tv News RT January 27, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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ah, a robot must protect its own existence with awe . breaking news this. our 7 people are killed and nearly a dozen more injured in a shooting either jerusalem synagogue. the attack of confirmed terror as being confirmed the terror attacked by is where the police happened on the holocaust commemoration. they see the live pictures from the same with an enemy multiple walker neutral through some story on modern good. or do you follow russian troops in the 5th month or for a stronghold of ukrainian 4th isn't i don't yet sub with
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i'm to the sun. it's hearing senior us diplomatic victoria newland philippines on washington. the open interference, the domestic policy of foreign states. a very welcome to you. this is dorothy international with the latest world news update is good to have your company this hour. but we do start with breaking news from jerusalem, where at least 7 people have reported dead and 10 more injured. and a shooting as a synagogue in a city comes on international holocaust commemoration day. the israeli police have confirmed the incident is a terror attack. the gun man has allegedly been shot dead by offices emergency services are operating at the scene. the incident has been condemned by us.
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officials is quote, absolutely horrific with rational forties. cool and get a cynical ax, correspondent ortiz maria phenomena reports from jerusalem. well, i have to say that this is the 1st major terror attack here in a israel to the country. new right? government was torn and we now hear that the country prime minister benjamin netanyahu is currently monitoring closely the situation security assessment to convince soon the country's national security adviser benefit has been seen on the ground. personally monitoring they investigation. security on high alert. obviously the death toll could rise at any moment. the attack happens in and also the neighborhood in the northern part of jerusalem investigation. again, it's to undergo, we don't exactly what has happened. there. security forces reported that one of the attackers was the neutralized. we have to say that nobody has so far taken
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responsibility for the attack. what they already had been a reaction from some policy and protocol is seen in groups and fully seen in islamic jihad. both announced that jerusalem synagogue attack is quotation, natural reforms. 2 crimes of the occupation including the keeling in the janine camp in the northern part of the pi occupied west bank because both us and russia condemned attack. can they say that they are a hard to nation with the israeli colleagues that they specifically trust? that is a very cynical attack given, but friday was an international holocaust commemoration. a day i have to say that this shooting comes this terror attack back comes and makes it a very dramatic escalation here in the country and old throughout the west bank.
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they were military raids, clashes and the biggest happened just early on friday in the town all the dom. and here is my reports. from there, we're in the town of a little north of jerusalem that has seen fierce clashes between israeli bull to police and local residence, stones, and burn ties from one side and to rub a bullet send to you guys from another side door massively used here. today, friday clashes broke out shortly after the funeral of one young demonstrator who was shot dead earlier on thursday towards also today his birthday during and now the clashes that followed. violent mil to rage over these railey army in the camp. all janine in the northern part of the occupied west bank in which 9 palestinians were killed. it was the deadliest day for the west. bank sees the beginning of this year, making a total of palestinians killed hey old for all the occupied west bank in 2023 to
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$30.00, according to palestine in health ministry. and following that, the palestinian authority announced that the car security coordination with israel shortly after what happened in jeanine israeli army and made a statement saying it was counted, terry small corporation, they are a hain. we members of islamic jihad group or neutralized. they mentioned civilian deaths, claiming they are trying to check this information, but we know that at least one civilian was killed. that was an old lady. she was at that time inside her house in the camp of janine and we have been able to speak to her dual to she was with her mom at the time when it happened. she tried to give her 1st aid, but the woman died. i have to say that it has been very turbulent week here all
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throughout the west bank. they were shooting in the city of lord with the country's national security minister. eventually go into this scene and that provoked even more tensions. there were clashes also in the city of jericho, around the city of nablus, in the middle of the west bank. and this is this collation that many feared with these rows. new government already called the most far right in the countries history. choosing a very hard line in everything that concerns palestinian affairs, the international community has been very much alarmed in the recent 2 weeks since the new government was sworn in calling on all sides to come down. but we did not see this happening. we see that the situation on the ground is get more and more tense and violent. we now cross at live to and there are in defense, found government come and say so many thanks for joining us on the program. now in
