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tv   News  RT  January 30, 2023 5:00am-5:31am EST

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stern, they don't let us say anything and send our messages to any one they have pulled pressed to these license. they don't let most iranian tv channels broadcast freely . and that is why i am grateful to you. i aah! attack all that is, he has the mainstream media in a frenzy about who might have done it, advisors the brain for the rest. he says it came, no surprise for the signs and energy deals with the billions of euros or the war for libya is quite the native member state, having contributed the destruction of the northern african countries. just over the decade ago, we, we hear from locals about the controversial new park. and the most of the europeans care about their own interests. first, they don't care about us. they only want oil and gas,
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but we need investments. when you occupied us, you left nothing after all those years. they want us to think that they care about us. know, a nation of zimbabwe gets a significant economic trade with china. this like crippling with t is from zimbabwe is information about the possible motivation for those who are some folders we are under with . hello. well, the international requesting live from much good. i'm right mommy. great to have you with us. let's take a look at today's top stories. i will start with some breaking news just in the 17 people have been reported killed and dozens more wounded and a bowman. i'm
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a mos in north western pakistan. now there isn't as good as the building was trying to for afternoon, pres, initial media report said it appeared to have been them attacked by a suicide bomber. bendix have arrived on the scene and those seriously wounded have been taken to local hospital or suspect that several people have been trapped under the rubble for collapse wool. this is a developing story. we will of course, bringing more details as we get them wrong. has confirmed that one of its military facilities was targeted in a recent run attack without disclosing a potential suspect. the incident has spots media speculation about the potential for another war in the middle east advisor. she is present, as he said, it came as no surprise explosive nights in iran drone and missile production oil refineries. ukraine did warn you. well,
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one skill that the ukrainian officials can be denied as their spectacular ability to take any event in the world and link it to the events in ukraine while in particular when it, when it comes to these attacks on iran, there has been no indication whatsoever that these events are connected in any way to the ongoing war in ukraine. in fact, very little information about the incidence are available at the moment. so far. what is known for sure that during the overnight attack on the town of hon, it's the town to the south of the capital of iran. a military complex came under a drone attack, and again, the pictures released have been published. they suggest that the damage to the complex has been very, very minor. i mean, according to iranian officials, only the roof. it was kind of damaged by the falling debris of a drone that was carrying something very explosive internet has been very unstable in the country. during the attack,
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there have been media reports that it went down all together. and the radian foreign minister has nonetheless condemned the aggression hello. sorry. my hope was following efforts by the enemies of iran's nation aiming to make you run insecure in recent months. this cowardly action has been taken today. our country security will act with maximum potency to provide national security in the country. and such actions must not affect the will and intention of our experts in order to progress in the field of peaceful nuclear plants. now of course, tensions between the west and to run, they have been skyrocketing in the past months, mainly over the iran's nuclear program, then over the reports of iran supplying weapons to russia to help prussia in its push in the ukraine. and so this has really put iran on the bad side of the western diplomats and politicians. but interestingly, so far, both sides,
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i mean the unknown assailant and to run, they have restrained themselves from making any accusations or from stepping forward because no one has yet claimed the responsibility over the attacks. and iran to run in turn has not accused any, but it is, well, we've heard reports that israel might have been behind it, but so far, no confirmation of that information. you say that, i mean, you said earlier that there was like attacks in those drone and the debris made some damage on the roof. iran downplayed, i suppose, but israel media, they've called and live me. why? the 1st of all, why they commenting, what's really behind it, do you think they're just playing for position here? i mean, we always know that iran and the us and is not the best of friends. no, not at all. and of course, in the age of hype, when hype is so important, and so well as being a kind over sold to journalists all over the world. i mean,
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of course, this is a big, this is a big event for the region, possibly for the world. if it's, if it escalates any further, but of course israel being the main adversary overall that's, that's, that's a big story for israeli media. so, but interestingly enough, most of the attacks they came on iran on the information from because come, if you compare as to how it was reported when initial 1st it was 1st bits and pieces of information. first crumbles. really were reported. it look like it was in all our blue, a full blown war, like allah b, as reported that israel did nothing short of but started a on the ground military operation against to run that it in, invaded that it's ground. troops invaded around this is, this is what was to puerto initially, there have been reports that the had courses of the iranian islamic revolutionary god. it also came under attack. and so far it looks that those were false reports
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as well. so it looks like that whoever spearheading this information campaign, they are looking to cripple around, but maybe not so much militarily and on the ground. but rather on the information front, italy has reached an 8000000000 dollar energy deal with one of 2 rival governments in war for libya. but while the native member and former colonial power insisted does not want to have a predatory role in the region, local residents have expressed their concerns. the memory of nathan bombings of libya over a decade ago, including by italian military forces appears to have remained ever present among the population will give em in ne, i knew holcomb. and i thought that we tried to make deals with companies from neighboring countries. but in a way that ensures our rights and liberties development, how we know that we feel is our closest neighbor different. but it had a gal anal history with us on june, and they didn't bring us the benefits had that they should have brought in the past
