tv News RT January 24, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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ah, ah ah, when african countries want to develop security relations with other nations? this leads to certain reactions the you apply the same philosophy and mentality anywhere in the world. russia, as far as the western countries are applying a neo colonialist approach to africa by patronizing nations instead of cooperating with overhead china and bass, washington for portraying gate because a barrier to solving africa's debt with beijing, calling the west lane breeze in epic continents economic instability a decade,
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all the george saw publication reserve if there's anything further evidence to washington about the, to do it foreign partners by using them as cannon fodder full if the own geopolitical game with very welcome. this is the international with the latest wealth news update is good to have you with russia's foreign minister has arrived and ongoing as part of an ongoing working trip of africa. so guy laptop was met in the capital by his counterpart and reportedly has plans to meet with the ongoing president as well. if it comes off, the rush is top diplomat wrapped up his trip to as what a what the country's foreign minister praised its relations with moscow. this visit is a testimony to the head to work and efforts. sorta presented to
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hook is, is put in. it is enough emission of a long history of cordelia in the kingdom of his sweating in the russian federation of the main activity today was the signing of an agreement that will establish a non visa regime for diplomats of both countries. but during the press conference that immediately followed the signing, the foreign minister said that their country's plan to increase cooperation in the spheres of agriculture, science and energy leverage specifically mentioned the need for supplying irrigation systems as well as russian grain to s watson. he also said that the country's officials asked about how russia could help their country conquer it's chronic fertilizer shortage. the russian foreign minister responded that russia has a surplus of fertilizer and has been trying to help africa in that regard. free of charge, but it's been european ports that are detaining around $280000.00 tons of that fertilizer. and the foreign ministers have made an appeal to the united nations to
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rectify that situation. national lou, but through the lou, our friends confirmed the problems with the supply fertilizers and asked how we could be useful as the country reported that the shortage negatively affects its agriculture. when we talked about delivering our fertilizers, free of charge last summer, the president, putin, in contact with the un said that 280000 tons were being held up in the ports of you countries. companies that own fertilizers are ready to transfer them to developing countries, but the u was trying to punish us, punish, developing countries. considering that the un secretary general advocated for unhindered supplies booty. we agreed that the governments of russia and us were teeny, will send the un chief a proposal to use parts of the detained grain for the needs of s one, teeny rushes. foreign minister also expressed that russia's willingness to supply us what teeny, with russian grain may be able to stabilize the country's delicate food situation. now lever, i've also spoke about the french president emanuel microns claim that burkina faso
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decision to expel french troops as a result of kremlin influence, he said russia doesn't meddle in africa's affairs. it just works with countries that are ready to work with moscow. but apparently, russia was essentially told that africa was europe's sphere of influence. a pretty hypocritical statement when considering nato's activities right on russia's doorstep, took the swinging cookie, while still trying to keep up the act. western countries became interested in why we're here in africa. i replied that we want to develop relations with everyone who's interested in it, but they told me that russia should learn that africa is a zone of european interests. earlier, e u officials said that the balkans are also a zone of their interests and we should not go there. at the same time, the you considered it normal to work near russian borders. when african countries want to develop security relations with other nations. this leads to certain reactions,
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we're now being accused of infringing on french interests and molly burkina, faso and the central african republic. the e, you applies the same philosophy and mentality anywhere in the world. the same vicious logic applies to the african continent. lever of explained the situation as one part of a larger western neo colonial mission to tell african nations which countries they can and can't have good diplomatic relations with. he said it's not russia's problem, that africa is ditching the west. and looking to moscow in many spheres of co operation, another recent example took place in molly or hulu, to assume lose a similar situation developed. and molly, a year ago when the country's leadership concluded that the decision to withdraw french troops and remove their military bases, would create security threats in the region. that is why they asked for help from us, specifically, our private military companies. we are not to blame for the fact that the french military molly did not live up to their expectations. ultimately,
