tv News RT January 31, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EST
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ah, a pension and in the middle east says that you are on a story of bubble around the world wide to grow a u. s. m a r t is form of the palestinian health missed a few. this is where i live, killing innocent a need that the national committee for years, especially at this moment, that is a new government that is existing and it's new policies. a lot of me in, in industrial, john, i'm driving group house in laos,
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allegations by us base investment. a tech on the country was off of the company of $72000000000.00 in market value in just a few days. a welcome talk, a live a happy with. let's take a look at today's the us and israel appears to have added healed to the fall, escalating tensions in the middle east. folks, a recent run it back on iranian infrastructure. both of us to stay at the bank and, and is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu, quick to pin the blame on to her on for an array of legit reasons. it's a time where many and international community i would say,
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most of the international community have seen the true face of iran. we've seen the barbarism of this regime against its own people. they've seen how it exports aggression beyond its border and beyond the middle east. and i think there is a common consensus that this regime must not acquire nuclear weapons. we discussed deepening cooperation to confront and counter rance, destabilizing activities in the region, and beyond. just as around as won't support a terrorists that attack israelis and others. other teams now providing drones that russia is using to kill innocent ukrainian civilians pamper, says i certainly rising as we hear these statements from these rarely prime minister in the u. s. secretary of state, just days after an iranian military facility was attacked by drones to her and did not blame anybody officially, but they were careful reports and both american and israeli media that israel with the u. s. support may have been behind. they so tag mcfall coming here to israel
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blinking, sat in an interview that all options are on the table regarding the iranian threads including military. so very, very bowling moments. but i have to say that the raw tensions even closer blinking came to israel at the time of a major escalation and a dramatic tweet in these rally palestinian conflict that he himself called a circle of violence. america's top diplomats said that washington is committed to the idea of 2 state solution and that anything that contradicts this idea could be hung full to ease railey security in a long term and could damage israel's identity as a democratic jewish state. he also said that both sides should work together, hard to try to de escalate the situation and to ease the tensions. but unfortunately, so far we have only been witness in the opposite. last thursday was the deadline day for pal and in 2023. as 9 people were killed in the idea of military raid,
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of the camp of jeanine in the northern part of the occupied was bank, including police, one civilian after jerusalem. lincoln is expected to visit both the west bank and gaza, where palestinian probably to have already been announced against washington, his double send and policy. so the world is now washing closely whether this visit will be able to ease the tension on the ground or rather make it worse. the right emergency has confirmed that was, i mean, nation storage facilities was targeted in a drone. a fact, several media outlets of said jerusalem on washington could have been behind the attacks. yes, denied any involvement. meanwhile, iran has reported the sum of a senior vein diplomat to explain some controversial comments by a high ranking official. in key of the advisors, you claims presence, and as you said, it was no surprise that iran will be attacks and made claims of the islamic
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republic provides meant she drives russia to use in the grain conflicts. russia has said it drives all domestically, manufactured the ukrainian a pharmacy has said that the attack on iraq was a consequence of also russia, let me iraq for quote, doing evil to others. despite the point, getting multi 1000000000 dollar move you support from the west. you can find more details on that story and more on our website. ok, z dot com or the usa. your state is going to meet the past indian president with a bus in the west by meanwhile, israel's new can. so the government has been, it's use of deepening just the policies too, of policies. after recent clashes in jerusalem over the weekend is when the forces decided to begin the demolition of what they consider a bigger houses. the eastern part of the city is the claims of buildings would not
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given the necessary permits while local policy and homeowners say, israel never responds to their requests. despite the demolition, people keep coming back to the area and start arranging housing. once again, the claim, the whole situation is result open is really this place them policy leaving people to kind of on is really came in terrorized to women children and expelled them and did not allow us to take our belongings on our own. have they demolished the house? and a long time ago we submitted a request for plant construction, but to no avail, thought of, we pay money day and night, but all in vain. because this is a displacement policy handler. i was living in the house. suddenly they broke the door and entered the house. they took me out of the house and told me there is a demolition order. we had a 2 year agreement not to demolish our house. while i was speaking with the lawyer, they began to remove the belongings from the house. i asked them to wait,
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but they refused, and they continued carrying out the belongings from the house on it. but demolishing home is not the only thing is re forces are accused of the policy in health, as a has accused is out of attacking medical workers and dividend prices in the region . she made those comments. an exclusive interview with ortiz maria for national map program. will erin a bit in full, a bit later on, but has a short caesar? ah, what i'm below says medical stuff in the envelope. and many times they should should to the ambulances, and they should on the medical stuff. so this is, danny is over passing humanity and all what is acceptable and humanitarian low on the projects that were offered by the not states