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for the and almost like the europeans care about their own interests. first, which they don't care about us. they only want oil and gas, but we need investments ladies. yes, ed. this is the policy of european countries like italy and france and blame each other in the media. but behind the since they grew on everything and just divide the welfare african countries among themselves. european countries didn't help sold libya's crisis, they made it even worse. they didn't support a true political solution. they only make statements and nothing else. one law he who was alex, we don't want anything from the italians. they should leave us alone. we have our educated young men and new companies about to be established soon. we want our youth to work in the oil and gas industry without any foreign intervention, shall we tell them. thank you, but stay away from us. we don't want anything from them. go when you occupied us, you left nothing. and after all those years, they want us to think that they care about us. no, it said the, i'd say the rescue while italy has replaced russia with al jerry as its main energy
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supplier. it's now banking on libya to boost gas supplies to europe. it's just signed a landmark 25 year agreement. that's considered the most important new investment in libby as energy sector in decades. se italy, daniel here is where italy wants and complain. important role also in order to help african countries to grow and become richer, a cooperation that does not want to be predatory. that wants to leave something to the nations. well, this corporation may be short lived because of libya's political conflicts. and wyvil factions where one man signature means nothing to the other. the country has been split into govern in the east and west. but in this case, we're already seen disagreements within just one side. activate in the investment agreement is illegal, and lex parity between the li, been and italian sites. this is the state of affairs in the country
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a decade after nato salvation was supposed to fix everything where italy played a significant role. italy has decided to increase the operational flexibility of his aircraft with targeted actions against specific military targets selected on the libyan territory, with the aim of helping to protect the libyan civilian population. with this same participating on an equal footing in allied operations, italy always remains within the limits established by the mandate of the operation . and by the resolutions of the un security council, italy had no problems in business with gadhafi before becoming one of his largest arms suppliers and largest buyer of crude oil. all that stopped after the so called intervention, which just happens to come after gadhafi had proposed trade, an oil for gold instead of dollars, and raises taxes for foreign companies, operates in libya in mama. there is a conspiracy to control libyan oil to control the libyan land,
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and to colonize libya again, this is impossible, impossible. and we will fight into the last man and woman to defend libya during the western bombing campaign. italy's foreign minister said that his conscience energy giant ian, i will have, and number one roll in the future of the north african country. and on the day, tripoli fell the new york times. had a headline ready? the scramble for access to libya's oil wealth begins and did the largest oil reserves in africa were up for grabs. with sources on the ground reporting that some nato countries even took some crude for free. and here we are now in a new scramble. it seems with countries talking about how much they want to help africa, while of course, help in themselves. well, in libya's case, we're seeing european support for the tripoli based government. now, you know, the ones that closer to the oil fields. well, if history taught us anything, it's that today's friend might be tomorrow's enemy. we've seen what happens with
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those who don't play by the western rules. the game is the same and so are the players. and the price is the natural resources at any cost. from those are going out to the south of the continent. the pros of south africa has rejected western pools for the country. it's a phase out. it's use of coal in a push for greener energy sources. the country is ring facing an f b. they struggle to keep the lights on with more than $200.00 days of rolling blockhouse reported last year. i'll see correspondent carabiner tattler picks up the store. this is the soundtrack of south africa. it is the humming sound of generators that represent the source of life. for businesses, big and small doesn't become life here for them 6 or 7 hours in a 24 hour cycle. businesses have to survive somehow. and that is the only way they get to keep the economy taking. this is more than just
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a cosmetic problem now. is become real politics in this country. there was a initiative by right. you have to actually install 810000 meg, almost 9600 megawatts of a nuclear power blind in south africa. that didn't happen because there was a push against nuclear. the major controllers of policy in south africa on any to be is the green lock. they have lots of money. they are international. they are funded by big, big banks, internationally. now we have the same offices. these offices don't seem to have a backup generator. so what happens to government social services that people actually need when the time comes? the climate change from canada avoid if we have to be going green, we have to but should not be something where we're held once. what mr. expensive to us, or like in the self here in if he's in a valid solar panels just to see sean lessons are on for the 1st who can afford you
