tv News RT January 28, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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i don't know who she is, you know, for the don't know if i should just to do give me a minute to do used to play in finances. come on both. ah, breaking news on our t hospital in the loop. dance republic is struck by the ukrainian military using us supplied. hi, marge, rockets, killing over a dozen simple eons. according to the russian ministry of defense, allows civilian infrastructure is again hit in don ballast by key of forces. hundreds of berliners take to the streets to protest the german decision of delivering thanks to you, a marking 20 years since the us invasion and occupation of iraq. we begin our special coverage of the legacy left behind by the
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devastating war which left hundreds of thousands of civilians with just a few moments into a brand new day. here in moscow, sunday, january the 29th i'm you know neil and this is our to international. are we begin with breaking news, hospital and civilian housing? have been hit in a rocket, a tank in the loop, ganske republic, killing 14 people and injuring 2 doesn't were according to the russian m. o. d. r senior correspondent, iraq sd, of is in the republic can, can tell us more. we had the statement from the russian ministry of defense, which has come out and said that you couldn't side, launched a surprise me, sol attack a multiple walking ga gov without using you estimate and supplied by mas nissan
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rogue local hospital. the white out of the hospital was stopped by booth civilians and military doctors have treated both the local population. this is the local clinic optimal, as well as troops at injured in the fighting on the front lines. and taken there for further treatment of the attack left 14 people dead from what you understand 24 . that each of those numbers may well rise up. we were keeping up to date with information from the russian ministry of the fed up. there's also be another strike concurrently. 2 targeting a medical facility, nowhere to hope to which is the way him saw region of the city will that the bulk of his be the endless couldn't kill him for the past month. and the chief us again sharing that facility had been struck before. but again, we don't get know about casualties, injuries of death,
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unlike even though by doubt which the russian side already called the incident of war crimes saying that those responsible it's wooded. the strike carried out, the strike will be identified and will be punished. rock sd of their well as moscow slums, key of for quote, deliberately targeting civilians. protestors have taken to the streets of the german count, but langridge now the government's decision to supply ukraine with its leopard to main battle. tax ortiz, dominic rush hard reports from berlin. a few 100 people here today of on my expect more to be on the streets actually because coles indicate that around half of the german population of strictly against weapon deliveries. the people here are demanding an immediate cease fire, as well as peace talk, so that they are against the aggressive foreign policy that germany is taking.
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currently. the important reason why they're not that many people is that there's a lot of pressure actually on peace activists and germany. right now, just a couple of days. we found out that a peace activist was prosecuted for saying, basically that and the war like this all sides need to be heard in this water sina supporting russian aggression by german authorities. and he was therefore prosecuted. so there's a lot of fear as well, amongst german people to, to protest against these issues. but nevertheless, we're looking at the munich, a security council next week and where a lot of our key and nato officials come together. and we are expecting to see a large protest there with at least a several 1000 people joining it. it's 20 years since the us invasion of iraq on ortiz special coverage, healthy anniversary kicks off, not for the coming months will examine the devastation and destabilization the
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w bush outlined the coming invasion of iraq in his state of the union address, but called iraqi leader saddam hussein, a quote, brutal dictator would ties to terrorism. posing a direct threat to the united states. he pledged to disarm his se on bring freedom to the iraqi people. something the u. s. was already involved with in afghanistan. kate of iraq, is not disarming. to the contrary, he is deceiving from intelligence sources. we know, for instance, that thousands of iraqi security personnel are at work hiding documents and materials from the un inspectors sanitizing inspection sites and monitoring the inspectors themselves. if saddam hussein does not fully disarm for the safety of our people and for the peace of the world, we will lead a coalition to disarm him. than later,
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it turned out that his sane did not have the so called weapons of mass destruction program that washington insisted it hot. so it was in march, 2003. the u. s. joined by its allies, launched operation iraqi freedom. the coalition started a bombing campaign directed against the iraqi government and military installations . despite months of massive anti war protest worldwide. u. s. forces invaded iraq from to wait on 3 weeks into the invasion. baghdad fell the cia top weapons inspector in iraq. finally closed the w m. d, investigation in 2005 concluding there were no such weapons in the country. while the years of war on the subsequent rise of terrorism have taken a grim toll on a rock and its people. there were at least 180000 documented civilian debts in the
