tv News RT January 21, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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it any kind of pretty neat thing, therefore, that you will not you have to fit that by force so that you need to mention that i'm only asking how big 4 cases feed the germany, vice chancellor accuses vladimir, put enough, causing the energy prices ranging in europe critics same burly and only got itself to blame. also ahead of the program, senior indian government minister accuses us form a giant visor of having attempted bullying new deleon to providing legal protection from any side effects of its cobit bucks. also a new unit or death with russian games along the river. that's all mind areas. drones
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become a major component of the fighting for john boss. we take you to the front lines where our correspondent detailed up close the effects of weaponized, the rate of the just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow sunday, january the 22nd. so i'm, you know, neil and dad says re key international, our top germany's vice chancellor has taken a me, a lot of mir directly accusing the russian president of being responsible for the energy crisis in europe. half of the gas supply to germany stopped because putin has cut it off. now the supply has been stopped completely and it will not come back to us. the help of these 3 power stations we will get back at least a quarter of what we have lost. well,
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it kinda seems like germany's vice chancellor seems to be not entirely in touch with reality. sure berlin is going to have to burn more coal now to heat german homes, but it's the west that shot itself in the foot here. i mean, russia has time and time again reiterated that it is committed to fulfilling its contractual obligations when it comes to energy supplies. and it's done just that through the turk stream pipeline, and even through ukraine, although at a lower rate than took place last year, because kia back in may started closing down pipelines that were shipping russian gas to the european union. then there's poland, that placed sanctions on gas problem and then refused to pay for russian gas in rubles, despite the fact that european union sanctions made it impossible to do otherwise. and at the end of the last year, they even seized and stole gas problems. assets still on polish territory, and it could be argued as well that russia is just being made a convenient scapegoat here. because for years we heard this endless campaigning
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about green energy, even though critic said, we don't have that in place. we're going to need gas, coal, oil. you also had western governments shutting down industries because of covered. and now we're seeing the side effects. but yet this is the problem rushes, the problem, the noise stream pipeline, sabotage in september last year. how did that effect as well? that gas supply in germany, a big issue, well after the series of explosions across these north stream pipelines, the swedish investigation confirms that this was an act of sabotaged by a state actor actually. and interestingly enough gas problem was not even allowed to participate in this investigation. this is something that understandably made moscow thinks that the west perhaps had something to hide and it really made to wander out of all of the global powers who would be most interested in destroying these pipelines and covering up an act of sabotage like that. mister, yeah. who is interested in ukraine receiving money?
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ukraine gets money from us for the gas transit. it's us who pays them yesterday. and despite the fact that they call us aggressors, they take our money just like that. which money doesn't smell? who is interested in the russian gas supply to europe going only through ukraine? it's the one who blew up the north stream pipeline. another aspect all this european countries are turning to liquefied natural gas plies, particularly from the u. s. as an alternative to russian gas, despite much higher prices, take us through that. while, like you said, the european union's been investing billions of euro's into infrastructure in the hopes that liquefied natural gas can solve the european union's energy needs. and that's not only costing the european taxpayer a lot of money right now, because at the end of the day, this l. n g is going to make the import of any sort of of energy a lot more expensive. and a much of this price hike is actually going to go straight into the pockets of american energy corporation. something that the white house was talking about,
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trying to accomplish, even before russia's military operation began. first of all, we're looking at opportunities to make up for lost cash l n g, from russia. we're on their way of turn, how see what we can do to do that? do dealing with our friends around the world as well. we think we could make up a significant portion of it. oh, that would be lost if, if washington and brussels think that inflation and high energy prices aren't making ordinary people's lives difficult enough. so understandably, europeans have taken to the streets to protest these western anti russian policies . oh, i
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now doesn't look like the western authorities are going to be changing course any time soon. but what's equally, as unfortunate as all of this finger pointing at russia for energy problems that the west clearly created for itself of german attorney and ameritas professor of law at the university of south africa, dr. andrea thomas house and believes it's erupt crusade against russian energy, which has led to the surgeon prices. it is quite obvious that russia never stopped to supply any gas. it is in germany and european union in there have been something that caused a one could even say that again, it's bratia who, who publicly, every day put in my full puts in, must be removed and no more gets from russia. and the german public was pretty bad for an increase in gas prices with the reasoning that out of sort of that for
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ukraine. germany would not buy one gigawatt hour of rush guess. now that germany economy depends. its energy economy depends $0.55 on natural gas and 45 percent on natural gas from russia to replace the very short notice that started in quoting natural gas liquified form and n g. the price of gas in germany is not fixed for higher. the price for electricity has increased tenfold. the russian defense ministry save its troops, have taken control over another settlement in don bos, official state, the area of debris, a chair near a solid door has been secured in the done yes. republic. the m o. d also said ukrainian forces have suffered around 50 casualties in recent fighting in the area with 2 armored combat vehicles among the hardware destroyed.