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are talking about given the pro good. so, so why should we abundance cold? now as we are aware that this in our call is been exported to other countries, is there you case that those who are saying we must go great. so, so with the politics must not play with us. we would need to be seamless about something that lo chitty also affects things like the legal system, quotes me, computers, they needs, you know, life, they need to be able to access records of those that appear before them. it depends on the type of cases that we dealing with at the point in time. i, as the cases need to be recorded, then we cannot actually record them. you understand. also the locating itself, it actually affects the recording machine, which results in court cases being postponed. of course, which in turn results in the backlog of cases. and the difficulty of that is felt most from those that rely on that electricity. i mean, bothers, for instance,
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they have to really dig in there to make sure that what they do is able to finish the job despite the challenges of having power cut. alex, tell me how, how do you navigate locating, especially when it's extended hours, like 2 hours, 2 and a half hours, 5 hours? how do you do? um, we have a couple machines, like cordless ones, like this ones. one of them can even take about an hour, so a half, about 4 of them. so if electricity goes for 4 hours, i can really work. yeah. did you buy these machines specifically below jenny? yes, we bought this machine specific. fairly 4 follow 7. and then you have it that the daily grind in south africa, the electricity shortage, has really made some people numb. but some people angry enough to vote with their feet next week as they march to the head offices of state utility escal. because
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people have had enough and it life has not been easier if everything else flows down from cell phone reception to traffic because traffic lights also now just always stops. but some way. this lo cheddie must also stop senior us diplomat, victoria newland. her said washington is working with india to lower the south asian countries suppose dependence on impulse or bush and military equipment. she made that statement before embarking on a tour of asia. she is expected to arrive in india later on monday. the dependency says they've created this, make them more vulnerable. in the case of the oil price campus, you know, which india was quite skeptical of their now major beneficiaries. because the oil that they're buying from russia is, is so much cheaper. and we are now working with them on ways to diversify away from
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russian. russian weapons i'll be in india is one of the, especially economic ties between india. russia are on the rise. russian oil now accounts for about a quarter of indian in both of the commodity from just 2 percent before the green conflicts interrupted last february. as the indian economy rapidly develops, it needs more than ever before. that fact has been repeated by india. officials who say that country country can't afford not to buy relatively inexpensive russian supplies of the commodity. there is also growing cooperation between india and russia and numerous other fields. ortiz, india correspondent, rooms and sharma as the details. latoria newland will be in new delhi in the evening today. she's here to hold the annual in the us foreign office consultation, which is going to cover a range of bilateral and global issues. now just before her with the 2 new deli
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victoria newland said that the united states wants to help india, we away from russian arms and oil. but here's a question. was asked for the help and a fun fact to renew their will found itself in a difficult spot pertaining to oil. or that's good to see united states that in fact us, one reason india gave to defy western sanctions again, more school and to continue buying oil from law school. is that uni natural sanctions in india is experience don't work. for instance, united states against yvonne for countries like india eat, in fact could northern port oil from iran. and it had shrinking the option of importing oil from iran to win as well, all on the sanctions. and now suddenly the u. s. wants to help india. so the united states has problems not just with already, but also in the defense partnership with russia. now as far as this
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partnership is concerned, it dates back to the cold war. and the reason this partnership became so deep as also because for decade the west refused to supply arms to india when india needed them. and india else took leadership values this relation. and i made that up within during this common political journey, the president putin. i have had the journey of friendship and co operation between our countries has also moved forward at a very fast pace. president, putin and i have taken this relationship to new heights of co operation on the basis of trust and partnership. so new delhi is rather happy, we'd each defense partnership with moscow, which is driving in fact and as far as oil is concerned in there has been very clear that bind discounted oil from russia has been helping the country and its people. but suddenly the united states wants to help india,
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but the big question is, this india, i really need this help. we heard from defense expert didn't car perry who said the u. s. is unable to tolerate even the middle ground. but india has chosen washington dryers increase. the pressure on moscow is also a daily deals within india and the u. s. in developing just dance and reaction the war in ukraine. so in that is well known in your started as well known the the middle bark issue under collared or the nasdaq and it has been very well articulated at different lewis. this is a big not ongoing u. s. r u s. lead west afoot get up the rest of the major major companies including india and those in the us. yeah. the others and she on trying to get more to please on board. as things get tougher on the west is
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trying to ramp up a share in terms of sanctions, giving greater weapons in the background that they would want. definitely more pressure to support for their most economic prosperity is on the rise in the southern african nations in bar way is to buy relations with china. despite decades on western sanctions against the country symbol always trade with china, the policy is searched about 30 percent to record heart around 2 and a half $1000000000.00. the u. s. u k and the u. imposed economic sanctions against them by way of alleged human rights concerns. the measures have caused international branch to cut ties with the southern african country and fermented public on rest. i'm always government as a fuse western powers of seeking to cripple the country. while the u. s. a said, the economic hardship was due to local corruption. many african leaders have stood