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the situation developing and africa seems to come down to 2 different understandings of democracy. according to sergei lab, rav russia sees it as countries deciding for themselves who to do business with. while the west is stuck in a neo colonial attitude of bending other countries to its will. this comes as us treasury secretary janet's yellen, for this africa push america's agenda even sparking criticism from beijing of a her latest statement to which she called the asian country. a barrier for the resolution of zombies that issues even of the united states. one day sold its step problem, it is not qualified to make groundless accusations against or pressure other countries out of selfish interests, because it cannot elevate the tremendous u. s. responsibility for the reason behind the world step issues, let alone the fact that the united states domestic dep problem is now worsening. the world's economic and financial stability. zambia is struggling to pay off around $17000000000.00 of external debt to want
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a new study shows the greater part of it is on is due to western loans. the research also reveals that $1000000000.00 was provided by the international monetary funds to make re payments. janice ellen visited synagogue where she tried to portray russia as the reason behind africa's food insecurity. but a political analyst told is that it's the west that it's created issues for africa by losing the continents resources and industry you with what you can count with. in addition to us, it with the fact that the leading f m i and lower bank giving money to africa or giving money to the buy that the in the frame of by little relation ships to african countries. they put pressure, but they recuperate to what they div are in the long and putting booth come to sometime in some problem because they know that it won't be
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easy to pay, but that's why they sit up in counterpart. you will give us this industry, this industry and this industry, them. yeah. produced a lot of gold it, it's reduced also in a lot of copper and so many other, some mineral and wells in under big round of zambia then u. s. is looking for or do things under the ground of zambia. when i was the latest from dawn bath where ukrainian shelling is left at least 3 civilians wounded on tuesday. meanwhile, on monday, 9 people were injured in kiev targeted civilian infrastructure and residential areas in the city. as i advised, a local dep, it was hit with us delivered high moms. rockets were mon calls with census this
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report missing. this is a grades are made by another artillery shelling by ukraine military of this city of ill advised. great, now we are at the railway depot in this city that has been under fire for the last 3 days. now, according to local officials, ukraine have fired that tortuga missile a couple of days ago which was intercepted by air defense systems. and last night this area was attacked by multiple launch rockets system, maybe united states called hi mars. the explosion was so strong that pieces of rails were completely blown out. now i can't even pick, pick this one up with my hands. so you can imagine how strong this explosion was. now, these types of rails half the explosions, there were flying absolutely everywhere. and one of them caused
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damage to the person who's now had the hospital would been bocce. lou, 2 people were wounded. the locomotive driver and his assistant was they were towing a suburban train. this is the 3rd shelling in a row. the 1st came at 2 am, then at 10 p. m. and again at 4 am the next day. our depot was still working without interruption, despite all the damage. there were at least self for high mar sir rockets of fire against this railway station. this is just another crater of many around here. fragments of rockets like these can be found. absolutely everywhere, like i said, as the result of this attack to people to real, a workers are now in the hospital. the sick place had 4 o'clock in the morning, however, if that's actually place during daylight, there could have been many, many more victims,
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judging by this wall and judging by these throughout no holes. ukraine, used rockets designed to cause maximums, irish, and maximum civilian deaths. human cause forever hard. see you love eyes, then that's republic. as the war in ukraine, rage is on in 1993 publication by george soros has resurfaced costing further down to the prevailing west in narrative that nato and its allies have no stake and are not directly involved in the conflict in the pace from his open society foundations, he discusses how crises could be used by the us to further things by using east european soldiers, rather than american personnel as cannon fodder. the united states would not be called upon to act as a policeman of the world. when it acts, it would act in conjunction with others. incidently, the combination of manpower from eastern europe with the technical capabilities of
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nato would greatly enhanced the military potential of the partnership. because it would reduce the risk of body bags for nato countries, which is the main constraint on their willingness to act. this is a viable alternative to the looming world disorder. all the nato countries continued to insist they are not a party to the conflict, but this document from 1993, published by george soros is open. society institute gives a different impression. this document from 993 lays out how the united states that an allies might be interested in using countries across the eastern europe as proxy by russia. and they could incur the losses that might make the conflict on popular if nato countries themselves were directly involved. and it was their own soldiers who were doing the dying, now to coo and 2014, in which the united states over through the ukraine government and installed a fanatically anti russian group to power in kiev,