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your opinion, is this attack spontaneous or could it be linked somehow to other violence that has taken place in the region recently? well, as you know, there is the key shad this cycle violence. unfortunately it is true now technically what happened in jeanine thursday. the rally operation was necessary because one of the cells there has prepared just such an attack which was carried out a few hours ago and it had to be disruptive. but if you look at the strategic context, if you look at the overall envelope, obviously there is no political horizon for the palestinians on thursday. and then you know, government, on the contrary, they get key players in the government such as the police are now it's called
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national security minister bank beer. and the finance minister who is also at defense minister. but tell us what bridge they are even more right wing more hotline than the 10 you know, and they can talk to his government. if he doesn't do that be think so. obviously, we can expect how she measures following that, which is the most severe in 20 years. of course that comes on holocaust collaboration day which people around the world pay respect is the timing of the attack significant because of these days? no, it is not quite unlikely that the perpetrator has he been known about people thought about the book. the deed probably have in my was that friday night. so the stop light is when you know where she 1st
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congregates at this, you know, and the time they are. 4 the very hour where he can find that many victims, both within the synagogue and around the remembrance day. no, this is too far a spokesperson. i said the attack is quote, a natural response to israeli occupation engineering. what do you make of that statements? well, you know, how much is based in gaza. it also has many followers in the west bank, but the way it is under the stimulatory who's a party is fucked up. and of course they are competing. we've come out a mass wants to, to respond to an effect by he's rallies in the west bank. it can very well do it
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from god. but usually the fear that the, they don't, that the retaliation will cost them a lot of damage. so they call on other 3 dial the so what kind of response i do expect from the israeli government in the coming days they will of course, try to swamp the area with more forces that will be friction. they didn't have intelligence regarding bigler act. so maybe they were allowed to do, would be molly a house, there will be out there trying to disrupt the there will be pleasure with the troops and we may very well see an escalation that also either a might get some encouragement from the success, quote unquote of the set back and may try to copy. so we are read for very
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dense funds. we've seen tensions and escalate ava, reese and weeks. how do you see the future of is ready palestinian relations with israel now led by what some of being with by being reported really as the most conservative hotline government in years. well, not the, the thing is not the right word reactionary. a better job. now us secretary of state and tony blinking is about to reach jerusalem on monday and he was going to call you right back to let you know regarding a policy in the west bank. not necessarily regarding course employer, but the, regarding the policy in your state which has reduced to endorse recently. so blinking is coming at the very best time. and the government may not survive
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a reach and bank to the right words and understand, you know, feels american pressure, which you can't resist. the government may fall and we may have elections at quick takes time. said that it's the israel's actions on the palestinian territories that have escalated to escalated these tensions in recent days and weeks there. that's no justification for counter violence. of course is if i to say that is, well i didn't want to diffuse the situation. well, you know, it depends on how long back you want to go because some my 10 months ago there was a serious up there. it is really only really stupid. yes. and the is really the 1st and you tell us security agency ever responded by trying to root out the underground self. and we have seen that response and come to respond back and
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forth. so it is pointless to look at the technically strategically. the question is, how are we going to go back to our political process at the end of which we will have to state bank side by side basically with is making so and there are in defense and government compensation. many thanks for your time this evening. we appreciate your insight. thank you. thank you. well now to the ukraine conflict, rushes, defense ministry has said 135 ukranian troops have been killed and injured as russia continues its advance in the dumbass as well as the reported destruction of multiple ukrainian armored vehicles along the front line. russia also says it shot down a plane and intercepted 14 missiles. among them, nato supply, the high mas rockets, intense fire fights continue as russian troops advance on the town of mud,
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inca don, yes, suburb, which since 2014 has been a strong hold for ukrainian forces at ease, at senior correspondent, moore and garcia, garcia reports from the front line, ah, with that was an enemy multiple rocket launcher systems strike. one might ink. that is exactly where we're heading. whole or 24 hours in mud, inca began now. here of flashlights, ease, time him out to suicide. slowly, half blood. we stumbled to a temporary refuge. this is the bunker where we are spending the night here in modern co, relatively relatively safe. the previous occupants here were ukrainian troops who
