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tv   News  RT  January 29, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EST

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ah, with breaking news on t international therapy mode, what both reports of explosions in a wrong countries defense industry has confirmed it monitored for to a drone a time on an ammunition death with american british and other european delegation demand that african countries and stop cooperating with russia and avoid breaking away from the common agenda which the west seas as the restoration colonial dependence in a new form. it works is foreign minister condemned western country for what he calls. there are times to recall the 9th of africa and pressure it to separate the
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continents relations with a me. what to do with your system strike on monday and he follows russian troops in the battle for a ukrainian military stronghold in a suburb of zone. yes. with a welcome to you, it's a thing i'm here in moscow and you're watching the weekly on, on the international with the latest news update along with around the, the stories they shape the week. it's great to have you with us. we start the out with breaking news. there were been multiple reports of explosions in iran. the country's military military house confirmed that one of its on the nation storage facilities was targeted by a drone attack. one of the drones was hit by the air defense and the other 2 were caught in traps and blew up. fortunately,
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this unsuccessful attack did not cause any loss of life and caused only minor damage to the workshops roof. iran has said the drone attack did not significantly affect to any military installation or mission and had no real impact on national security. the government have not disclosed. it might suspect of being behind the attack. we've got the latest details from local journalists that use if july, early on saturday evening, around 11 30 pm local time in iran. a huge blast was heard in the iranian central city are based on apparently, and based on reports and military facility belonging to the iranian defense ministry was targeted by 3 small drones. soon after the running, the defense ministry released the statement announcing that the attack was unsuccessful. one of the draws was, was hit by the air defense system built inside that military complex and 2 others
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were shot down, intercepted and shot down before they carry out their strikes. so the iranian defense ministry says that that attack was unsuccessful with no casualties. only there was a minor damage to the ceiling of that military complex. so now the defense ministry is investigating the cause of the city. and the elements behind that air raid against its military complex. there are some unconfirmed reports by some unofficial news sources, claiming that there was a similar attack taking place in the capital one as well. and those reports have not been confirmed by the iranian defense ministry. so we still need to wait and see what they are wanting. defense industry will announce later during gets investigation of the problem of the incident. i mean,
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while there are also reports of the fire breaking out at an oil refinery in the north west the all the wrong, the cause is still unknown. fire scientists have been working to extinguish the and gulf the areas. as you can see in the video, we're showing you right now is a massive blaze around launch cylinders at the plant. although there is no word on whether there is a link the fiber accounts out of the oil facility near an area hit point of quick around the same time, the earth, i measured it around latitude of 5.9 is that reported to have killed at least 2 people and engine more than 500 others traumas were felt throughout the region. there it. this is footage of the aftermath of the iranian city of coin near the turkish board. and now you can see houses destroyed and they bring in the streets. emergency services have reported power cuts in some of the affected areas. russia is foreign minister, so a lot of raw phase western powers want to maintain their exploitative policies
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towards africa and a continuation of centuries of plundering the continents resources. he made those remarks to the news conference with his era tray and counterpart, while visiting the east african country on a tour of the continent. a american, british, and other european delegations regularly come to africa and very stubbornly demand that african countries stop cooperating with russia and avoid breaking away from the common agenda, which the west sees as the restoration of colonial dependence in a new form. these stablish mon, to what multi polar world is an objective, an unstoppable process. however, the collective west, the united states, nato, and the e u, which are completely under washington's control, are trying to reverse this. but their efforts are futile. the most the can count on is some slight inhibition of the object, of course, of history that i'm fortunately,
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the feel of the feel we can cut in. can you pang humanity in got rid of it? got to so i mean a school proponent, this upgrade and dummy motion that have indicated turmoil in most human savvy. and finally, for centuries that as an forbidden gray, he's in, he says, a byproduct of the reckless policy. ok. germany and containment that they have put, pursued in the past decade. during his trip to eritrea, the galen ra, both a visited, a monument to classic russian poet, alexandre pushkin. worship. foreign ministry spokesman maria the however, on the line to africa, positive attitude to the world. renowned white as legacy. she also criticized ukraine for demolishing some historical russian monuments. as like a lateral finishes his tour of several african countries. auntie correspondent,
