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tv   Documentary  RT  January 26, 2023 9:00pm-9:31pm EST

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is considered to be one of the grimmest pages in the history of mankind. with
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a price on each native person for $5.00, for a piece of scalp for indian mail. $15.00 for women. $15.00 for children. they put me in a legal jail to call it a reserve is not part of canada, never decided so i was in school years missionaries, terrible people. ah
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oh it's impossible to forget what app with we always shy but tobacco. we call dish. wonder rock and it's a british sacred rock. it gets here and it just, it's a big, big rock and we call it a grandfather rock. we thank the grandfather for looking after us and taken care of us as we travel
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in this school. they tried to tell us that this with savage, this was a pagan way of doing things here that's with in the school. i was electrocuted twice. i was only 7 years old 1st too high for me, so somebody put me in the chair and my feet are up, can't even touch the floor. and they turn the power on electricity. then you can't . when the electricity goes, you can let go. because the gen,
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the electricity makes you tighten it. he can't play golf for you. you were tortures. i got ah, they made us because they went to their land. they broke their children. what did i go? did this or do anything? i was just a child. with
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30 below coal edmond our host is the former chief of this remote community in northern ontario, a fort albany. canada has more than 2000 reserves like this one they were set up in the late 19th century by the indian act. the law governing the
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indigenous population this racist build, made them 2nd citizens, separate from white people. ah. today they are known as 1st nations peoples. back then, they were savages. i am designated ash indian all lives inside i reserve to separate the we are hidden people of canada. here and here the government wants to call and reserve for the i call it my grandfather's land. the indian act is still applicable to day. it was introduced in an attempt to settle and thus better control and nomadic people along with their territory and
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resources. the reserves were run by nuns and priests, and their mission was to evangelize the savages to assimilate them while we're building it. a garden. if her pictures from the school, so this one is good, this is where the students girls and months. and these are the brothers are blade brothers. and hope that prisoners are here. it's hard to resist. at that time, very hard to resist. ah,
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ah, in from the age of 4 or 5 children were torn and their families and handed over to missionaries to be educated. they were sent to what were referred to as residential schools. oh, the system was mandatory under the indian any families refusing to release their children or persecuted oh and denied the meager state allowance because i have long hair and i put it in rate. so somebody comes behind me, cuts my brain off. my hair falls over, it looks like this. ah
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. as soon as the children or anything that identified them as indian was eliminated, their clothes were burned. they were forbidden to speak their own language. ah, they were issued with a uniform and a number is going to be the 1st piece is that's way we ought to be ready for the aim. was to make them good little white children and good christians. i mean edmond and his cousin spent their childhood at saint dan's the school on their reserve, our building they didn't leave until they were 15. i remember my 1st day. i remembered us looking at my mom to other were walking mom.
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she was very quiet. and a, somebody else took me by then but by then i was overwhelmed with the school. i didn't see my mom living until she was gone. and then when i tried to run back or go after her, they closed the door and the you cried, you know, we're in flight luke, while losing our mum. you're losing your, losing your mum? whisk him up on is the council for ears. the 2 cousins suffered cruelty and ill treatment. it was an experience that marked them for life. even though the escape, the very worst of the abuse, the rapes post o a dead sea. rather broadway can be using
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a child and took them from the dormitory on the 3rd floor, brought him down to the basement. and as where he attacked the girl, your greater bathroom ethridge where they are famously put down. i had the year she whole look here to georgia. they were like go, butterfield. i could never sleep because i always knew there was something there somebody, i could hear somebody moving her own or just it was the worst part for me was always waiting every night just like there was somebody there that's gonna grab you. that's no place to be for any child. ah, we all came home with
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a dark secret generation after generation wealthy dance is an infamous school. it was only one of dozens. in a little over a century, 150000 children attended these institutions. ah, 4000 of them lost their lives. the last residential school closed down in 1996. i think the children, when you eliminate all their knowledge of their history, their culture, then you're basically killing the people that grew up on the flanks that knew the land that were connected to the lab. and that's what these policies were. to take the indian out of the bush, the think the indian away from the bush milan and assimilate him indoctrinate
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him with genocide, i guess it was the way of killing a people, but way of killing a culture, a nation killed in a a a ah.