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were literally, as you can tell by the wolves burned out of here. but this is also the answer as to why the battle for marrying 5 g kapinsky. why these battles are taking so long? and that is because these bunkers are everywhere built over the last 8 years by the ukrainian military. built in completely nondescript places above us. this is just a small family whom a private presidency downstairs was unarmed, store and barracks for ukrainian soldiers. power is rationed, food, water, ammo, and fuel. i carried 4 miles before they get here. nothing is wasted. in the early hours of the morning, we woke up to what fight is here? cool, an approximation of hell. ah, a deafening company of blasts and explosions,
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pure and utter violence. without end. all of this footage, we filmed in mere hours thank. says i a view of the battle girl. whoa, whoa. this the tie area covered in smoke is where you cranium. positions up to 300 meters away from us. currently, russian, artillery of all types and colors. more does houses was air
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craft tanks. ah ah, the she hel, ukrainian, or you credit troops. the battle for mad inca has dragged on for almost a year. most of it is now under russian control. ukraine and its supporters, they publicly admit now, will never serious about peace stokes. it was cover, they spent 8 years preparing for war. they turned my income into a modern day fortress, almost impregnable. almost. whoa . each would choose russian to $25.00 close support to close ground supported craft coming in very low flooring there and
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guided munitions rockets and getting out before you gradient at the feds. us have a chance to constant the lock on an lodge who's day by day, month after month, russian troops have demolished ukrainian fortifications. here he of has said thousands of drafted troops into the meat grinder to hold might anchor, but there is little doubt that the city will soon be taken from us a thoroughly, frankly, this is unpleasant for us destroying these buildings. the city, it hurts our souls, but we have no choice. this is our land. the enemy has thrown its reserves at marin county. they use their troops as cannon fodder. they pluck any holes with corpses of their own soldiers. they spare no lives. no dickinson if it were pushing but
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there are difficulties. the enemies resisting and digging in their fighting for every house but were pushing them back and advancing. ah oh. a round mud inca artillery is everywhere. these automatic mind launcher, the shall yoke is a feared thing. ah mighty anger is strategically vital. it is a gateway to that yet. if you crane loses it, it will be a devastating blow to morale, both civilian and military. he of understands this, and it is willing to pile thousands of its troops on to the pile, to hold halter modica, which may well be an approximation of hell. for i'd guess the of
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r t from madigan, as if i think continues multiple nato states have one by one confirmed their intent to deliver tanks to ukraine. with the u. s. to sends those he won a browns and germany agreeing to supply 14 leopard, 2 tanks. at the same time, the blow claims it isn't a party to the conflict, something rushes for our ministry spokeswoman branded an outright lie got a gauge as alluded. how can these people seriously see there and not a party to the conflict? of course they aren't going to send troops and jets. and what about the tanks? i'm just trying to find a new logic, a new sense in it, but there is and thing you need people for usage of tanks maintenance and to provide signals. this is pure hypocrisy. criminal hypocrisy. not just not time to wait uncomfortable questions, but alter it lice. we have heard it since the conflict began, while divest actions prove the opposite. in fact,
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nate on the west in general are fighting us why keeps nationalist regime? western tanks also reach ukraine by spring about the prognosis given by a russian federation council member and full, mombasa to the you in an interview to asi, you know, it takes a several months to prepare, thanks to deliver them and at least 3 months to brain. uh, the tank crews that training will oh probably begin in the immediate future, but the thinks themselves will take longer to arrive when they 1st oh, oh, baker job economic sanctions was introduced back in 2014. the official motivation behind that decision was to convince russia to sit at the negotiating table will ukraine, those negotiations started,
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and they worked and polluted early next year. with the conclusion of the famous minsky games, quietly recognized as having been just now an attempt to out to prolong the procedure in order to are to provide additional assistance to the ukraine and its armed forces, the misc agreement ease ed document ah, endorsed by the un security council in the unanimous vote in 2015. so, admitting that to day france, germany and now the united kingdom, they admit it deliberately violating international law. the minsk agreements were signed in february 2015, the e u just a day or 2 later,