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. and through the usa, which is a stop right now since the end of 4 years. and it says its impact. we are fixing big, big health issue because we have to face all the aggression, the wounded. and in addition to the martyrs and motors that have been since the beginning of this year, we have it in martyrs to now in 2022 we have last year. we have 2220 marketers almost. and with, with, with what we are present with their families is politically how they suffer the children of all these issue. because when we are talking about tent, we are talking about not only physical but also psychological health. and the being of the people is a need that the initial committee interviews, especially at this moment that is with
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a new government that is existing and with its new policies that mink and there should be an intervention by the government. i a prime minister has vowed the authorities will root out. i'm punish anyone are responsible for the risk bombing lost in a north west. some parts of the country, the death toll from the attack has risen now for the $290.00 people. with more than 150 others reported it wound it. the bluffs occurred in a heavy, protected area with a lot of casualties among the offices authorities of the fed, a medical emergency in the city and local to the blood. will the wounded authorities have said a suicide bomber targeting people? very often, pres, representative of the taliban has claimed responsibility for the fact
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i turned it out in the, in a dust fil conglomerate. the danny group has lost more than the $72000000000.00 in market value in just a few days after a report by new york based hyphen research. it is the company of greed, just market manipulation and financial fraud. the a dining room as deny the accusations and said the us firm was targeting not just their company but india as a whole. i'll tease rooted sharma picks up the story. the dani hindenberg controversy has dragged on. remember the u as this investment firm had said of that, a danny group which is owned by a shells richest man, an indian billionaire garden with arnie, had pulled the largest corn in corporate history. now all fresh and rather lendy
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rebuttal by the dining room is equating the hindenburg report to a direct attack on india. this is not merely an unwarranted attack on any specific company, but a calculated attack on india, the independence, integrity and quality of indian institutions. and the growth story and ambition of india in the $413.00 base document that danny grove rejected. the $88.00 allegations nearby grew saying that they had clear in denver of profit during of the cost all their public investors and shareholders. not one of these 88 questions is based on independent or journalistic fact finding their simply selective regurgitation of public disclosures or rhetorical innuendos, coloring rumors as fact, last weekend and berg published it's court and court investigation. my knew this was just 48 hours before the attorney grew, was to attend a huge stock market fundraising drive. and therefore,
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lots of questions being raised on the timing of this report. a system is broken when corporate behemoths like a dana group, some mobile to run an intricate fraud in broad daylight. and when odorous citizens are terrified to speak out against those who use their poland wells to suppress criticism, we hope this report marks the beginning of a change by hindenberg says that it looks for a man made disaster, such as accounting irregularities, and mismanagement the hindenberg or shot sellers for that matter are known for try rink on confusion and panic. they're also known for placing bets against big companies in, to turn it on their demise. but for now, it looks like allegations counted allegations, the hindenberg and donny saw that we continue and hundreds of processes of gathered outside the presidential palace of on the,
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the resignation of president. lupe is, or belittle. this footage shows a schools of different stages outside the building and mexico city chanting. you are fired and gets out a claim. the country's health care system has worse than considerably in recent years emitted increase in crime on the streets. many are seen holding flags of the organization is over for valley, and it is a political movement against lopez over the for group was originally established with the goal of our sing, the mexican president, the organization of the website, talks about an american mastermind of revolutionary tactics jean shaw, who allegedly was, was the cia and the pentagon. he has a, she is or he was accused of influencing the arabs from protest. also calling for regime change in that as well. media rules have links the
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founder and lead of. lemme get better to lozano officials in washington. we heard from independent journalist been and also has a 0 me, a french group. we should understand in this group in mexico is a fringe group. now, it does have influence outside of mexican borders, especially among republicans in texas. and the leader of for a now he's, he's a millionaire oligarchy, mexico named gilbert good of son. he has actually frequently visited texas and he has support there. but inside mexico itself, he's seen as a fringe figure. his protests are tiny, but the fact that this fringe figure in mexico leading frame has supporters in united states is one of the reasons why we hear so much about him. and also the fact that the media constantly covers this guy. and all this is about trying to destabilize the government. he is a multi millionaire. he comes from the base of industrial oligarchy in mexico,