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seems to match what this document put forward. what we generally here in western media is that ukraine is simply under attack, turning for help from the democratic west. but jeffrey stack, the columbia university. he recently came forward and said, that's not the case. the united states is overthrown dozens of governments. it definitely contributed to the overthrow of yanna, ko bitch. and i know this from the inside, not just from the outside. so i just want to be clear. i will bid, i know from top people involved in these issues is what i'm discussing right now. now the sort of document not only matches the situation where he is having us weapons filed into it and being supplied with weapons by the united states. it also matches that the government of poland is very war mongering and hostile to russia. and furthermore, if you look at the situation,
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there are some estimates that the ukrainian casualty rate we may have seen over a 100000 debt. they are being carried out and people are dying to serve nate, so goal, and he has recently admitted this is what's been said. so nuclear new mind. so today we are carrying out nato's mission without the loss of their blood. but with the loss of ours, that's why they need to supply us with weapons. as a boy, and furthermore, we've had us officials admit that this is indeed the purpose of the conflict in ukraine. it's about serving nato's goal. the united states age ukraine and her people so that we can fight russia over there and we don't have to fight russia here. ultimately, i think this is a sound investment for us national security because not only are we defending a country from authoritarian aggression, not only are we taking one of our biggest geopolitical competitors down several
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notches in the process and we're doing it without us boots on the ground in harm's way. now it appears that the piano coverage government in ukraine was the only government that the united states has. eyes on, we're stirring up some kind of regime change and perhaps using it against russia. any place that you're looking at in terms of a potential regime change that could be stabilized the region or, or the world will obviously a good one would be russia, but i don't think they're on the precipice there. i think things have to get worse economically and there have to be many more body bags and frankly, military losses before there's a change in the government. in, in moscow, we have a very casual statement from western leader that they seek to utilize the lives of people across eastern europe. let them go out and die to serve their own political agenda. and it shows that it's all narrative where ukraine is simply being targeted,
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the democratic country just begging for help. it doesn't fit at all. this is part of geo political maneuvers. we heard from the gail radio host on political commentator. he said, the belief that the eastern europeans will tolerate being used for western goals is wrong. i do think it's bizarre, this, this idea that somehow use eastern european mothers don't care for the lives of their son. south eastern european wives don't care about their spouses. but yeah, we can fill body bags up with them and nobody will care. i think they would care. and i think we're seeing eastern europe, but you maybe speak out a little bit more directly that they're not want to be the cabinet cannon fodder for whatever that western european interest or american interest r at play in ukraine about the profits that, that they may be seeking, it's clearly a proxy war that's being fought against russia. they've demonized newton demonized russia to the point that i, it's kind of bizarre again that nobody was concerned about eastern ukraine,
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the citizens of eastern ukraine when the off brigade and other ukrainian militia worked shilling raping brutalizing the people of that area. now supposedly we have compassion for the people of ukraine. i do think that there is a more insidious purpose behind this than just fighting for quote democracy in ukraine, particularly when you have presidents ellensby who has shut down free media, shut down opposition. parties attacks, religious institutions in ukraine doesn't sound like a democracy to me. they were runs and government is accused neighbor and democratic republic of the congo, a violating. it says space with a fighter jet which was fired on the as a result. according to report, the d r c violates run design space for the 3rd time in 3 months. as videos and photos on social media appeared to show us their coin 25 jet in shawl tag. blaine caught fire and was forced to land at diaz sees go in the air force runs and govern
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government statements that the defensive measures were taken and caught on the d. r . c. to stop further provocations. kali's authorities have not yet commented on the secret documents have been found in the house. the full me you as vice president mike pence, they were found by pens. his lawyers who notified congressional officials and committees about the discovery the records appear to be a small number of documents bearing classified markings that were inadvertently boxed and transported to the personal home of the former vice president at the end of the last administration. hence, his lawyers noted that although the document saw classified, the u. s. department of justice will need to decide whether any regulations were broken. meanwhile, the justice department's already investigating the presence of classified documents found in the florida estate of former u. s. president donald trump and incumbent president biden's home on former washington office. the department says almost $300.00 documents marked classified,