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introduced another set of saying this is a policy that leads nowhere. and it only grades problems. and that is obvious. oh, if you look today at what's happening, ross, the european union and the us senate tearing dedicated to the situation in ukraine, america, senior diplomat, victoria newland couldn't hold herself back from celebrating the north string to pipeline blasts, as well as washington's long standing interfere with the domestic politics of east european countries, they contribute to rachel moss and take a closer look at newlands so called achievements. the u. s. senate foreign relations committee held a hearing on thursday that kind of slipped under the radar in the mainstream press . but it's really a classic example of how washington decision makers get drunk on their own nonsense . and then just start trying to change the world. the subject of this hearing was
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countering russian aggression ukraine and beyond. and despite being with the democrats right now and victoria f e u newland, we'll get to that. the 2nd who is now serving at the state department as under secretary of state for political affairs in the biden administration, new and can't help but side with republican senator ted cruz. when it comes to being relieved that the nord stream to pipeline that was supposed to send russian gas into europe via germany was blown up center cruise up like you. i am. and i think the administration is very gratified to know that nordstrom, too, is now as you like to say, a hunk of metal at the bottom of the sea. that would be senator ted cruz representing the state of texas. it's probably just a total coincidence that cruise has spent years since at least 2019 trying to get nord stream to sanctioned, into oblivion, pretending that he so concerned about europe being too dependent on russian gas.
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and that taxes is also the top producer of liquefied natural gas in the us 25 percent of us gas comes from texas and on which europe is now totally dependent and at a much higher price than it's sold on the u. s. market. so newland was already singing from the same hymn book as cruise on the topic of nordstrom to way back in january of 2022. so even before the conflict in ukraine went red hot, and i want to be clear with you today. if russia invades ukraine, one way or another nord stream to will not move forward. she sounds so confident. it's amazing that when the same pipeline was seriously blown up last year, the mainstream western press didn't circle back and asked her what she meant by that statement. instead, they apparently figured that it made so much more sense to accuse russia of blowing up its own infrastructure. new ones boss, secretary of state antony blanket,
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remarked after the nord stream, pipelines were blown up that it offered quote, tremendous strategic opportunity for the years to come. yeah, sure. tell that to europeans who are walking around in the dark and taking 10 2nd showers to keep energy costs down such a great opportunity. and since the senate committee hearing is about countering russia in ukraine and beyond, well, newland is already bragging about washington meddling in belarus. i would not say that we've had manifest success, but also working intensively with the belly russian opposition. it seems like washington can't keep its hands off of russia's neighbors knew it was spotted in ukraine way back in 2014 handing out cookies to anti government protesters and caught discussing the potential roles of ukrainian opposition leaders post regime change around that same time a recording leet of newland expressing just how much she values u. s. allies and international law. even when they don't point a line with
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washington's agenda for cave. that would be great, i think to help glue this thing and how the u. n. help glue it. and you know, you knew it didn't come a long way from openly denouncing europe for standing in the way to now being relieved that europe's pipelines were blown up. this female forrest gump of regime change. shenanigans certainly. sounds like a true friend. that only has allies very best interests at heart when he, thanks to keeping his company how naughty international web back at the top of the on with a very latest. mm. ah
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ah, with business and then you will clean a, b. e a does not assume sonya americans grey you. when you wrote, you got to it is just such an upgraded to the ceiling and provide you with stuff such and for emergency operator additional student pull a child wash and get you thrown with them. the probably and you're still with she was fluid. this is jill meadow focus, lose corrected, almost should not says q joe of you, you less wish lation you brought to new a message and this is key jogan. you speak to you because you always to, well knew it was printing wire, took it offline, which was which thorn was put in with nisha to bother you spirited including flick . so you may have a j,
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a c, a barrage got a call to get to provision usually. well my tim pneumonia, a new one in the pals program institute. always a few to swim on. the planes come out not super, super configuration losing the points by you flip column a recession. when is the question the way you wash and you you call and then you're going to see them now. but then, but i'm on if should it's a honda what is what is it thinks you actually see me. yeah. well the thing is that the settlement with what was happening in the ukraine before february. the 24th 2022 and was happening now was a result of const.
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