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or weaponized drones have become a major component in about conflict. they're used for conducting reconnaissance operations, as well as of course, destroying enemy positions are senior correspondent morale against the of has been witnessing their effects these close to the front lines. roads are a mortal hazard. artillery is trained on every stretch. only trees offer cover even that scant. ah, relatively less the closest they are is 700 meters away at 3 o'clock. now we're in a total of 3 directions. also at 10 o'clock and 12 o'clock and our boys are there to their rotating today, and they're doing well in this area, was recently ceased from ukrainian forces. they know every path,
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every clearing troops heading out to relieve those at forward positions must be extra careful. drones guide them along. ah, we're scouting ahead to make sure that the way is clear and then our boys will get there safely. these soldiers are all volunteers of the act, my battalions answering to the church and president rams, and could thereof, to ensure everything went smoothly. afar support team, armed with an automatic grenade launcher, was ordered to dissuade the enemy from trying anything. some of the most intense fighting he's underway, ukrainian units of a desperate to reverse russian gains along the river. here through the rotation was the success.
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but as the drone flew back, it noticed something unusual. fresh fortifications and the enemy troops concealed under the tree cover or espana we've discovered enemy positions at a distance of 450 to 750 meters away from us. their group targets enemy fortifications, armor and vehicles. within minutes coordinates were reported to h q and orders went out to nearby artillery. yeah, my bad bad i'll the way the mission had changed. they were now to keep it a distance and correct artillery fire. whatever corrections were relayed the next barrage struck home. hold on, i'll fight this is biker,
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right on the target. repeat these ease modern warfare. these is the dominant form of combat across the front lines, artillery and drones, in a seamless lisa link on the front lines. soldiers have learned to fear drones. they always watch and listen for the characteristic bus that harolds a barrage of iron fly, and shrapnel. oh ad gasdio ot from the guns. i'm moving on to another of our headline stories today. indian tech minister has accused pfizer of pressuring the country's government to give the u. s. farm at giant legal protection. in the case of side effects emerging from its cobit vaccine . the allegation sparked a strong rebuttal by an indian parliament member who himself was accused of supporting western jobs over domestically produced ones. just to
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remind all indians that pfizer tried to bully the government of india into accepting conditions of indemnity. and jerome romesha kept pushing the case of foreign vaccines during cupboard. this is total book. mister minister. let not your ambition to climb the greasy pole. make you more of a liar than you are. in 2021, pfizer was among the 1st vaccine producers to apply for emergency use authorization in india, but it with, through the application after the countries pharmaceutical watchdog requested a clinical study to confirm the safety of the shot. later in the year, india confirmed it would nod by pfizer shove with reports, seeing that the company's demands for legal protection was the primary reason why out the world economic forum and dof us this week, pfizer is c e o brushed off some questions about the vaccine safety and effectiveness. you said it was 100 percent effective, then 90 percent,
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that 80 percent than 70 percent. but we now know that the vaccines do not transfer . so transmission. why did you keep that secret? kevin, i said, i won't have a nice day until i know the answer. why did you keep it a secret that your vaccine did not stop transmission this morning to be called regarding the now, regarding the, the system that i said not reviewed by all of the 1st back was for emergency. but later on we have no look back in the notes and most of the backseat. i'll be right back to be given up to point 2000000000 goes back even
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a lot. so you need more into this indigenous thing with kobe controversies. recent studies by european n g o is have claimed that e backseat deals including again with pfizer prioritize financial interests over a public health concerns our tea contributor rachel marston's. been delving deeper into this one jerry cove, it the european union rolled out a block y q r code system has proven vaccination for travel leisure. and in some cases a condition of employment, even as reports started raising doubts about how reliable the shot actually was. when it came to stopping infection transmission and even death, it's like there was this interest in brussels to move fast and getting shots into arms as quickly as possible. and getting this digital identity system linked to the job status into place as an incentive for people to take the shots. now for months,
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skeptical members of the european parliament have been demanding to know what kind of deal the blocks leadership actually signed with the manufacturers of these injections. we're talking here about 11 contracts, 4600000000 vaccines and 71000000000 euros of public money transferred to big pharma. and so far, neither the citizens who paid for all of this nor their elected representatives have been able to get full transparency on any of those deals. here's what new research just published by french and g o global health advocates and by the u. k based health, non profit stop aids, has to say about it. the you signed agreements cloaked in secret and resisted efforts to disclose any information. protecting commercial interest, we argue, came at the expense of transparency around pricing, delivery schedules, those transfer clements and intellectual property commitments that could have
