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tv   News  RT  January 26, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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[000:00:00;00] a, a with it's dangerous because of course this means we're becoming a party to the war. you don't save people with tax. they always say so many people are dying. what do they plan to do at the tanks? process break out in the german capital, following berlin decision to send the letter tanks to you, praying with local expressing fear of the country's role in the conflict with a fully recruiting ethnic hung,
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gary and living in western ukraine to fight against russia. with mounting casualties already reported to representatives that pfizer admits they wanted to benefit from you pay think strange that because of a virus viewing them as a new vaccine opportunity with very welcome you're watching out the international with the latest wealth news out . thanks. good to have you with us. on the last 24 hours protested to take into the streets of germany, following berlin's decision to send the leopard tanks to ukraine, placards denouncing western media propaganda and calling for an immediate holds on weapons deliveries. the key of could be seen with one banner reading. we are the red line. local sphere, the supplying tanks will escalate the conflict and make germany a direct party. does not, you know, it's dangerous because of course this means we're becoming
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a party to the war. return so they don't save people with tanks. they always say so many people are dying. the what do they plan to do at the tanks next? that ships with fighter jets it's never ending on was for though you have to try to stop the war through negotiations. if they want to end the conflicts, they have to talk to each other and you already learn in kindergarten, continued confrontation, only worsens the situation. crashing president is or on milan, a virtual so heavily criticized the decision to send battle tanks to ukraine, noting his country should not provide military assistance to kiev. also taking a swipe at berlin. brunswick gracious should not provide military assistance in any case. do want us to go to war. here on the german foreign minister says that we must be united because quote, we are at war with russia. i did not know that we were at war with russia. germany may be at war with russia again,
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but the good luck to them. they may fare better than they did 70 years ago. but where it were was nobody me some a former us president donald trump also joined those criticizing of the u. s. and germany for deciding to send battle tanks to ukraine. he also was official to stop sending weapons to kiev onto ends. the conflict will that as berlin and washington expect ukrainian forces to launch counter attacks against the russian army, also pledging to train ukrainian crews on the new tanks. so as of now 3 different types of battle tanks are on their way to ukraine, washington is for me to sense because he want to bits and one a rams. although the white house house that the delivery could take a month to month, germany will deliver 14 of its most modern leopards with several other nato states also committed to sending that own stocks of the waiting for a green light from berlin. finally, the u. k. will be delivering 14 of its challenges to tanks. now we asked for me us marine corps intelligence officer,
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scott ritter. if kids army can actually handle the new weapons. those are 3 completely different types of tanks with 3 completely different types of maintenance and logistics and sustainability issues. you know, the challenger and the a leopard used diesel fuel. the m one uses a jet fuel. it's 2 different engine too. so, you know, even though good, the numbers of tanks might look impressive when you add them all up. fact is a because of the, these different kinds of change being provided. we're actually making it very difficult for ukrainians to, to incorporate these tanks and use them on the field of battle. tanks are very maintenance, intensive francis and the m one abrams tank for every hour of operation. you need at least 3 hours of maintenance support. and that's is piece time operation. now
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you throw in the complexity of combat and you're probably looking for every hour, you know, 456 hours of maintenance support and that's with a well trained maintenance crew. ukrainians don't have well trained maintenance cruise, a capable of supporting the the m one abrams. and i just think that we're creating a logistical nightmare. was this be frank here? russia has spent decades preparing for the possibility of vo war between nato and russia. what i mean by that is that russia's developed weapons and tactics that are designed to prevail in combat against a nato like enemy. meanwhile, russia has warned, against the potential again of depleted uranium shells by western tanks in ukraine, nato, infamously, a nice the ammunition in multiple previous conflicts leading to both the civilians on western soldiers being exposed to radiation, according to russia's arms control,
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chief in vienna. moscow will consider the use of such weapons as a dirty bomb attack. meanwhile, the kremlin is also reacted to the time deliveries, labeling them direct western involvement, and the conflicts even statements are constantly being made from european capitals and from washington that the delivery of various weapon systems including tanks. ukraine in no way means the involvement of these countries where alliances and the fighting, but is taking place in ukraine. we strongly disagree with this. moscow perceives this as direct involvement in the conflict. we see that it is expanding. many people in the german governments are making decisions that favor washington at germany is expense, and fighting, being a part of this proxy war fighting this oxy war for and with united states. that is part of that. i think they will continue to search for weapons to send ukraine. it