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cadillac. m a say me thumbs up behind. i said gay, love robs visits to africa. seems to have been a successful one with the russian foreign minister meeting with leaders from several african countries as lever off expressed just commitment to deepening its ties with africa and offered to provide assistance in areas such as energy, infrastructure and investment. the visit was seen as a sign of russia's growing presence in the continent and its willingness to work with african countries, mainland to lu children. we are line priorities for business ties and mining exploration energy in agriculture, including deliveries of russian grain, as well as modern areas of collaboration, information and communications technologies and the digital economy. one of the countries visited was angola in 2019 russia and angola signed an agreement to expand co operation, the energy sector, including the construction of
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a nuclear power plant. but the bond between moscow and, and girl dates back to win and good as ruling party. the imperial, a sort support from the soviet union during the civil war against the portuguese. now, during his visit, leverage drew parallels between the angolan war and the ukraine conflict. further reminding and goldens of the strides they have made thus far. and goods can the roads, low earth signal, the goal, and people know the price of gaining independence. they know the price of gaining the opportunity to exercise their rights, cultural, traditional, and political social. you are also actively contributing to the fair regulation of various conflicts in your region, though through the african union and within the framework of sub regional associations, you are making a significant contribution to the mitigation of crises and to the peacekeeping efforts of african countries leverage the other stop on his african tour was to the
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land locked kingdom of s y d. not the last absolute monarchy in africa is contending with social political issues. that if thrust the country into deepening economic struggles, and sporadic protests that have led to a volatile situation in the region and moscow's top diplomat had something to offer me the ability to see would know we agreed during a meeting with the military leadership to increase security cooperation, we have existing inter governmental agreements on military and defense industry collaboration. there are working groups and we are ready to consider applications from our s, what teeny friends on any issues that need to be resolved to ensure this country security. now lev rob's south african counterpart minister now lady pendle, hosted him in any capital city of pretoria, after he received a very warm welcome from south african military officials. this visit also comes at a time when south africa has been criticized for an upcoming naval exercise with russia and china. this to the waste seems to be
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a reminder of the entrenched relationships. many countries have on the continent with russia and china. it also highlights the difficulty the u. s. faces globally in persuading countries that they interest a better served, aligning with washington on political and financial issues, which was the room, it was to be a booth. and our countries are consistent supporters of a more just inclusive democratic and poly centric architecture for the world order, which would rely on the main principal of the un charter. respect for the sovereign equality of all states. fresh and foreign minister sergey leverage. a final stop was a surprise visit to retrieve and the horn of africa with him saying russia is looking into the enhancement of logistical infrastructure in the country. with humor lamar among the long term plans that are to be worked out in detail. i would like to mention the possibility of utilizing the logistical potential of the port masala
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and the airport. the massage, our airport is of interest for its transit capabilities. lev, rob's 2nd visit to africa interest 6 months. seems to have cemented ties with some of the southern and eastern regional nations on the continent. while the minister described to africa as a rich continent with colossal potential. it is the russia, africa summits that will take place in saint petersburg in july which will focus on 4 major issues, food and energy security, technology and health k. that will elevate these relations into action plans that tom saw me for r t, johannesburg as well in eastern africa. uganda has begun drilling for its 1st oil well with a goal of commencing out because all the commodity within the next 2 years, the countries presidents cut the ceremonial ribbon at the king fisher field, being built in collaboration with the china national offshore oil company, took place as the again, the government obtained a permit to build
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a crude oil pipeline to export the commodity to world markets. the new fields developments come 17 years on the lucrative oil resources we discovered in the nation. estimated $14000.00 barrels of oil per day are expected to be produced according to the countries oil. the regulator, we had from an economic expert who say that africa is energy sector is becoming more independent from external power. due to the past almost 2 decades. again, i've been trying to explore and to bring it oil reserve into operation into exported to the what we have also to keep an eye on collaborating with partners who have the interests for us. but also we cannot escape the fact that africa has yet to develop national capacity to explore these resources on its own. basically, we see you going to reap almost 6900000000 of revenue by exporting. while so this
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money could ramp up in cation, as i said earlier, we expect you guys to at least explore to, for almost 40 barrels of oil. and this is not the custodian for the country, but also it's a key lesson that the energy sector can be explode and it's going to be brought to line of when africa become c, as in it would see if once that's where that becomes energy independent. now looking at the ukraine conflict this week, has seen russian troops strengthen their positions and don't yet square public, including an advance on the town of martin car. as a suburb of the city of don, yes, since 2014 has been a strong hold for ukrainian forces. and he's more dancy of witnessed intense fire fights in the area. ah, that was an enemy multiple rocket launcher systems strike on might income.