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helped increase global access to vaccines secrecy. in short, hurt public health with an unaccountable driver. the public have been taken for a ride. the reports also draw attention to the lack of interest on the part of certain big pharmacy. yo's, when it comes to accountability towards their customers, their and clients who received an ultimately. busy paid for the jobs being average european citizens to make matters worse, fight as ceo, albert buller has twice refused to appear in front of her pin parliament's covert committee to answer questions about how the contract negotiations were carried out . an old decision for a company who claims to be very transparent. it turns out that fido, c e o. busy borla is also the same one who was exchanging private text messages with european commission present. ursula vander line the month before the pfizer contract was negotiated. now, how do we know that? because vander lined, said so herself in april of 2021. and those texts have magically vanished,
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and vander, line doesn't really seem to be too interested in making an effort to recover them forensically. so earlier this month, european parliamentarians on the blocks coven 19 committee, expressed their interest in having fonder line answer to their committee on these contract negotiations by peering in person. but of course, she can just decline just like worley dead, which has now led the committee to request that berlin access privileges to the european parliament. he revolts and access to you. politicians for corporations and their lobbyists is pretty much priceless between january 20, 20, and september 2022 senior european commission officials and pharmaceutical lobbyists. i close to 100 meetings with 30000000 euro spent on you lobbying in a single year. that's according to the ngo's reports which also touch on the lips service that the e u paid to global unity against hovens. while at the same time gate keeping cove
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at technologies and practicing a sort of medical apartheid by keeping the jobs out of the hands of countries that perhaps weren't in a very good position to pay big pharma as much as what europe was now back from lobbying and shady deals have made their way into the spotlight in the ear recently with the rest of officials and personnel, accused of corruption over linked to lucrative who tory and murat lobbying efforts . and now with this report suggesting that's just the tip of the iceberg. if the e u is curious about transparency, at least as serious as wagner line says she is in the wake of the target. then she really should be the very 1st to set the example along with her big pharmacy e o bodies. instead of hiding from the people, she's actually meant to serve modern barbarism. that's how
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a turkey described a protest by a controversial swedish danish political figure who publicly burned the koran on saturday in the name of democratic values. rasmus polluted set fire to islamic holy book in front of the turkish embassy and stucco. if the permission of the swedish authorities during his speech, she also grounded turkey's president, islamist dictators polluted, is known for organizing similar stumps in the past. that was convicted of racism in denmark after posting an anti islam video on social media. last year his lights been out he was to embark on a koran burning tour during the muslim holy month of ramadan. was public outreach on spark rights. while turkey condemned the swedish authorities for allowing the latest protesting of it encourages hate crime and cro also council the plum visit of sweden's defense minister over the issue
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which was aimed at resolving turkey's concerns about stock homes, paid to join nato. a big issue currently and according to t r t world editor at large use of for the offense could weigh heavy on sweden s session hopes. i think it was trying to send a message that we are not ready to become a member of nato, and that's the way i start receiving it. because now me exception bid and a potential ratification through turkish parliament. a very positive issue that it probably can be considered dead on arrival now probably for the rest of the year. i don't think the conversations don't get opened. the images are now very busy that created a lot of outreach and like you get like a lot of outreach inside the muslim world, the proper, you alienated maybe at the needle members who are advocating on trying to create
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some dialogue with to get to try to get you the ratified we need it. so as the other day back home is now its own worst enemy and probably shot a silver bullet in its own. but the thousands of people have gathered in tel aviv to protest against the newly formed is really government headed by benjamin netanyahu. demonstrators are demanding an immediate reversal of new reforms, including radical changes to the judiciary that would limit the powers of the high frequent protest helping held over the past the number of weeks since the reforms where the new government has been branded the most hard life in the country history aside from to digital changes, one of the 1st proposals of the new authorities was this really settlement expansion on palestinian and protest. 2 on the streets of poland, ca patel, hundreds,
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raleigh against their countries and involvement in the conflict in ukraine. and it comes after the prime minister vote to send some of his countries. german made thanks to kiev without waiting for berlin's approval, demonstrative waived anti war banners. some of which were written in the russian language on the street from, with demonstrators on the parisian made of a news. well, people continuing the event there are under at president mccord pension. at reformed the plans would see an increase in the retirement age. the protest followed a number of strikes, of course, the country, notably on the day on saturday. many of the demonstrators were young. our sister shuttle r t fronts has been forced to close. it's the consequences of
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a 9th package of empty russia. the sanctions unveiled by the european union. the channel sees the jobs and livelihoods of $123.00 french employees are now at risk. previously r t from his bank account was blocked in the country at the request of parsa's treasury department, massachusetts. it will use the same measures against french media in russia as a response. in a statement, the channel management said the closure will further i wrote media freedoms in france. well, let's go live now to political analyst alessandra bruno for his take on this list and are good to see you today. i channel, not a big one. striving to give an alternative point of view in a western country noted for freedom of speech. how can this force clue should be seen as anything other than essentially an attack on democracy?