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will obviously make no difference. we were told the timers and the triple 7 were going to make all the difference. and here we are back to square one, looking for wonder weapons to send ukraine to turn the tide, which we were already told turned already. so they're going to continue to go through this process. apparently oblivious to the fact that these weapons take years for a army to incorporate and use on the battlefield effectively. so unfortunately, we're going to watch this process continue to play out and watch matters escalade. now the latest on, based on the ukranian conflict, russian troops have cuts off the main roadway leading to the key town of south west of the regional capital. don't you ask us off the local authorities said the army security that hold paving the way for a big offensive and circling ukrainian forces ortiz, were mon cause of the hands of details. but according to our,
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my sources from the guys are fighting integrals are right now. they've been on the outskirts of the city for the last 2 days in the they have established a foothold that just outside of the city, which is about 70 kilometers away from the s corps. i am right now. now, according to officials, russia, the marines of the pacific police are fighting there as well as offices of the former officers of the ministry of the interior of a republic. now once again, according to my source, they are not planning to storm the city streets are planning to execute a so called pin sir movements will or they will encircle the korean army from both flanks. according to the russian defense ministry, one of the roads leading to lazar is now under a full control of the russian forces. now, once again, fighting intense fighting is continued over there. and according to officials,
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russia is using both artillery and ation as well as ground troops. meanwhile, elsewhere in ukraine, on several explosions were heard in the city of give in odessa and in as up our osha, part controlled by a ukraine at the moment former boxer. now mayor of give it's alex, wish god had confirmed that there were indeed explosions in the ukrainian capital. we caught up with a russian tank driver as he's clever, turned to base to rearm. before heading back into the frame a letter. the operator shared his perspective on how the battle is progressing. i'll say weighing in on how much of a fighting chance the new western tanks will stand against the russian forces. a boiler, the lots of threes, renewables up we just returned from the combat mission 30 minutes ago. you can call the situation tense. after all, there's an offensive going on, but we're moving forward successfully. i'll be slowly,
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due to the fact that the military command want to save as many troops as possible. the soldiers are in a good mood because we're advancing. we're successfully destroying the enemy and it will also go if we come up against leopards or challengers that were made the same years our tanks. i think we can handle it and move it for one simple reason. a lot depends on the crew. we will be opposed by people who have been trained only now will be unfamiliar with their western tanks. so i think we can handle it. but yet ethnic hungarians, living in ukrainian and trans carpathia being forced into fighting for keith's forces as according to the hungarian foreign minister in addition to ukrainians. hungarians also die in this war since hungarians living in trance carpathia also conscripted in the ukrainian army. we've seen some footage in recent days of how brutal sometimes is. i with this video emerged on social media,
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reportedly showing ukrainian lauren both been trying to mobilize a middle aged to ethnic hungarian man by force. it comes to mit, other has similar esthetician, forced mobilization across different regions of the country as you cranes forth his take heavy losses on the battlefield. the hungarian foreign minister also noted this has become another reason why budapest is insisting on peace talks between moscow and kith. cd a research fellow, george samuel, he says the oppression of ethnic hungarians living in ukraine is similar to what the key regime has been doing to ethnic russians. think on gears of being persecuted because this is a rabidly nationalist regime that came to power in 2014. that was absolutely determined to x the page, any non ukrainian, the manifestations of language, culture tradition. so what they've been doing for the hungarians is not dissimilar to what they did to the russians, but the,
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in the case of the russians lampposts were more numerous and they enjoyed the. ready support of the neighbor, which is russia, the hungarians, not as numerous. and obviously hunger is a very small country and the limit that what he can do for its fellow hungarians. but the persecution of hon. garron minority has suffered such as the ban on education and gary and the all elimination of manifestations of on care in this pledge of the flags, cultural centers, everything. all that has been eliminated. but that's often what this, this post my down regime is about new york times has been comparing and contrasting jewish political figures concluding that flood. lensky is a better leader than benjamin netanyahu, seemingly forgetting about the ukrainian leaders ties with near naziism. but if israel is to persevere,
