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tv   Interview  RT  January 26, 2023 12:30am-1:01am EST

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patient center rehabilitation program, so often sailors and individual patient's needs, as every case is unique in special. sure. so was what's happened has happened. life will be a little bit different. it will change a bit. it's not terrible for godness sake. many walk around with prosthetics, with dancers, for example, and get used to it. so it's all right. okay, well, and you know, what plans do have for the future plans for the future. i'll probably goal to train as a supper and i will return there to get my leg. i need to find my all the speaker. this medical specialty is proven to be a vital branch of medicine and its life changing results of finally getting desert attention. ukrainian opposition leader victor medford. chuck has spoken to r t in his 1st appearance on international media says he was free in a prisoner swap deal between moscow and kia back in september. he shared his take on the future of ukraine and its relations with russia,
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against the backdrop of western meddling. with ortiz, marina coaster about the closing on edgewood door girls mo cello hillock, and yet stover to salute missed him at the chicken. he remained silent for a long time and then finally stepped out of the political shatters and wrote quite a remarkable article for his best yet because we will definitely talk about that piece of it because you shared a lot of interesting things. but, but 1st i would like to go back a little if i may. the last important event that we remember is when you were exchanged, when you 1st found out the, you would be exchange net. did you believe it would actually happening? yes, and can you share what he felt that day in mod sift or de la w, mrs. long m m. would say, catherine, naturally, i felt a whole range of emotions, one way on the one hand and i wanted to believe. and i did believe that the
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exchange would really happen as a scholarly. on the other hand, i had doubts until the last moment that it would take place is of the letter. and i was notified about the sward. on september, the 20th 2022. and on the 21st, i was moved around a lot here on the 1st show we flew to poland. and i spent year 12 to 14 hours without leaving the plane. i realized that they were negotiating. yes, i was guarded by officers from the main directory of intelligence of the ministry of defense. and the security service of ukraine is ball. and they were constantly in communication with some one. what is your tax, what i understood from their communications, that the exchange wasn't a done deal with you even as we learn later things, these doubts were unfounded when in the past, but the realization that the exchange would really happen came to me when we flew
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from poland to ankara. yes. well, she, when i saw a rush in jail, i knew that it was happening. and of course, he said, i am truly grateful to russia's leadership for this exchange meeting. they helped me and my family and then they also yeah, it was a very difficult time in my life. i thought it and in the life of my family way. yeah. i think it was the most difficult time in the life of myself and my family. he, by the way, i am thankful that i didn't have to go to the terrible fate. i could have gone through in ukraine that because of the criminal cases against me that were fabricated in 2019 to 2020 all of them. but i would have been sentenced to 15 years in prison itself, and that's what they told me. and i believe they would have done it yet with a video, even though there were no legal grounds for the prosecution. shania for more, they her saw us. well, you came here after an exchange of prisoners of war. what is your statute now?
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what documents do you have? if i may ask, who's tuttleton yoshi and he is near suttles bill goes the you know green the on the theater. well, my current status is very interesting. i was a citizen of ukraine and remain so i even have a ukrainian passport. her, an internal one authority. however, zalinski is determined to destroy me as an opposition politician any aka, in his uncompromising fight against me, from like that the 1st get he issued a command to continue the criminal cases, investigations and hearings against me telling it they are continuing with. my lawyers are defending my interest in ukraine. later in my 2nd, he made the reckless and even crazy move to strip me of my citizenship. based on the suspicion that i had russian citizenship for, i have never had russian citizenship. and there was no need to because i'm ukrainian politician or if i was have been, i didn't leave, i didn't give up. if i them,
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i continued my fight even under house arrest. and will i kept on fighting, even after my release as a result of the exchange and these 3 months of long silence. as you said at the start of the interview, the walk a wolf, i would not coolly a silence. it's been a systemic effort to help not only ukrainians, but also benefit the interest of both ukrainian and russian citizens. history of america, under the current circumstances, more amid the hostilities and the thousands of casualties amid the destruction of infrastructure. i, while the war is being waged in ukraine, that this war is not for you. great. but in the interest of the west, the u. s. the u. k. and many other countries which are settling their scores in russia ringing. so they have made ukraine of the war under zalinski government, a kind of testing ground either or a launch pad in their standoff with russia. tedious as up and so have spent all these months putting a team back together. a lot of people came from kia villainy is