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and that is exactly where we're heading with our 24 hours in mud, inca began now here of flashlights. he's timed him out to suicide. slowly, half blood. we stumbled to a temporary refuge. this is the bunker where we're spending the night here in modern co, relatively relatively safe. the previous occupants here were ukrainian troops who were literally as you can tell by the wools burned out of here. but this is also the answer as to why the battle for marrying ca 5 gave kapinsky why these battles are taking so long. and that is because these bunkers are everywhere built over the last 8 years by the ukrainian military. built in completely nondescript places
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above us. this is just a small family whom a private residence of downstairs was unarmed store and the barracks for ukrainian soldiers. power is rationed, food, water, ammo, and fuel. i carried 4 miles before they get here. nothing is wasted in the early hours of the morning. we woke up to what fight is here? cool? an approximation of hell. ah, a deafening company of blasts and explosions, pure and utter violence. without end. all of this footage we filmed in mere hours 3 says
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i a view of the battle grow. this. the ty area covered in smoke is where ukrainian positions up to 300 meters away from us. currently, russian artillery old sites and colors. more does houses, fuzz and crop tanks. ah ah, the she held on ukrainian ru credit troops. the battle for monica has dragged on for almost
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a year. most of it is now under russian control. ukraine and its supporters. they publicly admit now will never serious about peace stokes. it was cover they spent 8th years preparing for war. they turned mighty inca into a modern day fortress, almost impregnable, almost or is would to russian to suit $25.00 close support to close ground, supported croft coming in very low flooring there and guided munitions rockets and getting out before you gradient at the feds. us have a child protestant with the lock on an lodge. hm . day by day, month after month,
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russian troops have demolished ukrainian fortifications. here here has said thousands of drafted troops into the meat grinder to hold my tinker. but there is little doubt that the city will soon be taken from us a thoroughly, frankly, this is unpleasant for us destroying these buildings. the city, it hurts our souls, but we have no choice. this is our land. the enemy has thrown its reserves at marin county. they use their troops as cannon fodder. they plug any holes with corpses of their own soldiers. they spare no lives. no big concern is that we're pushing, but there are difficulties. the enemies resisting and digging in their fighting for every house, but we're pushing them back and advancing. ah, hurt a round. might inca artillery is everywhere. lease automatic mind launcher. the why shall york is if he had thing. ah
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had with mighty anger is strategically vital. it is a gateway to than yet. if you crane loses it, it will be a devastating blow to morale. both civilian and military. kiev understands this, and it is willing to pile thousands of its troops on to the pile to hold altamont, inca, which may well be an approximation of hell for i've gazda of r t from modica. as part of a coordinated effort for less reliance on the us dollar, the south american nations valentina and brazil are in discussions to establish a shared currency. our finance ministers, each with their own economic team, can make us
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a proposal for foreign trade and transactions between the 2 countries. this done in a common currency. according to report, the near trading currency between brazil and argentina would be to reduce their reliance on the us dollar under the plan, the rail and the pay. so would continue to exist with a new tend as established, purely for trade and regional units of accounts that would come alongside extra credit to support exports, to argentina, through brazilian banks. as of now, the new currency has no name or deadline and would not seek a eurostar military unification will mean wallet, uruguay, as president has said, his country needs to open up its economy to the world and discuss that parallel trade arrangements outside of latin america. he's urge the promotion of a free trade zone between the community of latin american and caribbean states and other world powers, such as china, india, and the african union. last year, uruguay entered into formal negotiations for a free trade agreement with china recently advancing and talks to form in
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partnership. we heard from latin american on caribbean studies, professor daniels sure. he says the new currency could lead to the end of a century long dependency on the u. s. dollar thing. it's important to remember that both sonata, the key pillar of his power, was that he was securely in the u. s. sphere of influence. and here we have who represents a new type of vanguard, in terms of international relations for notches brazil, but all of south america. this is no easy project to undo centuries and centuries of colonialism and decades and decades of dollars, dependency. and new colonialism is no easy feat. economies thoroughly distorted through how many years of oppression and exploitation the importance of the suit over united south american currency is the idea of integration among the southern
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exploiting countries in the end to these centuries long dependency on the dollar. so i think there's a lot of promising signs for the economies of the global south. and this of course, will be the death knell of the u. s. unipolar model. the u. s. has labeled the russian private military company wagner grape which is operating in ukraine as a quote to transnational criminal organization. us sanctions against the firm, reportedly affect the chinese satellite company that allegedly supplied intelligence to wagner on the battlefield. i'll say is marina calls, or if i delves into how the group was started and why the west made such a fuss there for them? now everyone wants to know who these guys are, where they came from, and their secrets to success on the battlefield. we turn out something called the wagner. b u has announced sanctions on the russian private military company,