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which is called monterey in the north. and he is closely linked to texas. so, i mean, this figure, everything he does is for media attention and he's very extreme. he wants to overthrow the democratic, elect a government and says that very clearly when i was online and here's a meddling in the domestic affairs of latin american countries by inclusive as well in recent years where the us back one why go forward to claim leadership over the nation is quite another president nichols, my daughter being in power over the past. couple rules been shaken up by violence and government protests off of the president hazel castillo was removed from office on arrested on corruption charges. so of his civil does have claimed it was a us back to independent just been those and again says washington is most interested in life in american life,
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in america because of its natural resources mexico. it has a lot of natural resources. and in the previous neo liberal, president and recapping, and yet thought he did partially privatize the oil. so when i'm low, came in, he re nationalize the oil, he nationalize the lithium reserves, and that angered the u. s. it angered a lot of companies in the u. s that want to get access to those cheap, raw materials they need for their technology. it's very clear that united states and especially the large, multinational corporations based in the united states and silicon valley. they want to get access to latin america is huge. now to resources, venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves. it also has significant minerals. and in general, latin america also has a lot of water. and increasingly, as climate change, you know, makes the, you know, water harder to get around the world. a lot of forces in the united states are looking toward latin america to try to monopolize their water. they're also us
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business interest emerging in conflict with a new crane in particular was talk about using millions voss and natural resources as an alternative for replacing free this impulse from russia. ukraine has really significant deposits of ref, minerals, and if we play our cards, right, could actually be a really attractive alternative to russian and chinese resources, which is where a lot of dependency currently is. all he got all the x 5. how you crazy? natural resources have fit into western businesses for the country. for an average soldier in the ukraine, the war smells like many things, gun powder, dirt, fresh blood. but for ceos in the us, it has only one send over chris b dollar bill. hundreds of millions of them as the fighting on the ground shows no sign of losing momentum. america's big business is conceiving big plans of
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reconstructing the post war ukraine. incentivized by president zelinski himself. it is old years that american business can become lacorte if that will, once again boost 4 of our global economic growth. we have already managed to attract attention and have cooperation with such giants of the international financial and investment war as black roll g, p. morgan and golden socks, one company, eager to accept the burden of rebuilding war 2 and ukraine is black rock. it's one of the world's leading hedge funds. it's assets valued at more than 10 trillion dollars. it show, looks like give, can put it's mine to tease whatever the full out from the fighting american friends will fix it. all, i do believe emotionally. those the true belief in the capital
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a system will be flawed in ukraine with capital. it can be a beacon to the rest of the world. it's about the power of capitalism, the power of capitalism. well, too bad for ukraine, that capitalism is never driven by altruism and always profit. it just so happens that black growth has tens of billions invested in lockheed martin re ethan northrop grumman and other major us arms manufacturers. ukraine is the major market for that produce as russia has to respond to washington's deliveries more aggressively. you see where this is going, right? black rock puts fortunes into companies that are literally used to add fuel to the war in ukraine, which only leads to more devastation and more for black rock to rebuild and ingenious plan devised in the highest echelons of power c. black rocks managing director, has been hired by the us treasury department,
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specifically to shape us economic policy on russia and ukraine. but rebuilding is just the very tip of this capitalist ice bag. the real profit lies in ukraine's soil. the country is a gold mine, or rather, a titanium mine, and ukraine happens to be quite rich in titanium, just like russia or china, washington's key rivals and potential enemies altogether. ukraine said proudly in 4th place globally, in terms of total assets, the value of natural resources, including natural gas, with black rocks, expertise on deregulation and privatization. it's only a matter of time when these treasures will get new foreign owners and from the standpoint of american executives, every ukrainian life last and the war is totally worth it. the weapons manufacturers are making tons of money. i'm sure there's several, le,
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non profit non governmental organizations that are, that are making a lot of money as well. ukraine, which has what a half a percent of the land mass in the world has about 5 percent of, of minerals deposits that are significant. they're one of the top 10 as far as teen him, which is critical for our weapon systems center aircraft and everything else. the interest is not about democracy or, or independence. it's about resources. it's about containment of russia, but access to resources to and the flow of money. i mean, right now we've got just the war alone is, is making a lot of people, a lot of money. and it just flows out of the, out of the government coffers. and into mostly the, the military industrial complex currently us,
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santa monica, rubio has, has some choice, was china saying that country's government is deeply embedded with men fee industrial complex? well, i think there's 2 things. the 1st is, the chinese have found a way to use capitalism. against us and, but what i mean by that is the ability to attract investment into entities that are deeply linked to the state that military commercial fusion that exists in china is a concept that we don't have in this country. we have contractors to do defense work, but there is no distinction in china between advancements in technology, biomedicine, whatever it might be, and the interest of the state laws. these carry more things a closer look at the times. it's in washington's government and the defense industry. well, you just have marco rubio, they're saying that the military industrial complex in the united states is that one giant financial endeavor, and that it's not driven by money. but