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it also must maintain the moral respect of its honest friends too bad for it. that today, the jewish peoples greatest leader resides in kiev, rather than jerusalem. the new york times opinion piece about the landscaping, the best jewish leader, clashes with kids, tolerance a far right ideology. neo nazi battalions were part of the ukranian army and are often seen brandishing nazi symbols on the flags uniforms and on the top of its soldiers. and the landscape himself a defended the notorious of battalion, trying to justify the movement. a soft battalion that is said to be nazi affiliated organization, operating as a militia in your country, said to be committing their own atrocities. household was one of those many battalions. did the key of will need they are what they are political scientists, the ortho, and host of the american exception podcast. erin: good say the west is trying to whitewash neo nazi groups in ukraine. it's an
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awkward position that the u. s. is in trying to deny the real character of some of these elements. it's convenient for the u. s. that soleski happens to be jewish, but when it comes down to it, they will always minimize or down play, whatever terrible groups they're supporting or they will just say they're not supporting them. i mean, this is, this is why you have to tell jones agencies with plausible deniability. so a lot of times they can just say, well, we're not supporting them. but with a's off because they're officially in the ukrainian military, they can't deny that. they just down play it or a couple of other ways to like say that it's okay somehow or typically they try to say that russians are the ones who are really the nazis, which if anyone is familiar with the history world war 2 and the 26600000. soviets who died defeating the nazis. it's that is total nonsense, but you know, this is the, that's what they'll put out there. and we just have to the,
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to deal with that we have to do with the fact that our media is pretty terrible. project marriage has an american activists career path published a new bombshell video featuring the director of research and development at pfizer, who admits the pharmacies co joint considered neat hating the covey virus for new vaccine opportunities. calling to pandemic, a cash cow for the company iser ultimately is thinking about mutating cov. oh guys, no with no, i don't know anyone with bruce horn like not, you know, good bye you too. yeah. well, one of the things where it's 40 is a why don't we just need to so, so we get worked on, i'm going to build a job like as you could imagine, no one wants to be in a company, mutually with it looks like they're sitting in some kind of a dining establishment. can you imagine being there, eating and overhearing?
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i'm talking about mutating viruses. check please. got all of that guys. title by the way. pfizer, director of research and development strategic operations and m r. n a scientific planning. yeah, it sounds like he was filling a whole business plan for plague ink to this project. veritas journalist, now mother, nature just isn't fast enough, apparently to fill up big form as coffers. so he saying that pfizer is giving the virus a little shove, the more quickly cove it mutates. the faster pfizer can announce that all the vaccines already purchased and sitting in storage are dated. and that there's a new must have latest and greatest version already for sale. i mean, either way it could be a copy now go down to hell for a while going to work. well, yeah, i obviously like, it's not cool. i think the whole, i know, i think the whole like research or the viruses and mutating it would be the
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ultimate like cache. so yeah. so great making new viruses to sell a patch. so the injection kind of like apples, programmed obsolescence of it's i phones to make customers buy new ones and keep the cash rolling in except i phones aren't making people sick. $15000000000.00 annual revenues by 2030. that's the estimated value that pfizer gave its m r n a cash cow in december in 2021 alone at the height of all his arm twisting for people to take the cova job under threat of lockdown or losing their job or not being able to assemble or travel, or enjoy leisure activities. pfizer made $81000000000.00 in a single year. now this video comes at a time when more questions are coming out about phases, tactics just last week. and indian official accused the company of trying to pressure the country to accept the clause that would lead it off the hook for injury or death from the job. the topic of excess mortality is now routinely evoked
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in the press with question swirling around like that. so why is that happening now? why are we seeing these excess deaths? now? there are too many credible answers forthcoming now. the british government also recently acknowledged on its own website that maya corditis and perry car died. us, which affect the heart, can indeed be caused by em, or a ne vaccines. now that's a fact that was previously minimized as being extremely rare. or else, you know, just a minor detail. not really a big deal if you get it, but now it's apparently important enough for the government to explicitly warn british healthcare professionals that it's a concern worth way. something else this pfizer research director mentions is the incestuous relationship between big pharma and governments. a quote revolving door as he calls it and quote, bad for america here. don't say not just america, but other countries too. how about the situation here?
