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tv   News  RT  January 21, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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ah ah, ah headlines on asi international as the us treasury secretary is right now, touring africa. it is widely seen as an effort to upstage russia and china is growing. influence on india is tech minister accuses us, comma surgical giant, pfizer having attempted to quote only his government into providing legal protection for pfizer in the event of severe side effects from the co group back in with russian to game along the river area. drones become
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a major component of the fighting for don't fast and what's become an essential means what and they will of course, one of my bad guys, they have continued reporting from the front line in well, peru within the gulf, didn't deadly protests. the u. s. i'm baset are a former c i, a agent meets with senior officials in lima to talk business, particularly regarding the exports of natural resources with we are setting the record straight from moscow with all the international with your wealth. so washington has dispatched its treasury secretary on a lengthy tour of africa that seeks to strengthen its ties with the continent. of our agenda so far appears focused on deriving russia and china, ultimately planning them troubles on the continent,
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which is war and weapon ization of food is exacerbated food insecurity and caused untold suffering. and the global economic head winds caused by the actions of a single man, president putin is creating an unnecessary drag on african economy. we believe that the international community, including china, needs to provide meaningful debt relief to help countries regain their funding. de la dylan did not. mens her words as she is trying to portray a counterweight to the influence that the americans see as the chinese having on the continent as well as the russians. she said that she blames russia and therefore trying to solicit the same kind of emotive emotions from her captive audience that she blame. fresh air for africa's exist debated food shortage problem
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. she also says that the continent must be weary about unfettered chinese loans, which she says are highly collateralized and can presented a dead trip for their said countries. and she has presented the case of zambia as a, as a cautionary tale if you will, to other african states that, that the chinese are dragging their feet when it comes to talking about that reform in that country. but china only holds a 3rd of zombie as that. the real question is, who hold the 2 thirds? and that is western multi lateral institutions that have continuously not lead the way either because they haven't been a reason why they can't push through on this agenda. jenna, the ellen says that america is here and it's back and is going to impress upon africans as the pardon of trace. she says that they will be making investment into
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the continent, but they will also be demanding transparency from the said government and accountability. and she says that her government and the g 7 as a whole will try and impress upon multi lateral banks to look more fairly to was developing countries, specifically in africa and to have and developing agenda in mind. now, a couple of things that come to mind as an observer of such movements and such a rhetoric from the americans. is that, why is it only happening now that the multi lateral of bangs should focus on one, the development agenda of africa when he could have clearly happened such a long time ago? there was nothing stopping it for shore. and another thing is that the americans are really worried about the influence of china and russia on the continent. and you can really see that they're trying very hard to impress upon these economies
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that the petro dollar should survive because they fear that a, in this multi polarity world, that africa might not necessarily side with them. another part of this re, of this visit, of course, is to impress upon the states that would be hosting a american top senior officials coming into the continent that they take it seriously. i also understand that among some of the visits that we should be expecting this year is that of american president, mr. joe biden. of course this visit by general dylan builds upon a visit that we had last year in august by the u. s. secretary of state, mister anthony, blinking, who also try to present america as a, as a country that is very much interested in africa and no one, none of these top officials from the united states have ever dared to mention the fact that they have been absent for 56 years,
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the fact that they haven't been any meaningful american investment on the continent . and the african countries would not be with the, without the support, without the trade, without the investments that they received from china, as well as russia visit by dennis ellen thought to the synagogue. and also touched down in them as well as here in south africa. so that is fillmore to this story and want to come india is tech minister, has accused the us pharmaceutical john fi is the roof. having pressured the country's government to ensure legal protections for pfizer in the event of deadly side effects from a covert vaccine. the allegation spots a strong rebuttal by an indian parliament member who, while he said that he supported the western jobs over the locally produced ones in india. just to remind all indians that pfizer tried to bully the
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government of india into accepting conditions of indemnity. and jerome ramesh kept pushing the case of foreign vaccines during covered. this is total mister minister . let not your ambition to climb the greasy pole. make you more of a liar than you are. 2021 fire was among the 1st vaccine producers to apply for an emergency use authorization in india, but it withdrew the application off the countries pharmaceutical watched or requested a clinical study to confirm the safety of the job. they did not hear. india said it would not by the fire a job with report saying the companies to bonds for legal protection were the main obstacle and the world economic form in davos this week. 5 is the ceo attempted to evade commenting about the jobs, safety and effectiveness. you said it was a 100 percent effective, then 90 percent and 80 percent, then 70 percent. but we now know that the vaccines do not trans stop transmission. why did you keep that secret revenues good. i won't have