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country, while some surveys estimate the actual figure to be over 1000000, many of those died from ariel bombing, sheylan gunshots and suicide attacks. over 9000000 people either fled the country or where displaced while the us led coalition last, almost 4000 of its own soldiers. the war stars, the lives of many iraqis of different generations, some of whom shared their stories with us. ah, yes. hi michelle, what either the streets were packed with barriers and tunnels. i remember, well, bagdad became a battlefield tanks and security forces of all kinds of been deployed there. wow. i up now. so yeah, they are live became a living. hell. because as a child, you're supposed to see beautiful things, but we so bullets tags and canada, tara,
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for humanity, children and society as a whole. there was nothing but war. oh, don't most of the families last members and i lost one of my brothers because of the bomb banks. the americans were killing everything in front of them. i know that and it was one of my sons wanted to celebrate his success with his studies. so my wife gave him money to buy some junk food and eat out with his friends and they sat to eat. they were an american bass. he was shot in the head by the americans. he died on the spot. the zip up my friends were killed by the explosion at that time. my neighbor was killed by the americans, but he was going to buy a kenneth could can guess. they thought he was a suicide bomber and kill him, or love, hear the crowd chrisala. these are very difficult memories for me. a mortars shall fell at the door of our house and killed one of my playmates. ah,
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nothing about the police to live in bagdad. our dreams were shattered. we wished to complete our studies that we cannot because of the war and the killings in the streets. we had to leave our homes and go to not a place. i would like to know, but i do with up the top, we were in baghdad who stayed at home and closed the windows, covered them with blankets. we were afraid of a chemical bombardment. we saw america come to us. they told us that a rock would become a paradise. they published news about how they were distributing food, but those were all false dreams. a. and only after i turned 14 years old, was i able to leave the house with my friends before that i couldn't even think about it. i was afraid something would happen outside. and even now i don't want to leave without telling my family where i'm going. mm.
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ah let go. what do you want? what do you remember my thursday at the kindergarten? the thursday i tell a mattress cold, the textbooks shall picture the summer for my regime, but they took them away and gave us new different books. i'll now forget the coal sop of a bullet. the sound of an explosion. images of smoke, an american soldier, a life full of blood. let me shine jaw, avoid. the americans arrested my father. he did not belong to any party. he was working at the market. he was kept in prison until 2018. i didn't have a chance to know my father. after he was released, his health deteriorated. we took him to germany for treatment. but up to 4 surgeries, he died. ah, ah, good little you may say to me,
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your childhood was stolen and i didn't have a child food. i spend and among war and terrorist organizations, such as anti that among slaughter. americans bombing that kinda and kinda bowman americans. when we went to school, i used to walk along the wall so as not to be shot and killed. ah, the alaska hello smith. though, my cousin, my brother in law. unfortunately, the americans did not fulfill the promise you whoa to rock because of your last my loved ones. you hold as a lot. i didn't when i had the united states, you destroyed iraq. you, we can national sovereignty. and over 20 years you fail to manage a rock. i wouldn't that we gotta stop destroying stuff control enough. mallory so says let the rocky people leave in peace.
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another aspect which could have been critical all the suffering might have been avoided if washington had not rejected outright the negotiation conditions that were offered by saddam hussein's government. back in january, 2003, exactly 20 years ago, r t. steve sweeney has the recap. 20 years ago, us president george w bush tried to convince the world the iraqi leader, saddam hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. and he had the evidence to prove it. the phrase w. m. d, entered the lexical with politicians, repeating it over and over again. despite in fact, knowing that they didn't actually exist in iraq as their own intelligence services told them, while un weapons inspectors also said that they found no evidence of w. m days. none of the doors turned up with into the mess, distraction, and you've been surprised and said you were surprised that that was the case. do you believe the information that gave you was good information to be got?