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for example, in europe, where to and yos? earlier this month accused the european union leadership of signing secret contracts for these em or any cova jobs whose terms the public has yet to even see with pfizer. c. e o, getting a special mention in their report. to make matters worse, pfizer ceo albert borlin, has twice used to appear in front of the european parliament coven committee, to answer questions about how contract negotiations were carried out. an odd decision for a company who claims to be very transparent, vaccine criminals. that's what the same c, e o albert borla called those question visors product. regardless of how many drinks this pfizer research director, may or may not have had before spilling the beans to project veritas. it's clearly time to stop giving the benefit of the doubt to the health industrial complex, and the governments in collusion with m. o. c has requested
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a comment from pfizer regarding the authenticity of the employees statement and is waiting on a response. well meanwhile, the us centers for disease control and prevention that it continues to recommend people say up to date with cove 19 vaccines from a member of the european parliament and also gold free bloom, sales people who work the big pharma often lack of moral compass, big pharma is a so so mafia, the results have mafia with all this unlimited power that they have through money on control of editorial media. we've also got to look at the sort of people who works with big pharma. and this is quite interesting and i met this quite early in life in another life when i was investment management, working for a company called welcome, the well foundation. what is interesting that these people have know they are, they have no moral compass. the institutions they won't for are a moral. they don't take
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a more realistic view. and if you look at phasers record, they have been find billions of dollars for killing millions of people in the indian subcontinent in africa. but they go to bed, nobody gets fine. nobody goes to prison on the thing, just rolls on as it's rolling all now. and if you are a physician, if you are a doctor in the western industrial democracies, you can only practice with the governments to deborah. so you can actually base cut off from your profession if you speak back or face all to big pharma, i'm afraid, shamefully, most positions of go along with this in the last 2 years. at least 9 palestinians, including 2 civilians, were killed by his weighty forces in the west bank on thursday. the violence left around 20 more injured according to palestinian authorities, following another rate on the jenin refugee camp in the west bank 7 gun. manasseh to be among those killed during the 3 hour clash,
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another palestinian was fatally shot by the israeli military late in a separate incidents. no is ready, deaths were reported. the number of victims makes it the single deadliest day in the region. and yes, a 2 story building where the clashes took place was almost totally destroyed. according to the palestinian health ministry, at least at $29.00. locals have been killed by televi tv's forces in the west bank since january. the 1st. we heard from the daughter of a victim who described what happened for the feel. well, is she? my mother was killed while she was praying here and to gunfire. she was begging god to protect the janine. refugee can fight us sheepish praying and approached the window to see what was going on out. site sniper shut her in the neck. she fall on the ground. i rushed to her. i held her head, put my hand on the wound to stop the pleaded. the cam fighters arrived and tried to provide 1st 8. these railey army was should, and randomly at any one they saw the situation is getting worse. here. what is
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happening right now is war now over to peru, where an impeachment motion has been submitted against the incumbent. president, peruvian lawmakers are accusing dana, paula was a of quote, a permanent moral incapacity as had met. her administration has been accused of mishandling protests that had been raging in the country for more than a month until say, thousands of people took the streets of paris capital, where they were met with tick, asked the and palace hours of the president had publicly called for a truce dina bellow, i say, has been in power for a little over a month since the country's previously to patrick castillo, with impeached and arrested. his support, his initiated protests, demanding bala taste resignation and new elections within 50 people have died in violent clashes between protest as on police. since then, now legislators have to collect the necessary amounts of votes to bring an