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including top secret markings were taken from trumps former residents. legal on media analyst lionel says it's unclear who will be responsible for the improper storage of classified documents. first, they're one after trump. oh my god. you would have thought cache was espionage. this was the worst being the left media were going crazy edge. well, role there is no excuse joe biden, even said, has this man no decency and i'm embellishing. see, because there are these places call skiffs and this is called a sensitive compartment id, information facility. and if you've ever seen gets more just like the cone of silence. ok, that was trump. heads will roll. now we find out, by the way, he was president. when he took it in,
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there's some talk about whether you can declassify these documents. now we jumped to joe, but joe biden's documents are found in his garage next to his corvette in boxes that his son and everybody has access to since he was vice president. and in his think tank. how does this happen? and the question is, who's turning him in? who is, who is, i guess, sounding the alarm. now we have mike pence, who's lawyers. why are his lawyers going through top secret, doug image, but nobody cares. ah, a u. s. federal reserve bank has issued a report which shows the countries with the highest and military spending. so let's take a look now at 1st glance on the chart, it may seem that china spent more than $900.00, a $1000000000.00 on his military in 2021,
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which would far exceed the u. s. a. spending of about $750000000000.00. but upon closer inspection, washington's military expenditure is reflected on the right axis. whereas baiting on the other nations are all on the left. so this is a better representation of how it should have looked like. now we can clearly see that washington spent the most on as well as harry in 2021 at a price sac of $9770000000000.00 live in beijing. and a 2nd place at $270000000000.00 worth of spending. will this as another report suggest that the u. s. is not prepared for a war with china? the u. s. defense industrial base is not adequately prepared for the international security environment that now exists in a major regional conflict such as a war with china in the taiwan strait. the u. s. use of munitions would likely exceed the current stock piles of the u. s. department of defense,
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a center for strategic and international studies report suggested in the event of a conflict between the 2 breaking out washington would quickly run short of items like a long range and precision guided munitions and less than a week. also reminding the american defense industry should be prepared for the scenario of a protracted conflict. at the same time, such military corporations as lockheed martin, boeing and general atomics, were among the major contributors to the think tank which published the report and attended meetings between military corporations, u. s. military top bras, the c s i s, executive director of well beyond war movement. david swanson said that the think tanks, universities are political campaigns in the us, often funded by weapons manufacturers. people have no clue what the reality is. so they'll look at that chart and not notice that, that there is anything dramatically wrong. and that is, of course, the point you can increase military spending. if you realize that you're already
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spending as much as the next 10 countries put together corruption profit, it is a big business. the wars are famously made to suit the weapons rather than the weapons manufactured for the wars anymore. and until, you know, you're not just think tanks, it's political campaigns, it's universities. it's everything in the united states bonded by the weapons dealers, so that it's normalized and accepted. you're not supposed to think of it as shameful or even as profitable, but it is hugely profitable, and that's the major factor us needs to dominate the globe for its own good, whether the global likes it or not. and china is standing in a way, and china isn't economic competitor, which means it's a military enemy. this is, this is what everybody in washington tells and suggests and implies the whole worry . the whole question being asked is madness. the u. s. doesn't need to be ready for
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a war with china. it needs to get out of a war in europe and some wars in africa and the middle east. morocco has slammed an e resolution against press freedoms in the country, labeling f as in acceptable attack on the country sovereignty. the moroccan parliament has since unanimously decided to reconsider its ties with the european legislature and it is a subject in them to a comprehensive evaluation. debbie, you let you set up the european parliament recommendation has destroyed levels of trust between morocco and european legislative institutions and has profoundly affected the positive progress which took several decades to achieve the moroccan parliament. strongly condemns hostile attempts to harm the country's image and interests and the longstanding relations between morocco and the european union with them. last thursday, you legislators voted in favor of a non binding resolution, quoting american authorities to improve the state of media freedom in the country.