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a many people who are outside ukraine of live in russia, euro the hollywood, turkey, them that they are ready to continue to fight and have their say. thank you, me, see what i thought. that's exactly what i laid out in my old school concerning the situation which is unfolded. who do i make the case for the voice of another? you cried to be heard in russia, ukraine, and the west. and we know for sure there is another ukraine like, but all it's zalinski claim to represent the united nation. but that is a myth invented out of thin air. this unity has been built on by an exotic authority represent ukraine, claiming the ukrainian people who come together and stand strong in the anti russian narrative and rabbit ross, a phobia of the wealthy. this is not true apart from the anti russian voice, unless there are people in ukraine who are afraid to talk about it publicly, but have never supported the nature and dynamic of the relationship between ukraine of russia as emerged today. these people, ukrainians of just like me. i believe it is
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a direct violation of the constitution wholly and to deprive me of my ukrainian citizenship authority. but it's not just my opinion. it is impossible to deprive a citizen of ukraine of his citizenship. he except in the event of a voluntary request, it contradicts not only the constitution, greens, but it also contradicts an international convention which forbid such an act if a person is left stateless as a result thinker yeah. michigan, arson. ukraine is signed up to this international convention. this, despite this act the lens, he continues his efforts to crush his political opponents through political repressions and a legal criminal prosecution is up. and yet, it is a goal that he has set for himself and he's pushing towards it on his graph. the same goes for everything. and i've not changed my views either under house arrest in ukraine for her later or in the custody of ukraine security services. where i was for 6 months, the former will over here going. so i continue to fight, i guess for that. and today i want to voice the opinion of
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a different ukraine. yup. or the and opinion which some people are silent about. others are afraid to express what that i want this voice to be heard loud and clear in russia, her knee in ukraine, and in the west at the your cousin. there are people who represent a different you crazy walkering. not the ukraine run by bounder rights of the world, the other you, craig, which has nothing in common with the statements and policy of no naziism thing, pursued by the lensky to pay me unless his mom got a repair order. they asked me to what was the trust labriola commander was he said she was handled and seen. no, i have that. i it is a nor will cry. you know, you are preparing to renew ukraine in your article. you said ukraine, you the new movement to say that here. you are against a country becoming a state for jap, political struggle as border of a problem. you singatarigus to buy prod you believe you're right, is that there are people who are against zalinski policy. and this of the crime must be heard dissipated so you can, it can be if it gets representation,
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raises its voice. nadia, if those who believe in this and are ready to act in that direction, could unite their supporters and say no, we've left ukraine. true, but we ukrainian w thing and we want to think about the future and what had you not the future of a new ukraine as you put in your questions or that about but the future of ukrainians? human brains. yep. and like, and i propose leaving the issue of ukraine's future to one side terrain. as ukraine doesn't actually exist to day. his soil. yet the goal that there is no such state. yes, facilities. i'm an expert in constitutional law of the zip. ethan ethan, ukraine's constitution says it's an independent sovereign social democracy with the rule of law weird noises. none of that fits without status in its current state, that there is no independent all sovereign. and a pedestal, a witnesses as it fell under the total external control of the west. actually the u . s. on the u. k. in 2014 unavailable, it is not
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a social state with the rule of law. look at what's happening, that says he wouldn't. yes, that media outlets are being banned with no regard for judicial or constitutional procedures. yeah. that is like one of those who express different opinion or eliminated thought no one is not a real state anymore. mother it's economy is in shambles. i said here today was the g, d p is down by over 30 percent of all to put it into perspective during the world economic crises of 20082009. it was down 14 percent and it took until 2013 to restore it as a federal children, but i sent them over and they couldn't reach those 2013 figures even in 201921 though. but said, payroll yes. my view, the economy there is nonexistent. the industrial output is down 70 percent. unemployment is at 35 percent with a center. so give is not some out 5 to 60000000 work places and 70 no, no agriculture, an industry or in decline. prices are growing for her,
