it means the the nationalization
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of peruvian resources rules. one of the biggest export is the gas. now, because the european union in the u. s. cannot rely on russia for their gas because the, the thanks and this is the same a playbook that we saw and some of the neighbors. this is what happened for new going in part of why is what happens is a lie, different doors. and when any type of bi national is inside period is true, patriot or left leaning, president comes into power. the u. s. immediately sees them as a threat is to quote you on must be very proud the posted on twitter. they're willing to qu anybody anytime, whenever they please. so i think there's not enough of a us presence in latin america. a top american in general, has worn washington's in leagues at the us needs a step of his game to compete with great influence russia and china in the region.
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this is very concerning to me, to see the tentacles of the people's republic of china in the countries of the western hemisphere. we are very much in a strategic competition in the western hemisphere. a total of 9 countries have russian equipment in them and we are working to replace that russian equipment with united states equipment. we have a lot at stake. this region matters. it has a lot to do with national security. we need to step up our game. general laura richardson has the u. s. southern command, responsible for the security corporation in central and south america. it also includes the potential of washington military assets there. this is not the 1st time that richardson has emphasized the strategic importance of the region for the us was firstly, is rich resources. 3 genesis, so rich and resources. it's off the charts, rich. 60 percent of the world's lithium is in the region. you have heavy crude,
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you have light, sweet crude. you have rare earth elements. there are adversaries that are taking advantage of this region every single day, right in our neighborhood. and i just look at what happens in this region and terms of security impacts our security, our national security, i in the home land and in the united states was in those relations with some of his latin american neighbors have been particularly strange since last year. when it refused to invite the leaders of cuba, venezuela, and the correct word to a summit of the americas that it was hosting. meanwhile, china and russia have been increasing investment in the region, including for critical infrastructure, as well as providing military equipment. we heard from a principal expert who says the us storms of had demonic rule over the western hemisphere. no longer fits with the rising multiple wolves. well,
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i think that for most americans, their interests are not the same as the interest of the pentagon on the interest of wall street. so in my view, american people have and have a great influence in latin america just cannot be in the, in the form of impression or in the form of a subjugation of the peoples or the plundering of their natural resources in latin america. so who should worry is gone, is was street because what they want is to maintain the relationship of dependence from latin america towards the u. s. the, all on the road doctrine to call latin america. it's bad yard or as president biden said, it front yard, ultimately, latin america should be free and it is becoming more and more free. being able to pick its partners, its allies, relations throughout the world. and russia and china are 2 great powers that one
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cannot help, but to have some relation when there is no country that due to ideological preferences can afford to ignore russia or american tech firms as washington has also to bypass into censorship. in iran is not a public government restrictive access, amid process. the company's ceo made those comments of the world income forum in the us. and i got a call from a senior official in the white house, who said, can you do in iran? what you're doing in russia and i said, no, they said why not? and i said, because sanctions prevented us from ever putting our equipment in iran. and so the same way that we can help the russian people bypass center step. we're unable to do that in iran, and they said, what if we give you a license that is too late? meanwhile, the u. s. has reportedly requested that this company space x,
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y satellite internet services in iran, particularly with a view of assisting anti government activists in the country. protests erupted in iran last year for the death of a woman who was taken into police custody for the legislature not complying. with dress code regulations of wearing a headscarf. yes for joe biden, the other western leaders have expressed support for the anti government protesters in iran, the u. s. i suppose, middle east, a israel have repeatedly been discussing joint efforts, encourage more of those demonstrations and ultimately undermine the iranian leadership. all g 's, maria, from national as the story, prime minister netanyahu and us national security advisor sullivan, discuss further joint steps to deter iran. the prime minister expressed his gratitude for you as president biden's commitment that iran will not obtain nuclear
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weapons. that's been declared openly what is rather quando stein, israel and the west have long joined efforts in a well coordinated information war against iran. the most recent and a remarkable example last falls and to government protests in iran. after the suspicious death of a 22 year old female demonstrator in police custody. iran was boiling on the streets and on social media, but that is the number of pro demonstrator is an anti government hashtags used from outside iran that blows one's mind. take a 0 for example. according to tweet a trend, an archive on just one day 22nd of september. they were 9000000 tweets with the woman's last name, written in farsi from israeli user as well. quite a lot for a country was just a bit more than half a 1000000 twitter users in just 4 days between september 21st and september 24th accounts based in israel, sent over 43000000 tweets about the protests, white and achievement. given that only around $634000.00 is where you have
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a twitter account, an average of $68.00 tweets per account. the next day, the ono twitter, ellen musk confirmed on twitter, his commitment to help america change information landscape in iran by smuggling in special devices that allowed government restrictions to be bypassed. we took action to day to advance internet freedom and the free flow of information for the iranian people issuing a general license to provide them access to digital communications to counter the iranian government's censorship, activate and star link. an example of the 3 flow of information followed from an almost 100 year old, homeric and magazine, and use week story, full se, saying that the iranian parliament voted in favor of death penalty for protest. her is immediately went viral. even the canadian prime minister vowed to stay united against a ron's heinous regime. 15000 protests his sentence to death. true to hollywood
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salads, denounce iran on the base of the funny story. kennedy denounces the rent in regimes barberic decision to impose the death penalty on nearly $15000.00 brought justice. the claim angered even official fact checker is normally critical to runs government following their disapproval, many rushed to delete their posts, claiming they were misled. but some say they were rather deliberately misleading. it's very obvious for me as someone who lives in iran and has been observing the manipulation campaign and how the twitter has played a very significant role into this many foolish and campaign. you see a very hyperbolic, exaggerated coverage of iran, and i think this is because i'm like always because the u. s. one stu, n d, human eyes, the population inside iran, and other western magazine with
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a century long history that describes itself as a leading foreign for serious discussions of american foreign policy, openly called for regime change in iran, with america's help. and finally, the meta oversight board earlier these january refused to remove facebook post saying death to the already leader as a matter should do more to respect freedom of expression in iran, it keep discipline creation campaign. it has slowed down a lot because a lot of shod misinformation and an efficient campaign has already been exposed by a lot of people and they were, they were promising. the world's dives to the rainy and government is going to collapse any time. but this does not happen, so they had to back off a little bit and i'm sure they're going to come up with some other plan in the future. and this to me, looks like in line with the bigger agenda, which is to push for more pressure on the iran. so the question arises
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when israel and its trusted partner america talk about the need to stop iran. do they mean it's nuclear program? it's cracked out on the protest or is, or do they mean to stop iran being iran reef in ocean r r t from jerusalem? well, that's all from me today as a way that was great to have you with us. my coding role is to say will be up like i'm on holiday with ah, with a.
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