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a nice day until i know the answer. why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission? in what would you be surprised to learn that recent studies by european n g o is of claim that e u. covert vaccine deals, including with pfizer, prioritized, enormous financial interests over the main issue of public health. is i think, contributor rachel marston, jerry cove, it, the european union rolled out a block y q r code system as proof of vaccination for travel leisure. and in some cases, a condition of employment, even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot actually was. when he came to stopping infection transmission and even death. it's like there was this interest in brussels to move fast and getting shots into arms as quickly as possible and getting this digital identity system linked to the job status into place as an incentive for people to take the shots. now for months,
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skeptical members of the european parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal the blocks leadership actually signed with the manufacturers of these injections. we're talking here about 11 contracts, 4600000000 vaccines and 71000000000 euros of public money transferred to big pharma. and so far, neither the citizens who paid for all of this nor their elected representatives have been able to get full transparency on any of those deals. here's what new research just published by french and g o, global health advocates and by the u. k based health, non profit stop aids, has to say about it. the you signed agreements cloaked in secret and resisted efforts to disclose any information. protecting commercial interests, we argue, came at the expense of transparency around pricing, delivery schedules, those transfer clients, and intellectual property commitments that could have helped increase global access
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to vaccines. secrecy. in short hook public health with an unaccountable driver, the public have been taken for a ride. the reports also draw attention to the lack of interest on the part of certain big pharmacy yos when it comes to accountability towards their customers, their and clients who received and ultimately paid for the jobs being average european citizens to make matters worse, phases ceo al, but bowler has twice refused to appear in front of therapy and parliament's coven committee to answer questions about how the contract negotiations were carried out . an old decision for a company who claims to be very transparent. it turns out the pfizer, c. e o. borla is also the same one who was exchanging private text messages with european commission present. ursula vander line the month before the pfizer contract was negotiated. now, how do we know that? because vander lined, said so herself in april of 2021. and those texts have magically vanished,
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and wagner line doesn't really seem to be too interested in making an effort to recover them forensically. so earlier this month, european parliamentarians on the blocks coven 19 committee, expressed their interest in having fonder line answer to their committee. on these contract negotiations by peering in person, but of course she can just decline just like bullet debt, which has now led the committee to request that burleson access privileges to the european parliament be revoked. and access to you. politicians for corporations under lobbyists, is pretty much priceless. between january 20, 20 and september 2022 senior european commission officials and pharmaceutical lobbyists. how close to 100 meetings, with 30000000 euro spent on you lobbying in a single year. that's according to the end yos reports, which also touch on the lips service that the e u paid to global unity against cove it. while at the same time gate keeping cove,
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it technologies and practicing as sort of medical apartheid by keeping the jobs out of the hands of countries that perhaps weren't in a very good position to pay big pharma as much as what you're of was a bathroom lobbying and shady deals have made their way into the spotlight in the ear recently with the arrest of officials and personnel, accused of corruption over linked to lucrative could tarry and murat in lobbying efforts. and now with this report suggesting that's just the tip of the iceberg. if the e u is serious, about transparency and lisa, serious as wagner line, says she is in the wake of had target. then she really should be the very 1st to set the example along with her big pharmacy e o bodies. instead of hiding from the people she's actually meant to serve ariel drones had become major means of warfare in the fight for don bass. now,
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the years for conducting restaurant recognizance operations as well, of course that of destroying enemy positions. so remaining on the front lines with this story. aw, senior correspondent, but at gusty these close to the front lines. roots are immortal. hazard. artillery is trained on every stretch. only trees offer cover even that scott, ah, some of the less the closest they are is 700 meters away at 3 o'clock through in a total of 3 directions. also a 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock and our boys are there to their rotating to day. they're doing well in this area, buzz recently ceased from ukrainian forces. they know every path, every clearing troops heading out to relieve those at forward positions. must be
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extra careful. drones guide them along. ah, we're scouting ahead to make sure that the way is clear and that our boys will get there safely. these soldiers are all volunteers of the act, my battalion answering to the church and president rams, and could thereof, to ensure everything went smoothly. a flaw support team armed with an automatic grenade launcher, was ordered to dissuade the enemy from trying anything. some of the most intense rising he's underway, ukrainian units are desperate to reverse russian gains along the river. here through the rotation was the success. but as the drone flew back,