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a quick overview of the facts point do some other reality. for example, every day, the department of defense posts new contracts on this website, new contracts with private corporations, the current secretary of defense. he lloyd austin is a former board member of the corporation raytheon. and in addition to that, lloyd austin, he has owned an investment firm that bought up smaller defense contractors and corporations that did business with the pentagon and with the military. and recently we've had statements from the u. s. space force basically confirming their deep connection with the private sector and with corporations in the united states . from my perspective, what's so exciting to the space for some space acquisition community about all of these commercial innovation and these commercial technologies that we can use those to maintain our technology lead and over and deter conflict with our, with our competitor. and i will tell you,
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i have never in my 25 years seen the apartment move so much money so fast it. busy towards priority things that have been identified through this construct that the secretary laid out. for example, when it comes to members of congress, lawmakers who craft national policy in it. a lot of them have defense docs. they are heavily invested in corporation that financially benefit from military operation than the pentagon and its operations around the world. and this is not even a new thing. let's recall that in 1961, dwight eisenhower who was the u. s. president warner, about the military industrial complex and the cooperation and unwarranted influence of military corporations back at $900.00. you want. this is the president of the united states at that time. and the counsels of government. we must car guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence. whether is sought orange, sought by the military industrial complex,
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the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. we must never let the weight of this combination in danger. our liberties are democratic processes. so when marco rubio points to the united states and says that the huge cooperation between the government and the private sector when it comes to military matters, is an understandable example of the free market in our american system working quite well. and then he points to china and said that always completely unacceptable. and the, you know, the government there is simply some kind of military dictatorship. he really needs to look himself in the mirror. i mean, the double standards are pretty obvious to anyone and the nature. 1 the militaristic, us economy and the way it functions. and the way the u. s. economy is very much dependent on war and military manufacturing out the u. s. government and the military corporations walk in lock step and coordinate their activity. that's
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obvious to the whole world and it should be obvious. demarco rubio, the target president had on, has spoken out against what he just as dis, honestly, among the slums, older french government. he said that there's only itself to blame for his fading influence in africa. which. busy the person in charge of france does not have the consensus to be the head of that state. they are exploiting african countries. and molly is now in a state of complete rupture with france as for burkins fast. so they gave a deadline and added a month, and then after a month they said they don't want to see french soldiers. they're similar, i think togo will send them the same request. busy france is rapidly losing his reputation in africa. francis rapidly losing its reputation in africa,
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but we have had many meetings with them in international forums. but there is a lack of honesty. we want international politics to be built on honesty, where there is no honesty, there is no reputation. there are many leaders like this in the world under. there are many leaders like this in the mediterranean topo on those to put add on. that was in the context, anti french sentiments are currently on the rise in parts of africa, where france was previously a colonial power. is particularly an issue in the west african nations of, you know, fast. so and molly, as well as the central african republic, these are the thousands of people rallied in the he knobby capital support the government's decision to spell a contingent of french truth from the country. frances, already withdrawn forces from molly and the c. a r s was live now to pile african hours and civil society. and so it's so gabrielle,
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thanks so much for joining us here. now, it seems a emanuel micron and his country have lost the thrust of international community target for the ad on says, micron is not honest or he this honest in his discussions, what did he meant by that? thank you for the i see that this with president is close to reality. a friend is not right in relation we for an increase on when we took a national a. busy button and ship it, we never see air fryer as a some we can asset and be says it and be honest with us on the african continent. there's
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a lot of sense he and one is going to be out in the case of jennifer. so my country, so we just asked to phrase lead a young lady for fresh start to get it. reach us by mr. macro, ease to have more s p issue. and we, we don't understand really what you want. a good decision east is home decision, is that chris or just have to move over from fossil it's event, some time really wrote and neighborhood to accept the interest of those is the case of money to go on
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a the right to no longer we for us that he's some teach something which must be asset. it one, sorry, i didn't, i didn't mean to cut you off. so i just want to, i have a few questions i wanna get out of this year. i enjoyed talking to. so you, why is it, why did and also say that frogs exploited africa, these african countries, i mean, how do they exactly exploit the country that the escrow titian in long uh, natural resources and also for some attitudes when you look after.
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