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wagner. church of the wagner group, as we know at 1st popped up in ukraine. and all started back in may of 2014, after crimea returned to russia. one business man decided to take matters into his own hands and creates a group of professional fighters or a group of patriots, as he likes to call them, to protect the interests of persecuted ukrainians. and russians who live in ukraine, who was their courage and bravery that made the liberation of lou ganske airport and many other territories possible and radically changed the fate of the logan's continents people's republics. through his popular social media and telegram channel, we now get direct updates on the group's activities. your guinea pig, gordon has become very vocal and transparent about everything that is going on even admitting that his own son is part of this special military operation. but it's his trawling skills that really reveal his character. here is his latest response to reuters when asked to comment on the white house, declaring wagner
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a transnational criminal organization. finally, pmc wagner in the americans, our colleagues or relations cannot be called a clash of criminal gangs. that's who's in charge of the wagner group. but what about his fighters? while tensions between russia and ukraine were simmering after crime? me every united with russia wagner. it took its guys across the globe, including africa and the middle east. hop in countries like syria and libya providing military training, and molly and saddam, and very quickly becoming f forced to be reckoned with will with what a good deal. so the experience in africa in the middle east really came in handy in syria. for example, we worked mostly on open to rain and in the rain there were a lot of fields in northern africa. we gained huge experience in urban fighting. such experiences really helped a lot more. yes, the bread in north africa we gained a lot of valuable urban combat experience. while in the middle east, it was mostly open to rain warfare. and in the c,
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a. r will launch how to deal with partisan warfare. it was during their stance in the central african republic when the group 1st became famous, or what others half called infamous after the murder of 3 of russian journalists who were supposedly there filming a documentary about its activities. the journalists didn't warn russian officials about the trip, something which was customary when travelling to hot spots. they apparently showed fake you an idea to local rebels and refused to comply when russian instructors warned them not to cross certain checkpoints. this case is still shrouded in mystery. suspects range from exiled business and michelle for the bowski who sent them there to begin with. as he has something to gain from discredits in russia. so local militia and france who controlled them at the time, russia for its point, has always denied send in private military contractors there. but it did the
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knowledge sent in instructors at the request of the c, a r's president, which proved to be a game changer. what are russians fighting for in c, r, leave room for the good? everyone here is either former, military or associated with the security forces durable from william. this is a vocation, a juicy a job. here we primarily performing an international duty according to the local government. it's due to russia that they are now back in control of more than 90 percent of the country when the special military operation and ukraine began. the wagner group switch focus and started recruiting more fighters, and this time it wasn't just professionals. if jennifer gordon visited prisons and one of his most notorious new recruits, there was this man, if guinea newson, depending which version you believe his surrender was captured in ukraine, where he allegedly confessed that he only joined wagner to escape prison. later at the serpent video emerged,
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showing newton's brutal execution in an unknown location. when the gotten comment said that it was a dog's that for the dog, the assumption was that wagner did it. but wagner sparse dismissed those claims as ridiculous. providing an entire list of potential suspects from ukrainian nationalists. so this cia, this is what we normally see from you. jennifer gordon. here he is korea in the convicts who have just returned from battle and his men. so in them like a father figure, i was wrong about that idea. well done, guys who have one orders and metals and learned a lot. first of all, you learned how to kill your enemies. i wish you would not use this practice in forbidden territories. if you feel like killing enemies again, come back. second, there are 3 temptations, alcohol, drugs and excessive adrenalin release. i hope that the adrenalin you've spent during these 6 months was enough to get you through at least a month. now that the bargaining group is making significant strides in ukraine
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taken over entire towns almost single handedly. they're back in the headlines by judging by those headlines. the aim is as always, to smear them, get rid of them or pet them against the russian government. lead in some to question the west's intentions. grown excuses for recruiting special horses who mercenaries who can see that we are much more qualified than them. there is no pros go to, the british will say that the fear, the wagner pnc, and that it is hot to fight us because we are professionals with extensive experience when they hear the name wagner, the enemy, some thompson. needless to rendez, runs away, but the rod, those worthy ones, who join the fight and try their luck, doesn't lend you ukrainian forces were shocked by the effectiveness of wagner spiders. these guys are heroes who defended the syrian people, other people of arab countries, disadvantaged africans, and latin americans became one of the pillars of our homeland without blinking or doubting. for a 2nd,
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you have to live or die. live by the rules do what you must and what will be will be, ah ah ah he can believe whatever you want about the wagner group, but one thing is for sure. whatever they're doing on the battlefield is clearly working and the don't seem to the going anywhere anytime soon. well,
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figuratively speaking, at least any thanks for joining us. they are naughty, international, this sunday. we're back at the top of the hour with the very latest with at this hour, american and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm iraq, to free its people. and to defend the world from gray. with both we will bring to the iraqi people who.


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