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but this all means no social programs can be implemented. here's an example of the monthly minimum pension payment is $57.00. he would in the poverty threshold is $70.00. when you either have you, as can imagine life with a minimal pension and poverty threshold rate seems a little so the state is non existent, repeatable. and that's because it's policies are based on near naziism, adopted by zalinski and his clique of october for the for as long as this is, the state ideology is not simply incorrect to talk about the states future authorities. but if it's wrong, i propose to talk about the future of ukrainians. they still do ukrainians who have stayed in the country and don't agree with the lens, his policies, the ukrainians, who had to leave for the reasons i've mentioned earlier and live abroad now in the forge. it's a thumb, he said, well as political, their stance of disagreement and confrontational, political issues, needs representation of a yellow stanley. this is the goal that's been set for the team. i've assembled
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with you. so it'll push was that this team is expanding every day of getting new supporters and those who are ready to work towards those goals. gotcha. and explain those things which are destroying the narrative of the western ideology. atoria that has led to this ante, russia hysteria and barbaric ross, a phobia over in a rhythm the probably the ideology that has created this anti russia and ukraine with its values influence and pressure. he was that to destroy this ideology. i thought it would be me for that we need to reach the people's minds category, show them the truth and reality of what's happening in ukraine today. doubling him, but he has some and after that, i feel those people must discuss their future. of course, we need to talk about the future and demand is future you or i will do edi i list. there was no, but this will only be possible after ukraine stocks being militaristic, also the country drops its neo nazi policies. the sure. where that was under the current circumstances so that no future ukraine is possible. so happen is that it's
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unrealistic, but yet the way and it will remain. so if the current policy is maintained upside esl, mika well green. if zalinski carries on trying to organize and pick the entire west against russia, with both of the girls and using ukraine as a platform to wage war. in the interests of the west. i see these up because the war in ukraine today is not about ukraine. that but it is about the interest of the west bank if i was up and he's been wage solely in the interests of the west. and i mean, we need to make this clear to people's up either even can we need to show them the facts to prove it another than you know them. as i said, that is thorn. okay. well most do you think it's possible to change anything in ukraine? even a new leader is elected another oligarchy, or some one else. will they be able to solve the issue? it's anti russian sentiment in ukraine. was i give over the what your question contains 2 questions, actually, 2 subtitles. first off,
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it is possible to reverse the anti russian sentiments. there are already people in ukraine who don't share them. i can't say how many of it, but i know for sure that these people exist. they are afraid to speak up will do anything because they will be destroyed by the repressive machine. again, this lawless regime that has dismantled democracy and rule of law. and there are no courts machine. there is nothing but instructions from zalinski and his criminal in a circle and this can be changed if we work on it and explain things to people. here is an example williams. can you let say a person left ukraine and came to russia? what do you think their views are you? do they consider russia an aggressor? of course not before february, the 24th, about 2 and a half 1000000 ukrainians lived in russia, studying or working. this is official data. do you think they listen to silence his coma? left russia and returned to ukraine on the deck of the road. maybe some of them did
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with him, but very few. the rest have stayed. and how many 1000000 arrived after february 2014, how they affect? they were forced to leave a voicemail, but why do i have to forget about my country? and he bought the land where my parents are buried. we have in the country to which i have so many ties. oh, yes, i was born in russia and we are near crush me. ask if you would, you know, but when i was in 2nd grade, my family moved to ukraine and we have lived there ever since that, oh boy, it became my country if a fellow and i have done a lot for that country, a deal with when i was a government official when i was a politician also, but i don't consider myself an enemy of ukrainian people with it. well, what if i was an enemy? they wouldn't have elected me to parliament as i was elected as an m p 4 times? was it, i served 4 terms in the parliament, so it can be done with that. but we need to break the trend that started in 2014 lassie, the ante russia strategy here. the escalation of the anti russian hysteria and