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it noticed something unusual. fresh fortifications and enemy troops concealed under the tree cover, or espana discovered enemy positions at a distance of 450 to 750 meters away from us. their group targets enemy fortifications, armor and vehicles. within minutes coordinates were reported to h q and orders went out to nearby artillery. yeah, with dale blue bay, the mission had changed. they were now to keep it a distance and correct artillery fire with corrections were laid. the next barrage struck home among malika. i'll fight this is biker, right on a target and repeat. this is modern warfare. this is the dominant form of
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combat across the front lines artillery and drones. in a seamless lethal link on the front lines, soldiers have learned to fear drones. they always watch and listen for the characteristic buzz that harolds a barrage of iron, fire, and shrapnel, or ad gasdio. r t. from le ganske cro aisha's president has had some are well choice words were the e u foreign policy chief, joseph burrell. as he accused of the block leadership of having a condescending attitude toward certain members, states burrell century, show a memo last month filled with lies in which he treats us as if we were retarded. excuse my language as if we had special needs at some point enough is enough. this kind of treatment is deeply irritating. to day they do this to hungary,
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tomorrow it will be some other bigger country. they want to bring into line. they did it to poland until recently to poland. now gets a past due to the situation in ukraine, but their turn will come again to morrow. if the e u wants to progress it has to accept this diversity the creation, the president made those comments during a press conference in budapest with his hungarian counterpart of both of those countries have been expressing grave concerns about a policy is going against their own national interest and remain in opposition to the anti rush sanctions as well. the croatian leader has accused the e used leadership of failing to acknowledge the individual ality of each of its members states. well, let's learn more. of course lives not the geopolitical expert and head of the euro continent. think time p r in manual on a very welcome to use are very good afternoon to you from all of us here at the international. what do you think about the creation president essentially criticizing the leadership saying that the, the leadership was belittling his country? is the creation president out of line?
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perhaps? no, a thinker. the comments of are christian. a president reflects the huge struggle of power between a member states, nations and earth, european bureaucracy. european union bureaucracy would like to or use each crises in europe, internal and external to add more power. and due to were, impose its own views on the european project. and some member states are resisting, especially are now home gallery for example, or which is refusing over your interpretation of a rural role of european union. and also it's approach on ukraine and no croy shot a siding more, weaker hungary,
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because they or so don't agree a uni latera interpretation of war of role. are you an o? so v you alignment for european union to innate tool and washington objectives to weaken russia because these 2 countries, curation, hungary think, or european union should better. okay, so boats are you europe as a cbd dish and, and not as an appendix of nate to in washington. jupiter got objectives. i think he writes a very interesting comments that piano appreciate your saying that frankly things say we will not see being said on the mainstream media. i wanted to ask you pierre, because it was in december of last year, the croatian president will actually say the parliament of croatia. they rejected a motion to train ukrainian soldiers on croatian soil as part of an e you mission. why do you think croatia said no to training ukrainian soldiers
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because of training you ukrainian? sonya on the e, you saw it in means coban. he gibbons and dog croy shot doesn't once urge to were to side. oh we vis you blue cross. he which concede your more mo, russia as an enemy, in alignment with washington, croatia, consider us about to you east or a shoe do focus on the european projects, and you're good to keep a europe of nations mulder and not a federalized moder, which is, or a defacto will be a lie. don't need to on washington objectives. it's a gaudy study, which would be cool. so we should have our de gordon friends already said, but if you for your been project to do is feel that you would be a federation. it to be her, took that he and 9 and a she done objectives and cray shots are where the president of croatia is. a heavy
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a go, the statute vote and of nations. mother pierre, what, what, what do you think the e u leadership could do to, to make croatia comply with the blocks policies could, could it be a case of just dangling a carrot in front of a cro in front of croatia or to be a coward. and a stick when it comes to getting them to step in line. it can lead to to value cellular consequences on butters, for example, on the budget or would european union for example, try to discriminate hungary because on gary doesn't align itself on the ukraine. her head attempts of weapons and do they could do the same or against croatia if kerisha continues to try to resist to you bureaucracy and try to crop owe you money for example, but to be sweet leads to mobile fragmentation with you because the member
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states are divided born mo, on you crazy like that time to on. i want to walk about the scared that i'm sorry to jump in. i do apologize, but you raise a very key point and i wanted to bring this up to you. next. all we seeing cracks, appearing in european unity when it comes to the ongoing conflict in ukraine. the refugee is coming out of you cried. and of course, the full weapon eyes ation of ukraine. yes, of course. route, route, question president, or what he said, but it was not in v interest of you as a war 2 or a side we've ukraine against russia because these or is it is a proxy war using ukraine against russia for american interest. and it resulted or so if you need more and more or de facto audience between russia and china and about was not in europe an interest. he said, the son uses very much in 9 weaver,