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the document claimed press rights and the north african kingdom have been continuously deteriorating and went on to call for the fair trial for imprisons journalists. however, one moroccan lawmakers struck back at the european parliament make mention of a recent koran, burning in sweden saying, is this what europe considers freedom of speech. while other officials noted that ma about is capable of dealing with its domestic affairs by itself. including which she dug was strongly condemned. the smaller and resolution we are a sovereign country and totally capable of defending our nation and enforce in the correct regulations because we are a state of law were totally reject foreign dictations and black male. not national were own men, colonel were fully aware of who stands behind these palace seats inside the european parliament. they are the enemies, suffered to eternal unity. morocco will continue to achieve growth and established true democracy, nor okay, based economic consulting. i mean,
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a year believes that you should deal with his own issues 1st before getting into the domestic affairs of other countries. there is a sharp rising, hasty cheer, a boat offline and online. and i think that the european union actually should take care of its own issues before it gets in itself involved with other the sovereignty of other countries does actually touches and mingles with the sovereignty of the morocco judicial system. as the cases, the parliament actually discussed, those are cases that have nothing to do with the freedom of speech. those are the journalists were accused of different crimes crimes that actually stand from human trafficking. who sexual of souls, though it has nothing to do with the freedom of speech. egyptian economists saw in
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supportive abandoning trade in dollars in favor of the rubel, the secretary general of egypt. chambers of commerce thinks that the transition to the russian ruba will strengthen the country's economy. switching to the rubel would be positive for the egyptian pound and would reduce our reliance on the dollar. its current imports from russia includes essential goods such as weight, due to the recent planet, the adoption pond, against the dollar. there was a shortage of foreign currency in egypt, which is led to fluctuations and food prices. egyptian economists believe the russian rubel is more stable than a dollar in egypt and markets. dr. bashir abdul faster economic analyst on research is they switching to the rubel in trade will give egypt independence from the ins and is policy decisions is to step from eh, russia. i think it will help so much egypt to overcome it's economic crisis,
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because it will reduce the egyptian reliance on the dollar as a key currency, a for the international trade decks, a change, a and also it will give egypt a wide range of freedom in order to say no to the international monetary fund conditions and policies according to the economic reform. it also gave egypt a wide range of freedom, a to a deal and the exit change with countries like russia and china, and in a very good conditions and circumstances, a full trade. so i thought i think a egypt is a, depending on this a step in order to reduce their putting more and more pressure on the egyptian currency a in front of the dollar in the occurrence, days. and so i think a china good julian,
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this measure of the was egypt and russia. i think this will give more and more. i fostering it this at that you would a and be they can and take actions a very soon heap on top of the latest news that thanks my visiting our website, r t dot com. thank you for choosing r t international. ah, if you've only found the pronouncement in the so called analysis from western governments and they're playing media, and then you know very little about the conflict in ukraine. the fact is, ukraine is losing on this edition across stock. we'd how this conflict is likely to end, ah, ah,
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in east to come to the russian state will never be outside us on the nose landscape div asking him not getting something for a week within the 55 when. okay, so mine is 2000 speedy. when else with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. yup. machines. the state aunt, rush up to date and support r t sport neck even our video agency, roughly all band on youtube with .
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