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boris ross, a phobia. and we can break this trend. yes, i'm sure. now, as for your remark about another oligarch being elected to the highest office states, hold elections that and i already explained to you why there is no state in ukraine right now, or what kind of elections can we talk about? yes, he can schedule an election. but it would just mean that he would appoint himself as president of an a point m p 's from his list. when people who will listen to his every word and not think about what he is saying, voted for somebody. and most importantly, not think critically about his action that you wouldn't just everything is possible like the yeah, but this would not be an election if you yes. um. unfortunately some of our party members switch side less than yeah. and now they support zalinski our enemy. but it does not mean that we should give up. now, as you can see, i haven't given up,
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i may be, i should just stop story considering my story and everything else that happened in my life. that i am not going to give out of why believe that it's possible. that was not only that. yes. i think it must be done. i got the double tunnel, a detainer. i got that on with the salus. 30. what about a new movement, a you rel, to power to leal pete? so we will discuss later on what has been the response from the western media. what a wait see, crane under these circumstances. so they give it no way up shift and there belize, this is a new socio political movement. it is a movement than these to demonstrate that zalinski is politely speaking wrong. that he claims that he is supported by a consolidated force of ukrainian people. with that, he claims that russia should be destroyed and the west should be part of this effort. welcome to this, i say government, no. you have actually, this is not the real picture you gave lay require you. we must unite these people
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and find out what they really thing life forgive zillions for some reason when i am sure that they will stand against the government all and against zalinski. when they read. this movement will debunk the fact that ukraine has been wholeheartedly backings. lensky and his criminal regime, but she will have lunch. that's the main goal to day. but as for the specific actions of the social movement, which representative it will choose. that depends. i'm sure. millions of people who are in russia and ukraine in europe. these are the millions who disagree with zalinski policies. if we need to bring them together, that they need to be united by an idea is ethan, that they need to be united by common representation. and then we can talk and argue about the future of ukrainians. and about how they can contribute to day to a bright and trouble free future. as i used to say of him, i admit though it only shows that that it is an uphill battle which,
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which in november. but do you have a plan like it, mia? yes, the need, i don't have a plan, but plan yes. exactly. when the time comes. and when i see that it's realistic to implement them i, i will definitely make them public out of pocket doors. what about your career? would you wear an upgrade in ukraine? of course, not more or maybe not, but the young pitchers cause that union us my through the severe look. if i'm not looking for any positions my wasn't before when i was active, politically, nor to day when i am in russia after 6 months under arrest. you're right, i think ideas on the main thing to day live with. that'll ideas, neat supporters. i think leaders will come applicable to that one. as soon as we have supporters, they will determine the leader and you will place in the official hierarchy and i feel more because the big problem in ukraine today is that there are leaders. but there are no ideas. that is the problem. this should be addressed when we are
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talking about the future of ukrainians over them with the leeway would issue. histidine. so what tax, what should be a position did? and he is that enough? what actions need to be taken? i've given you an example. ukraine has a leader, but no idea. we have an idea. that means there will be a leader and there will be action. we must make it happen as to how we're going to do it. you will see, but we will do it, or at least try does no doubt about that. so he, there's the article is of her stat. yes, it's a 1st step that it is a 1st step. that's certainly a 1st step for some reason the west, the movie into that a new article as russian nuclear black meal of europe and the united states. is that accurate? so they are doves up at that the wanted to win. yes, that's what interest the west most of all, and i think it's very important that they heard it because it's my point of view also that we have to move down the path of de escalation. de escalation is possible
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if everyone's interests are taken into account, including russia and all other countries, as well as their security interests were all we can continue escalating the tensions which could lead to a world war. because how else can you describe the current situation? when practically all 30 nato countries with including those who only aspire to attain as high status ascending weapons and military equipment, you shipping them to the launch pad. not that the west, the u. s. and the u. k. are renting from zalinski. for some reason, this launch pad is called ukraine, and it's all taking place there. how else can you call this? this is why i'm speaking about this. because it could all end in a nuclear conflict. we cannot rule that out, is seeing as the west now serves as an obedient resource for zelinski, who mentors western politicians in his appeals instructing them on how to bring their countries to poverty as he is. how do you cry? now?