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hungary or so. and or so, expose some pretty cents in western europe in germany on france were criticizing or instrumental arising of euclid conflict to, to push for where she don't interest unknown. so, or european musician, but e city in a way to make you a city ration. and der actuality against irv, a sovereignty of e. you remember seed themself? yeah, it was. it's another, it's another good comment from when you hear you, i mean, you bring up the issue of sovereignty. i mean, let, let's talk about this briefly in p r. i apologize. i'm under got about 30 seconds. i'm very sorry, but we look at what's happening in europe right now. europe a sanctioned russia. so russian energy is essentially the backbone of european industry. europe is being de industrialized as we walk from one month to the next. and then we have the w e, f, the world economic forum go on in davos with some,
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you know, you want to be bon villains. like klaus schwab and all this kind of stuff. europe is facing very worrying days ahead. would you agree exactly. burger crises can only wilson is a future. o e u is more, more divided you up to where it doesn't represent europe as it was recently year, a political organization representing on your portion of your rock unfit. it's more and more fragmented over or each use of energy. busy or by grecian issues, over the future economic mother over over democracy kick, mother, 80 broad, only brother and foreign policy. and do the more reward is divided and fragmented. geo particular, the mo you will be your particular fragmented on you, broo chrisy. he's promoting an up so lead model of europe, a figure it fit around motor her, which she serv denying sovereignty on of nations and dur croatia and no home.
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gary on some a gritty or critic c. o. 2 in western europe, in france, italy, germany, or so. but would i cannot, you are not modern europe of nations for the future, a not to be instrumentalists, lack e u, i would say, elijah nate, 2 objectives to make russia an enemy unto fragment europe. mo, between western europe and russia, and do pierre emanuel tom on a geopolitical expert, another head of the euro continent. think tank of so good to get you here on the program and listen to your opinion here. thank you very much for your time. and i look forward to seeing you again, but at least as we understand now, one person has been killed and more than a 1000 wounded and violent or stand offs between protesters and police. it's all going down in peru this week. the demonstrate is mostly
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indigenous people try to storm an airport in the nation's 2nd biggest city, but they were stopped by police classes have been sweeping peru for more than a month now with protesters to mining the resignation of president dina watson, we took office last month also, her predecessor was ousted the bed of state. so the situation is under control, claiming the unrest is being fueled from abroad. meanwhile, peruse future, and that of its natural resources. old up for debate, the us ambassador to the south american country, a former c i a officer has met with peruse, energy minister to talk business. the ministry later released a statement expressing gratitude to america for its support. minister vera thanked the u. s. government for support on mining and energy issues and reiterated the will of the national government,
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whose priority is the massive vacation of natural gas, energy security and petrochemical development in the south of the country. and perry was a key global producer of copper, silver zinc, with a clear majority of the countries exports around 58 percent for mining and extraction. the rest of the exports amount to just over 40 percent. now, the ousted president, petro kasteel, says the us has long try to have control of a peruse, lucrative, mineral resources. well then listen to me, listen to him. the visit of the u. s. ambassador to the government palace was neither unreasonable nor in favor of the country. it was to give the order to take the troops out to the streets and massacre my defenceless people. and incidentally, to leave the way clear for mining exploitation. while there is a slightly curious coincidence in this story, however, listened the us um bastards of peru. lisa kenna, who previously worked for the c. i a portly, met with
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a south american countries defense minister the day before the vent president was deposed. last month, we heard from latin american geopolitical expert daniel shore, who is suspicious about the overthrow of the peruvian leda. lisa ken is a long time employee of the ca, and now is the us ambassador to do. it's certainly curious timing to see her meeting nurses with the minister of energy and natural resources . and they do a meeting with a former generals who are now ministers in the unelected government of dina. about why thing. but it's amazing how quick lisa kenna and the rest of the state department officials and the biden administration were to rubber stamp is to and get behind it because it means the the nationalization of peruvian resources room. one of the biggest export is the gas. now,
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because the european union in the u. s. cannot rely on russia for their gas because it, the sanctions. this is the same, a playbook that we saw and some of the neighbors. this is what happened for new go in, in part of why this is what happens is a lie, doris. and when any type of bi nationalist, anti imperial is true, patriot or left leaning, president comes into power. the u. s. immediately sees them as a threat to quote you on must be very proud the posted on twitter. they're willing to qu anybody any time whenever they please. you can read more about that at all t thought. com. the story of the cia being in lima, peru, essentially the day before the previous president was suddenly ho. more about that bottom line. i mean time go program with
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race group is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk ah ah ah .


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