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impeachment motion to debate. peru has been experiencing a political crisis for a prolonged period as a country has had 6 presidents in 6 years. ah, washington has condemned new delhi for allegedly jeopardizing freedom of speech. that's in the wake of india's response to a recent, controversial b b. c documentary on prime minister in the wrench remotely. it makes us wonder about the purpose of this exercise in the agenda behind it. this is a propaganda piece designed to push a particular discredited narrative. the bias, the lack of objectivity and a continuing colonial mindset are blatantly visible. a documentary is said to explore a wrench, remote east politics, but emphasizes his alleged involvement in the 2002 good. your route riots which claimed the lives of at least 1000 muslims and hindus alike. the controversial bbc produce film has sparked to outrage. among many indians who say western hypocrisy
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has gone to great lengths to discredit india. india phobia on display as media attacks, india success in addition to attempting to defame modi, the bbc's documentary insults india's vast diversity. we stand with nor render modi against the shameful act center government criticize b, b. c, for a documentary. so modi is intolerant and fascist indira gandhi band, b b. c for 2 years in 1970. but she was a great democratic leader. typical leftist hypocrisy. these 3 american men have invaded 9 countries and 23 years killed, 11000000 civilians and no one calls them war criminals, no v v c no new york times or any other media house will dare make a documentary on them that they will spread propaganda against india and modi, 247, former indian diplomat, a nail. it took a ny, i'd say the west might not be satisfied with new daly's economic success, as well as with modi's enhancing relations with moscow. the vesta americans that
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are created, they only like something where to, to say when against india, because india so they are rising. it is the fastest growing major economy. they have not been happy about india as a principle to stand out in that shape in war. and india hasn't stood for peace dialogue and diplomacy, and prime minister movie has spoken to president booth and they don't like that in the i've done that. but as a principal stand, be our friends with them. we have the relationships with them at the official level at the polar political level, but at the same time, i'll be out of principal country we take, we have always been against extra intervention. there is no doubt about it. but at the same time, one has to take everything and complete all the stigma. enough. you have glasses that you can not have a myopic view, and then try to do something that these countries want us to do. we will never do that. we can find out the latest. these are dates on our website, r t dot com. thank you for choosing asi international
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with ah, with the planning officials in their western backers endlessly tell us that ukraine is
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experiencing extreme shortages of just about everything. however, there is no shortage of shameless propaganda generated for western public consumption. and it should be no surprise. ukraine is as corrupt as ever very taboo. canada hasn't been very good ha, to indigenous women and girls who have been missing or found murdered because of the structural racism history, the cloning of history that canada has with indigenous people and communities. and it's so shameful history and a history that calendar doesn't like to talk about not until just into those election in 2015 with the to boost colonization. finally shattered her
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on being elected prime minister, the young head of state give a message to the 1st nations community working together. hi, emily. the government of canada sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them. so profoundly have to apologize to residential school victims, the prime minister to tackle the scandal from us. for many decades, indigenous women and girls across canada have disappeared, suffered violence, or been killed. it is shameful. it is absolutely
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unacceptable and it must end with the 1st time in the country's history, he acknowledged genocide. this is a gift to to the prime minister. 6 just intruder has raised the hopes of an entire people, but indigenous women are still dying. ah. after all the promises, grieving, families expect action because most cases are never settled. i wanna make at least a 100 of these little things. maybe more red dresses to denounce the murders and disappearances. i know has been affected by the sad reality. her niece died 4 years


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