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well, 1st of all, the closure had been announced, or at least expected for a while, almost a year and there were a few attempts to shut it down. so i think there were some, it was certainly the atmosphere that and the r t, france was the only r t channel operating in in europe. of course, there was a big one in england before, but that was breakfast. that left the european union void so that the channel opened, i believe in 2017 obviously it, it's. and that the government in france has been under pressure to do so. i. and it fits into a number of other measures that western governments, not just the french government have taken over the past year. or i would say years
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which are completely on democratic and more, more than anything else. senseless. of course, the, the fact that the french and president are also announced it was yesterday, believe it significant boost in defense spending. i think sort of fits into this narrative because the effort now is to turn russia into a clear enemy because it's an excuse for france and other european governments to divert more funds to weapons spending in the face of widening paradise as the story before suggesting that happen, and discord in france is increasing. we've seen 3 or 4 days of strikes now over the pension reform. i think the, the military spending, which is the,
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and europe has been under considerable pressure to increase spending must be justified in some way. and they've picked russia conveniently as the the enemy against which everything is anything can be done. so i, it's not surprising in the climate that we're living in does porous gain anything here by silencing our 2 fronts. no, theirs does not gain anything. in fact, i am one of the 1st things that came to mind when this story or when i learnt of this event, is actually the, the cultural significance of the, of the, of the shut down. considering how close france and russia have being over the years, despite napoleon efforts to conquer in 1812, i mean,
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let's think of popular culture alone. there is a song called natalie written by. he'll better because in early, in the early sixty's. and if you listen to this song and you hear that the climate of the, of the time that the song advocates, even though it's a room romantic story, so much so that a cafe was open in moscow called cafe pushkin in 1099. and the opening was attended by president yeltsin and jacques chirac, president of france. so the cultural ties between these 2 countries are immense. and we have russian writers writing in french, in the 19th century, the another popular psy, patricia, a cat, who is an absolute star in russia, perhaps more there than in france. so i think of the more than anything else, the ties between the 2 people because this is what the european union and other
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government in the west are doing. they are trying to erase or destroy the very excellent human relations that exist between these countries and the people. and that is what i think is the status aspect of this entire situation. we have very interesting explainer. we've got about 30 seconds left, but i just want to fit in the point that as you see, the channels closure is a consequence of the latest round to be you. sanctions, are they just running out of areas to crack down on journalism is now in the firing line. absolutely, and journalism is also very much in the filing and particularly the r t because it shows the other side. i mean, the accusation against r t is that it presents a russian point of view, or actually it's called russian propaganda. but what is the way the the western media is doing nothing but western propaganda and none of the russian views,
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none of the russian reasons for this war, for example, are presented, never explained. and it's actually extremely frustrating because you really have to dig to find an intelligent viewpoints in the west. and you can't, you can't rely on western, on the traditional western media. that is truly where the seat of propaganda. hm. r t gives. i don't, i admit it a russian point of view perhaps, but at least it explains what's happening. and so if you want to understand, you can at least you have a resource to, to see substantial point of view. whereas in the, in the west, you don't, you only get one view and a very highly politicized and manipulated one. i was 100. thank you so much for if you're, if you were just right on time, we could talk to you for, for a lot longer though. i was under bruno political unless life from toronto,
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canada. thank you. now, one of the world's foremost intellectuals is today's gaston worlds apart. always an engaging watcher and philosopher and historian noam chomsky and full flow couch his discussion with option right ahead with ah, i'm action or dancey and welcome back to going under ground rule. gusting all around the world from dubai in the united arab emirates. this week the you and revealed up to 50 percent more journalists and media workers were killed in 2022 compared to previous years. that's a dead journalist every.
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