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i got a good many, a trip sess, 2 sites to go to and we went to many of them, but and only on 3 of those cases did they find anything and none of these cases was weapons of mass destruction. so that shook maybe if i met, i'm all beating the drums of war. washington ignored last hfs by iraq to negotiate for peace. the effort began in january of 2003 in which they contacted us. and through my intermediary friend, he was asked by the syrians to go to baghdad to get, i'm conditional terms from saddam hussein and the intelligence and the iraqi intelligence at the time. and he brought them out and sent them to me as conditions that saddam hussein would agree to if the united states did not attack up to this, there were 6 conditions, 2 of which we could have implemented immediately to test ah, ah,
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the, the, the seriousness of their of their proposals. one was we would be allowed to take the allow $5000.00 us troops to go in to iraq and look for weapons of mass destruction. there was talk at high levels, almost terms because i turned and turned them over to the secretaries office and, and was it basically the intermediary while they decided to launch the attack on and in march of 2003. so who were the architects of the invasion? well, it's a long list. first to politicians. a no, no, only president george w bush, the day before the 2003 states of the union address, u. s. secretary of state colin powell said the options were on the table including military intervention. one rack is in material breach to this is their last chance
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there have to be serious consequences and those serious consequences. matthews of force. and you've heard me say that repeatedly, repeatedly. i've also said that if the international community to the un when the time comes, does not wish to use force the united states reserves, it's right as a sovereign nation to make a judgment with in this, this clear record of violation to use force alongside like minded nations who might wish to be part of such a coalition, back in 2002 us vice president dick cheney had his eyes on regime change in iraq. with our health a liberated iraq can be a great nation once again. iraq as rich a natural resources and human talent and has unlimited potential for a peaceful, prosperous future. our goal would be interacted as territorial integrity, a government that has a demo craddick and pluralistic a nation where the human rights of every ethnic and religious group are recognized
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and protected in their troubled land. all who seek justice and dignity and the chance to live their own lives can know they have a friend and ally in the united states of america. then of course came the media, which will crucial during efforts to build public support for war. pushing the narrative on saddam and wm days. in september 2002, the york times americans newspaper of record went big on a sensational story, claiming a rack was trying to get its hands on nuclear weapons. more than a decade after saddam hussein agreed to give up weapons of mass destruction. iraq has stepped up its quest for nuclear weapons and has embarked on the worldwide hunt for materials to make an atomic bomb, but counter to all good journalistic practice. the only source was an anonymous one . the whole story could have been made up. and guess what?
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there was drums beating there and, and there were, we had the agency over there, c a saying there's debbie m d. i personally believe to this day basically set up george bush for failure. knowing that there was no w m d, they knew it, they knew it, and they had one source that proved later to be on reliable. we presented all the information that we had, all the and, and, and, and with the hope that we could prevent a war. again, not knowing at that time, that there were all terrier motives. so it was just a matter of time before the u. s. unleashed it's shocking or bombing campaign. while across the pond, british prime minister, tony blair, also sold a case for war on a lie, the now infamous dodgy dossier, which claim saddam's nonexistent. w. m. dees could attack the country in 45 minutes . the intelligence picture they paint is one accumulated over the last 4 years. it
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is extensive, detailed, and authoritative. it concludes that iraq has chemical and biological weapons that saddam has continued to produce them. that he has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes, including against his own chia population. so who's to to benefit from it all the most? well, before the 2003 invasion, iraq's domestic oil industry was fully nationalized and close to western companies . to decades later, it is largely privatized and dominated by foreign firms, which have right in billions to understand the dynamics that are going on in the middle east. and of course, it's about oil. it's very much about oil, and we can't, we can't really deny that. i'm saddened that it's politically inconvenient to acknowledge what every one knows. the rack war is largely about oil. people say
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we're not fighting for oil. of course, we are hardly surprising since the oil companies spend big bucks getting formal oil, mom bush and former halliburton. c o dick shady into office in the 1st place. private minutes he contract as also saw their profit saw a war proved to be a boon for the armed industry with lockheed martin saying a 47 percent increase in profits during the build up to the invasion, which continued throughout the occupation to decades on an iraq remains in tatters with sectarian all militia running a mock and deep political instability. with a war blame for the rise of islamic state and other global g had his groups and calls for george w bush and tony blair to be tried as war criminals still unanswered. as they enjoy the patronage of the elite that they help profit from the war launched on a lie. steve sweeney bringing us just some of the stories from their decades long
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conflict. you can find more of them on our website, including as well former un weapons inspector scott ritter chronicling his own attempts to prevent that in touch. in many other aspects of the conflict for the coming months. sinner, special coverage of the 20th anniversary. for one of america's longest president biden's decision to send 31 abrams main battle tanks to ukraine is not winning universal backing in congress? republican congressman poll. go sorry. release this statement urging against such supplies. going to keith. jo biden's decision to send american tanks to ukraine brings us one step closer to dragging america directly into
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a massive global war. america should not send any tanks to ukraine or any war material at all, or helped to prolong a needless war and adding to the body count. despite the promise of the tanks, it's believed that could still be months before they are delivered. pentagon officials have a 3rd generation vehicles will require a lengthy training program to keep them meditate. the u. s. also states logistical supplies for the tanks will be complex and take time to sort. however, ukraine's president has said, washington locks time. it says, apply the heavy weaponry moscow has condemned the decision of the biden administration, saying it would make the u. s. directly involved in the war. well, let's get the thoughts on all this now. speak to international attorney klein press than mr. preston. you're most welcome to the program. are you surprised? we've heard this dissenting voice in congress about the delivery of the tanks. no,
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at all. no, not at all. i think the delivery, the tanks, change the dynamics of the united states involvement in this conflict. and pushes us closer to the red line that the kremlin has spoken of and very well may change the relationship of the united states to russia with respect to this conflict. because, you know, at some point our country becomes less than 8 or, or a better. so ukraine and more of a, an active participant, and that is really the dangerous step with the supply of these abrams tanks. no. the, the republicans control the heis of representatives. do you think we'll hear more voices coming forward to question the, the continued weapon supplies and the huge cost above as well to keep?