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up for them by way in recent years, with schools or the un, the sanctions to be removed. we heard from zimbabwe information mess. it says the country is open up of businesses despite what she described as weston attacks. she said, africa future must be based on the quality attorneys partners, not on economic pressure. these illegal functions. they're just not functions. like when you talk a function, it's actually called a mixed translation sub what is in threats of military envision which have been incessantly been manipulated. disgrace, our territory integrity sanctions, if it economy. but sim, bob was innovative police genius, his replace the minister of functions with the engagement and engagement policy of our 2nd republic. zimbabwe, open for business police or for 2nd republic. or this has been done to make sure
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that we don't sit back, can cry over functions, but we do the best with what we have done by with now being attacked for being assigning example of a fast developing fit outside neo colonial independence. in other words, we're, i'm the width of attack will being extend alone seats in the annals of the rise of what in african nationalism africa is open to engage with any part of the world. as long as exchanges are based unfinished in the quality. look at our relationship is a country with countries like china, with kind of like russia. this is mainly because we have displayed police attributes, will require you to one another more than anything else. this is what the world needs. lots functions and hit proliferation towards the south africa is willing to
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exchange ideas and innovations with any progressive global force. after all, humanity is one. that was african countries. this, you could always opportunities. i could be less interested in the us dollar for international trade. us republican congresswoman marjorie taylor green has said the dollar could lose its status as the world's dominant currency because of washington's meddling in other countries affairs. the u. s. proxy war with russia could result in the dollar no longer being the world's currency. because of our own arrogance in the fight to save democracy and non nato ukraine heavily sanctioned russia is proving to the world that they don't need the u. s. dollar or friendship to trade and thrive has then, and those will decrease in the u. s. car. sharon, the global economy in recent years in a process called div delroy, zation and exclusive interview. all tease has spoken with to miller ram. a further
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the son of south africa's present. he believes that cryptograms, he has a strong potential to shape the world on a future. i think it's a great idea to, to kind of decouple, to break down the, the monopoly to monopoly that the united states has in width and countries have. and now we've also about u e and saudi joining bricks as well. and i mean, you look at what saudi did last year with russia where they actually did an oil transaction in durham's, in durham's. and that also was a big, big move to move away from what, when you look at, let's say the agreements that opec and the, and the oil companies have made. and, you know, the american government have made in the sixty's with even the saudi royal family. where they actually agreed for oil to be traded globally,
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and then also for oil to be traded in us dollars, you know, and that is fundamentally benefited the united states federal reserve, more than any other country in the world, in terms of secular flow in terms of currency string and you know, when now we stop using dollars and we start using other currencies and now use the bricks back currency that will bring more value, circular flow, and trade. as the year has been on the forefront of adopting new financial technologies from online banking to the currencies, the central african republic is even supported the use of bitcoin as an official national currency in an effort to boost international trade. similar rather further, once again, as more details there's a, there's a lot of activity within the african space in terms of regulation. i would say every central government in africa is, is actively looking at something within the space or inactive. you're actively
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looking at something, but it is something that they are talking about it, i'm the, are a few proof of concepts are, you know, few countries. let's select nigeria that has displayed a crypto and i will say, look, american nigeria had to, you know, move towards regulation because it just simply too much money. and this is simply too much trade going on in both countries and also between each other, you know? so, you know, the best thing for them was to, to move towards regulation, to move towards a digital backed currency and, and also legislating different crypto currencies to be allowed to be traded. and yellow colored japan, japan has had, you know, bitcoin is illegal, tend to actually paying salaries, government, allowing companies to pay salaries and people are being able to earn in bitcoin and being able to be paid in bitcoin as a national, legal, tender. well that's all for me today. up nice for folk is on, on my calling. raleigh sinshay will be with you at the top of the out. i'm at my
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mommy to see you all need mom with ah, by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities had imposed that heavy death bringing the people into poverty and were exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the provisions of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those who cooperated with them. the fact of ignoring the religious beliefs
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of the hindus led to the mutiny of is the boys mercenary soldiers serving under the british ground. 3000000000 began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river, north of india. in the form of a mutiny. the rebels quickly took over daily. the heroic resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels cruelly in slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right through their bodies for the amusement of the public. these type of execution was called the devils with the obliteration of the mutiny resulted in the death of 800000 inhabitants of india. however, the british empire never broke. the free spirit of the indians and their will are resisted. when i will show seemed wrong when i was
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just a shape out the same becomes the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah ah. but we're not going live down rush as far as the 2nd level has bit with his son. he counts positive does the future the.


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