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on ship energy coming from last year, rush and gush shape. and she bows. affordable and ship. you are finished a boat, which has been both. not the case. did you say? well, that is no longer there. a day when it's a it's a cell phone. if i can't that, i need to should it? good. okay. you fix it. the water was one of their muslim, most ship worth of a boat. i needed a new one. your boat used to learn from wounded. and you can keep probably exclusions like me, even on what also who your career, who your why do you decide on sanctions, your sanction country? a section of the person. because you want to change the behavior of the government
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person. why that hasn't happened. actions hasn't function name organ trio roughly where the scores are burned down. fire took it by accident. we don't know. a big me the court. i don't know, only the fire knows are happy, the missionaries are gone and now we can do our own. find our own way. we don't need to poop. we don't need to pope to tell us what to do with
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the school was 3 stories is big enough for a 200 students with you know what we never gave missionaries. we never show them our tiers. we never cried. he can be slapped around like this, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, right, right on your head and face, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap, and kneel on the floor and eat your vomit electrocution. but i'm still here, i'm, i'm still standing up, but they're gone. ah, ah, the last traces of the missionaries presence are to be found nearby in the reserve
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. okay, just follow me. i'll make a trail here. it's an infamous spot. a place nobody comes to any more. these abandoned huts were the priests, summer residences. it's too dirty. you don't want to be here. bad spirits here. rather le warriors to run over here after a bish somebody and run here and she kept solution and no weapon south. there's a whip there, punish himself. everybody saw him running away from the school. so they said i did it again. now i guess he was running all the time to to the cabin here, sir brittany or something i have been
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ah, abandoned since the late 19 ninety's, the huts are almost intact. time has stood still. ah. the ghosts are all that remains of the trauma that haunts edmond and the 1st nations peoples every single day. ah, that's how i grew up in it is really hard to to get over that. how do you get over that? when they wake up in jail, got thank with
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dish with ah, cold drives everyone from the sidewalk. they are the only ones left street indians. the image of the dying people tempted by a better life. first nations, a youth flee the poverty of the reserves, and end up here at the end of the road. in thunder bay,
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a daily grind of alcohol and drugs and the life of misery that no one pays any attention to any more. in the frozen downtown streets you survive anyway, you can oh, i was raised, you know, 48 october is a survivor veritable miracle. like the rest of his family people. most of the last generation taught by nuns and priests, with for a long time, drowned his pain in alcohol. like almost half the men in his community.
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for youth, this music is kept me alive, kept me alive, and all these years now is 11. 12 years old. i'm going to worst code excursions, priest, i can see his name. ralph roy, you know, you know, are all full of took advantage of a lot of laura. laura was there was a winter boys walking on the ice going to the trap line. and we couldn't go back because we're only way to cross the lake going in the bush and night time, the police decided to come and sleep say me and why my sleeping way towards the night air and zip my
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zip my my my sleeping bag and grab the learners and go, i can hear some of them are my relatives didn't make it jerking themselves to death over doses through 3rd man, you know and i've done that before. i put a gun there before. stick a needle in my arm to hoping to overdose. and i've been to jail, you know, i got drug charges. i got a domestic violence beating up my ex wife, beating up my girlfriends and it's it's, it's hard for her. sorry. the scary thing to talk with
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in his plight. i to has been able to count on his and yeah, coffee market. i know his lucky star company, grady carter and thunder barrett plan. you said it was my grandmother. she always said to me, i never would of bed with dirty dishes on the table. cuz little people walk around at night, spit on things as to why people get sick. she says, and that's what i do. i usually try and do my dishes before i go to sleep. all the time. i know suffered a lot too. when the residential schools it is a memory she still finds hard to talk about well,
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i have when i had my parents a year, so i can say he's 20 here. what i have to say. so natalie say, now it is mad. came in late talking about it, but yet it made me it made me the person i am today because i'm a beta i don't give up with anything i know has always wanted to break the vicious circle of trauma. she
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remained silent on the subject to protect her grandchildren, bear them the fate that befalls most of the communities. youngsters. ah, unlike their loved ones, they have not experienced residential schools. ah, yet all seem to carry the burden and 43 percent. the 1st nation youths between the ages of 12 and 24 have addiction issues. women are the biggest victims. in canada, indigenous women are 7 times more likely to die or to be killed than white women. victims of the violence inflicted by men, whether white or indigenous, broken by the inherited trauma of colonization,
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we are targeted as easy prey who this time aside phenomenon was acknowledged by the state after a 2 year nationwide study ah, [000:00:00;00] with i am a product of the residential school i was raped by a priest when i was young on my reserve. i was raped by 2 police officers here in thunder
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bay 182-001-2014. i've been beaten by men by my partners. really bad, where my doctor, my doctor file is about that sick with pictures of you couldn't even recognize my face. broken bones no more stolen, sisters a with stolen sisters more than 4000 of them in 30 years. i. it's
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a phenomenon rooted in the country's history ah, training officials in their western backers endlessly tell us that ukraine is experiencing extreme shortages of just about everything. however, there is no shortage of shameless propaganda generated for western public consumption. and it should be no surprise. ukraine is as corrupt as ever a francisco new york when you have a clue. what does road with somebody to love me, but she listening you have any idea what they did it with?
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why did i put up with the word read that up way. anything that i beat a lot to shift left in things you could see it for through much our up with not mid july to the people's office with an electric vehicle really cheaper to own than an old fashioned desk. so these were once i had the friendly and friendly to our pocket that had they deliver on that
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the trip is electric vehicle only help the environment when electricity duration itself becomes the carbonite. otherwise, we're substituting burning fossil fuels from my gas tanks to our power plant. i'm because the i and today we'll talk about the cost of converting to all electric vehicle. let's get i what is the cost to buy and maintain an electric vehicle versus your traditional petro powered vehicle? well 1st there is a cost to buy a navy model to model electric vehicles are currently more expensive than petro consuming vehicles. about $56000.00 compared to $46000.00. now to compensate many countries are offering tax credits and subsidies range between $5000.00 to $10000.00. luckily, the cost of rental could disappear in the near future with more ab models on the marketplace. and the development of less expensive batteries then there's


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