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well, we absolutely will. you'll hear more from marjorie taylor green turner. great. you'll also hear from andy ogles, from tennessee. you also hear from tim burchett from the eastern part of tennessee . both of them are tennessee congressman and they'll both challenge i'm certain this is the extension of our support for ukraine. some very serious questions will be be ass now. now that the republicans are in the majority in the house, and hopefully we can have some sane decisions made with respect to this conflict so that it doesn't turn into world war 3, which it appears to be doing. as we sit here, taking into consideration the complexity of the logistical support, the length, the training requirements to operate the abrams. will it be the game changer that
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washington is tied to know? it absolutely will not be a game changer with respect to the results of the war or the special military operation. but what it does do is it sends a signal from washington that regardless of what happens, that the united states is supporting ukraine. ultimately, russia will complete the special military operation successfully. i think that i think no one doubts that this is matter when and supplying additional arms, such as the tanks, the $31.00 abrams tanks, the leopard tags from germany, the challenger tanks from britain that is only going to prolong it, and it's going to cause more deaths ultimately though russell will prevail in this conflict. you mentioned that everybody. yeah, you mentioned that germany as well. there was this a convenient way by washington to, to further pressure germany to green life,
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the supply of its leopard tanks who were, who were stand offish for a while. they've no decided to do that. but you've got the u. s saying about logistical problems and there might be problems sending them because it's easier for, for berlin to send it from europe instead of across the atlantic. there's a whole lot of dynamics, internal politics going on here as well. i would submit i would agree, i would say that what this shows us is there may be some fishers within nato as far as what this the support the nato's giving to ukraine. i don't believe all the countries nato are behind this. and i think this shows it there also some conflicting statements we've seen and from germany, the german foreign minister, yesterday or day before had said that, that we, many germany was at war with russia that was quickly contradicted by the foreign
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ministry. and then you have this whole issue about supply and additional tanks and other weapons. but the nato does not seem to be in lock step in what to do and how to address the inevitable when that russia is on the verge of achieving in ukraine. we thank you for your time today, sir, for coming on the program and giving us your thoughts, klein preston, international attorney speaking to us from tennessee united states like you. thank you. all right, a testy exchange coming up next year in r t as off shin, locks horns with the head of the mozart group, a private military company seen by some as nato on search of the russian. wagner group caps the discussion next in going underground. ah
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ah ah i'm ash ritathui and welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from dubai in the united. i remember it as no em, chomsky predicted on last week's episode. the doomsday clock on tuesday move closer to midnight than ever before indicating how close the human species is to extinction. the atomic scientists who compiled the supporting evidence for that cited the war in europe and amidst reports of imminent deployment of german tanks
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to fight russia for the 1st time since world war 2 were joined today by u. s. marine corps colonel who fought for nato nation troops in iraq, afghanistan, and somalia. before the deputy commander of u. s. special operations command central. now seo of military formation. the mozart group retired connell, andrew milburn joins me now from the ukrainian capital. thank you so much at i, connell for coming on just before we start on the mozart group or the i know the britain a while. it was morning before the announcement about american tanks arriving in theater. so they say at chris perry and andrew bag. sure killed while law helping evacuations from solider. so we're told, i don't know whether you knew them. is that the kind of work in fact that the mozart group do these evacuations from the theater? yeah, it absolutely is. and by the way, good evening. good afternoon. good morning, a great pleasure to be on your show and thank you for inviting me. yes.
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that's exactly the sort of work that we do. and i have a 2 christian entry for and my condolences to their families for, for, for the loss. and you know why i feel a loss of course, because the mission is all important and it is extremely dangerous. these guys were traveling as we all are and sauce in vehicles under russian on to refund as fives. and now of course, with increasing the last month in our threats from infiltrating groups, we're way behind ukrainian lines such as the groups. and so, you know, we don't carry weapons. there's a reason for that. are there is a purely humanitarian and it makes this very vulnerable.
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