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he inspires the west to wage a war against russia is that he was urging it to destroy russia, that they must understand what this could lead to. so it wasn't just a random reference. it is my point of view, like mike and i stated it openly by the more and that wasn't the only thing they paid attention to them. i have like a very they also noticed med read choke, talked about the other ukraine minute. that's very important. why this term can be heard in discussions about ukraine. here is med read jargon of, of source. and they began to talk here is the government said what almost like in your question, what they will be a government in exile with the government to next. all right, no problem. thank you. but once established, even if that happens or has ever happened throughout history, a government in exile always stays in exile. is, has always been this way he would and that, that's not what we need to do. we need to destroy the land is ideology. he thinks
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that ukraine is monolithic, but that every one supports him, supports the war, and there's no one who wants peace or a different future for ukrainians. while we believe that these people exist and they're ukrainians as well. they have the right to speak their minds. they have the right to be heard when this cause a little to destin this could understand that was there before the interview. he noted interestingly that zalinski lessons took the united kingdom even more than be less. why do you think that new? yeah, we're in the future. them are analysis of the lamb. certain, based on the analysis of what's happening is the only thing and the analysis isn't being done now way with during war time on, but began in 2019, especially after his visit to the u. k. and everything else. the u. k. is influence is greater than that of the u. s. and the rest of the west is the u. k. that pulls the strings in ukraine and is a major external controller that you might to do. and they know whatever happens. i
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mean zalinski and his entourage amy, they'll be fine, no matter what happens in ukraine. they'll leave and lead a calm life. that's why they so calmly let their country be torn apart and fall into further poverty underneath. if they let it become an arena for a stand off between russia and the where his thing am as though i sees i flung book aqua and what was there ply planted again. what that a pretty of us the yeah. they have only one plan. i thought this standoff was meant to weaken russia, whatever you got it, and today we are seeing this happening yet, not the victory of ukraine. was it? but we will know it's impossible due to certain objective reasons. what say yes, i see, but it could ignite an internal struggle. you are saying in literacy, fuel processes that could weaken russia and it's leadership. i said, okay, that's the west. same weather, if possible,
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which zalinski and his team are trying to pull off here is, oh i, he asked me what, when am i to zalinski believe kalonski will hall down to tower for la idea what you want, cuz i am restore her me as if i don't know about his fate my at all, but i must say, i'd very much like to see him answer for all he's done to ukraine and it's people. he's destroyed the country. he's thrown it into the fires of war. this is his fault, slavery. i'd like to remind you that what many have unfortunately forgotten to day are you with about what had happened just before february. the 24th of will m m. i gave many interviews while under house arrest and i talked about that as well. about the need to avoid war to do everything we can to prevent it. could zalinski have done something yelled, i'm positive. we could have they all a dozen. and moreover, he had to bully, keep up with you. he had to follow the mince. go cause i to pull,
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you heard merkel. and orlando revelations. all and even polish ankle is trying to play a lawyer on hoffman help me. and that's way of point if no one was going to buy python . yes. how do you guarantee the next leader won't do the same thing. that is good. we have to eradicate the article i wrote focused heavily on causes. they account for more than half of the story. what happened after the end of the cold war there when the building something new in the world? yes. and the evolution of those events. so we must eradicate the causes that lead to what we have today. and this is how we can rule it out in the future that we can only do it when neo nazis. i'm no longer dominate state policies when there is no military state. when people in ukraine, i emphasize again, we'll be able to talk about the future of ukrainians, not the future of the country. there will be a different future. that is the main area we want to focus on today. is that as
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well? okay, an independent ukraine, yet i did not say that i said the future future of ukrainian or the future of ukrainians as to what country and how they will live that should be decided by ukrainians who represent a different ukraine today. what was your us? but mr. never took thank you very much. ah . on cheap energy coming from last year, rush and gush. jip and she bows. affordable and shit, beulah the stable, which has been proved. not the case. did you say will that this no longer there before they went? did she not to go with it so fortunate by camp anita?
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she had got all nickel to pick. the water was one of them muslin most worth. but well, bower and you didn't you and your boat used to lunch and wounded and you could keep probably squeaking like leaving them. i'm little sure who you're proving who you are. why do you decide on such as your sanction country a section of gruesome because you want to change the behavior of the government. this person why that hasn't happened? sanctions hasn't functioned ah
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ah, yes, yes. now, can you? yes. so if it's deploy near to nancy, you know them, group kim's in the book is up above the national ship. a boy, why is it up to a boy, a
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quote down in my chair, the water doesn't want that extra mom, but i know it's a good role. ah, the u. s. and germany and their allies agree to that heavy thanks to ukraine for the 1st time to bolster what they call key adds upcoming counter offensive against russia. new off, please refer to russian. we are fighting a war against russia. washington and berlin are remarkably out of sync when explaining what their tax will actually be aiming for a new crank. as are rocks, currency plummets to new lows, locals rally against the country central bank using it, observing american interest at their expense. a country was to liberate its.


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